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>And how would you like your steak cooked?
medium rare, of course
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Medium rare? Hmmm, an aristocrat.
why dont you just eat it raw if you're gonna cook it less than medium, that's not even cooking you just seared it what the fuck is wrong with you
I like mine common
Olive oil
Onions sauce/Miso

Coat the steak in the marinade. Set oven to 250.
Sear the steak on both sides for one minute.
Put steak in oven for 27 minutes.
give it to us raw, a wriggling
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medium prease
Medium or medium rare.
I almost always had the issue that when I ordered medium, they overcooked it, like on that pic somewhere between medium-well and well done. The one time I opted for medium-rare, it looked even more rare than rare on this pic. Even the one time I got my medium actually medium, steaks here tend to cost like twice of the other options on the menu, and the taste doesn't seem to justify it.
HARD medium. Any slightly towards medium rare or medium well and you're getting 0 stars.
brown and pink medium well
like sv3riges

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