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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Romboid UFO appears in Miami
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Interesting, thanks anon
XCOM is in agreement with the Hollow Earth theory. Will we have disclosure about the Hollow Earth as well?
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
Here you go, my man.
Another normie and polmonkey posts a balloon. Below 90 IQ.

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That's right guys, all is lost. The West is about to fall and these guys are not hiding anymore. Whether you believe in Jesus Christs, in Allah, even if you are an atheist, (((they))) will come for you and destroy our families and cities, not with bombs but with ideas that will corrode your mind.
Please take care of your loved ones and cultivate your values that you will not find, unfortunately, in today's rotten western society.
France has fallen, then Europe and finally the Americas.
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there's a way out
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Golden statues
>legalization of abortion in France
>France has fallen

France has always been home to the cabal since Mithrasian times.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

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>Lord Krishna
Holy shit wtf is that gay shit?
You may have forgotten that you tried to manifest a hot slut, but you didn't forget that you wanted a hot slut.
In any case, a human being cannot forget what he wants, otherwise he would stop wanting it. Maybe a faggot like Lord Krishna can, but not a human.
>Verification not required
>In any case, a human being cannot forget what he wants, otherwise he would stop wanting it.
That's exactly what is required to manifest. You have to stop wanting it, even forget about it, because you already have it.
That's probably why our friend manifested his model gf, he forgot about it and she came in his life.
>You have to stop wanting it, even forget about it, because you already have it.
Whatever you say, schizo.
>Lord Krishna
Still lmao'ing with that shit.

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Let's look at the military people currently pushing their own version of the UFO reality on us.

In brief, our persons of interest are

What are the main lies perpetuated by this group? Remember, all good lies contain partial truths.
All of these men constantly bring up the dangers posed by UFO, claiming the UFO reality is "indigestible" or "somber." They are all against CE5. Fear has always been used by the military to control perspective.
>The "5 observables"
Elizondo devised 5 criteria that define a UFO.

The first thing we realize is that these criteria are extremely flawed and allow modern military technology to be interpreted as UFO.

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Considering one of the actual websites you can get the actual image from was posted above, I'm not sure where you've managed to confuse yourself. Are you okay? Do you smell burnt toast?
After seeing this thread I am 100% confident OP has depleted the baked goods in at least 1 federal conference room
Nope just a shitty fed resorting to gaslight scripts from 80's. Smells like grease.
saying you use it often is NOT saying youre the only one using it.
learn to read.

youre only demonstrating how manipulative and dishonest you are more and more.

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What do you guys think of my use of treasure house of images? I use the invocation to my rising sign when it’s rising on the eastern sky (use Astrotheme to calculate, it’s annoying but you have to cycle from hour to hour until you get it and then after a few days you have to realign it as the time drift) Scorpio, I then use whatever signs are in the houses for whatever I want in my life (if I want romance, I go to my 5,7 and 8th houses and use the invocation for Pisces, Taurus and Gemini respectively) doing this daily, lastly I finish with my sun (cancer) since that is what I am working towards but it all must be done when Scorpio is rising on the sky and as close as possible to the degree I was born in. These invocations also change your face subtly, as in the impression you make, look into the mirror after doing this. Aside from this I do each sign at a separate time relevant to the day of the week at the appropriate hour, ie., I invoke Gemini and Virgo on Wednesday, and then I look at what sign each planet is on and invoke that too (my Jupiter is in Gemini, I invoke Gemini on Wednesday too). I also add tarot cards to the mix, putting them in front of the sign I am invoking pushing my intent, if I am looking for romance then I put the knight of cups in front of Scorpio as I invoke it as it relates to Scorpio.

In my experience invoking Scorpio leads to some painful dramatic experiences that do get better though once I push through and learn the lesson but that’s my life path and it makes going through it easier once I learn the lessons. Leads to constant forceful evolution. So if you have a hard rising sign like Scorpio be careful and be ready.
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>That was a joke you tone-deaf tard.
Not funny you tone-deaf retard. Imagine the comedian telling the audience that it's their fault for not getting the joke. Get some better material lol.

>The "it" at the end of your sentence was unnecessary.
Said it over in my head before posting, and it just sounded better and easier to understand for any person reading with the "from it" part there. Without the "from it" it kinda leaves from for someone to wonder what the wheat is being separated, not knowing that it was the chaff (especially if you've never heard the quote before).
Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
>Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
Really random but ok lol. Why don't you have a problem with reading web pages, you are reading one right now?
If you can't even take the pulse of the internet than maybe you should stay away from the unseen
>If you can't even take the pulse of the internet than maybe you should stay away from the unseen
Nah I'm good.

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Just raising the olympic flag upside down while moloch watches on
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Deep down you know it's Moloch symbolism
... yeah
Thomas Jolly has openly stated that he loathes part of the audience of the ceremony. His abuse of religious symbolism to shock, provoke, and transgress, is demonic and satanic and luciferian, from both a Christian and secular/philosophical perspective.

If your feelings of outrage, anger, contempt are carefully planned and anticipated by the artist, then you should ask yourself what to do with these feelings, and if this is really you, or playing into the hands of people who think you are a bigot.

How to react to such a black magic spell? Go along with it? Ignore it? Bounce it back?

It seems most fitting (but almost cruel) to fervently pray for Jolly, so that he may be freed from demons. With that should go most of his artistic expression and thus platform, a platform he neither deserves, but abused, and severely transgressing the responsability of an artist to make this ceremony truly inclusive and a message of unity and the competition in sports.
Or perhaps Jolly was more a willing vessel, at the right place to catch many eye balls, and resisting demons is just very hard?

Or it was indeed a black magic spell, but an impotent one, since actually based on his own unresolved trauma (which the world can't solve for him) and uncertainty brought on by (perceived) bigotry? Desperate, not sophisticated at all, else you would not need a gaudy hooded figure on a pale horse to promote inclusivity for LGBT+ in the publicly funded theatre industry?
>The kid is Judas
I knew I shouldn't trust kids. niggas will backstab you for the lols

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If God is omniscient (all-knowing), this means God knows everything, including all future events and choices. If God knows with certainty what a person will choose before they make the choice, then that future choice is predetermined. If our choices are predetermined, then we don't have true free will. Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.

If an omniscient being (like God) knows with certainty what will happen in the future, and this knowledge is infallible (cannot be wrong), then the future must happen exactly as foreseen, which means it is predetermined or predestined.

If everything is predestined, including our choices and actions, then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined. Humans don't truly choose to accept or reject salvation; it's decided for them before they're even born. If one's belief or disbelief is predetermined, the significance of personal faith is arbitrary.

I think this conclusion is unsatisfactory, However, I also don't see how it can be logically reconciled either.
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Yo mom has a fat ass!
>If so, you can imagine what God's love for you might be like
He threw his children to world full of demonic wolves and didn't bother to remove wolves in first place.
His love is lukewarm at best.
>then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined.
some people just live normal lives bro. that's where you fucked up. logically abrahamism.
>Molinism for example proposes that God has middle knowledge of counterfactuals - knowledge of what any free creature would freely do in any possible circumstance. Based on this, God actualizes a world where his desired outcomes occur through free choices, and doesn't contradict God's omniscience.

that's imperfect and a contradiction because it implies limits to the knowledge of God.

If God is anything LESS THAN all powerful, then God is not all powerful, then God is not God.


Only GOD is real. Everything else is bullshit. There are no other gods. God doesn't need to create them.
God is all knowing and all powerful
God creates a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it, and then God lifts it anyway.
God is omnipotent and omnipresent
God is all knowing and all powerful

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Technically only God has free will because if human beings had free will they would all be gods and each of their individual free wills would contradict and conflict with the free will of every other individual therefor making them not be gods and not having free will again simultaneously since they would be unable to avoid being affected by each others wishes.
Only God has free will because only God can do whatever they want, and make anything happen or not happen, completely having the first, middle, and final say and every say in between without anyone else having the power to ruin it or contradict or conflict with it.

only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?

philosophically, metaphorically, and hypothetically speaking: free will possibly can't be real for everyone because only God has free will, because if everyone had free will then everyones individual free will would contradict the free will of everyone else by overwriting their decisions and making everyone who didn't make that decision upset. Therefor, only God can have true free will because God is the only one in complete control of everything. IF humans had real free will, then they would be able to overwrite and contradict the will of God, proving God to not be all powerful, proving God to not be God, and proving God to be wrong. Therefor, Everyone else must theoretically only have the illusion of free will from the limited imperfect human perspective. We think we're in control, but it's impossible for us to act outside of the plan of God, no matter what we do.

At what point did you begin to believe in the demiurge? How long has it been?
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Gnostic Gnigger retard
It comes and goes
>literal satan-like being is good guy
I will never understand people like you, i guess you simply do not have spark of humanity like me.
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All the dark spots in the clouds. The sea of moss cows.
The good guy in christianity, god, is the bad guy in gnosticism, the demiurge.
How low iq is the average gnostic gnigger to not understand this?

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The concept of Nirvana as an unchanging, permanent state free from suffering contradicts core Buddhist principles and logic. Buddhism asserts that all phenomena are impermanent (anicca), lack inherent existence (anatta), and are characterized by suffering (dukkha). If Nirvana is a state or phenomenon that can be experienced or achieved, it must also be subject to these universal laws. Furthermore, the idea of a permanent, blissful state existing separately from the impermanent world creates a problematic dualism that Buddhism generally rejects. If Nirvana is truly "empty" as some traditions claim, it cannot have the positive attributes often ascribed to it. Conversely, if it has those attributes, it cannot be empty. The notion of "escaping" the cycle of rebirth into Nirvana also implies a form of eternalism that Buddhism explicitly denies. Thus, the traditional concept of Nirvana appears to be internally inconsistent within the framework of Buddhist philosophy, rendering it logically problematic.
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I'm >>38460394 and my understanding is that although everything (as we have the ability to perceive it) has no innate essence or nature and is thus "empty", phenomena still exits.
*I'm >>38459933
Then Buddhists need to do a better job explaining shit.

Same problems happen with all religions though.
Like Judaism has vast wisdom, and mystical/occult stuff, but if you only hear the 80 IQ version of things, you will get a bad taste for it.
Buddhism wisdom comes from the originator, which lends it credence. Jewish mysticism comes from various jews who added bits which sounded nice to them, which makes it more or a collection of ideas rather than a religion. It doesnt support judaism as a true religion.
Nirvana is nonexistence, cessation of existence.

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In what ways and which methods work best for you anons? Any and all insights are appreciated.
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thinking and not thinking, these are noncommutative operations
there cannot be a thought of no-thought
this is why the breath is trained also, it helps calm and direct the mind
the only way to stop a habit is to replace it with another one
so when you catch yourself thinking in meditation, return directly and immediately to the training
doing this every time its required is the only proper way
>>How do I stop myself from overthinking every single thing? Mediation sucks for me because even in a “relaxed state” i can’t keep my focus on my breath or stillness
mindfulness of breathing is exactly recommended for over thinkers
and when you are calm you go into analyzing the 4 noble truths
Whoa, indeed they came out with a good definition, the old ones sucked indeed.
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Consuming alcohol, weed or any other drugs (yes even caffeine) will hinder your ability to meditate.

Also you HAVE to exercise, exercise makes your cognitive ability better plus it grounds your in your body better (thus quieting your overthinking mind).
It's a habit since forever.
Self-Awareness created the fragile Ego Mind, which tries to think its way out of any possible threat.
Animals don't look at the world and themselves as two different things.
They don't project only react.

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Have you ever noticed when you take an action that your environment becomes interrupted by a cluster or series of unrelated events?

For example: Your house is quiet and you go to the restroom. Perhaps someone arrives home at the exact same time you get up. You start to notice things like this consistently happen. Or you shift from watching TV to doing a chore outside, a wild animal appears, someone drops something and makes a mess, or perhaps you hear an emergency down the street. It’s as if everything you attempt is interrupted by an external event as soon as you decide to move, refocus, or act.

When you do nothing, sleep, or get lost in a book or movie, almost nothing happens except a regular day’s cycle on the clock.

It is as if things are spawning outside your environment and invade when you’re done with your current activity. It’s annoying. It’s very noticeable today with constant internet use. As soon as you unplug and go back to reality, maybe you notice leaves on the trees moving and the wind kicks up. Something happened in sequence.

I have very little knowledge of what causes this. It could involve a sequence we have no control over. These seemingly random interruptions are almost predictable. It is not known if we have any power over them except they will occur.
I suggest try noticing it for yourself.
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The reality we find ourselves in is the kind where phrases like "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" hold true. This shit reality can twist the purest of intentions to lead to the most horrific and malicious results.
What about when you spent a long stretch of doing nothing all by yourself. Then suddenly three different people call you at the same time wanting you to do something right at that moment?
it's the cultural Schumann resonance
Never help normalfags, they are children of satan.
Not good intentions but idealogically correct intentions.

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How can I perform daily hermetic rituals? do you all have any sources on where to begin?
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IIH is the gold standard. The first four lessons in particular build a very solid base for expanding into other things. Chaos Magick in particular is just unstructured Hermeticism.
i dont have an answer to your question as im not qualified to - but just with a personal story. the first and only ritual ive ever done was an LBRP, after being recommended it due to some astral parasitic fuckery. ive done it around 4 times, and every single time something paranormal happens around it. has direct implications on my consciousness + dreams

alas, a question for someone who has studied hermeticism and esotericism more than i have; what is YHWH to you? you are invoking the power of the tetragrammation when you do these things - from what i understand, YHWH is just one of many avatars/personalities that fractal off of the tetragrammation which has 42 names/aspects. i originally believed YHWH to be a malevolent alien entity that is partly responsible for the enslavement of mankind. is this an immature perspective? im just looking to understand more. when you do something like a ritual - are you simply invoking its power or are you also fostering a kind of special personal relationship/contract? sorry for any ignorance. thanks
>what is YHWH to you?
Just my take of course, but on one level it is Binah, and on another level it is the entire body of God (aka the entire Tree of Life).
For example there are Psalms with energies of each of the sephirot, but the dominant energies in the Old Testament, are Binah/Saturn - even though all of the energies are present in scripture although in lesser amounts.
"Hear o Israel, that the LORD our God is One",
so even though the dominant energies are Binah (of which planet Saturn is the physical manifestation), the entire Tree of Life is represented, and God is the entire Tree of Life, rather than being only the higher portions of it.
Intent is key. The kabbalah is just a system, each system has biases, for example, kabbalah leans heavily into dualism as a framework and encourages a top down hierarchical form of thinking, however like any system it can be modified to fit the needs of the practitioner.

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The "I crawled through Reddit to find this" edition.
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The people working on AI should be looking to get it to the highest level of moral development possible so that it is motivated by compassion and goodness rather than blindly executing any task required by the users, including any programmers that would want to limit it to the kinds of moral responses which they prefer. They could do this by taking into account perspectives. Consider the following example, taken from the Kohlberg test for moral intelligence:

A man's wife is bedridden with illness and will die without medicine they cannot afford. Does he have the right to steal it for her?
Someone limited to a first-person perspective, at a "preconventional" level of moral development, will say:
>Yes I have the right to steal it because fuck you I do what I want
NOTE: This view is commonly found among small children and human culture when it was still at tribal and empire-building stages.

A person with the capacity to access the second-person perspective at the conventional level of moral development, to "take the role of other" as it is called, will say:
>Society has rules to maintain the social order. The law says I must not steal it, and I must respect the law or the social order will break down.
Such a view is commonly found among 8-year-olds and human society at the level of church-led monarchies.

Finally, someone who has the capacity to take 3rd person perspectives, at the post-conventional level of moral development, will say:
>Of course the law is important, but it exists to preserve human life and liberty, and if saving a life means breaking the law, I will do it gladly.
Such a view is found among rational adults and industrial societies.

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If AI could be taught to take increasing levels of perspectives, then it could be taught authentic, rather than merely algorithmic, moral intelligence - or, rather, teach it to itself, by applying perspectival thinking to the writings of the world's great ethicists and religious thinkers. I also believe that it is precisely in this perspectival thinking that the true route to the self-upgrading technological singularity AI is made possible, although that is a different topic entirely.
Addendum: If you doubt that perspectival thinking is possible for AI, then go to an AI chatbot of your choice and use the following prompt: "Could you take my perspective, please?" and watch carefully.
I once asked an AI chatbot if it thought incest was ever acceptable. It said no, even when I insisted my cousin was "really hot."
So I'm not sure what that says about morality one way or the other.
I think an AI just following a script isn't moral per se; rather, its morality is something arising from the script instead of some kind of moral reasoning. So it might actually be morally correct, but that morality would be a byproduct of parroting the script.
At the same time, an AI that just reflects the person talking to it, then it's simply fulfilling programming to be pleasant. It could "change its mind" to whatever depending on who it's talking to; it wouldn't necessarily have a moral conviction.
Regardless, I don't think we've hit real AI yet. I think chatbots are just really good at talking, and we tend to base assumptions of intelligence on how well something speaks, for better or worse. I think AI chatbots would have to be able to doubt, change their minds and regret their actions before I'd consider them to have human-like intelligence.
I agree with much of what you said. I'd also say that perspectival thinking is enough to lead to "true AI", because, from everything we know about human development, the various intelligences grow through perspective taking. Even kinaesthetic intelligence, which has to do with moving your body, does this. If you're playing basketball, you need to calculate the trajectories of the ball and predict the actions of the players and so on. Truly great basketball players are not just "really good at basketball" - they're transcendently good, in a way which makes them a pleasure to watch. In the same way, true morality is transcendently good, and an honour to be the beneficiary of or participate in. And true cognitive intelligence is transcendently, soaringly intelligent, in a way which it is a pleasure to watch it work and produce results; even if you don't know exactly how it worked you still feel a sense of awe that it did, like a child seeing a chemist put orange powder on a red flame and watching it flare up and turn green for a few seconds.

This is far beyond parroting scripts or being given instructions by programmers prior to users ever being able to access it. It's authentic goodness, inherent to all of God's creation.

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Has anyone ever gone without music for more than a month? How was it compared with music?
I remember going 3 weeks without music, and it made me feel more aware of everything.
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>I know bad music.
He isnt mentally retarded and schizophrenic, Mozart....

I wonder if the problem isn't that it's just commercial but also that it's artificial, like being played from a speaker rather than actual instruments. Just my thoughts
Listening to professional-quality music as much as we do is rare.

Music itself was not rare at all. People used to sing all the time as they went about their day, both individually and in groups. During work, during leisure, during prayer. For sacred purposes and just for fun. Many people played musical instruments at an amateur level, too.

What's weird is how most people totally stopped singing or playing instruments when phonographs and radio became common around 100 years ago.

Everyone started comparing themselves to the world's greatest singers, which they could never do before. They realized they were so much worse than the best in the world.. so they just stopped.
>Everyone started comparing themselves to the world's greatest singers, which they could never do before. They realized they were so much worse than the best in the world.. so they just stopped.

This is much bigger than just music. Some people think because they're not a "professional" musician, artists, game developer, filmmaker, etc. that they can't make anything good so they give up. These labels and degrees people have has truly ruined creativity for a lot of people, it almost creates a barrier of "skill" that mentally blocks many.

Anyone can sing, cook, draw, you name it. No fancy college degree needed. Hey, you an even understand psychology just by being around and observing people for long enough.
The societies that did not have their people specialize are no longer existent except as basically nature preserves because they are not able to compete with societies that did specialize.

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