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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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I will incorporate percentages into this thread.
Either A. You ask a question and the entity would rather give a percentage on the probability of something happening, or B. You straight ask what is the probability of Y happening.


. No proof questions (ask us something you know the answer for and you won't get a reply and if you try and play with us and make it pass by a future question, you WILL get a wrong answer) No crying after.

. Be specific with your questions.
I don't want to see questions like "does she like me?" who the fuck is she? or "does god like when i masturbate" first you should define wich god you are referring to and ask if it even exists. Most likely than not it doesn't.

. I will definitely be skipping a supermarket list of mundane questions even if well structured if you don't ask 2 or 3 juicy questions along with the rest. Make it interesting for us.

. Be serious. This takes a toll on me energetic wise

. I'm a chill dude but i can blast away if needed. If you can't stomach replies with cunt, fuck, twat, cock gobbler and so on, then this might not be for you.

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I have another one too

>Did I have any sort of powers growing up?

Basically, I saw a ghost in my school when I was a kid and when I was younger, around maybe 2004 or so, I randomly asked my stepmother if she was pregnant. She told me later that she actually was, but had a miscarriage, so I knew about my original, deceased first sibling before they passed away.
And I guess my last ones for today

>Would my horror visual novel series work?

>Would shot on video horror movie ideas I want to make work?

>Did B (female, same person as before) put a spell on me or her family put a spell on me?

Things got very bad but I want to do a banishing spell or something to just rid myself of her. I reason that any spells can only suggest me to do things detrimental to myself, and that if I do things to benefit me and not fall into vice and bad habits, she cannot hurt me because I disregarded her spell and no longer give her power over me, no matter what she did.

>Is B (same person) a sociopath?

I know she is BPD but so am I. I don’t know if she has emotions or not at all. I feel either she really doesn’t care and just likes to hurt people or profoundly fucks up every time with other people. I would fall into the latter category and would not hate her if that’s how she is. I have come to understand that in my life, nobody has harmed me more than me. Maybe it is the same for her.
Thank you if you can read them. I’ve been wanting to get into tarot and also pendulum reading and things like that for a long time.
Will I be a trillionaire?
Will I be a billionaire?
Will I be a millionaire?
Will I be a thousandaire?
>some of those are already technically "yes"'s but not meant as bait
What's the probability of Trump winning?
What's the probability of Biden winning?
Will the polished hystricidae return?
Will ayylmaos invade within the next few years?
Are they going to do project blueballs within the next few years?
Will ww3 happen within the next few years?

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
*"The dogs bark Sancho, it is a sign that we’re moving forward"* edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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Well, you have two options.

Option 1: Ignore or reject the THOTS and maintain Monk Mode. I recommend a clean diet and supplements like Rhodiola Rosea to calm you down.

Option 2: Get into Taoist Sexual Alchemy and learn how to have sex and orgasm without ejaculating.
I recommend starting with Kegel exercises.
>If that's the case, why are you here? If it's just a bunch of losers coping about being losers, why spend your time here bitching about it.
If there's anything that SR has taught me, it's that energy is incredibly valuable and shouldn't be wasted on pointless things like shallow relationships with women, let alone online arguments. It gives an interesting perspective on how pathetic his presence in these threads really is. Shills are easy to spot and should be ignored at all times.
Thanks for an actual reply. I'm well aware my diet probably isn't "clean," I eat mostly red meat and throw in a lot of garlic and spices, was for diet purposes but now I just keep it because it tastes so good. It worked wonders before and noticed a lot of willpower increase but I'm pretty sure in this situation it just works as aphrodisiacs. I'm honestly too nice to be mean to them, but if I'm not mean then it gives them room to insist and with room to insist I cave. Got any books on how to orgasm without ejaculating? I didn't even know what a kegel was until now. Might be worth a shot since the guilt would hurt too much being forceful when they are really nice all things considered.
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>I eat mostly red meat and throw in a lot of garlic and spices
That's actually not bad.
What IS bad, at least in my experience, is excess sugar, and YEAST.

This is bordering on schizo territory, but in my personal experience, Fungal Parasites are a major contributor to uncontrolled "passions".
Pic related is the protocol I used to cleanse my body of these parasites.


This doc provides an in depth look into how pathogenic fungi affect human behavior in a negative way.

Got any books on how to orgasm without ejaculating? I didn't even know what a kegel was until now.
Look up Mantak Chia.
>How do I resist temptation when I have women messaging me and sending me lewd stuff every day?
It's actually really easy. Try to have a conversation with them. A real conversation. Once you understand how shallow they are you will stop being attracted to them. You can also present yourself as poor and socially awkward. You will see how much their desire to be with you will wane. Being aware of how much they care about social status and how little they care about you is a massive blackpill regarding women.

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> start noticing reality is kinda odd
> shadows on the fritz, people on loop
> feels like draining energy everywhere
> decide to confront
> read theology and get into buddhism and random religions
> try meditation because why not
> still see the glitches, but now they just look like bad CGI
> guess I'm in a low-budget universe

how the fuck do I avoid this /x/?
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I don't think they're people, personally. I believe they are a different species that is far more advanced and intelligent than we are. And they put us in this simulation in order to distract us and pacify us while they farm us for some unknown agricultural product. Potentially loosh. We are to them exactly like milked cows on our farms are to us.
>> The cat is both alive and dead until the experimenter observes the cat.

There should be a way to influence whether the cat in the box is alive or dead, right? Without any physical action in favor of one option or the other.
You play a video game, do you have a way to influence the RNG? Basically the answer is "no" but maybe technically the answer is "yes" if you're talking specifically about the sort of software we've used in like an old nintendo game or something, where it's super simplistic. But in a more practical, broader sense? IMO the answer is highly likely to be "no". And that's why thinking of a million dollars doesn't give you a million dollars.
That's why I'm here. I'm here to kill the farmers and burn the farm to the ground. That's my purpose. lol!
trial and error mostly

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Post one singular image of a real life alien.
>Must not be able to be reverse searched on Yandex, or any other platform
>Must not be AI
>Must not be CGI
>Must not be a puppet, the Nazcah art projects, or any variation therein
I decree the mods free of any blame for banning spam ITT that violates these rules.
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You wish, faggot. This pic has been around long before DALL-E, nearly 10 years to be exact. I just wish I could find the second one...
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and then there's THIS asshole
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I don't want to be alone.
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Funny joke
"Two solipsists greet one another"
Thanks for the unexpected gnosis, anon
I'm not sure you'll like the results, but maybe it was your intention all along
There can be only one. I
it is given grace and removed from the body to have the independence it desires
or mitosis
Cancers aren’t chose to be born… they are a result of weakness in the system. Since the All system is All powerful complete, one could assume the cancers are on purpose.

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Will I be with my ex again?

Next fck? Thx.
Again nta who replied to you below this.
Don't have regrets anon, i'm sure your bloodline still has someone who isn't vaxed, you'll get to reincarnate one day.
And remember you always choose to be here. Most people actually beg to be here.
The dead can't live too long and the living can't stay dead too long.
You had to come here
According to astrology, a lot of people claim in 2025.

Sorry I just wanted to reply to this one though I don't have my cards right now
I can't wait to die so I get to see my dog again

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Hi X!

Single mama bear here who knows about this site from an ex of my own. My question is basically how to either force the fathers of my kids to pay their child support and possibly a bit xtra or how to manifest my own money so I can raise my monsters right! Before I get the online abuse that every mama goes thru just wanna say don’t judge me till you know my story.
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Lol. You are more of a mutt than me Lol
Umm how did I hit literally any stereotype except for maybe being a single mother chasing deadbeats for child support?

I literally said don’t judge me till you know my story and oops that’s what you did
If he didn't marry you he doesn't owe you or your mutt anything. You shouldn't have whored yourself out. This is your penance.
this thread is just bait
Surely she knows the "magic spell" she needs is called a court order and is handed out to women easily.
move along
Nice bait. Don't try and magically extort men. Do try and use LOA to manifest abundance for you are your gremlins though.

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>I have been in meetings in which, after judging someone and sentencing him to death
>he orders him to bathe, and even to shave his whole body
>and let him de-stress for two or three hours, even better
>sometimes he gave them a bottle of whisky to relax
>then he ordered a very quick death so there is no adrenaline
>in the meat to prevent it getting bitter or hard.
>I have seen that El Lazca likes to eat it in Tamales and cooked in Lemon on toast, as if it were tartar meat.

If you aren't familiar with Mexican cartels and specifically Los Zetas, they have always been known for their sheer brutality and extreme violence. While not reported often in the US, it is common knowledge beyond the border that they are heavily embedded in Satanic rituals. The following article highlights the testimony of El Lazca (leader of Los Zetas) partaking in regular cannibalism.


To this day, their henchmen go by the moniker of "Hell's Soldiers" and their vehicles are always covered in Satanic Imagery (picrel). Their current leader, who has somehow been awaiting extradition for over 10 years now, was said to have personally murdered over 3,000 people himself... Not only that, but he was also responsible for ordering an entire town to be killed (over 300+ people) because two associates ran off with some of their money.

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Give some actual examples to back up your numbers... You don't need to provide any math, just looking at the social, economic, and technology impacts of today is enough for me.. and I am a bit of an oldfag, I grew up before, with, and after the web.
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Pray you will not be alive to see it....forbid be around AFTER it. For picrel, be real or not is horror. What after, no eyes should see.
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You are a gay retarded faggot they don’t even exist anymore they have evolved.

Beyond el mencho and el mayo is la Santa muerte, El calaca, and diablo himself.


Sol, is that you? lol
You're a whining baby upset that the game is about to end with a beatdown :P

I want to leave this fucking place man. I'm tired of this. How do we leave? Is it true that people are waking up and the machine is destroyed, or is that wishful thinking?
I want out. There's nothing for me here.
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Go heal up
Found another one….
>Is it true that people are waking up and the machine is destroyed
Yes. Want proof? Right here
>I want out. There's nothing for me here.
That's exactly what it's supposed to be like, so congratulations.

What else do you think it would be like for souls outgrowing ignorance? Did you think it would look like sunshine and rainbows?
Did you think you'd escape it by telling yourself you love it and want more of it? That's what people were doing for thousands of years, trying to cope with it. LYING to themselves and pretending they love it.

Now many people have stopped the bullshit. Stopped the lies within. Stopped telling themselves that dwelling in states of contradiction makes sense.
More people than ever are beginning to say
>I want out. There's nothing for me here.
And that's a statement which emanates from a soul that has already decided to leave it behind.
It's not like I'm some kind of monk. I don't want to be here anymore but I still find enjoyment in small things. Food, watching sunrises, music, and so on. I don't feel like I'm above it all.
Do you think it's sufficient? To just want to leave?

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You are being fed stupid psyops designed to keep slaves in check.
People who play by the rules get fucked over the most.
People who cheat lie and steal most of them get away with it.
Millionaires don't pay shit in taxes, while you are being slaved away your entire life.

There are people out there making millions selling feet pics while you can barely make enough to survive working a 9 to 5 after 6+ years of uni and highschool

No, the world is not 'unfair'. That's just how the way it works. You can't succeed in life until you find out. And realize all the feel good crap about 'good guys winning in the end' and 'muh karma' are merely lies to keep you from your true potential.
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>There are people out there making millions selling feet pics

Yes, b/c Justin Roiland & Dan Harmon are the Shadow Leaders of pornography. Porn is fake now.

>your true potential

Why are you so obsessed with seeing me sniff and lick armpits? I don't like Walmart, f*** Donnie Darkling.
>Millionaires don't pay shit in taxes
I wish that were true.
In the Hindu context it includes that ritual action as well, whether one follows varna and Vedic rituals that you are supposed to do.
It does, but it's not written in black or white lines. Sum this up with the misunderstanding that the normies take as good or bad (i.e. they don't know what they are talking about, they are usually only themselves and their immediate surroundings as a point of reference and lack any profund understanding outside their ego clouded desires)

I recommend this small essay thought I don't necessarily agree with everything by the author he express this idea better than I can so far https://vividness.live/no-cosmic-justice
Karma is action. How can it not exist when we're talking about the world ?
Now how that karma gives results is complicated.
People with better karma are born to better parents and grow up well. Some get abused sexually too. Some get diseases that are incurable. So there's really no way to say who's getting what .

But krishna,like many hindu philosophers revealed a great secret,it's only the body that experiences the fruits of karma as only the body does the actions. So quit identifying with your body and strive to perfect your life.

Your dissatisfaction with rich people hoarding money or resources and majority of humans not getting anything is valid and what they are doing is wrong. However just because your suffering is painful you can't say that their pleasure is bad. But they too will be hunted down and killed someday if they engage in wrong actions.
We as a society reward and praise the wrong people who abuse the weaker ones. If we really do change on a societal level we will be able to make a just world. Karma or not.

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I know this isn’t my blog but I had the craziest dream last night and I didn’t want it to end because I finally got to hold my twin flame for the first time in 7 months. For context, we were together for 3 years with many ups and downs but through it all I had grown to love her more than anything by the time we split.

Fast forward to now and there’s no way for me to track her down or call her to make sure she’s ok because her number doesn’t work. She has been suicidal for many years. Last night I dreamt that we found each other somewhere and that we were given blood transfusions for some reason and were being chased down by entities.

Now it could be chalked up to a random dream, but I really felt like we were one person at one point in time and that we even shared such a connection as to hold each other in what she called the “5D.”

Sometimes it feels like she isn’t here when I make a conscious effort to connect in the 5D. But if I’m asleep she usually manifests and we can interact that way. This is troubling because it makes me assume the worst.

Any anons here have a theory or idea as to what would happen if I theoretically killed myself? Eternal damnation or will I simply wake up in a different timeline with her (hopefully) by my side with no recollection?
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>my twin flame
>Last night I dreamt that we found each other somewhere and that we were given blood transfusions for some reason and were being chased down by entities.

You could love eachother, but you let other people and outside influences get in the way.
twin flames is a perfect way for archons to loosh you
yeah union can be 'enlightening' been whole again, even for what is seems a second.. realizing you are God and stuff
when you die you make an aggreement, get zapped to forget and come back for another round of the game.
still archons will be here waiting to screw you up. I hate those fuckers
Checked. What the actual fuck

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Introduction to Buddhism series by Aaron Proffitt, Ph. D
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I know of religious Daoism but have never seen one. They are supposed to be more common in the Chinese speaking world.


Chan Buddhism uses philosophical terms from religious Daoism but it is not really a deep engagement with it.

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The Four Noble Truths
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

∞ archive.org/details/WhatTheBuddhaTaught_201606
∞ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

To gain merit and help others, take this info and spread it online! If it's not Theravada, it's heresy!
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Prajnaparamita in a Single Letter

Gya-gar ke-du: Akakasharam Prajnaparamita Sarva Tathagata Ma Nama

Bod ke-du: De-zhin-sheg-pa Tham-che Kyi Yum Shey-rab kyi Pha-rol-tu-chin-pa Yi-ge Chig-ma Zhey-ja-wa Shuk-so

I prostrate to the Supreme Mother, Prajna-paramita!

Thus I have heard:

Once the Blessed One was dwelling in the royal domain of the Vulture Peak Mountain together with 83 monks and many tens of billions of Bodhisatvas who were all abiding together as one skillful expedient device. Furthermore, at that time, at that moment, the Blessed One spoke thus to the Venerable Ananda:

“Ananda, this is the Prajnaparamita in a single feminine letter. For the benefit and happiness of all sentient beings, you should hold it. It goes thus:


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>While the Mars face has been made fun of to hell and back no one cares about the fact that the surrounding geology is highly unusual and is surprising geometric despite appearing to be ordinary mountains.
>Running water is known to be 100% active on Mars it's just rare and appears more to the poles.
>Hollow craters from collapsed lava tubes potentially leading to expansive and vast cave systems exist on the surface, but no one really cares because that's of no practical importance.
>Surface is covered in dried out tributaries and river deltas meaning liquid oceans existed at some point but dried up for "reasons".
>Le Xenon levels on Mars are the only other place in the solar system that are unusually high other than post nuclear earth, implying a high amount of nuclear fission occurred on it's surface in the far off past.
>Ignoring the fact that the Martian moon Phobos has a weird jutting highly unusual structure on it's surface, no one at NASA ever decided to send a lander to take a closer look at it, except for the Soviet Union who were treated with a single jarring image of Phobos and a bizarre cylindrical anomaly right next to it that was in the last image sent before contact was lost and the Soviet Phobos II probe was never seen or heard from again.
>Rovers and other landers from every space program in every country are sent to the most boring and benign locations where there is literally nothing of value geographically speaking, save for sediment and rock deposit studies.
>And now ice geysers that are actively shooting gas into the atmosphere.
This planet has so many bizarre and unusual locations and areas on it's surface, yet all of our space programs refuse to investigate acknowledge, or talk about them. Discuss.
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im not a bot globie i just like these food frogs
why are you finns like this? Theres this huge cultural rift between us where you schlurp up the cock of credentialist authority figures and americans with an IQ above 100 dont trust them
>not a globie
>frog poster

Retard confirmed
it's fucked up that mars got nuked but what's all this about structures on phobos
also, you didn't mention the Project Stargate remote viewing experience
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Mars was the sister colony of Earth, the "gods" colonised both planets after fleeing from wherever they came from. Then there was a war and Earth nuked Mars into oblivion and life on Earth was almost destroyed aswell but was kept going by a small few knowers who became the "gods" of our past. This is pretty much what the myth of Osiris is really about with the lost piece being the lost ability to create knew tech thus knocking everyone back into the stone age.

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Are things really worse than they were before? Was life always shitty? Even 1000 years ago?

I am constantly tired of todays society and its expectations, I want to experience Heaven where I am able to think of anything and it just pops up in front of me.

I have endured so much pain Anon, why do you doubt me when I say this, do you not care because everybody feels pain? Does my struggle not matter because we ALL experience hardships? When is the next happening? Will we ever achieve relief?

Surely things cannot go on like this too much longer...
The empirical evidence is that there is less violent crime, poverty and maternal deaths now.
Yes, as time passes the world darkens. Material wealth may seem to increase, but we are a far cry of the free and pious men of the Golden Age. We live in the Kali Yuga, men plunder and lie, they have forsaken the sacred oaths and forgotten their temples, they no longer give the proper cult to the divine but would rather work for the machinery of capitalism. Money, blood and smoke, that's what moves the cogs of the iron age.
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Things are worst for this present generation than they were for generations previous, that's for sure. In the early to mid 20th century you have something called "the progressive era" in history. People made all sorts of leftwing political reforms that made people's lives better. Stuff like income taxes, the creation of the federal reserve, very high taxes on the rich and corporations (much higher than we have now) and a philosophy of govt regulation, where govt necessarily tales preeminence and should be telling big businesses what they can and can't do.

Starting in the 1950s you get McCarthyism, the cold war, a very concerted rightwing effort to stop the further spread of progressive reforms in America.

In the 1960s you get the assassination of JFK, a very leftwing president who is distinctively soft on communism, almost to the point of seeming sympathetic to it.

After that, our society just relentlessly moves to the right year after year, decade after decade. Deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, "the reagan revolution", further privatization. It's horrible. Generally it's identity politics, often relating to black people and multiculturalism in America, that is used to manipulate the masses into voting for the financial interests of the rich via fascism.

Americans, at this point, are a fascist country and are teetering on the brink of something even worse. Just a full-on trip down the dark road of fascism with Trump-style politics.

So yeah, things suck for you. Things are good in communist countries where they didn't make the mistakes Americans made with supporting fascism.
I looked at your graphic and I see you included some occupy Wall Street info there. I have a story for you. First thing, I'm not a lib. I just hate jew bankers and banks in general. I was in for that reason. I was part of an online planning and brainstorming group that was active before and while the thing was going on. You remember the 99% bat signal? That was my idea. Anyway I suggested engineering a run on a bank, to collapse one and show them we mean business. I had a plan, I told them how to do it. Pick one bank, everybody opens an account there, and moves all their money in by electronic transfers. Then we all go there and physically demand our deposits in cash. Drain the bank of cash and collapse it. I had a rich boss at the time. He let me in on a little secret . The reserve ratio that traditionally had been 10 to 1 the entire history of banking had ballooned to between 19 and 22 to1. Even a small run of just a couple million dollars in cash empties the vault and collapses the bank. We could collapse banks one at a time, just as many as we wanted to.

You know what they told me? I shit you not, this is what their response. They said they all had friends who worked for the banks, they didn't want to put their friends out of jobs. They didn't want to bring the banks down, just reform them and make them behave better. I knew right then and there something was wrong. Something was not as it seemed. These people were not what they seemed. I walked away that night. I still don't know what the real purpose behind Occupy was. But it wasn't what we all think it was. I gave them the fucking plan to take the bankers down, and they didn't want it.
>Are things really worse than they were before?
Yes the cost of living in America is significantly higher than it used to be. We also have less rights.
>Was life always shitty?
No it used to nice when we were still on the gold standard.
>Even 1000 years ago?
The middle ages were nice if you had money.

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