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This Sunday. Start channeling the loosh lads.
It's like 2 brothers competing, and the younger brother wants to disown the older brother

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Buy an ad foo

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Who really did it and why?
They did because Damien was a try hard edgelord
The stepdad or one of his friends.
If Damien did it then he’s the greatest most terrible magician on the face of this earth. From death row to stardom. There’s proof of work there. I just hope he got there through his rituals in prison and not from human sacrifice.
Damien, because he was a violent schizophrenic who worshipped the devil.
I've met Damien Echols IRL and he's genuinely a really nice guy, no satanic stuff - he's more of a self taught crypto-freemasonic christian.

Personally I don't think he did it. He's been trying to further investigate the brutal murders because there is currently evidence that Memphis PD doesn't want to reveal. The stepdad is of course the prime suspect, and he was friends with local police who are probably still trying to cover up for him to this day.
It certainly is interesting that Damien Echols is apparently friends with Johnny Depp, Eddie Vedder etc.

Who was Hermes Trismegistus really?
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Nobody knows. Probably a myth based around Hellenistic culture’s need to amalgamate Egyptian and Greek gods. Hermes and Thoth were synchronized into Hermes3.
the man himself? no one knows
the myth? is a mix between Imhotep, Hermes, Thoth and Zarathustra
I was more curious about the real identity/model of Poimandres.
i was him i am him i will continue being him

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whats this book about
Mystic poetry, probably.
Rupa Goswami, of the six goswamis of vrndavana?
Its probably about loving Krsna
Ive only read his upadesha amrta
Idk, read it

It is a collection of two works by Rupa Goswami, a Gaudiya Vaishnava acharya or guru in the line of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The Uddhava Sandesh references an incident in the 10th canto of the Bhagavat Purana wherein Krishna sends his servant Uddhava to Vrndavana to speak to the Gopis. Therein is discussed what the highest form of devotional mood is, that of separation from the beloved.

The Hamsaduta (Swan Messenger) is a similar poem about the Gopis of Vrndavana sending a message to Krishna through a swan. It similarly emphasizes love in the mood of separation.

Swami Tripurari is a guru with a small offshoot movement from ISKCON in Northern California.

I would be very careful associating with ISKCON or any of its offshoots. In fact, I advise everyone to avoid them completely, even their translations and interpretations of Gaudiya literature.

There is a former member of Tripurari Swamis group on Youtube who speaks extensively on how he was human trafficked and made to collect donations.

As far as the works of Rupa Goswami, they are a very high subject matter within Gaudiya theology. If one is interested in that theology, it is better to work your way up to that. Jumping into Rupa Goswami is a bit like a new Catholic or non-Catholic skipping the entrance literature and education, baptism, confirmation, eucharist and jumping into the esoteric books within the Popes personal library.

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>exercise in basement tonight
>an hour later, walk outside to cool off, power down
>there's an orthodox church across from my house, I usually walk to it and back after workouts
>halfway there, notice a car going slowly behind me
>"notices" me and turns down my street
>definitely coming at me
>it's like 11:30pm and I'm not in the mood to get run up upon so I jog the opposite direction when it stops and someone tries to talk to me
>as I'm scurrying away, I realize it's just some middle-aged lady and presumably her son
>"looking for... orange cat..." is all I hear
>"nope!" I say in passing, not looking for interaction or to get roped into chasing after someone's lost cat when--
>when I see an orange cat streak right in front of me!
>I turn around and use my phone light to get the car's attention, and... they pass me by... idk, it's like this time I'm the one who scared them off
>I'm pointing and waving "here's your cat!" but they inexplicably leave
>so now it's just me and the orange cat, lounging under a neighbor's SUV
>if the mom and son are really looking all over for it, they will retread this street and I'll try flagging them down again.

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Heil Hitler, retard
>he found the red tabby spawn
bro whats the geoloc?
>back seat orange cat is in good hands.
what lol they see a cat, obviously want to take it home so they decide they will ask around people if it's theirs before they steal it
like what are the odds you'll find the cat's owners on the fucking street
God obviously wants you to get an orange cat btw
>like what are the odds you'll find the cat's owners on the fucking street
Multiple times I've just been walking around the block and there are "search parties" for dogs. Lots of missing-pet posters too (which actually update to saying FOUND). Plus, these two were retreading streets they already passed by. They definitely want to get it back to the owner--if there is one.
I hate pets, but my sibling just unearthed an orange cat stuffed animal from our childhood--which happens to be one of the most beloved ones.

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how do i sneak past these guys?
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Killvthem with dick
Walk around with a body sized mirror. They will just think it’s another one of them.
you don't
be polite and they'll allow you to pass
An angel's aura is so powerful that you would need to jump into another plane of existence entirely to avoid it
On sight you receive 500 psionic damage/round
Thats about 1000 psionic damage every second you look at it
That's enough to melt the most powerful DnD creature instantly
Then you just offer them some kind of fruit, idk get creative you're smart.

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is astrology real? and i mean real esoteric astrology not just
>oooo hes such an aries not like me im a cancer!!!
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Define "real"
its real in that if you believe in it you will quantum jump into a dimension where its real
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Yes I assure you it is.
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Yeah it's just that most people are bad at it because what they want to be true doesn't line up with what the stars indicate. Not coincidentally, most people who do astrology are women. It works, but it takes work to understand and use well. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.
Its real but you have to study for hundreds of hours to understand how real it actually is.

It's like if people said that "physics is a fake science" all your life, and then you have to take the time to read a physics textbook, and perform some experimentation on your own. It would take a lot of effort to prove that it works.
Anyone who hasn't put in this level of effort, won't really know, but just be taking it on faith.

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Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?

When I was 7 years old I had a dream that lasted 7 whole years, now you must be thinking that it's impossible for me to remember that, but it's not me misremembering, I wrote down the details that I remembered of that dream and I was absolutely certain that it lasted 7 years.

The average duration of the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep lasts 90 minutes, this is the part of sleeping when you experience dreams if you didn't know.

How is it possible that during those 90 minutes, that I lived through 7 years of another me in another place?

It was such a long dream, I met a friend group and we went on many adventures, they're not really important and there were so many of them that I couldn't possibly remember them all, but at the end of the dream, after 7 years, they took my sword and banished me from their land, I don't remember what for. I started flying towards the sky and then I woke up.

I do not see how it is possible for the human brain to, in the span of 90 minutes, experience 7 years of happenings, it can't handle so much information and in fact it did not, I didn't remember most of it, but it is true that I had experienced 7 years of experiences during my sleep, so some part of my brain must've been involved in the processing of all those experiences.

I believe that it is possible that I wasn't dreaming during those 7 years, but I was in another dimension, say something similar to astral projection. I mean it makes sense for the banishing part at least, however I haven't thought up any theories that would properly explain this happening.

Has anyone else ever experienced ultra long dreams and can anyone give me any scientific or paranormal explanations of this?

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I guess you're right lol
This happens in the book Etidorpha - you should read it.
I just looked at the synopsis and maybe I am stupid, but I can't tell how it relates to my post

A similar phenomenon is when NDE experiencers are only clinically "dead" for a few minutes but report being gone for way longer.
>Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?
Yeah, quite often. The five minute naps I do easily stretch to hours of perceived experience. There are a group of entities that are very adamant about helping me to return to those metaphysical realms, even if I falter rather often. The help is appreciated; I hope they do not stop.

The idea of linear time-space is not correct. It looks correct from the perspective of someone living within its bounds, but on the perspective where probability and causality are easily manipulatable, time-space is easily moldable. I cannot substantiate this, as this is purely personally anecdotal.

As far as I know, there are three primary methods to perceive more time than was actually experienced within the confines of time-space.
>time dilation
This is pretty self-explanatory. You experience more in the same timeframe. That is what you're experiencing.
>time loop
Your scenario repeats at a baseline time-space reference. There is a very particular exit vector of probable, cause/effect actions that help you lead your way out. You may or may not remember all the cycles.
>multiple perspectives
You experience multiple time dilation/time loop scenarios at the same time, and can affect all of them. It becomes more mind bending the more your actions do not line up with your reference causal path. This will cause terrible tension headaches on your first few dozen runs.

There are side effects to frequent experiences. If you have too many, your waking life and your "dream" life will blur and you will begin to lose your sense of self, sense of time and experience. This is medically defined as dementia. The countermeasure to this is to know who you are. You must have a reference template that you take care of that you can return to so that you can add to your experiences rather than be torn apart by them. I also heavily advise against recreational psychoactive drug use for this. It tends to send people headlong even if unprepared.

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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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name an item or two I've eaten today
What does the future hold for A and myself ?
I'm right here, sweetheart <3
Did I leave the property today?
Describe my ideal man? I’m a female

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looking for more movies with themes about a false reality, prison planet, or reincarnation.

my list so far:
Dark City
Cloud Atlas
Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049
12 Monkeys
Prometheus (2012)
Alien Covenant
Jupiter Ascending
Total Recall
truman show
The Thirteenth Floor
mr. nobody

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Later than you're looking for, but
>It tells the story of a wealthy investment banker who is given a mysterious birthday gift by his brother—participation in a game that integrates in strange ways with his everyday life. As the lines between the banker's real life and the game become more uncertain, hints of a larger conspiracy begin to unfold.
forgor picrel, but when it has a good audience score, higher than the critics score, that's a sign.
Midnight Gospel
kabbalah is not jew it is ancient atlantean
The Mandela effect

Movies about reincarnation— I forget their names but I’ve seen like three movies with dogs as somewhat main characters and they supposedly reincarnated at the end or beginning.

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The 4th dimension. Can the mind quite grasp it?
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>Fourth of Four back into First of Four
A New Man for a New Moon.

The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.
>A New Man for a New Moon.
>The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.

This is basically my world summed up in one picture.

t.Amun Ra (Sun & Moon) the Seventh (Head and Heart in Unison) of Three (Trinity God-Head focused)

Hybridic being, as all are to some degree.
What do you pick as the fourth axis? If you pick time then memory is just navigating the fourth dimension. It's walls and hills and mountains are the opportunities, chances and available option you have in each particular chain of scenarios. The mind grasps with it all the time.
Above that however... all bets are off. You can work on getting better in 4D navigation by simply being good at making decisions and figuring out other people's decisions (mentorship, counseling) while getting ahead with some other goal.
>Can the mind quite grasp it?
I think you dont need to think in "Dimensions" but...heh...Schizmed Perception.

Einstein saying his most profound thought was a man falling off a roof. Sounds simple, because it is. Its just two equations processed at the same time.

He view the man falling from the center of the Earth at the same time as (probably) the man falling, these two SpaceTime convergences from both perspectives allowed for him to better understand SpaceTime.

I did Very similar stuff. SpaceTime in theory could only need 2-Dimensions...but those are going to be BEEFY, PHYSICS VECTOR Dimensions.

I was once able to see this as a 4-Dimensional Cube, it jumped out at me unexpectedly. Since then I have looked into other shaped trying to reverse engineer hogher dimensional topology.
Hyperbolic Geometry. Was thinking surfaces moreso since I cant fill in what Im trying to look through per se but "know" its "filled".

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Level N3V3RM0R3 is possibly the most dangerous backrooms level. It starts with a room where it’s just an entity boss rush, with the bosses getting harder. If you kill them all, you get to the next part. The next part has a 50 kilometer run with a ghostly hand chasing you. After that, you have to climb up a stairwell until you reach a sign saying “HELL”. Noclip there. Finally, you will be in a fire that slowly grows. If you manage to survive getting burnt alive, you will teleport back to the frontrooms. (Sorry if this is kind of bad)
Pic shows ceiling hands in the first part.
i can tell you are too young to be on this website. leave and dont come back.
>(Sorry if this is kind of bad)
Hey, don't worry about it. But understand its very, very bad. I don't know if your goal is to get better at... whatever this is.. or not. I'd tell you to keep practicing but this is so terrible that you should stop altogether because the effort you'll have to put forth to be better is better spent elsewhere.
Look man I can tell your young but this really isn't the place to post something like this you are just going to get made fun of.

there is this "person" that i love more than anything, and i have noticed several times a day i will be thinking about them and randomly look at a clock or something and see like 1111, 444, 555 IE. This morning i woke up from a nap and started thinking about them and i randomly turned over and it was 11:55 with a temp of 22C on my clock?
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Zoe hates you.

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Its so out in the open. There's that one chick Meana Wolf who does all the weird taboo incest/cheating/blasphemous videos and she will have actual sigils and rituals in there. One had her act like a girl doing a satanic witchcraft ritual with blood on a real sigil in the woods and getting demon possessed and going back to seduce her father. This is legit PSYOP level black magick and the chick is a good actress so she can cast through her eyes when the dude is most vulnerable in fappy land. I'm sure there are many more out there but this one stood out because it is blatant and in your face. Back when I was a gooner, I would watch her videos sometimes because she had nice butt and feet but the whole thing felt really evil. Pray for Meana Wolf to find God and that her spells and familiar spirits and coven are bound and rendered useless to spread evil anymore! It is going to happen soon no matter what because these witches are about to be humbled and smacked down big time!
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You into tincans?
Are you saying you noticed it was AI immediately?
>Meana Wolf
Wtf I was literally thinking about her earlier today for the first time in ages

Kinda, more so that 'she' was off, especially in the lips. Could be effed up lipstick, but just my intuition says otherwise. But yeah, vibed it rather quickly.
what does any of that have to do with the king in yellow?
have you considered maybe she has found god, and its you who needs to be prayed for to find god?

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