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A dream I had yesterday that scared me. I was hanging out with my friends, and we were chatting amongst ourselves, and then a creature appeared in front of us. It looked like almost nothing else in the world, more like a sea creature. The closest thing I could liken it to was a jellyfish. It had a lot of eyes, and my friends witnessed it in the dream. It didn't have wings or any means of levitation, the creature didn't fly but it levitated 15 to 20 meters above the ground.

The scariest part of the dream was that the creature spoke to me one-on-one and knew everything that was going on inside me. Without me opening my mouth, it was speaking for me, saying things that I knew, and my friends were saying things like, 'How can this creature know these things, what is this? The creature told me that it was with me, that I could never be separated from it, that it would always be inside me.

The thing the creature most resembles is picture related. I usually laugh at such dreams, I don't take them seriously, but I have never had such a strange, frightening dream in my life. I have never encountered such a creature in my dreams in my life. I am someone who has never experienced DMT, I fell asleep normally.

Can someone tell me what this dream means, what is the creature I saw? I'm really curious and I'm sure there are people here who know something about it.
why does every dream thread OP use the exact same language and writing style

is it just one guy
I too had a strange dream last night. I was walking through the shallow water of a beach, enjoying the ocean. Next thing i knew I was in a large warehouse and before me was a mechanical contraption that looked like some sort of cybernetic mobile suit that was unfolded as if its pilot had opened it up and left if behind for a moment. But it was not like a cool Gundam, it was clearly designed for a creature with an enormous cranial capacity and a small vestigial body by comparison to its enormous alien-proportioned head. Then I was driving away down the road to my old home in my old car through my old neighborhood, but my headlights weren't working so I could only see by the headlights of other cars on the road.
Depends on what you believe dreams are. I've always viewed such entities as the closest thing possible to a physical manifestation of your unconsciousness. If you're adventurous and want to better understand yourself ask it to take you deeper.
Of course a creature in your dreams knows what you know, you daft git. You're the one dreaming about it. This guy >>37769354 is right, it's a part of your brain talking to the rest of you, possibly to try to help you figure something out or do something with your waking consciousness. Think about what it means.

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Remote viewing general #2
/ppg/ posters also welcome

Continued from >>37715636

This thread is intended to help anons learn about what remote viewing is and how to practice it using systematic techniques from some of the most proficient RVers currently alive.
Don't hesitate to post your own targets and practice with anons ITT, that's what this thread is for.

Links about RV:
>RV basics:
>Stargate documents (the original military program which led to the development of modern RV methodology):

Remote viewing has been used recently in order to uncover knowledge with some profound implications. Most of you are aware of Project Moksha, and some might also know about Project Red Dog. Here are some links:

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Most people just want to know if number go up or number go down so they can make money.
It's kinda sad.
Generally, I monitor nuclear facilities in certain nations, various violent extremist factions, interesting areas of the solar system, and life in the deep parts of the ocean.
I don't share my findings with anyone, I'm just curious.
This is not sad.
Money frees up your time for whatever else you want to do.
what's the most interesting thing you've seen?
what's the most unexplainable?
I AM removing RV in next patch, tired of chinese psychics Federal Bureau of Investigation 9-5 minimum-salary employees stalking my frozen ass in the mornings!

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Scary man
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Thats busty lemieux
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big boobies?
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Mammary breasts hmmmmm

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The bible proves it.
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You are possessed by an asherim.
Do you get lots of bfs?
Sir you are dog ugly and balding
its just sad how they go
No it's more like God tested Job his most loyal to the breaking point to see if he could break someone like that and he did. Maybe god never seen nothing like that before and made it experience. That or he did it for the lulz.

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recently I have been getting a lot of what I can describe as "uncomfortable dreams"
they are not nightmares. nothing scary in them.
they are just uncomfortable and uncanny
I don't know exactly why
but they feel extremely long and exhausting
that's the best way I can explain them
when I wake up I don't feel recharged and rested
I feel like I have just finished some strenuous task that is very exhausting
feels like being stuck in a wet humid hole full of dirt and shit in some sort of swamp

I only get this when I sleep during night, when I sleep during day I feel good and well rested when i wake up.
and didn't use to get such dreams, my dreams were actually pretty interesting and nice in the past and I rarely got nightmares.
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Very strange anon I just woke up from my first one. I was amongst an endless field. For some reason the field kept moving forward like the earth was a beach and each row of crop was towering over me. At first it was pretty scary until you just let the crop take you. But then I was stuck there for a while until someone saw me in the distance and came up to me asking what I was doing. One of the first uncomfortable dreams I've had in a while.
The swamo began as a body of water and I was out there looking for somethung until it turned into the moving field
Get baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit and receive the armor of God.
The other day I had a dream of a monster tornado ripping apart my apartment building, as I was about to die I woke up in the sunlight of my room, and I thanked God
Thats the grave dimension. I been there once. Sucked.
I used to get sleep paralysis and nightmares when I first turned to Lord Jesus. Those demons sure tried to put an influence on me.

Whom God favors, Satan hates..But after I got baptized few years ago and knew the Lord Jesus more, my nights have been pretty good. I remember having maybe 2 nightmares but I did call onto the name of Jesus in my dream and it ended pretty quickly.

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i know, really intersting
I've had two interesting dreams, but the one that stuck with me the most was after I'd taken antidepressants for the first time. It was extremely realistic, almost as if it were high definition. I'd look in the mirror and my face would start to decompose and necrotize - it was extremely realistic.

I reacted very badly to the drug very quickly and had horrible side effects. I even went to hospital and suffered for two months afterwards.

I find it fascinating that my body tried to warn me like that.
en sí el sueño no fue tan extraño, pero soñé que una mujer desagradable a quien no había visto en mucho tiempo, ni había tenido contacto con ella de ningún tipo en mucho tiempo me intentaba hacer daño... al despertar tenía mensajes y llamadas perdidas de ella intentando persuadirme para hacer una alianza.
I think my strangest dream was when I was in Mauritius and slept with metal music in headphones. I dreamt that I tried to assassinate Steve Jobs or someone like him, a this man liven in tennis court, no house, just court. When I arrived to him with a handgun this man was in motorised wheelchair (like Steven Hawking) and for some reason I said to myself "he's actually a nice person" and just walked away. The hell does this mean? Also sorry for my english I'm not native speaker.
It is indeed very interesting. Normal dreams are thought provoking enough but once you start to become fully aware of your dreams and start diving further things can get downright abstract.

However the part of my experience in finding my deceased friend that I found the most interesting was how normal and mundane the setting was and how little control I had over the experience.

Normal lucid dreams feel more like painting a world around my will. This felt like visiting someplace else entirely.

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I have never had anything happen to me that was paranormal. I've wanted to, but I guess I don't have the gift or whatever. What a do have is a few stories that were weird. Things that you can't properly explain to people, so you don't bother. Most of these involve "synchronicity". I want to hear your stories if you have anything like these.
I'll start off with the tamest example. Once my brother and I were hanging out. The radio on the car was broken, so we were driving in silence. My brother asked me if I knew what he was thinking about. I jokingly just said what was on my mind. Billy Idol. I wanted to listen to Billy Idol. He went quiet. Started smiling and shaking his head. 30 seconds later he said "you cannot be serious" and laughed. Turns out he was also wishing he was listening to Billy Idol. Now if we told that story, people would assume that Billy Idol is our favorite artist, or that we had both listened to him recently. It wasn't the case. But people would assume that anyway.
Another story. Once I was watching my parent’s dogs. I asked my brother if he wanted to come and watch a movie and play some monster hunter. He came over. At around 2 in the morning he left for home. He lives about 8 miles out of town. I began to clean up the kitchen. As I was cleaning, I heard my name being yelled. Let’s say my name is Paul. I heard "PAUL!" like it was yelled from a few rooms over, but it seemed to come from every direction. It was my brother’s voice. I was stunned, and yelled his name back. I figured he had come back and was locked out. I searched the outside of the house, and did a room by room check of everywhere including the basement. I was alone. It’s not the first time I had imagined hearing my name being called so I just finished cleaning and went to bed. The next day I went back to the area my brother and I live.
(Part 2) I stopped by his house and began talking with him. I decided to tell him that I imagined his name being called. He got a look of shock on his face. He then asked me if I was screwing with him. I asked him what he meant and he explained that he had been in bed around 2 or 3 and he heard me yell his name. Said I yelled it in a way like I was looking for him or I was spooked. He called back to me angrily because he was almost asleep. He went outside and could not find me, and said he had imagined it. If we told people that story, people would say it was just a coincidence and that it’s because we had hung out that evening. That we knew how we called out to each other and imagined it. But that doesn’t feel right. Too many pieces and the time frame fit together to make it into something way weirder. But no one would ever take it seriously, especially since I don’t have a good explanation or even a notion what any of it could mean.
The last one I will tell is the one that may be the most easily explained away, but feels the weirdest. My family owns a cabin up in the mountains. There is a generator, and old flat screen tv, and a blu-ray player. My brother and I would go buy groceries and head up on weekends back then. We would take turns each week with responsibilities. One of us would run in the store, the other would go to the red box and pick out a horror movie. We saw some real bad movies, and some real underrated gems back then, which is why we liked the genre so much. I could be mystery science, or something awesome. It was the luck of the draw. This time it was my turn to pick. I started scrolling through the pages and found one that caught my eye. It was this white background. There was a man’s face from the side on the bottom left portion of the image looking upwards in horror. His face was in black, white and grey.
(Part 3) His lips were sealed together in connected strips of flesh, almost like his mouth had melted together leaving him room to open his mouth, but having it permanently sealed by the grotesque flesh. He was staring at the title at the top. The title was “I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream” written in black or grey, sharp looking letters (This happened years ago so it is a little fuzzy). I put it in my cart, but then decided it looked like too big of a risk and chose a different movie. I think the movie I picked was about a door in India that separated the living from the dead, and some foreign couple had stumbled onto it because their kid was dead or something. It was ok. Nothing memorable. A couple of years later, I remembered the movie I had almost checked out. I began looking up details. I found the short story, and read it. I loved it. I found the game on steam. I played it. But no matter what I did, I could not find a movie by that title. It did not exist. I made up the whole thing. I have looked for similar images. Found some, but nothing was close. There was a slipknot album or something that had a dude being tortured on it that was similar to the description of the man on the cover, but it wasn’t close. There is a video game that kind of had a similar layout and vibe, but wasn’t that close. I tried to find out if I had heard the name of the story somewhere, but couldn’t. I could take you to that exact grocery store, at that exact time of year, at that same red box that stands there today. I created a movie that does not exist named after a story I had never read or heard of before. People I have told this to think I must have created the memory from bits and pieces of things I heard over the course of my life, or that I made it up. Maybe I did create the memory somehow, but I have never done anything like that before or since.
(Part 4) The reason I told you these relatively boring stories is to hear yours if you don’t mind. I want to hear something that made you scratch your head. Or something that made you say “huh” out loud. Something seemingly insignificant, but sometimes keeps you up at night wondering if you can trust your own memory, your own eyes, or wonder if bigger things are going on, and you got a brief glimpse of it before blinking and finding reality again. But it was probably nothing, right?
(Part 1, Scene Me) Nothing I think of ever happens.

The red heifers are going to be sacrificed tommorow. A fucking 3000 year old prophecy will be fulfilled. The jews will begin building the third temple. Motherfucker, this could quite possibly cause ww3 why aren't we discussing this?!
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Even after the jew was exposed for trying to harm humanity with the vax? And was punished ?
"The jew" is not a living human.
You think you can get him out of it because you proclaim on 4chin that you want to take it by your own volition?
Chigau chigau chigau
The evidence was too strong. The only reason the trial isn't finalized is because the jew is a (very very) small fry.
I mean thanks for proving me right?
Right about what?
You think i obsess over entities who have absolutely nothing to do with me anon?
I can't wait for sweet unblemished rest. I don't want to hear or see any more of the faggot gods (except for one) or the faggot messengers.
But i can't do that now, very soon sure, but not now.
You mistook me for a typical x/channer. I could literally spell out exactly what was said during moloch's trial last year (was it before that?). I'm here when i have nothing (but being in pain) to do, so i come and spray a bit of hope here and there.
It's time to rest, you're just a small fish in (i can't say where the fish comes from because i went in but didn't remember, is it a sea? A pond? A pipe?) , a grain of rice in a rice field...etc
You had no choice before, you'll have no choice now.
That's what you (you = your ancestry) get for failing to produce a single (ONE), 1 human who could do the job.
So stay in your corner and wait until all those that must be killed are killed.
Today, i'm not kind enough to tell you about what their replacement is like. I feel like you don't deserve to know.
does anyone actually know when it’s going to happen or are they keeping it secret for everyone
oh shit

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Apologize to Dr, S Kirkpatrick
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for proving that alyums don't exist and proving that the 'whistleblowers' are full of shit
for tainting his good name
What are the Resolutions, whether above board andor not, though?
Not just noteteca
Militia office is elsewhere
I think it should be discleisure, not disc losure error
Hey Dr K Goodluck, Apologies for Having Helped, but Now according to this picrel You have Help? That has Help? Hopefully Transcendent Peaces and Prosperities
The ADARO Website looks automated and emailless so I am replying here

Hmm can't invest in what's not on stock exchanges?
Irl data throttling? And more not savy techspeak irl correlations?

What the hell is their problem?
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Suicidal thoughts galore.
>Self hating over emotional and over thinking everything.
>Always a victim.
Being a water sign
We are more exigent with ourselves than anybody else in our lives.
The secret of Pisces's happiness is realizing all those details aren't important. All those hours spent reaching perfection 20 years ago didn't matter.
Give yourself permission to be half-assed at what you do. The surprising thing is people won't notice, they'll assume you tried your best, you can sleep in your laurels.

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Insider story. Been lurking here for a while. My occupation is among higher levels of nato command. Won't explain more, nor post a proof.
First of all the story of a guy with liver cancer, who posted here couple of months ago is true. So is the reddit guy with his underwater NHI claims.
Second, brace for the event of disclosure, meaning a presence of an nhi vessel on our orbit. It will happen in the coming two years, they cannot calculate the exact time as the observed objects movement is erratic.
Also the info on Ganymede message and Arctica is true, it connects with the uap base in the ocean story. Also Antarctica is full of remnants of previous civilization or structures and devices left by our creators to guard us.
It is not expected that the visitors will be hostile, however all possible precautions are being taken. It is believed they're communicating with underwater nhi's/ai's.
Also yes, Musk is actively involved.
Chinese government works with USA and Europe on this. Russia is temporarily excluded.
What is basically expected is an et vessel which will replace the underwater bases with new ones, as they are a significant part of a kind of defend system created long time ago on our planet and it seems the present vessels are dying due to loss of power or just being old.
Probably no live et's will be involved as the process seems to be fully automated. As of now the accepted theory is that all these are AI remnants of previous civilization or devices left by our creators /people/aliens that established homo sapiens on earth. It is possible that this year all this will be somehow disclosed by US to prepare general public for the incoming events.
Also, watch for Apophis news.
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kys larp
lol you have no idea
It's a file type extension in filenames, not some top level domain. In this case it would be a video file.
So You've got some newwer more resolute uncompartmentalised ideas. Pray do tell?
Look at the current apologise thread and factor turmoil takeover strange change and post incubation
Hopefully not

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I swear if tattoo man is at the gathering tomorrow I'm gonna explode
He's a demon I stg

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How do I cope with being a Sagittarius male
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Sagittarius has a lot of potential. You probably do well at everything. You probably turn to other interests before you see your results of your acuity. Eventually you will find that the things of the world are comparable to each other and your past experiences do build. If you take the path of criminality, you will be successful, but there is risk to the harm of your body and mind. You are a teacher. Teach yourself before giving away what you know.
Recognize ol fishyass
Op I cuss

Dr. Tread
Snake dude.
That would change your sign.
Try Chinese.
Or native American.
Or own it. Shoot em in the head.
Did a quick google search cuz I was curious as well.
>too weird/difficult/embarrassing to figure out time of conception

Spiritual implications of my birth chart? I don’t trust websites that aren’t backed by fellow /X/perts
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>fucking forgot to attach my birth chart like the airhead I am

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Post your favorite underrated esoteric YouTube channels
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Nothing would and you know it, just fuck off retard
esoterica is great! :3
Will you spank me? I been a very bad girl and need a strong man to take off my clothes, bend me over, and spank me
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Except maybe the evidence I specificly requested.

He's jewish full stop.

>he's a nihilist who hates everyone

Part of the program. And being a pinko Adorno stan doesn't help.

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If only you knew
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Bye bye
Where can I learn more about this? Any keywords?
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Who in fuck iz yew man
...how bad things really are?
Take a tweezer and pull a couple nose hairs to sneeze real good

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