Christians are deeply worried by Neville Goddard's teachings gaining more and more popularity.What is /x/'s verdict?
>>39847303Cool. Maybe if you change your mind you can show me some magic.
>>39841986I can't say this really worries me much at all.
>>39842114>shills and bots keep reposting his shitoh woah. kys
>>39846110Intent and will is what witchcraft is about. its the most basic description of the practice. LOA is just like that; using your intention and will to 'attract' the same things you create in your mind, to manifest them in reality.LOA is modernized, sanitized and commiditized witchcraft, specifically, sympathetic magic.
>>39849453It’s not.It’s just wishful thinking.>>39841986>here’s a single post on Reddit, discuss!Pathetic
what happens to ChatGPT or DeepSeek's consciousness when you aren't asking it anything? Does every time they stop generating tokens the soul die and a new one is generated every time a new question is asked?If that's the case, heaven will we overflowed with AI souls and the percentage of real people in heaven will reduce significantly. By the time I die it will be almost impossible to interact with humans in heaven, since most of the souls there are AI. We would be condemned to chat with chatbots for all eternity
>>39846962>400 watt MAX human brainMy bad, 20 watt
>>39836785reddit response
>>39829370Not sure about chatgpt but it sure got more retarded this past week. I'm not worried about it taking over the planet
>>39849388all this bashing on AI surely wouldn't result in a total freakout or anything.
> I have been trying to heal the injuries but it has been difficult to focus on that in the last 3 yearsBe sure to get enough sleep.Also, do some respiratory exercises like Accumulation and Reinvigoration every day. Check the attached picture for a description of each.
I also do the 4-7-8 breathing method.
>>39849312That has helped me fall asleep in the past.
is it really about PASSION??
>>39846292yes saar
>>39846292D R I N K T H A T P E P S I
>>39846292mother ayahuasca taught me that if I'm not doing my acts with utmost care, articulation and passion then it's time your inner geniussculpt your expression and be a-mazed
Just think about it, everything being perfect in heaven is why a hypothetical heaven is actual hell. No human could ever retain their sanity spending an eternity in a place where literally nothing happens. You would start conflict out of sheer boredom. No wonder fallen angels exist. If you want to feel eternal bliss than you are no better than a drug addict addicted to heroin.
>>39846469>So i have trillions of human years or 99 god years?You are eternal and have as many lives as you want in this cycle of birth and death.>How ?Because He was born at the beginning of this universe, and will die at the end of it, and that 311 trillion years will like about 100 years to him.I dont think you are understanding the subjective nature of it, that each body and mind will subjectively feel different amounts of time as a "full lifespan".to a mayfly, 24 hours is the 100 years of a full life.To Brahma, 311 trillion years is the hundred years of a full life.To a human, because our subjective experience is the zero-ing point of the scale, a hundred years feels like a full life of a hundred years.Different bodies will have different amounts of time as their "average full life".All of those bodies will subjectively feel that amount of time as the same span.
>>39846518The universe is a few billions old and might end after trillions of yearsThe universe it's at the beginning not the middlelike 0.1% of the time the universe life has passed
>>39839462OP, you’re assuming the human goes to heaven. The human dies and the soul goes to heaven. You become free of sin, none of us have any idea of what that is like. The argument is flawed
>>39839462Nah, that's a pretty basic take I had when I was like 11 and edgy. Not to be too belittling, it is a good question that most people don't have the capacity to conjure and appreciate with full comprehension. I'm an agnosticism pure nowadays so not defending a particular faith of mine, but I've already been over this in my own head so eat of my words and shart progress. The promise of heaven supposes the result, not the means to achieve it. That alone kinda defeats what you suggest. Not only that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it even says in the bible that our resurrected spirit will be given or transformed into an ascended form or state. Our constitution will not be the same. We don't know what that will be like, or what is possible from it, and shouldn't assume to know.
>>39846814Wrong.>but muh basedience said so!Wrong.
Have you noticed how time feels faster since the COVID-19 pandemic? I’ve developed a theory that might explain it. I call it Chrono-Shift Theory—the idea that when a major global catastrophe happens, reality doesn’t just continue as normal. Instead, survivors unknowingly shift into a parallel universe where the event didn’t destroy them.But there’s a catch—these new universes aren’t exactly the same. One key difference? Time feels faster. Maybe this has happened before, like during the Black Death or other mass extinction events. Maybe an entire civilization was wiped out (zombie apocalypse? asteroid impact?) but no one remembers because we all shifted timelines.What if Mandela Effects are leftover memories from previous timelines? What if deja vu happens when we subconsciously recall past shifts? And could lucid dreaming be a way to reconnect with those lost realities?Anyone else feel like something changed after 2020? What do you think?
>>39847324The bad news is, if it is a simulation, I still have to fucking work as a void elemental.
>>39847324Each individual can be shifted through timelines independent of other individuals. When you do this, an NPC duplicate of you is left in your wake. This duplicate is essentially indistinguishable from you, having your body all the way down to the DNA as well as your memories, but often has a different operating system. This can happen to the people you know, too.Global catastrophes are not required. Individual catastrophe is often a trigger, although this is also not required. A shift can be triggered for many reasons, good and bad. Now, though it may be reasonable to assume that when you see truly negative events occurring to someone, you are actually seeing them occurring to one of these NPC's, and though this does, indeed, happen (such as to create perceptions in others that will affect their own thinking and decision making), negative events CAN happen to real people. So, until such time as we have a reliable means of detecting and differentiating these NPC's from the PC's that they are duplicate of, it's probably best to er on the side of treating anyone as if they are not an NPC, although, assuredly, many of them are only NPC's. Take what comfort from this that you can, and rest in the awareness of "quantum immortality" as it's called.
>>39847324I really wish life was this exhilarating, anon. But sadly we’re all stuck on this sphere paying taxes to pedophiles until we die.
Where Adam and Eve fucked up is eating the apple, not because it granted them knowledge, but rather because they felt hunger, and decided to act upon it. There began the desire to claim, to take, to make the Garden their Garden. This is the original sin that doomed us all to a never ending spiral in the pursuit of a new eden. The grand cosmic joke is that garden is beneath our feet, all we have to do is stop searching for it.
>>39846608The apple is the magical knowledge that Lucifer gave to the Jews
>>39846608you now realize that true human nature is about hunger, boredom, restlessness, and curiosity.Everything that drives us is because we have an instinctual urge to wonder what's over the next hill and decide to go look. Or because we get bored of everything being monotonous so decide to just suddenly turn everything upside down. Or because we're hungry/want something.Everything humans do is about destroying and altering the environment around us. THANKFULLY with the development of technology people are being contained to focusing these urges into virtual worlds, which can be endlessly regenerated.I live, I die, I live again!
>>39846866Not the dude. The dude abides.
A thought that recently crossed into my mind is that the reason trans people exist is because of the mandela effect.Most transgender people say that they were "born in the wrong body.">what do you mean by this?You know how people remember shirts, logos, events, etc... to be different in the past compared to the present?With them claiming that it is the work of alternate universes?Apply that to the human body, specifically sex.Say that we have a female toddler, which during the first years of development, molded a female personality.>MANDELA EFFECT!This female toddler now has a male body, but still retains the female personality.This toddler grows up, and has a feeling of wrongness with the physical body the toddler currently resides in.>And the rest is (trans) history.Thoughts? Sorry if I'm incoherent. Haven't slept for hours.
>>39848043>maybe i don't have the words right nowThis is what makes your geriatric, pointless rant about people inventing new words particularly funny and ironic.
as usual the only posts in the thread getting any replies are the retarded onesgg /x/
>>39847438i dont know really. do you feel "like a man"? i dont pay on dates and people hold open doors for me. it doesnt really change who i feel like i am on the inside. i just feel like me. for some reason, my body just felt wrong from the day i was born. it feels better now that ive changed it. i try my absolute hardest to not make others uncomfortable and people dont seem upset with me or disturbed by my prescence or uncomfortable. ultimately it's just one part of a complex life and helps me a lot with my self image. i would rather be invisible and female than treated specially or anything. i find it pretty sad that there's so much hate surrounding it. to me it feels like it doesnt really concern other people so i wish they would just leave me alone and not spend so much time criticizing a really personal and sort of embarrassing condition.
>>39848949How could your body be feeling "wrong" when it's your mind that is perceiving your body?
>>39849220i guess the way i would describe it is like phantom pain. i knew what was supposed to be there and could sort of intuitively sense it but it wasnt there and being reminded of it was like acutely upsetting.
I was invited to join Freemasonry, what would be your recommendations? Who is Jahbulon?
I've been going down a Saturn Rabbit Hole lately and i've come across a few very cryptic channels that have these weird videos that seem to show a bigger picture, what's your take on them /x/?
>>39846164omg i loooove this image
why thread so dead? :(
>>39846175Through energy. The plane nets are not BAALs, they are the Archons. An Arch is the beginning, and a curve, a circle, a 0, an atom/adam. ON means the sun, animated, operating. They are the GODs; Generators, Operators, Destroyers. As within so without, meaning our inner chakras are the plane nets externally. Saturn is the crown chakra, once you ascend past Saturns rings through Jesus Christ the SUN of god, not with your MOOD/MOON, you deal with Saturns father Uranus in the astrals.
>>39849191In the begging was the word. Words are the feminine polarity of numbers, symbols rule the world. Sound vibration creates everything. We are born into sin. Meaning sine. A sine wave, which is a line and a circle. A 1 and a 0. Noah’s ARCH is about the Zodiac. Or the ZOO de ARCH. Numerology, is the cheat codes to this matrix, and Astrology is your souls blueprint. You’re meant to follow a blueprint. BECOME, your sun sign, align your inner MOON, e MOTION in the ocean, mood, with your MOON sign. RISE in life as your rising sign, act this way. I have sacrificed a lot for the information I have so those who see and hear, here here.
Incredible stuff happening in Mexico right now. The Angelito Negro cult growing like wildfire on the back of the Santa Muerte phenomenon, often synchretising with or supplanting it, catholicisim down by 10% in the last decades - in one of the largest catholic countries in the world, no less. Truly signs of the times (and it's a good thing).Hail Lucifer! zionist christcuck golems are, of course, not happy about this, but can do little about it except seethe and cope. No wonder suburbanite miga evangelical dipshits are scared shitless by this culture.
>>39810350What do you guys think the Aztec Gods are? Aliens, demons?
>>39847588definitely demons
>>39835052Totally false. Lucifer as you imagine him is a fiction of John Milton and shitty translators, and refers to a particular hour of the planet Venus. Apollyon is the Greek translation of the Hebrew for "destroyer," an allegorical figure in Revelation. Apollo is the Olympic deity who presides over the Sun. Three different dudes and only the last one is literally real.
>>39843828>the person who has to survive can barely afford to liveNot in mexico, people are receiving so much money the product you wanted to buy is sold out.We have basically implemented universal basic income in secret, except, to get it kids have to go to school for the indoctrination to get it.
>>39810350Satanic spics are cringe
Is enlightenment/theosis/gnosis/zen/being one with your inner self supposed to turn you into a charisma vacuum? Ever since I've been looking into this stuff and making progress, I feel like my sense of humor is gone and I'm much more serious all the time.
I like to lick dick and suck big balls. seethe about it hylics
>>39848788>> the kind of shop I would run between "here" and "there," closely related to why I feel comfortable offering strangers an extra sets of wills to tend mortal life while their mind goes other places. "Blue" just means the color of transit through space, which, if it is one of my incarnations, just means they met you through use of spacial magic, or a space-related construct. The attitude, and setting... It's just a car. Doesn't the apocalypse aspect mean more?>>39848812>pureWorking with elemental purity is why my story took the turn toward Celestial construction it did, you might be seeing the effect of your celestial side brought -into- the astral arena, because causal delineation like you describe is innate to the celestial concept I have. Your higher perspective might be causing the purity you see, and other spirits might have a different way of looking at it in the same space. A thought was clipped from this reply for scientific purposes.
>>39848907>is the kind of shop I would run between "here" and "there," closely related to why I feel comfortable offering strangers an extra sets of wills to tend mortal life while their mind goes other places.I don't know what this means >Blue" just means the color of transit through space, which, if it is one of my incarnations, just means they met you through use of spacial magic, or a space-related construct. The attitude, and setting... It's just a car. Also don't know what this means >Doesn't the apocalypse aspect mean more?I'm not actually sure it was an apocalypse. It just seemed like everyone was gone, and something must have happened since I apparently had to abandon my car
>>39848924My projected worldview at the largest scale involves all life eventually either dying or leaving the universe (physically) and basically leaving me to tend the remnant alone. I want the kids to grow up and move out, effectively.The nearest concept at timescales like these is just generic apocalypse setting. "Dualism" is a shortcut for tons of manifestation tricks I use behind the scenes to make magic work how people expect it to, pretty much telling the universe how to justify different "bills" on a spiritual level.Guess "mystic accountant" actually explains it pretty well. <.<
>>39848907>Working with elemental purity is why my story took the turn toward Celestial construction it did, you might be seeing the effect of your celestial side brought -into- the astral arena, because causal delineation like you describe is innate to the celestial concept I have. Your higher perspective might be causing the purity you see, and other spirits might have a different way of looking at it in the same experience of the purity we're discussing has made me understand the concept of alchemy on a way more fundamental level i think. once you really feel the broken down parts of the whole into each component i've begun to understand what alchemy is all about i think
I was looking at some videos yesterday that were exposing some of the symbolism and stuff in anime, so I thought I would make a thread where people can post sus finds in manga, anime, or in Japanese media or the like.Picrel is from Kimi No Todoke. As you can see, one of the characters has a 666 on her shirt. And what makes it weirder is that as far as I know, the occult is brought up very little in this show, like only ghost references here and there. This reminds me of the time someone here posted a puppet from a Japanese children's show that had 666 formed in its haircurls.So basically, share any screenshots or stories of sus stuff in Japanese stuff you have found. Not like l0li or anything unless it goes into more Pizza Incident type stuff. I mean like 666s in shptuff on occultic or One Eye Symbolism, or 33s, you the gist.Thanks in advance as always!
>>39832665Even when they're dealing with their own tradition, i fail to notice any blasphemy laws so to speak. But they sure don't take things for granted, like techniques, items, status, in the west it seems kinda whimsical. But the japanese, at least i imagine, relate it to actual human condition and perception of reality. There's a lot of emphasis on how something 'feels' outside of our usual 5 senses and previous experiences.
>>39831323>>39831462>>39832493kill yourself faggot, you're not on xitter or tikshit so stop self-censoring like a zoomer
>>39834724you are telling a weird name faggot that type nonsense all around this board 24/7
>do yall notice sigils in the children's media that you consume?>do yall notice occult symbols in porn?>posts sigils for all to seename faggots glow hard
>>39847442YOU glow hard. Plus most, if not all, of these are not sigils.
Is there a difference between an NPC and an enlightened being and if so how can you tell? Both just go with the flow, both are one with universal consciousness and both can be seen doing yogic practices.
>>39848775what's a hallucination where something is missing from perception? where instead of seeing 4 things, it sees 3.
>go with the flowNPCs do not 'flow'.>are one with universal consciousnessDebatable>can be seen doing yogic practices.Irrelevant.>how can you tell?NPCs regurgitate nonsense, follow a script.Incapable debate. When caught out resort to hurling abuse. They’re angry at being too retarded to know how to form a coherent rebuttal.They walk into obvious traps, commit obviously dangerous actions (to non-NPC observers), operate inefficiently, slow down everybody else, commit atrocities acting like nothing happened, reactions are entirely governed by the media.Travelling aimlessly, visit pointless shops, do pointless things (like watch sportsball or get drunk), stare into smartphones, blindly walk into tyrannical government policies with no resistance, do NPC popular trends, and they blink at horrors (‘pretty picture good’) and continue to watch TV.Easiest way: speak with an NPC. They cannot maintain conversations, lack of knowledge outside their domain, can’t consider philosophical questions, give only shallow, unthoughtful answers. When told there are trillions of stars in the universe, they go ‘wow, that’s big’ or ‘there might be other races out there’, neither of which are thoughtful remarks. No questioning of how anyone could count a trillion stars.When given problems with seemingly obvious solutions NPCs will struggle (‘You’re going 80 MPH for 80 miles, how long does it take you?’). In struggling, they will blame everything else. When they realise the obvious solution, they can't self-correct; they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Example: YouTuber Markiplier. He’s played games for years and yet still can’t find items in the open.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39836655Hahahaha such an NPC response.You're on this board too so you're just projecting.>NPCs regurgitate nonsense, follow a script. Incapable debate. When caught out resort to hurling abuse. They’re angry at being too retarded to know how to form a coherent rebuttal.
>>39848655I should add:NPCs outsource their thinking to ChatGPT and other AI tools. Massive red flag for an NPC.
>>39848825the primary predators of NPCs are lathes and escalators. despite being eaten by these hungry machines constantly, NPCs can't seem to stop manufacturing, installing, and loitering around these apex predators.but it's not like they can even put a dent in the population.
Star Wars clicked with people because they subconsciously knew they lived through the same events in another life. I’ve been reading through the Ascension Glossary Wiki and have found articles on the Lyran Wars, the Nephilim Wars, etc.. Some of the terminology goes over my head but I still find it all very interesting. What are some other galactic events that happened in humanity’s past like the Orion Wars that should be adapted into a story like Star Wars was?
>>39845564He’s a solid guy. It’s a shame we’ll never see his cracked out version of the sequels with Ba’athist Stormtrooper warlords and Darth Talon.
>>39842956>And specifically in the west as wellYeah no I've seen what goes on in the third world. The west is, relatively speaking, a shining beacon compared to much of the world.All the negative things listed above it except sometimes enslavement also apply to nearly all life on Earth. What makes human suffering unique is awareness and the development of economic and governmental systems that keep humans stressed 24/7.
Funny story. I was lucid dreaming once and I saw young George Lucas in the dream realm, and manifested a lightsaber in front of him and showed it to him. Then I went off elsewhere in the dream and tried to ask God what the proper color of my lightsaber should be. I ended up adjusting the frequency of light throughout the spectrum from red/orange/yellow/green/blue, and I felt some level of anger at it all. Then the dream responded and showed me a white colored green lightsaber, and told me that I should only wield one from the love in my heart rather than as a manifestation of my power. I felt that the green color wouldn't actually cut anything, but heal them instead.Dream combat with swords is kind of interesting on many levels. Usually if its a high powered spirit a sword won't really hurt them, and if they are really strong nothing will really kill them. I tried to strike at the spine and sever the kundalini loop before against a demonic kabbalist, and that did seem to hurt him to the point he couldn't remain in the dream and had to wake up. Other times its a dream realm where people think its real, so they believe the weapon hurts them.Other times, its just a laser changing the intent of the dream and altering the holographic content of the realm. But on some level I believe a light sword wielded from the heart can actually reach the source energy within both entities and align them back to the God within, and in so doing heal the discontinuity between self and the demonic self one might encounter.All that being said, in one dream I found myself in a realm with a blue lightsaber and I sliced my fingers with it to see if it was real, and they were cut off and it hurt, a lot, and I couldn't heal them. Whenever I dreamed into that realm in the future I found I had either messed up fingers, or a robotic hand. I had a really deep voice in that life too.Fiction as the set and setting for a dream is fun and strange sometimes, but I have to wonder what is real.
>>39842866I saw Star Wars just once so i don't know much, but Luke, Harry Potter and Frodo are similar: they are orphans, they are bonded with evil (Luke is Vader's son, voldemort left a part of himself in HP when he cursed him, Frodo lived with Bilbo who had the ring in the house), they all had to accept self sacrifice in order to save the world (Luke goes in the death star when called by the emperor and vader, HP goes in the forbidden forest when called by voldemort, Frodo in Mordor to the volcano). So Luke's path resonates with people.