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Just for fun, what are foods that are commonly associated with priests/magicians wherever you guys are from? I know that the Brahmin caste in India has foods they are meant to abstain from but I don't know the details, nor do I know if different cults have different prescriptions for their diet etc.. Same goes for Buddhist monks, Imams, Catholic priests, Rabbis, Aztec priests, village shamans, schizophrenic people, I just want as much info as I can to compare and contrast and see if there are any commonalities.
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I see, would you say raw milk specifically or just milk in general?
I'm reading some stuff on Aztec priestly diets that I'll post soon, it seems like human meat tamales are something they ate but idk if everyone ate it or just the priests
> see, would you say raw milk specifically or just milk in general?
i already answered this before you asked
> fresh from the intended teet
the moment milk stills it begins to coagulate, from a molecular stand point this is an aggregation of disparate damaged components into single amorphic bodies, the function of symbiotic bodies invited in is to take aggregate bodies and break them into absorable disparate components. but you get all their shit too, this slowly kills the man.
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Thank you for your time, I didn't read the full comment before responding and I made an ass out of myself.
the function of the anus is to remove shit from the body - an aspirational goal
/tips fedora
>Gita 17.8-10: Foods dear to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such foods are juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to the heart.
>Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease.
>Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid, and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness.
>Gita 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.
It's the love and devotion that is important. Krishna will accept meat if offered in such a way, though hopefully one who loves God would understand why He would not want such an offering.
>didn't like eating beans because they believed it was akin to cannibalism as beans contained human spirits.
Kinda true yet ironically backward from Hindu lore.
My understanding is sacrifices go up so gods bring rains down. Souls are embedded in rains, that go into grains and beans, that get eaten and go into semen, that get put into wombs.
By avoiding the beans, they are delaying and obstructing the cycle.

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Nintendo really thinks they're slick, don't they?
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"schizo" trollface comics are pure reddit and made by posers
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I love you too and god bless you too anon
are you familiar with hylic psychic pneumati ccorrlitation to content generation aggrigation and distribution statics? its unfornate that you first encountered the content generated 4channelers on aggregation and distribution platform that is reddit but these memes were not generated there
tldr - lurkm0ar faggot
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You're on the right track anon
woahhh dude you sound totally schizo, I'm in your le walls

A thread dedicated to the theory that parasites may be connected to demonic forces. Use this space to share ideas and discuss ways to treat parasites.

>What are demons?
>In ancient times, what were demons called?
>Can a demon be cast out of a host by administering anti-parasite remedies?
>Is fasting used to treat parasites?
>Can parasites cause their host to kill themselves?
>Do parasites sometimes kill their host in order to continue their lifecycle?

The Parasite Pill 1.0:
The Parasite Pill 2.0: (Updated. 3x longer)

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Yes. Eating raw coconuts helped me a lot but I got tired of hacking them with shell breaking off and flying everywhere
I need a coconut opener. I use coconut cream when I cook though
It works good. Where did you find it cheap at?
Only fags drink milk from some animal
That’s nasty

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What are the spiritual effects of alcohol on you, me or anyone really?
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makes you exhausted. wastes your time. makes you feel terrible afterward.

I think that it is alright very rarely, but when it becomes a regular thing it basically is addictive. you go through withdrawal symptoms, have tiredness, brain fog, brain zaps. and this lasts days if not weeks or months after you stop.
>makes you exhausted
It gives me energy.
granted alcohol can give you a nice pleasant level buzz for like a half hour or so, but no fucking way is alcohol a path toward liberation. Even marijuana is better.
i find that alcohol usually doesn't feel that good. I'm usually disappointed and go "meh, this is a crappy buzz" only maybe a third of the time will it be a nice buzz.
true for me as well. it gives me energy when I drink it, but exhausts me the following day and week afterward.

And keep in mind I am 41. As you age your body doesn't recover like it did in your 20s. Also in your 20s you might have brain fog and not realize it is because you have been drinking, because when you're younger you haven't experienced falling into patterns. Things feel more random and spontaneous. But as you get older you see the order.

I look at alcohol as the equivalent of punching yourself in the face. Think of it that way. Let's say you buy 4 pints of 8% abv and drink them all on friday (that was literally what I would go for). That's basically like giving yourself a beat down. Then the body is hungover the entire week because you literally BEAT YOUR BODY UP. You POISONED YOURSELF. And yet we think that the next weekend it is okay to drink again. We just assume "oh, well that was a week ago" but in reality our body hasn't even fully healed. So it's like punching someone in the black eye.

I still drink weekly, but this is the conclusion I am coming to as I am realizing the physical effects, as well as the overall cumulative negative impact it has had on my life. I love the feeling of finishing a week and rewarding myself with a drink, but I almost always overdo it, because I don't want the experience to end. Then I wake up hungover the next day and my weekend is ruined.

And of course things like cancer are not good things to look forward to. Also ages you, puts black bags under your eyes. Often you can easily spot an alcoholic.

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So i posted about this one on here back when it happened in 2020 but nobody cared, im still not sure what happened that night but i think it was an OBE. I woke up in some strange sleep paralysis phase one night and i immediately knew something was wrong, as soon as i thought that i fell out of my body down to bottom of the stairs and i ended up in the hallway. i stood there for at least 15 seconds before i woke up and heard a loud buzzer noise. What was this?

My second experience was a couple months ago this year, i realized i was in sleep paralysis because i was moving my ghost limbs thinking i was actually moving my arms to get up (i felt extremely tired during this too). When i realized i was in sleep paralysis i thought why not try and see if this astral projection thing is real, and as soon as i made effort to leave my body i heard an airplane/jet noise, like it sounded like i was some airplane or rocket taking off. Even though it wasnt loud it was still scary and i stopped, but i definitely know i would have left my body if i kept going and didnt get scared.
Desperation bump because i really want to know what 4 years ago (please)
All I can offer is a bump anon
Why do you feel this was a meaningful experience?
Why do you feel it's different from an ordinary dream?
You haven't provided enough details to derive the meaning of it.
Look up exploding head syndrome, that’s the only lead I got from asking similar things

I hear loud noises and do dream work, who knows, this morning I woke up to my sister audibly saying my name but no one was there, who fucking knows it’s all a big fucking joke, but it might just be the most important joke ever told
>not sure what happened
Your story sounds similar to an experience I had several years ago.

>one day I decide to do a meditation experiment
>sit while looking out an open window on a sunny day
>close my eyes, let my thoughts and feelings go
>a thought enters my mind
>something like "peace and love for all of humanity"
>the thought keeps repeating for about 10 minutes
>get very sleepy
>muscle memory makes me crawl into bed
>drifting of to sleep
>hear a loud creaking sound a giant is squeezing my house
>open my eyes a bit, the creaking stops

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Corey has uploaded again this time with worse acting skills than ever


So we already know this is gay and proven fake but how do you suppose he's doing this?
I feel like he's rich and offering up money to restaurant staff during dead hours to go to the back and pretend they aren't present so he can film for his social experiment

>"All of these pumps say out of service"
>At 26:59 you can clearly see that they don't
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100% real
it would be cool if he didn't pass it off as real
he already got caught in a museum in the video before this one claiming it was a government base lol
>he already got caught in a museum in the video before this one claiming it was a government base lol

yeah not sure why he thought he'd get away with that.
he needs to have footage of inside White House or Area 51, inside Cheyenne mountain base, near the ICBM missile silos all abandoned. Then his story will have some real meat to it
You're a retarded shithead lol

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What if I told you that God doesn't look like a human?
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No, just like a regular lion. Sometimes white. Usually in the context of protecting me from something. He's very theatrical.
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It must be hard to find him among all the other gods who don't look human.
I would say you're a young retard who is swayed by any statement that sounds remotely edgy
Drink from the cup of pleanty, oh noble one. Bless and protect you. Be well.
>projecting like a manchild
you should be more concerned about your maturity than random people's age

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Too far.
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Most likely yes
I hope not.
No they levitate

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do xenos ever think about how a 9 year old kids could solo their whole army?
is this why they stay hidden? humans run these games to "relax"
We arent xenomorphic though?
We look almost indistinguishable from you. Generally you mistake your own kind for us.
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you ever see these guys beyond the Ice wall?
It must be very intimidating to them.

Imagine if we found out one of the biggest pastimes for them was a human-torture simulator.
You might not be xenomorphic but you are a faggot.
>even remotely prepares you for actual combat

Redpill me on this little dude
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Ok but why has no one but me ever made this connection?
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Amen, a brother of the true way, may you receive great gifts and wealth and power and life.
It may also be a reference to this entity.

Revelation 13:11

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.”

Revelation 13:14

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.”

Revelation 13:15

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
>today they call them angels and demons tomorrow they’ll call them retards and faggots.
This isn't fake?

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Have you been victim of covert stalking already? No then you are either not important or part of the problem. You see there are networks of people within the community that work for the government indirect by being employed by glowies and police. Some sort of NATO stay-behind networks if you will. When you stand out in society against their interests you are likely to be prone to their organised harrasement which for the most part consists out of decomposition operations (google search Zersetzung). Now in my community there seems to be a recuring theme of guys waking up one day and thinking they are in a truman show or commit suicide in a suspicious way. I find it strange that every guy in my community that is diagnosed with schizophrenia thinks he was in a truman show. I think they are testing something and try to bury their mistakes with it. There is also a paranormal aspect to it and that its seems that the victims are being attacked by what in occults circles are known as servitors. Also there is always a team that dresses in black (No men in black shit) They seem to control and protect the stalkers and use the high end technology. The stuff that the lower rank stalkers are to stupid for. They operate from safehouses in the neighbourhoods. They can also infiltrate every aspect of the internet, that must be done from some government trollfactory/ies. I also live in an appartment where the floor right above me has a team of those whacked out idiots. I know this because they talked to me. They also always play the same fucking music and are very loud when fucking like they want me to hear them. Why I dont know. They look fucking revolting and hearing them having sex makes me wanna puke. Let me know if you have similar experiences with this program or if you already part of the hivemind.
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Matt Gaetz dad lives in the Truman house from the movie. Just read about it on daily mail.

To answer your question I never thought I was Truman until years after watching it. Think about how poor I am and how smart I am. Now almost everyone else is dumber than me but has more money. How could that be? Obviously I’m the joke.
Kill yourself :)
Israel is an illegitimate state
Death to Israel
America is run by pedophiles
Death to America

I look forward to the nearing day when the political class and executive business class are dragged from their homes and slaughtered.

Canaanites are not people.
Let's be honest, it's probably the Jehovah's Witnesses doing it all.
InfraGard employee spotted

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Don't waste your time try to understand how karma work or how the world born or universe end. Buddha said these type of questions are useless for stop top suffering . Only Buddha and Arahat can fully understand it . He warned that theses questions will make you insane.

Taoism also said knowledge are unlimited thing. But yourself are NOT . If you use limited thing seek for unlimited things you will be in danger surely.

There are many people become insane by there stuffs . Nietzsche for example

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Lilith has been speaking to me
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Lilith isn't real faggot
talk to a real demon, like Labolas or something
your own conscious mind has been speaking to you and you're lying to yourself acting like it's a higher power speaking to you
let's be real OP
that's a pretty baller lilith figure
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Rape them anyway.
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Cry about it what are you going to do, i'll be fucking my succ

>he started his journey into the occult
>He's not even 20 years old yet
>He has little life experience, he hasn't even held onto a job for more than a year
>His brain is still developing, won't reach maturity until about 25 or 26
>Has no grasp of the topics he's reading
>He couldn't care for himself for the first 15 or 16 years of his life
>Can start defending himself at about 18
>Wants to comprehend topics that people who have killed other people study
>Doesn't realize pokemon, lunchables, and PlayStation aren't energies that prove his worth
>Can't discern he's cattle and that the energy he pours into the occult isn't creating occult sustenance
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OP whatever you're doing in this thread is way worse than a young retard being interested in the occult
Omg he's literally me! I'm so cool.
>>His brain is still developing, won't reach maturity until about 25 or 26
Why do retards like keep repeating this fake garbage? Lmao at your life. no wonder you believe in the occult which doesn't exist.
Literally me
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What about Tibetan Buddhism where some guys just looked for a baby and said oh ya this is the next reincarnation of the Daila Lama

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When do we destroy this evil planet?
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Once the two billion people who worship it realize their religion is stupid and stop worshipping it
When I finally COOM the Death Star laser from my cock.
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why is saturn evil- why is it significant at all ??
Because the sky and moon are a reflection of the earth because of some dumb gay observer consciousness paradox so every star and planet has to align with something

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