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Whenever someone look at nature, they don't think about how it works, they just see the greenery and say "woah, it's so beautiful" like a mindless automaton, they are unable to see the constant bloodshed and struggle for survival that happens everywhere at once in wildlife, it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases, nature was never safe for anyone before man conquered it and made it safer by killing all the dangerous animals and creating remedies for illnesses that we can catch.

Nature is not to be embraced, it is to be transcended because it is inherently barbaric, man's goal is to strive to be above nature.
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You can be above nature and still find it beautifull? I am a biologist and I know better than most how nature works. But specifically since I know I find it absolutely awe inspiring. What you can parasitation is the cycle of life. One can conquer nature and still find it mesmerising
>The nurse came after Crawford left. She shot some Demerol into his intravenous line and the clock grew fuzzy. He couldn't keep up with the second hand.
>He wondered if Demerol would work on your feelings. He could hold Molly a while with his face. Until they finished fixing it anyway. That would be a cheap shot. Hold her for what? He was drifting off and he hoped he wouldn't dream.
>He did drift between memory and dream, but it wasn't so bad. He didn't dream of Molly leaving, or of Dolarhyde. It was a long memory-dream of Shiloh, interrupted by lights shone in his face and the gasp and hiss of the blood-pressure cuff...
>It was spring, soon after he shot Garrett Jacob Hobbs, when Graham visited Shiloh.
>On a soft April day he walked across the asphalt road to Bloody Pond. The new grass, still light green, grew down the slope to the water. The clear water had risen into the grass and the grass was visible in the water, growing down, down, as though it covered the bottorn of the pond.
>Graham knew what had happened there in April 1862.
>He sat down in the grass, felt the damp ground through his trousers.
>A tourist's automobile went by and after it had passed, Graham saw movement behind it in the road. The car had broken a chicken snake's back. It slid in endless figure eights across itself in the center of the asphalt road, sometimes showing its black back, sometimes its pale belly.
>Shiloh's awesome presence hooded him with cold, though he was sweating in the mild spring sun.
>Graham got up off the grass, his trousers damp behind. He was light-headed.
>The snake looped on itself. He stood over it, picked it up by the end of its smooth dry tail, and with a long fluid motion cracked it like a whip.
>Its brains zinged into the pond. A bream rose to them.
>He had thought Shiloh haunted, its beauty sinister like flags.
>Now, drifting between memory and narcotic sleep, he saw that Shiloh was not sinister; it was indifferent. Beautiful Shiloh could witness anything. Its unforgivable beauty simply underscored the indifference of nature, the Green Machine. The loveliness of Shiloh mocked our plight.
>He roused and watched the mindless clock, but he couldn't stop thinking.
>In the Green Machine there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in the parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain.
>There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us.
>Graham knew too well that he contained all the elements to make murder; perhaps mercy too.
>He understood murder uncomfortably well, though.
>He wondered if, in the great body of humankind, in the minds of men set on civilization, the vicious urges we control in ourselves and the dark instinctive knowledge of those urges function like the crippled virus the body arms against.
>He wondered if old, awful urges are the virus that makes vaccine. Yes, he had been wrong about Shiloh. Shiloh isn't haunted - men are haunted.
>Shiloh doesn't care.

>And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.

Red Dragon/Thomas Harris
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Aren't "naturally" grown foods actually been selectively breed to be what they are?

For instance, true organic bananas look like pic related. It's a far cry from the artificial bananas that are popular to eat.

The most American paranormal encounter I've ever heard. The man shot the damn thing within 20 seconds of seeing it. I'm devastated he didn't stop his car immediately and take a picture or part of the body.


>Be US government
>Get alien tech in exchange for letting aliens eat human adrenochrome
>Still be retarded but now with cool alien tech
>Genetically engineer a cool wolf human hybrid
>oh no, it escapes
>Don't know how it could with DEI guard Linda the genderqueer pansexual on the watch
>American shoots the damn thing
>Go and confront the man to tell him to shut up about it
>Mfw we confirm for people it wasn't a fucking unknown animal but something we were responsible for and too incompetent to keep track of.

what is pic related from ?
A book called Paranormal Planet by Jack Cary.
>Be me
>Like 16 years old
>Used marijuana sometimes but was sober for this
>At Grandma's apartment for some function
>I'm there to spend the night for some reason
>Grandma going on about weird shit happening in her apartment
>Everyone dismisses her claims
>I don't think much of it either
>Says random shit disappears
>Doorways being fucked with, broken locks and shit
>Random grease stains
>Go to sleep in living room on air mattress
>Wake up at the ass crack of dawn to a dark voice
>Can't make out what it was saying

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Thanks anon, never seen that pic before.

If you want some good Dogman eyewitness stories check out Dogman encounters radio on YT, also Martin Groves encounter is insane as well, not only did he shoot a Dogman but he ran over the Bigfoot that was there working with them.

Bump I want more cool stories

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Does anyone remember the Mamata/Mamamweya cult/group on YouTube? I only remember so much, but I'm pretty sure it lasted from 2006 until 2009. I remember them spamming "mamata" on tons of YouTube videos, and this one video where they showed the "mamata" crawling on the ceiling and for each different person who played the video it'd look like their mother. Does anyone else know? The thing I remember the most is going to this exact video (https://youtu.be/O8vfparwRjw) and seeing people spam the word "mamata". It was also called Mamamweya according to my friend but I'm not sure.
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I don't remember much about Mamamweya though. Almost nothing. Also, what happened to the Mamata cult? Why did they die in 2009? Their motive?
I don’t think I remember this from back in the day but maybe I just didn’t pay attention
Bumping because I want to know more
Same too. Have you had a experience similar to this?

Who is Egon Cholakian?
Its some kind of a PsyOP but by whom?

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when deeply dreaming or astral projecting (I don't anymore because it was way too scary), entities that look human or are, very regularly face a wall or just show me the back of their head. If i try to look at them my perspective gets all messed up and I can't, they always face the other side. Once I got tired of trying to get ones attention and sit down, suddenly they have turned around and are staring at me and ask with an amusing friendly smile "wait you see me?".
Another time there was a room full of them, a voice begins speaking to me and after some dialouge it agrees it would be best if I leave this room.
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It was a person. A computer or synthetic version couldn't do that. It doesn't have the psitek. I know a bad actor when I see one.
I just sort of did, difficult to explain intuition. I didn't trust the building and there was nothing going on in the garden so I focused everything on that tear. I don't even really know why I went inside and stayed there, other than some non-aware part of me knew the weird almost robotic officer types needed to come and get me if I would. Maybe I was checking for them.
And yeah my small contained dome starts was one reasons I quit, made me exhausted and dehydrated irl after using these purely intuitive methods such as the tear to outsmart or protect myself from some system. I didn't have much of a positive dialogue trying to share my experiences with AP communities, was basically just told to fuck off or that I'm imagining it all so it's my fault somehow. Was not expecting that. I studied from reading Monroe and less so from online places.
Demon come from a corrupted version of the greek word daemon to my knowledge. Anyways I honestly don't know what you are babbling about or how it relates to what I said. You have someone rent free in your head.
I guess I'll note the domes I did manage to break out of were more like giant energy containers of sorts. But as for that weird perspective garden place I mentioned I guess I only broke into a hidden room and was still in that dome which I couldn't get out of.
You can usually sense if something is a demon, and other times some entities can just feel very off. Never felt that from the wallfacers, they could just look eery. Almost starting to think these wallfacers are just idle dream bodies or something like that.
A bad actor who can visit your dreams is very powerful. I'd look into it further if i was you.

Get a life, christcuck. The word daemon comes from even older roots. Greek isn't the first language. And, even then, the greeks used it similar to how i do. Are we done here?

Maybe you're right, but it sounds like you're using demon as a pejorative or a term charged with 'negative' connotations, which is inaccurate. Think of it as a self-aware entity which knows things you don't.
Why are you calling me a christcuck, again, you seem to have people living rent free in your head.
>using demon as a pejorative
Yes, because that is what people usually mean when they say demon, a sinister spirit. You are using a word differently than most without originally explaining how and getting angry when I use it in the culturally common way. Stop seething so much over a word and how people don't use it the same way as you.

Why are there so many threads about wanting to become werewolves? What causes this desire?
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Werewolves are actually real
Thread saving bump
Wolves are sexy
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Hell yeah
Any of you ever watch Wolfs Rain?

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w-where am I!?
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You in the Ho Chi Minh Dimension, Ameriboy!

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What channels do you recommend to sub and binge?
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>> Case File X
> https://www.youtube.com/@thecasefilex
hell yeah, watched this from the last thread. its like why files without the jew fish and normie meta reality layered over top

> Mr Mythos
yeah this channel goes hard. Lot of talky talky and overly long and dry but a great way to consume an entire topic without the research

> Why Files (begrudgingly)
> Mr Ballen

extra gay and surface level preteen nonsense

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Bump it
Check out Inspiraggio if you’re interested in /x/ related paintings
Aite will do

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Feels like things are getting progressively more crazy and weird, and there is no normalcy left. Very unsettling.
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I have the opposite feeling. We are entering the final confrontation before victory. I feel like we're approaching the point right before the great tower of Barad-Dur collapses and the Enemy is destroyed forever. I feel like we're on the precipice of 1000 years of light, justice, and harmony. Soon every wrong will be righted, every tear will be wiped away, and all things shall be made new.
This is an underrated joke.
The air of 2019 is blowing, like the calm before the big storm.
Lay back and watch the Ego shitting its pants.
I think you guys would like this song.

There's a crack, there's a crack in the world.
Just fifty more years we're all gonna know.
Why, when, where, how, and who get's to go.
So let's all have a good time before the great divide.
'Cause things will start separating come 2025.
So look for the subtle clues
It won't make the front-page news.
That depends upon which side that you choose.

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Instruments aboard NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, which nine years ago exited our solar system's outer reaches, have detected a faint monotonous hum caused by the constant vibrations of the small amounts of gas found in the near emptiness of interstellar space

Given the sparceness of matter does not exclude the presense of a quantum field. Furthermore, if gaseous molecules are constantly vibrating with matter being laid out so thinly in outer space, there is still an exchange and a presence of energy flow.

When matter is excited, it causes faint ripples and interference in waves from wave particles being produced.

Pic related is an example of smaller wave sources "cancelling" each other out to form a convergent wave.

Given 13,000,000,000 years from the formation of galaxies for a grandfather civilization to emerge and achieve quantum physics supremacy when humans may achieve this in under 300 years.

Said civilization would be able to utilize quantum tunneling and entanglement to excite a field of deep space gaseous molecules to "squelch" inbound and outbound wave communication, obscuring their presense.

You are living in a bubble.
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Ah a fellow high school dropout i see!
What is the goal when your species becomes so advanced that it control the universe itself, doesnt that make you a god? or does the concept of god even trascend that? what is your purpouse to exist in that moment? I don't understand if it could be something that goes beyond our understanding and we aren't capable to grasp yet, but the idea of it kinda just wanna makes me wish things remained simpler, perhaps evolving truly was a misstep in evolution
They'd merely be participants in it still, quantum manipulation is just another layer to the game.

Maybe this. Eventually, we'd have the technology to do this ourselves.
Then why not quantize the entire sky visible from earth to be a void with no stars? That would silence all investigation from the beginning and be a real veil. This does not explain why the aliens, should they exist, let us see a sky with any stars.
Stars exist to our vision, therefore aliens can't. There is no rational explanation for a partial veil. The only rational explanation is the fermi paradox is very real, because we are either the first intelligent species anywhere or the only intelligent species everywhere.

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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #013 - Bedtime Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs


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Methinks analog horror and ARGs in general killed a lot of creepypasting.
Like, the goal of creepypasta wasn't necessarily to have a single right interpretation to figure out. It was either to do a weird story or to do a gross story, but there wasn't a puzzle that overtook the story.
I think ARGs can be fascinating, but they've killed a lot of online narratives since everything has to be "be" something.

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I think I can mostly agree with this. Not with analog horror, because it is very recent, but ARGs were definitley part of the problem. Creepypastas are meant to be fun campfire stories for the internet. The other thing that I think killed them was The SCP Foundation. It went from creepypastas with a theme to a whole worldbuilding and fanfiction exercise. Now instead of making a completely new idea someone can make a story from a template and a world with an already strong identity. It's so much easier and I am willing to bet most people that contribute to the SCP Foundation have never written something outside of it or fanfiction.
Round hole in the basement

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hello /x/ im back.
same as last time readings will be done in order of request.
>whats your sign?
>do you have a question?
>whats their sign?
>any other details you would like to include

i will try to get through them as quickly as possible.
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I am heading in the correct path, I feel stuck
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>Will i have stability and independence
>her sign is Capricorn
>Im depressed because its been two years since i graduated uni and i havent found a job yet. Im worried ill go back into labouring if nothing comes soon and suicide is looking more attractive. My love interest is unrequited. Im not sure what i was put on this earth to do. Everyone scares me.
>I made this thread >>38454852 a few hours ago about catching a black snake after accidentally killing a white snake in a dream from a year ago, more context in the thread if that offers anything but i think it has significance
im definitely seeing a feeling of maybe expectation or feeling under appreciated for your efforts and then also disappointment and delays with this king of wands followed by 3 of wands reverse.
but i am also seeing prosperity in your future with this world card.
im seeing maybe you feel like labor work is wasteful of your skills or the time you spent on your education.
but im also seeing this is a place where you could possibly learn a lot and master your character potentially. it could be healthy and maybe also help with your charisma.
this potentially could be what shapes you into this knight of cups.
im seeing that the work could make you feel stressed or exhausted.
maybe you also have intrusive thoughts while doing it.
you might also feel like the co workers in these environments can be very cold hearted or abrasive to be around.
im seeing that if you have the opportunity to manifest money anyway right now this might be the best path especially for stability and eventually independence.

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>Should I pursue him?
>We've had sexual tension for years but neither of us have acted upon. I know a bunch of sexually explicit details about him that he offered up to me willingly.
you could see this person as very helpful but also maybe as incompetent in some way. or maybe there is something about them that doesnt quite meet your expectation.
maybe this person has rejected you feel like they should have pursued you by now. unrequited love energy in this 2 of cups reverse.
you could maybe be feeling kind of petty about this.
or maybe this gives you anxiety about asking this person out.
you could feel like this person is gossipy maybe.
im getting you could be stuck in a state of inaction about this decision with the 8 of cups in reverse.
im getting bad energy from this confirmations tower from the black deck.
take it how it resonates though.
i include the picture so you can interpret and even look up your own meanings if you wish.
good luck aries
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>Libra Sun, Moon, Venus
>Scorpio Rising
>Will I manage to build a fruitful and meaningful life for myself? Will I ever fall in love?
im seeing maybe you are a very generous person.
im also seeing maybe you think about finances a lot, or maybe you are very frugal.
but im also seeing you might be very prideful so this could be something to look out for.
lots of pentacle energy coming out you definitely could be manifesting wealth in some way in your future.
you could also have some kind of trust issues im seeing.
im seeing this future prosperity could come from some sort of investment you plan or maybe have been planning.
you may already be working on this.
im seeing not to let selfishness or not being humble or willing to learn make you mess up this good thing.
these things could also be whats blocking you from manifesting your special person.
lovers in reverse from the black deck.
good luck libra
Thank you.

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Why are you on this board if nothing paranormal ever happened to you?
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i like reading skizo posts...also i am gangstalking most of you and need to keep tabs.
https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared :(
Synchronicity counts
Because i want it to.

I reject non-duality and oneness. It is stupid and garbage. I am not some guy in South Korea making television sets. I am not the homeless black guy in the corner. I do not share their experience and more importantly consciousness. I am not the people I hate and they are not me. I am a separate entity. Those who are strong can learn to impose their own order upon reality.
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I am the most separate from others ITT. There are none like me.
npc or npc who know he is a npc is a npc anyway
Interesting. Do you use Blue Eisenhower November ?

Anyone that wants to separate from this world generally uses something like BEN if not BEN itself.

I trust the path laid by BEN, because it was made by one like you, here.
I agree you are not the people you see. The question is are you really you?
but you have had a dream about other people. Whats the difference? are those dream characters not you?

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Yahweh = Seth/Typhon

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Sentients, I beseech you. Post /x/ related frogs. My folder needs more entries
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