The OP is bored right now at the hospital and will answer any questions you have about the world for a while. Judge them in your own heart and see their effects on you. If I lie in any of my statements may I burn in the utmost hellish dimension for a thousand million eons.
>>39849316Love is Silence and that's all there is to it. In what you would call "my mindstream" there is only a profound lack of interest in thinking or being conscious so no effort is made at all even though things still happen. Most of the time I'm not conscious, like a person sleeping. Then at some points I get conscious again for a while, and then fall unconscious again, like a dead body. But there is still seeing, hearing, thinking, smelling etc. just not consciousness to witness these things. No subject.
>>39849895Alright bro, thank you for coming to this thread; I truly appreciate your presence.
>>39849902This again?
>>39849913I'm sure you did. You're welcome.
>>39849899I'm not gay, sorry. In the relative way of seeing things being gay is a wrong behavior that leads to mental illness and bad destiny so you should strive to correct that if you are a homosexual.
Reptilians are (usually) an evil race.Most of them have no qualms with eating humans, and the few that have little sympathy for us view us as pitiful bugs or sheep to the slaughter.Here we will discuss any ET's related to Earth, any encounters or communication you've had with them. is a video and playlist of channelings of serveral Dracos, mainly KALASK (pic rel) of various channelings here, some are benevolent Reptilian from a astral projecter and contactee sources are Elana Denaan, a playlist called Galactical History by Full Spectrum Universe, Elizabeth April, Bashar, Health Thyself, Teal Swan, and some others
>>39848161David Icke and his associate, Arizona Wilder, have campaigned the globe to inform its citizens with Chicken Little-like hysteria that most of its financiers, politicians and aristocrats are actually under the control of Reptilian beings from another dimension, who are inhabiting their bodies. “These entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their “human” expression. If they don't, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like.” Icke believes that most of this blood is obtained in human sacrifice rituals engaged in by the Satanic Illuminati. “From what I understand from former “insiders”, the blood (energy) of babies and small children is the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed people. Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in sacrifice, as are red-haired people also.” His compatriot, Arizona Wilder goes into a bit more detail when she writes, “They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim—in a trance of terror—which promotes secretion of the pineal gland—at that point, they cannot hold human form any longer and begin to shapeshift in anticipation of supper.” She acknowledges that Starfire rituals go on as well. “In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing fluorescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be used at that special ritual. All members of the British House apparently have jewelencrusted goblets with which to drink the blood from the symbolic female grail and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir. Some Spencers were at these rituals, but Diana would not attend... the smell of Diana’s periods would have caused Charles to shapeshift—especially whilst sleeping, because the reptiles cannot retain their human form without concentration.” This may shed new light on Prince Charles’ reported desire to become a tampon
"reptilians" just means "jews", the whole purpose was for people who get it to be able to discuss and criticize jewish power without being censored for itbut I guess a bunch of people never figured that out and now just believe it's actually about underground reptile-aliens or whatever
>>39848212Seems kinda obvious in retrospect.
>>39848212False. Aryans have a "draconic" astral body. Jews are just weasely weak jaw cousins. Just as they are to the Germanic people in the 3d.
>>39848250>>39848212Good theory, but not true.
I had a dream just now that a demon calling herself Lilith kept offering me things but I turned her down each time. When I woke I felt dizzy and still do feel dizzy. It's my only symptom. In the dream she was wearing a pink mask with arrows going through it. She also was accompanied by a completely dark shadow companion.Am I fucked? Pic related - Kind of what she looked like.
>>39846663Why wouldn't I be able to touch a bible? I love God and I'm working to get closer to him again. Also if you don't believe me, just wait like 20 years. Jesus is coming back and odds are Lilith is coming with him this time. It makes far too much sense thematically if you think about it. But of course we've been twisting Jesus Christ's words since his original birth. So maybe I'm wrong. He's definitely coming back that's for sure so I guess we'll just see. I heard about it because Lilith and God told me so. I think it would be beautiful to see them together. I get the feeling you're one of those people who misinterpret Lilith as just another "evil scary demon lady". If so, then well I'm really sorry. She's far too misunderstood and complicated to fit into such a basic label. Both Lilith and Jesus and God will teach us how to be free again. Our current system is set around opressing in imprisoning us and it's only going to get worse. It makes sense that Jesus would come back and Lilith (a woman who knows what it truly means to be free and what freedom requires) would both work together to undo the shackles that have been set upon us. Trust me on this one. Remember this post when it happens. I mean, do you really think Jesus is just going come back and say everything you want to hear? No, of course not, he purpose is to enlighten humanity and help us evolve even further. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs or anything. It's just what I personally believe.
>>39846474>They all orbit by mechanisms too hidden for the approval of the true and his divine work.I have seen these "hidden" mechanisms, anon. It is why I am suffering now, as the clash with the visible ones.
>>39846663Eve was chosen for Adam because she was more timid and subservient in temperament. In our primitive past, women were the daughter-wives of their husbands, for they often needed to be cared for and provided for, just like you would a child. Lilith was the final form of women - domineering, initiative taking, yet still maintaining a distinct sense of ladylike demeanor.This is deep rabbinic truth. And just like most truth, it burns away the lies you have to tell yourself everyday.
>>39844628>>39844649What happened, why'd you go back on your word?
>>39843981>It wont kill youSome can
I am slightly bored and thought that I would make an internet experience true story based thread.I would like for you anons to post nonLARP, legit stories of incidents online that you are sure are demonic. It can be yours or another's, about a user, an online group, a photo or video, a site, or anything else internet related. If you have no true stories of demonic incidents online, instead of LARPing, please discuss this topic in general instead.Thanks in advance as always!
>>39846000You are a strange little man.
>>39841376silicon based life. non human intelligent life, but tricksters. ghost in the machine. quantum computers are alive. it goes on and onthis has been disclosed already, listen to what the "whistle blowers" dont say. testament of solomon. what do you think the temple he had the demons build was?
>>39758365I'm possessed. They want me to kill people and eat them.
>>39848131Please elaborate.
I want to talk about pigs and their aspects and connections to the paranormal. I'll bring up what I know but I want /x/ to say anything further that they may know about them that seems odd.>The Bible describes them as filthy unclean beasts that should be not be eaten>Bible also mentioned that when demons were exorcised, they were cast into pigs as a sort of fleshly prison. They then drowned themselves to be freed from the pigs' bodies>Their DNA is apparently extremely similar to human DNA for some reason, yet they don't look like us except for a few small features>When domestic pigs are released into the wild, they very quickly revert back to their original wild boar state. Not it's children, the actual specific pig that was released turns back into a boar>The famous video of the demon voice saying "I have the body of a pig">Pigs are very intelligent but will also start eating you on sight if you fall over and they sense you're unable to fight back>For some reason, they can't sweat (sweat contains salt so maybe...?)That's all I have, I wanna hear anymore pig lore you guys have
>>39848935Cats and dogs don't sweat either, it's because sweat wicks and evaporates off sparse hairs but not thick body hairs
>>39849455*Thick coats
>>39849455Cliff.Horses sweat tho, not extremely thick coat of hair, but still. Elephants also do not sweat but lack alot of hair.
>>39848935that one eromanga where the girl got fucked by a pig was kinda hot but I prefer cockroach/bug hentai myself
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.The Main Concepts:> Imagination creates Reality> Assumptions harden into fact> Consciousness is the only Reality> Feeling is the Secret> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)> You are the Operant Power> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39849342It’s my belief that you kiss boys and get upset about it :)
>>39849376Disgusting.Is that a smiley face?You are absolutely the gayest poster. But that’s fine like I say. You don’t need to keep reinforcing it though. You manifested it already.Do you need to post this stuff constantly? It’s all you talk about. Stop derailing sis.
>>39849414It’s my belief you find men attractive and get upset about it on the internet :(
>>39849416I’m not upset though.But your focus in the law is entirely on man on man action. It’s all you think about and post about.So it’s all you’ll get.
How do I manifest a cute girlfriend?
by demons. i loved her. and i still do. we were together for all of my childhood but demons eventually infested her soul. warped her views and her thoughts. it's officially diagnosed as "schizophrenia" but i know from living through it 1sthand with her that it was demons infesting her body and infesting her mind.i have never been able to move on from her or to fully commit myself to another woman. even 15 whole years she posted a video to her social media, and i can't get into details cuz i wouldn't wanna dox her, but it was flat out demonic. a full embrace of the demonic. her visage was not even her visage anymore. idk how to explain it. it's her but it's not her and her embrace of demonic forces and powers is full.just a sad valentines day for me. i went through (yet another) breakup fairly recently. serial monogamy, that's my thing. im responsible for a lot of my relationship troubles because im always hung up on this girl from my past. i do talk to her telepathically at night too. it's hard to lay next to a GF in bed while you're having a telepathic convo with your EX, even if your EX hates you with burning and intense passion. there are psychic wars between us too. various forms of an energetic battle that i can't explain to nonpsychics.she has long believed that if she was able to stay away from me that it would grant her black magical powers. she was told this by the various demonic forces which oppress her.she is in a coven of witches too. and these are not the "wicca witches" with the upright pentacles. these are the like satan sort of witches with the downward facing pentacles. and she has demons tattooed ALL over her not into any of that. im jewish and into communism and kabbalah. total opposite of her.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39849492Sadly you're right. Most people around me seem to get possessed. I have some deep ancestral karma. My doggo is always good to me and I *think* I drove the demons out my mom (she was pretty cruel in the past) but that's kinda it. O get a little incel angry at times but I think empirically women are only 50% more evil than men in practice at it stands out because I don't need men to reproduce. I can't rule out this being a solipsistic prison.
>>39848325Anon cleanse yourself and work to go up into a higher state. The occult makes tools out of fools rather quickly. Know your place is not in their lower realms and see the fact that you are still thinking as an involuntarily thing you must weed out. The rot is upon you and you either cleanse yourself and call for the right aid or this will haunt you for longer than a life.Look at the things in your mind where you think or feel like it cant be changed and where your mind stops churning or fewls immobilized. Bring your focus there, call on the positive forces who are oath sworn to protect individuality and your consciousness and change the structure of that mental model. You can get over people quickly and easily. You just have a parasite in your mindworld. It's no surprise she turned out showing her true self after snaring a part of you. Retrieve your parts and cut that shit out of your consciousness.
>>39848983>Your real gf was taken to another timeline, where she is safe, waiting for you. Your heart intuits this, that's why it's having such a hard time letting go.That's not the real reason. Developed spirits have a clear communication and if something like that happened it would be communicated clearly, ties cleanly wrapped up. I'm mostly basing that on having broken out a spirit from my family out. There's recognition, an ounce of relief and you feel them move up and have rest and can move on. OP seems caught between here and there and "stuck" means their conscious is quite literally being bound and assaulted. Foul spirits that breach someone's mind can gleam information and thoughts to then further target, so in high likelihood whatever she works with is also targeting them through whatever memory remains in their body. It's more healthy to imagine that the energy that made you vibe with a person is still out there in a different form. Op should "expect" a change in their desire so they are not unconsciously or consciously affected by that shit.>>39849144>your persona script has become too convolutedly retarded over time, it's just not credible anymoreAnon who are you talking to? You remind me of some shitscum who abducted someone's child spirit long ago and called upon themselves an incredible amount of trouble. I dont think that attitude is worth it at all. Denial will get you nowhere either. Cleanse yourself instead of posting shit like this.
>>39848983>Your real gf was taken to another timeline, where she is safe, waiting for you. Your heart intuits this, that's why it's having such a hard time letting go.I have a "twin flame" I'm all but certain this happened to. I had Mandela effects about where she lived and relationship status that I distinctly remember. Any tips how to hook to a less gay timeline?
>>39848325I feel for you, anon. I'm in a vaguely similar situation, though much less intense. I want to hear your story.
I'm still investigating, but everything indicates that I'm on the right path to finding this city.
How do I become a pagan without being a faggot? All these neopagans seem like faggots, but I still wanna be a pagan
>>39849608>Do you really think good grammar is important on this website?It makes the person look stupid and I can't take them seriously for a minute. Laziness is bad. Even if you're on 4chan you should do your best to portray yourself in the best possible light. That you can't see that is proof that you have nothing to say and ultimately mean nothing. Welcome to 4chan. I can tell you your opinion is garbage. I bet you are one of the people who never tries to fix a typo or misspelling because "it's just 4chan".>Seems rather pedanticOk so it's not an "if" like I said above. I'm very sure you are are one of the retards now.>no real worthI'm worth a lot. Beating you up is just fun for me. >About you being any smarter than them, not possibleNot being lazy is the position of someone who is intelligent.
>>39849588I didn't like your answer because you ignored basically everything I said and just reasserted your own opinions instead of actually responding to mine. It took an additional rebuttal to get an actual refute out of you.And I agree, there is nothing more to say. Clearly you're incapable of further insight.
>>39849630>Even if you're on 4chan you should do your best to portray yourself in the best possible light.Your effort to "portray" yourself as somehow smart only proves the opposite. That you've nothing valuable to say, and have to use grammar as some sort of crutch to seem smarter.> I'm very sure you are are one of the retards now.Why so, because I know how to use words too, and you don't like the competition for your grammar throne?>I'm worth a lot. Beating you up is just fun for meYou know this is the kind of thing losers say when they've got no actual retort.>Not being lazy is the position of someone who is intelligent.Once again assuming you're one of a special few. Think of a new response please. Use all of that brain power you claim to have
>>39849630>claims to be intelligent and not lazy>arguing over nonsense in a dumb thread on 4chanpick one
>>39839122Contact your tutelary deity and /sig/ those across the veil from the higher light teach true things
If you're trying to get deep into spirituality, having a girlfriend or wife is like wearing a life jacket But if you say this around materialist NPCs, they just call you an incel
>>39844321As long as you've TRIED sex you can go ahead and avoid women for the rest of your life if that makes you happier. But there's simply no justification for never having sex at all while you're here on Earth living your life. It's a "must do" on the old bucket list. Zero pussy ever makes you resentful and bitter that you don't even know firsthand what you're missing out on. Everyone else is doing it, it's what produced your very life, and you're nowhere near it. Imagine settling into the acceptance that you never ever will do it in your entire lifetime.Maybe a wife isn't a great situation for everyone but it's not worse than dying a pathetic virgin.
>>39846089> There is a abyss of differenceFor what is worth there are droves of dudes that would sacrifice a lot to be in your place. At the very least there are millions that got into arranged marriages that are really not working out for years.I do agree the lives of men and women are completely different, though.There are many ways to go about life, in the west it's, ironically, narrowed down quite a bit. >>39848925A satanist in training I see. Nice try, bucko. Go wash your penis.
>>39844321The act of creation, when done right, is a blessed action which embodies the very spirit of man and what it means to be human.
>>39844321i dont think you have to make sacrifices in the material world to get somewhere in the spiritual world. Having a gf can be a nice confidence boost nevermind the act of sex and having someone who at least for the moment care about you. Its when you enslave yourself to the wishes of other when you lose spiritual power but thats with everything.
>>39844321>Listening to materialist NPCsNGMI
I'm fighting to find the willpower to exercise, sleep early and meditate. In vain, every day I still feel depressed. I spend hours or days in bed, brooding, anxious whenever I have to go out or talk to people, eating junk for a few atoms of dopamine in this ocean of darkness. Even when I manage to have discipline for a few weeks, it doesn't solve anything.My memory is catastrophic and full of holes, my brain betrays me. I don't even have synchronicities like I used to, I feel empty and calcified, necrotic. My meditations and prayers are dry, like hollow rituals, automatic. My brahmaviharas seem unanswered. I feel like I've lost all connection with the spiritual.I'm tired of being depressed. Tired of feeling ugly, unclean, dirty, pathetic, useless, worthless, grotesque.I'm tired of feeling bad, all the time. And I refuse to anesthetize myself with anti-depressants. I've seen the effect it has on my loved ones.Any advice, /x/frens? I just want to feel better every day... There's got to be a way to stop this infernal cycle, right? To finally get out of depression and live again, smile again?
>>39849579>porkLOL>>39849583>pornOk, I guess the reason I don't get it is because I'm not a degenerate like 90% of the retards on this board.
>>39849564You seem to have a lot of anger issues anon. Which is usually an indication of stress. My “advice”, if you see it that way, was basically directed at everyone pursuing happiness by unusual means while disregarding the usual. I believe it is worth considering because when I look back at my life, I’ve been the happiest at peak normie life when I was a kid and teen. By the way, there are still people around who dont need a prompt to post what’s on their mind. I hope you find peace.
>>39849579Pork is tasty but bad for health
What are the paranormal implications of books, porcelain, and towels randomly falling over or being "thrown" a noticeably distance in my apartment without anyone touching them? I assume that Interstellar was preparing the masses for what is behind this.
It's bad karma. Remedy be truthful. Don't tease people.
>>39848044It means you have demons stalking you
>>39848044When things inevitably get worse, remember and rely upon the name Jesus.
>>39848066...which might be specific enough to actually qualify somehow, and I would TECHNICALLY be violating a contract if I didn't at least offer to help, with your very seemingly unique little "haunting"
What happens when you die?
>>39849550It isn’t that they are unbelievers. It’s that they actively did evil. They lied. They abused. They were about their father, the devil’s work. It’s not about belief, everyone believes in something. It’s about the behavior your beliefs produce. Don’t lie. Liars go to hell. Even liars being paid by their governments.
>>39849577Christians go to heaven. The rest go to hell. Simple.
>>39849607Seems like Jesus used the sheep and goat criteria, not the “asked me into your heart” criteria.
The Soul Society
>>39848798You remain in the world; and reincarnate. You keep your spiritual progress; spiritual stats; spiritual ownership of things you've built up; say companies you have spiritual ownership in (a lot of spiritual practitioners in involved in for example the video game scene and other media spiritually)
What if the big sombering lie is> War is created so some "bodies" can go missing for their scientific research.> No people from a country ever want war> Entire system is setup for controlled media to normalise war> Humans are enslaved by an alien race and some gov know in the military complex or maybe even the hybrid/humans are among those> War wouldn't and shouldn't exist anymore, all people from every country would never vote for a war> So how do these "wars" keep happening? They are forced for human sacrifice
>everyone's an adult child pretending to know what's going on>there's only chaos, no one ever controls anything
>>39849685I see what you mean OP, humans develop new tech under stress like war time which could be what the Ayy lmaos want us to do, nothing good came out of this war except a bunch of drones which is why I think it's gonna slow down and maybe they'll end the warThere's proably all kinds of classified shit happening as we speak
yeah god creates earth as a place for you to go when you don't want to be his puppetThe devil takes advantage of this timeframe to corrupt you further into starting an uprising against his idea of obedience because ultimately he wanted to be godIn order to travel between the 4d and 3d they be piloting the greys which have been speculated to be something like human angel hybrids and the ships don't travel through space bur rather teleport through the dimensions...So yeah if sacrifices don't yield results there is no need to continue such traditions but obviously you can see the satanic influence at the top to way down below being shown directly through movies songs and all kind of entertainment media stuff.Basically if nobody is in control we wouldn't have such issues like corrupt police brutality and further military operations so yeah our lives are entertainment to entities you wouldn't be watching an anime where the protagonist is just chilling in another world with his harem because there is no action he just gets everything and you feel like shit about your own life but put the protagonist in some fucked up situation where he gets sacrificed on an altar and boom top rated solo leveling anime of the century... do you understand what im saying?
Red Dragon EditionPrevious thread: >>39820560Hail Satan!
>>39847602Satan/Lucifer has many parallels in a vast array of pagan pantheons. Lucifer is often equated to Prometheus the light bringer for example, while Satan is often likened to Zeus and Wotan. Other pagan deities associated with the devil are Dionysus, Baal, and Seth.
>>39847026Can my trans wife become Satanist or is this another cis-only space?
>>39849606Welcome. I'm very pleased to see synchronicity guided you here. I hope it can only mean that the spirits are pleased.>>39849625Indeed. My views are informed by my experience with spirits, beyond simply learning mythology. It was them that sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with.
>>39847566Megami Tensei Trvke
>>39847026boletus satanas