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The Caste-System, Platonic State, or Ancien regime never died. It was perfected. The era we live is a brief respite to allow for shifting of the paradigm into a new form - the neo-feudal state.

The solar principle in Males (contra to the cyclical, material, devotional principle of Females) requires foundation and proper cultivation precluded from the masses who degenerate into fat blobs of production and maintenance - who by their labour give the patricians the power to perpetuate indefinitely through the blood, and for their souls to reach Elysium.

Nothing has changed ultimately. Chomsky's theory of "consent" with mass media is tantamount to ancient construction methods of buildings by the priest castes to ingrave psychological conditioning on the masses to keep them in check. These are systems of institutions and laws, not divine providence, it is however used as a tool to correspond with ebbs and flows of the cosmic winds to tap into the noumenal resources.

I believe Christ, along with other Guru's of his nature, were able to give principled teachings on the pessimism inherent to the human affair and the formula and cosmology to surpass them.
>The Caste-System, Platonic State, or Ancien regime never died.
God I fucking wish. All the "upper class" people I know are mouth breathing spiritual Shudras. No cognitive activity to be found in that lot.
>formula and cosmology to surpass them.
and? what's the formula?

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Ask a mystic anything. I ascended the left-wing - right-wing paradigm but if I had to choose I would pick right-wing for it's clear adherence to authority and tradition. Most here are not beyond these two, but before. You haven't muh ascended left right you are still in the process of discovering who is right. No use deeming yourself enlightened when you clearly have no idea about truth and it's relationship with the universe and the political world.
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>I ascended
I've recently come to the same conclusions as you with regards to the left/right paradigm. Although as a helpful tool, I tend to define this in Guenon's polarity between the Modernist and Traditional view of the world.
Mystics dont care about politics the way you do. You're a cringe edgelord faggot. Fuck off.
What do you study as a mystic? What authors/books do you recommend?
What’s the best path in becoming a mystic?

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Are they're any modern heavens gate believers in 2024?
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yes, there is a married couple that wasnt with them during the suicide that is keeping their site active + 2 schizos that post videos on youtube about their time in the cult and are still belivers
guys faggot ass name is Bruno
any where near todd ave. barlows maybe
Heard about them a few years back, wonder what they're doing now
Word? No but hollup, that can't work. Where is anyone going to get 30 canisters of helium at 3 am in the morning?

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It has been some time since my last post regarding spirits disrupting time and being able to effect humans through temporal disruption but despite the information I obtained in the last post I still seek more accounts of time not functioning properly for any supernatural reason due to me hoping to construct a time machine that exploits the mechanisms that the spirits use to launch my soul back in time by using a physical anchoring system, with the previous post offering theories that due to their position as spirits making them innately outside of time this is how they are able to interact with the time flow allowing them to access and interact with living people at any point in time, however due to a previous response a secondary theory has been recounted through the testimony of someone else who has had interactions with spirits capable of altering the flow of time due to them being linked to the 'great river'/God or some other form of higher creator which risks swallowing up the spirits back into God in a way which acts a filter due to its nature leading to these supernatural temporal distortions to be rare in nature. A consequence of this ghostly temporal manipulation that I have seen is the moving the clocks back an hour to send it from 4AM to the hours of 3AM during a powerful surge of spiritual energy however I believe that due to this temporal distortion impacting only space it may create a separation between the spirit and the mind since the mind is still worldly as part of the human body - seemingly developing prophetic dreams or images shortly after this event had occurred to me while others claim spirits may have forced time to temporarily loop such as it becoming 5:56 twice after what 'felt like an hour', and a rare third type which seems to only trigger on when someone should die, being pressed upon by a feeling of an unmovable rock being placed upon your front making you unable to move, Please, post time disruption sightings, stories, and theories
OP here. Bump.
I'm gonna bump this, myself, since it's a good one.

Honestly surprised nobody has commented here

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How do I unleash the beast within me?
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Posts like this is why I'm convinced this board is composed of 14 year olds. You unlock da beast by doing your homework. Get the fuck off 4chan you little shit.
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Focus on positive and stimulating things all day , that and make a symbolic gesture of cutting the bullshit.

Should be fun.

>Your outer world reflects your inner world , and vice versa

Long term , I would think about buying canned food , batteries , a good flashlight and a gun.

The eventuality depends on gains made.

Just quit already , but make sure to leave your mark fellow adventurers !!!

Everyone man/woman is happiest on religious holidays.
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get drunk? ...
Didn't expect to sea for peak here

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>Get message from god
>Write me a new book for the bible, I will guide your hand
>Finish book
>Submit it to the vatican
>Who the fuck do you think you are, get this crazy man away from the pope
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Wasted digits on such a faggot comment. It doesn't matter. All abracucks think the people who wrote their books were inspired from god which is obviously bullshit. There's more "divinity" in channeled texts than the abracuck books will ever have.
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That's...not how scripture works. Nothing in the Bible was 'submitted to the vatican.' Revelation has been happening continuously throughout history up to and including the present day. Distribute your book. Preach it as much as you believe it. The Good Shepherd calls His own sheep by name, and they know His voice, and they follow Him.

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Are there actually people that believe that the earth is flat?
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Retard. Christianity predates the talmud by centuries. Just because you grew up in a stupid American environment run by freemasons telling you everything is your own problem. You're still their slave for not questioning any of this.
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Essentially, yes. Crucially, I'm not even saying flat earth isn't *true*, because in a way it doesn't matter if it is or not. Thank you for... Reading my post properly and interpreting it well and replying in good faith. I'm not used to that.
The exact cycle you're describing there is what Hinduism warned us would be the norm in the Kali Yuga, and what Zoroaster said about the demon Ahriman. Ahriman cannot hear God - he is the only thing in ignorance of God - and thus he can only lie - only pervert, never create. Because a lie can never be realized, and we must be convinced of it through argument, Ahriman beguiles us chiefly through the written word and the material sciences. He calls us to get lost in the study of books, in the untangling of a complex and fundamentally unsolvable puzzle. (This is why Hindus and Zoroastrians alike are called to meditation and revelation, contrasted to Abrahamic religions which perceive the world as a book made of words, and argue about the meaning if those words - which were originally in Hebrew, a language for Ahrimanic exactitude. As opposed to Sanskrit, a language for revealing adjacent truths as you speak.) But his hatred of us is ultimately hatred of himself. Ahriman is caught in a cycle of denied self recognition in the other, stuck in his own hand-drawn prison - like Abraham and his denied self recognition in the pig.
Picrel is a statuette of Ahriman depicted as a winged lion constricted by his own snake tail. Note the similarity to the figure of Yaldabaoth/Samael, the Gnostic depiction of Yahweh.
I agree with the start of your post but disagree with the end. Knowing the "" "Whole Truth""" IS possible, and even very comfortable, due to the nature of the Ishvara and Maya. The motifs are just sealed away for westerners so that they can be sold the lie of Jesus' poisonous Ishvara being the only true one (for he is the "only Christ," you see, it's definitely not a long tradition of self-anointed mystics.)
The point being creation is based on illusion and lies so the truth is antithetical to existence.

It would be easy to interpret your post as Abrahamic apologism ("creation is based on illusion so my god, the antithesis of existence, is truth") and in truth I can't interpret your post any other way, but that is SUCH a retarded position that I fear I'm strawmanning you, so instead I'll just comment on "creation as illusion and lies."
What is theater? What is kabuki or noh, or the kagura they are based on? Hell, what is PRO WRESTLING? A thing being an illusion doesn't mean it isn't good or fun or even necessary, which in fact is the prevailing motif in both Hinduism and Daoism - both recognize even the "core duality" we can readily observe in the universe as an illusion, with Brahman/the Dao being the only thing that truly exists, The One Thing. And yet both of them celebrate the reactive cycle of life that gives birth to all of the myriad stories we live, and live, and live again. (Buddhists are too sulky to join the party with us dance, but sooner or later they will realize that "36 trillion incarnations" is a cheeky motif for perpetuity and impossibility, that they are pushing the rock of Sisyphus up the endless stairs from Mario 64, and come away having learned the vital karmic lesson, for all karma is pedagogical.)
And that's the key idea: STORIES. A story might be a "lie" in the sense that it "never happened" but that's unimportant - I'll never be able to show you a Wikipedia style source for the events of the Epic of Gilgamesh but the story is still TRUE in that it SPEAKS OF TRUTH.
Death's "lie justice" in this video is a good example of a "truthy lie" (like dualism.)
If anything this is why the stories in the Bible are so harmful, they use very advanced verbal sorcery to carefully omit until the true moral of the story is totally obfuscated, even inverted. (E.g. Did Jacob really get REWARDED for his usurpation of Esau, or did he get all his descendents doomed to be slaves to an evil god?)
Turns out lying takes more effort than telling the truth.
Absolutely, yes. They need to believe they know something that most people do not. The easiest way to achieve that is to know something that is not true.

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It makes me lose nights of sleep that one of the LAST things Jesus did/said before dying, is asking God/Father why had He abandoned him.

What does that even mean? How could God even abandon Himself (if Jesus is God the Son). Does that mean that even Jesus lost faith at the end of his mortal life? Then how can we, mere weak mortals, maintain our faith through times of unrest?

Doesn't help that captcha is OTDR4P which spells like OLD TRAP
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Jesus Christ who is sinless became sin for us on the cross, the wrath of God was upon him at the moment he said those words because God was punishing the sins of the whole world through his Son. Even then he never stopped being faithful and perfect towards God, taking our punishment upon himself.
That happened so that, God having paid the debts of sins of the whole world with his own blood, those who believe on his Son Jesus Christ from henceforth would be made righteous in God's sight by receiving forgiveness of sins and imputing Christ's righteousness upon them, saving them from hell and giving them eternal life.
>2Co_5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

The bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you are reading this and have never called upon Jesus Christ, pray this prayer and be saved today:
>Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for my sins and paying my debt in full on the cross with your own sinless blood.
>You are my Lord and Savior now and forever and you will never forsake me according to your word that is true and that never changes.
>I receive your gift of eternal life, save me now and seal me with the Holy Spirit, in your holy name I pray Lord Jesus. Amen.

Jesus as a man means some egocentrism moments are inevitable, you mean you wouldn't be in mental distress when you're freakin' dyin'? lol
He realized the full weight of what he had done. No one was coming to save him. There is no Messiah. God was never looking out for him. All of his hopes and dreams, all of the wonderful miracles he had done, none of it mattered. His life was not for his sake, but for the sake of others. He was a tool, a pawn, in a game far beyond his comprehension. As a child at night before the fire he listened to his father tell him stories about the great prophets like Isaiah and Jonah, and Jesus wanted to be like them. Like one of them, one of the good guys, the prophets who would correct his people and lead them to righteousness. After his baptism in the Jordan he had a mystical experience and believed that he was the Messiah, and had the miracles to confirm it too. The greater the acts, the more he was convinced, and the more many of the people were convinced. That didn't matter to the Temple Priesthood. That didn't matter to the Romans. Jesus cried out to God because God was never there to begin with. God sits above mankind watching as we beat our breasts and mourn, and the story of Jesus did not end with his death nor even his burial, but even among the deceptions and hallucinations that would come. The story of a young peasant from Galilee, already a tragedy, becomes a farce when the brutal and depressing death of a good and pious man becomes a means by which billions of humans rejoice in being freed from the consequences of their own evil. I do think Jesus was holy. I think he was one of the good ones. And I think in this world full of suffering and death, it is men like him that receive the worst abuse, in life and in death.

I can never accept Christianity, not because it isn't plausible, but because I'll never accept the brutal death of an innocent man to pay the price of evil for me, especially if God offers it to me as a gift. What God hath rendered material, likewise he can render immaterial.
This is the real answer
...and immediately after he said it, God finally let him die.

> Please wait a while before making a post

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Theoretical post here but: Can someone make a "defense of" TOB? Like, playing devil's advocate and explaining why they're a legitimate pro-Evil terrorist mastermind group and not the feds+white trash meth-heads we all think they are?
Noctulian stuff, Whampyric, etc. NOT o9a thread: I mean strictly and on itself the Tempel ov Blood--No star game, no code of Kindred Honor or 7-fold way or sinister tarot. just.. pure E V I L

Tell me your wildest nightmares or lucid dreams that really scared you down to your core. I’ll go first, This one left me contemplating reality.

>be me
>getting dragged through dirt and leaves.
>can hear screaming but it doesn’t sound like my own.
>sounds of water thrashing all around me.
>I can feel the coarse mud packing under my fingernails as I claw at the ground but it’s futile.
>someone is suddenly drowning me in shallow water.
>I’m thrashing around trying to break free
>I feel the skin of his neck just out of reach.
>I cannot break free.
>wake up at 3:56 am in the bathtub.
>Water running but the drain was open so there was no overflowing
>faucet was on hot but has been running long enough to go cold
>dirt everywhere in the apartment

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Did you put that cypher in your pic

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You have 100 points and can choose your powers from the list.
(When you're 30+ and still virgin you have 120 points)

(20) super strong
(20) super fast
(20) delete memories (others or your own; people must agree)
(20) mind reading 1 (people must agree)
(20) you can cum 100 times a day
(20) change your sex once
(20) become very beautiful
(20) heal all bodily ailments once
(20) chess genius
(20) other artistic talent of your choice on master level

(40) magical hand (move objects with your mind)

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know everything and forever young seems like the perfect combo especially if the knowing stuff part updates itself with every new human. I would become emperor of mankind and rule with iron fist benevolence, forever.
Bullshit. Super strength obviously implies the power level of Captain America and Thor. Not straight up invulnerability but still very resilient towards most damage sources.
>Super strength obviously implies
>Not straight up invulnerability
>but still very resilient towards most damage sources
Bullshit. Super-strong means extreme strong muscles. That helps a crap against bullets.
That can mean chose the one you are currently giving from the list or chose the only power you can give
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Imagine trying to use a ouija board but you get a zoomer ghost
>fr fr
>no cap
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Imagine accidentally connecting your Ouija board with another one being used at the same time in Australia, and all the messages are upside down and full of kangaroos
Had this happen except it was wombats and dingos. Didn't realize what was happening until after getting "T N U C" as a reply for about ten minutes straight.

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That's what Alex Vartman teaches anyway.
Tantra are different groups of practices. Jain, Buddhist and Hindus all mean very different things by the term tantra. Within Hinduism the traditions that have tantra each have different understandings. The only commonality are certain archetype like symbols or figures but they take on radically different meanings in each.
Could you go into some more detail about the differences between them?
Tantra etymology comes from the loom and weaving. It can be translated literally as theory/practice/method/ritual/etc.
Lots of different groups will have "tantra", but generally when people refer to Tantra, they are talking about one of two things:
>the mystic rituals outlined in various texts
>the specific lines of guru/disciple that only give in-depth teaching to those initiated into the line
The former can be engaged with by anyone. The latter are more like Native Tribal Nations where you can have any empirical support you wish - it really takes the acceptance of the group that you are part of it to be part of it.

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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Cedric and Snape agree on their chosen ones.
The one that got away pulled an Aniki without me hearing.
Heading to bed so i can not tell my doctor "it's a Dave Mustaine inside my head!"
Buns gearing up for the man off to bed.
To dream of women most endearing.

See you fags tomorrow. L8R <3

if that's what
the voices in your head
think about me

holy shit balls
are they
confused as to who I really am

It's a democracy.
Unless the voices don't agree with me.
In which case it becomes a dictatorship.
My body, my rules.
If the voices don't agree they should have fixed a seperate body.
I'm off for reals now, see what spirits show up after i tell y'all goodnight. <3
how long are you personally
going to put up with
a few where were born really fucking lucky

getting to make
you're supposed to just like or be a rebel to society


oh and for anyone wondering
if it's you alone
I am personally speaking too


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no anon
it's you pretending to matter
and everyone you don't matter too

doing whatever the fuck they want
right in front of you
as you act like you don't care

The grey aliens are genetically modified humans. They are used for industrial purposes. Ted Kaczynski was right. Even if the industrial revolution was fine, it would eventually subject us to being merely machines or pets, instead of truly being wild and free.

We need to re-organize society based on smaller communities where everyone knows each other, and we’re individuality and unity are respected in a harmonic balance. Technology can still exist, but we cannot rely on giant groups for that technology. Such as in the industrial revolution, or any industrialized society where you probably don’t even know how to survive out in the forest you live near because you’re so domesticated.

electromagnetism is connected to consciousness, and you can use electromagnetic weaponry to make people see, or hear things that aren’t really there, which is why UFOs tend to make people hallucinate because of the electromagnetic radiation their MHD propulsions use. They also have a small, warped horse inside them, but UFOs can’t travel faster than the speed of light they are still subluminal and you can use EMP weapons to strike them down.

My grandfather is testifying all this soon this year to Congress I’ve been making posts so please screenshot and save this somewhere.

One last thing. They don’t come from aliens. A lot of the stars around us are red dwarfs with ocean planets. Those that do have life are “primitive” (or as I prefer, more connected to nature than we are) they are developing at a more natural pace. Non industrial, still advancing technology.
Some are just animal planets, as my grandfather would call them.

There was a great civilization in the Sahara Desert back when it was green. Im sure there are discussions online about this. I came across a video from atlas pro.

This civilization produced an economic elite who created their own breakaway group underground using very, very advanced technology.
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no, you want there to be certain things, but unfortunately reality is not a comic book.

i never mentioned my grandfather or my source in this thread. quiet interesting.

if it's "you" guys, then you know that a life sentence in a military prison will be waiting for you (in the best case).
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use this one
bely bely naisu, itadakimasu
>Ted Kaczynski was right.
pretty much
Camatte and Illich are better though
>It's a relatively short term problem.
It isn’t; the carbon cycle would take thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years to self-correct even if all human CO2 magically disappeared overnight.
And the mass extinction will damage the biosphere for literally millions of years, perhaps permanently.

>When humans master tokamak-like reactions the energy problem will be largely solved.

Look up Jevon’s Paradox. There’s no reason to think that limitless clean energy will solve our energy pollution problems, because we will quite simply start to ruse that much extra energy to do what we want (probably destroy habitat and pollute) AND we won’t get rid of the preexisting dirty energy infrastructure, so clean energy doesn’t fix anything it just adds to the scale of the problem.

>That will lead to better environmental management.

No it won’t, because our environmental destruction is not an energy problem. It’s a culture/ideology problem.

>Earth will be shitty for another 50-100 years but will eventually start to heal.

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