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So the state just Guantanamo bayed some fag and accepted his confessions while he was so schizo he was eating his own poop all the while parading a cult of Odin around his facility with all the police officers having badges saying in Odin we trust until the lawyer said it might be a conflict of interest and the police officers just took the badges off and said nothing happened
No ones talking about this
>pic unrel
paganism will return, people will clap at ritual sacrifices, they will eat the flesh of their parents and children, all because it goes against God
I've seen it all
>Matthew 16:3 O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
The Romans ended ritual human sacrifice in the Old World with the conquest of the Phoenicians. Christcucks ignoramuses are still battling things that are long gone. We can discern the face of the sky and the signs of the times, and a big sign says that the gullible Right Christcuck Evangelical Church Trump supporters will be abandoned by Trump and left out on a limb and laughed out of existence when Trump the Felonious turns on them in favor of his next suckers.

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3 more days and we enter a whole new era

what are your predictions?
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If you count back the sidereal years to the last time Pluto entered Capricorn, you'll be in 1774.
First Continental Congress was in 1774. The duels that led to the American Revolution quickly followed.
In France the economy took a shit on itself and failed to feed the masses. By 1789 the problems were so huge that the French Revolution was ignited.
The crucial bit is when Pluto entered Aquarius after that. 1794. Barely a few months later, Napoleon restored the utter terror and chaos the revolutionaries made France and turned it into an Empire, established the civic nation state as all countries know it today, and went on his little tourist travel to every battlefield in Europe.
And with that came the generation born with Pluto in Aquarius, the generation that would take the practical dream engine and the mine cart and mix them to create the railroad. The generation that built the industrial revolution, which broke every single convention of industry preceding it.
>protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh autumn awaits
My body my choice. I choose to remain pure. Unvaxxed to death.
the zodiac is one of the keys to the universe. depending on the day youve born your blood will change.
it's obvious what will happen now...the trannocalypse. roving bands of "women" that were once men scrounging for the last wombs of the dwindling biological female population...
Same and agreed

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Have any of you heard about Russian Cosmism? It's a fascinating philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Unlike most Western philosophies, it combines elements of science, religion, and art, focusing on humanity's role in the cosmos and the possibility of achieving immortality.

Key points of Russian Cosmism include:
- **Immortality and Resurrection**: The belief that through scientific advancement, humans could achieve physical immortality and even resurrect the dead.
- **Space Exploration**: Long before the Space Age, Cosmists envisioned human colonization of space as a necessary step for the survival and evolution of humanity.
- **Unity of Knowledge**: It promotes an integrated approach to knowledge, merging science, art, and spirituality into a cohesive worldview.

Notable figures include:
- **Nikolai Fedorov**: Often considered the father of Russian Cosmism, he believed in the "common task" of resurrecting all ancestors and achieving universal salvation.
- **Konstantin Tsiolkovsky**: A pioneer of astronautic theory who saw space exploration as a means to ensure the survival of the human race.
- **Alexander Chizhevsky**: A biophysicist who studied the influence of cosmic factors on human behavior and history.

Despite its obscurity, Russian Cosmism has influenced Soviet space programs and various cultural works. It’s a blend of utopian dreams, rigorous science, and deep spirituality that’s worth exploring.
Thanks for the tip. Any recommended books on this?
I like the gritty almost surrealistic aestetic of that type of art. Regardless of my political beliefs the Soviet behemoth of yesterday was and remains a fascinating thing. One day people will say the same about America.
what if it's currently thousands of years in the future already and resurrection and immortality has been achieved and the reason we live in a simulation is to decide who from history is worth bringing back by simulating the entirety of human existence and reviewing the lives as they would have occurred, hence why we experience things like deja vu because we are a simulation of an already lived life?
this thread reminding me once again to finish typing out Tsiolkovsky’s Volya someday
if thats the case, Why are we not living in a world that tests capabilities instead of this clown hell show?

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I can't conclude on whether all of them are demons. So, maybe not? I think Pleiadians might be good. Like angels. We were supposedly genetically engineered by aliens as well.
Like to know what the big creepy head that was seen near the moon was. If anyone has seen it already.
so in light of these things congress is doing and the videos they're releasing, does this board in general still believe in the Pleiadians, Greys, Nordic aliens and so on? Or does this info start to make you think it was a distraction/psyop?
Psyop for what? Distraction from what? This is barely even covered and nobody outside of us even cares much about it. This is the worst possible outcome of all, just an all around clown show of losers and cowards. The US government looks like a joke now for being duped by redneck grifters.
>life is exceedingly rare
>life has existed here for hundreds of millions of years
these are 2 human facts, why do you think it would be humans that would guide anything here

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I'm literally judging a book by its cover in saying probably not.
why not? bc of the sigil?
nta but the cover is stupid deviantart shit.

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>be me
>dream begins with being out on a hike in the woods somewhere with a couple of (imaginary) friends
>start heading back to the car
>walk out into the gravel parking lot
>car is gone
>get confused but not alarmed (cuz it's a dream)
>think i must have left it somewhere else
>start heading in a random direction
>suddenly realize that the sun is down and it's getting dark
>friends are gone
>get even more confused
>phone in my pocket rings
>pick up
>hear a familiar voice

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Your pic related is more interesting than the story I didn't finish

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Does anyone else sometimes catch glimpses of satanic imagery or sigils in porn? i was flipping my willy and halfway through i realized her shirt has 666 and a pentagram…can’t believe i was powering these demonic rituals. anyone have any experiences like this?
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>/x/, a paranormal and conspiracy theories board
Every time i see this, i try to visualize it as some glitch, problem is i can't recall or find any glitch that's similar. Also he seems to react to it a fraction of a sec before we see it happen.
it was never about the cloud, the cloud is just a tool, a rorschach.
I had the exact experience, got addicted to porn, I couldn't cum ever, now I haven't quit yet but I do consume way less porn now I can coom im gonna coom im cooming uggghh uuu ghgh m

So I’ve been schizophrenic my whole life and I know for sure that I have a better connection to other worlds than normal people, but at the same time I don’t know what to make make of it, I just sometimes see weird shadow niggas sitting about and most of the time it’s just hearing shit. I’ve tried taking Benadryl and datura to see if it would help or do anything and nothing special happened, just the usual noises and shadow people along with the feeling of insects all over me.

Any of you got any advice of what I should do?
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I cannot take meds as I’m from Ingushetia and there’s not much there in terms of mental health care, and I doubt I can get meds without a prescription where I am now in Florida
It's all fake
I agree
Get into Blue Eisenhower November

That's what they do afaik.

Either that or the creator of BEN is a literal time traveler or some shit.
They been predicting events about a year before they happen.
Christchurch Shooting - Date predicted on a BEN thread 1 year in advance
Donald Trump win in 2024 - Predicted in a BEN video almost a year in advance

The upper members believe in some Universal language that requires bootstrapping specific data sources such as FRB121102 or some shit.

Sounds right up either a super genius or schizo alley.
Also Musashi the famed samurai's original name was BENnosuke.


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Everything is impermanent except for your own atman. Even the afterlife is affected by impermanence. Happiness isn't permanent and neither is suffering. If you realize this you will achieve enlightenment.
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Love y'all
“Well then, since it seems you don’t know all the views of the ascetic Gotama or of the mendicants, tell us, householder, what is your view?”

“Sirs, it’s not hard for me to explain what my views are. But please, let the venerables explain their own convictions first. Afterwards it won’t be hard for me to explain my views.”

When he said this, one of the wanderers said to him, “The cosmos is eternal. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.”

Another wanderer said, “The cosmos is not eternal. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.”

Another wanderer said, “The cosmos is finite …” … “The cosmos is infinite …” … “The soul and the body are the same thing …” … “The soul and the body are different things …” … “A realized one still exists after death …” … “A realized one no longer exists after death …” … “A realized one both still exists and no longer exists after death …” … “A Realized One neither exists nor doesn’t exist after death. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.”

When this was said, Anāthapiṇḍika said this, “Sirs, regarding the venerable who said this: ‘The cosmos is eternal. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.’ This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. But that view is created, conditioned, chosen, dependently originated. Anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. What he clings to and holds to is just suffering.
Regarding the venerable who said this: ‘The cosmos is not eternal. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.’ This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. But that view is created, conditioned, chosen, dependently originated. Anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. What he clings to and holds to is just suffering.

Regarding the venerable who said this: ‘The cosmos is finite …’ … ‘The cosmos is infinite …’ … ‘The soul and the body are the same thing …’ … ‘The soul and the body are different things …’ … ‘A realized one still exists after death …’ … ‘A realized one no longer exists after death …’ … ‘A realized one both still exists and no longer exists after death …’ … ‘A Realized One neither exists nor doesn’t exist after death. This is the only truth, anything else is futile. That’s my view, householder.’ This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. But that view is created, conditioned, chosen, dependently originated. Anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. What he clings to and holds to is just suffering.”

When he said this the wanderers said to him, “Householder, we’ve each explained our own convictions. Tell us, householder, what is your view?”

“Sirs, anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. And what’s suffering is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self. That’s my view, sirs.”

“Householder, anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. What you cling to and hold to is just suffering.”
“Sirs, anything that is created, conditioned, chosen, and dependently originated is impermanent. And what’s impermanent is suffering. And I’ve truly seen clearly with right wisdom that what’s suffering is not mine, I am not this, it’s not my self. And I truly understand the escape beyond that.”

When this was said, those wanderers sat silent, dismayed, shoulders drooping, downcast, depressed, with nothing to say. Seeing this, Anāthapiṇḍika got up from his seat. He went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed.

“Good, good, householder! That’s how you should legitimately and completely refute those futile men from time to time.”

Then the Buddha educated, encouraged, fired up, and inspired the householder Anāthapiṇḍika with a Dhamma talk, after which Anāthapiṇḍika got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha before leaving.

Then, not long after Anāthapiṇḍika had left, the Buddha addressed the mendicants: “Mendicants, even a mendicant who has ordained for a hundred years in this teaching and training would legitimately and completely refute those wanderers of other religions just as the householder Anāthapiṇḍika did.”

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Anyone else think things like the jellyfish UAP are a glimpse into a massive piece of reality humans are not ready for yet? Maybe it is good that we do not know about these things and what they are doing?
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Read this thread:

>> https://x.com/elitefeat/status/1742924942151438589

Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:

>> https://x.com/elitefeat/status/1799553063390154856
This guy gets it 100%^. It's all about information entanglement and processions of consciousness.. the tapestry has info hazards that higher beings avoid whereas lower beings in ignorance go through.
Physics not this horseshit..
Yes, it's real..
Fucking dolts... stop falling for mainstream horseshit and go look up the physics.
Encased Photonic Agents.

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I'm procrastinating right now. Ask good questions about, life spirituality, Buddhism, Gnosticism, stuff you want to know etc. This is a toss up whether OP is a larping faggot or not, but I suppose if you would want to know something really bad you would ask everywhere, anyone.
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I will read it, thanks.

and bump
how can i find my soulmate?
Why would you need a soulmate? We live and we die. Everything on this universe is passable. Your imagined soulmate is just another product of time, and will die. A better search is to search who you really are.
>to search who you really are.
but who am I?
Any paranormal way to restore my foreskin?

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According to the legend The Nobody was sold on a slave auction. After a feasting frenzy they all bought new cars. Luckily we got the receipts.
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Anyone that does this would rape kids.
Oy vey, sex and children's programing.

You'll never be a woman
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Asmodeus is a silly name in modern times
Women suck

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>what is your consciousness?
>what makes you "you"?

If humanity invented an atom replicator which allowed you to stand in one place, be scanned for every atom in your body, then that info is sent across the world to an atom replicator that basically reassembles atoms in your same exact configuration. Thus teleporting "you". The old body is instantly cremated.

From the outsiders perspective they think it's still you. You sound the same, have the same mannerisms, look exactly the same. But what if you aren't the same "you". You're a different soul/person/consciousness and nobody knows it because from the outside you're the same.

>is this effectively the same thing as death?
>what if everyone was using these machines and called you weird for not?
>what if your wife wanted to use one, and thought your little theory was stupid, would you let her? Would it make a difference to you if the "her" that made "her" was destroyed but replaced by a non-her replica?
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Genetic cloning != Atomic cloning retard. There has never been an atomic clone of a living being and will probably never be for the simple reason that you can’t scan every atom without breaking down the living cells.
>When people get amnesia, they die.
Well you probably won't believe this, but my view is that consciousness does not live inside material, but material (or the appearance of it) resides in consciousness.
I get that it sounds dumb, which is why I resisted this idea for years.
But no matter how much I thought about where consciousness comes from that seems to be the only possible solution to the problem... The funny thing is it's a really trivial answer, so why don't we accept it more easily? Even though it makes perfect sense and is a valid solution to the question, the human mind wants to reject that idea for some reason.
that's not teleportation, that's cloning with extra steps.
the continuance of the continuity of the individual is indivisible.

say hi to your judeo-christian gods and his fatass big family

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