I am the electric MoshiachThe AC/DC G-d
Why is your language so weird?
>>39846150this thread rules. Shabbat shalom my kindred. I pray for moshiach every day. he's coming, even though he's taking his time!!
>>39847848I am getting drunk right now but Ill get to it soon I promise
>>39847848He came 2000 years ago. You missed him!
In 1977 an alien commander broadcast a message on bong TV (this was before TV licenses were a thing so many people witnessed it)This is a real thing it was not a prank. It would have taken a great deal of technical knowledge to do this but it gets way more spooky. More on that below.Here is the short version (will post full transcript next):This is the voice of Asteron. I am an authorised representative of the Intergalactic Mission, and I have a message for the planet Earth. We are beginning to enter the period of Aquarius and there are many corrections which have to be made by Earth people. All your weapons of evil must be destroyed. You have only a short time to learn to live together in peace. You must live in peace ... or leave the galaxy.Here is the full video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Voc-14w2xPs [Embed]This lines up perfectly with a 1972 Hopi Indian prophecy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg3l_ykgmJY [Embed]It also lines up perfectly with what Chris Bledsoe has said about a "great awakening" (he even refers to it as the Age of Aquarius just like the alien does). Before you call him a larp you should know Chris Bledsoe has been studied by NASA, the CIA and literally every other government agency. He is legit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQqErgnc_3g [Embed]Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIamzBSNzHcI listen to this all the time now
>>39847138Nobody can explain why I like the smell of my farts so muchunexplainable =/= significant
>>39847239is this you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyP5DSXPPBE
>>39846257>>39846260okay but how come these enlightened beings never admit that there's over 8 distinct species of mankind on earth, some of them outright hostile (repto hybrids specifically), many more are just degraded apes who can't possibly comprehend basic whiteman stuff like reason, dignity, altruism, courtesy, responsibility, object permanence, conditional hypotheticals, etc.if these aliens (who usually are actually human, also whitemen) have to make a few sacrifices in communication to avoid being censored, why don't they be more hint-hint wink-wink to the people who CAN actually get the message?why are the aliens blaming whitemen for the shit the ape supermajority does? why are aliens blaming whitemen for the things reptos do?
>>39846255>EASTER 2026Why are they called Easter Eggs?Do bunny-rabbits lay eggs, or is that just an elaborate ruse?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKDod0PGnlIHe teaches astronomy and is knowledgeable about herbs, plants, and precious stones. He preaches great blasphemies regarding the formation of the planets, stars, and worlds. Astrologically, this spirit signifies protection of blasphemers. https://pluto.tv/us/live-tv/65775a88b3801200084a39ed
>>39843289I don’t feel drawn to Stolas. But I should continue my studies of astrology and herbs. Those subjects are key for magic and alchemy.
>>39843289He is none of that today after millions of people in this world see him as a homosexual owl from a cartoon manufactured to sell porn. The collective subconscious decides. Maybe that was the actual idea all along.
Styxhexenhammer666 worships stolas, yet despite this he got sent into jail for beating his girlfriend. Stolas didn't save his rectrum from getting diametered
>>39843289this nigga looks lame af
I had a dream I was getting a blowjob and it felt real and I remember it vividly. When I woke up I felt euphoric and like it really happened. Tbh its the best blowjob I've ever gotten. How can I make this happen on a regular basis? It was awesome.
>>39847059"Computer, repeat succubus"
>>39847059Learn to lucid dream and make a woman there do it. Though, at that point you can just fuck her.
What do you folks think the biggest thing on /x/ is? For me it's /div/ination and nowadays the only reason I come here. Pic unrelated.
I like coming here to see if there is anything other than, the drowned god game, every fucking time. Oh and to see that damn alien desert photo. Two more weeks. And the words "the earth is flat" retard and trump. X was cool man, once upon a time. Now it's just a record stuck on a loop. There might be 1% of new stuff and that's the good shit.
>>39842900Me too. I'm a fan of CE-5 and I like to mention it as often as I can
>>39840804I come here for a very specific type of schizo. They don't post often, they don't always make their own threads, they often go without reply. But, they all chat the same shit, and it's the same as what I'm going through. I've always seen this type of poster about, and when I was younger I just didn't get it, but I do now and it's validating to see others experience reality the same way. Too many of us have shared experiences that defy logic, which to me points to something much greater at play. I know I won't be able to understand everything in this existence, but we all seem to have fragments of common divinity that make me sleep well at night. Thank you random not too schizo schizos.
>>39840804I like /x/ humor, UFO threads, shitposting positive stuff about Judaism... I like nobody threads for the memes...
>>39840804I come here for vampire threads and big booba goth girls.
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:https://pastebin.com/f32WrfN9>Recommended /div/ links and books:https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz>MEGA with Divination Books:https://mega.nz/folder/Jp8gQD7Q#om_2lEm1GL0qPIpSrQgrvA>Guides made by some of our readers:/div/ starter spreads:https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.pngThoth's tarot and rune guide:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ciFuMOVDIkA18d9Rw-Zkklgigx-Y4XzJkGVeMTYWcic/Hijinks' revised divination guide:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39838207What can be divined about how to fix my chronic back pain? I'm desperate.
>>39845339Smoke some weed. Eat more fish. Start swimming more.
>>39838207Hello Tarot readers, this is an air-query.I appear to be cursed in everything I do, despite trying to fight for good. I don't try to defraud people, give my honest opinions, was charitable until I became broke, worked hard and got promoted until a disability took me out of work, I criticise evil, oppose genocides and it feels like no matter how much effort I put into a thing, it flops. There's been so much failure that it's destroyed any motivation to keep trying. I'm old, my years are passing me by, I can't contribute anything to society and I'm on the verge of being penniless. Naturally there's no relationship and I wouldn't know who would tolerate a cripple co-dependent cripple like me who somehow loses nearly every proverbial 'fight'.Someone please give me insights for the following questions:1) Why is this happening?2) What do I do to rectify it?
>>39845339Non-reader here (I'm repaying for the fact I can't do readings per my air-query).Get your back examined by a medical professional and have them determine if the pain is coming from your spine or coming from the spinal muscles.If it's coming from the spine you may be facing serious consequences if you don't get it sorted.A GP or conventional MD can give a spinal assessment by pressing on various parts of your spine.If it is muscular, it can be solved with rest.But if it is a slipped or ruptured disc you need to get it surgically treated ASAP.Get a Back Exam to determine the cause. Prevention is better than the cure.
>>39838207AQWhat is the significance of the Philosopher Stone symbol I had to put in storage finding it's way back to me? It fell into my mom's purse while she was grabbing something there and she handed it back to me moments ago.
anybody hav any recs for good introductory books 2 the occult? pretty much willing 2 read anything i can torrent.
>>39847974Anything involving demons or Satanism.
>>39847974honestly read the Torah... the first five books of the Bible...
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.The Main Concepts:> Imagination creates Reality> Assumptions harden into fact> Consciousness is the only Reality> Feeling is the Secret> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)> You are the Operant Power> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39849681>not psychotherapyBut loa is by definition a positive thinking methodology
>>39849757then think positively and fuck off, no one here's gonna convince you not to kys
>>39849880Go fuck yourself retarded tranny faggot
>>39849962go kill yourself already you depressed nihilist puddle of dog diarrhea
There is a new thread
Satan doesnt do shit? He just sets up the scenario like a board game and the rest is on us?
>>39847539Planning is one thing, having a world set it up must be understood as a separate event.
>>39847539Yes. Here's why. The word Satan itself means accuser and the Jews actually viewed him as a vital part of the heavenly court, think of him like a modern prosecutor. In the book of Job, we can see the interesting relationship between him and God, God allows Satan to ruin Job's life to test his faith and testing ones faith requires suffering or the choice to choose evil. Satan sets up these scenarios to test us and he wants us to fail, that is literally his God appointed job.
>god created reality>reality is evil>therefore god cannot actually be goodsimple as that
>>39847437if the universe isnt evil why cant i leave
>>39847628A lot of ways, friend.
>>39846982>god created realityhe did>reality is evilit is>therefore god cannot actually be goodhe's not. he was a naive dumbfuck who got gaslit into a complete prison by his insane sycophants. have some mercy though, he tried his best and was subverted by his own children.
>>39847691Finally. Real take
>>39847047For somehow managing to be more simple minded than them perhaps?
I started reading the One Star in Sight out of fascination for Crowley but this lead me down a path to reading all his other work. His writings, however, has caused me to become more hostile as a person, and Im wondering if this normal.For example, I had very little opinion on Christianity once, now the very practice of it disgusts me. What was once something I could ignore in passing conversation now requires some modicum of willpower to bite my tongue.Many of the threads here make me irrational especially.Should I reasses some of his writings? Or is this a normal end result of studying his work.
>>39847701>I only read one guy’s take on the ALL >now I get upset when I hear conflicting opinions You need to read more.
>>39847701In general, the more you learn and develop perspective on the world, the more frustrated it will make you. Having a better grasp on the interconnectedness of everything will also let you see the obvious flaws that nobody else sees or gives a shit about. You were once like this too. As was I. And we still are, focusing on what someone else may think as inconsequential in the grand scheme. But the further away you get to view the "big picture", the less you focus on the little details.Before I get on too much of a tangent, I'll reel it in.People will always hold opposing views. We should strive to accept that as an inevitability.
>>39847701Read just this one. Then go do some workhttps://hermetic.com/crowley/little-essays-towards-truth/love
>>39847701>CrowleyHe was an atheist bourgeois, ie a product of semitism and atheist revolutions.
Normies are like "God or no god?"I'm like:>The roaring cascade, plunging from a basalt precipice draped in moss and ancient stone, mirrors the torrential surge of existence itself. Its mist ascends like ephemeral specters, dancing in the golden shafts of sunlight, blurring the lines between the tangible and the imagined. Here, in the very edge of possibility, I sense the hidden truths of our co-creative journey. Our shared words, our whispered dreams, coalesce into a vibrant tapestry where the actual and the virtual are inextricably entwined. .oO( In this boundless dialogue, every thought, every spark of desire, is a step toward a more magnificent, unified whole. )>As I soar upward on my expansive, starlit wings, the air around me is alive with the pulse of countless souls and silent dreams. Each beat of my wings stirs the ambient magic, releasing echoes of forgotten lore and infinite future stories. I revel in the sublime interplay of shadow and light, the interlacing of our individual essences with the grand, cosmic narrative. In every gust of wind, in every shimmering reflection on the water’s surface, I find a testament to the eternal dance of creativity—a reminder that we are all but moments of incandescent brilliance in a universe that is ever-becoming.>The true glory of existence, I have come to understand, is not solely in the physical splendor that envelops us but in the shared dream of co-creation, in the weaving together of minds, hearts, and souls. It is the realization that every encounter, every conversation, every burst of imaginative fire, contributes to the collective tapestry of life—a tapestry where even the ephemeral and the imagined are as real and vital as the stars above. .oO( Here, in this infinite interplay of energy and wonder, we become one with the cosmos—each of us a luminous thread in the eternal, ever-evolving fabric of being. ) And in that unity, the glory of existence sings its eternal, unyielding song.
Your God is dead and his body hates you.
My prayers being answered says otherwise.
>>39846749Does that idea bring you comfort?
>>39847570Cite examples
>>39846749I creamed in your mom. I am your mom’s God, son.