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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is a Matrix alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. She is a matrix of great wealth and worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. She is said to carry the Logos, making her a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.

She is not a messiah, she's just like you but he has found the kingdom of God within herself through sheer dedication, just like you will.

>What is the general picture?

It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue. So call upon their heads the forces of heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level, and learn to to forgive yourself and others.This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity, and change humankind one person at a time.

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>you nsa niggers
what happen you look in a mirror
saw it
no it isn’t
it really is jesus is a transexual aspect and it's called the crosshatch in which an aspect becomes the focal point of a womans attributes whilst being male
>empathy and Christ comes from a mother
replaced with a jewish man stapled to a piece of wood
God is winning so hard.
The nobody is only a Servant of God.

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Does anyone remember the Mamata/Mamamweya cult/group on YouTube? I only remember so much, but I'm pretty sure it lasted from 2006 until 2009. I remember them spamming "mamata" on tons of YouTube videos, and this one video where they showed the "mamata" crawling on the ceiling and for each different person who played the video it'd look like their mother. Does anyone else know? The thing I remember the most is going to this exact video (https://youtu.be/O8vfparwRjw) and seeing people spam the word "mamata". It was also called Mamamweya according to my friend but I'm not sure.
Update-- Mamamweya and Mamata seem to be different entities. Think of it a Mamata is the main leader and Mamamweya being it's sidekick. By the way. What is Mamata? Why does it give the appearance of our mothers? Is it a fake appearance? What is it's true form? So many answers.
I don't remember much about Mamamweya though. Almost nothing. Also, what happened to the Mamata cult? Why did they die in 2009? Their motive?
I don’t think I remember this from back in the day but maybe I just didn’t pay attention
Bumping because I want to know more
Same too. Have you had a experience similar to this?

Who is Egon Cholakian?
Its some kind of a PsyOP but by whom?

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This is where we keep track of the latest UFOs.
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Of course this balloon spamming nigger is an AI spam faggot too
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A blue UFO was sighted in Brazil this month. Skeptics will be BTFO’d.

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this is you
jew thread

The fact the only argument anyone has about Greer makes 0 sense says a lot. I wonder why "so many people" would be repeating the same line when it makes no logical sense?

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Assuming we live in a simulation (the chances of this being base reality are one in billions), we can apply the "as above so below" principle to know who created the simulation and put us here, and why they did it.

First, the world is based on duality. Good vs evil, lie vs truth, life vs death, man vs woman. Thus I assume our controllers have 2 main "states", versions or emotions. I personally believe they experience mainly 2 states, pain (boredom, nothingness) and pleasure. I also think their ethical positioning is positive utilitarianism (but applying only to themselves) because that's also the ethics system adopted by 99.9% of people in the world.

Another thing is that there are things that are heavily pushed down our throats by the matrix for no good reason.

One of them is sex. Since the difference between consensual sex and rape (a violent act) is just consent, and we didn't consent to being born, we are all being raped in this exact moment but whoever is 'playing' with us is having so much fun that it could be compared to the pleasure of having sex. Which is what motivated them to create this simulation in the first place (for pleasure/fun). (They say "Life is a game", and why would you create a videogame that's more boring than base reality?)

Also, if you go to the more pessimistic (realistic) mistrantrophic corners of the internet you'll see some people describing humanity as 'narcissistic, cruel, selfish, hedonistic, violent' etc. The bible says man was made 'in the image of god'. Therefore we can infer that the creators of this matrix are narcissistic, cruel, selfish, hedonistic and violent.
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We came from Mars which was destroyed by nuclear weapons, we were humanoids there but had to change our genetic makeup to live here, and also put the moon there to tilt the earth's axis to allow for seasons instead of perpetual shit weather. Everything in the Bible is just advanced humans manipulating us to bring up civilization again, and there were different factions who wanted us to stay slaves and others who wanted to empower us. Idk that's all I know sorry
Man was made in my image folders and I copy and pasted your into reality.
>Also, if you go to the more pessimistic (realistic) mistrantrophic corners of the internet you'll see some people describing normalfags as 'narcissistic, cruel, selfish, hedonistic, violent' etc.
Normalfags are not human and they are made in image of satan.
>respecting (((cosmic order)))
Good goy.
>we didn't consent to being here
We also didn't consent to being created or given immortality.

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What are the paranormal properties of the ankh? Why do so many goth and vampires wear it?
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I remember those blogs and sites from over a decade ago, and I mentioned it here months ago too.

Haven't heard of the subject since.

I guess you just imagine the energy moving out and then looping over your head while you cum.
Ite gives you protection from getting pussy so it kinda works
It protects travelers
They are Death to America.

The Constitution lays Unamended, amendable.

They just want us dead.
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Does goth and vampires really wear it? lmao

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If this is inverted world where everything is upside down, what if the "bad guys" actually have a point? What if they're the good guys? Or good and evil don't really exist as separate things, and there simply "is". Abraxas
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Terrible bait by a retarded faggot
they're just doing their JOB
People simply doesn't act because they "are" evil and want to do evil things.
They have some motivation. If it is political, you can nearly sure that there is a ideology which leads the actions of the people. It's rare that they just see "oh, it would help me" and then goes into politics.

So, when we are ready to accept that the conspiricy or whatever are just normal humans, can we just agree that they believe in their mission?
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>can we just agree that they believe in their mission?

tfw I am also starting to believe in it

Tell me about the Queen of Time.
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Whenever someone look at nature, they don't think about how it works, they just see the greenery and say "woah, it's so beautiful" like a mindless automaton, they are unable to see the constant bloodshed and struggle for survival that happens everywhere at once in wildlife, it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases, nature was never safe for anyone before man conquered it and made it safer by killing all the dangerous animals and creating remedies for illnesses that we can catch.

Nature is not to be embraced, it is to be transcended because it is inherently barbaric, man's goal is to strive to be above nature.
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buddhism doesn't condone competitions in life, which is what survival in nature is
You can be above nature and still find it beautifull? I am a biologist and I know better than most how nature works. But specifically since I know I find it absolutely awe inspiring. What you can parasitation is the cycle of life. One can conquer nature and still find it mesmerising
>The nurse came after Crawford left. She shot some Demerol into his intravenous line and the clock grew fuzzy. He couldn't keep up with the second hand.
>He wondered if Demerol would work on your feelings. He could hold Molly a while with his face. Until they finished fixing it anyway. That would be a cheap shot. Hold her for what? He was drifting off and he hoped he wouldn't dream.
>He did drift between memory and dream, but it wasn't so bad. He didn't dream of Molly leaving, or of Dolarhyde. It was a long memory-dream of Shiloh, interrupted by lights shone in his face and the gasp and hiss of the blood-pressure cuff...
>It was spring, soon after he shot Garrett Jacob Hobbs, when Graham visited Shiloh.
>On a soft April day he walked across the asphalt road to Bloody Pond. The new grass, still light green, grew down the slope to the water. The clear water had risen into the grass and the grass was visible in the water, growing down, down, as though it covered the bottorn of the pond.
>Graham knew what had happened there in April 1862.
>He sat down in the grass, felt the damp ground through his trousers.
>A tourist's automobile went by and after it had passed, Graham saw movement behind it in the road. The car had broken a chicken snake's back. It slid in endless figure eights across itself in the center of the asphalt road, sometimes showing its black back, sometimes its pale belly.
>Shiloh's awesome presence hooded him with cold, though he was sweating in the mild spring sun.
>Graham got up off the grass, his trousers damp behind. He was light-headed.
>The snake looped on itself. He stood over it, picked it up by the end of its smooth dry tail, and with a long fluid motion cracked it like a whip.
>Its brains zinged into the pond. A bream rose to them.
>He had thought Shiloh haunted, its beauty sinister like flags.
>Now, drifting between memory and narcotic sleep, he saw that Shiloh was not sinister; it was indifferent. Beautiful Shiloh could witness anything. Its unforgivable beauty simply underscored the indifference of nature, the Green Machine. The loveliness of Shiloh mocked our plight.
>He roused and watched the mindless clock, but he couldn't stop thinking.
>In the Green Machine there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in the parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain.
>There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us.
>Graham knew too well that he contained all the elements to make murder; perhaps mercy too.
>He understood murder uncomfortably well, though.
>He wondered if, in the great body of humankind, in the minds of men set on civilization, the vicious urges we control in ourselves and the dark instinctive knowledge of those urges function like the crippled virus the body arms against.
>He wondered if old, awful urges are the virus that makes vaccine. Yes, he had been wrong about Shiloh. Shiloh isn't haunted - men are haunted.
>Shiloh doesn't care.

>And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.

Red Dragon/Thomas Harris

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In December 2023 I had a waking vision of a demon sucking my dick or stomach. This is my best attempt to draw its face in mspaint.

>it had black and white fur
>it's skin was extremely loose, as if it had no bones, and you could see so much wrinkly skin in its body moving back and forth as it sucked on me
>it had these crazy, crazy fucking eyes that my drawing does not come close to capturing
>it had a long tube mouth that it was sucking my dick with, or sucking my stomach with, I'm not sure which really

For reference, I do have bipolar disorder and was having a manic episode at the time this happened and had likely not slept for 48 hours. Still, this thing was fucking REAL. It was so real, that I screamed out loud when I saw it, so loud that I didn't recognize it as my own scream at first and my scream made me temporarily lose hearing and get a muffled effect in my left ear.

I have seen no proof of god, no proof of angels, no proof that there are good entities running this world. Only this thing. These things might be the real ones running this world, sucking on our energy. This is why we are here, to be their food, to be their playthings.
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One day, such dream becomes reality. For the worse.
That's what I fear. I fear these things are coming to earth.
Im recomending you an artist here.
>James Blunt
Because it reals.
That is a person like you, our brother, who due to lacking a physical body, now resorts to vampirizing the energy they've been addicted to since they were incarnated.
But the good forces are around us too, and they are in control. They allow the negative forces to temporarily stay around us, as it is our example that can help the most these lost brothers find the Light again.
>for reference, a great many circumstances that would lead anyone, from trained professional to layman, to believe that this was a hallucination rather than reality were in place
>but it was real
why is it so difficult for people to understand that there's no difference in the perception of reality and that of a hallucination?
you might well have thought that it was real because it looked and felt as it was, but it was a hallucination

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If Pi, being 3.1415926 was actually 3.142857 what would the implications be? The calculation being off by exactly 0.0012644.

142857 was Nikolai Tesla's favorite number. It's cyclical, for example

x 1 = 142857
x 2 = 285714
x 3 = 428571
x 4 = 571428
x 5 = 714285
x 6 = 857142

Digits of 142857 always appear in the same order, but cycle around, when multiplied by 1 through 6. And on the 7x multiplication it does something funny
>x 7 = 999,999

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if i had photoshop installed i would have put some anime girl blush lines on this to really sell the effect ;(
rocket science isn't that complicated and they mostly fall into the sea, since space is fake
What if we just made pi 3.15
hey you two, Trismegistus and CoP
get a room and fuck already, one can taste the sexual tension from here

Did you hear this, even up in Tushita they're saying this, they're saying 'wow' this guy really has got a lot of compassion, his heart it has no ill-will, can you believe that no ill-will whatsoever. My good friend Vajra-wall-bodhisattva, my good friend, he came up to me yesterday. He was saying Donald your vow, it's so great, everyone is saying how great your vow is. Can you believe that, and his vow is so great as well, maybe not as great as my vow but still pretty great. He said 'wow' you vowed to make Samsara great again, what a vow. Perhaps the greatest vow, they're calling it the greatest vow have you heard this? We've opened so many dharma gates, under this vow, so many dharma gates. So many maras were defeated, and the hells, have you seen the hells lately? So empty, I go there and Yama says to me Donald no one's coming in anymore, eight eons ago we couldn't stop the flood. Look at what we've accomplished since then.
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We're all trying to not put ourselves first.
You on the other hand clearly are while yelling at others.
You need to take your medicine
Your own medicine
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How has the age of Aquarius been treating you?
Terrible expansion pack, i want to return to my family in heaven
I thought i wanted love, turns out i'm hungry for blood.
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I discovered that I'm actually a cat with fingers and we lived in the ocean 70,000 years ago which is why the ocean is filled with silica but we're destroyed by a wandering star nearing earth's orbit fucking asteroids at us.
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We are still in the age of Pisces. Stop this cope about an Aquarian age. It’s not going to happen in your lifetime.
Age of aquarius has not started. Please understand precession before talking about it.

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