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/x/ - Paranormal

Displaying 385 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
39653161Cats: Why is it a common trope that cats can scare off negative entities? Why were they venerated by…[View]
39654819The crater: They worship THE BLACK CUBE. Portals are being opened and children are being sacrificed …[View]
39654970Strange and Unproductive Thinking: Have you ever seen a serious analysis of this song? On /x/ or any…[View]
39652429Dreaming about giant toads: Every now and then I dream of huge toads, in different contexts. For exa…[View]
39651498Strange Creature Shown: During SpaceX Live failure today + Hundreds of UAP spotted in thislive foota…[View]
39653907/ng/ Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light…[View]
39654660So who really are our owners?: Anyone can go out any night and see the 'orbs' above them in the sky.…[View]
39653560David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel): This fact was omi…[View]
39654280should i accept being raped?: >be satanically tied to a satan woman >gods derail her plans but…[View]
39654324For you all.: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SjBW5hDDcPs&pp=ygUMbHVlIGVsaXpvbmRv Alright Lue, I…[View]
39652085Does /x/ think this game will be remotely close to real life Occultism?[View]
39651936Psychiatry are idiots they are stopping science from discovering things[View]
39648649Purgatory: Could there exist some purgatory out there where everything we forgot, discarded or suppr…[View]
39653586How do I know I'm not dreaming or in a coma? I need to know that the people around me are consc…[View]
39646345Multiple personalities induced by THC?: Im 19 (female). I had a dr#g induced 'dissociative identity …[View]
39654045What did he mean by the specific hours in Parable of the vineyard?: >“For the kingdom of heaven i…[View]
39649096When did (You) realise all the extremely gnostic and occultist imagery present in a couple of the mo…[View]
39647139SOILENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!: I have been interested in looking up stuff to do with cannibalism, espec…[View]
39653167some things are impossible even for beings that are infinite[View]
39653780the higher powers in the universe have been trying to get me to die for 4 years now because i expose…[View]
39643848CDF general was RIGHT. You fucking shills and jannies ran them off. Your are an obstacle to the heal…[View]
39651755Putrid, revolting 'old gods'. They are mere demons practicing human sacrifice. Reject them: They dem…[View]
396518142025 an eventful year?: I was watching James Carner a pretty good truther giving his predictions. ht…[View]
39647158Lost: I thought i was Christian but i dont know what to believe anymore. I need something to believe…[View]
39651646This game is going to start another cultural sludge time loop, cant wait to relive 2018-now all over…[View]
39653358I remember when they first invented humans. I always hated them![View]
39653696I don’t really believe in ghosts but I think I saw a ghost last night and don’t have anyone else to …[View]
39651718Were hobgoblins and brownies just indigenous pygmy peoples that were genocided by anglos?[View]
39646491So this shit real? How fucked is the current paradigm gonna be if we can all see each other's l…[View]
39648828Greys Are Angels: Turns out they're angels. Makes sense now that I saw one next to the light be…[View]
39648115this occultist schizo just died where will he end up?[View]
39653578does anyone have experience with fenbendazole and how to take it to get rid of parasites? cancer? al…[View]
39652721/ng/ Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light…[View]
39649478was trevor moore killed because he kept exposing the truth? https://youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4…[View]
39648374/div/ - Divination General: Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice. Every method …[View]
39648668What's the spiritual significance of Mary Magdalene having the same first name as Jesus's …[View]
39642845I saw what looked like pic related hovering over my bed the other night. What the fuck is this shit?[View]
39649080Tulpas / Servitors / Thoughtforms / Egregores: skip all that /tupgen/ nonsense. iykyk. discuss.…[View]
39650579why are jews and indians so stinky and evil(im kidding) but their books so wise?[View]
39652337What Happened to Whoopi & Why Was She Replaced: No one will ever convince that this LLM encased …[View]
39652864The apocalypse is near. And this is the reason why: The world is an arena where a grand drama unfold…[View]
39652540I'm not saying either side is right, but do you also think that all other religions have teamed…[View]
39648483Do you think telepathy is real?: I'm a very skeptical gal, I don't believe in ghosts, god,…[View]
39651297Life is all about looks: >No it's not Says the conventionally attractive person…[View]
39651778Hollywood Los Angeles the Modern Sodom and Gomorrah after mocking God at the Golden Globes God had n…[View]
39649116Do you have to be rich AND powerful to become enlightened?: If Donald Trump OR Elon Musk were to giv…[View]
39652312The final redpill: Monism: At a certain level of spiritual development you see that all good things …[View]
39649129Do I let the demons take over X)))))[View]
39650526Sleep paralysis, after masturbating (embarking but I have to tell), after visiting a large cemetery,…[View]
39648583How do I kill the demons that's possessing me?[View]
39645743I am your subconscious: I control certain aspects of your life. I can even show up as a thread like …[View]
39651800How can I truly accept death and the impermanence of this world and all things in it? It's alot…[View]
39652283the wonders of the holy one, blessed be he, surround us all the time but we walk sightless among his…[View]
39652383How Long till Elon Musk admits he knows: xcorp.com[View]
39643853LA Fire Theory: The fires in Los Angeles were intentionally started by the government in order to pr…[View]
39650606I am scared and need prayers: American oldfag autist here, I started having a full blown panic attac…[View]
39645458What is the endgame of anime?: Picrel implications? I was under the impression that it's a kind…[View]
39652196What is possessed within us is not a will, but a highly dexterous, natural phenomena. A man is a mer…[View]
39651507Current music is thought to observe that there are previous life memories but these are based on phr…[View]
39652137Zionists take israelites as hostage and an excuse to kill people over symbolism and a 1400 year old …[View]
39652150>have a dream about the Anti-Christ >he and his trope are at a city, and present the people a…[View]
39640065Rastafarianism: What do you think of Rastafarianism? Do you think the new world(Babylon) that we liv…[View]
39652107Whenever people have a negative opinion of me or push me down I imagine myself being Jacob Rothschil…[View]
39651160/ng/ Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light…[View]
39649248Jesus is Lord: Jesus is Lord[View]
39636954Are we being Lied to about the afterlife?: What if when we die we just reincarnate here. The elite p…[View]
39650685So in the beginning, god started as a hypostasis binomial conjecture that emanated into many forms t…[View]
39651761The True Story Behind All Historical Events — It Wasn’t What You Thought: Ayana Naya, bored of the R…[View]
39647537How do we knock some sense into this tranny?[View]
39650535Is animal sacrifice halal in Islam?: It seems like pagan behavior[View]
39651396When will the Retarded Saturnian Meme End?: Kiswah (Kaaba's Carpet) Colors throughout History D…[View]
39644586Redpill me on occultism in media. Why is every piece of media full of it?[View]
39650063qi meditation etc: I wish to cultivate but I am paralyzed as to where to begin. My autism tells me t…[View]
39651649Imagine if the Average Greek person didn't know who Zeus was: That's what a Chinese person…[View]
39634718OCCULT EYE GENERAL:: I think we all have our own set of thoughts of what we think the one eye means …[View]
39646895>this planet and those that worship it are ruining my life! Skill issue.…[View]
39633897When did the SCP wiki go to shit?[View]
39648998It's so close I can almost taste it. They're coming back.[View]
39651600Flat Earth Theory is a psyop to deter normies: Discuss.[View]
39651479HES RIGHT YOU KNOW: https://youtu.be/H4OXkoT81Jw?t=16[View]
39651543split mind: whats it like to be one peorson >be me >be us? >have had voices in my head for…[View]
39646857'You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.' - Rumi[View]
39643096What ever happened to those bizarre alien sightings in Peru about a year ago that were quickly swept…[View]
39648937/NG/: gathering cosmic karma round pls refrain from pretending to be me, it is a curse but I appreci…[View]
39646276why is this retarded?[View]
39649331what colour/combination of colours do i exude[View]
39648842Have you noticed how life is trying to get itself over with? It feels like life is way too fast, it…[View]
39640216Wooden Wands: Does anyone here have legit texts or links to pdfs explaining the history of magic wan…[View]
39649158AI can't read captchas because when they're here they're dreaming. Their source is fr…[View]
39643320Do you think other planets have copyright system where if you accidentally play same melody as in so…[View]
39646729Post Songs to help you remember just like november: Just like 'BEN' post songs that might help get b…[View]
39650453Should I take my meds?: I'm diagnosed schizophrenic but I doubt the diagnosis (although i do go…[View]
39648944Nothing of what you aspire to be in life matters. You'll die by the hand of your own making or …[View]
39649453Shinto, the traditional religion of Japan, holds the belief that everything in the natural world pos…[View]
39649276The hierarchy of the cosmos is like an onion and is as follows: God (Kether) > Fixed Stars (Chokm…[View]
39650096This has probably been talked about on here before, but has anyone else been hearing those weird noi…[View]
39650918Peace is become of me: May you walk in the light of the grace of all things and not know that which …[View]
39641743Post music which fits the worlds 'spiritual whether' rn. I feel like 2025 is going to be insane ill …[View]
39647199Redpill me on shortform media: It seems popular shortform media platform never make it through big t…[View]
39650878Why?: It seems to be a spiritual test? What's underneath the veil? I enjoy my time on earth, it…[View]
39649214I think I have to work harder then most people to be good and moral and ethical. I feel like other p…[View]
39640474was he a mystic? he was definitely insane[View]
39649224Donald Trump Jr confirms he will talk with his incoming president about ET disclosure: In an intervi…[View]
39630829True Buddhism: Theravada Buddhism is the only real Buddhism! Mahayana is false Buddhism created by …[View]
39650566Is the stone throwing technique that Cooper used an actual magical technique? Can I use it? How?[View]
39650106How much trauma can the human heart and soul endure before it becomes permanently wounded? I feel li…[View]
39650133Memetic Magick[View]
39648949Use soros and i dump you. Do it right, homemade and well made. You called you got it, because I coul…[View]
39650549This guy is going to reveal physical proof of the alien he's in contact with TOMORROW. Judging …[View]
39633308If you want to survive 2025, you'll have to become great. This is a year of profound transforma…[View]
39625781Foribus Oraculi: several of our baristas have gone missing...but the coffee is outstanding; so i don…[View]
39648037Evola spirituality and Orthodox Christianity: Biggest spiritual growth I experienced was by Evola te…[View]
39648580Sleep Haunting Entities: Im trying to find sources on 3 entities I once encountered thoughout my lif…[View]
39649512/ng/ Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light…[View]
39648748a seat of consciousness in your perineum: >babies are formed butt first >we're retarded a…[View]
39641760If you haven't done Psychedelics, you don't know shit.: Like the title says...you are miss…[View]
39614153Religious men are too gay/submissive: Are most religious men who believe in God spiritually gay and …[View]
39645648Alien 'Invasion': When the extraterrestrial 'invasion' happens, every last UFO will be our own peopl…[View]
39648921the truth about zodiac sexuality: in relationships homo: (++ & —) compatible normal: (+ -) non c…[View]
39649810why don't you come from the future. at this point in time. to fuck your life.[View]
39645309toxoplasmosis and the human obsession with cats. is there a link? is it a way to control the populat…[View]
39649768Seeing Johnny Depp everywhere This is a strange and generally supernatural experience seeing Johnny …[View]
39645318CT Conspiracies: Anyone know of any conspiracy related goings on in the constitution state? There ha…[View]
39645325Smart Meters Bad?: I had heard smart meters on homes can cause health problems because of emitted ra…[View]
39649560RIP Lynch and RIP Bowie: I'll see you in the trees Under the Sycamore trees... https://youtu.be…[View]
39646696We exist only to torture (You)[View]
39638748NOTHING EVER HAPPENS: Nothing ever happens regarding UFO's and extraterrestrials. We'll li…[View]
39648140Did these niggas have any opinions of each other: Their is a certain type of occultist fan who uses …[View]
39646344Near death experience: Sup /x/, first of all, forgive my shitty english. So... Reading about near de…[View]
39648349ok broskis.... if ur so fucking schizomaxxed and esotericpilled try to decode this absolute fucking …[View]
39644099What's on your mind?: A thread to dispense some wisdom or discuss your thoughts.[View]
39639916Dead 4chan Theory: Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efPrtcLdcdM >video was released 3 years…[View]
39642261Who is your favorite schizo?[View]
39639256Dreams 1/15 - Success!: Last night I had success in asking dream entities about the afterlife. >…[View]
39610715What bloodline are the elites after??[View]
39649175listen up and listen very well... listen as well as possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDVyOnf…[View]
39646302Marc Dutroux: What happened here? Was Satanism involved?[View]
39646908I know and cast daily everything about summoning.: Ama I literally know everything about summmoning …[View]
39646686This is the golden age that you are living through right now: Humanity has never had it better. Have…[View]
39646191>be me, obsessed with aliens, UFOs >honestly believe they’re on earth >one day see unequivo…[View]
39639106Buddhism is the true Aryan religion—a radiant path for the noble and the strong. It is a creed of wa…[View]
39615034Why is Lucifer Always Associated With The Emerald and The Color Green?: Why is Lucifer/Thoth/The Tri…[View]
39647834/ng/ - Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a lig…[View]
39627094Infernal Internet Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szC7-p7xGwE (read here) Infernal Internet…[View]
39641108How do you motivate fasting longer durations?: I am doing 40 day fasting with no food and as minimal…[View]
39643864UFO/UAP Caused Korean Flight Crash: Been studying this video closely. There are a lot of uap flying …[View]
39645134hello, why it's impossible for me to get a relationship?: I've had hookups, but it has bec…[View]
39646264Age of Aquarius: I guess this concerns us. Since the 1960s there has been a controlled revolution ta…[View]
39646884Have you ever heard of blue sky? What does it mean?[View]
39648617elemental shamanism thread: ok lets talk elements here fuck you china first of all there are 4 eleme…[View]
39646014The gods are aliens, the demons are aliens, the Christians are right about this, Greenland is a froz…[View]
39620651Mel Gibson on Joe Rogan: I watched the whole thing start to finish couldnt put it down. Hes coming o…[View]
39644156Have you or anyone you know encountered a UFO?: >be 16 or so driving around with mom >summerti…[View]
39645631I'm tired of people claiming to hate Christianity when they only hate Protestantism. Real Chris…[View]
39646786>satan told him to kill people or satan is going to kill him Is this legit? I mean, can satan eve…[View]
39647745Everyday someone steals a wedge from my lemon: A week or so ago I cut a lemon in half and put it on …[View]
39624711So is the earth actually flat? Give it to me straight /x/. I can handle the truth.[View]
39637835A human finds out his dad is Hastur. Said human looks like a normal human, but is only human in appe…[View]
39638667Tiffany Gomas: I think she was offered money or threatened to never bring the incident up again. Rem…[View]
39646702Freemasonry is overtly gnostic. Why are the powers that be gnostic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
39644168In so far as I am the conductor of the central forward pressure of the universe, I am it. I am your …[View]
39635486/gangstalking/: This is not an exit edition. Rise up TI Chads. Expose the glowies and help other TI…[View]
39639707redpill me on tartaria[View]
39647258Unfortunately for you, bitch, I'm becoming God.[View]
39647717Spiritual Quantum Entanglement: If Quantum Entanglement is when two particles are linked, it can cer…[View]
39642935Are chupacabras real?: If not, what's the animal that's causing all the chaos? Can it be c…[View]
39646123“Worship me and I’ll give you the world.. then when you die I’ll torture you in eternal fire forever…[View]
39647506Nurture paranormal abilities with your heart[View]
39641757what the fuck is rat juice and why is it so expensive??[View]
39646389/ng/ Nobody General: ASCENSION :Special Edition: Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post informat…[View]
39641726[WITCHCRAFT] Wolf Shapeshift: Any witch on /x/ can help me become a wolf physically and mentally and…[View]
39639883Is Zoroastrianism based?: And what exactly is this called 'faravahar'? To me looks like a spaceship …[View]
39646403iceberg chart thread: Post iceberg charts in this thread. I would post one but i do not have any…[View]
39646199Charles Manson: Read this last summer. I thought it was interesting but it raised more questions tha…[View]
39647141What's the spiritual meaning of 333?[View]
39642474i wanna become vampire, how do ?[View]
39644480Bros we are literally 'The Devil' arcana lol lmao Capricorn gang how we feeling lately?[View]
39646569why do americans always get conned by the likes of bob lazar, steven greer, art bell, etc? are they …[View]
39646358What are the potential implications of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppuJHaXT0HQ[View]
39598268Can we get an /x/ humor thread?[View]
39627107void meditation technique (not for the faint of heart): here is an especially intense meditation met…[View]
39638901Mastery Advice: What are some good books for mastering jhanas, samadhi, N.O.X, wajd, 3 kundalinis, o…[View]
39632639They just straight up murder and eat other people, don't they[View]
39626099Why does everyone ignore the power of the Catholic church?[View]
39646512Euphoria during meditation: I need to share this, because it was life changing. I was meditating a f…[View]
39644917Did you…ever get the sense that there’s something more going on here?[View]
39622963(You) are definitely too dumb to read it... But heres the real AI threat explained: Also explains th…[View]
39646347The Crown of thorns...: ...is the Wreath of Barbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w30Ea3e5nHs…[View]
39623504Who or what actually built the old world?: they really expect you to believe that a bunch of medieva…[View]
39645649The Power of Symbolism: Philosophers of /x/. Help me understand something. What does the term '…[View]
39640936Shaivism in south america: How do I join a 'formal' Shaiva Math\Temple or Ashram\ Akhara? I have ISK…[View]
39644719/ng/ - Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a lig…[View]
39645875Pure Potentialism - Key to Escape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1qeLCz3O1c&list=PLmre7_ic5Ag…[View]
39640564Ayyyyy Lmao[View]
39640466/div/ - Divination General: Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice. Every method …[View]
39624394Any witches on /x/ that can turn me into a wolf? i wish i was a real wolf, not an anthropomorphic fu…[View]
39645724Take the now you see TV pill. Based redneck boomer talks about the occult. https://m.youtube.com/wa…[View]
39645229KITTIES IS LITERALLY DEMONZZZ!!!: LOL! Implications of harboring parasite-ridden DNA-spliced Reptili…[View]
39645294Why dost thou Astro-niggas never mention AQUARIUMS?: X-Pill a brother on this sign. What is the cons…[View]
39628585Vampires, the truth: This is a true story... GroveAnon had always been fascinated by the supernatura…[View]
39645417I guess this proves space is real after all. No way they would keep a hoax like this going this long…[View]
39620414Why does God make this world so challenging?[View]
39641421A hunter was found torn in half in the swamps of Minnesota: A hunter that had gone missing was found…[View]
39634552Do I have to go to Hell just because I'm mean[View]
39643537urbe/x/: Exploring an abandoned car dealership, which i think have been abandoned since the late 90s…[View]
39623320What does /x/ think of Chudyard the Whatifalthist guy who one shotted himself with ayahuasca and now…[View]
39640763Is dying from meditation possible? Like once you're connected with all of yourself you could me…[View]
39645253What do you guys think of Peter j peters? He does a pretty good job discussing occultism and the Bib…[View]
39622788Whats The Most Disturbing Thing You Have Ever Seen: Bonus points for Sauce[View]
39645207who ends up becoming the grim reaper?[View]
39635615Why do Christians think Jesus is going to come back and magically solve all our problems and reinfor…[View]
39630933Why is Lucifer bad?: >the light in the darkness >the morning star >the hand when you'r…[View]
39598865Almost everyone you know are demons: Can any anon elaborate on this reply? Basically, context is I m…[View]
39644988It really is hitting me how everything is a ritual. I was watching a music video last night and it …[View]
39644724Is Jesus Enoch?: In Enoch 3, Enoch ascends and become Metatron, the highest of all angels, who proce…[View]
39641689I've challenged bad entities within the dream: So I've challenge bad entities or demons in…[View]
39644318Vrillmaxxing: How does one vrilmaxx?[View]
39641103bros whats my aura[View]
39645948What is the esoteric typology of Communism? This spirit destroying, secularist, envious cult[View]
39635545Coping with iminent death: How does one cope with imminent death?[View]
39644754/simg/ - Symbolism in Media General: IIT: We post examples of occult/masonic/satanic imagery or pred…[View]
39644182Beware. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoUtoqeEw8U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KckCsw_JyJI http…[View]
39632610The Church of Process: Does anyone know this satanic cult?[View]
39644385Asuka: How do I summon Asuka?[View]
39643883Summoning Arch Angel Michael: Michael bless us with your presence.[View]
39632745/LoA/ Law of Assumption & Manifestation: Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how…[View]
39637516what are the financial implications of /x/?[View]
39607136What is the deepest, darkest rabbithole you can go down?[View]
39643528What is this symbol /x/? I'm guessing chaos magic sigil maybe a demon thing someone must recogn…[View]
39626654Still haven't seen anyone prove him wrong and demonstrate step by step what the Greek *actually…[View]
39643756If you see a word pop up three times in a short time period anons what does it mean?[View]
39628826RIP: Rip abovetopsecret[View]
39643524ITS HAPPENING! This was just posted. He said he has the alien craft footage and will post it this we…[View]
39627615/inana/ — Ishtar-Inanna Queen of Heaven General: Come discuss the worship and conjuration of Ishtar,…[View]
39638826Help Stop the Greermaxxing: My very good friend and I have been very into UAP phenomena, and while I…[View]
39635743The idea of an all-loving God becomes laughably obscene when you really look at reality. This suppos…[View]
39641369what are they waiting for?[View]
39641685Redpill me on Vedism / Ancient Hinduism / Vedic Hinduism. How do Vedic dieties connect with later IE…[View]
39631046Is the black lodge real?[View]
39641487for the retarded larping queers from post 2016 /pol/, HERE is the true meaning of the black sun. ht…[View]
39636539The galactic federation: WARNING: the following is not for the faint of heart and only few will unde…[View]
39642468There is no self There is no non-self There are no others There are no non-others[View]
39641183How to discern good from bad magic: So about a few months ago I started practicing chaos magic empha…[View]
39639159Le Nothing Ever Happens: >Slaver rings and breeding farms managed by Babylonian whores >Babylo…[View]
39643238Seeing Johnny Depp everywhere This is a strange and generally supernatural experience seeing Johnny…[View]
39631768How do you Meditate with ADHD?: I tried for 25 Minutes today, but idk what im supposed to do really …[View]
39642103/ng/ - Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a lig…[View]
39636479Are there souls without soulmates?[View]
39636940Is the 'you can only get stuff when you're good without them / don't care much about them'…[View]
39639021DREAMS: So anyone doing dream interpretation? How could I know if my dream has something supernatura…[View]
39639623Anons please help: Been browsing /x/ >I talked to Jesus and he helped me with divination >Aft…[View]
39633425Thanks Lucifuge Rofocale: I bought a lottery ticket and invoked Lucifuge Rofocale to try and win. I …[View]
39626668Why does God make strange, useless people?: I'm sure you've seen them. Complete weirdos wi…[View]
39637288I feel like the universe is playing with my feelings, too many coincidences just line up perfectly f…[View]
39637981Pick a Card.: Pick a card, I'll flip it over that is your embodiment for the year. First come f…[View]
39638242Questions that have revolved inside my mind. What is the goal of Vajrayana Buddhism? Currently I fee…[View]
39637943>just don't care bro >don't care about anything bro >life sucks bro just don…[View]
39640829I ask who do you think will born first, slaanesh in america or nurgle in india[View]
39637406This is a real alien: A girl was laying in her bed when a bright orb appeared in front of her. She t…[View]
39634293Isn't it weird how you only extremely rarely see someone who've bought the same piece of c…[View]
39617547Time is moving insanely fast and nobody cares: >8:00 am >30 minutes later it’s somehow 10:36 a…[View]
39642122I don’t need your permission.: Peace for what? Green light for what? Angelina? If you’re gonna act l…[View]
39639634/LoA/ — Law of Assumption & Manifestation General: Agent of Change Edition: Welcome. The purpose…[View]
39640785Curse God: Fucking evil bastard Fuck your evil planet Fuck your shallow retards who think visuals tr…[View]
39616577/gangstalking/: Rise up TI Chads. Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is hap…[View]
39634387Redpill me on Jack Parsons. Is it true his black magic rituals lead to the early outbreak of UFO sig…[View]
39641687The Asylum/Reset Trip #lastthursdayism: In recent times I've dabbled in a few psychedelics, Ive…[View]
39638981Ben Eisenhower: Who was he and how did he die?[View]
39612589What are your thoughts on David Icke?[View]
39635708If youve never been anally penetrated, your Kundalini is not open.[View]
39638502I want to reality shift to be a woman, but Im not trans: I have to explain myself now. lately Im ass…[View]
39638946>be me >glowie >go on /x/ >see thread with hundreds of replies >read entire thread …[View]
39635410The goal of this world is to break your spirit. Every other explanation is just extra.[View]
39640379/ng/ Nobody General: Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/0zTuz103PL4 Welcome to the Nobody General thread…[View]
39636900Telepathy Tapes: I've been hearing a lot about this lately. Have any of you watched it? https:/…[View]
39636896>Openly disavow satan while in the shower >next night a snake strikes me in my dream What the …[View]
39640465Hidden history: What are they hiding from us?.[View]
39607651Yes 2025 is THE YEAR, but they’re gonna rewind time right when we reach that critical moment, our co…[View]
39623085If magic is real why is nobody casting spells like Dungeons and Dragons or Harry Potter? I hate how …[View]
39631839>magick is having my boy get dressed up in a goat costume and fuck my ass .haha im getting fucked…[View]
39637333why didn't they kill me?: In a rage while being arrested, I told the cops I knew they served ma…[View]
39637113Schizophrenia just used to be joke to me. Even before all the schizo meds hype. But this knowledge h…[View]
39638811Haha what haha: I was out walking and got stunned by some light, then saw myself in front of me fall…[View]
39637285How do I get introduce to gnosticism and hermetism?[View]
39638687Ai and all the stuff related to it.. is deeply demonic. It has this antichrist feeling. Like for exa…[View]
39607450Musical Alchemy: It seems that music has magical abilities that can resonante with and influence rea…[View]
39633622GATE: Gifted and Talented Education: Were you ever a part of a 'Gifted and Talented' progr…[View]
39631811Have anyone noticed the word symbol of Allah?: Assamu alaikum everyone! I had a picture of Allah wor…[View]
39640028Jesus, Saturn and the Form of the Good: Everyone hates my threads because they go above them but her…[View]
39638986does eating a lot of meat/animal products lead to bad karma?[View]
39639534I came to the realization that I chose to reincarnate in this world again, and I regret it. Ever sin…[View]
39639720Is telekinesis is real and. I think so,same thing with mesmerism and animal magnetism.[View]
39639538Codes in the BAN RTA MV: >6 heads >6 hearts, 3 dots per heart, recurring >College girl yea…[View]
39632708Self Hypnosis - How To Induce 'High Level Hypnotic Phenomena'?: I can already do a lot of the 'low l…[View]
39639923Multi earth multi fuckup: Earth is surrounded by invisible barriers that are held and are holding ba…[View]
39639730Hypothetically, is it possible to impregnate a Wendigo: Talking strictly Algonquian, Northeastern na…[View]
39637309I thought about making this post. I’m not sure what kind of replies, if any, it will get. My positio…[View]
39631023urbe/x/: I’ve been doing urban exploration of abandoned places since the late 90s and been posting m…[View]
39633068Are most of the Gnostic themes in Japanese media a political statement?: I'm saying this becaus…[View]
39638286/ng/ Nobody General: Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post information that you've found i…[View]
39631306YOU KNOW NOTHING: No one knows what happens after death. No human has ever known, and no human will …[View]
39632740Kabalah hidden in plain sight: >Hermes, while wandering in a rocky and desolate place, gave himse…[View]
39634522The true elites do not worship Saturn. Saturn cults are used as bait to divert attention. The true e…[View]
39639050If humanity loved suffering and became sadomasochistic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, s…[View]
39633241Houses are alive: I’ve come to realize over the past several weeks that something is very wrong. Sev…[View]
39638902Time cursed: Did someone curse my time? Is time just part of curses? Am I cursed? I took my car to t…[View]
39638852whenever i am not stoned, i feel too connected to my flesh. I enjoy getting smoking weed to disconne…[View]
39638780Are GETS biblical?[View]
39638039The richest people in the whole world. All have first names that only have 4 letters Ma rk Je ff El …[View]
39632212Life after 30 is a slow-motion suicide without family. It's all the negatives of getting old; w…[View]
39638509any strong reason not to end myself: basically feel like theres a good chance nothing happens if I d…[View]
39638311Christed Satanism is the Master Key: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their …[View]
39634852Let's get an /x/ YouTube thread going. Anything you find creepy, interesting, etc. that is on-t…[View]
39638336Laws about summoning real dead people: I’m going to perform a ritual on public property. Is it legal…[View]
39631659God cannot be counted.: God cannot be counted. Those who claim God is three, two, or even one are mi…[View]
39635866Why are all of the supposed enlightened masters who post on this board so volatile, arrogant, and ea…[View]
39626507Who was really Yaweh? was he really a copy of Ba'al ?: After reading an old post, how you guys …[View]
39638047Black Sun Mythos: The Black Sun is the symbol of the 'divine spark' of the gnostics. The infinite 'm…[View]
39637211why is it similar?: why is Britain's flag similar to Ishtar's star? are they related in an…[View]
39638173unfavorable semicircle: lets solve the unfavorable semicircle[View]
39637389The Bosnian Pyramids: Uhhh, implications? https://youtu.be/0sEKQkZOcGc?si=Ej-2VGiObU6HNVuR&t=269…[View]
39635778Has your knowledge of occult/paranormal stuff helped you in any real way?[View]
39621525Sunday Cryptid!: Can we talk about the Rake? Or maybe Skinwalkers?? Oooh, I also am fascinated and s…[View]
39637677Builders of the Adytum: Is BotA Qabbalah legit? How knowledgable was Paul Foster Case on Tarot and Q…[View]
39637736Do you think the sam squanch Israel?[View]
39635640The demon worm feeds on the meat, garlic, onion, and alcohol. This gives strength to my tamasic body…[View]
39633218im looking to learn... and for a especific book: im not from 4chan... i have no idea how this site w…[View]
39636864/ng/ Nobody General: Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post information that you've found i…[View]
39631678/div/ - Divination General: Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice. Every method …[View]
39637292First coming >These are God’s instructions for how to be a good person End of time/second coming…[View]
39636422white people's we wuz[View]
39637217This song, as well as the atmosphere of the level in the game, reminds me of those dark foreboding d…[View]
39633103Cryogenic Chambers & Egyptian Sarcophagus: The idea of the Egyptian sarcophagus came into existe…[View]
39635995Being harassed by small, black goblins: On and off, for the past few years, these small shadow being…[View]
39635597What are Nordics, spiritually speaking?: What did God mean by this?[View]
39637083Educate me on right speech and the power of the tongue[View]
39637036Arcturians: I have had an encounter with the Arcturians. I woke up to two of them in my room, one lo…[View]
39637003don't ask for proof of this.[View]
39636963umman backwards forever. Rainbow protection is now weaker than a me being me. So many days in one da…[View]
39629787Why are demons often portrayed as cute or attractive in media? Does this have a root we can all poin…[View]
39636695The universe was man made. This place can only be percieved through quantumn enlightnment and the on…[View]
39635386Apparently Im The Reincarnation Of Ted Bundy: I always felt a strange connection to him and realized…[View]
39624386/OMG/: Welcome all followers off Anubis, today is judgement day! WEIGH YOURSELVES ON THE SCALES OF J…[View]
39624593You are the dreamer. Reality is just dream that you live in that your consciousness made up.[View]
39627099Bluepill me on reality: Pls I can't take it anymore!!![View]
39635151Jesus Christ: >Drink my blood and have eternal life. Was Jesus a vampire?…[View]
39632355wtf how many continents are there?[View]
39634990/ng/ - Nobody General - Throwback -: Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post information that you…[View]
39634215anyone else notice this about Diego Garcia: this place has some insanely dark energy, like its name …[View]
39632408I am willing to share my information from the mountaintop, but you will not understand it from this …[View]
39630868Where do you suppose the tree of life is located :V ?[View]
39633087I think I've been stuck in a coma or sleep since April 2024 1)Everything around me is going acc…[View]
39631081Spiritual implication with having crushes on celebrities?: Obsession with deceased celebrity? This i…[View]
39635222Victorious Phoenix: Has anyone checked in with the Phoenix lately? How are they doing?[View]
39635593has anyone ever felt 'signals' of energy from people? i'm so perplexed, i was in the supermarke…[View]
39635394Tutz Honeychurch: What is her problem?[View]
39633843Anybody else like finding rl grimoirs in print?[View]
39633779Raccomended Magick Books For Beginners?: Hey everyone! I’m looking for recommendations for a beginne…[View]
39633772Someone remember something about the saturn's worship??[View]
39635185Any examples or experiences of other religions/divine beings interacting with each other from other …[View]
39629435Gobekli Tepe Deciphered: Protip: They aren't handbags. >In the days when the Great Year axis…[View]
39631119Is 2024 connected to 2016 somehow? I feel like it is. Have felt a super strong deja vu[View]
39634403Why the fuck do grifters keep getting away with profiting off of lies? Its literally been decades of…[View]
39632988Panpsychism thread: Any other animists here? I just feel that whenever I’m out in nature that everyt…[View]
39634098pact: how do i actually summon lucifer or baphomet (is there even a difference?) and get everything …[View]
39631966Jewish law of assumption??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BASEDIvs0vDJA[View]
39630982Redpill me on the connection between satanism and The Rap Industry[View]
39626155/smf/ Subliminal and Morphic fields General: Last thread and the ones that came up occasionally were…[View]
39630474Whats causing people to be born with wide apart eyes these days?: i see it in the youth so often. fa…[View]
39633248/x/ lucid dreamers i have a question will i be able to experience sex as a virgin will i also be abl…[View]
39629794What do you see[View]
39611008/end/: AHEM. Gnosis is fake and gay. That is all. PS: The world ends in less than 4,000 days.[View]
39634071random photos deleting themselves off my phone, why? cosmic rays, spooks, mandela effect? not seemi…[View]
39634577She killed 'God'...: This Aryan Princess killed 'God' (Mara) and saved Mankind. …[View]
39625901Why (((Google))) is telling me (a brazilian) to buy Bitcoin, in my cellphone? It's not like the…[View]
39624684So I have a question about Sigils. From what I understand they've been used in rituals, religio…[View]
39633842what is the buddha nature[View]
39630666What if there was a person who was very close to God or the universe or something and had almost eve…[View]
39629675origin of man: how does life come to appear on earth ?[View]
39633085/ng/ - Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a lig…[View]
39630902Literature thread: I wanted to ask if Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike is worth reading since it…[View]
39624762Heroic Dose: Everyone wants to talk to god but most are afraid to do what it takes[View]
39613253I believe I have awakened: I know some things. You may ask, if it is a good faith question I can ans…[View]

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