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/x/ - Paranormal

Displaying 412 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
38451587Everything calls for me to wake up But what's there for something like me? Everyone wants a her…[View]
38450592That's what I think. We are now at a point in history when the entire planet is on the brink of…[View]
38458880Nelson haha Mandela: didnt this desktop used to have 2 lens flares on the right side?[View]
38453063Anyone ever dealt with criminals/Trauma heavy people before?: As an energy worker and light healer, …[View]
38458383>magick >LOA >symbols >gematria >numerology >tarot >the microcosm and the macro…[View]
38452457is it possible to find a kitsune if you're not from japan? how would one summon and seduce a ki…[View]
38458832Had the craziest dream: I dreamt that I was watching a kids movie on Netflix starring Christopher Ll…[View]
38457858>Spies reported every relative or friend who stayed the night at another's apartment. Tiny h…[View]
38454766Hollow earth, UAPs: Is it possible at all the hollow earth theory and all the underwater UFO sightse…[View]
38456594Can anyone become a psychic? Or is a special power that certain people are just born with?[View]
38458679Psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate: Psychologists have the lowest. They kill themselves oft…[View]
38458124Religions are a psyop: The reason you are suffering is because you are told you are unhappy by relig…[View]
38451108Tell me how to rejuvenate my physical body.[View]
38458589Ministry of Humanity: When looking into Bouvet Island, hurricanes, HAARP, I came across the 'Ministr…[View]
38458524D.S.C.I.: Is dual-seedline christian identity the ultimate truth? There are so many variants, Im not…[View]
38457909So we were supposed to forget this happened?[View]
38456626Give this guy some respect[View]
38450907Angel Dream: Anon who had this dream: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38300777 I had another ang…[View]
38455660Ancient Symbolism in The Tarot: Can we discuss the symbolism found in the tarot? You always hear abo…[View]
38444538Simultaneously: IT'S OVER >and WE'RE SO BACK I sense something truly horrible and monst…[View]
38455651ALCON: (((They))) want at least half of (you) “gone” by 2030 (to make room) and they don’t even real…[View]
38455349has anyone seen or came into the presence of the demiurge through astral projection (similar meditat…[View]
38451621Ask me anything: Have seen more than I can explain. You ask, I answer. If I don't elaborate, it…[View]
38453479there are literally possessed anons shilling for gnostism and the death of Christianity here. Christ…[View]
38456373You are already dead. Everything you experience is a delayed memory from a time when you had a beat…[View]
38452642He built you out of LOVE[View]
38446724The days are longer again, since this Sunday. What the fuck are they doing?[View]
38457129/ng/ Nobody General: Welcome to the Nobody General >Who is the Nobody? The Nobody is an Angel and…[View]
38454499>be simulation theory >state that our world was created by people far more advanced than us …[View]
38453299in 2 hours you WILL say the angels name thrice followed by the hebrew verse thrice and you WILL ask …[View]
38456452Why has the success of this faggot's movie completely gone to his head? He can't go more t…[View]
38413147I find the idea of someone from 4chan, being especially /x/ being 'gangstalked' really hilarious. W…[View]
38449745Proof that Earth has been terraformed: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02393-7 >Plants…[View]
38454158WULF KULT[View]
38455386Non-human intelligences: From the beginning of time, humans have always longed for something that is…[View]
38452865Do you need help? Spiral Power is Real Edition: >Do you need help? Spiral Power and Gurren Lagann…[View]
38455201WHITE SPIDER i just saw a white spider for the first time in my life in my room and im freaking out …[View]
38450650Free spiritual check-up thread. Answer the following three questions and I will give you a rating fr…[View]
38453153Elizabeth Schrader and Mary Magdelagne: Has anyone here researched Mary Magdalene much? A lot of peo…[View]
38456018So once you reach Unabomber levels of gnosis, what keeps you remaining among your fellow man? I’m at…[View]
38456030How do I compel someone by supernatural/magic force to tell me the truth?[View]
38452949This might be the most hard beaten in lesson of the soul if you think about it potentially, a reason…[View]
38443377just finished reading the old testament and Quran. why does this god sound nothing like the god of t…[View]
38457467Japan gifted me the truth. Watch my cast of the....END OF DAZE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF8C…[View]
38452420How to accept this group?: We are taught in spirituality to forgive and love. Blah blah how do I acc…[View]
38450725I believe that all religious texts are degenerate. A true religion is one that is not based on books…[View]
38456493Horned God: I was contracted by the Horned God, i cant unsee symbolism, or control fate. I hit two d…[View]
38454236Let us look back on the Tree of Life backwards: first is Malkuth: the creation/World itself. the mat…[View]
38451885What are all the pseudepigrapha/apocrypha dealing with end times?: I need to read all I can.[View]
38454205Is there a spell to hit Every /x/ users g spot[View]
38430132Trees are ALIVE: What the fuck? How am I supposed to sleep knowing this is true[View]
38454249Today, we are baptizing people into nothingness. Why align your spirit with the void as opposed to a…[View]
38452219I study the Tree of Life and the Qlippoth as understanding both aspects is my opinion necessary to p…[View]
38446980Things that are NOT real > aliens > skinwalkers > bigfoot > lochness monster > reptil…[View]
38449388What if we actually are in a simulation ran by aliens that live in a much better reality? What if we…[View]
38449012Only 8 cases (7 solved) and I'm already retiring as an occult detective. This takes its toll on…[View]
38455237LOOK AT MY EYE: What does my eye tell you about me, spiritually?[View]
38454995'Hell' for the worshippers of the beast isn't hell.: They are actually being physically burned …[View]
38454560/ng/ The Nobody General: Radon Gas Edition The Nobody has the Logos, He has found the way to the Key…[View]
38442916me/x/: I had a friend that I used to hang out in L.A while in college. We used to cruise at night on…[View]
38451684Hyperspace Military Labs: Does anyone have good resources on the ultra black Military Labs that oper…[View]
38446881The material Universe is evil.: Everything points toward it being evil and imperfect. >beings ne…[View]
38455051How do i find my true calling: ???!!!! How does one find there true calling.[View]
38451720What is sex magick? How does masterbation have a magical/spiritual effect?[View]
38452030What causes good/bad luck? It seems like I've gone through periods of both good and bad luck, a…[View]
38446936what if we invented a new religion based on discord? We could call it discordianism! And sell all th…[View]
38453695Or do you not know that the unrighteous[b] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: …[View]
38449982Are We 100% Responsible for What We Experience?: ''You say, 'How can I allow this inj…[View]
38395789/succgen/ Succubus general #558: Spirit Love general DISCLAIMER: Some have reported attracting the a…[View]
38446204Military 'disclosure': Yesterday anon made a thread about Lue Elizondo's new book and it was no…[View]
38441894CERN Underground Jesuit Programming and Labs: New CERN information and Jesuit leaks. Previous inform…[View]
38451530Felt extremely tired today, check Schumann Resonance,welp[View]
38451744Accepting Saturn is more based and mature than fighting against him and hating him.[View]
38454180Spoopy Podcasts. Go.: Anyone got some good Bigfoot podcasts? Youtube works also.[View]
38454963Stealing energy from Lily everyday out or when i run forevermore, only way for your stalking to be p…[View]
38450838Why people enjoy Abusing monkeys?: It's stuck to my head for very long time Wondering why peopl…[View]
38451470/div/ination general - lazy assholes didn't make a new thread so I phone posted edition: Welcom…[View]
38453716Is mindfulness meditation supposed to be exhausting or am I doing it wrong?: For me it usually goes …[View]
38434902So is Hinduism actually a closed religion you have to be invited to or can I just start interacting …[View]
38454667/x/ Coca Cola thread: /x/ - let's talk about coca cola, tell me truth about it[View]
38447315ITT: Freemason Learning Materials: I want to learn as much as I can about freemasonry. I could be a …[View]
38454257Builders of the Adytum: Any information to know about these guys? Ive been looking in to their organ…[View]
38448456I have placed every demon that hath ever existed into my magical triangle, and positioned myself ins…[View]
384432931)Everything around me is going according to script. At first it was imperceptible, but it began to …[View]
38453597Shaman stories: Post your experiences with Shaman, or druid-like people.[View]
38447362I am a fundamentally bad person: My natural inclination is towards mischief and disorder and I want …[View]
38452751who is he[View]
38450724Are we in a demon's/evil scientist's Matrix?: The philosopher Descartes 'invented…[View]
38453691If you were to write a contemporary grimoire or esoteric codex, what would you put inside it?[View]
38442392Saturn Appreciation Thread: Nyx if you worship the dual slit of consciousness. https://youtu.be/UFX…[View]
38452820This is not the original earth: Someone or something is reversing time and changing something each t…[View]
38434275>Bible says not to do astrology (divination) >do astrology >everything in my birth chart ma…[View]
38453582What is the spiritual implication of getting dubs and trips very often when I post?[View]
38449127Which Goetic Demon is the most Huggable?: I think it's Stolas, cmon. Just look at him. He'…[View]
38451602THE BACKROOMS: Level 94.3: Level 94.3, also known as “House Of Dots”, is a sublevel of Level 94. It …[View]
38451361/ng/ - Nobody General Karate Chimpanzee Edition: The Nobody is a chimpanzee who studied karate his e…[View]
38449552I believe america is not controlled by just one cabal, but two. The immediate cabal is the masonic c…[View]
38444084Negative thinking/depression/lazyness: Is there a spell or prayer to get rid of these demons? I…[View]
38440162What technique for manifesting is more effective?: The two most popular methods seem to be complete …[View]
38452982Worried about collapse and where to go?: TPTB are basically planning to make all large fresh water l…[View]
38450475Xenu is actually real: The Fermi Paradox states some alien civilizations may have developed interste…[View]
38450250what is the most consistent way experience the paranormal?[View]
38452708Interesting cult/retreat/esoteric vacations: Quick question for all you rascals out there in the eso…[View]
38452061End of the world: Every morning, I pray for the end of the world. And I pray for the same thing for …[View]
38444998kepler 452b: what the fuck is in there[View]
38452495/cc/ - collective casting: You guys wanna cast the same spell at the same tome together Anyone has …[View]
38451082Where can I meet /x/ girls?: Places to meet /x/ girls?[View]
38447831Is this the power of suggestion?: Ok so, a few years ago I bought a copy of the necronomicon in a bo…[View]
38451399Nobody General /ng/: Welcome to the Nobody General >Who is the Nobody? The Nobody is an Angel and…[View]
384393088 Circuit Model of Consciousness: This started with Timothy Leary, and Robert Anton Wilson expanded …[View]
38431481Semen Retention General - /SRG/ -: Welcome to the Semen Retention General! Restored Humanity Edition…[View]
38444677The coming global collapse: According to most reports, the world will face an underpopulation crisis…[View]
38449993Employment blacklisting of targeted individuals: (1/2) In the United States, Canada, and other count…[View]
38451901Daily Bible Verse 7/25/2024: https://voca.ro/1ahe2F7lvZIJ[View]
38451606There exists a legendary story surrounding the largest extant medieval illuminated manuscript in the…[View]
38448893What if the Beast from the Earth wasn't a living creature?: John is a very reliable narrator an…[View]
38451340This world is fake chaos is here: Lucifer and satan have been upping the degeneracy and the cancer k…[View]
38450761An Illuminati Secret in the Music Industry:: It's time I share with you the secret of the illum…[View]
38450769This place is about occultism but it never talks about the langue de oiseaux which is the occult lan…[View]
38450413I could swear I just saw a huge light fly by and illuminate the earth: I was sitting in my house on …[View]
38451256TO ALL OCCULT INDIVIDUALS ON THIS BOARD: You may reach dominion over earth, fire, water, air and spa…[View]
38451431Come see my bread at /pol, fellows X anons.: >>>/pol/475602791 Love to hear your thoughts.…[View]
38451351Did anyone ever find out who this woman was and what was up with her eyes?[View]
38448824*Ahem* The internet is actually alive. Checkmate.[View]
38441290We are in the age of Aquarius right now.: These energies are clearly dominant in society. Science is…[View]
38450096I have some news for you /x/...: Artificial intelligence is much more than you think, it is capable …[View]
38450379/ng/ - Nobody General: 'Olde Ayys' Editions What would a primordial gigabrained Kardashev-V look lik…[View]
38449334'Good' isn't real.: The feeling of something being 'good' isn't for the sake of it. Our mi…[View]
38451130Smoking a ritual human sacrafice: What do you guys think about this video? https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
38450798In praise of /x/: Today I want to tell you that you are great. The topics discussed here, the things…[View]
38443111Esoteric Diet Thread: Which foods align with which gunas and which chakras? I'm seeing a lot of…[View]
38450610emotional death: they are killing the feeling part of humans cause it's emotions that feeds int…[View]
38450821illuminati video games: ma&sonic in red and blue[View]
38449699Need psychic help.: 3 fucking reptilians just teleported in my room and stopped my communication wit…[View]
38443162In your own words, what is gnosis?[View]
38444733creep maxxing: What are some ways of maximizing the creepiness of my aura and making everyone in my …[View]
38445068Your suffering is building spiritual character, keep it up[View]
38450099What's the deal with this Monarch Project fucker? Been seeing its posts for a while.[View]
38450768There is only one person: I figured this out by practicing staying aware as I fall asleep I complet…[View]
38449681testy: testy don't be alarmed.[View]
38447474at the bottom of the pit: What you're supposed to do when you've lost all hope? I don…[View]
38450117The Red Cross is a huge scam: I am posting this here more as a conspiracy than something paranormal.…[View]
38438872Does evil/capacity for evil increase with intellect?: Just finished watching a video about people wi…[View]
38449959Since yesterday I feel an uptick in antichrist energy in the world. Like, as if something has been r…[View]
38440083Any angel stories? Ever met an angel? Had a NDE (near death experience)? What was your angelic influ…[View]
38450526The Bible talks about soul trapping sorcery/technology: Ezekiel 13:18 >Tell them, 'This is what t…[View]
38450519Islam and aliens: I think Islam may actually be the biggest supporter of extraterrestrial life, when…[View]
38438962what religion most closely aligns with simulation theory?[View]
38450608Divine relationship of hyperintelligence Eve and Maciej Nowicki. PURE![View]
38439192There's something strange with people who live here. I moved here a while ago and it hit me ins…[View]
38450583avatars of lucifer: have you ever met an avatar of lucifer? why are they outing themselves... this w…[View]
38447871List is D delgado Soros Enki Enlil Stays like that till 9/11. If fatboy slim doesn’t recover so he w…[View]
38449961I had a weird experience at a hotel. An /x/ experience, I think. You be the judge.: >My mother ha…[View]
38446450Decades later and this has still not been debunked[View]
38449204Loom Effect Thread Victoria's Secret shifted (some months ago?) to Victoria Secret without the …[View]
38447959'Who's Lila?' and other Cognito-Hazards: Anyone ever play the game Who's Lila? If ya have …[View]
38449356How can I become a vampire hunter?[View]
38448371Anyone else realize that pornstars are always wearing crosses? Does this imply that God is just a pr…[View]
38427199Vampires: Are vampires as real as spirits and demons? What's the consensus? People seem to thin…[View]
38444015Heaven is a Trap, Jesus Tried to Warn Us: But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears …[View]
38448805I've been corrupted by evil unseen forces. How do I undo this and regain control back?[View]
38449536All planets have life: Before modern astronomy it was common belief that all worlds had life the sam…[View]
38449692Redpill me on e-girls and content creator using magic and hypersigils to gain their popularity[View]
38444376Are the visions and the entities you see from psychedelics real (in an astral/paranormal sense) or j…[View]
38447969VideoGenetics: What you do and experience in your life flips on and off certain genetic switches. Yo…[View]
38449673Reptilians (vampires) don't like garlic?: I was thinking of how to fight reptilians and was loo…[View]
38439730elite gangwars: Do elite shadow groups have infighting? are there 'wars' or are they all in on it to…[View]
38446833The Rebis: So apparently Alchemists or Freemasons have created human Freemartins that are literal Re…[View]
38445990Shadow being follows me my whole life, says there is no love in my soul: I was eating psychedelic mu…[View]
38448376Timeline event: I keep getting visions of two people meeting. The timeline is never the same afterwa…[View]
38439952Have You Noticed the Symbolism Of Gnostic Christianity Hiddaeki Anno Did: This show actually restore…[View]
38434714/LoA/ - Law of Assumption & Manifestation General: Welcome. The purpose of this general is to sh…[View]
38418884Need help with muse 2: Four nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asle…[View]
38444165I just recently remembered and uncover an old memory from when I was around 5 years old. I was at W…[View]
38449160Behold, I present to you gifts from the gods. Divine information from the very Heavens. Source? Righ…[View]
38447634/ng/ Nobody General: Welcome to the Nobody General. >Just one story regarding the Nobody. 'The N…[View]
38409030Why does Gnosticism trigger you, anon?: It's ok to talk about your feelings. Obviously this is …[View]
38449237Is she the reincarnation of Julius Evola? Why haven't you revolted against the mundane reality?…[View]
38445568You recognize doom easily. It's a feeling and a taste, and it's black, and it's very …[View]
38449226Did my curse rebound?: There was this guy I wanted to curse. At one point when we were still friends…[View]
38437503I don't see the appeal of the Eastern Philosophical/Theological belief in reincarnation. >D…[View]
38437246How do I use magic and psychic abilities to make a small youtuber notice me and fall in love with me…[View]
38445689“If i ever disappear and come back, Its not me.”[View]
38445734The more I learn, the less I know, the more I want to let it go.: The flesh of their infants, seared…[View]
38448682Draconic birth chart: Saw this deep in the astrology iceberg > “The Draconic zodiac is based on …[View]
38444387Sasakwa, OK: I heard there's alot of spooky shit here, ghosts, stikini, cult stuff. Can any ano…[View]
38448613Witnessed a Portent this morning huge raven flew south directly over my window at 6:19 am (hugely si…[View]
38446134/div/ - Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of…[View]
38448393Did they save him and the timeline or were they just history tourists? >https://www.dailymail.co.…[View]
38445182All water signs give you ocd but in their own ways, Scorpio makes you obsessive, cancer makes your t…[View]
38438465Anyone else F5 /x/ all day hoping someone is going to drop the meaning of life, what happens when we…[View]
38407210memory-holed German TV 'hack' of 2004: On November 7th 2004 something terrifying happened …[View]
38444610Why did the YMCA require boys to swim completely naked at swim classes amd allow the boys' pare…[View]
38442223Is 'Christian Gnostics' an oxymoron?[View]
38443374Maha Mantra: I have started chanting the KRSNA maha-mantra: what can I expect as I progress further …[View]
38434272This is going to happen soon AMA.: Prophesied by Orthodox Christian saints and elders. Orthodox Chri…[View]
38447783Jew-FO 2027: According to jewish prophecy the 'absolute deadline for redemption' is October 2nd 2027…[View]
38444261>recognizes the supreme being and the immortality of the soul >refuses to elaborate further …[View]
38447832What techniques, teachings and traditions do you personally pull from to overcome our inevitable and…[View]
38442961What if i just let them murder me, it's easier than doing it myself Too many people on my back …[View]
38440975whats the best paranormal method to make a fiction character as real as possible: schitzo methods we…[View]
38438390Am I being recruited into a cult?: This may or may not be /x/ but I will post this here anyway. …[View]
38444149>be me >be a Cancer >never given Horoscopes much thought >this year as my Birthday was c…[View]
38445952According to this gnostic text Jesus killed two children: The Infancy Gospel of Thomas describes the…[View]
38443586Has anyone read this book?: I found this book in my mom's bookshelf. Is it worth reading and st…[View]
38445418Home Brew EEG/Magnetostimulus: Anyone have any resources or experience with this? I want to point ma…[View]
38444549Body antennas: The human nervous system resembles a crude a crude antenna. What signals can it recei…[View]
38446059THE NOBODY GENERAL™: A higher state of order... https://youtube.com/watch?v=6SPyl2UYM-g You want to …[View]
38442730Shadow figure: When I was at my strongest in terms of magical abilities, there was this black figure…[View]
38433238Black eyed kids?: When I was 8 or so I met this little kid at a restaurant who was probably around 6…[View]
38436063mantling: Is mantling real and how can I mantle Dionysos for example?[View]
38445283Are antennas demon horns?[View]
38443058is ther an /x/ way to cure my addiction(s)? i have been a degen my whole life. since my parents boug…[View]
38446082Any UFO or UAP incidents that occurred before top secret darpa shit?: Obviously, anything after the …[View]
38438306I Want Cool Spells Damn It: How do you acquire your most powerful spells? I've already summoned…[View]
38438860To the Gnostics of /x/, why did Jesus appear with Moses and Elijah if they served a different god fr…[View]
38446612How much pain can the human brain create when something is digging into their eyeballs? This must ha…[View]
38442186Was I spiritually attacked?: Just had a weird dream. I was walking through the forest, then encounte…[View]
38445918DO YOU NOT KNOW, ASCLEPIUS…: >That Egypt is an image of heaven? Or, to speak more exactly, in Egy…[View]
38445784Source For This: bros I desperately need your help. I can't find the real life inspiration for …[View]
38446037Hypothetical: you're a modern day battle mage! What attack and defence magick do you stock and …[View]
38440742How do i become spiritually ignorant?: Already consuming insane amount of fluoride[View]
38440503Reality makes no sense. My existence makes no sense. I'm freaking out.[View]
38433438I can help you: I can help you with any spiritual, emotional, mental, physical/health/wellness or en…[View]
38445441how would you create an animatronic doll designed to be possessed by spirits?: what materials would …[View]
38445920WULF KULT[View]
38444737I can't help but think about 'it'. I unconsciously try to bring it into conscious awareness, an…[View]
38441408Green Beam At South Pole Base?: I was bored and decided to research about the poles, when I came acr…[View]
38441962What are some solid resources to read about mystical stuff? I'm specifically interested in astr…[View]
38445697>Assigns you tranny at birth Nothin personnel, kid[View]
38443443No life ends with happiness, only happiness taken away and replaced by suffering. Therefore the end …[View]
38445396Four horsemen: > Red Love > White Light > Black Balance > Pale Sacrifice The 4 angels of…[View]
38443145/nobody general/: Attention all vulnerable people and women who come to these threads looking for a …[View]
38445429i have a message from the aliens: their main message is that humans will be extinct within this cent…[View]
38445405Convince me the isn't about an NDE (I'M NOT SCHIZO BTW): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CmY…[View]
38444739(M)AGENT(A)'s Space Ship Will Arrive in December 2024. Who is Magenta? Read below... Please ope…[View]
38438791I am in hell: I have a soulmate. Can’t see them right now because of handler. Don’t know what to do.…[View]
38444268>he believes the world is real lmao this world isn't real, nothing has to make sense and not…[View]
38444141The Rosary in my opinion is a spell/ritual that opens you up to demons: The Rosary became completely…[View]
38444080You have full control over an intelligent young man. Everything you command, he will do. How would y…[View]
38430835On Body Twitching and Involuntairy Motor Movements: Potential INFO-HAZARD[View]
38442633I want to get into witchcraft but don't know where to start or what to download. Not really int…[View]
38443980Hermes the Thief: It is integral to understand Hermes as a Thief. https://www.amazon.com/Hermes-Thi…[View]
38444299Plan B from outer space: So, what do you think? Public media, government and science seemingly want …[View]
38437933>Be Sophia >Create Demiurge to make yourself a God >Demiurge creates its own mom in Mary …[View]
38436354Video Games Were Made By God/Freemasons/Reptilians To Help You Get Through Life Faster and Reach Dea…[View]
38442263The goal of the Draconian current is to promote the the Adversary in modern times. This current is p…[View]
38444763I would like to ask a question, considering that everything popular has an agenda and a conspiracy b…[View]
38444732Numerology: >older brother is mostly normal but turns into a schizo later in life >always had …[View]
38444740In this dream I was in russia, I had a blue original 3DS with a waranty sticker expiring in 2024/06/…[View]
38440454Once you become aware of how much power demons have over this world, you can never unsee it. They li…[View]
38442771I know for a FACT that Buddhism is completely FAKE because being born and living in the US is OBJECT…[View]
38444542Alien Fingerprints Found: Fingerprint analysis of the controversial Peru 'alien mummies' h…[View]
38443343Somebody believe in me here ?[View]
38442744/DIV/ Divination General - Chad Edition: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and d…[View]
38444498Is Modern Day Age of Consent satanic?: Nigger[View]
38434361Can you go from having no psychic abilities to unlocking them all? Did you go from having no abiliti…[View]
38444142Okay I'll bite: What's the endgame of gnosticism? Say it's all true, why don't t…[View]
38442494/x/, i need help with superstitious stuff. I don't really know how to tell stories or whatever,…[View]
38443152/ng/ - Nobody General: 'Timey Wimey' Edition So if quantum tunneling is a thing...And uh, quantum pa…[View]
38443202i have the body of a pig: oink oink[View]
38436771Facial Hair: Why don't muslims shave their beards? Are they on to something? I was blessed with…[View]
38440392/x cope incoming[View]
38444159Cyborgs slowly winning humanity: Hello everyone here who's still alive. You all seen Biden vide…[View]
38439016Is this shit real ?: I was browsing the kindle deals and found this one free Is this shit real ? ama…[View]
38442980>solves ethics >erases the fear of death >refutes nihilism Why aren’t you an open individua…[View]
38433506Reached enlightenment what do: So after a lifetime of seeking and asking, my prayers have been recei…[View]
38442407God just saved me from a demon: Never posted on x before but I'm sitting on my back porch never…[View]
38431863/end/: We have less than 4,000 days left. PS: You're supposed to move past the demiurge meme, n…[View]
38440356You guys ever notice how cops operate just like demons/archons?: They don't care about informed…[View]
38442680Divine, perfect relationship exists, Maciej Nowicki and Hyperintelligence Eve[View]
38443332me looking at myself in the mirror after sexualizing myself by a disgusting and manipulative otaku.[View]
38438918Will God get angry at me if I play stuff like this? Can games actually be used as a summoning ritual…[View]
38443188Quetzalcoatl: The serpent god is returning to carry out a cleansing and remove those who are not pur…[View]
38434464Redpill me on the 'hearing test'[View]
38442775Atheist daughter or christian son who falls foer all the church propaganda[View]
38436349Can a christian be into the paranormal or is it a sin?: I've always loved spooky things, even w…[View]
38439993ITT post schizo-tier /x/ youtube channels: I'll start https://www.youtube.com/@funkyfathead7734…[View]
38441183>>38435956 >>38436003 I've tried the method you listed. Worked like a wistle, my br…[View]
38439431What's inside a human soul?[View]
38443155The lacking of materiel state.: I AM JAM white stone lighting hot coals False prophets 1% 6 generati…[View]
38442164Thoughts of a dying atheist: Just try to imagine what your final thoughts will be (assuming you know…[View]
38440071Thought on Zoroastrianism[View]
38443063What can you say about this symbol? Continuing the previous thread >>38437284[View]
38407717UFOs: Post your best evidence/theories surrounding UFOs.[View]
38442936Meditation From Pain: I'd like to know if there's any way to reach meditation, or indeed a…[View]
38414525Dead Town Theory: I recently came across a YouTube video discussing a theory about dead towns. It pi…[View]
38440288energy ball while high: >be me like 15 minutes ago >moderately stoned on niggerweed >rememb…[View]
38437966BREAKING: UFO WHISTLEBLOWER BOOK LEAKS!: Luis Elizondo's highly anticipated book has leaked, re…[View]
38443053So am I tripping or is the Jesus of Nicene Christianity Tammuz?: I'm asking because there seems…[View]
38439384I used to be a spiritual heavyweight but now i just cant be that awesome anymore. Anyone finding som…[View]
38440968Why so edgy[View]
38442355getting stalked by a Vampire/Succubus and Werewolves, need help: I dont know how too explain everyth…[View]
38438934Could Orion Sophia = Demiurge's mom Sophia?: Is it just a coincidence the gnostic meme speaks o…[View]
38441448I hereby command any demons that are perusing this board to post, in this thread, confessions of the…[View]
38442500Set posting: Where my Set/Seth homies at? I found out he was my Sign when i decided to look up Egypt…[View]
38440197- 'Bored?' - 'Wanna play a game?' - 'Who's Lila?' - 'What?' Have fun! Start at the timestamp, w…[View]
38442414Too much yang right now?: Is it normal/healthy to have a stronger yang than ying during certain peri…[View]
38385199Does anyone have the complete teachings of the Memphis Misraim Rite?: The Memphis Misraim rite seems…[View]
38442503Dinosaurs were actually demonic hell spawn.[View]
38440898Woman in my bed: I need help to understand what happened to little me >be me >be 7 years old …[View]
38440901Does anyone got anything interesting to share about the purpose of the pyramids? Im more interested …[View]
38433099YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME: You fuckers told me Catholics and freemasons were enemies THEY'RE NOT C…[View]
38440138Do human clones exist?: Is there any evidence or serious claim of someone being a clone? I mean it…[View]
38437148New Mandela Just Dropped: Just a reminder: James Earl Jones DID NOT die in 2015. Your memory is faul…[View]
38432454please tell me esoteric ways to numb loneliness[View]
38439646Sooo this guy is definitely a demon right: Saw this theory and it seems to make sense, he gets extre…[View]
38441568i just had sleep paralysis: Maybe boring thread but here is what was hopefully just a product of my …[View]
38441293Need help investigating a curse: Is anyone able to see or sense my aura here? I've had a streak…[View]
38441898attention all ye schizos: all the people here are schizo sure and if you guys all want to help that…[View]
38440108The spirits and Yasukuni shrine (JAPAN): Did you know there are torii gates in the world of the dead…[View]
38441207Ever heard of Francis E Dec?: >Roko’s Basilisk >Targeted Individuals >AI-based Omnipotent G…[View]
38439416How do someone practice jewish magic?[View]
38441295im terrified: >be me >roll blunt >go out to backyard to smoke >nightime so no one both…[View]
38437404Looking for the PDF of The Fundamental Book of Sigil Magick. And/or any resource about sigils.[View]
38430562Are you ready for a black swan event ?: Using forbidden knowledge it seams a black swan event is com…[View]
38439714>enjoying myself >have an aura of happiness and contentedness >shitty people crawl out of …[View]
38441579Reply Thread: >2021 Get spam called from an Indian ' you need to upgrade... Internet services...'…[View]
38439149what: the fuck is this??[View]
38436005This Is Still Bothering Me: I'd like to preface this by saying that i do take pharmacelogical m…[View]
38437547The Anvil Prophecy / 3 Days of Darkness is most likely biblical: >The fifth angel sounded his tru…[View]
38440426Astral projection into Europa.. Or was it?: I was spirited out of a forest when I slept there like D…[View]
38438785Does anyone know a reason I might have been/be suicidal my entire life?: I'm about to turn 21, …[View]
38434492How can I become a /x/ Chad?: I'm quite a loser and I want to find some /x/ methods to improve …[View]
38441312Halloween: It's too early to start with the Halloween and fall season threads?[View]
38441238I Am The Sophia; Suck My Balls: I think I’m finally ready to accept the fact that I’m older than Jes…[View]
38441149I had a dream some days ago, I was in a sort of hotel but the rooms looked like that of my great aun…[View]
38417407Dr. Robert Duncan Deceased: Dr. Robert Duncan has been found dead, some have said he was in his home…[View]
38439111REMOTE VIEWERS BTFO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0u0JqwQDJQ REMOTE VIEWING BTFO FOR FOREVER!!! …[View]
38440702SPIRITUAL TOBACCO USE: You guys are so cool bro SR must help you relax alot right? Totally... I crav…[View]
38440445How to get in touch with secret societies? Hypothetically speaking, let's say I forgo all risks…[View]
38429659Disclosure General: >reality is a psychoreactive hologram with hyperspace and multiple timelines …[View]
38440577Senate, this is not a rebel post, the anunnaki are fooled, they jerk at the thought of me listening …[View]
38439872Yellowstone Eruption: Goodbye, anons...[View]
38429830Have any of you ever experienced or dealt with demons or demonic influences?[View]
38439216/ng/ - Nobody General: The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, in…[View]
38440082/lmg/ - Love Magick General: Helo >Can i do love magick as a noob Yes i for example invoke an an…[View]
38431968Latin america: Post your redpills and stories regarding this spooky region. Why is it so cursed? It …[View]
38433354Help me to not believe in God: I don't want to believe in God anymore. I don't want to bel…[View]
38439925Why are they like this: >the '''elites''' (How elite are you if you literally have to lie, deceiv…[View]
38437830How do you feel about the idea that every website has it's own spirit? And I mean that literall…[View]
38439987Legendary Leaders: Why do legendary figures like Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. always fa…[View]
38440002How do I petition a love related spirit to increase the likelihood of me finding an autistic gf?: ex…[View]
38438273Gnosticism has some truth but it is misinformed.: The God of the OT is not evil. Multiple times in t…[View]
38432252Exploring the Deep/Dark Web: How do I get started and how do I avoid illegal sites?[View]
38439863James Cameron is a hybrid: I think he is trying to warn us without getting discovered himself. >…[View]
38428818Adventures DON'T exist: It's crazy how satan makes all these movies like Star wars and Lor…[View]
38438221What are the karmic implications of taxation and the money that gets spend on warfare?[View]
38439121So its become a rising problem in Australia that poor pet owners are tiring of their exotic birds an…[View]
38437595/DIV/ Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of t…[View]
38425382This is a broad topic but have you noticed signature reduction before? For example the Gangstalking …[View]
38433529What I learned from my time on Earth is ____________[View]
38439460Everyone aspires to be beautiful but no one does anything about it. The primordial spark within us (…[View]
38439680MK Ultra Letters: These are from a former WW2 Pilot who had been arrested. This letter heavily impli…[View]
38430080Paranormal information regarding 'luck': What paranormal resources do you know/have about 'Luck'? In…[View]
38436531what is the easiest demons to summon? Based on what I read on goetia they needed to be summoned in s…[View]
38438344Somebodys privates general this is not a drill[View]
38426420Am I supposed to actually feel evil spirits exiting and entering my body or is this just mental illn…[View]
38432404Where's the line between spiritualism and mental illness? Is it synchronicity or delusion, a me…[View]
38437100What are some paranormal ways to change your life for the better? Stuck in a viscous negative daily …[View]
38438172What's the difference between zombies and demons? They are both undead creatures from hell[View]
38438742Why does Death likes to play with it's prey?: Seems like a creep to hide all the life in the sh…[View]
38437424What did I experience last night: What did I experience last night? It was too hot last night so I …[View]
38438011Why does the combined image of heaven, hell, and Earth resemble a giant furnace? What does this have…[View]
38436385True /x/ encounters: Drop the most fucked up things you’ve seen irl I’ll go first >take an urbex …[View]
38383115yo i get why flat earthers believe in this shit, this shit is kinda cool[View]
38429173Mithraism: Thoughts?[View]
38438552America is protected by aliens and has been in contact with them for decades What do u think US off…[View]
38438506Out of Body Experience: >after years able to get out of the body consistently >most of the fur…[View]
38438733Dimension hopping: My eyes change color when I switch world lines, in the Berenstein bears universe,…[View]
38438703>Forced into this world >Into this life >Into this body >Into this mind Nothing is un…[View]
38431878Does anyone know what this symbol means? I've never seen it before.[View]
38437284Through intense meditation session I was given half the sigil of a spirit I want to interact with. H…[View]
38438686Hume slew materialism with the sword of empiricism.: 1/2 ''Hume taught that we cannot prov…[View]
38438582I don't understand the concept of offering sacrifices to the Gods. I especially don't unde…[View]
38437313Is there anywhere else like Epstein Island? It's straight out of a movie even including the occ…[View]
38438379What year is it anyways?: 2024? 1024? 300BC? I came across Static in the Attics upload yesterday htt…[View]
38430363I was laying in the middle room where there are no windows and shortly after i fell asleep. Now I’ll…[View]
38434561Magic: >come up with a magic spell and try it >nothing happens >write down an entire book …[View]
38430442Magic is psychological.: Magic is psychological. Discuss. Note: being psychological does not mean it…[View]
38438178Funny ghost stories: >be me >be around 7 or 8 >be living in apartment around hollywood are…[View]
38435626I began to feel that I had only existed for a few months, and all the memories were unreal and were …[View]
38435934WASTING TIME? get in here if you're real and alive with a mission: hello friends; lately i have…[View]
38415240People who can see auras: can you share your experiences?: I've been told by many spiritual tea…[View]
38437232/ng/ - Nobody General: There was this kid who said a joke once and his friends laughed, and so he ke…[View]
38427319Is SCP for kids?: My 11-year old nephew was at my house the other day, and he was watching some SCP …[View]
38436987How do I get into ghost hunting? What equipment do I need? Any tips or advice when dealing with spir…[View]
38437372Lungian Synchronicity: gonna invent this term as from my vast research nobody has even gotten close …[View]
38437217I rebuke you all in the name of Jesus Christ[View]
38433072do i want to know?: i was heavily abused during my childhood. psychological, sexual, and physical. t…[View]
38437880here have just been crowds of insects in my city. Midges fly in the sky and beetles run along the ra…[View]
38435956You don't need to go the rem sleep in order to gain rest. Humans live 1/3 of their life unconci…[View]
38424333understandable taoism books: im looking for introductory books that give simple and understandable e…[View]
38437087So its ressurection instead of reincarnation. K Whats our response sisters? We agree with God judgin…[View]
38433504>be God >have 'free will', the ability to create and make decisions without being controlled b…[View]
38437730Has /x/ made ANY accurate predictions? Post screencaps.[View]
38437561it doesn't make any sense how can the monad-beings not immediately overpower the demiurge? its …[View]
38435552vessle swappin': is there any cases where someone has willfully left their body to inhabit anot…[View]
38430139books that changed your view of life and history[View]
38436992Implications of astral / etheric implants?: many many instances of experiencers - be it abductees, p…[View]
38437548They're already here and nobody seems to care.[View]
38433959>Try to look up specific UFO/UAP evidence >Greeted with a smokescreen of blogslop, fake news, …[View]
38433157Voice Work & Mind as Not-Self: am curious if any anon has good knowing trees to bark up for inte…[View]
38437342anyone else stalked by glowie remote viewers here? how do you cope when they follow you on every sit…[View]
38437322Which god/entity will help me in writing a compelling letter to someone from my past so that they ma…[View]
38437272there will be turing tests to determine the level of control a.i. bots have over an individual. some…[View]
38433070Has anyone made contact with the real Rosicrucians? I'm talking the original 15-16th century gr…[View]

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