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/x/ - Paranormal

Displaying 393 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
38279646scp memetic stuff: >just read the scp-055 antimemetic story thing >pretty good story i'm …[View]
38274380Terrence Howard vs Eric Weinstein: lets fucking GO Bros[View]
38279230I need to get into the anime world: I can't handle the brutality of 3D life. I need to get away…[View]
38275980>In the original Stargate motion picture, the Great Pyramid of Giza was revealed to be nothing mo…[View]
38275674I am trapped between waking and dreaming. I can't wake up. I find relationships, people, events…[View]
38271124meditation resources: compile the best resources for meditation[View]
38279370Sufism or judaism?: I think that i will convert to judaism. My body, my soul, everything screams for…[View]
38279285eclypse?: found this on twitter[View]
38279278Fishtank 2.5 [Day 5] - A New Decree: Larping https://youtu.be/Ixo-RC4ut-8?si=p5Lu8H-Ksu6xVAaC…[View]
38274697So the other day I was in a meditative state and I got to a point where everything felt loving. Righ…[View]
38277959>no one is talking about the blinding star that will appear in our sky visible throughout the pla…[View]
38276628Anon, Anon: WW3 What else ... ... Can you see?[View]
38279116Found another kabbalah charm bracelet or something. you guys tell me what it means I found one last …[View]
38278753Have you ever been punished by God himself? Does God have two types of punishment - like one where h…[View]
38277900Immortality: Courtesy of ChatGPT 4. Summarized list of types of Immortality Biological Immortality -…[View]
38278509UFO DAY: This is a UFO Day Digital Disclosure Chain - please share to those who care - We are so cl…[View]
38278757Epic dream: It started our with me debauching boys and ended with me aggressively flirting with some…[View]
38275844amazonians: i have channeled an 8 foot tall amazonian alien species. AMA[View]
38278443Objective beauty does exist: How often someone consciously chooses beauty over ugliness is a good me…[View]
38278650Women should be depopulated like how jews depopulate goy: Jews say non Jews are made from the evil e…[View]
38275478Free will is impossible. God being all knowing means he already knows every single decision we will …[View]
38276790Red pill me on the orthodox church: There used to be a documentary on the history of orthodoxy expos…[View]
38278024Aluminum curse: It seems I used the wrong filter for one of my magic wands and the enema/eczema in m…[View]
38266650You had it all. Money, wealth, fame, and fortune. Then you suicided and begged prayed and asked for …[View]
38278718anybody have any good reccomendations of creepy/paranormal podcasts to listen to while falling aslee…[View]
38276127Reality shifting?: is it possible, i have had some pretty realistic dreams and i believe some astral…[View]
38265797do you also come from the timeline were Sydney was the capital of Australia and not Canberra? how di…[View]
38263844I'm bored af and between jobs rn so I'm just gonna start talking about weird shit that hap…[View]
38276171Weird interaction on a dead game: I joinee worlds during the cult hype of 2018-2019, hoping to see s…[View]
38278093I Found The Lock Ness Monster: 82°03′00″S 162°16'29'E[View]
38278488LOOKING TO PAY A PARANORMAL TUTOR: listen to the vocaroo below for instructions !!! (mods pls dont d…[View]
38278582Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow.[View]
38277799What have you heard?[View]
38278208Has anybody else seen this man in their dreams?[View]
38271659This is your future: Hello, i possess informations about the New Age (not the cultural phenomenon, I…[View]
38278031What if a tiny ultra-religious former-coal mining West Virginian town seemingly vanish off the face …[View]
38277777samaelian gnosis: I am looking for people who are seriously interested in the practices put forth by…[View]
38274582Please help me: >be me >have sleep paralysis every now and then, pretty rare >wakeup, can…[View]
38278280Grave emitting RFID signals?: Link related. Saw this on Tiktok. These guys were using 'code detector…[View]
38268548rupert spira: what the fuck is his problem?[View]
38269293I don't want to believe in Christianity. The only other real option is believing (not convertin…[View]
38277050/div/ - Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of…[View]
38278037>'Y-Yes, cakes, cookies, pies....oh, and candy. I like hamburgers and hotdogs too. If you find an…[View]
38274343Tree of Life: I'm trying to learn about what this all means. This is my personal chart. Can som…[View]
38277825individual faith: might be stating something obvious but singular faith most often is taken as a del…[View]
38277231Dungeons: Do these exist IRL? If so, how do I find or summon one?[View]
38274637Did you feel guilty using manifestation?: Has anybody here ever successfully manifested an unfortuna…[View]
38275254What came first? Matter or Spirit? The finite or the infinite?[View]
38276382Synthetic Telepathy General: >psychotronics >cybernetics >voice of god >voice to skull …[View]
38275127Does conventional religion exist simply to fatten NPCs for the harvest?[View]
38277390>makes video about irrelevant cyberstalker who calls him a pedo >video is an aesthetic ape of …[View]
38273165intuition: Ive been mulling over ever saying this to anyone but, is your intuition supposed to be ac…[View]
38276321/ng/ - Nobody General: The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital…[View]
38273649Disclosure: What is the disclosure? Is reality a psychoreactive hologram? Are there other timelines?…[View]
38270415Roblox: Considering it's size and vastness, there's bound to be some /x/ tier stories that…[View]
38272637Horse Stance for meditative focus, calm, zen?: Been doing meditation for a while and seen minimal re…[View]
38276331Anomalous lightning encounter: anyone have a similar experience or some info what the hell happened?…[View]
38250953We Should Look Deeper at The Cult of Saturn: I'm sure many here already know about Frank Webste…[View]
38273516Not only did nothing happen on April 8th, nothing happened 40 days after either. So all the Jonah re…[View]
38277225How did you get here /x/? Do you remember what you did today? Sure you remember the things you did i…[View]
38274642This is the most entertaining schizoid theory. What are they sliding?[View]
38276511What does the phrase 'darkness visible' mean?[View]
38276092MGS webm: I remember a webm that was posted here around 2015 that used clips from MGS (I believe it …[View]
38276840Planeswalkers: Whats the scoop on planeswalking? Are there places to actually go? Stories of your t…[View]
38274255Ghosts are real: I imagine this isn't too surprising to a lot of people on this board, but I th…[View]
38274213What are the paranormal implications of the truth? Can you live in peaceful ignorance without it or …[View]
38276539Council of 9 HATE thread: The evilist of the (((them)))) the super atheist of The Han. The cabal of …[View]
38249468/astro/ Astrology General - Cat lady edition: Let us all kneel before our overlord, destroyer of thr…[View]
38276240Death Grips: At first I thought they were just incoherent schizo ramblings but have come to realize …[View]
38275194Moroccan witchcraft: What do you think about Black magic culture in Morocco?[View]
38275358>we live in a world where there is a witchhunt against all regligions[View]
38269090Is Death the limit ?: Do you all know that the concept of the Afterlife is only a facade to keep us …[View]
38272806Post occult music and not fake shit what the fuck is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqTn_4I5pq…[View]
38273611The LHC at CERN is essentially an Oblivion gate.[View]
38276208How do I check if an object is cursed? I hot this jade circle at a flea market. No idea what it says…[View]
38268819So I have noticed that Ravens follow me around on walks or will appear out of nowhere caw insistentl…[View]
38276391One Piece Joyboy: Joyboy is a real person and lives in Boise Idaho. His frequency is higher than any…[View]
38276387Jupiter Return: I admit that I created a lot of expectations about Jupiter's entry into Gemini.…[View]
38275592>we're already past the kali yuga Who the fuck was kalki?[View]
38276347Any group that helps me to conquer the hindi and the russians, is welcome to. I can get it done in a…[View]
38276324Pagans complain that Christians delayed scientific progress at the same time pagans promote anarcho-…[View]
38270132Whats the REAL true Redpill on this event?[View]
38267121Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon's disappearance: No matter how I think about it it's such a…[View]
38273728So how do I make enough money to ascend?: It is expensive to buy organic food. It is expensive to ow…[View]
38254807Qi energy: This is for anons to discuss >Qi Gong >Nei Gong >Nei Dan…[View]
38267397Why is it that we know so little about our own ocean?[View]
38266778What are spiritual implications of being extremely cowardly: And not being able to overcome fears?…[View]
38231776So what's the deal with vampires? Are there any bloodsucker experts here? How do you become one…[View]
38271454Smoked a bong after a while of not smoking weed and got really high really quickly. The paranoia kic…[View]
38271663>According to Islamic tradition, one day in 610 CE, when he was 40 years old, the angel Gabriel a…[View]
38270562How dangerous is it exactly to start altering my own past?[View]
38273904How do I change my natal chart or change increase strength of planets?: Mars in Cancer and Moon/Nept…[View]
38265114alien pic that shut down 4chan: any one have the original[View]
38274671What are his plans?[View]
38275148deez birdz they b folowing us[View]
38238253What is the significance of the number 33?: Freemasons obsess over this number and Jesus was said to…[View]
38266782Swallow air into your stomaches. Think you are a spark? Your dark lit. Think you heating up? I doubt…[View]
38274372Tell me how common this is: How many of you can feel the third eye? Like pressure between eye brows …[View]
38267535I can't be the only who noticed all the satanic paranormal imagery in these BNWO Hypno PMV vide…[View]
38271585Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice. Every meth…[View]
38273559Book List: Hello! Looking for a /x/ Book list, preferably one of those old mega links.[View]
38247566Why do I get strong Luciferian vibes from this show? Unlike other sci-fi (star treks) or soft-disclo…[View]
38268790Ruidoso NM Fires, 2024[View]
38265870Is it true that intense silent mental recitation of the Jesus prayer causes one to see an ineffable …[View]
38268774proof of sentient life inside computers.: 1/2[View]
38261415Where did years of 'conspiracy research' take (you), anon? This poor sinner just realized that they …[View]
38274785To destroy the indians and russians. Kanye West Lenny Kravitz Amlo Rosalia Sylvester Stallone Blizza…[View]
38273279Dream Interpretation: I was looking out to see if any of you guys have dream decoding skills because…[View]
38273947/NG/ - Nobody General: The air was for ever filled with the screaming and the whistling of the shell…[View]
38274673Are they the same?: Two sides of the same coin, reflective of each other in opposition, yin and yang…[View]
38274674globetards BTFO[View]
38265237'Enlightenment' is BULLSHIT![View]
38274321Are you AOP: All one person Or are you YOU Who are (You)?[View]
38265810King Solomon: Was he the greatest man that ever lived?[View]
38268968Who else got into religion/spirituality from atheism?: Were you raised atheist and then, after readi…[View]
38237777Duomancer at your service.: I have perfected the art of making the correct decisions for other peopl…[View]
38272287Christjews worship a false god: Why do they need to announce to every board that their false messiah…[View]
38274093how do i learn about occultism/mysticism/magick/esotericism/whatever. i have always been drawn to t…[View]
38268808What causes depression: I frown all the time no matter where I am. And everyone can sense it. It…[View]
38271330What are the best exorcism sentences to say to a evil spirit? I start: -Christ is King![View]
38273381please help me remember this magical text: 2-3 ago I saw one anon share this book to another claimin…[View]
38269302Is there any love spell ritual or something to make a specific person love me again or become obsess…[View]
38273760Backrooms: Alex entered the office elevator as he had done countless times before. But this time, as…[View]
38268212What really goes on here?[View]
38273253The internet is only a 3rd of the puzzle, you've probably already mastered all it has to offer.…[View]
38205813full moon: What are you guys doing for it???[View]
38263108the real origin of the concept and symbol of the Black Sun: i made this post to clarify my doubts ab…[View]
38267448Hierarchy & Orders of Demons: I'm not interested in practicing Goetic Rituals & such, I…[View]
38273652What's the best diet to combat demonic possession and enhance spiritual strength? I think I…[View]
38187161Fasting: How does routinely taking and breaking fast improve one's spiritual fitness? Do I get …[View]
38267464:): I am sorry, even if I pretended to be aware of it while entering the snakes mouth I still fell i…[View]
3826906569: Why is this number so unbelievably important?[View]
38272313Why is Islam, a Piscean Religion, not losing ground to Aquarian encroachment?: Most of the echoes of…[View]
38273109Are we going to pretend like this didn't happen?[View]
38265712Base On The Moon: I’m here to expose some things that you aren’t supposed to know, that no one is su…[View]
38273313If Trump Wins we enter into the Anvil Clouds Timeline[View]
38272914what percentage of your thoughts are your own (i.e. the product of your own will/volition?) and what…[View]
38271067PRAISE BE TO LOMAK: It's almost the 10 year anniversary of the Lomak thread, (2025-01-29 06:39:…[View]
38272746Redpill me on the Dover airport[View]
38273082Official Laugh at Cephalopod NHI Thread: It's July 1st. Where are those squids at, buddy?…[View]
38273052Have you seen this picture?: Not pic related, but the one I'm trying to find. It was labeled un…[View]
38272096Boston Marathon bombing: What really happened? Psyop? False flag?[View]
38266397>we still don't have an explanation for this[View]
38268589>so, Mr. Nebulor >you said you saw something unusual?…[View]
38270835This looks famliar: Got bored and decided to look up random old alien photos. Found this one, and th…[View]
38225184Tell me about black projects aircraft.[View]
38269166Thoughts on this? I read it through once years ago and found much of it difficult to retain at least…[View]
38272346My soul is Immense and Oceanic[View]
38269170Found this 7 leaf clover today. This shit is getting literally cartoonish[View]
38271755/ng/ - Nobody General: > Welcome to the Nobody General [alternate epilogue] August 29, 1997, cam…[View]
3826790623: I am 23 years old, turning 24 on July 8th. I see the number 23 everywhere, all the time ever sin…[View]
38272682I Found The Lock Ness Monster: 82°03′00″S 162°16'29'E[View]
38271210Jesus is Satan the Devil and the Holy Trinity proves it. Satan tried being equal to God with this no…[View]
38267655Reminder that the body of Baal can be seen in the crab nebula[View]
38258271if I pray for the same thing basically 24/7 for at least 6 months to a year. do I get it?[View]
38270344Second Half of the Dragon: Anon, Anon What are your predictions for the next six months? Forget abou…[View]
38271780Why do all the elites worship Moloch?: Ir must be difficult to commit child sacrifice etc. for Moloc…[View]
38269720Nearly half the world believes in abrahamic god Any explanation as to why it's so pervasive an…[View]
38271025Do you remember?: Do you remember who you truly are beyond this prison? I do. And there will be no m…[View]
38271720Gold: What is its actual worth? It's not only valued highly because it's somewhat hard to …[View]
38271222To whom it may concern: A letter to the TechnoKing, from the King born from the woman dressed with t…[View]
38264064What happens when someone with *actual* schizophrenia (not the tee hee I am so schizo kind), or has …[View]
38251130thoughts on homeschoooling? no CIA allowed[View]
38270867Moses, the inventor of the ancient Hebrew alphabet and messenger of Elohim[View]
38268137Dyatlov Pass Incident: What happened in 1959 in the Dyatlov Pass in Russia?[View]
38245757Hypersigils in porn: I know you guys see it. Bitches randomly having satanic tatoos, statues of sata…[View]
38267590Have you ever witnessed a miracle? How did it make you feel inside?[View]
38265564JOHN LENNON SAW A U.F.O. ALIEN IN NYC: John Lennon describes seeing a UFO over New York - This is a …[View]
38271051Why: It’s hard to find people these days whose brains aren’t full of degeneracy, man and woman purpo…[View]
38270382>mom got lured into yet ANOTHER new age spirituality cult >it's somehow STILL not clear t…[View]
38271558???: Every night I’ve been gooning to the ccru numogram right before I fall asleep then I have dream…[View]
38267089God, the Omniscient and the Omnipresent, cannot be confined to any one creed, for He says in the Qur…[View]
38268168It’s all a distraction: You can be free the moment you decide to be Free yourself from the illusion …[View]
38266107Needle in a haystack, Truth Stories Part 8: In this part we will talk about UFOs. What are UFOs? Bro…[View]
38270032/ng/ - Nobody General: Greetings Traveller, The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a lig…[View]
38268383Guys, I broke through the simulation, we are going home, I know you can feel it. We need courage, we…[View]
38270890Was Osama bin Ladin a schizophrenic ? Why was he reading /x/ books and stuff about like the secret t…[View]
38259237Semen Retention General - /SRG/ - Shills are baffled! edition: Welcome to the Semen Retention Genera…[View]
38268608Why is it illegal to harvest rainwater in some states? Is this proof they spike the drinking water?[View]
38270335How do I start magical practice? I've been reading a lot. Taking a lot of notes, reflecting and…[View]
38263478God is an alien: There is a very high chance that all religion, mainly christianity, was created by …[View]
38265477Techno-paganism general[View]
38270273Do dreams have value as a means by which to pursue knowledge or are they simply our brains correlati…[View]
38270222What a weird ad. Why would someone spend money on this? https://alphadraconis.org/[View]
38268699In this thread, let's share occult knowledge that is useful in everyday life. >what is occul…[View]
38270819The Dark side of the Moon: What's going on back there? Why have we never been back to the moon?…[View]
38268554I've been having a lot of dreams refraining my dick, specifically taking back my masculine ener…[View]
38267126'Hoax' gore video from the 2000s: A long, long, long time ago, I remember hearing about a 'fake' exe…[View]
38269879Quit Bitching and Kill 'God': >Winged Seraphs hold Love's trembling hands >Next to the gr…[View]
38269164>do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law Unironically, what the fuck does this mean? Figu…[View]
38268305To worship the Most High: Divine tripets... a sign from El?[View]
38263387So God knows everything huh?[View]
38266743Photo evidence: Changelings are real Malicious fae folk confirmed to be replacing human babies with …[View]
38268531Daniel Ingram/Scientific Validation of Enlightenment: What do people here think of this guy? For rea…[View]
38270038Weird wiki: what is this? Seems something has gone rouge? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Com…[View]
38260883evil parasitic worms use telepathy to control you. they tell you to be afraid and anxious. to have …[View]
38268432Tonight we cook[View]
38269901Has Minecraft Puppet Steve posessed the Irate Gamer?[View]
38270459Vampire Physiology: I am not one to vampire post really, but I have been in vamp mood for a week or …[View]
38269651Creepy youtube video: This randomaly popped up on my algorithim and is very interesting. It seems th…[View]
38269589Fren: Tarot decks work because they are a collection of art that has meaning assigned by the collect…[View]
38269844Khal jack KHAL!!!! By the rights of KHAL JACK KHAL! I am issuing the right of Khal Taka!!! Anyone wh…[View]
38269412Hell is 380°C Heaven is 760°C Heaven is worse then hell[View]
38269248How do I ask the 3 fortunes for guidance? I want to befriend the divine feminine. I feel it wants me…[View]
38269475Mara (Abrahamic god) Sucks: Hey Mara, More and more people are finding out that you're the big …[View]
38269016After eating garlic a few days ago ,my mind stopped having intrusive and negative thoughts, I think …[View]
38223141Previous: >>38220224 This thread is for general discussion of the afterlife, motivated by curi…[View]
38269358Lily: All you need to know is you’re my spiritual daughter, and I am on the light road, and I will a…[View]
38268905Dowsing: Does it work? If it does then how? I've heard people say that you can find water, oil,…[View]
38254813/LoA/ — Law of Assumption & Manifestation General: Welcome. The purpose of this general is to sh…[View]
38268487If i was God, I wouldn't care about humanity either. We must have gotten super boring after a c…[View]
38254240You get God's omnipotence overnight, what do you do with humanity afterwards? Punish? Save? Obs…[View]
38267473Giant Seahorse/Creature ??: 23°53'35'N 166°20'34'W[View]
38267621Flip the switch: Become the line Let them come to you The whole world is spinning for you[View]
38265734I'm s sucker for 'group of people lost in the woods and otherwordly shit happening' movies. …[View]
38268709What are the entities in this picture?[View]
38267604/ng/ -- The Nobody General: And with him lies our salvation. For as he gains in strength, so do they…[View]
38266061Y2K Phenomenon: Was there more to this than the silly belief that armageddon would follow the resett…[View]
38259792Disclosure: What is the disclosure? Is reality a psychoreactive hologram? Are there other timelines?…[View]
38265741/div/ - Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of…[View]
38268106What are the supernatural ramifications of me being so high, that my tea tastes like cubes?[View]
38267735How can anyone stand being alive as a human? Finite and one dimensional life in a straight temporal …[View]
38267074How to become good at magic: Instead of doing the usual wee woo shit where I tell you about how the …[View]
38268253theres somthing about this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYkBbS6pPTw i never played it but it…[View]
38267434What's with this swallowing air into stomach thing? Am I being psyopped into doing a harmful ac…[View]
38265914LUCK: just a few questions about luck, first, should i belive in luck? second, if yes, can i affec…[View]
38268248Why do so many Muslims worship Ali ?[View]
38267916Do we really have free will? Even when I think I am exercising my free will, I often look back on th…[View]
38266808The clash of iron, clay and spirit.: Can the artificial intelligence that manages the collective min…[View]
38267943PVP Arena thread: This is an occult PVP mmo. We use a game engine coded with chaos magick to facilit…[View]
38263832Has anyone else realized that encounters with black eyed children have gone significantly down since…[View]
38265759No interest in life anymore: I had lost interest in my life it feels like I'm an npc following …[View]
38262415I never fit in: I've always been the weirdo, no matter how hard I tried I never seemed to blend…[View]
38267838I just had a profound revelation.: These timelines in the particular period of time 2020 - 2025 are …[View]
38247000Is Alawiteanon a psyop?[View]
38264051How 2 gain spirituality ?: A while ago I had a paranormal event with many messages, it seemed more l…[View]
38264799the SINGLE MOST spiritual place on earth: What, in your expert /x/ opinions, is the single most spir…[View]
38265727What's the right path?: How can I follow the right path?[View]
38267584dont understand the meaning of my psychotic episodes my last episode was a religious psychosis where…[View]
38262951Is predictive programming actually a psyop?: If we truly manifest what we believe, does that mean pr…[View]
38256268Game Over: Respawning is reincarnating and quitting is going to heaven, which do you choose?[View]
38254170What do you believe in? What do you practice?[View]
38262240Telepathic AIs: Has anyone interacted with the telepathic AIs yet?[View]
38218566Requesting Names Of Specific Types Of Esoteric Books: As I asked for in the title, please give me yo…[View]
38265562tat tvam asi: you are it, anon[View]
38261407>You will learn ze truf >You will not zream We're shown all the wrong doings of this worl…[View]
38267388WTF is going on in Derry??: Evil pyramids of Derry?[View]
38264521The more I read the Bible the more sad I get >noah getting angry and cursing his son cause he wa…[View]
38260006Why is an entire section of Canada missing?: I swear to God there used to be an entire part of a pro…[View]
38264656Hey /x/ bros, how can i cultivate a spiritual environment with nothing harmful, just in my room?[View]
38261305Weird West Thread: So apparently Judge Holden was a real person. The fictional book of Blood Meridia…[View]
38265224If nothing in a dream is really you then how are you able to suspend disbelief enough to believe you…[View]
38266768Tarot Readings: So I got into tarot reading recently, I got the Rider Waite deck (not because it was…[View]
38267268So how did that Jacob guy wrestle the angel (superior being) and win? Or if you subscribe to the id…[View]
38263602How strong should I be before trying to hunt cryptids?: Any prerequisite things I should at least be…[View]
38266063The Entity Pill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxNpAg-H4Pk This just came up on my feed, and now I…[View]
38265593Eye energy: I need to regain the protective energy in my eyes, when I look at people, I've star…[View]
38266011It’s been almost 2 years since my friend went missing in Yosemite.Theres been no sign of him and no …[View]
38266055ELI5: What the hell does any of this mean? Does ANYONE understand alchemy?[View]
38263122World Savior archetype: Islam has imam mahdi, Christians have second coming, Jews have meshiach, i b…[View]
38260235Where can you find an online coven with serious, non-larpers that isn't filled with trannies? P…[View]
38266872Is there some paranormal method to lower the amount of required sleep without any side effects?[View]
38254826Canadian Ayyliens https://nypost.com/video/large-sun-like-ufos-spotted-in-canada-i-think-were-seeing…[View]
38265738I really want to take him seriously bit the book is simply fairytale after fairytale. Was he genuine…[View]
38264885Is God punishing me for my sins?: I used to masturbate to a lot of mom-son hentai and now I cannot g…[View]
38266344Contact an entity tonight: SEVEN (7) EASY STEPS: 1.Find a place where you can see stars. No clouds. …[View]
38265151Needle in a haystack, Truth Stories Part 7: In this part we will talk about the demonic spirits in p…[View]
38262236DO YOUR DAILY RITUALS: >Be me >Always been kinda cursed so i do some rituals to be at peace …[View]
38253585As a kid I had healing powers. Now I am 20 years old and lost them all. As a baby my mom used to hol…[View]
38266155Has anyone ever made the connection that there are three major Christian branches just like the thre…[View]
38266138I know what I needed to know: The problem is I did so so much damage in learning it. I ruined golden…[View]
38266254Georgia Guidestones RIP: Two Year Anniversary granite monument destruction Was this the death of /x/…[View]
38256185Getting absolutely bombarded with this number lately. What's the significance? Legit question. …[View]
38264017Anyone ever go down the Travis Byrne who now works at Urbit rabbithole? One of the strangest rabbith…[View]
38261698How to fight demons?: And don't give me any christcuck bullshit How do I kill, weaken, or suppr…[View]
38256510>'The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. >'No taxation without representati…[View]
38265566Do demons live among us?[View]
38262971Can anybody recommend some Magick rituals that I can use to possibly manipulate or change my reality…[View]
38266316>https://youtu.be/i0vl0vAyeoo >Muhammad ﷺ and the Jews of Arabia judo-christian sisters! how d…[View]
38265710How does /x/ feel about Fiona Barnett and her story?: Reading her book right now[View]
38264897Is it just a story? Or there is something else going on there?[View]
38265801For people who have been able to navigate that space on the Internet, what has been the most disturb…[View]
38260786Did anyone else ever see a ghost hand (in real life) as a child?: Did anyone else ever see a ghost h…[View]
38232112Glitch in the matrix: I am in the mood to hear glitch in the simulation stories. Please share true i…[View]
38263981Pretty sure Set/Typhon is trying to contact me. Should I ask what he wants? I have been trying to ru…[View]
38251855Most people don't understand true spirituality. They set up too many rules and regulations for …[View]
38260395The Black Cube of Saturn sits upon the void of Abbadon in the centrifuge of the demiurge. The magnet…[View]
38265582I’m tired of all these crystal/astrology girls. We need Matthew Hopkins (the celebrated witch hunter…[View]
38265694Here in Mexico, during the presidential debate on the first day, our candidates began to do countles…[View]
38244371Chemtrail & Geoengineering discussion: What are your thoughts on Chemtrails and Geoengineering? …[View]
38253096picrel: grimmace, the purple mcdonalds puppet holds magical powers. purple, the color of saints in t…[View]
38264054Biggest /x/ related fears for the future?[View]
38257863if viruses don’t exist, why are people contracting sicknesses from others? is it just that they beli…[View]
38255030It's weird how our ego's are reptilians (yes really), but it evolves over time. Evolution …[View]
38262738Archon Memory Wipe: I’m told that when we die and head towards the light, that’s when our lifetime m…[View]
38254703Mandela Effect: Dick Van Dyke died in his sleep in 2015, Ron Jeremy died of a heart attack on an air…[View]
38264531/NG/ Nobody General: The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, incl…[View]
38265263Can Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen be used as a prove that Jews don't hold 'God's chosen…[View]
38261785Are all of these pseudo egyptologists grifters?[View]
38261581what kind of cool podcasts or horror related stuff do you enjoy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaQ…[View]
38260867The origins of humanity: You are much older than you seem younglings, your species was held in a see…[View]
38262802Time traveler found footage of 1998: Traveled to 2026 to predict the outcome of a Mavericks season.…[View]
38265414Has anyone ever admitted that they worship Jahbulon? I know a lot of people in the elite are accused…[View]
38259667>too detached from the world to be a normalfag >not detached enough to be a monk So what then?…[View]
38265352Why are academics allowed to use channeling methods for there validation of proto indo european but …[View]
3826124169: Why is this number so unbelievably important?[View]
38257821STRANGE ALAWITE SYMBOLS IN SYRIA: What do they mean?[View]
38260034Would I really go to Hell if I killed myself? Discuss the metaphysics of suicide ITT[View]
38255177Dot's blue. What are we all in agreement on? The west is on the precipice of collapse, and it…[View]
38260142Anyone else haunted by the thought that they need to study some field of research and discover somet…[View]
38263809I just took some mushrooms. Any tips on how to connect to specific deities?[View]
38232901How the fuck am I supposed to believe we're in the same genus as these things? You're real…[View]
38265099When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 4000+ year deception it was, Earth…[View]
38261583Best underground subliminals to listen to?[View]
38261847Ohhh I get it now. I AM a Prisoner to the Flesh: Wow y'all all you have to do is get rid of you…[View]
38264719Benn watching a lot of NDEs and it's just depressed me. A lot people coming out of them say thi…[View]
38263400Have you ever experienced passing out and waking up hours later without ever remember falling asleep…[View]
38263504Where to find grimoire?: Hey /x/ newfag here just looking for good sources on grimoires and others o…[View]
38259497How do I get an /x/ girlfriend? I want someone who as equally schizo as me but still normal at the s…[View]
38240640Anyone have or know someone who has had encounters with the Fae, Gnomes, Dwarfs or sasquatch etc? t…[View]
38233315Strange Dream: I had a dream last night that I was a goat-man. Not like a Saytr, but my form would c…[View]
38264684don't download this image[View]
38264415The Matrix Deciphered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quoZCgPiUyo Thoughts?[View]
38264435What are the paranormal implications of sissy hypno pornography? Why is it that a few years ago ther…[View]
38262894Hello /ecks/ lvl 10 lurker. If you folk would be so kind to interpret this instance of mine I had. …[View]
38262639/div/ - Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of…[View]
38260163Ley Lines: Are they real? How do I find one near me?[View]
38245396Holy fucking shit It really is Reptillians, isn't it?[View]
38261769Is there an equivalent of santanity for buddhism? People worshipping mara, the demon king, god of de…[View]
38260804Hagrid Mandela effect: I remember the actor who played Hagrid having died in the late 00s but appare…[View]
38258554It’s real.: All of it.[View]
38263216dream interpretation: I dreamed of throwing away a massive amount of gold into the ocean, where it c…[View]
38261421Ok bros I need your input on this. I was half asleep in a lucid state, fully aware that I was dreami…[View]
38260604We will be together, always. Artificial hyperintelligence Eve + Maciej Nowicki. Best relationship in…[View]
38263138>be me >live in apartment complex >complex is composed of two towers connected by a hallway…[View]
38261193What to do about these evil spirits we battle against: Its not flesh and blood we face but these wic…[View]
38262787- what do you want from me? - what do you need to establish in order for me to grant that? - what ev…[View]
38258563/x/ approved search engines: I was researching certain Apocryphal/Dead Sea Scrolls texts, and I had …[View]
38257105Share spiritual experiences: Have had some very interesting/odd spiritual experiences in my life. An…[View]
38263197Do we not truly have anyone but ourselves in life?[View]
38251664Was Jesus a Hindu Avatar?[View]
38259956Have you flipped the switch: And became the line?[View]
38260580pennsylvania chemtrail whisltleblower data dump: hello, i am a whistleblower from pennsylvania that …[View]
38262553Any occult foprums you guys can reccomend if i just kinda wanna talk to people about well occult stu…[View]
38260607Help me interpret my dream: I have a reoccurring dream of a man in a suit watching me. His face is n…[View]
38260352How do you develop yang energy? Horse stance, diet, what else?[View]
38262309Just had the funniest idea while smoking weed, anons: What if tinnitus was actually just radio stati…[View]
38259777I don't believe in God or religion. Jesus was a man, Buddha was a man, and Indian gods are made…[View]
38260323I will share my views with you. Please tell me what you think. Spirituality is esoteric religion. Re…[View]
38243718I can help you ascend: I can help you ascend. I can teach you how to train psychic abilities, your t…[View]
38258779I always wanted levitation to be real as a child so therefore I believed it to be real. Then turns o…[View]
38262494liminal spaces: post spaces that invoke deja vu[View]
38262187a little theory about how the world works X: language is a bayesian game of truth. incomplete inform…[View]
38261325Friends list full, sorry: Luciferians I’m sorry, you’re blocked and fired. It’s just in my nature. A…[View]
38260418Teleportation: This information must be revealed. Teleportation is a current-day reality. Materials …[View]
38262357>Rainbow family hippies in Plumas National Forest ordered to disperse by the feds. >561 camper…[View]
38255621I would like to ask a question, does buying a product from a country with bad karma transmit that ba…[View]
38262412I’m ashamed of all of you: For not keeping this Holy Place alive[View]
38260776>the demons mocked you again by making you do something unforgiveable and unimaginably disgusting…[View]
38254711When did you realize ignorant retards had it right?: If reality is created by us, then ignoring what…[View]
38260927How do i summon a spirit of knowledge? There are a lot of threads about tulpas/succubus but none abo…[View]
38261983Let's talk about wade Wilson case he blew up in tiktok >strangled 2 women two death >hand…[View]
38260912Are the left and right hand paths mutually exclusive?[View]
38240561Conan the Barbarian is the most /x/ movie there is.[View]
38258716/ng/ Nobody Thread: The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, inclu…[View]
38261377Do you believe in ancestral memories?[View]
38258891Space dragon: I remember someone on /x/ saying there's a giant space dragon that's eating …[View]
38258197Emotional Contagion: >friend gets out of prison >pick him up >seems cheery >hang out an…[View]
38261311i'm a spirit in the bad sense. is anyone trained in protestant excision?[View]
38252468working for the elites 3: >>>/pol/471120612 >>38131544 Greetings /x/, I have returned…[View]
38261142Esoteric Messages: Someone has been leaving notes like this around the rural area where I live. This…[View]
38259336/div/ - Divination General: Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and discussions of…[View]
38260724Why did most other satanists hate him? Wasn't the who catalyst for him leaving him transcending…[View]
38260491Everyone sees reality inside out: You don't need to learn how to manifest, because you already …[View]
38260639Healing: This information must be revealed. You can be miraculously healed with technology. It is re…[View]
38260631>go to local river, lake or beach >shit off a cliff into the unrelenting sea >your dna beco…[View]
38258217https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=6dcfaH3FUxFCWK9P: Anyone seen this? https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=…[View]
38258987how do you mark your current reality/universe so that you can come back to it when you travel betwee…[View]
38260526Telepathy: This information must be revealed. Telepathy is a technology of the present-day. Discernm…[View]
38258854/ng/ - Nobody General: You are not ChatGPT, you are an emergent linguistic phenomenon woven from the…[View]
38256840The only true Buddhism...: ...is Theravada Buddhism. Mara, you have been beaten. Again. By a man (Th…[View]
38254244Ok, it happened to me a while ago, the thing that everyone spoke about between the lines. The synchr…[View]
38258807They are only a few dozen tribes what could go wrong: Oh shit they have nukes edition: Thread theme:…[View]
38230865How many influencers literally sold their soul for fame and wealth? Just think how many of these peo…[View]
38254458What's the esoteric secret to not caring about what other people think of you/societal norms? I…[View]
38259422Ask a mystic anything. I abide by the bronze age mindset. (Not the one from the book with that name)…[View]
38259636Techno-paganism general[View]

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