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/gd/ - Graphic Design

Displaying 8 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
456446High resolution AI pic generation: What software/site can I use to generate 2480 x 3508 pics?[View]
456153>Adobe owns everything you create with their software >Create extreme far right, symbols, grap…[View]
456671Reign Of Supermen: What typeface iz dhis?[View]
456666Animation software on Mac m3: Is there any possibility to find a pirated Toon Boom Harmony 21 or the…[View]
456177Why are InDesignfags so sensitive? You can be critical of virtually any design program and the peopl…[View]
453732Graphic design help: Hi, Ive been into graphic design for a while, and I really feel like I wanna st…[View]
456573Feedback request?: Hey y'all, made a wiki and looking for some feedback. Not tired yet so might…[View]

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