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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

Displaying 725 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
95124328/VReX/ - VReverie Extended: /VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex Arial Yuriko https://www.yo…[View]
95164385/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95155028[View]
94902500/moon/ - Moona Hoshinova: >Originals Nightmare https://youtu.be/47hoUcGoZTI Multiverse https://yo…[View]
95165871>did nothing wrong >/vt/ hates her why? she's your lucky star…[View]
95161567/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Mwah Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, …[View]
95165471>Doesn't watch Kiara but her Twitter pops up >Looks at it out of curiosity >It's…[View]
95106959/vag/ - VAllure General: I NEED This Woman's Pussy Edition >Current and upcoming streams htt…[View]
95147901does your chuuba provide you with enough wiggle room to nickname her?[View]
95087421/wvt/ - Western Vtubers Thread: Chocolate tits Edition /wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share,…[View]
95147319What is her appeal?[View]
95157840The Lion has spoken[View]
95157631/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95160657/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95160992Hololive Global[View]
95151161Hololive Merch is now being tarrified in the US thanks to our stupid president.: Also fuck DHL.…[View]
95124044/tingles/ - EN ASMR Vtubers: This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do…[View]
95152340cat vtubers: How many are there? What do you think of them? Are there any worth watching?[View]
95054600/ope/ - Nerissa Ravencroft General: For the 609th time, what is Ope?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
95124735Is sora secretly a whore?[View]
94917609/へい民/ - THEかなたへようこそ: amanekanatach follow yoroshiku Previous: >>94669297[View]
95151862oh no no no swarmchads, our response?[View]
95141524/rrat/ - Hakos Baelz: DREAM CATCHER 3D LIVE https://youtu.be/TQSikoeVXoE CHU2BAE 3D LIVE https://you…[View]
95155702/lig/ - Large Indies Global: AHAHAHAHAHAH Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers t…[View]
95155028/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95147332[View]
95096321/ggg/ - Gawr Gura General: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g Member…[View]
95144409Why does she pee so much?[View]
95137903Describe your oshi with just 3 words[View]
95155877/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95132370How did she get to be one of the biggest vtubers on twitch? She's even bigger than anny now[View]
95152255/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95143944 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95155826Hololive Global[View]
94773897/fbk/ - Shirakami Fubuki 白上フブキ: (^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん Previous: >>94597900 >YT Channel https://w…[View]
95132753https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/blogs/top_news/customs-duties-usa_notice_20250206 Alright you autist…[View]
95125585fun thread: post /vt/ related memes[View]
95100843/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers: Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love fo…[View]
95142943/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95099850/MANS/ - Holostars EN General: Sharp Edition Last thread: >>95035358 TEMPUS Schedule: https:…[View]
95093410/pxl/ - PixelLink General: >Official Links https://www.pixel-link.com https://pixellink-shop.com …[View]
95114678/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: https…[View]
95151562/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95149410/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Domina Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find…[View]
95144555/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95123924The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1306: The first sip is joy, the second is gladness, the …[View]
95147471>BAM >you become the CEO of any vtuber corpo of your choice >what is the first thing you ch…[View]
94918795soundpost thread[View]
95146977Why does she keep doing this to herself?[View]
95146115NijiThing: 1. The 'graduation queue' doesn't exist anymore. 2. Talents are actually g…[View]
95150419Hololive Global[View]
95138983>saves holo EN[View]
95109403Why is no one watching them? They're literally one of the best vtubers around.[View]
95147332/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95143325[View]
95146633/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95134426/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Praise the Shima Shima Edition Previous Thread >>95102147 >Up…[View]
95143944/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95138748 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
94936193/lazu+/ - Lazulight+ General: LazuLight+ Fujo Solar Dragon Ero Sakana Feesh Metal Gear Fairy Freaky …[View]
95143880>still the strongest EN ship How did they do it?[View]
95135881/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Numichi Shipping Goes Crazy Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss…[View]
95144921Image the possibility.: I made this(!). I do hope that all of you will like it. And on a side note,b…[View]
95143039/lig/- Large Indies Global: Bat Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, sh…[View]
95101242Why do so many JPs want to girlplap Ina?[View]
95127945Honestly, I'm surprised Gen 0 survived all these years later.[View]
95144201Hololive Global[View]
95146673/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
95132808She's come far[View]
95132193Your response?[View]
95118180>Zatsudan is now 'yap stream' and no one has any poblem with this Why?[View]
94913955/mep/ - Reine Pavolia: >Previous stream: 【Cookie Clicker】Silent Peafowl Radio - Cookies to Relax …[View]
95144194My wife[View]
95140911Be nice to Mogogo!![View]
95143325/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95138351[View]
95141675/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95124455/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
95045161/jong/ - Mahjong Vtuber General: They forced me to bake with mean looks edition >jong sources: ht…[View]
95144232sex with ID[View]
95083097/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Art: /vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - klalalalalalalalala~ Edition…[View]
95112957>1st stream was her showing shes 100% evropean >5 hour crusader kings stream >killed an ind…[View]
95139483Today I will remind them: that Idol Corp always had actual idols in their lineup, but their criminal…[View]
95130199Honskhua, sleep on that thang.[View]
95139747*saves holoEN from irrelevancy*[View]
95128143Sex with indonesian women[View]
95121021I'm dreaming Nimi Nimi OOO EEEE OO[View]
95131043Are all male VTuber collabs like this?: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2373161882?t=1h55m32s https://s…[View]
95129592>not even 1 TB of storage Even my prebuilt laptop has more[View]
95138994Hololive Global[View]
95138748/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95128336 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95082942/HAHA/ - Dokibird General: A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with …[View]
95124051/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95138330/lig/- Large Indies Global: Snail Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, …[View]
95133808/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95039375Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, won…[View]
95138351/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95130918[View]
95125207/shon/: >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the …[View]
95105722/pcgia/ - Phase ALiAS and Invaders General: >what is /pcgia/? /pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Conne…[View]
95136831/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94983798/stars/: ホロスターズ[View]
95061329/pkg/ - Production kawaii General: birbwife love edition First Live Concert https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
95090254She's getting fired after NijiFes, isn't she?[View]
95138457the greatest to ever do it[View]
95087378/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended: We like spiders Edition >Schedule https://pomu.pages.dev/tsunx …[View]
95132060Bros I love her.[View]
95091375NIMI MOGGED[View]
95128086The Moom[View]
95128177If you know they're all whores, why are you still watching them?[View]
95066889/eiex/ - EIEN Extended: /eiex/ - EIEN Extended Schedules: https://holodex.net/?org=EIEN%20Project ht…[View]
95132832/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95127976Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?[View]
95045483/Gigi/ Murin: the FIST of CHAOS Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1886344676137132470 >Rec…[View]
94880032Is GFE really easy to do?: >chhyyaaaattttt >chhyyaaaattt >*moans erotically* >chyaattt h…[View]
95132815/lig/- Large Indies Global: Rrat Birthday Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers t…[View]
94966458/cbdct/ - Cute Boys General: Grumpy edition >Is Stars/Niji/FSP/Indie allowed? Yes! If your male i…[View]
95128336/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95096286 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95132884Hololive Global[View]
95135735Small Indie YT Vtubers: I’ll showcase one channel I like is, Hiiragi Emuri, the house wife vtuber! !…[View]
95132867/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95130918/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95124807[View]
95068931Lia from Phase Connect: ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ >NO GIRLS ALLOWED Channel: https://…[View]
95123860/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: New Emotes Edition! Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtub…[View]
95127332Hololive: Extroverts and Introverts.: Please rate Holo EN & ID from most extrovert, loud and tal…[View]
95091407>gets gifted 12k cigarettes to promote smoking to vtuber fans[View]
95115613/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95117386Tranny doko?: Yeah I’m starting to think the CEO bribed GSC to get this nendoroids.[View]
94903529/fig/ - Fighting Idols global: when great minds collide- edition >What is /fig/? /fig/ is a threa…[View]
95127472/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95102147/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Homework Edition Previous Thread >>95094821 >Upcoming Stream …[View]
94920849Haachama World - 赤井はあと/はあちゃま: New unmedicated adventures edition Previous: >>94670786 Youtube:…[View]
95128213/lig/- Large Indies Global: Grillin' Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers t…[View]
95124149>See BAUBAU trending on italian X >thought it was fuwamoco >check out what it is, it's…[View]
95127846Ah another day at the Hololive office, hopefully no hijinks or shenanigans take place this morning.[View]
95125538Vtubers who hate their own company: I'll start. Avoiding one of the biggest events in Hololive …[View]
95066920/who/ - Nanashi Mumei General - MCMXLI: Previous thread: >>95050073 --- > It's Not a P…[View]
95107830Hello handsome. Are you lonely?[View]
95080145/v4m/ - V4Mirai General: Birthday Girl Edition This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave …[View]
95127969Hololive Global[View]
95114659/数字/ - JP Vtubers: Thread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news …[View]
94979874/pcgen3k/ - Phase Euphoria and Kaleido General: /pcgen3k/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Third Gene…[View]
95127053Yagoo's announcement: >*BUUUUUUUUUUUUZZ* >Attention all COVER-slaves. Please attend to yo…[View]
95104155Is doki the main character of vtubing?[View]
95121587does your oshi look both ways when she crosses your mind?[View]
95109707Chicken sex[View]
94947115/pink/ - Pink Chuubas General: We love Pink Woman! Foreshadowing edition! Welcome to /pink/! A place…[View]
95113542All these streams and I'm stilI here arguing with anons.[View]
95012207/wah/ - We Are Held: Temari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXb394z4lY8 Bling-Bang-Born: https://w…[View]
95110998Would a guarantee that she wouldn't have to participate in any concerts, dance practice or any …[View]
95113378why is there numberfaggotry in the catalog?[View]
95121212Realistically, if Henya joined Hololive who would be her best friend?[View]
95124807/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95119463[View]
95057919/mint/ - Mint Fantôme General: Long Sleeves Edition >Her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
95096254Next Hololive Graduation: I know it's unexpected and it bring me no joy to report this but I th…[View]
95119671There are 8k of people watching fixed camera minecraft stream. Why? Instead of watching other vtube…[View]
95119453I finally understand why Pippa had a collab with this guy. https://streamable.com/9o8ko4 https://str…[View]
95122219/lig/- Large Indies Global: Gladge Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find,…[View]
95096286/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95088742 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95126307Look at my cute succubus wife[View]
95110160I am actually done with this fucking world.: If she isn't botting, then I have lost faith in hu…[View]
94910370/角巻わため/ - Tsunomaki Watame General: WataAme Pop Edition https://www.youtube.com/@TsunomakiWatame X: …[View]
95108733Steal the chumbuds in your path[View]
95122348Wow, Kiara is pretty lewd[View]
95119217Why is Kiara so horny lately?[View]
95011380/hart/ - Neuro-sama & Evil Neuro: A thread dedicated to our AI vtubers and future overlords, Neu…[View]
95122688/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95110424enigma: How does 1 (one) white woman send a massive part of the world with a population of 680 milli…[View]
95124046Hololive Global[View]
95016143Why is CC the runt of her gen? I thought the anons said she was 'the best girl' and the 'Fauna repl…[View]
95052865/pyon/: Baby Rabbits Edition This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki. >LIVE https://www.yo…[View]
95039340/warkop/ - Warung Kopi: Combat Medic Edition >What is /warkop/ about? A place to unite and talk i…[View]
95105868I genuinely know nothing about vtubers outside of hololive.[View]
95093859Bautism thread: Please post bautism[View]
95114358My wives[View]
95104399what happened?[View]
95080611/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
95010120/VReX/ - VReverie Extended: /VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex Arial Yuriko https://www.yo…[View]
95096138The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1305: I just had sex (sex, hey) And it felt so good (fel…[View]
95066870/tingles/ - EN ASMR Vtubers: This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do…[View]
94875331/ぬんぬん/ - Tokino Sora General: SorAZ Major Debut Live Blu-ray First Gravity 2025.2.12 Release: https:…[View]
95119463/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95114396[View]
95105298/grün/ - Cecilia Immergreen General: The 391st Wind >NEXT STREAM: 【MINECRAFT NEW WORLD SERVER】Fig…[View]
95110784/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Five Hotaru Threads Back to Back Edition! Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to d…[View]
95115213/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95110388/lig/- Large Indies Global: You Seein this? Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers…[View]
95109910/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95118602Hololive Global[View]
95011190/2434/ - にじさんじ: >What is Nijisanji?/Is this person in Nijisanji?/Who's in Nijisanji? https:/…[View]
95067946/ESmol/ - ESpanish small indies: Post and discuss your favorite spanish speaking smol indie vtubers.…[View]
95081140/shon/: the creature >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo…[View]
94922839/wg/ - Writing General - Here We Are Edition: This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanf…[View]
95049281/HiRyS/: >Comfy members only Rhythm gameRyS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6hXGHZfyHs >STREA…[View]
95109772What she doing?: why she streaming so much? o_O xD[View]
951133641 year after termination, Nijisanji still sells Selen merch: Selen merch can still be easily found i…[View]
95106482conspector bitch joe: She won[View]
95084488Nijisanji died for me when all of the F/M ships did: What happened to straight shipping in vtubers? …[View]
95106476Merch: Dropped by the LA pop up store decided to take some picks[View]
95117683/fvr/ - FlaVR General: The Quest for Bread Edition Last Thread: >>94926035 Previously on /fvr/…[View]
95116793noel ass: noel ass[View]
95114396/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95109530[View]
94708452/vt/uber drawthread: What Horrors Lurk In The Dark Edition Previous Thread: >>94535287 OP Pic:…[View]
95114374woty she doin[View]
95094310??: So Vshitshow can now get nendoroid, instead of real deserving vtubers ?? why this[View]
95076621Will your oshi be streaming on valentine's day?[View]
95114376Hololive Global[View]
95086412/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95025537/数字/ - JP Vtubers: Thread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news …[View]
95104689/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94967753/ciao/ - Raora Panthera: Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french f…[View]
95069566/corpo/ - Other Small Corpos: die rats edition https://rentry.org/corpo-unity https://pomu.pages.d…[View]
95102670Come pay for nijifes tickets, get cheated out of 11 performances No refunds btw[View]
95107739>makes Cali breathe[View]
95080490/rrat/ - Hakos Baelz: DREAM CATCHER 3D LIVE https://youtu.be/TQSikoeVXoE CHU2BAE 3D LIVE https://you…[View]
95083496I like my coffee like I like my vtubers. Doesn't collab with males.[View]
95094333A thread for the Mute Musical Maestro, Calliope Mori[View]
95110436Uh, You can't post thread about this[View]
95108568Holy moomers[View]
95093562Please support Luca Kaneshiro from nijisanji EN 4th wave luxiem[View]
95101563save a hag (japanese)[View]
94914694/SVP/ - Stellar Verse Productions: 10,000 Subs Lemi Edition: >Stellar Verse Productions, the VTub…[View]
95100404/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General:: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: http…[View]
95109435>walk into apartment >see this What do?[View]
94895337/koopa/: Pinks are the best edition Twitter: https://x.com/Koopachaneru Twitch: https://www.twitch.t…[View]
95110426Hololive Global[View]
95109530/#/ - Numbers: Previous thread >>95101610[View]
94856227/asmr/ ASMR/VTubers: >What’s ASMR? Standing for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, ASMR is the…[View]
95097014I am doing my part.: What about you anon?[View]
95062023/fvr/ - FlaVR General: 500 subscribers Edition Last Thread: >>94926035 Previously on /fvr/: …[View]
95109894big mooner: big mooner[View]
95094807/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Birthday Timing Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and …[View]
94995897/brg/ - Battle Royale General / The (N)EXAS Zone: BUCKET HAT Edition >◆Nexas Links Old Official W…[View]
95103973/lig/ - Large Indies Global: <3 Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find,…[View]
95102820screaming into the void: maybe it'll be better tomorrow[View]
95104577Hololive Global[View]
95049296/∞/ - Ouro Kronii General - 20:54: >Upcoming Stream:【Cooking Simulator VR】Woman In The Kitchen ht…[View]
95104666/pcg/ - Phase Connect General, dude: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.co…[View]
95098689Tickling thread: Post vtubers being tickled[View]
95099901/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
94800774/bg/: We all make mistakes (or miracles) in the throes of hunger[View]
95104143Hug the duck until exploded[View]
95069395I'm thinking Nimi Nimi oo ee oo[View]
95101796i think vtubers are very cute[View]
95101610/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95094336[View]
95046158Aero-idol Edition >Current and upcoming streams https://pomu.pages.dev/schedule/corpo?filter=VAll…[View]
95099152Pickme Panko is at it again[View]
95083271/pcgia/ - Phase ALiAS and Invaders General: >what is /pcgia/? /pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Conne…[View]
95084329>makes you mad[View]
95025309/grün/ - Cecilia Immergreen General: The 390th Wind >NEXT STREAM: [Pending] >LAST STREAM:【Keep…[View]
95075351She's still the same as ever[View]
95073539Post better vtuberfan design. Protipi: You can't.[View]
95097989Your pet cat, wat do?[View]
95100179/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95102371/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Large Pons Edition Previous Thread >>95094821 >Upcoming Strea…[View]
95098368It's her Hololive and we're all living in it right now[View]
95099113Hololive JP >Cute girl >Sarcastic girl >slutty girl >GFE girl >crying girl Hololive E…[View]
95096276/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Impostor Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to fi…[View]
95039072Phase is at it again: And by 'it' I mean buying ads. After getting massively cucked by rogue volunte…[View]
95076143Nimi WHITEmare now unabashedly revels in the grandeur of her EVROPEAN heritage and you’re blackpilli…[View]
95101558/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95094336[View]
95099929Hololive Global[View]
95097887Okay, but why DOES Wada try so hard to watch Kronii? She doesn't even speak English and Kronii …[View]
94913685さくらみこ/Sakura Miko 411: Previous >>94348186 Important links: >Youtube https://www.youtube.co…[View]
95084078Wake up to this, wat do?[View]
95080128/mouse/ - Ironmouse General: I Bake Therefore I am Edition Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General! M…[View]
95061328/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers: Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love fo…[View]
95064548/asp/ - Aspirinf Vtuvers And Staartups: Trained Aunty Edition >What is /asp/? /asp/ is a thread f…[View]
95046343/BIG/ - Biggest Indies General: Misleading Thumbnail Edition >What is /BIG/? /BIG/ is a thread to…[View]
95085703Bijou and.... !!!!!?!!!??? If she is **** /vt/ will crash.[View]
95094821/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Need for Speed Edition Previous Thread >>95083150 >Upcoming S…[View]
95017025What are some iconic vtuber quotes?[View]
95098052Ao-Kun: >joins hololive >your oshi begs her to fuck her >she agrees as long as she pays he…[View]
95094336/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95087305[View]
95082368/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: https…[View]
95093988/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95062441Why is lesbianism so rampant in the vtuber industry?[View]
95086829I'M NoT MoGoGoEh[View]
95005064Why does she talk like that?[View]
95080938This is my wife: Her name is Mori Calliope[View]
95087647Hololive Global[View]
95080991/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95035358/MANS/ - Holostars EN General: FLAT Edition Last thread: >>94981782 TEMPUS Schedule: https:/…[View]
95087846The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1304: This hole that you put me in, Wasn't deep eno…[View]
95089041/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Pod Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, s…[View]
95078739Pekotyan is super cringey...[View]
95080761d: d[View]
95075661I MISS HER UUUUU[View]
95074623DEUS VULT!: I welcome this new era and our grand strategy overlords[View]
95046661>overworking talents to the point that this shit happens I didn't believe at first that Cov…[View]
95088742/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95081182 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95078813/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Two Birthdays Next to Each other Is Weird Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thr…[View]
95077222/flip/: >flips >locks in[View]
95032227/ggg/ - Gawr Gura General: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g Member…[View]
95000545/wawa/ - Takanashi Kiara: MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT Schedule:https://x.com/takanashikiara/status…[View]
95058242>'I won't be streaming much next weak because I will be with family' >next week…[View]
95083150/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Drift Queen Edition Previous Thread >>95063831 >Upcoming Stre…[View]
95087451/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95065631Homocollabs: How do we get Hololive members to collab with Holostars? They seem almost allergic to m…[View]
95087637How did it happen?[View]
95031014/wao/ - Iida Pochimaru General: Surprise! Again! Again! Edition Newest Stream: https://www.youtube.c…[View]
95087305/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95080399[View]
94981520星街すいせい: Hoshimachi Suisei Thread >Latest songs Orbital Period https://youtube.com/watch?v=jMSXP…[View]
95035686/pxl/ - PixelLink General: >Official Links https://www.pixel-link.com https://pixellink-shop.com …[View]
95087645Hololive Global[View]
95038180森 カリオペ: A thread for the Titan Turning the Tide, Calliope Mori[View]
94920268/innit/ Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame: The Dancing Scarlet Chibi Queen Edition >Channel: https://www.…[View]
95047891Kneel to the new queen: *Biboo Tax[View]
95080365/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Minki Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find,…[View]
95045487Does your oshi love you?[View]
95039780The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1303: All of us get lost in the darkness Dreamers learn …[View]
95078480FWMC = Kiara but worse: >extreme numberfagging >make everything about themselves (ME ME ME ME…[View]
95079062>your oshi only stream minecraft yes, and? >other vtubers stream more interesting gam- I AIN…[View]
95081182/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95075318 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95081164/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95072216/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95064776/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended: Emburger foot lettuce Edition >Schedule https://pomu.pages.dev/tsu…[View]
95083543Hololive Global[View]
94947726/fpspec/ - VSPO! EN & Specialite General: Welcome to the VSPO! EN & Specialite General! Feel…[View]
95055898Indie pill: “I would’ve dropped this shit for my bf but he dropped me first, please watch my streams…[View]
95075436Does anyone know if blue pipper is coming back?[View]
95080399/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95064992[View]
95066558>cute esl >only wants white American men >actually Japanese >streams 6+ hours everyday …[View]
950481781 year anniversary of the Selen shock: For the newfags, this is when NijiEN reputation is forever in…[View]
95056266THE TIME HAS COME: And so have I[View]
95071128If Gura doesn't stream minecraft it's an implicit sign she's graduating: You know it…[View]
95057477Why doesn't Bae drop the Australian accent and speak like an American? She would appeal to a mu…[View]
95064144Take it easy /vt/![View]
95067993What did she mean by this?[View]
95080460Hololive Global[View]
95020880/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Art: /vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Chuu~ Edition Previous Threa…[View]
95049243/pcgia/ - Phase ALiAS and Invaders General: >what is /pcgia/? /pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Conne…[View]
95007644/HAHA/ - Dokibird General: A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with …[View]
95063831/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Shared Ice Cweam Edition Previous Thread >>95038336 >Upcoming…[View]
95049249/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: htt…[View]
95075108/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95075318/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95056322 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95074318She won[View]
95066360/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
95073028/lig/ - Large Indies Global: uuuuu Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find,…[View]
95052615/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95067611AHAHAHHAHA, what a fucking flop from Dooby, just like her whole indie career. Do you guys think she …[View]
94907900/mayo/ - 博衣こより Hakui Koyori: Previous: >>94707365 >Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@HakuiKo…[View]
95071266Who's dumber?[View]
95075262Hololive Global[View]
95017690/v4m/ - V4Mirai General: Emo Hours Edition This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US b…[View]
95064992/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95060305[View]
95066162/shon/: shmichael edition >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working s…[View]
95067028/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Double Birthdays Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and…[View]
94995422/flip/: >flips >kisses her sister[View]
95049821>hololive goes through a rough patch >quit >hololive immediately starts experiencing a seco…[View]
95073115Saint Doki the Solar Sky Dragon Slayer[View]
95066753Fallen Shadow Joins Hololive: How does your enjoyment of Shondo/ Hololive as a whole change?[View]
95069592/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95060061Why does she stay?[View]
95056322/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95031823 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95067007I hereby announce that I am taking Sora as my wife[View]
94932334/wvt/ - Western Vtubers Thread: Objective: Survive for more than a day Edition /wvt/ is a thread for…[View]
95055343>the new face of EN is Thai[View]
95067924you wouldn't fuck a dog[View]
95069603Hololive Global[View]
94963487/Uoh/ - Uoooooh Global: Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the…[View]
95062648/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95067458/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Merely Pretending Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for view…[View]
95060322/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95058013[View]
95065029do you think roboco dream of electric watames?[View]
95064074What was the point of dissolving Hololive China as a branch, again? Seems incredibly short sighted w…[View]
95054976When will Calli bring the YEET back?[View]
95051665henya: what would anal sex with Henya be like?[View]
95048705/corpo/ - Other Small Corpos: https://rentry.org/corpo-unity https://pomu.pages.dev/corpo >What…[View]
95067821Elite is best![View]
95065006/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95018240Lia from Phase Connect: ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ >NO GIRLS ALLOWED Channel: https://…[View]
95061746>Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of le…[View]
95060752Favorite chuuba emotes?[View]
95064449Rushia - Pekora - Marine: This was the golden age of Hololive. 3 extremely successful chuubas all i…[View]
95044956HololiveJP is just different.: If you have never watched HololiveJP, then you may not claim to have …[View]
95064240Hololive Global[View]
95053797>can’t sing >can’t dance >little to no interest in idol activities >very few skills exce…[View]
95060076>can't leave their containment thread Why are they like this?[View]
94801039/hag/ - Beach day with Duckwife: Thread #456 Previous thread: >>94572425[View]
95061734Nimi Nightmare? More like Nimi (going) Nowhere![View]
95061763/lig/ - Large Indies Global: emergency bake edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers…[View]
95062351/hlcg/ - Hololive Official Card Game: Iroha deck reveals! The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a tradi…[View]
95052903FuwaMoco is this mainstream now? All the comments are for them too.[View]
95063577my wife[View]
95049143Onolumi オノルミ: a thread dedicated to our retro gaming android overlord, Onolumi https://twitter.com/o…[View]
95057787/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Another Birthday Edition! Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo an…[View]
95010413/tingles/ - EN ASMR Vtubers: This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do…[View]
95035838/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
95064269Hololive Global[View]
95050073/who/ - Nanashi Mumei General - MCMXL: Previous thread: >>94987025 --- > It's Not a Ph…[View]
95053967Fuck Elira.[View]
95059643/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95052036Fubuki is mentally ill?: I just tuned in on her stream and she seems to have a verbal tick where she…[View]
95014810/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended: Goopy Edition >Schedule https://pomu.pages.dev/tsunx >Divegrass…[View]
95027151/asp/ - Aspiring Vtubers and Startups: Technical Difficulties Edition >What is /asp/? /asp/ is a …[View]
95031873Why do so many vtubers have abuse fetishes? It's always this or piss.[View]
94950269/wAIfu/ - AI Vtuber Chatbots: A thread dedicated to the discussion of AI Vtuber Chatbots. Sweetily E…[View]
95060305/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95058013[View]
95007503/eiex/ - EIEN extended: Besties edition Schedules: https://holodex.net/?org=EIEN%20Project https://p…[View]
95053416What vtuber would you say has the most gullible fanbase? Pic not related[View]
95040859/shon/: Pat the Shondo >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schi…[View]
95055368No pebbles, bots can transfer too: This one runescape stream nerissa got raided and the cheap bots w…[View]
95058006Hololive Global[View]
95019084/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers: Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love fo…[View]
95038336/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Fuwa-nee Edition Previous Thread >>95016712 >Upcoming Stream …[View]
95051455/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
94827369/OKFAMS/ Thread: Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here. >Ch…[View]
94961683Sexy Lingerie Edition Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General! Mouse soon hopefully. This is the thre…[View]
95045770Sex with Indonesian women[View]
95053747Do you have a gf for valentines this year anon?[View]
94993938Rushia is still the best vtuber in all of Hololive...: and she doesn't even exist anymore. http…[View]
95055595/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Your Fate Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to f…[View]
95055209So, does she want the camera going through her mouth, instead of her nostril? Hadn’t she had a gastr…[View]
95053232based and redpilled[View]
95034529One year ago to the day: Never forget what they tried to take from us Never forget how we rallied as…[View]
95057601Any VTubers that just taking a fucking piss when they're done streaming?[View]
95055788Sell me on hag vtubers. What's so good about them?[View]
95040630Oh shit oh fuck she's short circuiting what the fuck do we do oh god[View]
95027893The results are in. These are the pickmes of HoloEN according to /hlgg/. Do you agree?[View]
95058013/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95053336[View]
94958892/pkg/ - Production kawaii General: comfy charzu edition First Live Concert https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
94862721ホロライブ: ホロライブ[View]
95052733/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95010723/mint/ - Mint Fantôme General: Minty Pits Edition >Her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@m…[View]
95039331/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: One Final Birthday Edition Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss …[View]
95053336/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95049856[View]
95053735Hololive Global[View]
95054153A defenseless cop, wat do?[View]
95031823/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95016390 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
95045584/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Love Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, …[View]
95036634Your pet cat, wat do?[View]
94961511/ope/ - Nerissa Ravencroft General: For the 608th time, what is Ope?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
95005033How do we contain the tumblr lesbian menace before it completely takes over holoEN?[View]
95048839It's obvious why Luka is streaming more than ever. No one wants to say it, but the writing is o…[View]
95033581The Moom[View]
95036967Slug Maxing Global[View]
94934529/orc+/ - Official Randon Caspurr General: Chill Monday Edition Old Thread: >>94866792 >Rand…[View]
95051041How long can women hold a grudge?[View]
95007398the greatest to ever do it[View]
95050431Gura killer: Except for real this time.[View]
95047728I'm done watching Hololive Minecraft. Recommend me better servers.[View]
95049829Hololive Global[View]
94984491/pyon/: 20,000 Rabbits Edition This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki. >LATEST STREAM htt…[View]
95049856/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95045724[View]
95045720self inserting cuckposting beggars will never understand what vtubing is truly about[View]
95044150/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95021893/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
94926035/fvr/ - FlaVR General: Bad End Bear Edition Last Thread:>>94878315 Previously on /fvr/: >Ny…[View]
95049005>niji's sister[View]
95016360Why did she do it?[View]
95039358/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95036537Times this board lied to you?: This whole time I was thinking her name is pronounced like Nee mee be…[View]
95022394Why insist on streaming on twitch when most of your viewer base is on youtube?[View]
95003130>play piano >play violin >can sing >can sew >did her own rigging >good game taste …[View]
94987025/who/ - Nanashi Mumei General - MCMXXXIX: Previous thread: >>94891568 --- > It's Not a…[View]
95018846/pcgia/ - Phase ALiAS and Invaders General: >what is /pcgia/? /pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Conne…[View]
95023589How many of the HoloIndie games have you played? Which ones did you actually like?[View]
95035017What a banger, holy shit. This is a one in a million song. https://youtu.be/SxRbAEjDS9k?si=iBqbc_7e1…[View]
95011603Nimi! Look at me Nimi! I'm playing it too Nimi![View]
95045724/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95039460[View]
95045392Hololive Global[View]
95033788/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: https…[View]
94987601/∞/ - Ouro Kronii General - 20:53: >Upcoming Stream:【Signalis】Perish Please | #2 https://www.yout…[View]
95033257/HiRyS/: >Comfy members only Rhythm gameRyS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6hXGHZfyHs >STREA…[View]
95008087/ESmol/ - ESpanish small indies: Post and discuss your favorite spanish speaking smol indie vtubers.…[View]
94996655/BIG/ - Biggest Indies General: What's it like to be (You) Edition >What is /BIG/? /BIG/ is …[View]
94858265/tactical/ - Tactical Vtubers: Prisoner of War Edition: Welcome to /tactical/, a thread for discussi…[View]
94682527Anya-Petra Global: https://www.youtube.com/@anyamelfissa https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin…[View]
95038304Cover can go fuck themselves for what they did to Fauna and for imposing the disparagement NDA upon …[View]
94996908/vag/ - VAllure General: Squeak Edition >Current and upcoming streams https://pomu.pages.dev/sche…[View]
94859391/nenmen/ - Nijisanji EN Male General: Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/ This is a thread …[View]
95040492/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Glory To New York Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for view…[View]
94966161/jong/ - Mahjong VTuber General: waow Edition >jong sources: https://repo.riichi.moe/ >Recent …[View]
94925449/wool/ - Sheeptuber General: Ayunity Edition A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appre…[View]
94945431/Gigi/ Murin: Gigi doko... Schedule:https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1886344676137132470 >Recent St…[View]
95004036/corpo/ - Other Small Corpos: https://rentry.org/corpo-unity https://pomu.pages.dev/corpo >What…[View]
95039460/#/ - Numbers: Previous:>>95034050[View]
95041434Your Oshi or recent Chuubas: Who's your Oshi? Any recent Chuubas you like? Links? I've bee…[View]
95035319Dooby totally doing her best[View]
95034955Cover should start making merch in Japan or the USA to prevent stuff like this in the future, this i…[View]
95038418/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95032804your oshi could never[View]
95039351Hololive Global[View]
95035418Today I learned Jaiden has her own little half-vtuber half-fleshie streamer group. I don't thin…[View]
95031013chuuba music: Post songs and covers you enjoy. I'll start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwCk…[View]
95035493>did something worse than half of western male vtubers combined >nobody cares…[View]
95035498Let's be real. Your oshi would hate your guts if she knew you in person.[View]
94988461>another mixed collab with the homos When will Fagoo learn that nobody wants this?…[View]
95034631/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Rocking Waves Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers …[View]
95027433The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1302: In this one of many possible worlds All for the be…[View]
95015077/shon/: have hope! >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo l…[View]
94861898/smug/ - SmugAlana General: Previous: >>94798929 Alana the Frostfire Fox shitposter + discussi…[View]
95027557/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Mario Kart Time Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and …[View]
95031604Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, won…[View]
95031872>Still havent reached a million after 4 years Explain this![View]
95000039Europeans are gathering...[View]
95011159What happened on this day?[View]
94943999/micomet/: >miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued): https://docs.google.com/spread…[View]
95034050/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95027868[View]
95032276/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94990955I still think the most awkward collab in history was Pomu + Melody[View]
95025645/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95033316Hololive Global[View]
95031326BAU BAU[View]
95016712/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Fuzzy and Perky Edition Previous Thread>>94982110 >Upcoming S…[View]
95028800Are they fucking?[View]
95018339Not talking to males =/= entertaining chuuba[View]
95001606Why is she so erotic?[View]
94997069/pxl/ - PixelLink General: >Official Links https://www.pixel-link.com https://pixellink-shop.com …[View]
95007873/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94975345森 カリオペ: A thread for Belial's Blessed Burgerf-lipper, Calliope Mori[View]
95020848>goes to South Korea >meets a plastic surgeon Umm...…[View]
95007535shhhh shh shh your parents will be back soon! Be a big boy for Cookie. This will be our little secre…[View]
94994281Tekken Tuesday: Coyo will be playing Tekken 8 any minute now. Get in here, Coyodachi. https://www.yo…[View]
95002548Pekora IS SEXY and I'm tired of people pretending she isn't[View]
95004122This place is weird to me...: I've been lurking this board for a bit, since it's one of th…[View]
95030606holos are above vtuber: my oshi isnt a vtuber, shes a holo. I dont watch vtubers, I watch hololive.…[View]
95000910Holoaxis: Keep erb out[View]
95006808/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
94996696Why is she hated?[View]
95025613/lig/ - Large Indies Global: OCS Doko? Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to f…[View]
95029310What would having Laplus as a daughter be like?[View]
94981782/MANS/ - Holostars EN General: Get Him Edition Last thread: >>94910518 TEMPUS Schedule: http…[View]
95031286/xhlgg/ - Ex-Hololive Global: A thread to talk about ex-hololive members. https://www.youtube.com/@d…[View]
95002914/nina/ - Nina Saotome: It's Catch-Up Tuesday! (maybe even a game, lol) https://www.twitch.tv/ni…[View]
95006927/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: https…[View]
94970552/rrat/ - Hakos Baelz: DREAM CATCHER 3D LIVE https://youtu.be/TQSikoeVXoE CHU2BAE 3D LIVE https://you…[View]
95027868/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95019618[View]
95024214Herb told Kiara to shut the fuck up about contemporary politics: Wait... herb buh... buh... buh.....…[View]
95027271/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94980993/HiRyS/: >Plappy Pooptime 4 #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3mdlg7YJ0Q >STREAM TwiLight! h…[View]
95023531Hololive Global[View]
95022499Take it easy /vt/![View]
94968663>your oshi just quit hololive yes, and? >would you still gonna watch her as an indi- I AIN…[View]
95017438Why did they only produce two friendships in 4 years?[View]
94979797/ggg/ - Gawr Gura General: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g Member…[View]
95015956Still can't believe she got one so quickly.: Since the presale's about to end today, you t…[View]
95016390/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>95001931 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
94965089Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, won…[View]
95023501Well anon?[View]
95003388she's right[View]
95026494>VTubers can make more money on Twitch so that was a fucking lie https://www.youtube.com/shorts/n…[View]
94979764but why?[View]
94920213Do you like the vtubers from your country?[View]
94975505>rolls into your thread[View]
95019040/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Day Drinking Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtu…[View]
95023514Hololive Global[View]
94970673The Shiori Novella Part 2 - Chapter 8, Page 1301: I long for the day when men will turn away from in…[View]
95020686/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94910649常闇トワ - Tokoyami Towa: Towa Thread Previous >>94683845 Please listen to her latest song! https:…[View]
95019618/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95010761[View]
95018663/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Ghostdo Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to fin…[View]
94981404/grün/ - Cecilia Immergreen General: The 389th Wind >NEXT STREAM: [Pending] >LAST STREAM:【Keep…[View]
95022493Hug the duck until exploded[View]
95007470>Mogged in less than a day Why did she leave her stable career? She will fall into obscurity very…[View]
95010572/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
95013498I can't wait to see what she'll be like in 1 year, she barely streams now[View]
94965698Which chuuba has the best wakipai?[View]
95021140I am madly in love with Leaflit, bros: I can’t take it anymore, she’s LITERALLY perfect. >Japane…[View]
95021876/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95014635Why does Mumei insist on wasting her talent? She is the best singer in Hololive and she does nothing…[View]
95010276/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
95018370Hololive Global[View]
94683391/xhlgg/ - Ex-Hololive Global: https://www.youtube.com/@delutaya https://space.bilibili.com/192615622…[View]
95016086/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94975547/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers: Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love fo…[View]
94971070/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Art: /vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Battle Chuubas Edition Previ…[View]
94987881/asp/ aspiring vtuber ands startup: Magic Fingers Edition >What is /asp/? /asp/ is a thread for V…[View]
95010550/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Fat Momo Ass Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtu…[View]
94963391Lia from Phase Connect: ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ >NO GIRLS ALLOWED Channel: https://…[View]
94981463/pcgia/ - Phase ALiAS and Invaders General: >what is /pcgia/? /pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Conne…[View]
95011389/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Tuber Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find,…[View]
95015691/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95015722>from being a lolicon to toddlercon How do we stop Matsuri?[View]
95010761/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>95004864[View]
94971831/v4m/ - V4Mirai General: Healing Giggles Edition This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brav…[View]
95000984which vtuber can be used as a stress ball the most?[View]
95011045Why did Fubuki force her out?[View]
94992956which vtuber would you cannibalize if you knew you could get away with it?[View]
95001898>Fall Guys: Hololive Edition >playable characters are just Sankisei and Myth Why are Holoindie…[View]
95011358/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95010561Hololive Global[View]
95008106HEIL HOLOLIVE!!![View]
95011109It's kind of insane what hololive just allows. She's still down there. Cover just won…[View]
95012129Sex with indonesian women[View]
95001931/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>94971775 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
94981746/shon/: fucked up >who? If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo lo…[View]
94952906/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended: Sayonara, Saya Edition >Schedule https://pomu.pages.dev/tsunx >…[View]
94982110/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO General: Dakimakura Edition Previous Thread >>94965467 >Upcoming Strea…[View]
94982465big mooner: big mooner[View]
95003975Take it easy /vt/![View]
94997514/hlcg/ - Hololive Official Card Game: Regloss is here! The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading …[View]
95004543>doesn't stweam[View]
95008115/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
95005212/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Borb Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, …[View]
94915644/hart/ - Neuro-sama & Evil Neuro: A thread dedicated to our AI vtubers and future overlords, Neu…[View]
95004747Holos should fuse for greater power. Imagine the potential going untapped at this time.[View]
94920117/V7/ - Vestia Zeta: A thread dedicated to our very cute Secret Agent of Hololive Indonesia, Vestia Z…[View]
94974833Another month with no mass graduations: And still no termination How do dramafags cope[View]
94807231/wah/ - Wearing a Hat: Temari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXb394z4lY8 Bling-Bang-Born: https:/…[View]
95001675I will now watch Kiara[View]
94999855/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: Happy Birthday Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and v…[View]
94909163ぶいすぽっ!: This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tou…[View]
94995283/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
94922896/2434/ - にじさんじ: >What is Nijisanji?/Is this person in Nijisanji?/Who's in Nijisanji? https:/…[View]
94743382/choc/ - Chocolate Brown Chuubas: Milkbath Edition >What is /choc/? A general to discuss vtubers …[View]
94950341/tingles/ - EN ASMR Vtubers: This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do…[View]
94965289/数字/ - JP Vtubers: Thread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news …[View]
94941509/mint/ - Mint Fantôme General: Mintoburger Edition >Her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@…[View]
95004864/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94998617[View]
94958448Can someone explain what a Phase World citizen is? So is Saya graduating or not?[View]
94862691/VReX/ - VReverie Extended: /VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex Arial Yuriko https://www.yo…[View]
95004595Hololive Global[View]
94987546/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
94999560>be me >shopping at con >pick out some vtuber plushies >go to check out >booth owner …[View]
94997519mmmmmminecraft with cecelia[View]
95003921/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94947158/eiex/ - EIEN extended: Ekko burp edition Schedules: https://holodex.net/?org=EIEN%20Project https:/…[View]
94865896/HAHA/ - Dokibird General: A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with …[View]
94970651hear me out /vt/: what if the reason why Gura is streaming more than usual... Is because she finally…[View]
94944235/vnug/ + /kr/ - V&U + Korean VTubers General: Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thr…[View]
94999992>Kson IS NOT Coco >Mikeneko IS NOT Rushia >Sakuna IS NOT Aqua >Dooby IS NOT Ame >Nimi…[View]
94969760Where's her vshojo's debut buff? what happened?[View]
94994650What's next for her?[View]
94970981Rica/Mel, Choco, Aki, Roboco, Matsuri & Ririka General #279: >Who is Hanamiya Rica? Rica is a…[View]
94969349/jidf/ - Idol Corp General: 【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com 【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com…[View]
94990992/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: https…[View]
94711821/beeg/ - Giant Vtubers General: Sailing edition A thread about vtubers growing to gigantic sizes (or…[View]
95000721/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Wisp Wisp Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to f…[View]
94984375>Nimi Dooby collab >Gura streaming and multiple 1on1 collabs with new people before she leaves…[View]
94967877>Gura collabed with 2 Justice members before any member of Advent[View]
95003868Why is this guy obsessed with picking up Tsunderia leftovers?: Kinda backfired when he scooped up Sa…[View]
94998617/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94992965[View]
94991105Onolumi オノルミ: a thread dedicated to our retro gaming android overlord, Onolumi https://twitter.com/o…[View]
95000837Hololive Global[View]
95000067/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94947262/vsinger/ - VSingers General: Thread to discuss the VSingers; the virtual singers of this industry. …[View]
94941516uh oh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxnf5UFPAM[View]
94966436/corpo/ - Other Small Corpos: https://rentry.org/corpo-unity https://pomu.pages.dev/corpo >What i…[View]
94986256Low undiscovered/view /LUV/: A thread for live posting, and vod posting about low view/undiscovered …[View]
94947551/clg/ - CyberLive General: CyberLive Official links https://twitter.com/cyberlivecorp https://www.cy…[View]
94971775/uuu/ - Nimi Nightmare & Ceres Fauna General: Previous Thread - >>94960017 Konbakuwa - htt…[View]
94994470/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Meme Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, …[View]
94932808/wawa/ - Takanashi Kiara: MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT Schedule: https://x.com/takanashikiara/statu…[View]
94913810vtuber confession thread: we listen and we dont judge[View]
94995433/pcg/ - phase connect general: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94995968Cute minecraft interaction is the peak of vtubing content. It's strange that hololive is the on…[View]
94993692>'Loner' >so paranoid won't even say the gender of her cat >still does nervous chuckle…[View]
94995501Hololive Global[View]
94980909/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General: 30+ Org Edition Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers …[View]
94991603Hololvie Global[View]
94992965/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94989365[View]
94953143/pxl/ - PixelLink General: >Official Links https://www.pixel-link.com https://pixellink-shop.com …[View]
94926626/BIG/ - Biggest Indies General: Glorpi Miku Edition >What is /BIG/? /BIG/ is a thread to find, s…[View]
94925548/vag/ - VAllure General: Dreams of Future Past Edition >Current and upcoming streams https://pomu…[View]
94914337/brg/ - Battle Royale General / The (N)EXAS Zone: I Wan Wan Want to kill myself Edition >◆Nexas L…[View]
94983920This terrifies Gura[View]
94987504/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94965637/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General: >Who is Neuro-sama? Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal…[View]
94950926/flip/: >flips >can't read her own handwriting…[View]
94880848/999/ + /voms/ - Henya the Genius + VOMS Project: Svelte Edition /999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vsho…[View]
94989223>2 weeks vs 11 hours Man Dooby really killed her audience that fast?[View]
94987231elbbeps are the followers of oobib[View]
94985587Your pet rabbit, wat do?[View]
94991606Hololive Global[View]
94986022/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Escaped Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to fin…[View]
94981855Why does she even want to collab with Dooby now? They never collabed together in Holo, so why would …[View]
94988373Why is she angry?[View]
94987686Hololive??!: >hololive is seiso and doesn't cumbaiting So that was a fucking lie ??…[View]
94980366Holy shit is Gura back to a normal streaming schedule?[View]
94988563sage: How did he get away with this?[View]
94983916I love this arthoe and I hope you do too[View]
94987499Wife material...[View]
94967821black company[View]
94960671https://youtu.be/7iucmGGJAyE Thoughts on Nimi's song?[View]
94989365/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94985848[View]
94989404/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94985848[View]
94967251The top three chuubas: What does this say about the state of vtubing?[View]
94987501Hololive Global[View]
94978905/gem/ - Koseki Bijou General: >Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou Twitter: htt…[View]
94980384>Sora follows Kanade around in minecarft because she didn't notice her >Kanade is literal…[View]
94980886Since Gura is graduating...: Which oshi do I switch to?[View]
94985848/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94981113[View]
94985802gura did it again: un believeable she did it again. valentine is nigh, and she just pop outta nowher…[View]
94948717Adult/hebe flat vtubers[View]
94976798February 4th, 2024: Never forget what they tried to take from us. Never forget how we united to stop…[View]
94950354Saya nara: One thing i've seen people in the Phase community not realise is that there is a cha…[View]
94925322/asp/ aspiring Vtubers And Syartups: Hot Coffee Edition >What is /asp/? /asp/ is a thread for Vtu…[View]
94959214'Ch..cheesed to meet you?'[View]
94947221/∞/ - Ouro Kronii General - 20:52: >Upcoming Stream:【Ender Magnolia】Starting Over | #1 https://ww…[View]
94975376/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General: Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/…[View]
94982272/pcg/ - Phase Connect General: ▼Phase Connect Links Official Website: https://phase-connect.com Offi…[View]
94982770Hololive Global[View]
94891568/who/ - Nanashi Mumei General - MCMXXXVIII: Previous thread: >>94807283 --- > It's Not…[View]
94979356/lig/ - Large Indies Global: Blue Giant Edition >What is /lig/? /lig/ is a thread for viewers to …[View]
94954393Do you like mori now?[View]
94980483how do we fix phase connect?[View]
94981113/#/ - Numbers: Previous: >>94976690[View]
94983151ID4 When?[View]
94914436/pyon/: 'Whats that over there?' Edition This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki. >RECENT …[View]
94854666What went wrong?[View]

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