It's genuinely pretty sad that the HoloID girls couldn't afford to fly to Japan and be in Risu's 3D live in person. If they're gonna have a branch in a country with such an unfavorable exchange rate, Cover should be subsidizing some of their production costs. Do they even take less of a cut from ID than they do from other branches after they make the talent pay for the whole thing out of pocket?
>>93675310Not worth it to fly to Japan for a single song. Risu's Live was kino with solo performances anyways
>>93675310These girls must make a fortune compared to the usual indo paycheck. Where the fuck does it all go?
>>93676845More money leads more expensive lifestyle. Not to mention I bet they support part of their family. Plus I bet it still costs a lot to be away from the poor rif raff indonesians.
>>93676845To their families, their kids' educational plans, health insurance, retirement savings.
>>93676845Does the hosting Holo usually pay for the guests to travel? Risu isn't exactly one of the high earners. I'm pretty sure all the sets in the live were reused from other Holo's lives, also
>>93676845Just because you have the money doesn't mean you have to spend it haphazardly. What's irrelevant 1% for JP may be very relevant 10% for ID.>>93677304I think everybody pays for their own travels. It's already tough for IDs to do flights for their own projects because one such flight could be worth several months of living in ID.
>>93676845>The retards still think Holo members are millionaires Kek
>>93677524The majority of EN and JP absolutely are. ID probably not but a lot of them have enough money to live like millionaires in their country
>>93677524Millionaire means different things in different places. Some products vary in price place to place (food), some don't (international travel, tech parts).
She should have just asked Zeta or some of the JPs or ENJPs instead
Poorfags, make way for heiress Reine
>>93677524The top ones like Pekora, Marine, Korone, and Gura probably are. ID definitely not. Moona has complained about finances multiple times before.Most of streamer's income is from sponsors and being in a corpo somehow means they get significantly less sponsors and sponsor money.
>>93680947Pretty sure for Holos it's mostly merchBuy the merch for Risu's live!
>>93681457That video does not support what you are claiming
>>93677304If its mandatory then Cover will pay premium economy. 3D debut, Holofes, Breaking Dimensions.3D lives instigated by the talents themselves are paid for the talents themselves including studio rental, production staff and any song royalties.
>>93689077Feels kind of bullshit to say the 3D lives are the talent's choice though when Cover still takes their cut out of it and there is a general expectation that Holos should be doing at least one 3D live a year
>>93689154You'll get people like Kiara doing 3D lives 4 times are year and blowing 120k USD. May as well invite as many ENs and IDs you can if Cover is giving free flights and accommodation. Hell license english songs since they'll pay for the royalties as well then.
>>93689653calm down slippery slope schizo. They could just pay for one a year, that is the limit that JPs have on studio time anyway. Also it's not like they're a favor to the talent, Cover makes money on them too
>>93675310i wanna eat the squirrel
oh nyo
>>93677403>It's already tough for IDs to do flights for their own projects because one such flight could be worth several months of living in ID.Some flights are pretty cheap. Like 500 bucks. If anything I think the problem is the cost of stay in Japan. And considering the lack of manpower in Cover studio, they probably can't record all their parts in less than a week and ballooning their expenses.
>>93675310Can any of them sing halfway decent besides Moona and Risu?
>>93696052reine is decent in holotori