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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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>that one faggot who goes camping/hiking/fishing etc alone
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>id really like to go /out/ this weekend
>jim is going to a wedding
>Bob is out of town
>Shlomo is having his sons Briss
>my wife is going out with her bill
>wElL i GuEsS I CaNt Go
I know it’s just a silly troll post, but come on.
Come with me?
What are you gonna do about it?
That's the point bruh.
Are you oversocialized?

#516- “Spooky!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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mono mainline? could be the problem for sure if so. mono stretches so it could literally be bouncing back on itself within a cast and tangling
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do you mean getting tangled in the hooks? if so just remove the front hook and try. and don't use a swivel because that adds weight to the front which makes it want to cast nose first or spin mid-air instead of like it's supposed to. a lot of rapalas come with hooks that are way too big and it causes all sorts of tangles. both hooks frequently getting hung together, front hook getting hung on the lip, etc. pic rel came with hooks that were noticeably larger and they would get all fucked up damn near every other cast. I dunno what they were thinking. rapala makes good lures but a lot of them need tweaking. as long as it doesn't cause undesired changes to the action, I almost always remove the front hook from small hardbaits. helps to get snagged on shit underwater less and lose your lure also.
Front hook gets caught on the lip occasionally but the back hook wraps around the line. Shit is annoying, it looks like it swims nice when it actually wants to work.

That one in image is about the same size by the looks of it, different lip though. I might try removing the front hook next time I go out and see how that does.
it will help keep the rear heavier, so it should fly better when casting.

Has /out/ seen whats down there?
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Just get a drone
go in without proper caving gear or training, they cant stop you from learning the truth OP
i know where it is, friends and i have plans to visit this June by horseback. Its pretty remote.
What a shithole country
natives claimed it as a "culturally vulnerable site" which is bullshit as they never knew it was there either.

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Post cool and/or tasty fungi you find.

Found these gigantic chanterelles on a walk yesterday. They’re sopping wet and moldy so I highly doubt they’re any good, but man they’re HUGE. Luckily found plenty more of normal size and had them for lunch today!
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thanks for the mushroom ID, heres another set i found today, like 10ft from where the bulbs were
i don't know if these are the same mushroom that were growing last year, they look a bit different though, they sprouted in a single night

the reason i gone here to ask about the bulbs, is that i didn't see a foraging thread, so i guessed at least a few of you may have seen some in your travels
the stuff growing in my yard is a patchwork of native & a few non-native, plus, i'm new to the area, so i have no idea what grows here (northern middle tennessee), but i've been learning what i can by taking pictures & using image search, it works most of the time
These mushrooms always make me hungry... they look like cauliflower.
Psathyrella corrugis, very common. They help break down the humic material in the soil and make it available to plants. They're often confused for magic mushrooms by beginners. But they have no psychoactive or medicinal properties. They're not poisonous, but don't have any culinary value either. Same goes for that mycena you shared before. Except for the confusion with magic mushrooms.

>i'm new to the area, so i have no idea what grows here
Ok, but we're you there this past spring? Or have you just moved there in the past few months? If you were, what was growing in that exact spot? Anything that looked like an onion or flower? Anything you can remember besides grass?
heres another thats on the logs that are again, a few ft away

moved almost 2 years ago here now, but a lot of the brush was really hard to see though, and the plants were always changing out
we've been trying to clear the invasive stuff though, and have been putting the mowed grass & fallen leaves in what we call "the grove", so far, its made the area extremely diverse with native plants
i've seen plants & shrooms that are in an area for a week, then a new one appears for a week, then again, all for a over a year now, its pretty mind blowing for me, since i come from a desert
i also don't know if the plant might have blended in with the few other grasses, not having flowers, like many onion/garlic type plants will do in the first year, since the lily thats also in the area will sometimes skip a year without coming out, and others won't flower for a year
Hmmm....this one's a bit small to make a positive ID on. It kinda looks like it could be a young chicken of the woods. But it could also be a fomitopsis or another woody conk. Keep your eye on it.

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Hello anons,
I'm looking for a cheap (~100/120 euros) digital camera to ous when going /out/, preferably with a rechargeable lithium battery.

Complete noob in this field, what are you suggestions?
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>All worked up
Is that your ego defense against anyone who correctly identifies you as an idiot? You must use that line allot.
They almost all use the same photoreceptors and the reason they differ in low light conditions is because of the filters they use. It really depends what you're using it for. You could just get a cheap one and take it apart to remove the lense filters.
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buddy, I wasnt even the one you were talking about in that reply.
>photoreceptors and the reason they differ in low light conditions is because of the filters they use. It really depends what you're using it for
For recording myself from my POV going /out/ both at day and night
>You could just get a cheap one and take it apart to remove the lense filters.
way too risky
phones are absolutely awful for landscape/wildlife photos
>Using a screen cap as evidence of anything on a website known for image manipulation.
Breh, any idiot can use MS paint to fake a 4chan thread screen cap.
People that do it are cringe as fuck.
Cellphone retards killed the digital camera market. iPhone users are a plague on humanity and the reason we can't have nice things.
Cannon rebel is the entry level camera

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What's a good model, i'm tired of eating pic related
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there is not a single item in your picrel that has been made with a dehydrator. freeze drying is something very different and the equiptment starts at 10k.
oh the jerky and the tomatos right. you can make these is a regular oven too but any cheap ass 30€ dehydrator will do.
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cutapples,,,spreadin carboard box,,,keepin sun.,
,,drop lotsloppy., fox latereats justhe red apples.,
,,,,next night,,'ughhh, ooo well,,munch munch,,nomnom.,greenapplesuck.,
,,horsesate Greatill January!
Unless you are going out for multiple nights somewhere really humid or really hot, there's no reason to not just bring fresh food and cook like you would at home at least the first couple nights.
I have the Hamilton Beach 32100C. It works fine, was cheap enough and it was a gift. There's plenty of places online or YouTube where people show you how they make their dehydrator backpacking food. I occasionally see some other kinds at second hand stores like goodwill, for the like $10 or $20 you'd be spending even if its not a 'good one' who gives a shit.

What does /out/ use for communication?
Many just carry a spot emergency beacon or similar, but what about something with more features? Where you can get weather forecasts, am/fm radio, even broadcast in an emergency?
Sure most people just use their phones and some apps now, but that's a big risk
>What does /out/ use for communication?
My mouth
PL-330 shortwave radio.

As it is becoming increasingly clear that GoreTex is bad for your health and the environment, I'm looking for alternatives.

What are some good alternatives to GoreTex that's less toxic, but doesn't compromise too much on functionality?

Pic related; Fjallraven Greenland jacket, which uses wax for (some) water resistance.
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It is felted, brushed and crushed
germhog loden is overengineered trash
despite it's age and musty smell
look at how the hogs scream, yell:
"Can be thin as my own cock!"
"I could carry all day rocks!"
"Soaks through quick and doesn't work,
use you should is my own tought!"
They're a sight to behold,
much like in the showers, mold
since it was water and not gas
the guards have pumped and splashed.
But as the forefathers did,
allied punishment lurks and sneeds-
As bomber Harris I come in

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I lol'd, give my regards to chatgpt.
The garments won't have the same weight you stupid cow LMAO. You can use LESS of it because it's more EFFICIENT, and even SWANNDRI is, compared to luriden, and for cheaper. That's the point. Obsolete luriden has to be thick in order to work, better fabrics don't. I've been saying the same thing over and over again.
Swanndri dries while you're wearing it since it's not an overly felted barely treated sponge.
Regardless, not even swannies are a real alternative to membranes as they're not particularly windproof.
You're raging because you need to justify having spent large amounts of money for an old piece of crap kek.
Fully composed by a real human (tm).
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i use to be on this bandwagon of evil china swannis but the fabric is still grown and made in new zealand and all that is happening in china is the stitching. it's a simple garment with a good design (no slim fit bound to tear) so not a lot to go wrong with it.
plus i find them on sale for about $150 on new zealand naturals which is same price as cheapest us made wool from asbells. i love asbells but always had issues with stitching and the wool isn't nearly as water repellant.
now in comparison to loden I bet they weigh significantly more, have designs that are not as nearly time tested (not as much rain in region as new zealand), and cost significantly more too. It's the same bs about people arguing for weatherwool using the finest rambouillet (only a few microns thicker then the thinnest wool from merino). You're paying $600 plus for a hair that is weaker. this is why i steer people to buying a 50 year old vintage gloverall for $50-$100.
In short, you're making a compromise. No clothing lasts forever, but I bet I could afford 3-4 swanndri's for one loden garment. I also bet those 3-4 would last a few times longer then that one loden garment.

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previous thread: >>2765467
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Either it's staged or people have been hand feeding those deer and that particular one since it's birth. It's basically a tame deer.
Looking to get into small game hunting, rabbit specifically, and not too sure where to go location wise. I'm in Eastern PA and there's a lot of game lands around, but I've heard mixed things. Anything I should be looking for in a spot? Worst comes to worst and I take a hike for a few hours.
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Having some good hunts this weekend. Had to do some epic bushwacking. Fuck wild roses, my hands are shredded.
No one will have any advice or info. Even if they did they wouldn't share it. Your best bet is just to go then learn the places for yourself. Then don't share any info about good spots with anyone else.
Found a huge buck out at the farm today, I'm gonna try an get back out there by the end of the week


New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png (embed)

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous >>2768315

Revival edition
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Thanks anon, I'm quite happy with them too considering the circumstances.
Weirdest November I remember, nothing yet near to a hard frost, nor anything like it to come till at least Thanksgiving. Dwarf double french marigolds looking better even than they did in early July, a certain huge mandevilla looking absurdly tropical, verbena taking on renewed power even as vinca and roses weaken--except for a certain orange coral colored miniature that's absurdly underrated and hard to find these days. Petunias mostly OK. 2nd generation violas & petunias, in a big planter, look like nothing I've ever seen in any season, and given the rate this year is going, they'll make a nice match to Christmas nice as crocuses do in March, snow or not.
This is an incredible lecture. It's titled "why insects avoid healthy plants." Fair warning, it is 2 hrs long. It's worth it to stick around for the Q&A afterwards. While the whole thing is applicable to gardening, the best part for me was his segment on the basedbean aphid.
I'll probably check it out. Having a healthy mycorrhizal network in your soil also helps to prevent pests. The plant being attacked feeds chemicals into the network that let nearby plants know about the attack. Those plants then produce defense chemicals and some will get sent back to the plant being attacked. Intercropping can also help prevent pests because when a pest lands on a plant it will usually check a couple nearby plants to make sure that it has the right kind of food available for it's progeny. If it doesn't land on enough of the same plant then it looks for a different spot to lay eggs.
I'm learning a lot. Even your comment helps connect some dots. I've heard that mychorzzal fungi are important, but not exactly why. I was planning on doing companion planting. I have a book on it. I just flipped through it to get the combinations, but it looks like do need to read it to pick up useful info like you gave me.
Anyways, the tools needed here are a refractometer and a plant sap press. It's fairly inexpensive to obtain if you get the analog version. There are some nuances to using it, but otherwise it looks simple enough. At the end of the video he does briefly talk about slugs and snails with the caveat of noting that he isn't an expert on them since they have less than 6 legs.

Id forestry a good out career?
>get to hang out in the woods all day
>physical work so get strong
>sense of adventure
>don’t have to deal with tourists like park ranger
Is become a logger the true out job?
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I honestly don't know, can't ask to hurt. If they are super busy with not enough staff they can't say no right?

you don't get wrong but you get work fit, i have seen the fattest men be so fucken fit at work its not funny. Once you do the same task day in day out you just get good and efficient at it.

I have worked /out/ physical jobs my whole life and I am not fit but I am not fat
I've worked in an outdoor lumberyard for four years in North Dakora and it will fuck your body, there's a 90% chance of a new guy leaving the job within 3-6 months. I can't imagine how much worst it would be as the guys that gotta actually cut the trees, but they don't gotta deal with loading up retards all day in a "self service" barn.
What's the job title? Lookout here trying to find a perm gig
It was a hatchery tech job, the escapement was part of it. I spend about half the season at the hatchery and half in the woods. My manager said they hire solely for escapements out by fairbanks, I would look up keywords "escapement" or "remote weir." It's all seasonal though.
I just spent a month in Wyoming. It was the emptiest state I've ever been in.

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Why are hikers so fucking chill compared to other outdoor hobbyists? They’re so nice and always greet you on the trail
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darky detected
How did you like Bhutan anon? What kind of hikes did you do there? Didn't the state guide have to be with you?
>literally hunt humans
As opposed to figuratively hunting them? You are retarded.
I like the feeling of being alone in nature, especially in lowland parks low in fame but high with biodiversity, and on winter drives to quiet sites, night or day, where privacy is profound, even as one strolls around the security of an idling and very dependable car. The best friend of my youth was quite the opposite in disposition, quite the hiker, with a cool manner combined with a rather violent fantasy life, at times. In one letter, two years after moving from the Chicago region (where I still live) to Estes Park, he casually mentioned how much fun he'd find it to murder an entire family on the slopes of a certain mountain rich tourists frequented, and a year later asked me on the phone to send him a handgun by UPS or whatever. Naturally I declined by cutting off all further correspondence, but nothing came of it in any case, since he soon afterward formed a close friendship with a neighbor chick quite unlike any I've ever met. He died a kissless hugless virgin, of lung cancer, in 2011, and while I'm nothing of the sort, I knew him better than anyone else did, and didn't mind his worst or most cutting insults, elaborate or subtle as some of them were, since in person we were relaxed in conversation as it's possible to be.
Its actually just the simple fact that nobody wants to say hi to 30 people very mile they hike on a trail whereas saying high to first person you see in 5 miles is easy and even makes you happy to see another human.

Same thing in cities, how everyone is rude and minding their own business as compared to the country where you say hi to everyone you cross and know all their names.

Some fucking dick started blasting his Bluetooth speaker at little Yosemite campground at like 9 pm last weekend
How do we solve this pandemic? Is it time to ban people from nature until they can pass some sort of wilderness competency test? What’s the solution?
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Waterfalls are easily the most overrated natural feature. I think it's on purpose, to pull normies to them so that the rest of us can enjoy the rest of the parks
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Put em on clutch
>what's the solution?
Noise canceling headphones
Or walk far enough where you can't hear it if you don't have autism.
You already know the answer to this.
>chimped out at some old dude who asked him to not litter with cigarette butts
Based. I will litter wherever I want to and you can't fucking stop me. Mind your own business or pick up my trash loser slave.

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>you have to buy trekking poles!
>you need something lightweight!
>if it's not collapsible it's garbage!
counterpoint: just pick up a stick
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Is this bait or did you really miss the point of what he was saying
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(they're both bait/retarded)
They never seemed to be very useful to me. I don't really understand the point honestly. I have been hiking all sorts of places for years and every time I've tried to use them they just seem like an annoying burden
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Some people do actually use the butt of a hatchet as a hammer
some hatchers even come with a hammer on it for this exact purpose
like the carpenters hatchet
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oh yeah absolutely I do that all the time ... and they're both still retarded and/or bait.

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