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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

>no locking mechanism
>wooden handle
>cant be used with one hand
why do people buy these again? besides "muh tradition", but i dont think people outside of france view them as traditional
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Idk if they are overpriced abroad like all our products but here in France they are cheap and available absolutely anywhere including stores that have nothing to do with knives in the first place so they are usually a kid's first knife, also thanks to the locking mechanism
I think my dad got me one when I was around 8 so I could carve (shitty) arrows to play in the yard with and equally shitty handcrafted bow strung with kitchen twine

Our more "prestigious" traditional option is the Laguiole, made with more noble material like horn and usually featuring a cock opener because it used to be a sheperd's knife at a time when wine was drank on the go at any given time or place, and features a small cross on the handle so said sheperds could just stick the knife in the ground or a stump and pray when they were away from the local church

Or a knife from Thiers, our self proclaimed knife capital where lots of knife craftsmen still remain
>Cock opener
oops kek
je vais pas te mentir, je préfère les couteaux ricains. surtout maintenant que tu te prends automatiquement 400€ d'amende si tu en transporte un, traditionel ou pas.
Cuts cheese much better than the full tang tactical larpknives that people like to bring innawoods.
>no locking mechanism
It has a locking mechanism, which is also more reliable than most of your tacticool shit
>wooden handle
>cant be used with one hand
Yeah man check this cool one hand flipping before I open my amazon package!

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The cat can cover a few meters before your brain has even sent the signal to your muscles.
They're not that big, and a fit human is stronger than them. I bet you think chimps are unbeatable and brutal death machines, but humans can also do everything a chimp does, but better. You're stronger than you know when that caveman brain kicks in. Women always think men are so silly for thinking we could kill animals, but that's how we got here you pussies
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These people are wimps man. I think at least half the battle with a wild animal is mental. If an animal trying to bite your face and you just scream and go "Noooooo!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!" and turn your back, of course you're going to get fucked up.
Use your brain power and attack it's eyes and throat, be more aggressive, and you'll probably win against a lot of animals.
Obviously not an ideal situation to be in, but humans got to where we are for a reason and it's very cringe that many men have forgotten what it means to respond to nature with violence.

>Verification not required

Picrel is me after I kill big cat with my bare hands
I know how much little cat scratches and bites hurt

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previous thread: >>2765467
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so? he's impossible to work with, made enemies of the entire town etc. still amusing to watch
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First ever stag.
Go for the ducks you can always turkey hunt in spring
should've blown it's brains out OP
congrats anon

#515- “Indigenous Tranny Day” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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you just go to a pool and stay in the shallow end fucking around. it's pretty natural and you learn quick if you're not being held back by fear. if you drown in the 4ft deep kids section of the pool where you can touch the bottom there is no help for you anyways.
Find a puddle two palms deep, float
it's that easy
Georgie, my float
Did I pick a bad fishing spot today or was it just a skill issue? I was there for 2 and a half hours and got totally skunked.
I was fishing a straight section of river just after a meander and right before some rocky rapids. The river comes around the meander, then straightens out a few meters upstream from the rocks. I was fishing on the "outside" of the river after the meander. The currents are very strong except near the bank I was fishing from (where they seemed almost non-existent at least judging by the movement of my bobber and the lack of ripples on the water) and the water gets fairly choppy over the rocks though it's still deep there.
I'm thinking maybe there was just too much current? Not very good visibility in the water either, though that's always the case around here. I spent about half an hour casting a big spoon and then I switched to fluorescent nightcrawlers (somehow they are dyed bright green but are still alive) on a jighead under a bobber.
So either my setup was retarded, I picked a bad spot, or I just got unlucky. Or maybe all three.
Lately I'm obsesed with the spot place and not only the spot but the exact 2 rocks in the spot where I need to aim the floater, and it just works where 2 meters away you get nothing.

I'm addicted to appreciating natural beauty, and this is the evolution of that. I live on the Olympic peninsula and have been taking my bike on solo camping trips in Olympic national forest as well as many day trips.
My "goal" is to try to go as deep and long into the wilderness as I can, but this is for the purpose of enjoying the wilderness to the fullest. I'm just a beginner but am learning with each trip and nerd out obsessively researching things.
It feels like the ultimate open-world video game. Of course this is precisely the kind of experience that such games emulate.
My bicycle is a Surly Ogre which is ideal for my purposes and rides like a dream. It has an overbuilt chromoly steel frame to be bombproof and handle lots of weight.
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I wish I could afford winter gear to tour in near and below freezing temperatures
Riding in the cold is misery.
Camping in the cold is misery.
I like snow and I have never done ride longer than a few hours in winter so I want to try but gear I would need for this kind of temperatures is really expensive.
You only really need an outer shell (any cheap windbreaker will do) and fleece in varying quantities.
Cheap skiing gloves and a windproof cap and you're set. You won't be comfortable but you won't be cold, and pricey cycling specific gear is only marginally better.
My problem are tires, tent and sleeping bag mostly, I would need a new sleeping bag for this temperature, tent has old fibreglass poles that get really brittle in cold I would need to replace with aluminium and I would obviously need new tires for snow and ice, getting all of those would get expensive.
Clothes are also a problem, I have stuff for riding in low temperatures but shoes and trousers just wouldn't be good enough for rides this long, I would need something new.
Unfortunately I'm not in a good spot cash wise atm so I just can't afford it all this year.

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Have you ever taken a gril /out/?
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incredibly based post in a thread full of 3dpd fanfaction
Quit shilling your globalism in here you kikes
What makes you think I'm not a BANTV king born and bred on the slopes of Kirinyaga though
If you are you would not be simping for the great pink rift, you would be sick of their bs.

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Post cool and/or tasty fungi you find.

Found these gigantic chanterelles on a walk yesterday. They’re sopping wet and moldy so I highly doubt they’re any good, but man they’re HUGE. Luckily found plenty more of normal size and had them for lunch today!
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pretty, new world or old world?
I live in the Pacific Northwest in North America and they're everywhere here too. I don't know if putting some of the mushroom on an uninfected one spreads it but it's worth trying I think.
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first time getting PNW chanterelles they're much nicer and less buggy than east coast ones
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Found this little chode on a walk, a wood blewit.
'tis the season.

Are there any toxic lookalikes? I found many different species in the same pasture, making it easy to confuse them.

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did you pray to the crack gods or bring any offerings?
>american """wilderness"""
>posted from a crumbling uninsulated unreinforced masonry hovel.
When was the last time you breathed fresh air, felt the rays of the sun on your face unmuted by smog, touched grass that wasn't coming up through broken asphalt?
Obsessing over America-sempai isn't going to improve your situation son.

talk about ruckz and packz
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Military packs are kind of ridiculous, but I get the appeal of having multiple pockets that allow you to compartmentalize everything. I wish standard hiking packs weren't allergic to having pockets, like the Kelty Redwing.
Those extra warm layers on or near your skin might be hydrophobic/lipophilic material causing skin dehydration and oil buildup. Probably polyester or polypropylene or elastane. Probably malodorous too.
I only have wool or cotton base layers though.
Maybe the backpack net frame is hydrophobic/lipophilic and chafing is causing it to shed microparticles and sweat/perspiration is causing those microparticles to cling to your skin.

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>camping resources in the sticky are UK websites
This board is dogshit
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Why is this board dead and not active of other boards?
theres the retarded sperg schizoing out about the Italian guy keeping it active
If you aren’t in the UK, do you really need to know where to join the queue in order to sleep outside?
There’s a small handful of know nothing know it all’s. They’re so dumb they don’t even know what they don’t know.
Not everyone lives where you live.
It’s probably 10yrs old anyway.
What do you even expect to learn from it, where to buy a cheap tent or jacket? Just ask on a related thread. Tdmyr

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what did your father and grandfather teach you and what do you wish they had
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My dad taught me that the world is a senseless cruel place. He taught me that everyday until I dwarfed him and he knew I could beat his ass and embarrass him.
“Of course you can eat [mullet, hardhead catfish, alligator gar, needle fish., etc]. It’s a fish!”
t. Papa (my Cajun grandfather)

He also had a van that was a camper with a bed in it, ostensibly to fuck my grandmother.
My dad is a very smart kinda crazy but genuinely good guy. So I learned a lot of things I should and shouldn’t do from him. One of the most important is no matter how smart a source is always verify it with additional sources.
You miss your grandpa and only have so much time left with him you should talk even if it’s just a phone call.
Haha same.

What is the worst piece of gear you've seen?
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When it comes to canister backpacking stoves, there are really only two specs most people look at: weight and boil time. If all you’re doing is boiling water, and are of the opinion that weight doesn’t matter, then that just leaves boil time. So why wouldn’t you use one?
Fuck off, if you fall over wearing them they fill with water. Ever tried taking off gumboots full of water?
Now put those boots up to your chest.
Jump in a swift river.
probably people buying 300 dollar fixed blade knives only to make feather sticks with em.
Yup. Absurdly heavy and huge for what it is, and very inconvenient to actually use. You are better off with a water bottle from the grocery store for 1/10th the price.
You get boiling water in like 60 seconds after lighting the flame and you can grab and pour it way easier than a pot.

You don't notice this benefit all that much if you're hiking solo, but it makes group dinner and breakfast ready WAY faster because of the time saved boiling. It's so fast only one person in the group needs to bring a stove.

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Everyone knows this state is a shithole in every regard. Someone please rec a better /out/ state to move to for a former NorCal fag and list your pros/cons. Money's not much of an issue.

>inb4 inb4 inb4
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You can head over to the southeast. Kike propaganda and democrat shenanigans have made it a shithole too, so you'll fit right in. I'm saving for a couple of years and moving off the grid to live off the land. Somewhere no dumb nigger or dim witted woman will ever set foot.
The Midwest really sucks, don't go there.
I heard Idaho is great. Its still affordable and regulations are lax, because not enough Californians have raped it yet. Try that.

There should be a 10 year voting cooldown for ex-Californians.
you'd fuck it up anyway. just stay where you are.

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These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
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This…and the fact that a lot of the grizzly bears habitat in the lower 48 is surrounded by human habitat, which make for conflicts when the population is growing. The place is crawling with hunters at this time of year.
Whoa, that's intense.
cougars are worse
kill them all or better yet subject them to the evolutionary humiliation ritual that is domestication
can we just cull some of the worthless piece of shit parasite scum "humans" instead?
I love a good cougar

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