We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)>Gardening, farming and related activities>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)>Gear related to any of the above topicsMost topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.
>>2805352The cost of a camper is so far beyond the average millennial that they'll honestly never have an opinion on them. This board just can't afford it.This is like asking /ck/ what having a Michelin star is like.
>>2805365Not true at all. Many trailers nowadays are cheaper than the vehicle you tow it with. And rv park rent is much cheaper than apartment rent. Millennials just associate them with smelly boomer grandparents and prefer the romanticism of vanlifing. They will spend more than the cost of a basic trailer kitting out their van.
They’re great if you have young kids. It’s an excellent jumping off point to get them introduced to the outdoors. It offers a great, comfortable sanctuary for meals and sleeping. They’re also great if you’re doing other activities as your primary recreation, like mountain climbing, day hiking, trips to the beach, ATV’s, or whatever. >>2805354I fucking LOVE them.>>2805453Can you post some examples of these cheap trailers? Inb4 used. I know in the 1970’s a fully-featured pop up was the equivalent of $10k.
>>2805464depending on the size of the trailer it can be really cheapThe coleman 13b is a small 10k camper and can sleep 5 people in it
>>2805352They can't go anywhere interesting.
Is there good /out/ in the soon to be 51st state?
>>2804977When I was getting my Masters I had a classmate that had lived in Puerto Rico for tax reasons. After hearing some of her stories, I never want to visit. I didn't know it was that bad.
>>2805085what were the stories?
>>2804976Ive spent a ton of time visiting family in the countryside and I would probably not recommend doing any /out/ activities outside of something with a hired guide in the rainforest.That’s just not really a thing there and you’ll stick out like a sore thumb and draw a lot of the wrong type of attention.
>>2805475Is it dangerous to do that stuff alone? It seems to be a safe place, or at least safer than many US States
>>2805477Americans tend to think the Puerto Rico is a bastard state, and that all of the laws and norms of US society apply there. It's more like a Central/South American country where everyone just happens to be a US citizen by default.
Well /out/ what tracks have you recently found?
>>2805135i have a bunch nothing super recent
>>2805135i thought bears slept in the winter
Bobcat tracks I saw yesterday, probably five to ten minutes old.
Domestic shorthair.
>>2805235That would presuppose that we actually had a winter. Haven't had any snow as you can very well see so the bears are still active.
#519- “Stale Bread” EditionPrevious Thread:>>2795992janny pls…Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here! http://www.pastebin.com/u/fishingandtacklehttps://imgur.com/a/1Xw3NNew Bong Fishin Guidehttps://pastebin.com/sDB5SQTqFirst for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Still haven't landed a fish since my return to fishing after decades. I caught a small panfish on a trout lure but it came off before I could reel it in.I saw this badass night heron though.
Does anybody catch trout on topwater lures? I have a mini frog popper and I see trout strike the top all the time but it might just be for flies? What topwater might piss them off enough
>>2805372I've heard of people catching trout on topwater lures in conventional fishing, but what I'm most familiar with is people doing it with topwater flies, such as frogs and mice. Compared to bass fishing, you're going to want to go slower and be more subtle with your retrieve..................I'm thinking about getting into tenkara. I've thought about it for a while since the YouTubers in my area are mostly tenkara guys. I watch their videos to for fun and to get info on spots. I really want to fish a kebari, but that's beside the point. I can get 30% off from a website, which is sweetening the deal. The idea of having a rod that packs down tiny, is relatively cheap, and doesn't get ice in the guides is very appealing. I know you're against them, Skid, but does anyone here have any experience with them?
>>2805372I almost forgot. There are also poppers and divers, but they are smaller than typical topwater lures and are associated with bass and bluegill.
>>2805185It's your money.
>want to move to Oregon from Nebraska and buy land for $4500>have $12k from an accident that totaled my car>plan to work in the nearby town, find something remote or even go a larger city that's not too far away to work and camp>might get over $10k for a neck injury>want to use it on a well so I don't have to haul water but could buy a prefab tuffshed>or could build a house out of cob adobe and pallets, starting with pallet sheds>don't know whether to buy a truck or an SUV>going to have to keep my stuff in storage until I can get it all moved out here>would prefer to take it all at once, maybe with a truck and a trailer but definitely with a Uhaul>Uhaul sounds sketch as I would not have a vehicle when I get there but could still maybe buy one with the $7500>also have a dogberg to look afterDon't know what to do, all my stuff is being packed up right now and I'm just trying to figure out how to get there
>>2805186This, christmas valley is a sage infested scrubland hellscape anon. Your chances of getting drinkable water at less than 1,000' are pretty slim. Look up the wellmaster's logs for neighboring properties (lake county, right? it should all be public information, it'll give you an idea of how far down they had to dig and how deep)In that neck of the woods the only 'town' of any decent size is Lakeview, and even then it's under 5k population last I checked. Dunno. wish you well; but land out that way is priced so low for a reason. Looking at your list though; it's probably a larp -- but regardless, do your research, your plan sounds kind of dodgy.
>>2805186>>2805387's a bit west of ye olde crimbo alleysimple as
>>2805399Like K falls area? :)Same basic concept, just slightly higher population density. East of Christmas Valley, you can drive for hours and see maybe a single car. The Oregon outback is named that for a reason. K falls is an up and coming city, population there has doubled in the last decade or so; not quite Bend in terms of growth, but give it time.Again though, before buying your land look into the well logs, have some idea of what you're dealing with. Cheap land is *always* cheap for some reason. Out there it's due to a lack of water/electrical service. (but mostly water)
>>2805458I'll have shekels from my injury loss claimAs long as I can build a palletoid house$30k for a well or is it just fucking OVER bros?
>>280547030k might just be enough desu.but again bro, check the well master's logs, look up permits. it'll show you exactly what other people nearby have in terms of depth, flow rate, and the permit will include the amount they paid for installation.this is 4chan, so i know the bare minimum of research/due diligence is a bridge too far, but you can get the exact fucking answers you want with some ezpz searching.flat, barren scrubland with zero privacy doesn't sound worth it to me. (outside of a place to park a trailer or something while you fuck off with quads or something. which is like 75% of christmas valley's economy i'd wager.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkkLnGeo5qc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqS-VrwWnnspastebin:https://pastebin.com/Mvfh8b87New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.pngSearch terms:Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm, biochar, vermicompostingprevious >>2784511fo hunnit edition
>>2805406That's rough. You can increase the moisture holding capacity of your soil by amending your soil with crushed lump charcoal soaked in fertilizer like compost tea. It will work a lot better for clay soil than it will for sandy soil. Have you considered collecting and storing rainwater to supplement your water supply? You'd need to check your rain harvesting laws, but in my experience even the dryest areas allow you to store a hundred gallons or so.
>>2805383>Let’s see if I can untangle it and turn it into a big, prosperous kumquat shrub.I don't even think it will be hard. It looks like that's already the habit they were trying to train to. That or it was intended for an espalier.
>>2805426>Can I get them to start warm and then after a week or so transfer them to the lighter but cooler room?Should be fine, but keep in mind that some seeds need some light to germinate. Consider getting a heat mat for your seeds too. They're cheaper than lights and easier to shop for.
>>2805426>Can I get them to start warm and then after a week or so transfer them to the lighter but cooler room?yes you can, chilli likes it warm and dark to germinate, 25°C - 28°C is optimal ground temperature. Once they sprout you should transfer them to a cooler environment. if you can, keep it above 20°C it helps with growing. Might wanna buy one of those smol plastic indoor greenhouses, they raise the temp inside by 2-3° trough solar heating and only cost a few €$£.
I'm going to order seeds for stuff I want to grow this week but I can't decide on tomatoes, which varieties do you guys grow and like?
Hello /out/. It has been a while, maybe it is time for an AMA
Mine anon is alive!
This reminds me of mindcraft (the videogame).
>>2805422no it doesn't. it reminds u of half-life 2 (the video game).
Hello Mine Anon, can you explain the a working knowledge of what the difference is between a wet mine and otherwise? I get that water is sprayed to cut into the rock but why does that make it more dangerous? What are some of the keys to noticing if you are in a wet mine or dry?
It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.Off-belay:https://archived.moe/out/thread/2610900https://archived.moe/out/thread/2537031https://archived.moe/out/thread/2495558/xs/ thread:>>>/xs/196297Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
Led this easy crack system, then top roped the crack to the left that starts under a roof(forgot to take a picture). It's mainly about practice placing pro and making anchors quickly at this point, but there was some exposure near the top.
>>2805132Yeah, I use an inverted Taz Lov2. I've got it working pretty smooth now and I trust it, so it's just down to how good is my pro is. I'm finding leading to be much more fun and rewarding than TR'ing even if it's just easy stuff for now.
>>2805219That's awesome but man you gotta find a partner and really level up. That's JTree right? Gotta be loads of people looking to climb around there. Are you just committed to climbing solo?
>>2805456Yeah I've been thinking about hiring a guide to teach me how to belay and give me some tips.I'm not sure there are many people who want to partner up with a beginner who can only lead easy routes and has minimal belay experience, it seems like most people get into climbing through someone they already know, but I would like to climb with others so I will make the effort, thanks.I will also keep solo leading because it offers so much freedom.
Is camping in abandoned structures still /out/?
>>2805265if youre outside i guess so
>>2805265People who do this must not live near mountainsMany Such CasesSAD!
>>2805265I remember the first time I did this. I was 16 years old and decide to go camping absolutly unprepared, no speping bag just a hamcock and a light blanket. It reached 0 celsius that night.I ended up going inside an abandoned building and making a fire inside, making it the first of many sleepless nights I got camping in the wild
>>2805268Put em on clutch
>>2805265who would want to sleep in a dirty musty old building??
Why is this allowed?There is literally nothing that peeves me more than parking lots trying to gate hikers in. Like there's god millions of trails without locking gates and that works fine, but no, you have to make sure they are gone by 4:30 or else you are going to trap them overnight to punish them. Total boomer shit!
>>2805351I don't think that is a real issue, and regardless, they could just say no sleeping overnight, instead of gateing you in/towing you>>2805353>430pm>sunset
>>2805356In winter 4:30pm is pretty close to sunset in some places.Also this rule clearly exists because people abused it beforehand. Like most rules, there's a reason why they were done. You can probably thank some peace loving van lifers for it.
>>2805353I got locked into a city park once. I was exploring a hillside and I had a blaze orange shirt on in case I got hurt. They made no effort to locate me at all. I got to the gate 9 minutes after sunset and the place was completely abandoned.
>>2805433anon why do you defend this shitI hope your car gets towedits fine to have a sign saying please don't hike after dark, but gating people in and towing them is excessive, also why not just have sunrise to sunset hours?4:30 is YEAR ROUNDshit is silly
>>2805438>anon why do you defend this shitBecause you're not the one who has to maintain this shit. There's a reason why these rules exist as I said. The idea that no one takes advantage of open parks is just delusional. People who work in state/local/fed parks are already paid horrible wages compared to the amount of work they have to do. The last thing they want is to have to deal with homeless people trying to use their parking lot as their nightly stay.
>>2767272Did you get to hike/see any of the effects of the flooding recently?
went hiking around Hains hut and then up to Guthega in the Australian snowy mountains this weekend to fly fish with a mate
>>2780007above the clouds, frens
>>2805415>to fish in the river and make some fish over a fireyeah fuck yeah oh yeah
>>2805415Noice. any fish? what were you fishing for?
>>2780007Went on a hike with some frens. Kind of cloudy but all around nice. The black forest is surprisingly populated by whites.
>inb4 Casio g shockWhat watch do you use for /out/?
>>2805447Doesn't your gf find your constant need for attention exhausting?
>>2805463>guy posts on /out/ every day>always makes threads about watches>his girlfriend always complains about it>over time the guy keeps posting more>and more>and even more>girlfriend starts joining threads>she tell guy he needs to stop, its not healthy>people laugh at him for it>guy starts posting more, hes going apeshit>hes nonstop posting, begging for people to show their watches>hes gotta have a fetish or something>finally girlfriend goes to his house>its the point of no returnComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hey Anons, experienced camper and /outist/ about to go on a month long backpacking trip. I will be heading to Bongland in April for a roughly 160 mile hike on national trails and will be wild camping as much as possible. I’ve done plenty of backwoods camping and am relatively comfortable solo camping (am much more comfortable in groups though)Not pictured: 3L water bladder and clothes: 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 1 spare set of vida pro pants, fleece for mid, rain jacket for outer, long John’s for night, a sun hoodie, a button up hiking shirt, and a pair of shorts/tshirt for end of day casual wear. Weight is around 40lbs loaded up with extras and all that jazz.
>>2804308++++++I agree with everything this anon is sayingleave the axe and folding saw too lol you won't be having many fires if you're doing long distance stuff it's easier, more stealth and funnily enough warmer to just crawl into the sleeping bag>>2804223OP tell me more about your trip, I live in Scotland and have a ton of experience, can help you out if you wishalso with 160 miles you'll be done in 2 weeks unless you're obese I walked the entire length of the Scottish National Trail + Cape Wrath, took me 45 days to do those 500 odd miles absolutely the time of my life
>>2805207Hello Scot anon!Doing the entire Cleveland way and segments of the western highland way. I’ve got friends in the south and in central Scotland where I will be with them for a couple of days. Then probably heading to that caringorms to chill/do some more camping
>>2805245dude i'd say not waste your time and do the cleveland wayit's not wildcamping is """"illegal""""" ofc you can and will do it but england is fkn cringe about that shit I have zero idea whats drawn you to that. I'd say spend all of your time in scotland. I can really help you go to places that you'd have much more enjoyment from if you tell me what you're seekinghonestly laddo the west highland way in its entiretyI've done it a few times - it was something of a yearly ritualit's 97 miles, only takes 5 days if you really give it your all, 6 if you take it easy or 7 if you spend the whole time messing about lol it's honestly THE perfect trailespecially for someone like yourself who is new to being out, walking dozens of miles a day, for days on endthe start is super accesible and you really get the progression from urban to wild sstarting in urban sprawl by the end of your first day of walking you trudge over a small hill (corlic hill) and you've got this fantastic view all across loch lomondthe amazing thing is, when you pass that, you very visibly have gone beyond the geological line that divides the highlands from the rest of the islandComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2805288Thanks anon for the insightful feedback! Is any part of the Cleveland way worth the hike? Some of the coastal scenery around Scarborough and the later part of the trails looks pretty amazing.The western highland trail is definitely on my itinerary, I’m already planning on meeting my buddy at Balmaha after finishing the Cleveland way. However if it’s total dog shit (which I guess some of the trails are) I would gladly take suggestions especially since it seems like you have good experience.
You do plan on just driving a few hours to your local National Forest and hiking for a few days before you jump into international travel, right?Years ago there was an Anon who flew to Florida with the intention of walking back to Portland, OR. He had never done any backpacking either. He lasted one (1) night and flew back home.
ITT: Critters