These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
>>2739570Just get a gun bitch nigga
>>2739570Bears are fake. Just walk towards them clapping loudly and they will scatter.
Almost everything is in constant danger of being eaten by something else. Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else? A burr encounter ends deadly far more often for the burr anyways, because you can bring a magic stick that spits fire and cracks their skull from far away. Nature isn't an amusement park or your safe space. Stay in an urban hellhole if you don't like being in the same place as animals that can kill you. Someone should release some tigers too, or clone some cave bears and smilodons and rewild them.
Stay in your parents basement if you’re that scared
>>2739586>Almost everything is in constant danger of being eaten by something else. Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else?Because we have the capacity to rule over them all. Which is exactly what bears would do if they were smart and capable enough. That bear doesn't walk around afraid of shit. Because it rules the areas it lives. It's top of the food chain until we decide against it. He doesn't give a fuck. All living species would eliminate their predators if they could.
>>2739570>>2739595New predators will just arise, simple as
>>2739596Anything that can soundly kill us in a melee, and proactively looks to do so, should not be around. Any species would eliminate that threat if they could. Standing against it is anti-human. It's just some retarded hippie bullshit romanticizing away reality.
>>2739602Everything can be a threat dumbass, it doesnt have to be a bear or a wolf or a lion….if you get rid of all the predators then rabbits will literally fuck each other and pop out bunnies until there is no room left for more, eating everything in the path, destroying ecosystems and farms, killing themselves off and many of us by destroying our food too and the food that our livestock eat.
>>2739595literal 1920s conservation mindset. just carry a gun in bear country and don't be a pussy who backs down. if you need others to take care of your bear problem YOU are a bitch and not fit to rule.
>>2739607>Everything can be a threat dumbassre-read what I said. I said anything that can soundly kill us in a melee, and proactively seeks to engage in it. I don't give a fuck that a snake can kill me. I can beat the fuck out of a snake. A grizzly would just laugh and eat me alive. That's how it prefers to feed.>>2739609No on is asking to be taken care of, loser. I am advocating our natural right to eradicate a natural threat. It is our birthright. Only a faggot would disagree because "iT LoOkS cUtE oMgZ"
>These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
>>2739612if you don't want anything wild or threatening in your wilderness you should probably stick to suburban parks and tour busses. hell try just not going out, that way you won't be threatened by any of those spooky dirt trails where you're at threat of the dreaded twisted ankle :)
>>2739617>if you don't want anything wild or threatening in your wildernessAre you unable to read. I said anything that can soundly melee us to death with ease and proactively seeks it out. Holy fuck you people are dumb.
>>2739620not cool dude, the dirt trail meleed my meemaw to death with a brutal twisted ankle on the AT
>>2739624I keep hearing about these dirt trails and all the twisted ankles they keep causing. I think we should ban them, let’s pave the forest! Bonus: now we can just drive through bear country and run over the bears if they get too rowdy
>>2739582Anti-griz is closet anti-gun.>>2739586>Stay in an urban hellhole if you don't like being in the same place as animals that can kill you.Ironic.
>>2739570>These things are exploding in populationcitation needed.>Why are they still protected?>We had their populations down for a reason>only 2000 in the lower 48 occupying less than 5% of their former range. >monsters that literally want to eat us?they dont want to eat you. they want you to stay the fuck away from their cubs or food and they will defend them if necessary. Also, dont wake them from a nap. What is this bait? you are either horribly retarded or a shill for delisting them- which is it? not that there is much difference
>>2739602>proactively looks to do so,but they dont really. the vast majority of violent grizzly encounters are bears defending cubs or food or surprised at close range. I have seen many griz from 100s of yards away and they could care less I am there.
>>2739612look. just stay in the east, enjoy your foliage and your possum stew and leave the real wilderness to those who can appreciate it and have the balls to accept the risks.
>>2739593he likely hasnt left it in the 30 years he's been alive
>>2739570>These things are exploding in populationGood. That means the forest is producing enough food that large omnivores can thrive. I'm all for letting the bears kill boombox hikers.
>>2739595It sounds like you need to move to england. They have exactly the kind of landscape you are asking for.
>>2739602>Anything that can soundly kill us in a melee, and proactively looks to do so, should not be around.>Yeah bro, kill all the elephants >Yeah bro, kill all the rhinos >Yeah bro, kill all the bears >Yeah bro, kill all the mountain lions>Yeah bro, kill all the large herbivores>Yeah bro, kill all the large carnivores >Yeah bro, kill all the large omnivores >Loving nature means killing all the animals in it, anything else is anti-human
Kill all grizzlies Throw edgelords to the grizzlies first tho
>>2739570I would love to see one up close in real life, and not behind a fence. They are clearly, by design, a creature that you just KNOW should be nowhere near you, like your instincts are fully aware that this thing is a real life monster. Especially when they're running, just imagine the sound of its feet as they hit the ground at 30 miles per hour.
>>2739595Literal prey animal mindset, you might as well castrate yourself to remove your scary male hormones.
>>2740110Define "literal" for us in your own words, please
>>2739570You sound like a city faggot, also sound just like a faggot.
>>2739772This. eastoids are pussies.
>>2740185>we should get rid of predators because they're scary and will eat us What more is there to be said?
Bet you’ve never even seen a bear in the wild. Now shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here before I’ll unleash my pet bear on you.
>>2739781You can't rationalize with the psychos, my man, even if you try to reason via argumenting the absurd. 70% of everyone on this board is vaccinated. Their opinions are invalid.
>>2739570Humans are exploding in population. Why are they still allowed to multiply? These creatures are monstrosities that early wildlife feared more than anything else. We had their numbers down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back real-life monsters that literally want to destroy our habitats and hunt us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology to control their every move, like implanting a paralysis mechanism if they get too close to us or our territory. Hook up a human Neurolink or something. But letting these things roam free is a delusion. What are we doing?
>>2739780Haha, this is quite true. There is no wildlife here that will cause alarm, apart from if you're afraid of curious wasps. You could accidentally put your foot into the entrance of a badger's set, and wake up a grumpy and very brave little creature, but the chances are basically 0 of that happening. We had wild boars once, and wolves before that, but they are all gone now (but they are trying to re-situate the boars in certain places).
>>2739612>natural rightYou have a natural right to die when you're 30, only modern medicine and enhanced qol keeps your un natural ass alive. A beer has a natural right to not be fucked with by an 'apex preditor' who needs fucking wetwipes to clean his asshole after shitting out greasy disgusting processed food. You're not natural you're a fucking alien who can't survive on this planet in his natural state, and a gay one at that.
>>2739620You would have be the one proactively seeking out a beer to kill one. It doesn't wander into town looking for people to eat. You put considerably more effort into getting killed by a bear than it does to kill you. Don't give me rural living shit, rural people are more likely to get killed by their Rams (livestock) than they are by bears.
>>2740646Boars have never left, there are populations in the UK right now such as the forest of Dean, though they are much nicer than American boars because people have fed them for long enough that they are now largely friendly.
>>2739570>letting these things roam free is a hippie delusionits not delusional to want a functioning ecosytem.
>>2740647>alien>and a gay oneA gaylien
>>2740669>nicer than American boars because people have fed them for long enough that they are now largely friendly.This is not a good thing. I can see the proles that go into the "forest" feeding them leftovers like a pig in their back garden. Semi-domesticated animals are compromised and prone to being victimised, and will act like shameless creatures for sustinence -- when you see a "rewilded" wolf beg for your scraps it will be far more annoying than when an able young man ask you for money.
>>2739570Why? It’s not like you go outside anyways
>>2740921>a wolf begging for scraps>more annoying than a manAt least you can say you've never been to a major city
>>2739570>no conquerors haki to make any animal your bitch and do your biddingYou "people" make me sick
"When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster. They have to, to justify their wages"
>>2741522dang forgot my pic
>>2739781Most humans are fucking stupid.Go into a predators hunting ground during mating season or when the are weaning than complain when you get mauled. Never mind why that human had no business being there in the first place.christcuck nature mentality to the max
>>2741481Black bears are bros. They are about as brave as a cat
>>2739570I saw a bear in the woods off trail yesterday. I cant lie I felt a bit frightened but he was chill and wanted nothing to do with us.
>>2739612There's a much higher risk of you hurting yourself than a bear hurting you.And by that logic I would recommend you kill yourself to avoid that.
>>2740921>wolf beg for your scraps it will be far more annoying than when an able young man ask you for money>I've never experienced the "squeegee kids" in Baltimore: the postspeak for yourself faggotwhile domesticated wild animals are not a good thing, don't draw a connection between a fox that's lost its fear of humans and the human trash that's produced in cities
>>2742599Most wild animals want nothing to do with you unless>it doesnt know any better and it's a new experience>it's starving and most animals arent dumb and no how vulnerable humans can be if they are unarmed or not in a group>you're encroaching on it's territory or near where it spends a lot of timemost of the time when you hear stories if mountain lion attacksit's usually a juvenile
>>2742709did you seriously just spell "know" as "no"
>>2742716i phone post, because im usually at work.When i go home i usually practice archery or do simracingthat's my excuse
>>2742599>I saw a bearMost black bears are basically glorified dogs. You could fight them off unless you're a manlet. Grizzlies are entirely different.
>>2739570What state are you in OP? Would love to hear where they are exploding in population.
People who act like predation is a beautiful thing are genuinely fucked in the head.Oh yeah, hearing a dear screaming for hours as it's being slowly eaten alive bit by bit by a bear is such a beautiful thing.People say "but herbivore overpopulation will destroy environments", but will it though, or will the breeding of herbivore just adapt to the limited resources? The dodos of Mauritius seemed to do fine until people showed up.
>>2743144Herbivores overpopulate and they get shit like CWD and other epidemics when it happens.We have some islands here where there are lots of hares, but the only predators left there are eagles.Unless we hunt them enough, they overpopulate these islands and we get something we call hare plague, has happened many times, especially after mild winters.Tip the balance of an ecosystem one way or the other, and you get cascading effects, we've known this shit for millenia.
>>2743144>never actually been outI don’t know if predation is a beautiful thing or not but it is a necessary thing. It’s how ecosystems work. If you care about the environment and want a healthy ecosystem, then you need predators. Any the other answer is retarded bullshit.And bears kill their prey quickly…
>>2741481daily reminder that you should acquire a handgun or revolver and the necessary permits to carry it if you live in the USA or any other gun-permissive country.
>>2743144>W-what do you mean Bambi DIES??? My Mom never let me see THAT part of the film!This is OP. Sometimes the world is too real for you and you should learn to deal with that instead of getting pissy about nature like a city girl.
>>2739595Just as predators which are too successful can drive their own prey to extinction, prey animals that successfully destroy all their predators run the risk of over-breeding and depleting otherwise replenishable resources at an unsustainable rate.We need no longer fear being eaten as a threat to our species, but bears and other large carnivores still help sustain a healthy ecosystem (eliminating sick and weak herbivores, limiting the spread of disease in herds and over-grazing and thus promoting forest growth), from which we benefit.
>>2739595Grizzlies still get killed and eaten by even more fearsome cougars, and we need them to help keep the wolves and coyotes in check who in turn keep the deer and elk from eating all the grass and trees until they die which prevents erosion and saves the beavers who help out the fish and migrating birds and so on and so forth. They’re part of the ecosystem, we should keep them there and just ducking deal with it. If they act a fool we make them into a rug and grind up their meat for well done hamburgers.
This anon is mad as fuck because his oneitis said she would rather have sex with a bear and now he wants to kill all bears
>>2744108>Grizzlies still get killed and eaten by even more fearsome cougarsCitation needed
>>2741481>Didn't relaxsmart man for once
>>2739582You'll need a .44 magnum for that
>>2744965Is this satire?Honestly can't tell.
>>2745026>he doenst carry a .45 acp revolver in his prison wallet at all times
>>2745026>You'll need a .44 magnum for that/k/ here, this is fuddlore, you don't. They're not armor plated. Basically any normal handgun will work fine. These guys keep a running tally:>> placement is more important than caliber, and indeed a bigboolet will make that harder for most people since it'll be more recoil and more expensive ammo to train with.
if you kill a predator and are not a farmer youre the biggest faggot on planet eart and are killing the only life forms on EARTH that are more akin to you than any other. and i wish i could hunt YOU
>>2744100>We need no longer fear being eaten as a threat to our species, but bears and other large carnivores still help sustain a healthy ecosystem (eliminating sick and weak herbivores, limiting the spread of disease in herds and over-grazing and thus promoting forest growth), from which we benefit.Grizzlies used to exist all the way down through Mexico. The environment is fine and they're not there anymore.
>>2745411This is an actual armchair outdoorsman.Real men who live among grizz doesn't want them around. This goes back to the very first mountain men who existed in NA. Faggot.
>>2744965why are you on everyboard on every threadstop following mei already reported you on the axe thread
>>2745416>The environment is fineLol
>>2739570I go innawoods that has Bears, Wolves, Cougars, Moose, sometimes a Canadian. I am more than fine and happy to be in their territory, if the animal does try to fuck with me and I can't kill it with my rifle, pistol or a knife, then that animal bested me in combat, should be left alone and not put down.
>>2745564>bested me in combatGiardia marches on
>>2745600I dunno how you got that, I always treat my water in some form or another.
>>2745610It's called a joke, anon. Do they not have those in canadastan?
>>2745417>Real men who live among grizz doesn't want them aroundBullshit. I live with griz. I want them around. All my nieghbors want them around. Some people want them more than others lol. but everyone understands their role and wants them around. Even the guys who want to hunt them want them around. Cattle ranchers dont want them poaching their livestock but as long as they dont they want them around.
>>2745769I don't know any cattle ranchers who give much of a shit about grizzlies though I'm sure they exist, but even in "higher numbers" they aren't generally much of a livestock threat by numbers and inclination. Wolf reintroductions are what are more controversial.
>>2745875>Wolf reintroductions are what are more controversial.In Montana, grizzlies kill more livestock than wolves and mt lions combined- almost 2-1.
>>2745910But still tiny absolute numbers and that's with far more introduced far earlier. The real threat is coyotes going after baby livestock. Report I read for 2023 coverage period was>wolves: 26>mt lions: 33>grizzlies: 82Not 2-1 of the combined but more sure. However, same one from USDA said coyotes killed 1579. The big animals are flashy but there aren't many. Wolves are worrisome precisely because they're smaller and could be more of them if they came back in full force, though of course they might just not. Coyotes are already in full force, not mediagenic the same way a really big bear, dog or cat is but vastly more actual numbers.
>>2745363.44 has much greater stopping power
>>2745923>still tiny absolute numbersfor sure. considering there are 2 million cattle in the state.>that's with far more introduced far earlier.wut? Grizzlies were never "introduced". They have always been here.>coyotes killed 1579.>vastly more actual numbersYes. Because coyotes territory is the entire state while both wolves and griz are confined to about 10% of the state.
>>2739584If it’s a female with cubs you’re fucked dumbass
>>2739607Bears are scavengers you dipshit. They don’t keep rabbit populations down. So many faggots in here. Fuck bears. Fuck you.
>>2740644>why are they?Are you not fucking HUMA N YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER. FUCK YOU FUCKS ARE DUMB.
>>2747432Bear are opportunists and ominvores. They eat the eastiest available food source. They definitely kill others animals to eat.
>>2745026Bitch please.
>>2747661There's no chance a bear catches a rabbit. Don't be obtuse.
>>2747678I didnt say anything about rabbits. Dont be retarded
>>2739602why don't we use your same logic and kill the 13% too? or are you only wanting to get rid of something that does such a small fraction of killing even compared to the 13%
>>2739570This thread is still alive?
>>2749071I'm afraid it was killed by a bear
>>2749079It should have chosen the man
>>2739602I feel more kinship with a bear than I do with faggots like yourself
>>2743989>bears kill their prey quicklyNo they don't, they just start munching. They might kill you accidentally if they sever something important, but no, bears don't go for the kill
>>2739586>Stay in an urban hellhole if you don't like being in the same place as animals that can kill you.What if I'm getting /out/ because I live in a ghetto with homicidal apes (humans)?
>>2739593You know there's a species of great apes called HUMANS that can break the basement window and hold a gun to my pregnant belly?
>>2739602Enjoy your herbivore infestation
>>2740647that "nobody lived past 30 or 40" idea is pure bullshit based on a misunderstanding. look it up.. ancient humans lived about as long as we do, the average was just lower because infant mortality was so high. but they survived some wounds that we couldn't survive without modern medicine, and vice versa.
>>2750475>pregnant bellyFood babies don't count anon
bunch of fag boys in here. kill bears anywhere near human areas. let them exist in designated wilderness areas, and let anyone who goes in there be aware.we have the strength and the tools to protect our people from bears, something our ancestors would have gladly sacrificed themselves for. and many did, in vain. these faggots who have never gone outside and have some idealized view of nature's perfection, well it's ugly sometimes and also, we're part of nature. eliminating threats is not only natural, it's reasonable.
>>2739620>soundly melee us to death with ease and proactively seeks it outyou've never actually been /out have you? Almost all grizzly attacks are defensive in nature- they are either protecting themselves, their cubs or their food. Protip: dont wake a grizzly from a nap by sneaking thru the woods.
Despite being only 13% of the population, lone male black bears make up nearly 50% of fatal black bear attacks.
>>2739612Grizzly bears dont "proactively seek to engage inmelee" with humans though. Attacks are almost nil if you are in a group of three or more, and bluff charges are more common than real ones for loners or duos.So you are dumb as well as a coward.
>>2747678>Theres no chance a bear catches a rab-ACK
>>2739612>our natural rightThis doesn't exist. That you think it does it a sign of how infected your mind has become.
>>2750752uh huh. all good til it ain't. I'm a tree hugging hippy but that doesn't mean I want to get eaten alive for no fuckin reason, or watch it happen to my family or friends, and there's nothing cowardly about that.>>2750996natural right is to kill them all because we have the strength and the tools to do so. letting any of them live after they were a plague on our ancestors is going against that. we shouldn't kill them all but there are many places we simply shouldn't allow them into. I'm more partial to wolves and cougars, at least they kill you before eating you. I'm thinking a bunch of Europeans who already exterminated all the dangerous wildlife in their region are ITT preaching about how we should let them live. I've personally seen bears, wolves, mountain lions, and moose, and several other things. Bears are fucking scary like you can't understand. It's a deep, ancestral fear, because they used to fucking hunt us and still do sometimes. Being down with nature won't protect you from them. Any reasonable human would want to keep them far away.
>>2739596They’d have to evolve first. Might take some time.
>>2751328Sure I can. I have bears all around. I am well aware of the risks involved and take precautions accordingly. They are potentially dangerous. But they playing important role in the landscape in which I live and I need them to continue. You seem to want to eliminate them just because you’re scared of them. That’s pretty low brow shit.
>>2751367if I'm low brow, you're naive.
>>2745407/k/ is for people who don't own guns to circlejerk Ian McCollum meme knowledge. when a 10 foot monster weighing a ton plus is charging, your shot placement is gonna be shit. you aren't fucking John Wick, you aren't killing a grizz with a 9. hell, you probably aren't even stopping one with a .458, just wounding it enough to bleed it to death after it's already murked you.
>>2750534>bunch of fag boys in here. kill bears anywhere near human areas. let them exist in designated wilderness areas, and let anyone who goes in there be aware.>we have the strength and the tools to protect our people from bears, something our ancestors would have gladly sacrificed themselves for. and many did, in vain. these faggots who have never gone outside and have some idealized view of nature's perfection, well it's ugly sometimes and also, we're part of nature. eliminating threats is not only natural, it's reasonable.This guy gets it. Everyone else is an armchair hippy faggot
>>2750752>well as a coward.>jUsT gO FiGhT tHe gRiZ bRo
They hated OP because he was right
>>2751554most of the people on /k/ buy expensice guns that require expensive ammo and then shoot like one every few months and then shit on the guy with a .22LR that goes to the range more often and actutally participates in the hobbyit's hilarious because you could still own some cool guns like a 30-06 or a .308 and they'd still shit on you simply because you pissed them off one time.It's pretty sad and funny
>>2751620>30.06 or .308I keep my eye out for used ones whenever I'm at the gun store but all they ever have is obscure deer and varmint chamberings
>>2751620Those are calibers, not guns. Thats like saying your shoe is a 12.
>>2751626ok, i guess i have no right to talk about guns even though i own a remington 30-06.This gay shit right here is exactly what im talking about
>>2751626>acktuallyYou know what anon was saying and you are the problem with this website and the internet in general.
anon why did you delete your post?
>>2751634what post anon?
>>2751627>>2751629If you cant even discuss the most basic, basic terminology of a gun how can you discuss guns at all? Guns arent cool because of their caliber. I would never say "I have a .45, its the coolest!" I would say "my colt 1911 is the coolest". Get it? Don't get offended because YOU'RE dumb. I didn't make you be dumb, your parents did that.
>>2751639I take back deleting my postautistic people need to be eliminated
>>2751638>>2751641kekI know plenty of autists in real life, including my gf and my brother, that are just fine. It's the terminally online ones that are insufferable and need to "touch grass." >>2751639It's like how some people prefer big dogs and others prefer small ones. How some people like big cars or small cars that go fast like sanic! This isn't a hard concept you sperg.
>>2751647No. It's not a hard concept which is why its stunning that you retards dont understand this. Fucking morons.
>>2751651>Those are calibers, not guns.You were criticizing anon for referring to people having preferences in guns based on caliber.
>>2751654keklol good example but I doubt he will get it because he only listens to MIDI vidya music
>>2751620"one is none"I don't disagree with anything you said, but I'm gonna say anyone who only owns one H&K or whatever and has fired less than 1k rounds doesn't count as a gun owner to me. also shoot in comps, not just range time. comps bring out the failures you'll never get in casual range play, and help you learn how to deal with them.>>2751626>>2751639buddy, that's EXACTLY how we talk. especially when you only have one piece in that caliber, you always tend to refer to it by the caliber. it's my 458, it's not my "Stoner Arms .458 SOCOM AR-15 Upper Receiver." people in all groups of any hobby all tend to use shorthand, it's just basic human nature.
>>2751657>I don't disagree with anything you said, but I'm gonna say anyone who only owns one H&K or whatever and has fired less than 1k rounds doesn't count as a gun owner to me. also shoot in comps, not just range time. comps bring out the failures you'll never get in casual range play, and help you learn how to deal with them.that's completely understandable simply because you participate in the hobby at a higher level.That's like someone who does competitive archery saying they dont count weekend target archers as real archers which is something ive heard before
>>2751450No. I have grizzly bears on my property. I live with them daily. I’m well aware of the risks involved. I also have black bears wolves and lions. Should we kill all of them too? I’m not saying don’t ever kill a bear I’m just saying, don’t kill them needlessly only because you’re afraid of them. That’s caveman tier retardation.
>>2751639Colt makes 1911s in .22LR, 9mm, .38 Super, 10mm, and .45, and there are 6 barrel lengths available depending on caliber, 9 fire control variations, 12 frame choices, dozens of gripstock options, and dozens of finishes. Sure, Colt 1911 is more specific than .45, but it’s not actually specific and you’re just a larping fag because if you were actually an autist with a gun fixation, you’d know this.For people who don’t have crippling mental problems, you can say caliber (.45), action type (1911), or brand (Colt) and that will be enough for all normal purposes, unless you are talking about a specific gun in a collection of guns and not just one fucking gun in general. My 1911 is a Kimber Series 1 Warrior Full Size Rail Pistol, but calling it that is unbearably faggy. It’s “my 45” or “my 1911”. Maybe “my Kimber” to a fellow traveler or “a Kimber Warrior” to someone who asks for more specifics when I use one of the previous epithets.
>>2751686>For people who don’t have crippling mental problemsJEJ
>>2751668Well I agree that we shouldn't kill them needlessly, we just disagree on where the line of need vs needless lies.
Aren't grizzlys already like super low pop in most of the US?
>>2751626I specifically refer to my shoe by size because I'm not a fashion fag
>>2751771There are about 2000 in lower 48
>>2751771>Aren't grizzlys already like super low pop in most of the US?They were, because real men back in they day attempted to eliminate a threat that enjoys eating it's meals alive. Then sheltered armchair hippies decided it would be nice to let them multiply once again because of disney movies or some shit. Now their populations are becoming too concentrated, so there are more human interactions. Yet they won't even take the monsters off the threatened species list. Because they're hippies. Living in civilization has built up a fantasy world in their heads about the wild. They view it as a vehicle for social media picture posts. Meanwhile, people will continue to die, and in greater numbers.
>>2751657Wrong, idiot. Go on /k/ right now and try "discussing" your guns without referring to them by ANYTHING except their caliber. Go ahead, do it. You won't, because it's fucking retarded and you know that.
>>2751914>implying what those autists do is standard behavior
>>2751808> their populations are becoming too concentrated, so there are more human interactions>not acknowledging that there are more humans in their habitat than ever before and more humans building on the edge of their habitat.
>>2751808>Meanwhile, people will continue to die, and in greater numbers.Good.
>>2751955wow the edgeyou have to be 18 to post here
What exactly is the purpose of them? We can control game populations with ease, ourselves.
>>2743989>And bears kill their prey quickly…Someone post the video of the girl calling her mom while being eaten alive
>>2743989>it's my natural instinct to assume x kill their prey quickly because humans do
>>2745407For me it's a M1 rifle cause I want to look effay when i'm innawood
>>2745407>the /k/ tard doesnt take into account that the average person doesnt spend every waking hour dry firing and gooning to the thought of going to the range
>>2753247>no concept of what an ecosytem is
>>2739570We should kill everything that’s not human. I do mean everything. All bacteria, plants, animals, and anything else. It’s all too dangerous. Pave the entire surface with concrete. Only then will humanity be safe.
>>2739586>Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else?Because I am a human being. I am at the top. I rule this planet.
>>2754156>I rule this planet>he said from his shitty apartment that he has to spend 40+ hours a week away from to afford having in the first place
>>2739595I wish humans still had predators. We should invent a predator species specifically to release into India, Mexico and US urban centers
>>2739570Cus they are cute
>>2754156If you’re crying about the presence of big predators making it scary to go out, then clearly you’re not at the top
Keep your guns, I’m gonna pet that bigass dog
>>2754156damn he's about to do bjj on a grizzly bear
>>2742584>Go into a predators hunting ground during mating seasonI will and I will assert dominance by fucking their women
>>2756263quality content anon. maybe you should go outside while its still summer and before school starts again.
>>2756281well, theres' fun and then there's innane bullshit.
>>2739570I would rather kill you than kill a grizzly
>>2739586>Almost everything is in constant danger of being eaten by something else. Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else?This is the most reddit shit I've ever read on this board. You are a guaranteed out of shape neckbeard redditor retard.
>>2739602>Anything that can soundly kill us in a melee, and proactively looks to do so, should not be around.Agree. Large predators should be confined to zoos or hunting preserves. Sissy wailing from hippies is topping on the cake.
>>2739602I agree anon, these other fags have just fallen for the nature worship animals are sacred bullshit all of us have been fed by the media and education since we were kids.
>>2751554if you can't hit the target you aren't killing it with .50 bmg either
>>2758914no d00d u r a city dwelleru dont understandi will due bjj in da bear and judo throw himid use my kong cuk do to subdue the bear and then finish him off with my .50 smooth bore musket
>>2739570It keeps fags and pussies out of the woods. That makes them okay in my book.
>>2745026>Using .44MAG in the 2024 A.D.Sorry boomer but .44 magnum is outdated and gay. People with an iq above room temperature use 10mm.
>>2750468>t. woman
>>2739570Because that's just how ecosystems work. You can't just get rid of one species without massively screwing up the flora and fauna of the whole area and making it effectively another artificial landscape permanently altered by humans. Also the vast majority of civilization will never have to deal with these guys (In fact, pretty much nobody who doesn't actively seek out wild areas will).
>>2754776Individually that's true, but collectively humans are far, far above anything else (complex society and mass cooperation between strangers and all that). Ironically that's also what gives us the ability to collectively realize that eliminating every dangerous predator we can is actually harmful to us.
>>2739772this. LOL.
>>2741522Hey, i just finished rdr1 for the first time last night, based.
>>2759420>>2739586This is luddite, hippie non-senseKeep your commie shit in the cafes not the forest
>>2739586>Almost everything is in constant danger of being eaten by something else. Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else?Because I'm a human being and am thus superior to all other living creatures on the planet.
>>2759420>You can't just get rid of one species without massively screwing up the flora and fauna of the whole area and making it effectively another artificial landscape permanently altered by humans.What the fuck does any of that matter lol. Who gives a fuck.Your post is straight out of the reddit sphere.
>>2762319>who cares if life is sustainable or notyour post is straight out of your ass.
>>2762375nobody eats bears, jackass.
>>2762392emm we do in Canada, I had bear sausage. it made my hands numb for a day idk what was up with that
>>2762392>nobody eats bearsfalse. shocker. lol.
>>2762392>functioning ecosystems are not important
>>2739570Try packing a .45-70 govt or a .30-30 with high grain bullets. Dont forget to breathe and aim. Dont bother with handguns. Youll miss and die like a faggot bitch.
>>2763282>don't bother with handgunsNow tell us how all you need for home defense is an empty shotgun
>>2739607>regurgitating false claims he saw on natgeo from his suburban basement
>>2762392I just ground up 60lbs of black bear burger yesterday you dumb faggot nigger loving queer
>>2739570If you aren't a good enough shot to defend yourself against a bear, then you deserve whatever it does to you. Faggots like you will be the first to go when society crumbles. I bet you can't even camp without an RV full of kuerigs and ninja blenders. Kill yourself.
>>2739602I could kill you with my bare hands, I could crush your stupid skull like a rotting melon between them. You should seriously consider killing yourself and anyone else in your bloodline. You sound extremely vaxxed.
i live in grizz country carry a s&w model 29-6, have never had to use against a grizz but have warning shot plenty of black bears and it works. i'd rather warn shot a black bear beyond spray range than have to use spray at too close for comfort spray range.
>>2739582There was a hunter here who was chasing beer with hounds. Hounds brought a grizzly back to him. He shot it with a rifle and it died, but not before of mauled him so terribly he had to be airlifted to the hospital. You can even hunt grizzlies here just black bear. Guns arent a sure thing when yiur being charged byba grizzly.
>>2739570Outlaw bear hunting. Establish bear breeding programs. Normalize having bears as pets. Pet bears. Give bears free food. Establish bear sanctuaries. Get a guard bear to defend your home. Give your children teddy bears. Eat gummy bears. Teach bears cool tricks. Find a bee hive and give it to a bear. Make bear habitats. Give your pet bear regular check ups at the vet. Help an elderly bear cross the street. Give up your seat on the bus to a pregnant bear. Cook a steak for a bear. Grow a bamboo garden and let pandas eat it. Give bears the physical address of OP.
>>2763336Fuck mang, calm the shit down. He's just talking about bears.
>>2763282most dnagerous bear encounters dont afford the liberty of time needed for a long gun. You usually have a few seconds to react
>>2739570Melanated men or Grizzly bear? Your call city slicker.
>>2739586Dangerously based
I am so thankful that I live in a time where I can actually experience the wilderness and nature as it should be before faggots like OP ruin this earth
>>2749060That's nothing compared to the 2%.
>>2763382Total bear loveBefriend all bears
>>2739595>Because we have the capacity to rule over them all.Jews have the capacity to rule over you, forcing you to fight endless wars for their mafia headquarters, filling your countries with sub humans so you lose the genetic capacity to ever fight back, infiltrating ever cultural and political institution in order to destroy it and make it work against you.Do you like this? The bear doesn’t like this either. Keep in mind that jews and bears are mutually exclusive, one can not exist in proximity to the other. Therefore in the company of bears jewish parasitic psychopaths can not weaponized NPC’s against you and your family.
>defend animals that want to kill youself hating redditfaggots
>>2766561>believing bears “want”anything to do with youNot much more Reddit-tier than that.
>>2766673They want to eat you, idiot.
>>2765185None of this is even remotely true.
>>2739586A senator introduced a bill in the 1910s to bring hippos to Louisiana. Shit would be hilarious if it actually passed.
>>2739570>I love destroying species cuz Im just a petty humanfuck off
>>2769382no they dont. The want to protect themselves, their offspring and their food. Even in fatal attacks the human is rarely consumed. Have you ever been outside, idiot?
>I want to go innawoods but I don't want any animals thereI'll never understand this.
>>2739584>The last words of the man who got eaten alive
>>2739570>>2739595>>2739602listen, Chud, I'm choosing the bear. Deal with it.
>>2739612>beats the shit out of snake>gets bit in the process>dies agonizing deathYeah you and your circle jerk mongoloid posse in here are just all making great cases for your severe mental retardation. Ammimals literally don’t give a fuck about hoomans at all and if you think otherwise your mother (who is probably your dads sister) played basketball with your toddler skull>hoomans superior so we should make safur Everyone saying this is contradicting the thing that makes us superior which is our intelligence you inbred troglodytes, why the fuck would we knowingly destroy something that balances out the ecosystem and gives not only us but everything else alive great benefit? It’s nobody’s fault you’re too inept to understand biology, except your sibling parents :^)
>>2739620>is literally dumb and wrong>REE YOURE ALL DUMBCope and seethe harder moronEveryone like you in this thread has gotta be baiting, nobody can possibly be that stupid and non sentient
>>2740542Eastoid here. Can confirm they’re all land hoarding monograss lawn pussies who destroy everything bc muh proberty and muh ruhtirementI know it’s not true, but people say they’ve been seeing cougars re appear and I wish they would so they’d scare off all the normalfags
>>2739602Anyone who would upset balance of nature to prove their dominance should not be around. The future is far right environmentalism, aka ecofascism.
>>2739620Retarded standard because humans aren't built for melee. You want to kill all the top predators on the planet because you're a member of a species that evolved to survive through intelligence instead of brute strength but you lost the genetic lottery and got neither.
>>2770090It’s called mental retardation, redditors and normies like OP who don’t understand reality and shut down at the thought of any adversity or danger suffer from this greatly
>>2761025Different anon but I finished my first run a week ago and I’m playing undead nightmare now.
>ancient humans dealt with bear attacks by stabbing them to death>modern day anon breaks down crying like a faggot at the thought of bears even existing ...How did this happen?
>>2769382not much more reddit tier than this opinion
>>2739570based and redpilled opinion. in my neighbour country slovakia, they are doing this (our brown bear is a little smaller than grizzly, but otherwise basically the same)
>>2770336Ancient humans developping cities and guns because they were tired of having to fight bears every other day.
>>2739772this. OP is seriously tarded
>>2739570>exploding in populationWhy are you lying?
>>2758963Anything except for 9mm is a faggot cartridge, and I say this as a 10mm fag.
>>2773082This. 9mm and 10mm is the only pistol cartridge anyone ever needs. Why would you literally have anything else besides these two? 9mm Ammo is plentiful, inexpensive, and likely to be found or traded in a scavenging situation. 10mm, albeit expensive, is the perfect high power polar bear stopper.
>>2739612>I said anything that can soundly kill us in a meleeso eachother then
>>2754971bjj guys usually go at the bottom and pull guard though
>>275896310mm is vastly below 44 in terms of power and is in fact only simialr to 357 mag. a 44 mag has as much energy up close as an AK shot.
beme,,,bearin My vehicle,,,SHOOTwice!!,, saltothe Butt,,,ranaway Fast!,,,,,comes back thisyear,, push’s at screen door?? Heck-NO!,,,,fly a 1 centimeter(10mm for USA) pasthisear!!!BBOOOMMM! Dang thats Loud!!
>>2739570Sometimes I forget that most of /out/ knows nothing about ecology. When I was finishing my major in natural resources, and I had a conversation with a peer who was in the program for forestry. He explained to me how cutting down trees are good because deciduous trees release gases and spores that poison people (and therefore we should replace all the deciduous species with conifer tree farms). Similarly, before one of my courses went on an outdoor lab, the professor told us that she had a student who had a "panic attack" when they went on a lab in the forest because he had never been in a forest so dense before and was terrified. (Keep in mind, this is a Portland school with a large density of deep city Southern Californian city dweller students) I almost feel bad for urbanites.
>>2742741Black bears have killed just as many people as brown. 2 people were killed in June in Alaska by black bears on back to back days, both bears were hit with bear spray but still killed the people.
>>2770274I’m stealing this term and telling my student about it.
BE ME. spend last 7 years Going to yellowstone and other grizzly land every other weekend cause its just a few hrs away. Never been bothered once by a bear. And i hike alone all the time. I even cook bacon and eggs before i go on trails, Because my hikes are normally like 5 hrs long. Never once get bothered by bears. SEE them plenty tho. its real simple. Make noise when your on trail. I talk about Bankers and how stupid americans are slaves who send their kids to die for 20 years while they sell out their own kids future. Keeps away idiots with speakers and bears away since they think im crazy. I love being brown. feels so good knowing the sun wont give me cancer or turn me into a lobster
>>2751808>Meanwhile, people will continue to die, and in greater numbers.Good. Fuck 'em.
OP is a tard
Domestication of all earth species is incomplete.Could you be the one to bring bears to sapience, just as wolves were?If dogs are meat missiles, bears could be meat tanks.Will you have what it takes to elevate other species besides your own?
>>2774731Wolves to dogs is an objective downgrade, especially for particularly inbred breeds
>>2773775>Black bears have killed just as many people as brownThey’re also a lot more common than brown bears, especially in more developed areas. If there were as many brown bears in suburban neighbourhoods as there are black bears those numbers would look a little different
>>2744108This bot is hallucinating?>>2740647You are stupid
>>2775118Wildfires to contained fires is an objective downgrade, especially for some overengineered appliances
>>2774727awww cutie!
>>2740650I'm always looking for beers to kill.
Tahoe,,ships theniggers with ankle/neck radios/eartags to my valley,,,toreak havoc!,,,,imagrantseatingeese.
>>2740647Savage truth broCan't stand these city slickers and their phobia of bears. Grizzlies are the most magnificent creatures living in North America. I've only encountered one (the famous Grizzly 399), she was an absolute unit. Strolled through Colter Bay Village like a queen with her little princess following; everyone hushed up and admired her as she passed.
>>2751620/k/ a magical place. If you don't know Mugi Chan started up a YouTube of her shooting guns. Damn Hobgoblin.
>>2739570>Why are they still protected?They are the protectors of out/>>2743144Yes and no. At first they'll eat everything and then sowly starve until the population is low enough the food source can recover again. Basically the same as with predation but with more extreme swings since herbivores prey can't run or hide. After some time they'll probaby adapt to less predation and limited food source and their food source will aapt to overgrazing - or one of the extreme swings coupled with a strong winter is too exreme and they'll go extinct. Ecosystems can't be ruined, they can only be changed. If we see a stable, nice change version in our lifetime or just the esolate inbetween state is the thing that should concern us.Also be glad you didn't adapt to be able to hear plants scream when chewed on.
>>2771203update and bumpman mauled and killed by brown bear yesterday
>>2739586Even if you are joking, some people seriously think like this,
>>2739570>hurr i cant believe wildlife is protected from the absolute overwhelming firepower and outnumbering of manBrainlet teenager.
>>2739570Californians should be eliminatedThese things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a Californian nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
The problem with lower 48 grizzlies are they are way more aggressive due to the lack of food and their growing population. Alaskan brown bears aren't nearly as aggressive as those found in Montana, Wyoming, or Idaho. They're also becoming a problem targeting cattle and attacking people even in towns. I think they should be hunted and controlled or you'll see more and more fatalities and accidents from them.
>>2781351>they are way more aggressive due to the lack of foodBullshit. There is plenty of food that is why the population is growing. Almost every single dangerous encounter is defensive in nature for the bear. Suprise it, threaten its food or cubs and they will defend themselves. They rarely attack for no reason.
>>2781353This…and the fact that a lot of the grizzly bears habitat in the lower 48 is surrounded by human habitat, which make for conflicts when the population is growing. The place is crawling with hunters at this time of year.
Whoa, that's intense.
cougars are worsekill them all or better yet subject them to the evolutionary humiliation ritual that is domestication
>>2739570can we just cull some of the worthless piece of shit parasite scum "humans" instead?alriiiiiiight
>>2783305I love a good cougar
>>2739570>should we eradicate an entire species because it doesn't let me roleplay as a hippie when I go out to the far off hick woods on the weekend every other couple monthsUhm, no? We already eradicated any real potential threat from our settlements, everything else is just you wanting to turn nature into Disneyland.
>>2783305That's a great idea! We could breed them with servals.Also bumpin to remind op he is gay
magic boom sticks that let us casually annihilate any animal on this gay earth and you pussies still wanna turn nature into a daycare. stay inside.
>>2739570>being this retarded
>>2789677>the bear stay alive,thats an underrated point. All these internet warriors think they are so tough and just want to kill shit. Its retarded. Spray dont slay lol.
>>2783305>cougars are worseworse what? why?
>>2739570Good, all populations should exhibit infinite growth. If bear populations ever trend downward we better get some bear migrants in there before bear country declines!
>>2739570They shouldnt be eliminated but they should be delisted.
>>2790678beareperations,,,when?,,,,opressed natives,humiliated heads on wallstyle.,,, and,,like other,,,beasts they would get civilized.,,SOne hundred pounds deermeat daily?,,,,itsonly fair.
>>2739570Be eliminated instead
bumpin' for bears. If you are afraid of encountering a grizzly then you shouldnt be in the woods.
>>2739582>having to blast a charging grizzly and hoping everything goes rightThat's not a situation I want to be in
>>2739570if not fren then why fren shaped
>>2792462That's why noone will remember your name
>>2739570My nieghbor saw grizzly still out last week.- taking their own sweet time bedding down. We find out if they get delisted in 40 days. I hope its not a feeding frenzy like it is with the wolf hunts around here.
>>2739570the bears were just framed
>>2792472Not fren shaped tho
>>2739570>These things are exploding in populationKek! no they aren't
The park rangers don't want you to know this but the bears in the forest are free. I have two dozen bears in my backyard.
>>2739570>>2790846Just found out the grizzly bear will remain on the Endangered list for the foreseeable the Feds dont agree with you OP
>>2739570you're a moron that doesn't understand the delicate balance of a ecosystem, go plant bass in a river because bass good and kill off the entire ecosystem with them because they are apex predator in a environment that isn't adapted to surviving themnature requires the wolves and the bears and the bugs and every damn yucky / annoying / deadly thin in between to prevent the herbivores from eating themselves to extinction by ruining the flora in their habitat>we should tamper with their lives and make animals have some fucked up dystopian tech implanted into themgo back to the desert where you belong you tard
>>2739570>be human.>invade basically any ecosystem and niche there is.>claim the wilds.>exploit the wilds.>kill for centuries for banal profits.>kill whole species out of existence.>claim the wilds finally as a holiday resort region.>meeh to much wildlife which doenst acknowldege me as crown of creation.>still goes into the wilds for "recreation".>some get eaten - its natural selection.>meeh - my vacation from natures exploitation ist fucked now.>go to 4fag.>grizzlies should be retards. its fucks like you who deserve to get killed by a natural predator for violating its niche, claiming its ecosystem and thinking "mother nature" is just there to provide a theme park vacation for you. just stay back in your pod and enjoy the bugs and interracial cuck porn .- like you are used to.
>>2798960>habituating bears to human provided foodWhat could go wrong?
>>2798984Cuck mentality - imagine that.
>>2780632Yeah, me
>>2751808I sure hope so.
>>2739586>Stay in an urban hellhole if you don't like being in the same place as animals that can kill you.those places are full of niggers though
>>2739570YeahThey should spray some pesticide too, the bugs are annoyingAlso asphalt the trail and put some street lights, also put a Walmart and 7/11 somewhere along the way while they’re at it
>>2739570same reason everything is protected. there's plenty of money in it. canada geese and mallard are some of the most, if not the very most proliferous of all the birds. but if you bag one without paying the state, they will fuck you in the ass. same with deer, rabbits, trout, carp, or literally anything else. with bears, its a bit of the cetacean thing. people love them in movies, so they're protected. meanwhile whales are just about the opposite of what people say they are - stupid, cruel, violent; the vast majority aren't even endangered. whaling is federally and internationally banned (with few exceptions.) Japan gets a harder time for hunting than most govt's do for murdering people by the really goes back to the core failing of liberal democracy. anyone can see an episode of carebears and write to their local politician, and he'll insure there's hundreds of grizzlies and wolves patroling the countryside to destroy family farms, but the public consciousness with farmers ends at old McDonald; farmers are bourgeois land owners and deserve to be eaten alive as far as the typical, socially conscious person is concerned.people hate outdoorsmen (esp. hunting and fishing), so they're extorted every year, and if they don't pay, or act at any point in a manner that the forest janny disapproves of, he can be punished at his discretion, including being banned from hunting for DECADES or branded a felon; getting off lucky would be them just stealing all your stuff to take home with them and writing you a ticket. the icing on top is so many hunters are fudds, they parrot their same bullshit lines about maintaining commons with the money they stole from you (see great lakes for an example to the contrary), and they'll report you too, and they do it for free; with allies like them, why does there even need to be a forest janny? why do you need a license to own a hawk? because fuck;dr they're protected because they hate us and want our money.
>>2803324>they're protected because they hate us and want our money.>derpthey're protected because there are so few left. "they" would make more money off them if they delisted them and opened a hunting season on them