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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Is Pharaoh Total War an Attila 2 or not? My necessity for more Attila has been reaching critical levels, I've begun having withdrawals, even considering playing the non-human (not roman) factions.
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Please exercise use of reading comprehension
if your reading comprehension is higher, you'd know how retarded you sound. But it isn't, and life's like that sometimes.
>reduced the date scale to cope

>he still doesn't get it

>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%
>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous
>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4


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Eh I think it was a good decision, the cali studio was probably draining money and accomplishing little, Wester ended up believing so little in the game and studio, that he believes the tax advantage of writing them down will be more beneficial to the future of Paradox instead
>Paradox goes bankrupt before eu5 release
But seriously what would Johan do then? Just scrap everything and retire?
PDX has a debt to equity ratio of about 0,37 if I didn't misread the report
They'll be fine
>likely so they can reuse the assets in the future without any tax/accounting issues
can't imagine why, game looked and ran like absolute ass from everything they showed off

All they need to do is get rid of the bloat, hire 10 guys from Anbennar and let Joahn direct a new Anbennar together with J and it will sell a bazillion copies.Trying to copy other companies is retarded, everyone knew millenia was gonna be a masive flop, just focus on GRAND STRATEGY and make it good, no more victoria slop, no moe space garbage. A good, low fantasy late medieval with polished mechanics a\nd production value. It bothers me so much that there isint a single person inside this fucking company management team to slap some sense into them and make shit the people actualy want to buy, its like creative assembly all over again.

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Basically, the idea for the mod is that as Argalia tried to reach for the Library's Light even as he was dying for the second time, he actually managed to "grab onto it" and remain inside the Library in some capacity, which didn't become obvious until later when the entirety of the Library got reactivated again way out in the Outskirts. Now he's there and he gets his own floor with some influence over it, but the Library at large is still Angela's, and he also can't leave just like the rest of librarians. So he's kinda pissed that he's stuck there like that, and the rest of librarians are also kinda pissed that he's there, but neither can do much about it. The Realization has Angela and Roland (alongside Shekhinah assistants) come kick his butt again, not because they particularly care, but because they're wary of him syncing with the Library any further.
Tbdesu, the game was just more magical when people were arguing over small details and making esoteric schizo theories. Now the mask has slipped and the director is revealed to be a competent writer and not some schizo who puts tons of thought and detail into everything. I doubt Philip was ever based off of the historical Philip. I don't really think the director ever thought about a shekinah, and it just seems like the director is making up stuff as he goes. But oh well.
Oh, and in case anyone feels discouraged because of Daat setting a rather pessimistic precedent - don't worry, it's janky as hell not because floor mods are fundamentally cursed and hard to make, but rather because it was largely made in a time before modern modding utilities and sensibilities were developed (i am actually participating in unfucking it as well, a big part of which boils down to replacing old "reinvented wheels" with modern tried-and-tested tools). With those in mind, making Shekhinah should be a cakewalk compatibility/stability-wise.
Are you the same guy making the difficulty mod?
10 years of limbus apparently since they don’t have the man power for other games and said they’d considering outsourcing development for other projects to other companies

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All these ww2 rts and cold-war-gone-hot rts and we don't have a korean war rts do we?
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based US
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>that image.
Fucked around and found out didn't they?
wtf I love US now
>source: us cope
No one gives a shit about wars without Germany in general
No one but a very small fraction of mutts gives a shit about 50+ year old mutt imperial wars

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Can I have some shoes?
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yes if you play generals you're a cool dude.
AK-47s for everyone!
>The only thing stopping combat chinooks from being pure rape is their inability to gain veterancy and thus self-heal

Share builds, self challenges, pets, robots, whatever.

Also, Anne my beloved.
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Nah, just target prioritisation and good micro of Giselle with her line attack. She's going to need to recover her vigor at some point as well. If you push left or right from the starting position you can get to some overlooking ledges which are generally pretty safe. Give Albus Wind Gust and he and Giselle can just shoot ducks as they try to run up the stairs.
>I don't think you have access to Wind ESP healing yet.
That's because it doesn't exist in this game
>That's because it doesn't exist in this game
Yes it does, it's a mastery set that makes Albus heal 10% of his max health whenever damage brings him below 33%.
The way you worded it made me think of skills like Anne's healing, not Second Wind's regeneration
You could try giving Albus a potion (useful) instead of a psi-stone extractor (complete waste of 1/5 of your equipment slots)
They don't go into the same slots. I assume he already ate his potion. Psi stone extractors go into the grenade slot

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How come there's still no AI powered gsgs? There's lots of potential there.

Only thing I found was pic related.
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frfr this shiet righhere ifyaknoewatamsayin ya'll niggas be too uptight an shiet s'not like yous cant us undstand n shiet on god my shawty be leaking like a gyatt on a rollincoaster
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>if you're aren't being a faggot pedant who's pretending to be obtuse, you're a nigger
hmmm idk about that
people don't want AI to be smarter than them in games. It will never take off.
AI has to be at least semi consistent first. It can't even manage to create a childrens book that stays coherent, how would it manage a whole world?

I just bought it. What can I expect?
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>devs caved in to demands to shut a woman up
Holy based
It's ok. I'm French, it won't be an issue for me. And I already know the show.
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There's also an option to mute the foul-mouthed dwarf. I wouldn't recommend it because you'll miss out on some great interactions:
Elf: Yay! I gained a level.
Dwarf: Shut the fuck up, you're still useless!
>Americans struggle with it because they can't understand the concept of having a failure as the hero. For them the hero always has to be faster, smarter, stronger
This has absolutely nothing to do with why the writing is shit, you pretentious windbag. It's because every character is defined by exactly one personality trait and they never ever shut up about it.
I keep forgetting that I own this.

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TFR stream and release date here.
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Hop in TFR discord right now, one of the devs is going apeshit on 4chins lol
Please stop making fun of us dudes it’s not cool and stop making fun of my voice bro!!! So unfunny dude
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Believe me, majority of the devs here aren't 4chan users from my time interacting with them, with only 2 or 3 few exception that fit the bill. As for the leaker or playtester? It's just some random guy with hateboner for our mod keep bringing up TFR in the conversation. (>>1807759/>>1807822/>>1807819)
Of course, we have our fair share of blame as well with the tops dogs keep mentioning this place and feeding attention to random anon shittalking when it could be easily ignored. (Looking at you Mr. Plague and Wizard)
If you really want to move on from the discussion why not talk about other mods? We have no problem with that because frankly this entire conversation is stupid and should be put down already.
Stop namefagging and ignore these people. We got works to day than arguing with retards. Thx
Yeah agreed TNO was way better, despite the contrarians on this shithole board
And what came of that idea?

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gsl soon
world cup soon
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we only watch evo and stormgate here
haven't watched sc2 since that clem vs serral final
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We play Immortal Gates of Pyre here

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finally better than CoH 2 edition
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Tried this in a team game, it's good against emplacements and bunkers but after the few first shells all other targets are either dead or moved away.
I think it's more effective to fire your barrages simultaneously rather than consecutively unless you're zoning the enemy from a VP or something.
You could probably continually fire at their retreat point/medic tent and cause a lot of manpower bleed that way. They would be exposed if they're firing that far forward though.

On the topic of indirect fire, I've been experimenting with the US mortar pit. I remember it used to be really strong, but lately I can't see a reason to build it over the 'normal' mortar (apart from if you really want to save MP).
It takes a long time to get vet 1, and it's difficult to keep it alive since it dies pretty quick. Things like the DAK mortar/infantry gun can outrange it quite easily, so it gets barraged quickly, or they can rush in with an infantry squad+light vehicle and destroy it quickly.
Any tips, or is it just in a bad state now?
I think the mortar pit's strength is that it's only 100 manpower so you can spam multiple of them and by the time an opponent kills one, another one is ready.
Personally I never spammed them, nebelwerfers and bishops are more my speed, but once I saw a player using a recovery vehicle to out-repair the damage while it was getting shelled, guess that works well.
I was thinking of that too, only bottleneck would be the 75 muni cost to building multiple pits. I might try it one match for fun though, might be effective. 75 muni is 2.5 mines, so it's not cheap but still do-able.

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post bannerlord bugs and why you hate bannerlord
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Vlandians are scary to fight. i'll go as far to say that they're the hardest to fight against if they chose to advance slowly.
>they spread out their crossbowmen
>shieldwall advance with infantry
>charge infantry and cav while their crossbowmen shower you with bolts
>if you manage to beat the first infantry and cav wave, the crossbowmen retreat and shower you again while the new wave is keeping you busy
i found the best way to deal with them is to have archers advance on the crossbowmen and kill them off first.
and i still sustain decent casualties
How's realm of thrones nowadays? Is it fun? interesting to play for a Asoiaf enjoyer? Are there questlines?
I found that talking to Unthery about the Battle of Pendraic is a decent primer about them; hit Vlandian ranged divisions with your heavy cavalry to get them to fuck off. His implication that cataphracts don't feel crossbows isn't accurate but cavalry can pretty much bully them; worst is later when Vlandians blob most of Battania, and Vlandian armies are like 1/3 Battanian, the fians mixed with the crossbowmen can be tough and the twohanders of the fians can be a danger to your cavalry attacks on them.
Your point of reinforcement waves is dangerous with Vlandia given their heavy-cavalry centric strategy; even after a major rout of their first-line cavalry and infantry, their crossbowment can hold a skirmish line enough to make their opponents tired for the second wave. Vlandians are basically Warband era Calradians, if you have a ranged weapon sit on a hill, if you don't, F1-F3 baby!
True Swadian Master Race.
>wanting everything to be some variant of spearmanii
>My headache was the fact that the kingdoms kept initiating peace too easily; but I suppose that’s to push you into starting your own kingdom, and to save you from getting immediately destroyed when you do.
Are you guys talking about a mod or something?

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Non-generally, what's your favorite capital? For me it's the Asgard.
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>Northriver plot finale, time to decommision the VIG station
>done this before so this time I opted for two fleets, OOS
>first, my personal Asgard, modded to perfection, escorted by 3 expendable Ody Es, to aggro the swarm and slowly thin it out
>second, following close behind, a fleet of brand new ARG ships, 1 carrier with 20 torpedo Eclipse bombers and 10 gunboats
>send the Asgard in, give it a minute to engage the swarm, then order the Colossus to attack the station
>ARG police squad decides that now is the time to inspect the carrier for illegal wares
>3 times in a row
>minutes later, the carrier finally enters Windfall, zooms past the swarm... and waits for orders
>as do its bombers, despite being fully loaded with torpedoes
>no matter how many times I order them to attack *anything* and reaasign them, they instantly revert back to holding position
>all but the carrier, the Asgard and a couple fighters perish with 0 kills, had to order the Asgard to delete the station, order completed within minutes
I guess that instead of reading through the Encyclopedia I was supposed to read the Beta patch notes to know that torpedo fighters are FUBAR in 7.0. Also, it's the first time I'm really trying out the Asgard, always preferred the Raptor and the Erlking, how can this be considered balanced?
Why does the X series have idiotic terms for ship classes?
Destroyers are escort ships, and light ones at that. Why are they considered 'capital' ships? Why don't cruisers exist in X?
You're seeing the same mirrored in modern naval doctrine. Cruisers that still exist are leftovers. You have carriers and you have destroyers. Cruisers are deprecated as they are more expensive than destroyers but don't do anything that destroyers don't already do better.
>turn a fully armed Prometheus with all the best shit into a trader ship for lulz
>pirate still tries to harass it, despite being completely outgunned
>immediately runs away as the default response is attack
>I cancel attack order to save my trader's time
>pirate immediately turns around and tries to harass it again
"I yield, I yield!.. NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE"
Love me some skyrim tier AI
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Just been doing the PHQ missions
>get a new ship, put 3 antimatter cells in it and fly it into this area
>look on the map, find a station selling cheap ships on the other side of the map
>realise I have to give it orders to get it to where I am (I have the cells in my ship)
>figure it out, manage to get the ship to my location
>"awaiting orders" oh, there's a cute girl piloting it
>drop the cells from my ship
>order her to pick them up
>order her ship to the objective area
>"orders complete! ^_^"
>the fish alien thing says "there go the antimatter cells!"
>the ship with the cute girl in it explodes like a fucking nuke

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Whats the peak of Total War genre?
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>the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
so you're saying the problem is it's a total war game?
>1 province France
what the fuck were they thinking seriously ?
I think it's the musket/arbquesus particle effects for sure.
The interface is the real FPS killer, somehow. Switching to the reinforcements menu makes the framerate shoot up immediately.
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I am fond of Empire because there's so few games set in that time period but fuck me the AI is probably the most broken still of any game

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