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I just bought it. What can I expect?
gonna go out on a limb and say dubiously translated french jokes that were only dubiously funny to begin with
A pretty mediocre turn based tactics game featuring the most obnoxiously unfunny cast of one-note parody characters ever imagined by man or beast. The fucking elf in particular is so incredibly bad that people protested until the devs add an option specifically to mute her.
ah so it's true to the source
Pretty good tactical game with a relatively mediocre 'story', not that the game is based around the story, moreso the interactions of the party members as they bumble through it.

The humour is very hit and miss but this is a cultural thing, Americans struggle with it because they can't understand the concept of having a failure as the hero. For them the hero always has to be faster, smarter, stronger whereas Europeans have the ability to laugh at themselves and can play the fool. This isn't unique to video games but echo's across all media channels. It's Rowan Atkinson vs. Steve Martin.
>devs caved in to demands to shut a woman up
Holy based
It's ok. I'm French, it won't be an issue for me. And I already know the show.
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There's also an option to mute the foul-mouthed dwarf. I wouldn't recommend it because you'll miss out on some great interactions:
Elf: Yay! I gained a level.
Dwarf: Shut the fuck up, you're still useless!
>Americans struggle with it because they can't understand the concept of having a failure as the hero. For them the hero always has to be faster, smarter, stronger
This has absolutely nothing to do with why the writing is shit, you pretentious windbag. It's because every character is defined by exactly one personality trait and they never ever shut up about it.
I keep forgetting that I own this.

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