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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
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They're coming to break into your home and shit in your mouth in 60 seconds.

How do you defend yourself?
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I lay on the floor face-up with my mouth open :O
I don't. I'd let it happen because they are hot.
I own a musket for home defense
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Would be in Heaven :
Nice psyop troon

Ywn be feminine.

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Actions have consequences. You shouldn't have had sex with that "chad" who took your virginity and had no intention of marrying you or raising your kids.
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That's just whores trying to mislead they're still pure with those fake feminist articles literally monkey iq
Then post evidence proving otherwise. I'm not gonna believe a random anon's baseless claims over medical articles. Do you seriously think your dick is so strong that it's the only thing capable of tearing a hymen?
This nigga might be retarded
this is called disclosure you fuckwad, none of this is evidence of prevalence
youre too retarded to understand what any of this means, just know when to stop and dont pretend the exception is the rule

but read it yourself you stupid cunt
>Contrary to the popular belief that transections of the hymen are associated with gymnastics, horseback riding, and other vigorous sports, we found no relation between sports or gymnastics and hymenal changes.
Women who are not virgins are no good. They are worthless.

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Dump your traumas there and I will try to understand you as a person
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Oh, it said traumas sorry I'm fucking retarded. Yeah my dad beat my mom and I can't celebrate Christmas because of it blah blah blah
are you guys lying?
That sounds hyper.
I don't think you have to worry about that all that much. I talk to people and for most of them, as they are normal just like you and me they are probably 99% of the time as much a failure as you and me. But we don't like to admit it openly. Maybe if we did it more often, we wouldn't be ashamed of it so much.
You sound like a quiet kid.

Trauma is not necessarily a naruto sasuke type backstory you know. It might be some really tame shit. There are no hierarchies in personal issues.

are you an outgoing person with friends or in the opposite a socially awkard person? The latter would have me surprised
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>You sound like a quiet kid.
I still am
the only reason I never shot up a school is because I don't really like guns and there's no challenge in killing people who aren't capable of fighting back

ATTN. FEDERAL AGENTS: I am neither American nor live in a major city, you will gain nothing from grooming me into performing your next mass casualty event
i stuttered since i was a kid which gave me crippling social anxiety. i had the stutter until like 16-17 which makes me one of the lucky few where it somehow resolves itself in the mid to late teens which usually doesn't happen. the social anxiety stayed for a bit longer
also my mom is basically a slavic version of a tiger mom added with some histrionic tendencies. led to some verbal and physical abuse during my teenage years, but at least our relationship nowadays is relatively good
Nope I am not larping. Top part is because of a divorce situation I chose to live with my dad after my mom moved cross state because my mom belted me and yelled way more and she just never called me again until i was a grown man

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discord tag is chickn333

I'm ugly tho

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What could the left offer you that would convince you NOT to vote for that orange clown woman raping piece of shit misogynistic ass hole
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OK, how about this:
>"conservatism" is literally about standing up for the rights of the working man. everything else is either bullshit or window-dressing.
>wake up, stop seething about whatever the (((Jews))) are telling you to seethe about this month and realise that it's all a fucking distraction to keep you from noticing that you keep getting poorer and they keep getting richer. there is no "left" or "right" in american politics, it's all just (((Jews))) distracting you with different flavors of culture war bullshit.
>muh right wingers promot muh billionairs
Its really amazing. Leftists screech at the concept simple flat tax rate for all income and then go and created the most complicated legal code in existennce for supposedly "taxing the rich". So complicated that people have made understanding it their entire profession, people who rich people hire to avoid paying taxes at all.

But nope, its always those heckin crazy repubicans who want to give tax breaks to the rich in the minds of deranged leftists.
It's a fact that black doctors in Africa who are treating black patients and have a government run by black people have a higher mortality rate than white doctors in America treating black patients and having a government run by white people
I know nothing about your domestic economic politicy. But with orange man you'll go die in Iran, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon for Israel
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>conservatism" is literally about standing up for the rights of the working man. everything else is either bullshit or window-dressing.
Incorrect again. This statement isn't correct, even if you replace conservative with right wing. You're a fucking moron.

>the jews
Still incorrect and retarded.

Its funny because you're still pushing class warfare. Again its retarded and has no real basis on reality. Its entirely a fictional view of historical revisionism that you now believe is how the world operates. A incredibly materialistic world view at that and it becomes blatantly obvious every time you take issues with anything.

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I am going to crush your ballssss hehehehehehhehehehehehhe hehehehehehehehehehehehhehe
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I want to crush my ballCYCLE I want to crush my balllll....
i'll blow my rape whistle and my big sister will beat you up
but why would you desire to do that? :(
this is messed up
and I won't cry I'm big and strong
Do it bitch, you won't

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Anyone else feel like they're not an adult cause they're a manlet? adults are supposed to tall and shit. It's boring to be closer to the floor.
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manlets are so cute i hope to marry one some day sorry for your unfortunate situation
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i get treated like a kid so ya. gotta lean into the advantage that gives you tho. way less responsibility and easier to get away with stuff

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saw a thread a post of a man complaining about being 30 and I thought I'd vent in a thread started by a 20 year old wanting to end it all because he hasnt touched a woman (actually retarded) and I want to vent

oh you're 30 haven't had sex? wow big deal also idiot. At least ur a man, you men have it so fucking lucky u dont realize, yeah maybe if you're born really short like 5'5 you're fucked unless you have 80k to spare on leg lengthening surgery, but the other shit like baldness, you can wear a fucking wig (pro tip, women wont give a fucking shit if u did that if they actually like you and they will literally help maintain your public image fakery) or take dht blockers (probably bad idea), u can do skincare for aging skin and lift a fucking piece of metal several times a week to get a decently nice body

Try being a woman at this age you could never understand.. all the men i see are starting families way older than that 30 year old retard in that thread, with good looking wives and girlfriends and men still have major physical attraction potential throughout their entire 30s and sometimes 40s, older women are just fetishes that men would never consider making a family with. im a 35 y.o "slampig" that has only ever been used and abused, sex is seriously baseless without real love and if you want baseless sex literally hire a hooker, they'll just be as kind to you as a woman who just wants sex from you, you can fuck a hooker then keep working on your life. My childhood was fucked, my 20s were fucked as a consquence to that and now im old I cannot ever improve ever or ever expect to start a family or be "loved" at this age. retarded men on this site make me sick

I am a weeb even though I have never watched a single anime.
(Yes, we do exist.)
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Why would you play that trash?
why do you think its trash, without having played it, even?
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agreed. moechads stay winning.
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I only like Azumanga
I love azumanga too! Even though I never watched it I have seen clips.

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>Shitlibs online constantly talk about how "it's expensive to be poor"
>One thing they always bitch about is how they're forced to eat junk food because of how expensive healthy food is
>Eventually I grow up and start living on my own
>Go to the grocery store and head to the produce section
>Expecting to see some outrageous prices. Instead:
>Big package of spinach is less than $3
>Package of tomatoes is $2
>Cabbage is 87 cents a pound
>Bananas are 50 cents a pound
>Apples are a dollar a pound
>Chicken breast is $5 a pound
>Potatoes are 50 cents a pound
>Wtf this is all cheaper than junk food

Are they just wanting to blame capitalism for the fact that they choose to eat like shit? Or are they falling for "health food" scams while ignoring actual healthy food?
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All of their reasons for not eating healthy are just childish excuses.
How much would you wager the amount of time waiting in a drive thru multiple on a weekly basis is less than making pre-cooked meals at home once a week? Cooking it also extends it's life and prevents spoilage.

You have posted a list of items that add up to around 1,500 calories and costs $12.87. Family of 4 costs north of $50/day, $18,970.20 per year.

A family size pack of Oreos goes on sale for $4 and contains 2,400 calories. That same family would save nearly $15,000 per year if they got the same 1,500 calories per day just from Oreos.

It's alright. One day you'll have your own family and you'll realize how ball busting it is to try and provide for more than just yourself.
Lidl in the UK does frozen veggie mixes that you can use stir Fry's for

You can even roast frozen peas, broccoli, carrots in the oven as long as you put oil over them. It's honestly not difficult.
Just precook a bland potato soup for a couple days worth and spice each portion up when reheating a portion in Chef Microwave. I use different cheeses or similar into them to avoid flavor fatigue. Bonus is that my digestion is really good since I'm eating mostly home-cooked meals with simple ingredients and often don't need to wipe (phantom poop).
Oh, and produce is really cheap, especially in bulk. Store tatoes in the dark si they don't get bad too soon and use canned corn/beans to get more brotein.

i miss the feels bar threads so i'm gonna make my own now
vent your feelings, order your drinks, pay with cards or cash
just don't kill yourselves in my bar, i'm throwing your corpses straight to the trash
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>still going
I've saw these on /fit/ for a while before they started banning them.
Haven't seen one here in the few months I've been on this board.
do you guys remember listening to the old rainymood jazz song while browsing

Free corpse disposal is more valuable than you think it is, anon
*sips beer*
*lip smack*
*sips beer*
*lip smack*
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i bought sparking zero and refantazio but then the hurricane came.
The power went out from the day the hurricane hit to yesterday so i didn't get to play the games i had pre ordered and had been anticipating for months.
but it gets even worse, i use a television as a monitor and the thing with televisions is that they have this feature called overscan where basically the screen is a little zoomed in so the edges of the screen can't be seen no matter how much you fuck with the computers settings and the tvs settings.

in the past i guess i turned the screen on while turning the computer on or something, i don't know... but the overscan was gone, magically. and after the hurricane somehow the tvs settings got reset and now the overscan is back. so even if i play the games i was looking forward to playing, the screen is zoomed in so that the edges of the screen can't be seen...
now i'm just hoping and waiting for the overscan to magically go away again, i've tried turning the tv off and on or restarting my pc with the screen on but so far nothing has worked.

feels bad man.

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A lot of these retards don't understand there's more negatives than positives to being in a relationship
take mine bitch is annoying as fuck
nah 1 is enough. what are 3 for?
I've had gfs and the only bad thing was that they're gone and I don't have one anymore. Love is great.
Untrue. Stockholm Syndrome

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I asked him "what's wrong with being a pedophiIe?" and he immediately removed and blocked me from all of his socials.
Before you assume anything, we got into a debate about lolicon after he brought up some old drama about a leftist youtube creator.
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He probably thought that by being friends with you he'd get his door kicked down and they'd seize his hard drives which contain actual cheese pizza.
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I love free speech, I think nothing should be stifled.

I don't think it's inherently wrong to "like" anything, no matter how immoral or gruesome, if you keep it in your head.

Going online and talking about your perversions with people who will undoubtedly encourage it, I really don't know how I feel about that.

Is loli art an outlet for an unrepressable urge, or is it just another unfortunate downward spiral addiction?

It's a very worrying monster to feed, either way. If you can stop, then stop. Find a different addiction. There is no happiness or safety down this path.
Unless it's with each other, right? Are we going to arrest every minor who had sex and put them on the sex offender registry? No? Because they didn't know better? Because they're horny so it's acceptable? Because they didn't realize giving dick was harmful because it's not self-evident UNLESS you happen to be an adult? Why is it that all the arguments you could use to defend minors engaging in sexual intercourse contradict the core premise of their incapability to consent? The very same laws that allow for minors to get "gender-affirming" hormones without parental consent or their parents' knowledge say that they're not allowed to get married and have kids with a breadwinner until they've been passed around the classroom first... why is that?
No. I haven't seen nor spoken to him since and he hasn't tried to talk to me.
I've never told anyone I know IRL. I "told" my online friend circle, we've all known each other years, but they don't know my face or name.
>online friend circle
I take it they are also pedophiles?

If not what do they say about your condition?

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