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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. They do not want to hire us, they do not want to be friends with us they definitely do not want to date us and many of them will not even rent to us! Social exclusion does in fact pose an existential threat to those on the spectrum which is why we have no choice but to form our own exclusive communities.

This is why I am proposing that 115 IQ Aspies begin networking with their fellow autists of similar cognitive ability. Despite the fact that many of us excel at STEM fields, many employers refuse to hire us due to our social deficits. The obvious solution to this problem is to start our own companies that only hire above average IQ autistic people. Doing so will solve the problems of employment discrimination and workplace bullying while allowing greater efficiency.

I personally am tired of people like us being the rejected and humiliated laughing stock of the entire internet. This is why it is time for us to separate from the neurotypicals and build our own separate and exclusive communities.
I didn't read your gay post but I'd buy the anime bitch bimbo level boob jobs just to make her smile.
Be like me and others and mask or be at the bottom of the barrel. Tough but thats just how it is
>become a pro at masking spergy behavior, blending in the normie crowd
>can sniff out struggling spergs
>collect my army of spergs and train them to mask properly
>have a network of spergs who tell me truthful, factual information for work
no country, no allegiance, only trust between us vs normies

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Zoomers are a malignant tumor. Look no further than this board. TZD.
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My favorite animal is the /pol/tist trying to recover the thread after it was absolutely ran through by educated people by spamming facebook tier nazi memes and wojaks.
Chuds won, midwits and trannies lost
chuds aren't winning if project 2025 goes off. only people winning are the ruling class
you're voting for big tech and blackrock and they're gonna throw you in the same pods as the minorities
I don't know anon, your demented bag is falling in the polls faster than Howard Dean after a weak scream.
Anon, Trump voters ARE the midwits.

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would you be friends or like a fat slobby NEET who draws fat art and sonic art while being fat and stinky?
also i have maple syrup on my blouse right now along with waffle batter (i did indeed eat my burrito with mozz sticks. then 3 hotdogs then a waffle. vbery full and happy right now)
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All you had to say was autism and now I know the putrid smell you give off
why do you use a burner account then dumb nigger
I must had added like, 5 fat autistic females from /r9k/ so far.
>i say i dont like it
>well i liked it
idk how to refspond to that
this is true
how chubby... i make them FAT (capitals)
subspecies on r9k....
that would be difficult. my stink returns really fast
;_; i cant post my face or body on here, it isnt SOC
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>how chubby... i make them FAT (capitals)
I have my own taste that is bigger than most people are comfortable with, but draw her as plump as a 40 year old house wife should be (with tummy rolls and saddlebags naturally)

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I think I might have PIED
It took me 2 full minutes to get my dick hard (without looking at anything), this feels way too long
Can cardio and noporn for several weeks fix this?
not fapping 5+ times a day daily might help.
>5+ times a day
I like to edge so it's more of a duration problem rather than a frequency problem
Low t
Go to the doctor

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>Too "nerdy" for normies
>Too "normie" for nerds

Anyone else feel like they don't belong? And I mean that in not a good way.
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>You said it was "hurtful" lmao
and what else do you take away from that? was I "triggered" as well? I know where I am, I am a robot but really a more accurate term is LOSER and that everyone here is a robot (LOSER) but we find comfort in these things because to be a loser is one thing but to have company is fine. Come on OP, tell me more about how I am a bad person for replying to you. Was it my mistake to engage with you as another human who wants nothing more but to belong?
it's been 17 minutes OP, why do you abandon your thread? do you lack the spine to see it to the end? you're not a normie nor a nerd, you are a worm that can't face his worth
i've been told by so many people i have brains i'd almost believe it. but if i'm so smart why do i do dumb shit all the time?
>but if i'm so smart why do i do dumb shit all the time?
Dude, same!
>do you lack the spine to see it to the end?
Yeah dude you win man. I concede.

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Do women really like to take it up in the ass?
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That's true. It's because all women are bisexual so it's kind of normalized.
some do. it really depends on the person.
Like to? Some do enjoy it. Others don't enjoy it but do it anyway when I tell them I want it. Remember, if a woman ever tells you no to anything, it's been a yes for someone else. And the first time she says no, move on.
I only fuck with my ass
I can't take dick in the pussy
vaginismus? you got that?

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are there any black fembots that want black fembot friends? ones to hang out irl with? asking for a friend....
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I'm also in Ontario! I think I saw you in a different thread a few days ago lol
London/Hamilton/Toronto mostly
Will you let me call you a nigger while I feed you watermelon
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oh wow nice maybe we've seen each other around on here. how old are you? im 20
I'm 19 going on 20 this year :D Are you doing uni/college rn?

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All they do is just make bait, attention whoring, male hate threads, and have nearly turned /r9k/ into an e-dating site. I can tell their foids by the way they think calling you a troon is going to effect you in any way and theyre always mad for some reason
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Or maybe those are different people? Nah, they must be clinically retarded.
There's 2 conflicting opinions on the internet that aren't my own? Clearly this is one person who's going through some mental trauma. Problem solved everyone!
There aren't. All the bait posts are made by me.
You're the cutest fem(an)ale on this board anon. If you want to shave your five o'clock shadow, I'll find your dilator ;^)
Fr I'm asking the same questions nigga, all these whores on here and none of them ever post tits. It's major fucked up.

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Its ver hard to find a girl without baggage
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even chad only gets sloppy seconds 99% of the time
if you dont like it kidnap a child or move to somewhere less haram
>I dont want chads sloppy seconds
well 90% of western women are suckin n fuckin since like the age of 14. do what you gotta do man
We dont want chads sloppy seconds is because he got all the honey and we get the bitter sour leftovers
Sounds ridiculous but this is legitimately the situation. Unless you hit it off with an actual 12 year old or less you're never going to be involved with a virgin. I have never heard of a female that was legitimately a virgin at 18 in real life. They have always fucked around by then and the exceptions are probably debilitatingly mentally ill shut-ins. Men can be virgins beyond 18 so easily from lack of opportunity females don't have that problem and are too dumb and inexperienced to choose to abstain indefinitely. Nothing wrong with refusing sloppy seconds but you will be alone until death anon get used to it.
How can you even compete with those guys?

too much complaining about fat bitches and not enough architects coming together to appreciate them

>best body part?

>is your gf fat herself?

>any belly type you find most attractive?

>fav song right now
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fuck off
I LOOOOVE me some fat bitches
I've got a fat-ass fat-belly nurse bitch that I'm getting ready to dump completely because she's a trashy tattooed slut that can't control herself.
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i love fat bitches i wish i had a big girl to plump up
bump for big lady

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Why do people on this site get asshurt when you say god isn't real?
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>cyrus scofield nutcases
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God is real. Jesus died for our sins. White Europeans are God's chosen people that carried his word into the modern era. Jesus told Peter to build his church in Europe. Now Europeans are under attacked by the same group that Jesus basically calls larping Jews that are the "synagogue of Satan."
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>reddit doesn't believe in fairy tales so I believe in fairy tales
Oh and the Descendants of the same tribe that killed Jesus are the same people larping as Jews and trying to genocide modern day Europeans.
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>Jesus told Peter to build his church in Europe.

I may have accidentally gotten my self a bf (I'm a gay man before you get angry).

I met a guy online who lives fairly near me and I was interested in dating. Turns out he's quite annoying and not that attractive but I was cool being friends. Well he never stopped being flirty and I was too awkward to shut him down. I agreed to hang out at a board game cafe as what I thought was friends but after he referred to it as a 'date.' I feel like I'm in too deep at this point. I don't want to be mean and hurt his feelings because he's not a bad guy.

Now I've agreed to go to his place to watch a movie and I feel like I've already signed up to do stuff implicitly.

I literally can't say no to save my life.
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Easier said than done anony. I don't want to upset him.

Grow up.
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>I feel like I've already signed up to do stuff implicitly
You shouldnt be forced to do things you dont want to do. The second he makes a move that makes you uncomfortable, push him away and say you arent ready or arent comfortable yet

im in the same boat. ive had people want to do sexual shit with me, and ive done it, closing my eyes while doing so and i regret it because i was never really into them.
I keep rationalising it in my head by saying he's not THAT ugly. Like I could do it but I don't really want to. But even if I do I'm going to need to cut him off eventually. I feel terrible because I've lead him on. I've actually done something shitty and I'm going to make him feel bad.
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>I feel terrible because I've lead him on
My 'friend' i did things with now hates my guts, and tells me to kill myself every chance he gets because im a "fake gay man" for closing my eyes while doing things with him because i dont find him attractive.

"Every chance he gets" as in we both use 4chan so if he notices my posts based on the images i use, he says abhorrent things to me. Hopefully the person you are hanging with isnt as mentally insane but you never know until you make the mistake i did. Mine didnt start calling me a "fake gay" until a year after we did sexual things...

Just dont do it. Have standards and dont give them up just to be nice to someone. Its not worth it.
You should grow up and stop making your identity around a disgusting fetish. Enjoy your monkeypox, subhuman.

Hello, /r9k/,
I am the recruiting agent for a recently-divorced Arab Princess (see picrel) who is actively hiring male slaves! She currently is willing to pay $500,000 for one chad sex slave, and $10,000 apiece for several non-chad manual laborers.
If you are a chad your duties will include having sex with the Princess, posing nude for the princess, and being the sub in various femdom scenes that she will record and send to your female relatives (sisters, mother, grandmothers etc).
If you are a non-chad your duties will include manual labor and also appearing in riskier femdom scenes such as cock and ball torture that would be unsuitable to chad slave.
>Is this real?
Yes, Dubai is well known for its lax labor laws which include, among other things, turning a blind eye to literal slavery.
>How do I apply?
Reply in the comments below expressing your desire to be the princess's slave, and I will get in touch. Be sure to state whether you are a chad or a manual laborer (9+ facial aesthetics, 6'2 and muscular required to be chad).
>Who will be selling me?
You will be purchased from the highest ranking female authority figure in your life, most likely your mother, GF/wife or female boss. If you do not have any such relationships we will arrange to make a payment for you to your government.
>Can I get to know more about the Princess who I will be required to serve?
YES! More details here: https://youtu.be/rpE4UaZFkV4
Alright, that's about it male robots. Good luck on your application!
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hello yes, I'd like to be enslaved in Dubai for 10k please
No thanks, I escaped from such a situation before I'm not going back
Asking for a friend, but how would one get stuck in a situation like that? He'd throw out all of his morales for a cute Arab or Desi woman to make him her slave
lol I doubt that the princess of Saudi Arabia would ask her handlers to recruit from losers on 4chins.
In my case my mom sold me into it, I was an underage boytoy to a Saudi princess. How she figured out the deal, I don't know

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