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By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. They do not want to hire us, they do not want to be friends with us they definitely do not want to date us and many of them will not even rent to us! Social exclusion does in fact pose an existential threat to those on the spectrum which is why we have no choice but to form our own exclusive communities.

This is why I am proposing that 115 IQ Aspies begin networking with their fellow autists of similar cognitive ability. Despite the fact that many of us excel at STEM fields, many employers refuse to hire us due to our social deficits. The obvious solution to this problem is to start our own companies that only hire above average IQ autistic people. Doing so will solve the problems of employment discrimination and workplace bullying while allowing greater efficiency.

I personally am tired of people like us being the rejected and humiliated laughing stock of the entire internet. This is why it is time for us to separate from the neurotypicals and build our own separate and exclusive communities.
I didn't read your gay post but I'd buy the anime bitch bimbo level boob jobs just to make her smile.
Be like me and others and mask or be at the bottom of the barrel. Tough but thats just how it is
>become a pro at masking spergy behavior, blending in the normie crowd
>can sniff out struggling spergs
>collect my army of spergs and train them to mask properly
>have a network of spergs who tell me truthful, factual information for work
no country, no allegiance, only trust between us vs normies
Autistic fight club?
Actually a lot of companies love to hire autists once they just have to transition first to fill the DEI quota.
no, autistic spy network
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autistic outer heaven
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Elon Musk already did that when he bought Twitter
I'm a big autism supporter. I will only hire fellow deranged autists for my hentai game company.
>I will only hire fellow deranged autists for my hentai game company.
Fucking based.
I am unironically doing this.
this, I've basically built my entire friend group from the ground up, it's unfortunate but we do have to mask around normies or be ostracized and not get hired for jobs and stuff like that, only getting loose around my friends
>only hire above average IQ autistic people
this is what I'll do if I actually get around to starting making my dream game (I was thinking a 2D RPG about a fantasy post -apocalyptic world that was destroyed by centuries of magic war, like all the resources are basically gone and everyone turned into a weirdo mutant in some way because of magic, basically the origin of the different fantasy races. the remaining pockets of civilization are cities ruled by evil sorcerers who are worshipped as gods. most of the world is basically giant sand dunes from former oceans)
>forming a group of high IQ ostracized people who can blend with the crowd but can also be recognized by specific tells to get competitive advantage through in-group preference
>anon discovers judaism
Oh my original god...
Sorry faggot, I work ALONE.
also secret societies like freemasonry are basically that too
Yeah but freemasons dont talk about existential threat like OP do
He literally just invented secular judaism
They are just ahead because they also have a selective breeding program
>secular judaism
is the funniest shit ever because they'll still only marry other Jews even if they're literally not even religious
But its somehow not racist and we have to respect it
>start your own companies that only hire autists
>get fined millions of dollars under discrimination laws
>back at square one
the problem with concepts like these is that they don't work beyond the conceptual level, either because it just isn't practical, or because you're talking about autists
like let's imagine a scenario of an office that sells paper. but not ONE person in the company is willing to make a phone call. and also everyone in the company struggles with dysregulation. and sure, hyperfocus can turn up sometimes, but you end up with comically overcomplicated and borderline unusable spreadsheet from the tech guy or something after he's been awake and hyperfocused for 30 solid hours.
the concept itself is interesting but ultimately can't go much further than >>78291477 - and even then, not really that far even. like what are you going to "share", epic autism hacks? reddit-tier organisation
A preference for endogamy is not racist. As the example in question shows, the Jewish people owe their survival to the practice. All people have a right to difference.
there's a number of employees threshold for this kind of thing, just build multiple companies that seem unrelated to maintain the number of employees under said threshold

regardless, a company entirely run by autists would fail to even launch since getting investment requires manipulation and charming skills
Sex with aspie-chan right there against the sex wall right now no holding back primal animalistic fucking in broad daylight cumming inside leaking on the ground
>there's a number of employees threshold for this kind of thing, just build multiple companies that seem unrelated to maintain the number of employees under said threshold
i suppose this is a fair workaround but then there's the issue of whether this organisation is technically engaging in money laundering
>regardless, a company entirely run by autists would fail to even launch since getting investment requires manipulation and charming skills
forgot to mention this but yeah add this to the pile lol
Fuck you I hate Asperger's
Why would you need investments if your companies are reliable and profitable? Sure, it speeds things up, but assuming you start with some already wealthy autists who then proceed to make profitable businesses with other autists then it's fine.

Also, I don't get this idea of "lmao, spergs can't socialize enough for a business. Imagine trying to do a call." Businesses mostly handle affairs via email. There is no way you won't have at least some spergs who are competent enough socially to at least interact with others to handle certain business affairs. The real issues are finding business opportunities that will be highly profitable and are STEM related. Albeit, it's not a huge problem, but it is one to consider. Doing this on /r9k/ of all places is just asking for a failed movement though, the vast majority of """"spergs"""" I've met on this board just have BPD or self-diagnosed or call themselves spergs as a shorthand for retard.
I'm in. When are we making the IRC boys?
>By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. They do not want to hire us,

What the fuck are u on about? That's literally all they hire since they only want high iq fags
I want to date a girl with Autism she is super nice and super smart.

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