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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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how do I defeat overfitting?
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That's not a social media, Herbert
larger data sample or just underfit bro its easy
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Ask another AI for help training your AI

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Does the non-physical nature of consciousness challenge physicalism?
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>Why does brain damage cause memory loss?
NTA but I would guess it would be like damaging a 'receiver' irl, where the quality of the recieved signal is diminished. Certain parts of the brain correspond to sending/receiving from certain parts of the soul.
The issue with that though is if you continue that logic enough, the "soul" and the neurons in the brain are basically mapped 1-1, and at that point what's the difference between the soul and the brain creating consciousness (besides the fact that the soul can exist after death I suppose.)
Larper retard detected
Filtered by monads
That's why I brought up Occam's razor earlier.
If the brain can do everything the soul is supposed to, why propose a soul?
I keep asking this guy simple questions and he can answer none of them. I'd be willing to argue the receiver point, but he brought it up once and never actually tried to defend it.
>my ignorance gives me the upper hand
Top lel, this is /sci/ 2024

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I'm using the AI a lot, I ask it for obscenely complicated and boring jobs.
Sometimes when I ask him to do things I almost feel the immense effort it would take to complete them.
And she, obviously, does everything (almost) perfectly without batting an eye.
This inability to experience fatigue is shocking.
Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.
It's not just hype, I'm realizing it firsthand by using them.

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We are about to enter a timeline where mass space exploration is inevitable.
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Not while Israel still lives
I hate bald people.
Could man in white house have the balls, strength and will power to make a difrence in great pursuite of space finall frontier?
Those two doomed astronauts are STILL STUCK IN SPACE! It's been almost two months stuck in space because the retards rode a leaking Boeing death capsule into orbit because they were too stupid to live. I mean how fucking retarded do you have to be to WILLINGLY get into an untested Boeing space capsule after seeing YEARS of Boeing plans falling apart in the sky?

These are the giga big brain astronauts? 100 out of 100 brain dead plumbers would know better than to get into a Boeing death capsule....but no NOT ASTRONAUTS! Nigga we ain't going no where.
>leave position that actually controls NASA's budget
>move into position that does nothing
4D chess

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Maps like these are very interesting but they only provide information about settlement and not what environment these people have actually adapted for. Yes, for some it could be true but definitely not all, especially the southern and eastern ones that had more migrations and wars with different types of people. How is one supposed to then find the best possible environment for their genes and what about mixed race people?
apply darwins theory of evolution.

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Is the idea of infinity flawed? I feel like saying the universe has always existed or that a black hole has infinite density is similar to saying that things are as they are because God created them. I think assigning infinity as a value to measure something that we can't fully comprehend or have the ability to measure yet is an easy way out for the human brain, similiar to using religion to explain away all the mysteries of the universe and existence.
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you can only have arbitrary finite sets of naturals.

cope glowie
The word you are looking for, is eternity.
Not far off, but I think the better term here is arbitrarily (large/small)
If you divide the area under a curve into arbitrarily many rectangles, you get an arbitrarily close approximation of the area under a curve.
If you divide that are into infinitely many rectangles, you get an infinitely close (exact) answer for the area under the curve.
They aren't very satisfying, but assuming infinity or a infinitesimal just works, so math people can scream about it.
85 IQ thread

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Does English have Universal Computation?

why are jewish intellectuals obsessed with sex and pedophilia? is there a reason for this?
leave the board already, your mind is full of hate and ignorance

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SOAP edition

Previous: >>16263540

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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The reason these conditions are called diseases are because they are incompatible with society. The only reason a person goes to the doctor about a problem is because the problem is hindering function in society.

Those acceptance movements are nonsense. As human rights are universal and technology progresses dysgenics will only keep increasing. It's not possible to sustain the entire dysgenic population.

Those pathologies are a tragedy and prove to be costly personal challenges to their families, they end up feeling relief along the grief once they die. It's a cursed existence.

>depression, bipolar, ocd
Those people suffer anon. It's not an environment problem. Depressed people are incapable of feeling happiness. Bipolar people become psychotic and harm others or themselves. OCD suffers from exaggerated ideas that make them feel constant threats. It's unethical to deny them treatment or brainwash them into thinking treatment is harmful.

>doctors never care about patients
Doctors give a service, it's you who are supposed to care for your sick relative or yourself. The service of the doctor is to attempt to return you to functionality. The doctors who do care end up suffering from knowing the limits of medicine do little for the patients, it's not possible to do more.
>The only reason a person goes to the doctor
What about when doctors lock up people against their will - this of course happens in the area of mental health.

Also, even if someone goes to the doctor voluntarily, they would hope for a treatment that is in their interests, rather than a treatment which is actually in the doctor's interests.

>Those acceptance movements are nonsense
Absolutely not. If you happened to be born with some genetic brain differences, you would want to stand up for yourself too.

>Depressed people are incapable of feeling happiness
This is quite obviously nonsense. That's like saying "a hungry person is incapable of feeling full". Obviously they're not - they just need to eat some food.

>The service of the doctor is to attempt to return you to functionality
The service of the doctor is to profit from misery. Okay perhaps this is not fair for many kinds of doctors. Many doctors do genuinely good work. But there are definitely doctors who are simply trying to profit from people's misery, especially in countries like the US where healthcare is largely provided by for-profit companies.

Regarding mental health treatment, I think doctors are often not concerned with what the patient wants (even if their wants are perfectly legitimate and legal, etc). Perhaps it is too often about producing an outcome that is desirable for the doctor, rather than desirable for the patient.
>female rights
>nigger rights
>autism rights
what rights do they not have in current day USA that normal white men have? it seems they have more rights and privileges than a regular whitie.
>doctors lock up people
They are brought in by their caretakers who don't see it feasible anymore to care for them, or by cops who may choose to execute them instead. Those patients are psychotic, their survival instinct is abolished and are attempting to kill themselves, are being violent and damage property or hurt people, or they have stopped eating. There have been antipsychiatry movements before and the result was these patients dying in the streets or in prison.

>genetic brain differences
Nobody is discriminating these people. They are not functional and it's not anybody's responsibility to accomodate for them.

>obviously nonsense
It's the definition of being depressed. Have you ever worked in psychiatry? Have you met these people? I have. I have a functional type of depression as well. You are too naive and self-centered to assume you know more from a funny sounding idealistic thought than the experience of people who work on this.

>Le doctor profits
I was paid $3 an hour and had to see 6 or more patients each hour in busy times for 80 hours a week. You can kindly fuck yourself if you think all is roses in this shit fucking field. I have never asked for gratitude for this piss stinking work but having assholes like you come with a mouthful of shit on top of everything we deal with is the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Who the fuck are you? You have nothing but poison to speak of this field, what do you pretend you know about it? Where is this victim complex coming from? What do you gain from coming to a thread full of doctors and start insulting the field which you well know some make a genuine effort to help?

I've replied so far in good will but if you're gonna behave like an asshole you might as well get the fuck out.
>SHOCKING: Neurosurgeon discovers that healthy lifestyles improve bodily health
>Blames hospitals even though everyone has been saying this for millenia
>10 million views
Why are they like this?

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That thing was murderous; they STILL didn't take responsibility; they just quietly replaced it with the "plate" which is still bad.
China just found the cure. Wonder if US already banned it.
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Will we EVER be able to figure out why Americans are getting diabetes?
What are they doing with all of those spare limbs?
I see a lot of people these days having difficulty walking. It's a rough world out there and no insurance is going to cover an elective surgery to fix arthritis damage
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Agreed. Diabetes and obesity is just carbohydrate ignorance.

>be "mildly" overweight (50 lbs, but I'm an American)
>thirsty as fuck for weeks
>get blood glucose monitor
>over 300
>diagnosed with Type 2
>no insurance so no Ozempic
>prescribed Metformin and Glipizide
>"Might bring it down"
>Fuck it, decide to go Keto
>Keto is ~20g carbs a day
>Okay, I'll start with 100g
>blood sugar plummets below 150 within two weeks
>another month, I have to back off on the basic bitch diabeetus meds because now I'm sometimes dropping below 80 and into "low" territory
>four months later, I'm 25 lbs lighter with only mild exercise
>don't even need the meds to stay around 100
>blood pressure came down too

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How much of a big deal is this? Some of my leftist friends are posting demotivation messaging like
>"if only we opened our borders to China and cooperated with them, they would give us access to their wonderful technology which is 10-15 years ahead of the US!"
None of them have any formal technical qualifications in the sciences. Does China objectively lead by a significant margin (e.g. beyond a 5 year gap) in any major scientific field? I know that I'm opening a can of worms that may invite bots and shllls in asking. I'm looking for information and talking points to rebut the sensationalism of my worryingly self-hating, naive and pessimistic acquaintances. It's getting fucking tiresome. Sorry in advance.
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It's not really significant at all. Pebble bed reactors have been around since the 1940's. You might as well be amazed that any nuclear plant can pass testing.
You can go to schenzen and go through flee markets of random electronics parts.
You really think your going to lead the next generation in manufacturing anything without current gen factories

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No. I am a 3rd Line Soldier and a Proto Business Man or Anchored Politician
This is what I was looking for. I kid you not, the exact phrasing of my friend was "fhey are 10-15 years ahead of tbe United States". It's fucking stupid and ridiculous. This is the gay torture of being a zoomer. We've got the schizo horse shoe shit where some of my conservative friends read Mao and now are "patriotic socialists", whatever the fuck thst means.
Sometimes dominance in narrow fields is not a given. I was surprised to learn the other day that Europe leads in some particular aspects of the design and manufacturing equipment for chips. Cockiness and not knowing your enemy's strengths is dangerous.
>pebble jams are an unsolvable engineering challenge
smartest capitalist right here.

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Post your favorite mathematician
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I know this dude... and his biography...
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My favorite is Jon Folkman but his image has been permanently expunged from the internet. It fascinates me to no end.

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If I can always decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, does that demonstrate that the Programming Language lacks Universal Computation?
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>If you can write a computer program to decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, then that Programming Language lacks Universal Computation.
How do we know this? Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation? So if we can decide it then then Language can't have Universal Computation?

>janny deleted the maid thread
I have to maidpost all my maids in here now!
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>schizo makes another thread to shit the board up with
Jannies, You missed a spot.
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Computer Science is a /Sci/ence and this is a maidposting site.
>How do we know this? Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation? So if we can decide it then then Language can't have Universal Computation?

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Good news fellow environmentalists, the Pacific bluefin tuna are doing so great that catch quote on them has been massively increased. The scientists involved say that bluefin tuna stocks in the Pacific are now 1500% greater than they were 15 years ago.

>An international body managing Pacific bluefin tuna stocks agreed Tuesday to raise the annual quota for catching the fish, typically consumed as sashimi and sushi, by 50 percent
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I've addressed his attempts at arguments and questions far more than he's done in return. I might get around to doing so for his latest ones, but he doesn't seem to be taking in much of what I've said.
Any idea what would happen if we bubbled vast quantities of air into a river delta releasing fertilizer? Basically just a sewage treatment system.
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Nah. A free market isn’t gonna stop deforestation and you’re naive if you think it will.
>This is a concept that I don't understand the importance of. Why do envrionmentalists believe:
>A) natural levels are important

Take heed of this post. It's literally Satan convincing Adam and Eve that the Garden of Eden wasn't that great.

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