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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Evolutionary speaking, what's the purpose of a high IQ?
Is a high IQ useless beyond a certain threshold?
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If you’ve ever actually met people working in those sectors this wouldn’t be controversial at all. Finance is useful to provide basic services to society to keep it going. However, that’s no longer what it does. The vast majority of those jobs are bloat. Marketing is almost entirely bloat. Those jobs could disappear and people would spend less time getting encouraged to eat food that will get them fat and otherwise no serious loss in quality of life. If you’ve ever met a consultant in your life you know that most of those jobs are busywork, easily the vast majority accomplish nothing, and a significant portion of them exist only to engage in dodgy accounting. In the real world, these jobs are all bullshit, you could axe 99% of them and not notice any loss in quality of life.
Finance never kept society going. It is a derivative structure - and I don't mean like stocks. Finance doesn't exist until a whole bunch of check marks are met for which finance is not responsible for. Stop being naive.
>Are you serious? Finance is worthless in an ECONOMIC society?
Finance is the reason why we don't live in post scarcity.
>Marketing is worthless in a CAPITALIST society?
Marketing is only needed because of financing.
>Consulting is worthless in an INFORMATION society?
Consulting isn't about information, consulting is about advising midwits common sense solutions to their problems.
>All these roles have a function and purpose in modern society.
They solve problems that aren't supposed to exist at all.
That’s basically what I meant to say, in the sense that we need at least basic money management.
All we need is a stable volume of currency, and no loans.

you couldn't have accomplished what they did
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distallation is slower than electrolysis and doesnt create as pure water. evaporated water isnt pure, it brings some trace amount of stuff with it. You have to distill over and over if you want really pure water
>using dry ice
whats the freezing point of jenkane?
Does this mean I can support Africa by sending them my piss?
didn't think a (((large nosed man))) and I would have something in common

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Prop Transfer Demo Edition

Previous - >>16144982
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Earth? If you guess that, you were wromg.

This is Titan, the largest Moon of Saturn.

Yup, that's what it looks like. James Webb Space Telescope
Fake. And. Gay.
It's science fact
All color images on the James Webb Space Telescope save for the shortest wavelengths on NIRCAM are acts of creative interpretation, falling into red, infrared, and mid-infrared exclusively.
Why is the photo green, blue, brown? Continents, plants and ocean

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Why is this necessary?
It makes no sense that a conventional calculation of a transition probability gives you an infinite result. What craziness lead to it, a division by zero?
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This is non-sense. Define the fluid effect that isn't occurring at a small scale and explain how it can thereby exist at large.
You can’t define any of the bulk quantities down to small scales. You can’t apply any of your fluid formulae to the molecular scale because nearly none of the assumptions behind them are still valid.
This should be emphasised in every basic QM course too, because that’s exactly what went wrong with classical mechanics. People assumed it held at all length scales, did some calculations with that assumption, and got infinite results. Then we figured out energy was discretised at smaller length scales. So we now think of classical mechanics as only being valid down to some rough level where energies start to become of the order of hbar. The critical point is that these are only apparent infinities that were coming up in the calculations, in other words that they’re only there because we are applying the theory in regimes where the assumptions behind it are not true. No actual infinities are physically there.
In the same way, applying QFT without introducing these cutoffs is committing exactly the same error that we did with classical mechanics before we got to quantum mechanics, giving us artificial infinities, and for the exact same reason, that there is a length scale where these assumptions do not make sense anymore. So we do the same thing, and restrict ourselves to talking about where we know the theory does make sense.
And strictly speaking that’s only regularisation, but if you don’t really get why regularisation is absolutely vital then that’s a big part of why renormalisation won’t make any sense to you. Having said that, I would’ve thought the importance of regularisation should be very clear from other physics courses so that should probably be cleared up before you continue with renormalisation.
Those bulk forces don't exist if they don't have a mechanism for existence at the small scale.
Yes, that’s right. But that does not mean your large scale theory can be applied at the smaller length scales. Otherwise you’re arguing like people did to wind up with the UV catastrophe. This was surely covered before a QFT course.

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This is le… evolution?

I can't believe people have just arbitrarily lined up different fossilized animals in a row, always (no exceptions) with massive gaps, claim they turned into one another, and the vast majority of the general public accepts this garbage as science.
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Don’t let these horses distract you from the real menace that are whales with legs
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>arbitrarily lined up different fossilized animals in a row
How about: lined up the same fossilized animal in a row. These people have absolutely no idea what they’re doing
>btw they have feathers now
Based and duck-billed velociraptor
>picks an unusual animal that was for the longest time only known from fragmentary remains which were destroyed during WW2 during a bombing
Why are paleofags so insufferable
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your nose-cone is showing

What kind of problems do high-IQ geniuses have?
>inb4; none

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are you ready for the next pandemic?
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So we need to predict what viruses could possibly mutate to be able to infect humans, and develop vaccines sooner than it happens. That can be pretty cheap if we use computing in that.
>produce a vaccine for a virus that doesn't even exist in humans yet
>force everyone to get the vaccine to keep their jobs and attend school
>if no pandemic happens they just say that means the vaccine worked and prevented it
>if a new pandemic happens anyway they just say predictions aren't perfect and ask for more money to produce another vaccine
>pharma companies make billions either way
It's the perfect scam.
they out-sourced it to one of their Ukrainian labs
Everyone in this thread is retarded. Disease X is just the next disease that becomes a pandemic. Preparing for pandemics is what developed nations do, except under Trump.
It it doesn't work then the anti vax group get the blame, simple.

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have there been any?
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If you define human as "Homo sapiens", then yes. Homo sapiens interbred with other species of humans such as Neanderthals and Denisovans
Yeah, they're called black "people"
I just want a human/chimp kid, is that so bad?
good luck getting a human gf
its ok the chimps will do

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How did grifters manage to fool retards into believing glorified madlibs is actual artificial intelligence?
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Thats easy, I can answer this one, the key word is "retards"
Retards are dumb so its easy to trick them.
What do I win for answering correctly?
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The average school teacher of the 1880s was as smart as today's college professors.
We're all becoming dumb niggers and the only thing we could use to stop it will never be allowed under modern socialistic "morals".
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True and real, and is a problem very easy to solve with genocide.
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How can people make any definitive claims about AGI/ASI when we can't even coherently explain what consciousness is? Like right now, aren't our "AIs" basically just glorified calculators trained on huge amounts data aggregation? They're good at accepting inputs and generating outputs but that's it. From that to actual sentience, ie having a Will of its own, seems like a huge leap. How do you even go about making something self-aware?

To me it seems like a bunch of neurotic nerds are just being, well, neurotic nerds. I don't get the doomsday prophecies. What am I missing?
How do you determine whether something has a will of its own?

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Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?
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People who shower daily are fucking weird. I shower like twice a week max.
smelly thread
why do you smell like shit after not showering for 24 hours?
fix your diet
depends on activity. if chilling at home easy mode daily doesn't make sense.
if you slaving on plantation you better take a shower you smelly fuck.
also take a shower before sex no matter what.
stinky post

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If I see one more person on this board use the word qualia I'm going to lose it
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why would it?
our eyes and brains work the same way
If all brains work the same then why is there a difference of at least 50 IQ points between us?
what differs is higher level use for same hardware because reasons. like a faster or a slower car. they both cars, use wheel, push pedals for acceleration/brake. some subsystems from one car may be more performant for specific use but similar experience overall, they are cars with wheels.
and you think you are smart for thinking that too
there is literally no reason for "my red looks like your blue" to happen
we have the same cone cells that detect the same light and same nerves that send the same signals to the same brain cells
Agreed. They did tests once where they flipped people’s vision upside down with some glasses. After a while people reported seeing everything the right way up, so their brain was correcting their vision to the “cardinal” representation. I imagine the same thing happening if colors were switched.

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>since the system is set up in such a way that even real scientists are by no means independent and are entirely dependent on others for their funding and livelihood,
And when they aren't, they're dealt with by other means, such as the assassination of Kary Mullis shortly before the start of the covid hoax, which relied of fake PCR testing to be convincing
"Science" gave me the ultimatum to either die by poorly tested gene therapy or die by starvation
You chose to be a lab rat, am I right?
Live by the science, die by the science.
No, I chose to starve and spite the system

What caused the emergence of human races?
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Environmental factors you fucking idiot. For example, the African continent has much more sun and much less clouds then western Europe. Therefore the people there evolved to produce more melanin in their skin to deal with those conditions. When humanity left Africa and propagated over Europe, the colder conditions and lack of sunlight meant that producing melanin is unnecessary and devolved that trait over time.
take some medicines bro
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I know this is a chicken and egg argument, but it was racism.
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shut the fuck up

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What is the scientific explanation behind them always looking like this?
you require high amount of testosterone to be a nerd hence why they're always bald and have beards, dumb hugh t individuals end up using their testosterone on their brawn
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To be fair, Tookie fucking mogs him.
lower thermal resistance between brain and ambient

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