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They are having their annual sale. Are you getting anything? What are their best sci books?
Going through their probability and statistics book right now and it's great

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>Hello chud
>look at this ai/quantum vaporware headline
>[reddit tier joke] (I am german btw)
>[phone rings] "Oh hi Elon" (proceeds to asskiss elon musk 3 more times during the video)
>hydrogen is bad
How does this clueless whore have any reach at all?
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You are so dense. All this anus licking has gotten you a brain infection.
Go read on simple english wikipedia or something about hydrogen storage and maybe powerpaste.
Nobody is planning on putting a fuel cell in your dildo fag.
>implying the electric grid will work just fine if you plug in 999 squintillion solar panels
there is so much you don't know. the tldr is you need batteries, metric and imperial shit tons, and there simply isn't enough mineral in the ground to make them all. (Plus it's toxic and mined by congolese child slaves)

Coal and nuclear are the only two power sources that anybody without brain damage should ever even consider.
Go back to /k/ faggot
She is a weird combination of woke and chud.
There's probably a way to make a much heavier and less efficient battery with more common materials like salt-iron, but there isn't enough solar yet to justify the endeavor. The steps to fit solar into the grid are much simpler than fitting in hydrogen

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Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time
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True and real.
Either all leftists teachers are dismembered and burned alive or the US will collapse.
It's not a red herring it's a fundamental fact, the system is intrinsically anti male because they have made that period of life so over emphasised in controlling your potential that the differences in performance have huge effects on your future.
Seriously why can't you retards see this, it's pretty obvious?
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>We were all little fucking punks
>I was rape by my uncle as a kid and too scared to tell anyone so I act like a fag at school to cope
Women treat men like shit because of white imperialism. Makes sense.
Yes, whites are cucks

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"ExcelMaxx" Edition

Previous Thread: >>6266920

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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>Not a single course in statistics or probability
Meme degree. All the other skills can be self-taught (coding) or learned on the job (data visualization, business skills, etc.). Just get a degree in stats or CS, preferably stats if you’re serious about working in the field.
I hate bootcampers as much as the next guy but if you were autistic enough to go pure math/physics then I would hire the bootcamp normie over you as I would expect too many issues with teamwork and communication with you.
>t. Applied math/stats chad who had to deal with insufferable pure math autists
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Chat, how do I fix this? Any suggestions?
>insufferable pure math autists
literally me
I understand your position, but not all of us are that autistic. I have a pure math background but am actually quite sociable and outgoing and don't at all come off like a sperg.

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Where does oil really come from?
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your pic shows is comes from the tipped over barrel, obviously.
>the Russians found the deposits replenished completely
What's the rate of replenishment. How do you that just particular deposit just didn't have seepage from another deposit. Why hasn't the US repumped its old wells, the ones from a century ago? Oil could very well be abiotic but it won't change the supply and demand problem.
How do you know the oil wasn't already there and is now flowing into the barrel?
After all, oil in a barrel is a more natural state of things don't you agree? So the oil is very likely flowing into the barrel instead out of it.
dinosaur's nuts
>There are an estimated 550 gigatons of carbon of life in the world. A gigaton is equal to a billion metric tons. A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms, or about 2,200 pounds.

550 billion tons of carbon in life, calculated 375000 billion tons of total free carbon on earth

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Outdated teachers that could already be replaced with Youtube videos insist on DEI over merit no matter how much they know they are creating an incompetent workforce and I know exactly why. It is because fraud is everything these people are. They are fake humans and don’t even care a little bit about what is correct or incorrect. It’s only about conforming to the newest fad ideology, which is usually just verbal vomit. At what point do we stop trying to help them think critically and just force them to conform to the truth by manipulating and verbally abusing the shit of out them just as they do to us when they refuse to answer even a single fucking question honestly. We just let these faggots walk all over us, and they make it right to the top of all our schools and universities through intimidation. We are giant pussies when it comes to saying anything about race.
Realistically, can we develop a system using probability and statistics to predict their personalities? Where can I find statistical methods to apply to public figures based on the words they speak? Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds and keep them out of STEM?
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They should be mandated to live in a hole together.
>Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds?
An LLM that could constantly debunk bullshit artists and help you understand your surroundings better would be awesome
lets hope global warming sinks NYC sooner rather than later
What the fuck did that girl get lobotomized?
That guy looks like a cult leader and is smiling at his lobotomized puppet. This is fucked up.

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This photograph contains many of the smartest people in human history including Einstein, Planck, Dirac, etc, but even this crowd at its large size doesn't contain all the people who lived at the time who would normally considered among the smartest people who ever lived (e.g. Nikola Tesla was also alive at the time).
How many people alive today would you consider worthy of being referred to as arguably among the smartest who ever lived? I can't think of many.. how did so many geniuses live simultaneously at the time this photo was taken, when so few people of their caliber exist today?
Shouldn't the amount of exceptional genius be evenly spread throughout time? Is something holding us back in modern times that prevents us from achieving greatness?
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>all the geniuses decided to sell out and go into finance instead
They went into other fields where they could earn a living. Some of them are in tech. Not really their fault that DEI policies kept them out of science.
>Nikola Tesla
Stopped reading there, tell me when you graduate highschool
>This photograph contains many of the smartest people in human history
no it doesn't, its just a bunch of stupid nerds
I said normally considered among the smartest people who ever lived, not that I consider them. If I was going off only on my own opinion then my question would make no sense
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Could it be that the ABCC11-gene also has an incluence on pheromones?

I mean, the smell of a person send some information about health and other things.

IIT: A discussion on potential implications of AI used for synthetic biology.

AI can be used to help engineer organisms through an ability to better understand and design genetic frameworks. What are some implications of this? Here are some of my considerations -- some don't necessarily directly involve AI, but AI can make such things easier. :

Normie tier:
>Easier drug/biomaterial production through organisms with better optimized production pathways
>AI could help engineer organisms that react to their environment (like an organism that helps crop production by sending signals to plants in response to qualities of the soil)
>Engineering of organisms to help the climate (biofilters, plastic degradation) (gay)
>More GMO food, like lab grown meat (even gayer)

>Nefarious actors could potentially get DNA data (like through hacking Ancestry.com) and creating a disease that targets a certain individual
>Potential organisms engineered to genocide people/crops/livestock (biowarefare)
>Organisms that interact with the microbiome to influence peoples emotions
>GMO Humans/Human chimeras
>Engineered neurons connected to a computer to make a living computer

>Living bioclothing/accessories (potential moss-like organism that lives on peoples heads for baldies)
>Virus that spreads and inserts DNA into people to give them "neutral" qualities, like lactose-tolerance

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Sorry, I'll never trust artificially manufactured foods
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Synthetic biology was the new hotness when I was grad school over a decade ago. AI is great for traditional drug discovery, but synbio has been a disappointment.
Didn't SynBio fuck over the world with COVID? Pretty much all medicine and vitamin supplements are products of SynBio. Additionally, while the first use cases that come to mind are drug and food manufacturing, there could be more schzio developments that I would like to know more about. Who knows what the government is hiding from us currently. There are probably also a lot of things open to the public that could change the world that don't have a lot of attention.
But you are right to avoid being hyped up from this new technology.

>Hype flourishes when disoriented, poorly informed populations want to believe in easy solutions to difficult problems

Also >another schizo implication:

Someone could design a bacteriophage that spreads and could remove an entire disease from the Earth. While not as mainstream in The West, Russia and other Eastern European countries have been researching and using bacteriophage therapy to treat infections. Someone could potentially make one that infects the human microbiome and fucks with how your gut bacteria interact with your emotions. Additionally, someone could create a bacteriophage that supercharges diseases such as the regular cold into something much worse.

It's over for mathematicians. RIP
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its 4chan, retard
>my high-minded intellectual discussion with racism
Not an excuse, retard.
excuse for what?
being the thing it always was?
They worship efficiency and performance.
I have absolutely no idea why people have this obession.
/sci/ used to be a lot better before all the "Trust the Science" folks showed up.

What are numbers ontologically speaking?
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A bridge between the mind and matter
Numbers are sort of a glue. Like they hold together the social thing of trading 2 eggs for 1 scarf.
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an abstraction of quantity
everything observable has quantity
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>What are numbers ontologically speaking?
Like the rest of empirical science, it's just a language, a model, used to approximate and predict observations.
Sorry mathfags, as much as you want to trascend from /sci/ to /x/ and coax up to the schizos
You are hardstuck here eternally.
>numbers real
>where pi
>where perfect sphere

There is nothing essential. Platonic essences are supplanted by existentialism. Numbers merely form one of many representations in mathematics, which in turn are merely one of many possible representations that humans haven’t touched yet cuz our brains haven’t been imaginative enough (yet). All of this, even numbers, require us to give them any meaning, and lack meaning outside of what we give it, as they are representations that intrinsically mean nothing

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How the hell is entropy not time, and time not entropy?

How the hell is evolution not adaptation, and adaptation not evolution?

Are scientists pedantic retards? Causality is causality is causality.

If things *progress at all*, it's time, period. Shit happens, shit changes, shit adjusts.
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Lol OP you got them stumped
can anyone explain entropy to me please?
is it basically a fancy way physicists say decay?
Broadly speaking : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder.
thanks fren
>Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder
I imagine this has some metaphysical implications...
It just means shit happens.

Ive read this several times and im having trouble understanding the second of the given proofs. Can somebody help me please?(The book is Israel Gelfand's Algebra btw)

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How to avoid women from cheating in science and academia? What changes should be applied?
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Unironically don't trust any Chinese made papers. So check the last names on papers.
jewish names are far less trustworthy than chinese ones
This. Fpbp
You are the most retarded person I encountered with

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women have 20% fewer neurons than men, that means they have 20% lower IQ than men
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Women are subhumans
Except women sit pretty nicely at the midwit spectrum of IQ while men occupy the outer edges. So on average men and women have similar IQ but if you find somebody that's a totally fucking moron there's a high chance they're a man. Like you. Me? I'm on the genius side and like the other geniuses, I'm a man.
>18 points is not radical
That's what I'm saying, if a test produced a gap larger than that it would immediately be thrown out as sexist. The conclusion that men and women are equally intelligent was reached before the tests were even designed.
No, women are way dumber than everyone else
Women should not have rights for good

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