i would really appreciate if you could work together for a starter, or just for knowledge even if the topin is not interesting, you can watch this youtube video:https://youtu.be/qf7ws2DF-zk?si=7SIO_Gm1WJaWuzQGon a mission to the best mathematically possible voting method.althought im not a big of a math guy, i will try to contribute with the solution.i think the incredible commitement of the 4chan users will be so helpful, thats why i came here. thank you for your time.
>>16584916The most important part is making sure the laws don't get too complex. Judges literally can't understand which law is supposed to apply and how to read it in a large minority of cases.
>>16586225"default jurisdiction"Kill this, win a domain.
>>16584916>A consent based societyLmao. And for people that don't consent to being a part of that society?>binding only through the nonagression principleThe non-aggression principle isn't binding. It's a method of operation, basically just tit-for-tat. And it literally only serves people that have the martial or social resources to exploit it, much like any other organization of society. Since if you don't have those resources, your tit won't do shit if you get tatted.Any method for organizing society that does not promote the distribution of social resources (ie enshrine basic rights as a collective interest) and back up that up with martial support (ie have cops) is worthless.>Imagine each individual person having the rights and full sovereignity of a state.I imagine a lot of war. And rape. An ungodly amount of rape.
>>16579588Empire. This minimizes chaotic input from retards.
>>16580167Which fixed points of voting for an electoral process are stable?
How fucked are we now that he basically controls our lives?
>>16585089>>16586315>>16586278>>16586272You are parasites, nobody needs you for anything. You should do what is right and kill yourselves right now.
>>16585089the only people losing their minds about the current govt. think the previous govt was competent. morons.
>>16585912are you a joke?you tacitly admit that many seed oils are harmful, and take no accountability for the damage caused by status quo.Get fucked dickbead, it’s a new day.
>>16586360>What I am saying is RFK is unqualified and a bad pick for an important government position because of his various health issues and cognitive declined That excuse is already broken record and the last secretary put in charge was a lawyer anchor baby with no experience in health whatsoever. If a demented retard with head tumors can run for president then RFK can run the most obese health system in the world. It would actually be hard to fuck it up any more than it already is.
>>16585735 >(80% of america is fat)Well mexico is about to get more obese than it already is>60% of americans are chronically sick right nowNo refunds
What's the scientific proof those things are suns again?
>>16584593It really annoys me that I had to figure out on my own, as an adult, that OP's picrel is actually the center of our own galaxy. Really seems like something my asshole teachers should've taught me back in elementary school.
>>16586047need for blood indeed, couldn't agree more with your whole post
>>16585370>and not something small really near?different techniques depending on the distance, basically parallax, doesnt work for stars really far away but that still tells you the object would be far away. This tells you it cant be small.
>>16585926>>16586095Objects immersed in fluid also produce an apparent parallax effect.If one does not know or consider that the object is viewed through a medium with a different refractive index, they might interpret the visual distortion as a change in actual distance.
The thing that gives IQ the most credibility isn't the fact that it has over 100 years of science backed evidence. It's based on a very real observation. A person's ability in one academic subject predicts similar ability in others, and if you express this correlation amongst a sample group as a factor and then take any person's average academic ability and compare it to this factor, you can express their ability in comparison with the sample group in the form of a rudimentary IQ.What's funny is, when you ask people who deny IQ what they believe a good indication of intelligence is, they will often point towards academic ability. Not realising that this is the earliest form of identifying IQ. The nuanced explanation they demand of intelligence is what modern IQ has come to identify. Simply, if forms of measurable ability can be correlated with others, it can be incorporated into IQ tests, and what makes IQ so robust is the fact that nearly all forms of measurable aptitude do in fact correlate with one another. It's not just some made up pseudo-science, it's based on an undeniable and incredibly strong correlation between different forms of ability. Often, when people claim that IQ doesn't account for all forms of intelligence, they refer to aspects of human behaviour that cannot be objectively measured, such as loose terms like creativity. The problem here is that for no discernable reason people try to co-opt intelligence into meaning something incredibly vague, when in fact the only meaningful aspects of intelligence is that which we can measure. Intelligence simply means the power of someone's mind, and power can be measured, if you possess aspects of mind that seemingly provide no discernible benefit, how can this be called intelligence?
>>16584734Sorry my intellectual words make you feel interested, but this is normal. You're just a schizo.
Good looks. Nice smelling farts. Signs of genetic dominance. Higher potential intelligence than dysgenic uggos.
>>16584753Your poo stinks the house out, you have dysgenic poo. My poo smells acceptable and like good quality. I am more intelligent.
>>16582779it quit literally does "retard"if you score 115+ you can easily get a job in the government
>>16582126>100 years of science backed evidence.Psychology is psuedoscience. There is no "science" involved in the field. All objective indirect bodily measures are only indistinguishably vague approximations of underlying neurological dynamics. If all of your observation is made indirectly and based entirely upon empirically guided theoretical inferences then as a result no direct measurements can be made to quantify anything. Mind you, I can tell you at what temperature every time water will boil or freeze or the rate an object will accelerate due to gravitational pull. This is because these are non arbitrary DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE phenomena.
I don't live on Earth, Most humans are trying to make money just to advance science, R, R, Right?
Thought on this?
>>16585376>In 2 dimensions.OP how many spatial dimensions do we live in?
>>16585376Theyre just statistical observations. You'd need something on par with a formula of everything to "solve" it.
>>16585523The only one that's worth anything has 2.
>>16586013>The only one that's worth anything has 2.Maybe if you are 2 dimensional.
Here's one way to conceptualize a “perfect‐play” formulation that, in theory, accounts for every potential future move. In essence, you can model Tetris as an infinite‐horizon Markov Decision Process (MDP), where the value of a board state SS is defined recursively by considering all legal moves and the random upcoming tetrominoes.Let:SS be the current board state.A
>>16586327The reward is an ever deepening appreciation of beauty.
>>16586324Yes there is. If you start at 0, calculate what move would benefit your current and future moves the most, you would figure out average reward over time
>>16586335How do you define long term reward for infinite games that never terminate except for failure?
>>16586335It doesn't work that way. You're trying to reduce joy to a singular quantifiable dimension.However the metaphor of "life is a game" can be profoundly based if you look outside the finite game of winning vs. losing. Then the game becomes a creative medium of creative mediums: art.The player becomes the game, the game becomes a player, the creator/creation dichotomy collapses and all become threads of co-creativity.>What is the pattern of patterns?https://old.reddit.com/r/sorceryofthespectacle/comments/1hnk74c/llms_are_biased_towards_processrelational/
>>16586322>Just go ahead and consider every possible move.Brilliant strategy why didn't anyone think of just doing this?
>we can go into space with ease>we can clone organisms>we can bring species back from extinction>we can build weapons that can wreck an entire city in seconds>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldnessWhy is this? I can't help but feel the reason there is no cure for baldness is because it is a male issue that does not affect women so people don't care. I bet if women were going bald they would be dumping trillions of dollars into finding a cure.
>>16583541You have to relentlessly exercise and eat really well, cut out anything that might be laden with agrichemicals or cause you gastrointestinal distress, inflammation, poor sleep, etc.The best way to do that would be to do an elimination diet, something like a carnivore diet for 1-2 months. It'll set the bar for your reintroduction of other foods and the lack of sugar should help your metabolism.Fasting is also really powerful for triggering your bodies regenerative abilities and although relatively common in almost all cultures and religions, as well as in our prehistoric lifestyles, it's not practiced widely today.Pic rel. has some supplements you could take.There is a channel on YouTube called Pottenger's Human that has a lot of videos on various related health matters that you might find interesting.
>>16583576Thanks for this, I'll look into it>agrichemicalsthat rules out basically all fruit and vegetables
>>16583530Why is it so prevalent in Europeans compared to everybody else? Europeans just have shitty genes? Maybe that's why they're removing themselves from the genepool by embracing antinatalism and adopting cats instead of breeding.
If men only need baldness on one chromosome to go bald then why do over 80% of bald men have bald fathers
>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldnessHair transplants
Is there a correlation between race, intelligence, and physical ability?If so is it environmental, genetic, or both?
>>16586276There are smart people of every race. Like man in picrel. He has 2 masters degrees and has done some of the most important and secret work for the US intelligence community in space.
>>16586304>has done some of the most important and secret work
>>16586306Nigga read his profile. He's got awards for it
>>16586276I've heard somewhere while half-listening during a video game session that races are optimized for certain tasks, physically. Generally whites and asians seem to be better at tasks like swimming or deadlifting while blacks are better at certain other tasks due to the actual physical properties of their bodies. I will not substantiate these claims or provide a source.
>>16586308And do any of the awards actually describe something specific and important that he did or are they really just all awards for being the "First Black <X>?"
Made this in an autistic attempt to categorize science youtubers I like/dislike. I went too easy on mark rober because there is no way cgp is just as pompous as him.
>>16586287the whole SIGBOVIK journal is kino, tom7 is just a small part of it
>>16586291Sweet, I gotta check that out.
>>16586298I'd rec proceedings pre 2019, some good shitposts that arent all AI, even though ML has been in pretty much every proceeding.
>>16586303Yeah I don't have much interest in nu-AI shit.
>>16586305then stick to pre covid
Does gravity bend photons of different energies differently? Most sources suggest that the curvature of a massless particle's path is independent of its energy. However, I came across an answer on Physics stackexchange that mentions a non zero scattering angle when considering the gravitational field of the photon itself.
>>16583418Classically wave fronts of light waves follow null geodesics and this has nothing to do with frequency. I would be surprised if this changes semiclassically (i.e. a quantum EM field but classical curved spacetime), but post the answer on stack exchange.
>>16583418>>16583704What is your proof for spacetime curvature.
>>16583704Wut? Okhttps://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/580432/do-gravitational-lenses-act-as-prisms
>>16583418Does a hammer fall faster than a feather?
>>16585968But it's a kilogram.
>pseuds on suicide watch
>>16586177Hence why it's a bullshit reason, you faggots are being lazy and passing it off as a necessity. Considering how lucrative medical care is in the US, appealing to scarcity ought to utterly embarrass you. If it's too much trouble for you to do something internally then refer them to a third-party testing facility like LabCorp and have them send the results back, you braindead fucking nigger. I get that it's easy to shove a bunch of needles in an infant, but vaccines aren't literally zero risk and if you're doing it for nothing other than expedience you're flagrantly violating the Hippocratic oath.
>>16586186>lazyI worked 70 hours this week anonVaccines are proven to have benefits that far outweigh any possible risk. Your health is not worth more than anybody else's, we live in a society of equals. If you want to go to a concierge clinic or shell out for a concierge hospital admission (yes those exist) you can order whatever you want, but insurance won't pay for it for a reason
>>16586203To step back from the shitposting, I'm referring to the medical system in general rather than trying to isolate you, as I do appreciate the fact that medical professionals are severely overworked. The fact that doctors do often end up working 80 hour weeks is insane when, in any other career field, upskilling generally reduces the quantity of tedium and permits higher quality labor. I'd wager medical malpractice due to sleep deprivation alone is a significant cause of mortality. I don't know if lowering med school costs or offloading tasks to lower-skill employees is the solution, but it's certainly an issue of a bigger scale than this discussion.Imo this issue would be completely solved with a 5 minute conversation where you just give them the option to test in lieu of having that particular vaccine on the schedule. Most people won't care and will choose the default option, but others who are extremely worried about vaccines may view having the more extraneous one on the schedule as evidence that the rest are bullshit. Even if you view it as entertaining retards, there are severe downstream effects when strictly utilitarian decisions are being made. The fact that anti-vax sentiment is becoming the dominant position is evidence enough of that. Nothing is more isolating to a patient than feeling like their concerns aren't being addressed or, worse, shut down before they can even be brought up.
>>16586221Thank you for the compassion anon, a lot of people just say "ha you complain so much despite getting paid super well" despite the fact that we go through 8 years of optional and expensive school and then 3-7+ years of poorly paid abusive training programs to finally get a job.But the fact is that every single procedure takes time, and it takes money. If we're already so overworked practicing evidence-based medicine, why would you think it's a smart idea putting even more work in the form of non-evidence-based medicine on our plate?Your 5 minute conversation is a good idea for patient empowerment until you realize that 50% of people are below average intelligence. We practice learning all this jargon just to have to also learn how to translate that jargon down to the level of a 3rd grader. The issue with giving a choice is that it might make the patient's parents think that giving the vaccine vs not giving the vaccine is of equal benefit and risk to the child. You have to be completely confident in your presentation of the options based on evidence, a second of indecisiveness or vacillation and people think you don't know what you're doing.
>>16586134trying too hard
let's say a group of scientists gets a newborn child in their possession and from a very young age he will only be fed the most disgusting food out here. nothing poisonous but none of the food he will be fed is considering pleasant in a normal society. aside for that he will be raised normally. at the age of 16 or so this now a teenager gets access to what we consider normal and very tasty. what would his reaction be? has this been done at any point in history? scientifically speaking
Dont torture your child you dyke he/she will just decide to prick you whit needles in the nursing home
>>16584533This experiment has already happened billions of times. No one enjoys the taste of plain plants and meats anymore and there will be digestive upset when people start eating all their calories from nothing but plain plants and animals. Our reward system and ability to digest is totally fucked by sugar, salt, acidity and all sorts of stimulants.
>>16584533taste is mainly based on nutrient concentration and its associationsit's instinctual in childrenif food tastes bad you will likely be stuntedif its not mechanically stimulating you will become ugly>has this been done at any point in historyyes, when kellogg invented corn flakesthe idea was to make it as bland and unsatisfying as possibleit's also become one of the least nutritious most worthless foodsthe reason people eat them is because they are seasoned with sugar and salt
>>16584533Sounds like our society already decided it doesn't matter what happens to this person so all that's left is to sell tickets to his suffering while we get a closeup of his face before we put him back in the hole because we already decided before he was born food arrangements were not supposed to change for him. That isn't screaming dear, that's the air escaping out his lungs while we return him back to his crate where we keep his parents and siblings. Thinking we haven't had these people since the dawn of time is such a woman thing to think. We're going to have to shoot whoever told you about this horror just the same. You don't get to tell sociopaths who they can or cannot torment.
>>16584533that's what happened to gen x
inf/inf = 1? What if infinity1 differs by infinity from infinity2?
>>16586133learn non standard analysis, you won't believe it.
I study physics and math in uni, and I genuinely like it. It's satisfying to learn new abstract concepts, and to learn something very real as opposed to humanities and arts, which I could never take as seriously.But there's a very fundamental dilemma: I think technological progress is a mistake. AI is a mistake. We should get blasted back to the stone age. How do I keep studying physics with such conflicting luddite thoughts? This genuinely bothers me and I often consider dropping out simply because I hate tech. Hell, I don't even own a smartphone.I'm posting this because I trust that there's someone out there who is smarter than me and can easily solve this dilemma.Everyone praises science and technology these days. We live glued to our glowing screens, we outsource our thinking to AI, and rely on apps to get our daily chores done. I claim that this "progress" is a net negative on human well-being, and all new tech is introduced to make the rich richer. Capitalism is the driving force behind technology: the need to replace workers with machines, the need to monitor citizens and harvest their data, the need to isolate people so they'd pay for Tinder...This isn't what I signed up for. This is bullshit. For me, the marvels of technology would be things like the AC generator. It's truly amazing that we have lights and heating. That's good tech. But over time we went too far and now our latest inventions are literal doomsday machines. People are telling me I can't possibly claim that there's some acceptable amount of tech we should have, like I was Amish or something. That's exactly my claim. There's some very discrete point in time where tech stopped being beneficial and started benefiting from us instead.It feels weird to study physics when I know it's no longer time for humanity to learn more science but to learn how to study its degenerative nature instead.
Reminder some unga bungas were crying about the swtich from rock to metal. Same retard different time.
>>16585555>"tech changes all the time, this is no different from when we invented x"I hear this all the time. People defend Tiktok by comparing it to the worries that television brought on some decades ago.This is a flawed argument and I'm disappointed /sci/ doesnt see it.Let's describe any change in technology with dT.What makes you think every dT has the same magnitude and direction?You seem to assume that dT remains constant in any observation period.This assumption is based on nothing, it's just a cope because you dont want to view tech negatively.Different tech has different implications. TIktok is massively different psychologically from watching television. Sure, there are many similarities, but Tiktok is simply bigger, faster, stronger. Like comparing coca cola to heroine.We're now creating sentient machines that will walk the Earth and replace humans. I think it's pretty obvious it's a more massive change than using different materials in swords or something.Closing the door for any criticism is retarded. We should first criticize tech, and THEN adopt it - not the other way around. But for some reason humanity wants to release any and all inventions to the public the same day they were created. And when problems arise, we invent more tech to fix those problems, and this cycle of hindsight never ends.We need to create a governmental body to review technology before its release.
>>16585661>What makes you think every dT has the same magnitude and direction?It doesn't, it's slowing down. The techologies we have are pretty mature and we're hitting roadblocks in most major fields. If you think the jump from television to tiktok is bigger than the jump from nothing to televison then i don't know what to tell you. Actually I do, you're retarded.>We're now creating sentient machines that will walk the Earth and replace humans.AI is not sapient. You're just proving my point, you're the same overexaggerating retard that was screaming about the evil TV box stealing your soul in the past.>But for some reason humanity wants to release any and all inventions to the public the same day they were created.>We need to create a governmental body to review technology before its release.You're not only retarded but ignorant. We have plenty of red tape on tech as is. We're not cloning people even though the tech is already here.
>>16585693>If you think the jump from television to tiktok is bigger than the jump from nothing to televison then i don't know what to tell you. Actually I do, you're retarded.That's debatable and depends on whether you're viewing tech from a merely technological stand point or social / psychological. It can be statistically proven that children's IQ's and attention spans have dropped more during the social media era than during the MTV era in the 80'sMost of my claims stem from the fact I'm middle-aged; you're 20 years old at best. You kids seriously dont know what you're talking about, because you weren't there. Again, you're overly optimistic about tech and downplay its dangers because you didnt see how much better we had it in 1999. Mental health stats correlate with advances in smartphone and Internet tech.In any case, this was hardly the point. I like how you obviously agreed with my actual point that changes in technology are all different from each other, but couldn't admit this to yourself so you skipped straight to a tug-of-war about something else like which change was the biggest. Like I said it depends on who studies it. A physicist gives a different answer than a doctor.Your post disappoints me. People my age dont bicker online for the sake of bickering, and gain nothing from retard-calling. The way I see it, any post with ad hominem instantly loses all value even if it contained absolute truth. It's mostly an American / 4chan thing though. On 4chan it's common to reiterate the term "retard" several times in a post without actually posting any arguments of sustenance. It's just a very, very normie and zoomer way of saving time. Kind of like downvoting someone's post. Instead of writing long, thought-out arguments, you just react with your emotions and push a button. Because 4chan doesnt have zoom-zoom buttons, you do retard-calling.
>>16585834Ok your definitely trolling