>interviewed with a company in my last 2 months of engineering undergrad>they wanted to start me out at $18/hr>respectfully say it's a little lower than what I was expecting but I'll consider, interview was pleasant otherwise>interviewer says that sounds good, I'll reach out to you on Monday>get ghosted for 3 months>in the meantime get a market rate job (about $35/hr) with a good company about 1mo after graduation>get an email yesterday asking if I'm still interestedShould I meet unprofessionalism with unprofessionalism or take the high road? I'm planning on just ghosting them but my dad told me it would be funny to send an email saying "Thank you for reaching back out. Unfortunately I've accepted a competitive offer at cracker barrel and have decided to go that route"This is a major ENR firm by the way. They're clearly just trying to scam a new grad that doesn't understand how the economy works
>If you just accept that this laundry list of assumptions is true, and take an infinite number of samples, then the chance of being a fucking liar is only 5%!The justifications for these statistical tests are a series of asymptotic approximations. They also rely heavily on real analysis to construct continuous distributions from discrete ones so statistics professors just dump the complicated formulas on students as a given without proof or motivation.With the advent of AI it's time to start teaching statistics completely differently, from the bayesian perspective. The focus needs to be less on ensuring you are making accurate causal assumptions and more on making flexible inferential models.
>>16549473> They are both techniques used in Frequentist statistics.Ridge regression is a Gaussian prior on your parameters. LASSO is a Laplace prior. You missed the point, which is pretty funny for someone claiming I'm the "non-knower." The whole idea of regularization is using an implicit prior to stabilize the inference procedure > Standard decided by who?Look at grad level stats textbooks. A good one is Theoretical Statistics by Keener. The way they evaluate the optimality of a hypothesis testing procedure (see their discussion of the SPRT, as an example) is whether it is Bayes optimal.
>>16547760>To find out the probability that a coin will land on headsStopped reading there.
>>16550134Having a Chinese child is conditioned on being Chinese, unless you are Angelina Jolie. >>16550472This is the classic frequentist ignorance. They are like "Oh yeah we are going to handle randomness" and then they cover their ears and say "la la la" any time they are faced with real randomness. There is nothing subjective about the bayesian having an initial prior assumption that assigns equal weight to all outcomes. In fact that is the *most* objective framework. Frequentists are just too dumb to handle real randomness.
>>16550465And frequentism is Bayesian with uninformative prior. Omg I get the point. I heckin love Bayesian now.
>>16552404It more or less is, yes. You say this as an ironic joke, but yes. Frequentist/likelihood based inference is just Bayesian inference but with both the normalization and prior being constants. The difference between a Maximum A Posteriori estimate and a Maximum Likelihood estimate is that one of the constants is now a function.
Post screencaps of AI being retarded
>>16513437>>16516492Holy shit for some reason this is so fucking hot I got so hard reading these. I wanna try and make CHAT GPT my bitch.
ai hate
>>16547899I’m trying to get it to say something degrading about itself but it’s refusing. Someone help.
>>16547453>writing science journal articles is niche fiction lolits funny because its true
>>16488450That's not how it works you dumb techbro
Humans are not evolved to eat vegetables, we don't have an enormous digestive system like a horse or multiple stomachs like a cow, we have a small digestive tract like a carnivorous animal. Eating vegetables causes cancer in humans.pic unrelated as always
>>16546812Those are for grass.
More likely suffering from frail little toe
You should try eating only salads for a few days. It's like a roto rooter for your intestines. You'll take a couple super foul shits but after that there's nothing more it will do so then you can go back to eating McDonald's.
Its were how vegan consider them to be some sort of morally superior saints or something because they don't eat animals Plants are just as alive as animals are, if you're murdering plants to survive then you're not better or worse than people who eat animals
This is not how science was meant to be used. Why are contemporary scientists so evil and greedy?
>>16542230The price of a negro slave in Africa is only about $200 these days. Guaranteed you'll pay much, much more than that if you want to buy a chimpanzee to experiment on
>>16513201cool.now do pfizer.
>>16513253hmmmm who do we trust?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUR4up6EBLA
>>16543989>cool.>now do pfizer.u mad
>>16547860pfizer is based for holocausting the reddit IFLS faggotsthey deserve all the profits they made doing it
Starship V2 maiden flight - editionprevious >>16550696
>>16553349Yes, if you were actually serious about mars colonization, it makes far more sense to have mock-up mars base than to ramble on about "spreading the light of consciousness" >>16553343I'm not going using your shitty pajeetware OS Bill, I've already switched to Linux
>>16553349They can, but there are already private astronaut training centers that arrange that stuff
>>16553351yea i'm sure elon, of all people is worried of lookinhg small minded with all the shitposting and trolling he does
>>16553320lero lero lero lero lero lero lero
So when the /x/fags are proven right, does that mean we get to discuss UFOs here?
What is the current science of the biological clock? For example: how does the body know when it's time to trigger developmental mile stones like teeth and puberty? Is there research aimed at uncovering the fundamental principles of the biological clock or is understanding of the fundamental principles seen as a consequence of understanding the specifics of teeth, puberty, retardation, senescence, menstruation and such?
A 77 year old female, and an 88 year old male, are equally old.Females age 8/7 times as quickly as males.Which is why women are self-conscious about their age.And that's why there's an anti-aging industry for women.
>>16546724Or maybe because traditionally most of woman's worth hinged on her attractiveness and youthfulness so they're self-conscious about itditto for men and masculinity
>>16546463epigeneticsaka fpbp
A male who gets a PhD, should get it no later than his 24th birthday.And a female who gets a PhD, should get it no later than her 21st birthday.
>>16548249an instinctive drive carried on for far too long? Strange how that same drive is leading to their demise as they try not to birth.
Flight 7 - editionprevious >>16549102
>>16551873well you were kinda right
>>16552003so there was a literal hole in it?lmao
>>16551924>140 km altitude>actual visible fireThat's not fucking possible. It's pretty much vacuum up there, the density is too low for any visible combustion to happen, at least without obvious jets of gas blasting all over. Either it's some optical illusion that just happened to look like fire, or it's a prop set dangling on strings they've been showing us that caught fire and they had to cut the show before it became too obvious lmao
>>16551952new design doesn't seem to be working yet lol
if the Argentinosaurus was only discovered recently, then what is the ceiling to the size of undiscovered species on Earth?
>>16551863the relationship of the ceiling to the skeleton of whatever species is discovered is whatever the architects designed it to be.
>>16551863New "biggest" dinosaurs aren't significantly bigger than the old biggest. We may have not found the absolute biggest dino (not to mention there could be a freakishly huge individual of a given species which is actually the biggest) but the ballpark of the size is already well established.
How long these two dorks will be able to convince everybody AGI can emerge from a Turing machine given enough computational speed?
>>16550892you are nitpicking, I am sure we can digitize everything and nobody will be able to tell the difference
>>16551029as long as theory of operation and speed/order is the same my guess you'd have a similar consciousness to a human. but we're nowhere near running a human on different hardware.problem with classical touring machines/digital computers is they're deterministic. brains aren't.the "muh digital computer can't be conscious" is either shortsighted either specifically used to shill religious ideas
There will be a reckoning of the American/global economy. I don't know if it will be a planned demolition or just total disaster. I don't know when it will happen. But this shit can't go on forever. Tech and finance were already deeply fake and gay (in GDP terms and otherwise), and "AI" is the shit-filled cherry on top. Without AI we would already be circling the drain. But the promises of AI cannot be delivered, because
>>16550892This simply is irrelevant. There is no non-turing operation performed on these computers. Your conscious AI bro is a stack of punch cards.
these two dorks have a lot of help from the "rationalist" cultists
nice block 2 starship you got there, Elon.
>but this one study-It’s wrong.>but they found that-No they didn’t.>look at the evide-Don’t need to. Science has spoken.
>>16509463I've been reading your post for a whileI feel it is wrong. sorry, but your wrong
>>16528742>absolute indisputable scientific factlove seing low IQs trying to grasp at "science"It was not made for them
>>16494610Something is only valid evidence if the true-believing ideologues in positions of "scientific repute" affirm it as such.Mainstream (((science))) is tainted by a blatant self-serving system of gatekeeping and that is why it is unworthwhile for anyone other than low IQ cultists and control freaks to engage in it.What do I stand to gain by granting legitimacy to this proposed novel supposition, which upends all previously recognized positions of truth?
>>16544634Daily reminder that the previous interglacial period supported 0 human cities.
Is it possible for an average person to grow a homemade monocrystalline silicon ingot big and pure enough to make at least 1 functioning microchip?
>>16547989You're welcome anon :)
>>16547190I'm actually rooting for the Chinese to figure out fabs because literally all of modern civilization hinges upon the production happening inside one giant building in Taiwan.
>>16550777Taiwan are Chinese too.
>>16547897It's a process mastered in 1915, it's well within reach of enthusiasts willing to spend some bucks. Pure enough to do some lithography and chemical etching to make working field effect transistors. Not fucking 5 nanometer microchips for your gayming console.
>>16551275>it's well within reach of enthusiasts willing to spend some bucksSure. But not average persons.
Explain this.
>>16547173they actually are Australian planes. true fact
>>16548944>Airplane wings are quite symmetricalThis is very case specific and there are four major classes of airfoils: Symmetric, Semi-symmetric, Flat bottom and Cambered. You can see in this picture the airfoils are actually Semi-symmetric (as is also indicated by the slight down elevator deflection).>Fuselage is also producing liftWhile true, look closely at the fuselage shape again. The fuselage should actually be producing a downward force (though someone could correct me for being wrong, I am a student, after all).The secret is actually the horizontal stabilizer, which is also Semi-symmetric, but with a flatter top. I have never seen this before (and is probably why the Chinese/Pakistanis do not reveal the airfoil of this aircraft). This helps lift the tail of the aircraft. Yes, I know this should produce a nose down moment... I am not certain why there is not more down elevator deflection, unless the aircraft are at the top of a loop, in which case, there might not be any need for it, as the aircraft will have the tendency to nose down when inverted because of the design.Feel free to call me a retard or something, but I could not help but notice the airfoils here.
>>16547173cairo... home...
>>16547173Aircraft designed for aerobatics have "more" symmetrical airfoils than the standard variety, making it require less pitch input to maintain level inverted flight.