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Why do people even need money to achieve scientific feats like going to Mars or curing cancer? It's not like money magically makes a Rocket appearance, we obviously have the ability to make anything we want and have more than enough resources and technology to do it. The Egyptians didn't need 100 trillion dollars to build the pyramids they just did it, the Chinese were able to build the wall without worrying about money, they just did it.
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With materials like steel and human labor
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Triggering retards such as yourself
Exactly, it's like why does everyone hate communism when that's what we're all striving for. Everyone's looking for new ways that they can make AI make money for them or something so they don't have to work, it's like no one wants to work and wants to find ways to not work and have money for whatever they want and in theory, if every person in the world accomplished that then that would in fact be a communist society.
Then why do they collect so much useless plastic of silly animal cartoon characters and the like?
that's not true, new skyscrapers go up all the time, massive cruise ships are constructed, larger than life bridges across massive expanses are built. We still do incredible things. It's just often not out of the goodness of our heart or some spiritual calling(and it never has been like that for the average worker). When there's some need for it and funding things get done. This has lead perhaps to a more sterile world where grand art projects and architecture play second fiddle to utilitarianism, however that is the nature of the industrialized world. Market forces reward projects for which there is great demand for and demand comes primarily from the middle class who hold the spending power, and the votes.

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These three niggas are humanity's only hurdles to achieving collective godhood, fr
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Ossification, the core of YWNBA(X)
>Not being an npc bugman for psychopaths and wanting as should be natural to fix the human condition is a disorder
The only "disorders" mankind has are the "disorders" of senescence, lower animal instincts and death
I'm betwixt myself.
>genetic engineering will only make dysfunctional people

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>infinity of nothingness
>lives for finite time
>another infinity of nothingness
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Infinitude of cycles.
Life > Death (transitory period) > Life (your carbon gets recycled and turns into a different form of life)
>The set of even integers in infinite, but it does not include every possible integer, e.g. it does not contain the number seven.
70 (or 7*10) is the first instance of an even integer that contains the number 7 directly, but even 14 (7*2) technically does too.
>The people running this world have turned it into a prison, it doesn’t necessarily need to be one.
Except it does, any body, celestial, biological or otherwise, necessarily imprisons all the material that composes the body because if it freed everything that made it what it was, it would cease to be.
Nature takes care of that, natural instinct and desires, the desire to be cared and loved, to feel like you matter will repeat the cycle of life and death.
Yes that is what I said nature is necessarily a prison, your instincts and desires are derived from your form and limitations, imprisonment is not just something people invented, it is an inherent property of nature. In the end of each cycle you will realize you didn't matter and your body will decompose to be eaten by something that is starting its cycle.

Is there a single real world situation where PEMDAS makes sense?
Usually the logistics of a complicated business operation has its own intrinsic bottlenecks that things need to calculated around making PEMDAS sort order irrelevant.
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>seething PEMDAS defender.
>Is there a single real world situation where PEMDAS makes sense?
They have played us for absolute fools.jpg
The question you should ask is if there is a single real world situation where a set order of operations makes sense. And that answer is yes.
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>literally just "filter any thread if there are too many green pixels in OP image"
>xie was proud enough of this to upload it to github

What causes outbreeding depression? Does it happen in humans too?
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Well, there is the obese white woman + black man pairing stereotype, which also ties in with the idea that race mixing is mostly being done by the sort of person who has issues in the first place.
That is a theory.
So that certainly suggests that outbreeding whites are self selecting for low quality genes, I'm curious then what the stereotypes from the second race category are, whether the asian women or black men are also lower or higher quality examples of their racial group

If it works that way in animals is it stil theory?

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>be me
>visit Hospital for X ray
>picture of Sir Roentgen with garlands around his portrait hung in the corridoor as mark of respect
>below it written that he discovered x rays
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What did B00T mean by this?
He probably meant Mouf or Fart in my Mouf, can ya?
It has begun truthfully and is confirmed
No but if youre a jeet I have no respect for you

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Do you agree with the results that it’s beneficial? Or do you think we still need further research into these practices?

I was spanked and it fucked me up. Sometimes I threaten my kids that I’ll beat their ass if they don’t xyz and it works, haven’t had to follow through.
Please consider not doing this, it's gonna carry on the generation trauma which you suffer from (onto your own kids, nonetheless). Also, remember, your kids are the ones that will decide whether they take care of you in your old age, or throw you in a cruddy retirement home (and don't give me any "I plan on dying before then", because no you won't).

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If a colony of modern humans (as in, more than enough of them to sustain a stable non-interbreeding population) were transported to a copy of Earth that is more or less identical to ours minus any existing human civilisation or technology, supplied with the collective knowledge of every technological advancement from fire to the modern day, how short a time could it take them to manufacture a single smartphone?
This is a theoretical situation where there's no infighting, cultural divisions, natural disasters, plagues or whatever to significantly hinder their work, and they aren't being forced to work unhealthy amounts of time every day.

For example, with the right knowledge of materials and how to use them it's possible to set up furnaces and basic smelting 'equipment' within a week, even a day with a lot of people working on them, but you won't exactly be able to make precision instruments immediately.
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>If a colony of modern humans (as in, more than enough of them to sustain a stable non-interbreeding population) were transported to a copy of Earth that is more or less identical to ours minus any existing human civilisation or technology, supplied with the collective knowledge of every technological advancement from fire to the modern day, how short a time could it take them to manufacture a single smartphone?
We have this discussion regularly.
Last time, it was estimated stone age to atomic age in 50 years, and the rest mostly as it evolved. That makes for 100 - 150 years.
Theres currently ATM entire countries of tens of millions of people that cannot feed themselves or manufacture anything.
As an example: Egypt.
Tell Egypt to manufacture smartphones, and to make the machines too. See how that goes.
This, but the most important factor is there being enough people to necessitate smartphones in the first place.
One immortal person could not do it even with a billion years to do so. Such project would require hundreds of machines, and you cant just build one and go build the other, as they would rot/rust, you need a large population to maintain machines as they are being built and a larger population to work and save money/resources to basically give it to the nerds as investment in the smartphone project so that they can work on that full time

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What if Mars looked like this?
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Brother if we have the technology to completely terraform the surface of Venus we have the technology to either increase the rotation or completely mitigate the issues with the slow rotation with mirror and shade satellites, as has been proposed before.
You're such a fucking pseud.
what if you weren't retarded? what then, huh?
2d quantum theories...

Does this even make sense for quantic nutjobs?

I mean is sort of bullshit ain't it?
Your entire life is bullshit
Midgar ... Junon ... HOME

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I posted this in /diy/ and nobody cared.

Calculators should come with a keyboard either like this one or like a blackberry.

TI calculator keyboard absolutely btfo.
>Texas Instruments CEO is very Jewish
The jannys are all kikes that will delete and ban anything criticizing the Jews or Israel now that it's officially "against the law" to criticize Jews like Jeffrey Epstein.
If you look at the buttons on an ordinary pocket calculator there isnt a good reason why they can't be adjusted slightly for general purpose universal text input.

after the ability to input general text all that is missing is a pixelated display and a processor as beefy as a com 64-level processor

there isnt a good reason why all calculators are not as powerful as a TI calculator

there also isnt a super good reason why a TI calculator cant have a blackberry keyboard.
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How did he predict it?
Who is this man and whst did he predict
He used logic, reason, and personal observation

I saw this was done successfully in mice so I tried it on myself. Ofc this is the cheap version with mustard since I don't have 20+ bucks to spare for concentrated tartrazine.
But yea if some of you madlads wanna try this, just rub yellow food coloring in your skin and it should become see-through.
Works way better in mice due to their skin thickness and my crappy ingredient.

Here's the experiment video I only got 4 views lol.
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You need to make it a fluid

Post pics if you do I'm interested to see if it'll work better in higher concentration
literally just watch my other videos :D
female lol
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Not falling for that trick again!
lmaoo wtf is that :P

I guess that thing fulfilled its x-ray purpose by letting women you leer at know you have a b*ner

I’ve been extremely fatigued for about 3 weeks, often napping on average 3 hours a day. It’s very difficult to focus and this has effectively put a halt on my own Bible study.
I got a blood test and it turns out I have a vitamin B12 deficiency despite eating meat 4 times a week so there must be something depleting my levels.
Can anyone relate and how did you fix it if you did?
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>stop exercising
goatis is skinny fat
you don't hunt, you don't chop wood, you don't carry anything
at least do some fucking calisthenics, get a hobby, SOMETHING
Just take an OTC sublingual supplement, a few drops under the tongue is all it takes. There are several possibilities as to why you became B-12 deficient but you need to correct this immediately and worry about that later. Since absorbtion issues occur in the gut the sublingual route bypasses this. After three months of using the supplement my serum levels went from very low ~112ng/l to off the high end scale >2000ng/l so my Dr. said to cut back from 5000mcg to 2000mcg and less often. The tingles in my hands and feet as well as the joint pain and brain fog are gone and I have more energy overall. I recommend doing the same for vitamin D.
What is a goatis?
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A Swedish guy with controversial views about nutrition: https://www.youtube.com/@GoatisReviews/videos
Granted some things he says are true, but he will also tell you retarded garbage, like that exercising is for slaves and that it kills you.
He used to exercise and had a good amount of muscle, but he stopped and now he is becoming skinny fat. Pic rel.
A long time ago I think he was an emo, then a vegan and he almost died from trying to live from the sun and air. But I am not sure.
I thought goatis was some kind of typo.

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If humans went extinct today, how long would it take for rivers, lakes, ponds, and agricultural land to no longer be polluted? How long until lakes and rivers would be clean enough for a hypothetical human survivor to drink from?
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real humans died millenias ago, we're alien hybrids
I think you misread that post.
>Even plastics on the planet are getting slowly eaten up by microbes
ChatGPT 3 post.
>It's a race to the bottom
>the future of humanity is one giant mashup of Africa and India
but who will be in control?
is there any group somehow slotting themselves into leadership positions?
Never, because uranium exists.

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Where is the Earth's center of gravity? Mount Everest
Around the core, but not exactly, and Earth being an active planet means it's constantly changing slightly
your mom
This, theres also varying density in the upper mantle due to some structures weve observed. Likely further out than you think

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