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Will the boom in ai data centers finally drive some growth in the nuclear industry?
What dormant plants are most likely to get recommissioned?
Is Natrium over hyped?
More H2 fuel prices lower
it takes decades to build one and deepseek already invalidated the need to spend billions, there's going to be a bubble soon when gpus become scarce
It already has. Microsoft is re-opening 3 mile island with the help of the company Constellation I believe. They're doing this to power a data center, I imagine if its successful for a couple years others may follow suit.. Also the new department of energy guy is pro nuclear energy.
Holy shit, didn't even realize they shut that down.
Maybe powered ai technology
No. Nuclear is too expensive.
No. The fake money of the tech world will just drive up commodities prices as it consumes more and more real electricity. I'm predicting very little to actually show for it.
France, Australia, China and Vietnam built them with no issues
France can't build reactors
Finishing just one with extreme delays/cost overruns
Australia doesn't have reactors

People in the west don't know how to build big things anymore, and they think companies can just scale up to a 20 billion dollar project no problem
left side brand name right side store side LOL
Cause they are all custom jobs....
Australians politicians where so misinformed about atomic power.
The French public budget office just recommended the termination of all current and future nuclear projects based on the current and projected, accelerating reduction of economical feasibility of nuclear technology.

France is the most nuclearized state in the world when it comes to energy production.

Maybe it's about time to drop this 70s-era piece of shit technology?

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