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>four count
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>elevator match
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>Walking up the ramp to the ring
>winner leaves town match
>Buried Dead match

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Vince McMahon, known for nothing but giving the fans the good ending
Aew truly is the thinking mans promotion

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Who should be the face of Netflix era WWE? Given the Netflix userbase there is so much potential, but not some random midcarder can carry that.
John cena
Kross has the look, in-ring, and mic skills. Admittedly he's a natural heel so maybe he's better as the main villain.

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Point and laugh at this cuck who got cucked by Dax of all people, JDFromNY!!
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>I just enjoy wrestling
>I do real life things
>Paying mortgage
>Make sure bills are taken care of
>Full tequila cabinet
>You're making tweets about AEW

>*proceeds to make a tweet about someone making tweets about AEW*

God, Dax is such a fag
>Lists 3 hobbies
>1: Paying the mortgage
>2: Paying the bills
>3: Making sure I remain an alcoholic
Fucking sad.
Kek JDfromNY absolutely fucking btfo
simple rule of the internet is the more you type the less we care, JD is a fag but he makes his money from hatewatching and shitting on AEW so the pleas for him to stop are just wasted.
>I’m doing real life things like paying my mortgage, paying bills, and keeping the tequila cabinet populated.
Dax is a closet homosexual

>MJF 28
>Takeshita 29
>Bruv 31
>Lil Nigga 31
>Switch 32
>Hangers 33
Holy fucking stacked next gen
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Juli Ashton was the perfect fill in for my Dr Crusher jerk offs
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>I think this planet sucks
>I’m glad this planets team lost
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>My name is Deeb. Serena Deeb
Emjeff is only 28? How long until his contract is up? He still has time to become something in WWE

>loses to a 60 year old pedophile twice
how do you make Drew not a joke now?
Drew hasn't won an an important match since WM 36
>60 year old pedophile
He’s a 45 year old man who takes pictures backstage with women in their 20s. Why do you people have to exaggerate everything
>having sex with women in their 20s is bad
What reddit does to a nigga

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What's their tag team name?
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Too obscure for most wrestling morons to understand.
329k Strong
Gay Bae
MJF stole shit from here all the time until we turned on him. It’s why his title reign sucked so hard, he has no more good ideas and resorted to gay angles with the Acclaimed.
I feel second hand embarrassment seeing Atom Smol pretending to be a wrestler

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Thea Hail new tattoo
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>not a spade
The ultimate cuck is having a daughter.
Might as well kill yourself because she'll always turn out to be a ho.
Wow what a unique and interesting way for her to express herself, getting a tattoo 100 million other whores have right on her ass cheek
I’m gay

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>So you see, you got the marks who think wrestling is real, the smarks who follow all the backstage politics and then you've got the anti-smarks who're actually the biggest smarks of all because what they care about is what the marks think, but here's the thing, marks don't even exist now, it's all what anti-smarks imagine a hypothetical mark would think, which always happens to be the opposite of what smarks actually do think
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Marks exist, they’re in the ring
>are, he needed to mention Jack Perry by name followed by "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" while marching around the ring with his mic help up.
When was this?
OP is just mad that he will never have the confidence to make a girl feel super uncomfortable while keeping your hand on her neck so she's unable to move away because she fears choking.
In my dream last week
Punk mentioning fighting people backstage with a retarded smirk and a wink to the camera as the crowd has absolutely zero reaction was when my hope in wrestling fans was restored

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I just found out about a week ago that my cable package has a TNA channel. I've been binge watching this shit the past few days, and now that I've watched over 40 hours, I have to ask why this brand is not as big as WWE? The talent during the 00s looked solid, and they were not afraid of showing bitches in bra and panties dancing to entertain us.

I have to know what went wrong?
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Huh? He was basically a glorified agent on the booking committee, he wasn't running creative.

>That said 2005-2007 TNA was based.
This is the correct answer
direct is satellite and pluto is free
triple h uses chatgpt to book
After Benoit it went fast to a kids morning cartoon tier and it wasn't interesting at all.
Jeets can only copy, not create. It’s why Tony merely recreates ECW and WCW storylines.

This is the destination for all based webms, brother
On tonight's docket: Blue Justice XIV, GLEAT, Kaisei Takechi in action and more!
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>goes limp
>jadomania lives on
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That's all I've got for this week! Unfortunately no King's Road this week, but I might have time for that next week now that GLEAT is mostly caught up. I'll also have this weekend's NJPW and NOAH shows and hopefully whatever else the week throws at us. I'll see you all then! Goodnight, bros.
got any Ender Kara Gleat/BJW gifs?
I was sure there was some but I can't find them in the archive, maybe ask next week or check back in tomorrow

Retards thought they were going to get a rematch one day LMAOOOO
Holy shit how long have you been holding this one in?
Bryan's only going part time retard
>the rematch is going to be Omega vs a part timing faggot
LMAO no one wants this you fucking moron
It was supposed to be Danielson beating omega for the title
>Kenny doing yet another job
Nah it’s better this way with Kenny winning
Nah, nah nigga. He's coming home

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Next shows
October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>Syuri (God's Eye) vs Rian (E neXus V)
>Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS) vs Koguma & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Maika & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) vs Yuna Mizumori & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Mayu Iwatani & Hazuki & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Momo Watanabe & Konami & Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Tam Nakano & Saori Anou & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Starlight Kid & AZM & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)

October 19th, "NEW BLOOD 16", Bellesalle Shinjuku Grand, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241019_shinjuku/?mc_id=1113

October 20th, "STARDOM in FUJI 2024 Oct.", Fujisan Messe, Shizuoka, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241020_fuji/?mc_id=1091

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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slk pairs with suzu so she looks thin
why are people photoshopping suzu's face onto Natusko's body?
brown pudgy cheeto stained obese fingers typed this
Nobody asked you to describe yourself blud

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Post Hurricane 329k edition

(The Sky Pirates were beaten by the kool-aid kookout kweens but they had to cheat to do it! Soon /arrrrgirls/ WILL get a rematch and WILL reclaim the tag titles and usher in an era of AURA for the tag division! Until then, we just keep on sailing!)

Previous: >>15984494

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:

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LOL I once showed a pic of my sweet Asuka action figure to /Kabuki/ and was immediately hit up with requests to hot glue her. Bunch of degenerates.
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yeah but Asuka is like that
like a pretty butterfly

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you can take the man out of 4chan but not the 4chan out of the man
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We dont want them
His AMA here only drew a couple of posters.
I wonder if he puts his finger in his bellybutton and sniffs it while posting on /pw/
Dom is here. Britt Baker posted after a PPV defending Cole and got BTFO.

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