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I do but I got banned for posting it from all boards
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>opponent sandbags your canadian destroyer
gm saar

we all love big Dave don't we folks
Yes. This is a zesty Dave board and always has been.
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thats a no from me dog
Describe Dave with one word
Hell NO


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No 2 week notice. She said fuck this gay ass place and peaced out.
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Yeah, what's going on is old women are threatened by and hate young women and will anything to sabotage their careers, sometimes it backfires and you have to dip
I can already see the spin article by Wrestlepurist or the SRS about how Tony is so kind and nice and lets Samantha focus on her music and announce unlike the EVIL fed.
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Why did he break her heart?
yeah Tony is pretty cool like that
>Getting out of HHH's racist third reich while she can

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they grew on you, didn't they /pw/
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solo is amazing on the mic, thank god they let him actually talk now, he just needs to lose weight now and he might become a believable main eventer.
Let Solo have a personality like he did last night
This thread is literally just Bitchtits samefagging. Nobody likes these dimeless coons.
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I already liked them, except for the depth perception challenged one, he's a DEI but I could tolerate him.
This RAW was fucking based and really gave some much needed character for Solo outside of being a brooding motherfucker who wants to keep the sacred pepper necklace.

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NXT are running the ECW arena apparently
also why does he keep talking like he's black?
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Aye, He one of us yo
He's white and southern. They're the original blacks
Southerners weren't blacks, they invented blacks.
Southern whites created black culture. Every mannerism and cultural epithet blacks have today is traced back to what they learned from whites they lived around. Go to any poor white community and you'll see the parallels.
Yes, black culture is all the negative parts of the Scottish slaves in the south and Caribbean combined with some of the Scottish food like fried chicken, grits, cornbread, etc

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Your daily reminder that anti-Iyo poster accidentally exposed himself as a pajeet.
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if you're gonna try to work a board try not to work a board that can tell the difference between a work from a work, a shoot from a shoot, a work from a shoot, a shoot from a work, a worked work, a worked shoot, a shoot work, and a shoot shoot
how do you even know that, kumar?
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much love HH
paki falseflag saar
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i know that because unlike your inbred ass, I have lived in various countries because of being a high value male who gets employed at top organizations globally. Now go make me a Big Mac, no mayo.

teri makichut bhosdike

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Can i get a physique like these in 3 months while being natural?
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Why do you need to achieve that in 3 months?
Not true
It was either this or at Bad Blood recently. Hell it probably was at Bad Blood.
If you’re already muscular and want to cut, yes
If you’re somewhat fit and looking to put on muscle, 3 months is a tight schedule but with hard work you can get closer to this.
If you’re a duel who’s never been inside a gym, no. Do not even kid yourself. A physique like this is the result of YEARS of hard work and in the case of these two, definitely some steroids. People in this thread don’t have a clue what they’re talking about
i know u saw this on tiktok or something but in reality you would just get fat

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Fuck PWI Edition

(Iyo and Kairi will be heading to NXT next week, to get some revenge on Lash and Jakara for interfering with their Tag Title match against Kween Jade and Bianca.... Also Iyo and Kairi are confirmed to be heading to Saudi, potentially for another big match.... In other news, fuck PWI for snubbing Kairi, Asuka, and Iyo so badly on their trash list.....)

>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon!

previous: >>16051560

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Masami Odate Fuck a Fan Contest
What colour are her nipples?
It looked like it's the prefect setup for iyo to say "JAPANESE BITCH".
I couldn't imagine a more perfect armpit

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>is a worse booker than 80 year old Vince in your path
How does he do it? How does he manage to do a worse job than a senile old man who barely remembered his own name?
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It makes sense, he was always under the shadow of people more talented and with more personality than him, I guess it was to be expected that as a booker he would be so cyclical and spineless.
They are equally bad
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Obviously you didn't get tickets to the show or watch the best RAW in a month so fuck you, you fake ass bitch ass shade throwing nigga making up complaints out of his ass
>Good at booking

According to Russo and Kevin Nash, Vince McMahon wasn't good at booking. He was genius at marketing and promoting. Pat Patterson was the person with the good finishes of the matches. Russo wrote soap opera which Vince knew how to turn it into a wrestling angle.

Triple H's success as a good booker came from NXT when Dusty Rhodes was the main booker
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Was the most unpopular member of the Kliq, DX and Evolution
>Never was considered a great wrestler among the greats like HBK, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle and Benoit
>Never had a great physique unlike the greats like Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger and Batista.
>Got BTFO by Ultimate Warrior's blogpost in 2005 and never replied back
>Never pissed in the cup
>Fucked Chyna unironically, ie closet fag
>Never was a face of the company
>His Wrestlemania matches are unmemorable brawl matches
>Took all the credit from Dusty Rhodes in NXT
>Was ready to fire Seth Rollins but Dusty Rhodes said he was talent
>Thinks that Kewin Owens and Sami Zayn are the future


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Cute couple!
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You just know Akki satisfies her good. She probably begs him for sex every night
When both work it is very rare to have sex, it must be on a special occasion where they have a vacation
Seriously, why is Reddit not all over this Pajeet? Wasn't she like 16 or 17 when he started to give her "English classes"?

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Bautistabros our response?
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Why is Trump obsessed with McDonalds when there is better goyslop?

>Burger King Whoppers and Long Chickens
>Taco Bell wraps
>Pizza Hut in general
Go fuck yourself faggot, its a non-issue
You will never be a woman, freakazoid
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So why did prowrestling get rid of intergender matches?

AEW is on the wrong side of history, pal.
how has this thread not been deleted

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Next shows
October 26th, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom ~Tag League Opening Match~ in SHINJUKU", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241026_shinjuku/?mc_id=1112

October 27th, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom Tag League in KORAKUEN", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>High Speed Championship Match: Mei Seira (NEO GENESIS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Dump Matsumoto & ZAP will be participating!
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241027_korakuen/?mc_id=1106

Previous >>16110019
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>>Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora & Momo Watanabe & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
the crowd will be real hot when kurara is getting beat up
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real talk
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Tamu's lips are made for
made for big anglo
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What if you're walking down the ring and you have to poop or pee suddenly how do they be flexible the rest of the match?
You never eat before you work out bro...
There are many options. Do what some famous shitters did.
>Shit in the ring, like CM Phil
>Shit under the ring, like simpcuck steve austin
>Shit in the mouth of opponent, like Rikishi

>Anon, get off /pw/ and come to bed. I'm ovulating, you know....
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Needs pink diapers.
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>again? Let's get your asshole lubed up then
Taichi you traitor

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