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67 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
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maxxxine obviously
Umm is it impossible autists to just act like decent hecking human beings for one moment? Maybe you do deserve to die out then just saying...
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I'm a guy and i've had literally all of these things done to me at some point in my life by women. I'm decent looking but not a gigachad by any means.

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Next shows
September 19th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in HACHINOHE ~Hachinohe native Rian's triumphant return~", Aomori Yutori, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>Saori Anou, Yuna Mizumori, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Saya Kamiya (HATE) vs. Hanan (STARS) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Mina Shirakawa, Xena & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs. Mei Seira, AZM & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri, Saki Kashima, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (HATE)
>Maika (E neXus V) vs. Rian (-)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Suzu Suzuki & Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)

September 21st, "STARDOM in SENDAI 2024 Sept.", Sendai PIT, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Mei Seira, Starlight Kid & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma & Hanan (STARS)
>Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs. Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V )
>Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs. Momo Watanabe & Konami (HATE) vs. HANAKO (E neXus V) & Rian (-)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Xena (E neXus V) vs. Syuri, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

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Keep seething
that cup has a panda in it wtf
jesus fucking christ ranna is hideous
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secret rian
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Jesus Suzu is so beautiful

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Why did Yuka do it bros?
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this is 40 years old? the fuck,
She’s a shooter

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Last week:
>628,000 (0.19)
This week:
>677,000 (0.21)
Last year:
>824,000 (0.24)
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nah it was renamed
I know we only care about rockets/plummets here, but I'd like to point out we're missing the elephant in the room here that NXT was #1 on cable last night.
the first time bitchtits lost was the day he was born and his parents saw how fucked up he looked and made the unconscious choice to not love him
the second time he lost was several years ago when CHADvert called him a faggot on twitter and laughed at him and sent him into the deranged spiral you still see today
>punk can't get nxt past 700k
That cw number is going to be brutal after week 1
Rankings are irrelevant, only hard numbers matter
It's better to be number 5 with a milly than it is to be number 1 with no milly

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Every new rumor that comes out about this deal just gets lower and lower. How lowballed will Tony get?
no 200 milly?
Basically cm punk when he was on aew, the only draw on a small fry network
>2 billy!
>really 200 milly
>on fox!
>really fox sports 1
i mean it IS a tactic to oversell yourself then negotiate down to your actual worth
record profits

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Another based NXT show
wow nxt got over 5 gamethreads here to dynamites 3
another table spot between same people


...lame build and Shawn is running out of ideas for the men

Why is Tony Khan's reputation not in shambles after his vaunted "analytics" led to this disaster contract?
>$275 million ironclad contract for a job you're not even good at
That's so Tony
Because Tony doesn't do anything for the Jaguars unironically. I don't think he's even allowed to tweet without approval anymore considering the mess he made talking a DT they had entering free agency years ago.
Kek that's more than they'll get in their new deal
Tony isn't the GM or Owner

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Tagging In Edition

(Iyo kayfabe subbed in for Kairi, and got a win over Bianca in an excellent match, so the Sky Pirates seem set for a tag title program with Kween Jade and Bianca.... Also, Iyo and Kairi both won their 1st speed matches, and have advanced in the inaugural title tournament.... For the moment they seem to be moving on from their feud with the Pure Dyke Collective, and the Lesbian Witches, but we'll continue to keep tabs....)

>Kairi is now ok, and just had a successful speed match
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15827493

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

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I love how amped up she got since coming to RAW. Iyo's gotten so wild and rowdy, it suits her. Trashing furniture, doing promos under water, being so fiery and fun in her matches. She's so fresh since leaving smackdown.

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where did WBD announce this ?
The Podcast

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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


9.22 WRESTLE PRINCESS V @ Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 6, Chiba (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
9.28 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:00 JST]

Previous >>15825653
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Thats the look of someone that was told she will do the job.
susumin just needs some lip filler, buccal fat removal, tit implants and a bbl to complete her bimbofication
Holy filters they barely look human
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She wrote that so aggregators don't post it like it's a real news story.

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What happened to this company? It started hot and was supposed to compete against Stardom and then it got cold
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once some of the more promising young players get experience they will start drawing more
you can already see the improvement in match quality improving throughout the card
obviously I'd have no way of knowing but I wouldn't be surprised if she's not returning because of her menhera tendencies. she was like Hana in that she could not just shrug off the shit that was thrown at her online.
She could easily be a ring announcer or something simple like that, but once she dfe she probably realized life was easier not being a public figure. Never made an actual appearance when Tam won the red belt either time, though she reportedly intended to but was stopped by lockdowns when Tam first got the white belt (which was before Arisa's short awg visit). no photos from a visit with rossy or tam or fuka or anyone.
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For me it's Bozilla
soulless shell company for the WWE
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Im waiting for Misa to get her teeth fixed so she can release her real cuteness
otherwise she's kind of Mirai'd

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>Kurt Angle vs. iconic opponents: WWE Playlist

>Kurt Angle's rarest tag team partners: WWE Playlist

>Kurt Angle's six World Championship victories: WWE Milestones

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TONIGHT from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
>"The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho vs Orange Cassidy
>Yuka Sakazaki & Queen Aminata vs Mariah May & Serena Deeb
>The Beast Mortos vs Ricochet
>Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks vs Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, & Konosuke Takeshita
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I hope he commits some crime again
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soon brother
No Christian, no watch.
Now post today's Mariah tweets
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If the Hulkster is racist. Why was he partying with black women alongside the late Bam Margera? (RIP Bam)
Bam Margera died? No sticky??
only wypo calling the dimester racist
is earth rocking just saying the word here brother?

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Why can't AEW fans move on from him?
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AEW Fumbled Cody. Phil hasn't been relevant since WWE fumbled the Summer of Punk
It really is sad isn’t it
Because AEW went to new lows in attendance, viewership, and momentum shortly after this
By shortly do you mean half a year later?

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