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Why are e-groids so buck broken by AEW?
>AEW won’t get a TV deal
>they won’t get a 2nd show
>they won’t get a 3rd show
>they won’t get a Wembley show
>they won’t have the most attended wrestling show in history
>they won’t get Ospreay and Okada and Mercedes
>they won’t get renewed
>they won’t get the Fox show
>they won’t get the streaming deal
>they won’t get ROH on TV
>they won’t get WWE booted off TV completely
>they won’t get WWE booted off streaming, too
>they won’t run WWE out of business
That thread really upset you, huh lmfao
>AEW won't
well, they certainly haven't
Not a sprint boys but a marathon indeed! Damn it feels GOOD being ELITE!!!
>AEW won’t get a TV deal
>they won’t get a 2nd show
>they won’t get a 3rd show
>they won’t get a Wembley show
>they won’t have the most attended wrestling show in history

<-‐----- We stopped here lmao

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Can we come to an agreement what the Rampage meme will be?
Will it be "Rampslop got cancelled" or "Slopage got cancelled"? Those are the only two choices so you are wasting your time with your own retarded input that no one cares about.
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those are both dogshit and will never get over
"Hampage got canceled" is already moving the needle and making waves
How about Tony is a sõyboy bitch
>Rampslop got cancelled
This one.
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Im gonna steal your shirt Anon, if you dont mind of course

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>Dream Star GP 2024

9/20 Sendai Pit (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
>Dream League: MIRAI vs Kouki Amarei
>Dream League: Utami Hayashishita vs Natsumi Showzuki
>Dream League: Chika Goto vs Nagisa Nozaki
>Star League: Sareee vs Misa Matsui
>Star League: Miku Aono vs Kizuna Tanaka
>Star League: Nanae Takahashi vs CHIAKI
>Komomo Minami, Ishikawa Nao, & Victoria Yuzuki vs Myla Grace & Bozilla

9/21 Morioka (1:00pm JST) (VOD 9/22 @ 8:00pm JST)
>Dream League: MIRAI vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Dream League: Kouki Amarei vs Nagisa Nozaki
>Star League: Sareee vs Kizuna Tanaka

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All Japan Women's dojo had a ring that was not elevated much and had a ceiling so low that you couldn't jump off the top. Yeah, a whole Performance Center is nice, but it really doesn't matter.
stop ban evading
You got the wrong person.
what twitter tranny said this

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The Funkasaurus is actually doing well for himself
Has a comfy job talking shit on tv and his wife is STACKED
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>letting her dress like that
He's a cuck.
incels are so funny
incels are hilarious
? That's a normal sundress you fucking virgin retard.
Pathetic really, maybe lose weight

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Next shows
September 19th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in HACHINOHE ~Hachinohe native Rian's triumphant return~", Aomori Yutori, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>Saori Anou, Yuna Mizumori, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Saya Kamiya (HATE) vs. Hanan (STARS) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Mina Shirakawa, Xena & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs. Mei Seira, AZM & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri, Saki Kashima, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (HATE)
>Maika (E neXus V) vs. Rian (-)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Suzu Suzuki & Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)

September 21st, "STARDOM in SENDAI 2024 Sept.", Sendai PIT, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Mei Seira, Starlight Kid & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma & Hanan (STARS)
>Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs. Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V )
>Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs. Momo Watanabe & Konami (HATE) vs. HANAKO (E neXus V) & Rian (-)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Xena (E neXus V) vs. Syuri, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

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what are we seething about today
Seems chill to me anon
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Big Rino lost her homecoming match

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damn wyatt chads look like this?
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The lack of self awareness in these people is astonishing.
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kek got that e-drone stare lmao
At least he's not a tranny
Don't you sometimes wish you were 90 IQ too and had no shame
looks like that one ugly skinny commie dude people used to meme on occassionally, think he had a hammer and sickle tat or something and maybe was in a grocery store in one of the pics?
anyway the guy in the OP looks exactly the same just with a beard

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LMAO he's so weird
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idk where this random shit is from but they killed it last year and were one of the most successful teams in the league
would have done better if it wasnt for injuries too
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>worse than the Jets and Browns since Shad bought them
how the fuck does this happen
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Most literate AEWtist. It means that the Khans have fielded the worst team in the league by overall record since they bought it.
football gay
>dude trust this random screen shot
and teams outside of a major market are gonna struggle against major market teams. thats just sports 101, you must never watch. did the kids who play sports beat you up?

My name is Robert and I hate AEW.
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I didn't ask.
Robert, you should probably lay low for a bit because some people - some sickos- are going to be looking for you soon. And they mean business. Not big business, but business nonetheless.
daily reminder that trebor is a crippled faggot from spain and jacqueline has a restraining order against him
I don't care let them come. My social security number is 178-05-1120. I am not afraid of AEW trannies.
Are you by any chance related to Rovert?

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I spent a day in a WWE discord server. Here’s the highlights:
>95% of the conversations are about the women’s division.
>e-drones have the biggest victim complexes ever. “wahhh!!! Chad gable should be a champ it’s soooo hard living as a chad gable fan wahhh!!! wahhh!!!!!!!”
>80% of them are black.
>they react to the mention of AEW like vampires react to sunlight
>wrestlers liking their tweets is considered a massive accomplishment to them
>they go into a deep state of depression when their favorite wrestlers lose
>they whine, A LOT
>majority of them have no hobbies outside of wwe. some of them like the MCU and anime and that’s it. the rest only watch wwe.
>they want women to main event every show
>they don’t log off. a handful of users on there were active all 24 hours of the day
>they argue constantly (tbf that one’s not any different than this place)
>and finally, unsurprisingly, 99% of them are single
bunch of fucking faggots lmaooo
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>because the same goes for this place except brown instead of black
Only indians and i'm pretty sure they are not 80% of the posters.
Do black people watch that much wrestling?I've obviously seen black wrestling fans but I always thought they were an oddity in the wrestling fandom(also as op points out most of them are wwe fans).
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Imagine writing this
They also can't afford them.
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Every line is just like it is here.

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Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad? Because they wanted him to lose the title in Montreal? That’s not even his hometown. That’s like Shawn Michaels bitching about losing the title in California. Why was he such a retarded self mark?
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That doesn’t make sense because Shawn was injured
Vince would’ve led the angle while Shawn “found his smile”. Bret was angry at both, not just Shawn. Also, Vince had already started doing his Mr. McMahon gimmick around that time so he could’ve easily filled in for Shawn
Impossible, all Canadians are geniuses.
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>Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad?
Bret never wanted to leave in the first place. He knew WCW would book him horribly and he wanted to be a loyal company man to the WWF and retire there. The only reason this all transpired is because Vince wanted to go public and didn't wanna honor Bret's longterm contract anymore and then told him to go sign with WCW while he still was champion.
>Because they wanted him to lose the title in Montreal?
Another misconstrued lie. Bret initially wanted to drop the belt to Shawn, but then Shawn had to be Shawn and punk Bret in front of the locker room, so Bret took it personally and refused to put Shawn over. Bret was also willing to drop the belt in Montreal to anyone else - Taker, Mankind, Shamrock, Vader - but Vince was adamant that he'd drop it to Shawn. And like said beforehand, Bret didn't want to drop it to Shawn.
>Why was he such a retarded self mark?
What's wrong with being a self-mark? In fact, most top guys are self-marks. Flair was a self-mark, Hogan was a self-mark, Shawn was a self-mark, Austin was a self-mark, Haitch was a self-mark. Sometimes you got to know to respect your gimmick and character.
This entire feud between Bret and Shawn was just 2 self-marks working themselves into a shoot.

What Bret did isn't unique and I don't fault him. Every chance where he wants to play ball, Vince or Shawn fuck him over. Vince trying to finess him in the initial contract negotiations, Shawn faking his injury to not drop the belt, Vince reneging the contract and Shawn punking him in front of the boys.
Bret had every right to say "fuck em" and selfmark.
On top of all this, Bret had creative control in his contract and had a legal RIGHT to shoot down ideas he didn’t agree with. Reminder, wrestlers are independent contractors so you can’t argue in good faith Bret was an employee. Through ANY angle Bret was 100% in the right.

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>neurons: activated
holy tits and tummy and hips and face
>race mixing is ba-

Kenny is back in Japan!
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Is he sick? He looks like he lost some size from when he last performed.
AEW exists.
Are you fucking retarded?
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he looks better than he's looked for the last year
Dude gets corporate meetings and shows up in bootleg t-shirts, shorts and a backpack. Every fucking time. I like Kenny a lot but why is he like this

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AEW will stay on TV but with a significantly worse deal than before.
If you constitute youtube as TV, sure
Vince is KWABOTY and slopdown got cancelled. 'Fraid so.
yet the trannies will still claim that its a win
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why only 4?

>only 2 dynaslop gamethreads
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fake news
they should only get 1 really, the only reason they ever get more than 1 is cause wwe fans go in there to shitpost and drive the reply count up
>same as it's always been
>for the ten years that i've been watching as a zoomer fag
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Is that gay little indie really that dead

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Janel Grant's legal team will be having a press conference in about a hour to give an update on the case.
Rumors are floating around about them bringing up new evidence and/or victims.
>Janel Grant
this person does not exist

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