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Why can't WWE come up with anything original?
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its this guys move tho
It's because it shows a core misunderstanding of wrestling.
people will think im talking shit but logan paul is unironically the only wrestler that ill go back and watch if i read he was on a show ive missed.
he lost all his aura with his gay new themehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xdDGx32yVg

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Former Intercontinental Champion Ryback has claimed that WWE reached out to him in recent years to repair their relationship and possibly work together again:

>“WWE has reached out twice to already repair the relationship, once when Vince (McMahon) was still there, which should tell you guys all you need to know about all the BS and the lies that have been created about me, and two, once [Triple H] taking over on that, but they are unwilling to discuss the past, which is very important to me. So that’s on them.

I’m happy. I’ve got a successful business, social media, investments. Life is good for the big guy.”

He also went on to reveal that AEW offered to bring him in back in 2019:

>“AEW reached out, and Cody (Rhodes) was there in 2019, I believe early 2019 if I’m not mistaken on that. So, unfortunately, I couldn’t do it. So that’s it. That’s the situation.”

Ryback was released from WWE in 2016. He last wrestled in 2018.
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Ain't he retired
He pays them. Same as his influencer girlfriend that mistakenly admitted she was paid by him to promote
i think he meant that they reached out to him because of cody
In the world of Rybitch, nothing is as it seems. You think that he has a lawn, but really it’s Astroturf. I know because I’m phone posting from behind his house right this very moment (in Minecraft). The FBI couldn’t stop me, Tick Tock Crybitch.
I love Rygod

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the game this is
Isn't that ospreay's slag
Fucking hell he's raising a wogspawn for THAT?
Who is that square head meant to be? An Australian local competitor?
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It's a sexy, feminine rectangle, chuddie

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Yo, that shit crazy. I dont understand.
>Americans think there's only three countries in the world: USA, England and Europe
England and Europe are the same thing, stupid. It's America, England, and everywhere else. Those are the three countries.
Tony demands his most loyal toys get his name written on them in sharpie

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FYI: 2025 marks the 25th Anniversary of when I first started listened to Dave "Herb" Meltzer and Bryan "Chico" Alvarez talk about fake fighting on eyada.com in 2000.
All that time has passed and you STILL have never had a girlfriend.
I hope you never gave them money
I am a sad man

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A very hot streak of no millies! 2 years!
No thanks
you fucking jerkers need to go back we dont want you here
Too bad your weight cant go down
>twitter screenshot
>reddit link
Maybe the feeling really has been restored

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Just realized she’s an actual narcissist. Her entire hobby is just taking pics of herself and dressing up fancy. She even asked fans a few weeks ago what she should do to get out of the house. Absolutely pathetic.
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She needs to appear on my cock
>asked fans a few weeks ago what she should do to get out of the house
>turns off comments
shes hot tho so i still like her
>Some women will at least like music or something simple
lmao no
Women don't have any hobbies or interests.
Any band or movie a girl says she likes 99 times out of a 100 she learned about them from an ex boyfriend.
Who is this person?
Easier way to say it is she's just a cunt

The match that damaged wrestling beyond repair
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Seth shed a tear after this match while standing next to his chud girlfriend
I thought it was good at the time but the long term effects weren’t worth it
Nah, the match was fine. Don't blame something good for others' failed attempts to ape it.
I was there live and it got a bigger reaction than owens/balor
It's a really good match though. That hand stomp spot is so great. It's a shame this match and year in general went to Sasha's head and she became a sloppy botch machine afterwards. Bayley was in her prime too. When I rewatched this a couple months ago, I was surprised how lean she looked.

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post the "wwe doesnt have austin or rock to save them" one
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Meanwhile, AEW's version of Austin and Rock
Trying hard for that KWABOTY award

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Wrenheads, WE UP!

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>fake tan
She's half beaner so she tans naturally
Holy fuck they look alike
Damn her sisters look identical to her
Love Madi. Simple as.

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Dacutie Kleared Edition

(Dacutie is now cleared, and tonight on Raw it will be Iyo & Dakota vs Liv & Raquel.... Hopefully we're getting even closer to seeing all /our girls/ reunited now..... Iyo had an Elimination Chamber qualifying match vs Liv, but unfortunately she was accidentally DQ'd after Rhea ran in to try and help, and Iyo walked away as Rhea tried to apologize..... Interestingly, there were teases throughout the night about Iyo potentially facing Rhea at Wrestlemania, so perhaps there is more to this story yet to come?? ..... Iyo entered the Royal Rumble at #1 and lasted over 1 hour, in a very good effort.... Sadly there were no Rumble returns for Asuka, Kairi, or Dakota, but hopefully we'll see them again very soon.... Plus, Iyo and Auntie Bayree had a meeting backstage on Rawflix, the atmosphere was tense, but can fences finally be mended? .... Sadly, Kairi is recovering from some form of thumb surgery, she recently posted some pictures of her training during recovery, so hopefully that means positive progress..... And Asuka has been spotted with Iyo, so hopefully Asuka will be returning soon with a cadre of secret service protection to protect her from the freaky stalkers..... Full Damage CTRL reunion soon?? ..... Based on their presentation it looks like Damage CTRL will be a featured attraction for Rawflix, kek what primary players! ..... And with the road to Wrestlemania officially in full swing, there's still plenty of paths to Mania for Iyo and friends! .....)

>We hope Kairi can come back healthy soon!
>We hope Asuka can come back healthy soon!
>Dakota is now cleared!

previous: >>16941076

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

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their gear matched this week <3
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>rainbow hanky
IYO French kissing Dakota's butthole
she's japanese actually

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she's yellow
you never pissed in the snow?
really makes you look at asian women differently

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Finn is so mindbroken that he is posting AI-slop of himself

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He don't want none.
oh no...
That's not a cheese pizza. You can clearly see jalapenos on top.
Those jalapenos look rather young, no?
Should have never joined the alphabet squad

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Tony is fucking weird. Why did he hire this woman? What kind of weird fantasy was he living by hiring this woman?
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>It's right behind me isn't it?
Watch out sahid!!
I’m starting to think AEW is some form of money laundering for Shad
>"Who the hell is Tony Khan. That doesn't even sound right."
Hahaha, from her mouth to God's ears

Tony kahned Australia out of thousands of dollars.
Shad Khan himself is a money laundering operation for the Pakistani government
1. Joey Janela
2. Australia
3. Tony Khan
4. Captain America 4
5. Ricochet

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What is the greatest wrestling crowd ever?
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There's a part in the post match where Chigusa's got the mic outside the ring and blood is streaming down her face and she collapses against the guardrail right in front of a group of girls who immediately start going into hysterics like someone just shot their dog in front of them.
no sliding

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