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Anyone have a link or know what he said about the political debate?
The youtube clips usually omit his political rants so you'll have to wait for the next podcast. Usually his political rants are in the beginning so they're easy to skip for me but if you're looking for them it should be in the beginning.
Will he suggest double-crossing Sleepy at the convention and putting the strap-on on Kamala?
Brandon screwed Brandon

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[Happy News] Triple H (54) made Wrestlemania (40).
did he not
Not one dime drawn between anyone in the picture lots of coattails road though

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"Sup Okada"
literally who?
Okada. I think he wrestles in acw now or something like that
the chinaman that hangs around with Matt and Jeff buck

Is this an appropriate face for a company ace?
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Youve been bumping this garbage thread for a full week? End your miserable life
It was a collective effort.

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MITB 2014 vs MITB 2024
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Vince is a BBC worshipping cuckold
I don't know who these people are.
Haitch’s Has a decent amount of people that might put on a good ladder match together.
Vince’s was just a clusterfuck of names.
Also I think it ended in that stupid Cena win where the briefcase broke I think.
Vince turns gold to shit
Paul turns shit to gold
No gay wyatt
No old ass kane
No roman
No dorito
No antonio.
Bro only randy cena and shaemus are really the only people worthwhile and didnt cena win this

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This was the last long term angle Vince McMahon ever booked.

A man pretending to be his own brother (Or conversely, having an identical twin brother and one guy is convinced he is faking it), with absolutely no end goal in mind.

Was this the best note he could have gone out on? The peak of McMahonism?
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I miss Vince, but it had to be done... he had to poop on that lady
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Late stage McMahonism thread?
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I loved Nikki A.S.H.
this is just uncle howdy again
I love Nikki's ass

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lady tradwife
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That dude has definitely scored tons of pussy.
Maybe not with consent, but he's gotten it.
Anime girl pillows you've dry humped don't count, incel.
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Love Kimono Players.
marry me

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Is it over for him?
No he's rehabbing from surgery and will have a kino tag run with Kenny when they're botrh healthy
Kenny's dead
He definitely needs a two years rest and a stem cell treatment.
His 5 minutes exhibition match in gleat was okay though, no major botches at all unlike the Marufuji match

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>LAST WEEK: 429,000 (0.14)
>THIS WEEK: 422,000 (0.12)
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Don't worry xisters everyone will come running back next week when we go to head to head with mitb and put on a better show with no stupid stories to get in the way of having bangers
This makes Dynamite seem really bad. Imagine if Rampage beats it one time kek.
the 'cord working extra hard to slide this
What went wrong?
Tony can't book one show, let alone 4.

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>worked into a seething shoot by Cody because he's champion
>worked into a seething shoot by Bron because he does a spear
>worked into a seething shoot by Solo because he's now the Tribal Chief
Who's going to work the tribal jeets into a seething shoot next and for what reason?

Seems like the year is just flying by. Surely AEW have their new tv deal by now, right?
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meds now
AEW fucking sucks
AEW having a 9 months (and counting) "exclusivity window" that expires well after networks have set their 2024-25 schedule is a GOOD thing and will ensure them a record-breaking deal

Cry some more ya ding dong dronie
based on what?
HAHAHAHA ohhhhhh man oh man Woodhouse is FUCKING GONNA CRY!!!

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>How did it make you feel.... when AEW was cancelled?
>Do you feel like you are exploiting Inoki's legacy?
>we made them remember 502k

I think it's time to admit WWE fumbled her.
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Her shaky voice is cute.
fat bitch
Probably because she is hard to hold on to...


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>Will? Do you think I'm pretty now?
e-drones are mentally ill
i've got nipples greg can you milk me

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*pulls a fucking gun on you*
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>one thing i want to do is in a cinematic death match
>i want to get shoot shot in the arm with like a .22 or something like that
craziest thing I read in a long time>>15110050
I popped
im 100% serious too
Lexis King was sleeping upstairs at this exact moment.
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Don't work yourself into a shoot shot in the arm, brother.

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