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Why is she always flashing them central incisors?
because she is cheesed to meet me

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The state of Mariah “filler reign” May
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Flat chicks are basically invisible dude.
>Dick Riders go over Switcher
Holy Grimola
>“world” title scene is the endless trani/man feud
>secondary title scene is Sasha belt collector burial carousel
Beyond bleak
Tits out, bitchtits
>endless ripley liv feud
>nia jax and bayley in any part of smackdown

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Kevin Was Always Based.
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so you dont know..
>it's true
>trigger discipline
Looks like he's ready to join his kid, although I'm sure it's subconscious to wrap his hands around large black objects for him
oh captain my captain


I liked them
Kevin, we're coming for you
ahead of their time, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS would be over in the current era

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what do you mean by that
u tell me
anally and orally

im not jobbing to you anon you can stay out there in catering
based thanks.man finna cop me some tendies

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Dynamite still beat RAW

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>AEW Grand Shit
Me when I eat Taco Bell.
more like

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Did AEWdrones get so butthurt they actually slid both the Dynamite and NXT ratings threads off the board? OH WELL, THERE'S NO ESCAPE
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It's a marathon not a sprint. One is worth 185m a year, one is worth 20m a year and requires salary from main roster to prop up. There are levels to this thing.
aew sucks
dave's reported figure is for the whole enchilada, not just dynamite, but you knew that already you disingenuous tranny, go get a rope and ladder from the hardware store
No slidey!
>recovering from a double ad break
Tonibakan could never

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Worst Gimmick of 2024: WWE
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Voted democratically
kek it did be like that
Worst gimmick: OP pretending to be straight
(hiding this thread btw)

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what went wrong?
Tony Khan
E-Drones sour grapes really last for a lifetime huh
afraid so

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>held the belt for 6 months
>not one memorable feud
>relegated to backstage interviews most weeks
>title reign only existed as a placeholder until Toni came back
KWAB of the month.
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Mariah is there for sexuals
its time for the same event!
Mariah maykin muh penis hard.
doesn't seem to keep AEW from being your obsession, so not sure what you're complaining about.
Thank her relentless politicking as Tony needed someone for the "urban market" to hold the belt while trying to get TV deals, and hiring her own writer

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Next shows
February 16th, "STARDOM in FUJI 2025", Shizuoka Fujisan Messe Large Exhibition Hall, 1:00PM (VOD)
>Mayu Iwatani, Hazuki & Koguma (STARS) vs Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) & Yuria Hime
>Rian (E neXus V) vs Akira Kurogane vs Fukigen Death (H.A.T.E.)
>Maika & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Tomoka Inaba & Kiyoka Kotatsu (God's Eye)
>Hanan & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs Hina & Lady C (God's Eye)
>Starlight Kid, AZM & Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS) vs Konami, Ruaka & Rina (H.A.T.E.)
>Tam Nakano, Saori Anou & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Azusa Inaba (H.A.T.E.)

February 22nd, "STARDOM in SENDAI 2025 Feb.", Yume Messe Miyagi, 1:00PM JST
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20250222_sendai/?mc_id=1175

February 24th, "STARDOM Path of Thunder 2025", Light Cube Utsunomiya, 1:30PM JST (PPV)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS) vs Rina (H.A.T.E.)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS) vs Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)

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How could this happen
saya kamitani is the most electrifying woman in sports entertainment
We move >>17022487
my wife and her close personal friend :)

Post matches/segments where the wrestlers just wanted to pop the boys in the back.
Here's Kane vs Big Show doing chain wrestling on RAW after smarks said they sucked online.
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And I never mentioned him. Putting Angle, a legitimate heavyweight Olympic gold medalist, in the same ''midget'' category as him is absurd. Not to mention Angle comfortably ragdolling men twice his size was the most impressive thing on the roster at the time.
Kane ragdolling big show is more impressive than angle
>a 7 foot 300 pound man struggling to lift someone is more impressive than a 6 foot 220 pound man tossing the same person like they were a baloon
This is one of the hardest ways to lift somebody too, Kane would literally snap in half trying this. Angle makes Show look like he has 100 pounds.
Ive been to many shows, ive seen kane lift big show with ease
Big show has fallen off buildings and survived lorelet. Angle is a fly to him.

I just don't understand why we still have wrestling when the greatest wrestling match already happened
>Billed as Greatest Wrestling Match Ever
>Not even better than a guy with one knee versus an autistic Canadian
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