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E drone be like

meanwhile, this fucker (who they regard as the GOAT) would sit up after straight headshots with a chair and 3 finishers and laugh.
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Nuh uh he had parents and a brother and shit
there was a guy who looked like he was from the adams family who controlled carder with an urn. carder tried to sacrifice a woman to satan
You’re not listening. And that Addams Family guy fucked the Undertaker’s whore mama
im not a fan of exposing the business.

hated when hulk did it. hated when macho man did it too. hated HBK, triple H, super Cena, adam cole in NXT…all the worst offenders of no selling.

At least when AEW does it its very light and ends in both men collapsing usually.
Gayest post I ever read who doesn’t love the hulk up

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[Great News] The divine Maika embodies the solar energy of the goddess Amaterasu.
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Is there a link to this?
Mikey Power Stance
built for piston fucking white men

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How so?
Philip Brooksberg's true form
Punk has been known to dabble in Satanism.
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Oz Academy posted their 2025 schedule for those who partake.
Mostly the Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka.


2025 Schedule:

January 5 (Sun) 12:00 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo
January 26 (Sun) 14:00 Okinawa, JTA Dome Miyakojima
February 9 (Sun) 12:00 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo
February 23 (Sun) 12:00 Osaka·176BOX
March 9 (Sun) 18:00 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo
March 30 (Sun) 13:00 Nagoya Diamond Hall, Aichi
April 13 (Sun) 11:30 Tokyo/Korakuen Hall
May 11 (Sun) 18:00 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo

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need anou on my face pronto
love maya
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based theme

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post the clip

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Do you use /pw/ terms on other boards or in real life?
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You have no clue how many people I put on to bulbasaur. I keep telling people one day KWAB truly going to take off.
Fraid so
Maybe on planet retard
Adrenaline in my soul/evolution lyric edits
I told an anon I wanted to shit on their head
it's overtaken the hockey general
i hit a girl with a shoot
>nah thats you
in texts before

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List of people I would like to see mayo monkey mox murder (in kayfabe)
>The Young Bucks
>Top Flight
>Adam Cole
>Chris Jericho
>Aleister Black
>Buddy Murphy
>Billy Gunn
>Dan Hausen
>The Righteous
>Ricky Starks
>Rey Fenix
>Kyle O'Reilly

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Garcia and Wheeler are mid. Don't love them but they don't get pushed enough for me to hate them either.
Are you fucking insane? Half the people don’t get pushed or are barely on tv on your list and you think the guy in a feud with mjf isn’t pushed?
are you talking about the ratings?
>Garcia and Wheeler are mid
They're the future Rock and Stone Cold, respectively.
Need to see Mox make a murder list ala Cody's indie wrestler list, but have a few retired wrestlerson it snd some from other promotions. Even if there is zero chance of s match. Shit would be cash

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>could've had a triggagigamegadimes otis chasing the ic belt from gable storyline culminating at mania if sametty dropped it to him
>instead nobody even knows what alpha academy are doing or who the current ic champ even is
paul fucking sucks at this

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There’s no forgiveness this time
How much?
Bad asses kickin other assholes asses
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>assholes asses
Is that from the Vince cartoon Jesus Christ why is he so anal retentive

What is your favorite The Rock catchphrase? Mine is "Slow your roll and watch your mouth, ya Brony!"
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Rock had such a good feud with Mr Ass
Brony wasn't a thing until like 2011
That's not even what he said. Get it right.
The one about joannie and free sixteens
>and the bottom line is, Stone cold said it
always popped me

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How can one man have so much charisma that when given a dimeless jobber stable he turns them into kino dimes?
>let's give him a joke promo
>unironically makes it earnest dimes
I genuinely hate reddit. An anon showed a screenshot of redditors calling them maga/republicans and Moxley a skinhead. Saying wwe and aew have a problem
reddit is a toxic wasteland for liberal faggots. Don't go there
reddit hates based chad?
reddit thinks Green Day is the greatest band of all time. how anyone takes anything anyone there says seriously is beyond me

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Men being fucking men.
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"You see that guy?" Hogan roared, pointing at an African American security guard. "He's the problem! Get him out of here!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Hulk?" Kevin Nash said, trying to keep his voice calm. "That guy's just doing his job."

"You're the reason this country's going to hell," Hogan yelled at the guard, spittle flying from his mouth.

"Sir, please keep your voice down," the confused guard said firmly.

Ignoring the pleas for peace, Hogan took a swing at the guard, his fist connecting with the man's jaw.

The security guard stumbled back, hand on his face, and Hogan took the opportunity to hoist him up and throw him through the plate-glass window of the mall's entrance.

Vince McMahon and Diddy emerged from the chaos, their expressions a blend of amusement and disbelief.

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who took the photo?
Bet Kev could fit one of those bottles up his ass without any resistance
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ngl(not gonna lie) i would rather in sasha than alexa atpit(at this point in time)
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what an ugly N
She looks like an old Indian troon, dot not feather
I would lick THAT pit, if you get what i'm saying

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Previous: >>15968708

Giulia teamed up with Stephanie Vaquer to demolish AEW in the ratings, kek what a pair of primary players!

Next show: Tuesday 8 PM EST
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What a cast of characters
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love these women of the world
Hold hands with Giulia. Love Giulia. Buy Giulia a bunch of flowers. Hug Giulia. Go to church with Giulia. Invite Giulia to a nice restaurant for dinner. Offer to take Giulia fishing. Make Giulia a tasty stir fry in a wok. Invite Giulia for a weekend getaway at Yellowstone National Park. Offer to pay for Giulia's next tank of gas. Teach Giulia some new judo throws. Turn Giulia's head to the side and whisper romantically in her ear. Help Giulia train in the gym. Curb stomp a degenerate for looking at Giulia and having dirty thoughts. Build a sand castle with Giulia. Take Giulia's trash out to the curbside on garbage collection day. Shout Giulia a nice drink at the pub. Lightly breathe on Giulia's neck on a cold morning. Cook a nice meal for Giulia. Lay in bed with Giulia. Massage Giulia's head gently. Roast a turkey for Giulia on Thanksgiving. Play a round of golf with Giulia. Watch a romantic movie with Giulia. Go to the beach with Giulia. Put a blanket over Giulia when she's fallen asleep on the couch. Carry Giulia's groceries in from the car. Take Giulia on a trip to the Florida Everglades and see alligators in the wild. Throw a surprise birthday party for Giulia and give her the first slice of cake after slicing it with a samurai sword.
I do all of those things
Outstanding post

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