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The women of AEW & ROH

Grand Slam Australia Feb 15th
>Mariah May (c) v 'Timeless' Toni Storm for the AEW Women's World Championship
>Mercedes Moné (c) v Harley Cameron for the TBS Championship
>AEW ROH Global Wars Australia: Athena (c) v Alex Windsor for the ROH Women's World Championship

ROH TV 'Chris Jericho's Rock n Wrestling Rager At Sea' Feb 13th
>Harley Cameron def. Billie Starkz
>Athena gave Billie Starkz a 'teaching moment'.
>Serena Deeb challenged Queen Aminata to a ROH Pure Rules match.

Previous: >>17004899
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she's always sexy!
for sure!
Now that Mariah is buried, what’s next for her?
Not sure you know what this word means
Take time off just like Toni after Wembley last year.
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>it ain't no fun if Tony can't get none
>it ain't no fun if Tony can't get none
Skeevone needs his Britt back but she ain't interested now that she's single and can't piss mega vanilla midget off w/sauve older man who doesn't play with action figures

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Heh, check out my new shirt of Murder Grandpa beating up Drumpf
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Kamala lost lol
>actually, I’ll only need you to print these in size 3XL and up
>never the guy
You are underestimating the sheer amount of libtards built like Jack Skellington.
They definitely printed a lot of extra mediums

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tony is now using a toy ring for his toys
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Just fucking grim.
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Never seen this done in AEW. Bron is one speedy little dwarf
tiny ring for tiny tony's tiny company
The ring was from someone Kyle Fletcher knows. It was also 16x16

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tktrannies.... not like this
NXT is so much better than AEW and it's hilarious how angry that makes Dave's cult.
another W for the good guys
Two years ago, hell maybe even last year, HBK was blowing everyone out of the water. Current NXT isn't that good though.
NXT has kind of fallen off lately. A lot of the cool pretape stuff that NXT used to do really heavily has just stopped. It was that stuff that gave NXT it's charm and made all of Shawn's schizo booking and characters work because they were essentially characters in this separate universe that operated under it's own logic. They haven't had one since late last year and the recent drop in quality probably accounted for that.

Also it doesn't help that their men's division is getting really stale and monotone since Bron, Dragon, and Ilya left. Bron may be the only one of the three to build heat in the main roster, but all three of them were important to NXT's main event scene.

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>Royal Fumble
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And again
truth nuke
wait what
is the puppet dead now
I mean folks wheres the lie

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Nice self portrait
Sounds good. Can’t wait to watch the spectacle of these matches after I catch up with New Beginning and experiencing Goto’s win.
based, I'll make sure to tune in tonight.
house show of the glorified variety
this got em crying

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>Last time AEW drew a milly was February 22 2023.
>Last time AEW drew a 900k was October 18 2023.
>Last time AEW drew a 850k was January 17 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 800k was April 10 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 750k was June 27 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 700k was September 25 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 650k was January 22 2025.
>Last time AEW drew a 600k was February 5 2025.
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afraid so
No Millymania is gonna run wild next week bros
Alarming numbers

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grand sham must have been downsized due to late fans then? there's no way they undersold tickets right? It's not like there's empty seats ringside or anything right? right anon??
>piggiEs spend their Saturday morning in a full blown Tony derangement syndrome rage
Ya love to see it
kek he got booed
bloom is off the rose
you have to be fucking retarded to not hear that as booing
at least disingenuous

Afraid so
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Still Tony.
>thread dies for hours and nobody else bumps it or posts to support
>OP has to come back in and bump it himself and pretend like he isn't humiliated that nobody agreed with him or supported this thread
what a sad lonely life
He then saved face by saying AEW will be back in Australia
No doubt about it

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Hikaru Shida's magnificent dumper
you guys told me she was fat not that her ass was fat!!
plap that all day and night

Triple Bitch broke him.
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Miz had to literally dump the plans for segment and attack Miz just to try and salvage whatever they could. LA Knight dropped the ball hard last night.
>Miz eviscerated him.
And did so trying to help him for the most part, which makes it way worse? Eli Drake clowned himself.
holy shit i can actually watch smackdown this week since tessitore is gone. and its the nxt guy who does a good job. tessitore is unbearable
Wade and Vic have great chemistry usually. Last night was a little weird with pretty limited banter between Wade and Vic and spots of dead air.
Last night was a weird show altogether. The wrestling was pretty good, lots of storyline stuff, audience was hype for most of the show, but production elements just seemed really out of whack. Like there was a distinct lack of communication between the wrestlers, the producers, and the presenters. I wonder if Trips took the night off and had someone else fill in for him.

Also Joe Test isn't that bad. He is still finding his feet, but I think he will be able to grow into his position if given time.

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>walks into the Tokyo Dome with a katana
>shoot decapitates her opponent
How hard would you pop?
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yo wtf that nasty bitch got herpes on her lip
go to free clinic bitch
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*blocks your path*
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Aussie rape
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Where's all the Toni stuff
It's probably better than the average aew shirt from pwts
you know some bogans are gonna buy that and be surprised when it’s made in Bangladesh or wherever the fuck
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it came from Bohemia and the Americans got the word from Dutch traders
The type of coin first came from Hall, Tyrol.

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What's Mr. Vegas got?
black cocks
black friends

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Well PW why don't you?
American woman
please understand
I want to put my hard penis in her vagina and penetrate her and release my seed inside her if you catch my drift.
Phil pls

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