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Dijak forum
Is he crying again?
Based 'jak
inb4 the discord raids this thread

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what are your thoughts on renee paquette?
She looks ready for The Big Time.
She doesn't mind her baby getting peed on
She’s harmless.
Nothing incredible, nothing terrible.
She’s alright.
She should have talked to Colette Foley before marrying Mox
doesn't she have a giant neck mole?

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>Was only the guy for 2 years
>Is the Rock's Janetty
>Only got over because of Brett Hart
>Only stayed over because of Vince McMahon
>Injury prone shitter
>Was a dogshit wrestler
>Bigger backstage cancer than CM Punk
>Refused to put Brock Lesnar over
>Refused to work with Jeff Jarrett
>Refused to participate in WM40 because he couldn't get Rock money
>Is a Simp Cuck
>Has Seethe Autism
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>Must defend bald wifebeating faggot because he made a lot of money for another rapist

He was good in his time, but not doing once in a blue moon matches at 'mania every couple of years has made me lose a lot of respect for him. If Rock can do it in lieu of making millions in Hollywood and Carder can do it until he's like 60, Autismetty can do it too.
He keyed the word "nigger" on Ahmed Jonson's rental car
>beats his wife in your path

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There was a wrestling match going on here I guess.
Yeah because TV is for furthering angles, not yummy wummy bangerinos, you gotta buy the PPV for that.
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>he thinks I meant it as a bad thing
those are the worst extensions i have ever seen
Ok gaylord.

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Even legends refuse to accept Cody
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I prefer Roman's look as world champion and see Cody as a midcarder. That's all there is to it
Unironically he should've put someone else as well as Cody over on the way out, Cody beating him just for Roman to fuck off seems like a fluke, if he took a loss to Seff or Priest or even Solo it'd bring Roman more in line with the rest of the roster
It’s true.
No one throws popcorn at their displeasure anymore. The person who threw a chicken at Cody is a goddamn hero.
You won’t riot if you get a win you don’t want. No one does anything anymore.
Fans are pacified like never before and companies now know they can give you shit with little repercussion. Promoters no longer fear you and stopped fearing it’s fans sometime in the mid 00s.
The blood line was big from the very beginning. The first wrestlemania match with edge and Bryan was fantastic. Then came the early jey vs roman feud which was a huge success. Things started to drag a little bit as he ran out of opponents which led for a resurgence of energy when centering the story with Sami. It didn't start with Sami. He did provide a really strong jolt.
The pajeetslop AI pumping out the hourly wrestling clickbait malfunctioned

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Double Duty: PLE x PPV Edition

(Iyo has 2 huge matches in July, MITB on WWE PLE, and Summer Destiny on Marigold PPV, kek what a primary player! Plus Damage CTRL attacked the Lesbian Witches with Iyo dressed in full Io Shirai mode, do they want Tag Team gold to go with the briefcase?)

previous: >>15037487

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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Making new

I wonder how long Iyo can go holding her liquor while hanging out with my wife Kyona?

i wanna go back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NEg_jhuJWs
>Eddie vs HBK
>Taker vs Angle
>Cena vs Edge
>Orton vs Batista

We missed out on some Kino.

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Iyo has a strong mothering instinct that is not being satisfied right now.
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Iyo should have bred with Vince McMahon when she had the chance
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Creating life is the opposite of killing tho...
i bet she misses bayree
Psychoanalyzing behavior and writing bizarre schizo shit like that is Norman Bates tier behavior
She has Kairi and Kota now and Mella will be back soon

This shit is going nowhere.
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Last week's tape was kind of spooky but still grounded. This one went way too much into spooky.
>They were all unrelated nondescript jobbers on the verge of being released until the blue guy's irl brother shoot died
Not really, especially not Gacy who was in one of NXT's main feuds right before this. I assume the idea is that everyone was lost without their families.

>Rowan floundered without the Wyatt Family plus was close with Bray and Harper who are now dead.
>Nikki floundered and seemed to have no idea who she was or sense of purpose when Sanity got shitcanned.
>Lumis basically seems to have been abandoned by The Way and his kayfabe wife Indi and disappeared.
>Gacy lost Schism and turned into a schizo hobo.
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>Gacy lost Schism and turned into a schizo hobo.
Gacy hasn't been the same Since HARLAND went rogue and has been on his pantheon-Destroying spree.
>Not really, especially not Gacy who was in one of NXT's main feuds right before this
I don't watch NXT. The one where he lost a feud to Dijak? Ok so he might be the best one in the group. He's not in his 40's or Bo Dallas, so he's their chance at a breakout star. Because I don't know what those Howdy matches are going to look like or even the zombie girl, I guess she'll wrestle like Abadon?
Schizo hobo Gacy was incredibly based

what a mainstream draw

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Why are they like this?
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Future single mother
How did the chinks know women love lip syncing for 10 second clips?
I mean they are just cute girls doing cute girl stuff.
You shoul consider having sex.
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Low effort but here

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>Is this what you do Joey?
>This is exactly what I do Phil
Why didn't Phil take this as disrespect? Is it because Joey would kick his ass?
>Why didn't Phil take this as disrespect
He did but simply internalized it since Janela was already on his way out of the company

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Why doesn't Tony want her?
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Girl is built like a brick shithouse, too bad she has the face to match.
I don't own a single alpaca =(
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So she's American?
She lived in America. This makes you American, right?.

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here's your money in the bank bro
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Melo is so small though. Gable is small but he has some good muscle on him and he has that olympic background in the ring, most importantly he can portray an entertaining character, convincingly so it seems like the character is him irl.
Seriously fuck Melo his acting is atrocious and he's too small, no catchy chant, boring entrance.
So they're really having Drew on a losing streak
lost after lost after lost after lost
Haitch is banking on his boyish good looks. I see nothing else of value other than the smark praise he gets.
WWE over scripts promos. AEW over scripts match sequences. Sloppy
his titantron is cool

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>Implying a woman over 21 hasn't had at least 20 different cocks in her.
At what point does she become sloppy seconds? Every woman in the modern west has been raised to be a slut since the 70's. Even if you raise your daughter right, she'll fuck at least 5 different dudes in the first semester of college.
Don’t worry anon there is no such thing as a free lunch. They will have a hard time when the scale tips the other way. Or they just age and find their only valuable trait is gone like dust in the wind.
for me, it's the part between the tummy and the legs but not the vagina
I have always wondered why women think they can sell their pussy for tangible goods after the apocalypse. Simps will probably have been raped and eaten and sex will be very low on what is valued
this is American women kek.

don't bring your dumbass standards to the rest of the world

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