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>SummerSlam 2008 movie commercial

>Batista breaks John Cenas neck at SummerSlam 2008

>The Undertaker sends Edge into a fiery abyss: SummerSlam 2008

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Weird but only because the kid is like a year old. All wrestlers struggle with kids because it's hard to explain to them what it is that you do. Becky said her daughter was afraid to walk with Seth to the ring because she thought they will hit her too.
It means if she wants the bull, she gets the HURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNS.
El Toro Blanco y La Torito.
No different than at home then?
Bull you say?

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Surprised NXT never stole this name to run a TV special.
They’d have to be in Texas
Yes...hence why it's special.

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WTF IYO bros?
i thought she was a primary player...
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Why didn't you post the full quote?
>Although Iyo suffered an unexpected two-match losing streak, he showed off his world-class skills without reservation, and the WWE Universe (fans) in the venue erupted in huge "Iyo" chants.
Newfag doesn't understand Japanese translation.
>a taunt pin
reminder this used to be reserved for literal squash matches back in the day. The ultimate showing that your opponent was trash and not even close to your level
You're the retards who said house shows are canon just because you wanted to inflate Kairi's win loss record artificially with all those house show tag wins. Now they're not canon again?

Stupid Joshipedos can't even be consistent in that

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Did he ever really coom?
I miss when he beat the fuck outta Dominik Mysterio

That's some based abdominal stretch level finisher, I don't understand how they could flop him so hard

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>BREAKING: photo taken from after SmackDown shows urinated seats
Why are WWE trannies like this?
>JD MegDonagh
The disrespect...
you tell me

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It's friday night and time to sit down with the boys, order some jack or some cold ones and talk about the week just gone.

Did you carnie anyone? Shoot on a colleague? Turn heel on a friend, partner or family member? Have a Macho Man/Miss Elizabeth reunion with your gf? Relapse and go on a cocaine binge? Bang any rats?

Let it all out, brother.
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that's based though? record it at post it on pee-dub
man those /tv/ druk threads must be ice cold if we're doing this here
nah it's cos stories are funnier when they're told in kayfabe.
Don't know if I'm going to do anything this weekend. Got nothing planned.
costs too much money now and i'd end up doomposting the next day

Joseph has been through losses like no one else hase see but continues to survive. This man low key inspires me. Say something powerful.
>beats Roman Reigns in a PPV match


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this e-drones tryna hide this one
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This really got the piggies squealin
kek what a crippled pedo faggot
Is this why they call it NXTranny?
>18 hours later no one has said good morning sir

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Wrestling will never be as embarrassing as this opening ceremony
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>the North Algerian Olympics
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I can't bring myself to watch it. The pictures and stuff posted in /sp/ are enough.
yes it will;
women's wrestling, nyla rose, aew, the relentless simps that can't shut up about their favorite waifu, love triangle storylines for teen girls, nxt
Signature got a pop out of me
I never looked at this picture closely so the ladder always looked like a skyscraper to me

Have a Badd Ass Weekend, /pw/
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Binge some great Undertaker moments during the weekend

>The Undertaker’s greatest entrances: WWE Top 10

>The Undertaker’s greatest rivals: WWE Top 10

>15 Undertaker chokeslams that sent Superstars to the grave: WWE Fury

>The Undertaker's iconic career: WWE Playlist

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Almost 30 minutes until SmackDown starts so this is perfect to binge until then. Thank you, anon!
Thanks Take
Same here. Been feeling a bit lonely myself. Hope things start getting baddass for you soon, brother

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because she has a large body
grim body type
Same reason OP's dick is so small
Someone post her bumhole

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I was thinking about it and I'd go alone if I lived in england. Too much trouble to flying there, getting days off for work and doing it all alone. Also
>two lads who were also on the hooch
>Just go on you're own m8.
This. I'd rather go to something I want to go to alone and maybe not enjoy it as much as I would've with other people yet still enjoy it than skip out on enjoying it altogether and not go and end up regretting that
Everyone's going to be busy doing their own thing or watching the show. No one's going to think twice about you going by yourself. I don't mean this in a mean or rude way but truthfully no one's going to care. That's applies to all sorts of shit in life. As wrapped up as we all are in our own daily bullshit everyone else is wrapped up in theirs. We've all got our own things going on. Never let what other people might think stop you from doing anything. As long as its not hurting other people then go live your life man
That's fair enough anon. This might be the last time AEW does Wembley, but that is a lot of effort to make. I had to travel 5 hours to get there last year and it was mentally taxing icl
No Wembley piggaloid? KWAPC
It might be. But sounds like they're traveling around the world with All In in the future so I might be able to attend one of those stadium shows at one point

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What did Vince mean by this?
wtf why wasn't I invited >:(
it's not fair bro
Wild African BBC and civilized White women.

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Pick 2.
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>Bret and Owen with the most overrated cage match in history. Of course it is Meltz rated it high
>Undertaker vs Undertaker in a match that 90% of the crowd couldn't tell who was who
The match I was into was Lex Luger vs Tatanka and who sold out
kreia memes are so cringe
for me?
it's ghost dog the way of the samurai and six-string samurai.
>2002 Blockbuster
>2003 SummerSlam DVD
I hope somebody gets banned for this blunder
Any 2 Royal Rumbles

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