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Next show

7/30 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
>Twinstar Tag Team Title Tournament Final
>Giulia & Sareee & Rea Seto vs Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka
>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Bozilla
>Twinstar Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-final: Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs tWintoWer (Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto)
>Twinstar Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-final: MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki & CHIAKI
>Misa Matsui vs Nao Ishikawa vs Komomo Minami vs Zayda Steel vs Myla Grace

7/30 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
8/3 Tokushima (1:00pm JST)
8/4 Hiroshima (4:00pm JST)
8/10 Kawagoe (1:00pm JST)

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AMPs around here are like retirement communities, we'd happily take a goblin.
Giulia is probably showing up at the WWE show
>Showzuki tweeted an apology and said she deleted everything
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Nanae did the passion sign, and Showzuki pointed at her Iyo shirt with her thumb, so clueless Americans started attacking her online saying she was disrespecting Asuka

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Why did you (You) me ya bitch? Leave me out of your make believe feud.
you'll say I'm larping, but I have a shoot PhD and am a tenured professor at a tier-1 Research University who's written four books and countless articles
prove it
I'm so glad pro wrestling is dying. In 20-30 years it will be no more.
Grimness of the highest order

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love kitto
no mina? no iyo? no unapi?
kitto black undies
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>mogs all of them
mina is in stardom

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whys it ok to mock italians
Italians and the Irish used to be not thought of as white. Late additions. Mistake?
kinda sorta
manchester bombing was fake
What the fuck are you on about you retarded mutt nigger
i knew a couple girls in high school that went to that concert, wish they died instead of using it for attention

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>punk has admitted multiple times he no longer is on twitter (X) and has been uninstalled on his phone for years
>only social media he uses is Instagram still
>he never saw the mcintyre pic
>mcintyre had to delete it like the fucking bitch he is or else he was getting fired for interacting with the rival promotion
>punk meanwhile is having time of his life at comic con most likely fucking every cute girl in WWE
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even this very ghetto ass BBL chick is into him, why??? He's not even good looking anymore these days and is missing a fucking tooth
>Punk no sells it all
Anon what
>"nOt LikE hOw i'M a CHokE aRTisT"
>"I don't know who would feel comfortable working with somebody who randomly just punches people in the face backstage."
In what fucking world is any of this no selling it? He was making not-so subtle references to AEW in promos just as recently as a few weeks ago. The man can't let it go
Jungle Boy literally addressed Punk directly and tried to make fun of him on a tv show a couple weeks ago and no one noticed cause 600k people watch it. You linked an interview where he was asked a question about AEW and he answered it. How is that the same?
>on a tv show a couple weeks ago and no one noticed cause 600k people watch it
It happened at All In you dipshit
>an interview where he was asked a question about AEW and he answered it
How much of a mark are you? It wasn't a shoot interview. Any professional interview includes a pre-interview with the guest where they go over what will be asked and what they'll be discussing. Punk knew. That's how they were able to promote it the way they did. Don't be naive
>It happened at All In you dipshit
kek I'm not talking about that you retard, see even you don't watch your own dogshit shows. A couple weeks a go on Dynamite he took a shot directly at Punk but no one saw or cares cause no one is paying attention.

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why do AEW fans violently hate wwe so much? I’m not asking why don’t they like it, I don’t even like it anymore so I don’t watch it. I’m asking why do they get insanely angry at even the mention of it?
AEWtists are all mentally ill pedophiles and thinking about why they do what they do isn’t good for your health
AEW fans on social media are a different breed to fans who just watch shit at home and go to the occasional show.

All wrestling fans on social media are fucking outrageous cunts
Aew fans are people who got bullied all their life so their cope is to hate popular things to feel good about themselves and reject the main choice

It's afraid
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It's funny how Vince clocked her as an IC plant and immediately put her on a constant diet of head-shit and gigantic black cocks in every hole, as far as they'll go but even farther
kek what a rapist
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somehow, unexplainably, still tony

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Discuss Gatoh Move, ChocoPro, OniPro, former Gatoh Move wrestlers, and Darejyo here!


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Next shows
Chocopro#384 premiere in 1 hour
7/28 Chocopro#385
7/31 GTMV Final Countdown
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all midget wrestling
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>Why do you think he "feared for his life.
Because he lunged at Tony, probably yelling "I'll fucking kill you" which is probably why they didn't have audio.

>If Punk was so weak Perry would have gotten out of it easily
one second after punk grabbed him after the sucker punch two guys grabbed both and punk had his arm around his head and not his neck. i'm sure it was mildly uncomfortable though.
is this real?
wasn't there some kind of altercation in an office after the perry shit? thats prob where thats from
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Perry is a pussy lol
Look at any street fight where some guy has another dude in a choke like Perry had Punk, Perry should have easily taken punk to the ground and been able to get on top of him to punch the shit out of him. But he's so fucking weak, Punk being like 6'1, he didn't move a fucking inch and just continued to choke perry.
Being in street fights is exactly why I think you're full of shit, he had a light grab and it immediately stopped. If Perry started to put any real pressure on Phil's fragile bones they'd bend like a blade of grass.

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Blimey I'd fuck this slag retarded
How do I cope with the fact I will never hold hands with Mariah May!?
This ghetto princess invited to the cookout fr

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Shan't be watching a taped Smackdown


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Is this why the E Drones are so upset?
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Maybe one day AEW will have a real comic book partner like WWE and Boom! Studios
>so we get GAY CAPESHIT and they get GAY CAPESHIT? lmaoooo
the reddit takeover of this board should be studied
Based. Just supports my theory:
>E-bros = Trumpchads, Marvelgods, & Sex Havers
>aewtists = Liberal snowflakes, DCunts, & Incel Freaks
It's negligibly even split down the middle. WWE is 52% conservative and while there is a loud and annoying left wing AEW fanbase, they don't have the level of minority viewership WWE does. Brandi was hated back in the day.
I'd wager it's basically the same for both.
When tf did DC last make a WWE Comic though?

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>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (Oedo Tai) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>5*STAR GP RED STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Maika & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) & Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) & Syuri (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla, Konami & Ruaka (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki (-) vs Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Match 0: Lady C & Hina (God's Eye) vs Xena (E neXus V) & Rian (-)

>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) vs Mei Seira (-)
>5*STAR GP BLUE STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Lady C (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (-)

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Kitto pissing me off covering the important part
>Unfortunately, her personality doesn't change. Maika is Maika. I used to dislike the vague Maika, but when I gave up and thought that I couldn't have any hope for her anymore, I started to see her good points. The only part that moved me was when she cried and said she wanted to leave pro wrestling after losing to Suzu, but seeing her sparkle and feeling warm and fuzzy is what makes Maika so attractive. She can't be a strategist like Natsupoi. She's a solid, strong-willed motherly type, and I think she's the reliable Red Champion.
I love you Wide Mike
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what is kitto doing to Mei that made her turn into Sumie Sakai

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Iyo On Tour Edition

(Iyo is in Japan for the WWE tour with Asuka, Kairi, Dakota, and Meiko... and maybe even a surprise appearance by Giulia and friends?)

previous: >>15281651

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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>Genius Of The
>anti posts deleted
Based Iyojanny
Maybe Iyo can finally get a 5 star match against Mayu next year when she leaves Slopdom.
she really did kek. even in her home country that little piggy couldn't win

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Makin' konnan seethe edition

>Death Triangle invades Arena Mexico to take on the all star trio of Mistico, Volador Jr and Mascara Dorada
>Angel De Oro and Star Jr face off in the finals of Torneo Leyanda De Plata
>Templario in action ahead of his title match against mjf next week
>one of the best trios in the world competes as Max Star, Futuro and Hombre Bala Jr look to continue their hot streak
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Also yes
unsurprising news
The konnan will seethe show
I'm sure that wwe partnership will happen anytime now
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