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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


9.22 WRESTLE PRINCESS V @ Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 6, Chiba (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
9.28 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:00 JST]

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>Trying to steal HIMAWARI's duck gimmick
>9.22 Makuhari Messe Thoroughly Explained!! We had two emotionally sensitive people talk about the emotional relationships and the greatness of the wrestlers|WRESTLE PRINCESS V.
>In-depth explanation of 9.22 Makuhari Messe! WRESTLE PRINCESS V" is just around the corner. Shino Suzuki and HIMAWARI give an in-depth commentary on the attraction of the three championship matches that are drawing a lot of attention! This is a must-see to enjoy the big matches of TJPW to the fullest!
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love menheras

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International Talk Like A Pirate Day Edition

(With /arrrrgirl/ still nursing an eye injury, Iyo filled in and dominated Bianca in a thrilling victory. Kairi cheering her on was no doubt the extra boost she needed to put her down. Kairi also advanced in the SPEED tournament by defeating Electra Lopez in a squash match that showed the Pirate Princess still has IT. An all Sky Pirates friendly final is still in play! Bianca gave Iyo props after losing to her but we know how those people are so it may be some sort of set up to lull the Sky Pirates into a false sense of security. A showdown with the Kookout Kommunity Kweens is definitely approaching. Will /arrrrgirls/ win the tag titles? Only time will tell as we sail on towards the next adventure!)

PREVIOUS: >>15794916

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:

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rusev teaser??
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how does the women's speed tourney work exactly?
winners of the first matches advance into the quarters, quarters winners advance to the semis, who is the winner of the semis going against in the championship? everyone else would have been knocked out by that point.
yes thats how tournaments work
but who will fight in the championship final round if there will be only one left after the semis? the men's speed champion?
This tournament is for the No.1 contender, there is a 2nd tournament after this to see who she faces for the title

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kek what a self hating, insecure and projecting bitch
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>the black company mark on here said it was going to be gura
>it was ame
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Vtubers are wrestling draws brother
which wrestler or joshi is this?

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Absolutely everything sucks.
Both AEW and WWE are for trannies and losers.

TNA fans are all Canadian and/or autistic

Japan only had the shitty guys that weren’t good enough for American contracts and that pedo Joshi shit

Only weird shut ins and elderly Canadian men watch MLW.

Mexican wrestling makes more money from human trafficking and Canada can only make dimeless pedophiles in the industry.

Ratings are in the shitter for EVERYTHING and people quietly judge you if they see you wearing a wrestling related t-shirt.

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strange you skipped over both nxt and raw this week
i only watch the local Fed that wrestles at the swap meet every Sunday
RAW and NXT did good faggot, even SmackDown didn't plummet that much considering network to cable transition
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we joshichads continue to be eatin’ good
starve, ya faggots
The boom period shit is a lie. Wrestling’s more than halfway close to becoming a carny attraction for mongs it started out as.

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NEW Intro:

>Giovanni Vinci to Apollo Crews: “Your win lacked class”

Top 10 Moments from last week:
Slopdown got cancelled
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FOX got outbid, actually. Smackdown itself landed a better deal.

You guys need to stop
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No one cares about this literal-who bitch.
this bitch is repulsive and the only thing her sexuality elevates is last night's dinner
>more of a chance it’ll elevate a brand than someone’s cock
What the fuck this bitch even talking about? Making shit up for attention or what?

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la creatura
Interesting how all the best jap girls are mixed race
Thats one sexy Jap, boy i tell you
You know it smells like CRAZY there

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Who is the Michaels?
Who is the Jannetty?
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Zesty ahh nigga
why is he like that?
Because he's old and his Eurocuck cohost thought it was a good idea. Say what you want about Cornette but you'll never see him doing this show, he's adamant that they're doing a podcast, video isn't necessary.

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How does such a gigachad of a man, someone 'who made it in America' spawn such an embarassing bum as a son
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By taking a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revitalize pro wrestling and doing this with it
It turns out that being rich is mainly about luck, and has nothing to do with your qualities or virtues.
Opetty Btfo
Recessive genealogy and the fact that the whole limb of that family tree will never have to work gainfully again.
Hogan had a dimeless child. Nash is dimeless but not as dimeless as Tristan was.
Arn Anderson and his kid
In fact I’d say you’re more likely to have a bum as a kid if you’re a big shot, maybe it’s because you reach a certain height and that standard is impossible to beat

Previous: >>15791527

NXT characters so far:
Giulia: came to biggest company in the world to challenge NXT championship
Roxanne Perez: current NXT champion, seethe about Giulia all the time
Chelsea Green: hates Giulia's entrance routine, was knocked out by Giulia
Ava: Rock's daughter
Funaki: a translator
CM Punk: face of the company, loves the product, helping out his fellow colleagues whenever he can

Next show (Tuesday 8 PM EST): press conference with Giulia
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I am so terribly lonely
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She's talking to me
>me now

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I'm nearing 40 now. I work doordash, and pick up odd McDonald jobs to support my wrestling career. I was excited when AEW started because it meant more companies. But unfortunately have been unlucky. Closest to big break I've gotten was around 2015 for jobbing on Smackdown but I was unfortunately passed over. I'm looking at others like LA Knight and still hoping because they are around the same age as me they just getting their careers started. What do ya'll think
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Batista didnt start wrestling till he was in his 30s
damian priest didnt get picked up by the fed until he was 40
STINK was lime 60 when he first stepped into a wwe ring
thanks I didn't even think about Damian Priest. I should keep it at true.
sounds like you don't want to give up regardless of what we think. without knowing who you are and what you've been doing it's hard to give advice that isn't just empty platitudes you've probably heard a million times, but if what you've been doing hasn't gotten you noticed yet, maybe try something radically different from what everyone else is doing.
if you’re having fun and learning than it’s worth it. if you’re expecting financial success and security from a wrestling career it’s not impossible but it’s not likely to happen

t. 43 year old ex-floorbumper
Post one of your matches and /pw/ bros will tell ya if you got what it takes.

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who is he saying should be the inaugural SD midcard champ? if it's not naomi i have to guess chelsea. although the profile pic gives me a sinking feeling he means jade.
they should turn the raw women's midcard into a workrate title and let the SD one be essentially the divas title for bimbo wrestlers with comedy gimmicks.
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three Hours of Cocunut Community Theatre and Cody Boring Midcarder
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>3 hours of SmackDown
>3 hours of Raw
>PLEs only get 5 matches on average and are filled with blatant advertisements
>Iyo Sky hasn't been on a PLE since WrestleMania
>Coconut Vortex still going strong
>No Brock
WWE being "good" and "so back" is a forced meme. I'm checking out after Punk vs. Drew HIAC.
See you guys in the Rumble gamethread.

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Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad? Because they wanted him to lose the title in Montreal? That’s not even his hometown. That’s like Shawn Michaels bitching about losing the title in California. Why was he such a retarded self mark?
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Bret was greedy bc he signed a contract that reflected his value on the free market? He is bad bc when the other party wanted to break that contract he had certain demands? When u finish cleaning toilets please start reading financial & legal news. Help yourself.
Do you read the posts you are replying to?
Bret was right.
OP is a zoomer faggot with no interest in the history of the business despite living in the age of the internet and with mostly unfettered access to all relevant information to his question

kill yourself OP

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>one shot at getting a good remaster of FFX
>we got THIS

why do jap companies have zero respect for their IP that they okay these rapings of all the original art in them?
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Like happy festival fireworks, ya?
le wallpaper face

remove albhed
Total Al Bhed Death
the graphics suck dick because a bunch of pajeets had to remake the game's assets

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Just a joke, a silly little joke haha, laugh goy.
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>offended by an edgy joke
>gets a 92
kek its pottery
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what Jews have to do with Kenny omega Polcel chud Virgin
He butchered the band name and didn’t even know the singer lol
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W***n will even let their fuck buddy-of-the-week rape their baby if he is handsome, rich and successful enough.
he's a jew

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