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You'd be largely incorrect. It's mostly pajeets who hate Bron because he uses the spear and that's Roman's move. Same way they've spent the last few months melting down about Cody. There might be some crossover but it's coincidental.
Bron, Trick, Oba, the Creeds, and Brooks are going to carry WWE for the next 10-15 years and usher in a era of New stars

AEW had their chance and are either going to crash and burn or learn to shape up and accept being No. 2
>based retard manlets
bryan danielson
darby allin
austin aries
jack evans
low ki
I forgot to add Dragunuv opps
underrated post

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imagine the bangers
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Pre-2024 this guy would be Sammy-tier in AEW but leeching off Ospreay's push to get a guaranteed main event spot and bigger payday is fairly high level carny shit for a guy that doesn't think about wrestling in a carny way whatsoever
don't worry i am sure jericho is already planning on doing a months long angle that will put a stop to that
Rick O'Shea sucks and so does ireland
is this the nigga that likes to finger his booty hole?

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Same, I wanted to hate it but was nodding the whole time
Liberals get mad when they can't do any more Dragqueen reads to children events huh?
I work at a lawn and garden store and at least once a week this spring a woman in her 60s would ask if we sell pic related that she saw on Facebook.
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As other anons have pointed out, this sign is fake. Funny thing is, that section of Idaho law is literally their statute to protect children from sexually obscene materials. So they have that, and they don't let you murder children. So that's 2-0 for protecting children in Idaho.

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Post a more soulful team in wrestling.

(tip: You can't)
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is this the village people? who is the fucking ginger lol
Anyone have the RAW one that's got Riddle, Orton, and Zeke (among others)?
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Countdown To Toronto Edition

(Iyo is in the MITB ladder match this Saturday in Toronto, and then facing Utami at Summer Destiny in Tokyo the week after, kek what a primary player! Plus Damage CTRL seems to be involved in a 3 faction rivalry in the Tag division, will they want Tag Team gold to go with the briefcase?)

previous: >>15076363

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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I would like to cum on Iyo's feet. There I said it
Rare Iyo cleavage
Sorry to burst your bubble little xro, this is the only thread I've made today, kek what delusional schizo
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I don't think Iyo's in to that, but Koguma wouldn't mind you doing that.
He took a massive L in his anti thread. Posting on /pw/ is all he has in life pls understand

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This is Poi
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Bumpola for this retarded player
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Did she spot a Nigeru???
she seems very concerned
Fortunately it was just a taco nigeru so crisis averted!
Poi spotted a darkie and is on alert. Sightings of them outside of Roppongi is very rare for a joshi.
Fucking kek, I have a new finisher.

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>the young bucks taught me how to kiss!
>maybe if you come put on some bangers for the sickos I could.....show you....?

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I'd to love to know what the Iyo retard poster thinks about iyo being to asuka what aew is to wwe
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Based fuck Pigjama and fuck AEW
Kek what a bitch

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Oedo Tai
Mayu Iwatani
Jungle Kyona
Iyo Sky / Io Shirai

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The freckle on Momo's thigh is very important to me.
I probably don't love her as much as you then kek
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Yeah, I really believe Benoit could kill Sullivan. I hope Nancy never threatens to leave him because he really seems like the kind of guy who would strangle you and wrap your dead body in a big oriental rug.
I really like that Mongo McMichael dude they brought in as the Enforcer of the Horse Men. Dude is Shredded to high hell and back therefore he must be an amazing worker.
I'm pretty sure he would call his friends before he did anything crazy, besides he spends most of his time in his gym I hear these days anyway. He loves hanging in his gym.
I hear he has an attractive wife with two puppies.
>Unsertaker's legendary undefeated streak
Legendary? WTF are you talking about?

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I got hit by an Asian Driver today.
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Even paying for your own Hotel and rental cars that isn't bad
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>Fuckin Nigeru
Some asian wrestler should use a piledriver variation called the Asian Driver and the commentators should hype up how dangerous the Asian Driver is.

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who is your guy? who will always get a big pop from you no matter what?
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Those active
LA Knight and Bron Breaker
Yeah and Woof Woof Woof Woof
Macho Man, Cactus Jack, Andre the Giant, George Steele
Kurt Angle, Rock, Lil' Nigga, Benoit and first and foremost is picrel who most of you probably don't know, but he was great in pre-NWO WCW, his feud with Ice Train is one of the first times I was invested in a wrestling story. Also a 2-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion. I'm a big dude and I love watching him throw people around the ring like I would.
I liked when Ice Train's shoulder was injured and Ice Train said it was wrapped up "like a mommy".
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meltzer is reporting that there were huge spikes in raw's viewership last night specifically in the detroit. compton and mississippi markets

*whips out dick*
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we don't say the r-ward here...
Cum gutters
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we don't post R. Ward here...
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>We have chinese Roman Reigns at home

Nu Jamal is shameless
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He could shoot kill Roman.
Well duh, anyone can kill anyone with a gun, you dumb faggot
80s Hong Kong movies and 80s Anime make for great double features.
Don’t worry, they won’t have him for long.
Can't wait to watch him job to Takashita

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Unban my best friend now faggots ass mods Tony Khan won't fuck you just because you stop the one man you fear from posting
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How big we talkin? Cause my bestie always said, "Anything more than a mouthful, goes to waste."
The only janny here currently is from Peru and can only access the internet after the cafe closes.

That one anon last week was gonna try to take him out via the mods though
You don't have any friends. So this is clearly an act of ban evasion.
Si, Peru. Nash fue violada, btw.
he was posting about molesting daniel bryan's daughter

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