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A reminder that as humiliated as Ibou is, no one has ever ruined their career like Nick Hausman. Nick Hausman was the guy Punk thought was friends with Colt Cabana and his question started the whole Punk meltdown at the scrum. Hausman spent the next year talking about this interaction and it completely fucked with his head and inflated his self worth. Following this "successful interaction" Hausman took it upon himself to become wrestlings investigative journalist. His gimmick was going to be "I'm the guy asking the hard, tough questions." Well,This fucking moron thought he was going to get Jericho with the Kylie Ray story, caused a huge black eye for AEW and hurt Tony Khans character (this was before Tony was known to be a complete joke.) Not stopping there, our crack journalist actually asks HHH about the Vince allegations at the next WWE press scrum. Triple H deflects and says he hasn't read the whole report, but more damage is done and HHHs knowledge of the whole Vince situation is brought under spotlight.
Both WWE and AEW told their wrestlers that if they EVER associate with Hausman again they would no longer be booked. Overnight Hausman lost all access to the way he was making a decent career. Seriously, Ibou was making pennies compared to Hausman. His website shut down, lost his Patreon, and he completely deplatformed himself and has no online presence. The most overlooked KWAB of all time. This all happened because CM Punk picked Nick to ask a question and Hausman thought it was a sign from God.
This guy really did disappear off the face of the earth. Good riddance to one less self-mark wannabe journalist.
not reading allat
That's how journalism works, though; if you actually make things difficult for the people you're reporting on, you get viewed as a risk.

Wrestling "journalists" are tolerated because the companies view them as marks. They hold their sham press conferences to give their shows the air of legitimacy when they know that there's no wrestling journalism ethics board, and any journo is fine being bought and sold for access.

You ever wonder why anything "big" gets broken by ESPN or Deadspin, or any other publication that isn't Fightful, or RingSideNews or whatever? It's because those journalists (I spit on all of them) actually have an apparatus behind them, and aren't too scared to lose a yummy wummy press box with their charcuterie board treat.

All "wrestling journalists" are controlled opposition.
oh yeah without a doubt. Hausman is a talentless hack who has never even accidentally been funny. He was so lucky to have his platform, he only got it through unstoppable retarded determination. He stepped in shit because he never listened to the thousands of people who rightfully told him that he sucked. From Improv comedy, wrestling manager, podcast host. He wasn't good at any of them but you just couldn't keep the guy away.
The thing that made this so funny was the complete lack of foresight into how this would effect his career moving forward. Say what you will about Denise or Sapp but if you asked them to ask the Hausman questions at a media scrum they would run away from you lightning fast. Hausmans biggest asset, his ego, was what got him in the end. He's probably delivering packages for Amazon right now.
OK, but I think the story has some legs right? The way that Tony answered the questions at the scrum made him look very suspicious. He did not outright come out and say that there was nothing there with Kylie and Jericho. He danced around it like he does everything and it made the situation worse. What was it so bad that made Nick D platform himself? Lawsuit? Threats? There’s gotta be more of the story and no one wants to touch it not Dave or Sean.
To be fair, I actually heard Hausman explain about questions like that, he knows that they aren't actually going to answer the question, but the things they say while not answering the question can still be revealing. I guess that's fair enough, but the point remains that those wrestling press scrums aren't really intended for these bloggers to ask hardball questions, and nobody's going to want him around if he's going to cause trouble getting himself over.
The story might have had legs, and possibly could have been investigated by a real journalist with training who had experience working for real publications. I'm pretty sure the last thing someone should do is blindside your target at a public forum and cause them to clam up and tell his employees to keep their mouths shut. Maybe another hush payment was made guaranteeing complete silence after Nick started stirring the pot. Hausmans proposed style of "let's see what they say without saying it" after he puts his target under the gun with a hardball question lasted a few months, cost him his career, and uncovered zero evidence of anything.
In between press scrums this guy would go on his podcast and brag about the reactions he was getting, how much success he had after the Punk question, his place in the wrestling business, and what he was going to ask next and why. If he was around today, he would be of the mind that a good idea would be asking the Uso if getting caught cheating affected his most recent ppv match. All the while sitting back and smirking in others discomfort as he "gets himself over"
Nive write up, Phil.
Jericho should have been finished after the NDA story it's not his fault Tony Khan is the Weinstein of pro wrestling
>(this was before Tony was known to be a complete joke.)
Nigga, the Jericho rape shit was at like the beginning of 2024. We all knew how incompetent Tony was by then.
no, weve always been able to see through Tony's faggotry but most people were still sipping the Kool aid and very high on TK.
who knows if you ask people unconfortable question you get shut down
shouldn't you be filing for unemployment, ibou?
You should have it's a good summation and it's not console war bait
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Based effort poster
>all wrestling journalist are controlled opposition
I remember when GG was going down I explained to a friend what was happening and he said
>who gives a shit about video games journalism
Which is astute, we were both in our 30s, and who gives a shit about fake fighting journos? But the bigger takeaway is how easily captured media is, how easily the 4th estate gets corrupted. Now big media is seen as corrupt but the unfortunate downside is that people believe in independent media, which will usually sell its soul for a bluchew sponsorship or millions in Russian slush funds or act blue dollars. You really have to vet the media you consume too to find someone unbiased. I used to respect meltzers takes about 10 years ago, but the last five years have thrown everything he ever did into suspicion
Another victim of Workers' Rights Activist CM Phil Brooks. HangCHAD vindicated again.
Nick does a nice job on sporskeeda.
Either that kid buys a gun and shoots both corporate stooges , Tina and Paula, as a vigilante, or he has done it all for nothing.
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So what did this Ibou guy do? I heard some people talking about AEW on a call but I have no clue who they are or what the fuck is happening.
you left out the part were he became Phil's personal dirtsheet guy and leaked stuff for him for about a year till punk got fired and then punk completely ghosted him when he got to WWE
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>I used to respect meltzers takes about 10 years ago, but the last five years have thrown everything he ever did into suspicion

Man, you said it perfectly. It's really unfortunate. Console war kiddos genuinely have no clue that Dave was THE respected wrestling journo for decades. Still is, in some ways. He's nowhere near as biased towards AEW as most people claim, but he absolutely takes it easy on Tony in a way that he wouldn't for anyone else. I know there's always been shit that goes on that he doesn't report, but it's bad with AEW in regards to Khan. He also seems unable to admit that he just enjoys the AEW style and that's why he's giving Ospreay 86 stars every match, but he presents it as no, it's just this major evolution in the business, which again it is. He just can't admit that he has a boner for it. He's still one of the top news sources, but he's slipping. His grammar is getting worse with every fucking year as well.
That’s a good point, but consider the following…nigger.
We knew about that back in 2019 before Dynamite ever aired on TV. Anyone talking about Jericho's casting couch in 2024 was late AF to the story.
All journalists who cover wrestling are part of the work. Especially modern journalists. In a world where kayfabe is dead the only ones who are able to keep it alive are the journalists. Do you think Meltzer stars aren't a work bro? They were created by Dave to promote his favorite wrestlers.
Not reading all that

Did he at least Hauk Tuah and Trump off with a few $$$$
*Created by Cornette and his friend and done properly, then copied by Meltzer and turned to shit
you are so delusional lol
>our crack journalist actually asks HHH about the Vince allegations at the next WWE press scrum
This was ballsy though. It was a massive elephant in the room.

Also you're skipping over all the Punk stuff. Punk killed this guy's whole career by forcing him to report half truths etc
This thread is proof that this board is full of total retards
>Tried to call out Jericho thinking Cornette and Punk would have his back
>They didn't
>Doubles down
>Gets called out for being a stooge
>No proof whatever comes out regarding Jericho
>Around this time some of Punks creepy behaviour doing the rounds again, like the RoH interview about abusing women, the video where he shouts faggot at a gay guy, the grooming behaviour with the AEW/NXT women, etc
>These visa are posted as comments on his Twitter posts and he deleted/blocks them, showing his hypocrisy
>Patreon plummets
>Followers plummet
>Cornette and Punk burn him as a useful idiot
>A bunch of stuff comes out regarding Brawl Out and the Brawl In stuff that proves without a doubt that Hausman was a mouthpiece for Punk and he wasn't speaking to any other sources despite claiming as such
>Announces he's taking a mental health break
>Further stories of his come out as false
>Stops posting on twitter
>Site hasn't been updated since April
To be fair, he is one of these guys that got 100% carnied and seemed to think he could bring down Punk's enemies for him
Shit I completely forgot about the Cornette/Punk thing where they were trying to build a lawsuit against Jericho and AEW lmao
So OP is criticising a guy for asking the hard questions and getting cut out because of it? No wonder the media is in the shit with people like him around.
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Nick Hausman was a plant. He's actually Danhausen without the paint.
I think by the nature of journalism they SHOULD be asking hard questions, and they should be seeking out internal sources to get the truth out. It's why Dave seems to always get stories that people say are false but eventually come out as true - he's speaking to wrestlers, writers, producers, travel coordinators, etc, but the marketing department rarely tell him shit. The number of times that guy has been vindicated is unreal.

Hausman though? He was a guy literally being used by Phil to get his falsehoods out there and change the narrative against AEW. He reported everything Phil said as fact, says he corroborated it with other sources, only for other Journos to come out and dispute them based on their sources. The shit where he was deleting mentions on his Twitter feed of Phil's shitty behaviour, such as abusing women, while advocating for Kylie Rae against Jericho was a really weird juxtaposition. Hausman wasn't a journo, he was Phil's personal mouthpiece until he outweighed his usefulness.
>It's why Dave
stopped reading there
hausman is smart
Didn’t ask
AEWtists trying to deflect bad news about Fightful again
Is this a FTRschizo thread? Kind of feels like it.
>buckschizo is back calling out ftrschizo
the one good thing punk has done is put roaches like this cuck in his place
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looks like he has filed down chiclets as front teeth
Not reading all that, but fuck this absolute cringe grifterfaggot
>He was punished because he had the audacity to ask a real question at one of those gay fake scrums
This is the guy who makes up things about Dexter Lumis right?
Why are all members of the wrestling "media" such huge faggots?
This is why you have low IQ
so we hate the one guy who tried to do a proper job
Phil Brooks is a cancer
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That's the ting - Dave absolutely WAS NOT for a very long time. Wrestlers fucking hated him precisely because he wasn't part of it. For a very long time, 99% of all wrestling news came from Meltzer and Wade Keller (Alvarez as well towards the end of the newsletter era), then fags like Bob Ryder, Dave Schererererer, and Al Isaacs (who?) came online and started publically relating their sources, which bled over to Meltzer bad (Keller is now basically totally irrelevant and Alvarez is a podcaster). Journos gonna journo
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Also, Wade Keller is a literal faggot who bought a baby with his male fuckbuddy and I'm just waiting for the inevitable ending on that one
>public forum
Technically it's a private forum. No way these press conferences are public.
They’re all liberals and fags
Still Tony
Why do liberals ruin everything they get involved in? Sports, gaming, comic books, wrestling. Literally everything is being taken over by the fag brigade
qrd? don't remember that.
Cornette and Punk were hinting at a lawsuit against Jericho and AEW by a grifter lawyer about either wrongful dismissal, breach of NDA or rape(?) of Kylie Rae or something. It was really vague and didn't go anywhere. Part of it was that Punk claimed he didn't get any compensation for his fees for his injury and another element was that he felt he'd been fired unduly.
TL;DR some gay guy was asked during the Punk scrum if he was friends with Colt Cabana and it went to his head
Everything in that post is true. Meltz took his ratings from Cornette
Reminder to never be friends with Phil Brooks
Norm Dooley is the first person to rate wrestling matches in the style of Ebvert/Roeper/movie critics. Meltzer will tell you this and Cornette will also tell you this. Very very early on, small regional newsletter era stuff.
they hated the guy who tried to serious Journalism on A Carny Fake Sport Truly shocking
I’ve been asking this for years. You find any sort of hobby and a fucking liberal will shit it up.

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