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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Post-Olympics edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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>i can't shoot a 3 pointer anymore against this guy i constantly hoop with
>just hug the ball and rugby tackle the guy bro, it negates all of basketball
>new beginner comes in
>average build
>get assigned to show him the ropes
>ask him if he has done martial arts before
>do you go out
>"not really, sometimes"
Longest class of my life.
>nice this guy lost his gri... oh shit!
So train with other people? That or change your game since he clearly already is familiar with it.
You don’t train anyways so why bother posting?

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Long story short, I got jumped by 6 guys and they kicked the shit out of me (fractured my face). Realized that even though I trained years ago I forgot how to fight and I'm looking to get back into it. I got a few options near me they are.

>Muay thai gym ran by a former pro fighter I looked up his fights on youtube
>Krav maga school ran by some krav maga guy can't find any videos of him having pro fights but in a lot of their videos they do sparring and scenario training

I'm conflicted between the two on one end, I got jumped by 6 years so not sure if the krav school is what I want or on the other side I want to actually learn to fight and train with fighters not just jerk my dick and pretend I can fight. What would you pick /xs/?
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Definitely the Muay Thai guy. Also practice not getting jumped
Shotgun, sawed-off, load with buckshot.
Alternatively, machine pistol.

Hell, I could take on a hundred knife-wielding men with a Ma-Deuce from 100 yards away.
Germans managed to kill thousands of *heavily armed* men with MG42s in a day.
Even a Maxim gun defeated hordes of spear-wielding Africans (they got some range!) with minimal casualties.

If you are concerned about home defense, a claymore will work fine for larger groups.
Mounted repeating gun is good too.
We know you can take on 6 guys at once tough guy, just not in a fight
this. bros out here watching too many hollyjoo movies of 90 lb women body slamming 250lb men. 6 v 1 you are fucked without weapons, double fucked if they're all bigger than you. 12 hands vs 2, really.
get a gun or run. those are your options
As an "experienced combat sports athlete", street fights against multiple opponents are always a loss experience unless you're some fast twitch muscle fiber thick necked 200lb boxer, either that or you know how to use your surroundings to your advantage to funnel your opponents.
Learn how to fight fast, integrate head movement and always attack from your shell and be ready to get the fuck out.

Shit Components Edition

>FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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>At this point, a list of components/manufactuers to steer clear of should be put in the OP
I'd also add Mucoff dry lube. It's ass. By the end of a 3 hour ride the chain is making noises. It also attracts dust. Taking my chain off and cleaning it with a toothbrush with hot water and dishsoap on the sink is common as the chain always has that layer/plaque of moondust and if I add lube to that it'll wear the chain much faster. I went back to finish line red dry lube after like 2-3 years.
I just remembered I also have had one of these bottles in the shed for 2 years and it will never be used again due to it attracting so much dust. They want you to only use it in dry conditions and when you do it ends up making the chain dirty. Literally defeats the point of the product.
Our local trails through plantation pine forest was bought by a wealthy local.
He’s improving all the trails and replanting natives.
It’s fucking sweet. All at his own cost and free access for all.
Hopefully when finished he opens access to what will be a disused forestry road, it’s a shit of a climb.
Oops link
Despite the map and signage I have never found that pump track but there’s some pretty wild jumps going in right now, I need to up my game but really prefer my wheels close to anka4ithe ground.
Top kek. Reading the commencal fb group it seems they dont cover shit if you ride the bike at all. I looked into the meta V5 SX out of curiosity as the frame was 1900€, geo is good but it will be a hit or miss with quality and if its a miss then you depend on them to cover it. Not the bike you want to keep for more than 2 years.

Looking to start Judo pretty soon, but I have a major concern - not worried about bodily injuries as I know that sort of thing is expected in full contact martial arts. But how common are head/brain injuries, even if they are light? I’m talking concussions or any significant bumps to the head.
Anyone have any experience of this, or know how common head injuries are in Judo?
t. Physicist, need my brain for work
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Wrong. Fighting is the biggest rush apart from sex. sex is also dangerous because every time you go out there and try to get a girl you face adversity and possible violence from competing males. Yet no one will tell you to avoid it

If you're scared and beta just accept it. But don't try and act like you're above it. Fighting is the purest thing

It's if me and you will locked in a room together, who would walk away based on natural selection and willpower. That's the ultimate question in life
microlegions are going to happen that is certain, but the question is do you do everything to protect your brain? From what I recall alcohol is much more insidious then something as judo, do you drink anon? Do you sleep your 7-9 hours a night? Or you're just a pussy looking for an excuse? Fucking faggot, go back to using formulas you don't understand you insufferable fat fuck, math rains supreme.
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>terrified of love taps.
Hey anon, I took this picture straight out of a Judo Dojo ad, these are the love taps he's talking about, for training they will teach you how to fall in concrete throwing you from a 12 feet letter, straight into concrete, that's the warm up training.
t. ex judo fighter
I'm quitting judo. 2 concussions in 2 years of training. Not worth it for me anymore.

>first concussion
>senseis in the dojo push everyone to compete compete compete
>so I compete as a fresh white belt
>do okay against other lower belts
>eventually face a blue belt
>get fucking smashed by a blue belt and concussed

>second concussion
>spar with a black belt from my dojo
>they throw me headfirst into someone else already on the floor
>our heads collide and we each get a concussion
>apparently this isn't the first time a double concussion like this has happened in our dojo

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Enjoy your sleep apnea

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: I wish that were me edition


>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)

>Thread question
at what age are you no longer expected to roll but still get respect

Previous thread: >>207439
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>start doing bjj
>still an incel
is it over bjjbros?
Incel shit is like alcohol wherein if you're not drinking all the time it's just fucking awful to listen to. Made it 35 seconds when he says "typical fatcel."

Of all the arguments I hear about BJJ, it's always about how gay it is or how effective it is in street fights. I've never heard anyone say it's a good place to get pussy. Rule of thumb: if a girl is doing BJJ, it's because she's getting fucked by a martial artist. No other woman has the wherewithal to walk through the doors and try something new that's challenging. They have a complex about things being/appearing difficult the same way men have one about hair and wrists.
I have seen a woman once in my bjj club and it was the wife of a blue belt who was curious about what he was doing thrice a week.
did this nigga make a 20 minute reaction video to a 4 minute guy blogging in his car?
Incel is a state of mind

You can be a fat sub 3 gaymer manchild neckbeard and get awesome pussy. You can be a terminal Manlet and be married with kids. I see this regularly.

You can be an alpha 6'3 chad looks wise and still be a butthurt incel who hates everything

Why are soys and women attracted to muay Thai
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isnt Muay Thai like 1/3 of MMA or something like that, other 2/3rds are BJJ and some take down Martial Art like greco roman or some japanese...
Muay Thai is THE striking MA
>Muuh gun
Cringe. Gun doesn't beat a sucker punch
the larp is insane

imagine thinking a punch can stop a bullet
no gym in america trains the clinch anyway, it's just kickboxing with elbows
Gun larpers are insane

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/HEMA/ General - Power of Sticks and Staves Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Why doesn't Donald McBane get more love? A scan of his treatise is freely available on Google Books but he doesn't even have a Wiktenauer stub article. Is it because he doesn't teach longsword?
>Donald McBane - Wikipedia
>The Expert Sword-man's Companion: Or The True Art of Self-defence: With an Account of the Authors Life, and His Transactions During the Wars with France. To which is Annexed, The Art of Gunnerie, Volume 1
>The Legendary Highland Swordsman You’ve Never Heard Of- Donald McBane Stories
Well is it really a system or is it a series of accounts of times he kicked ass?
Both, from what I've seen skimming it. The first half discusses how to kick ass in general, the second half contains accounts of times he kicked ass in particular.
>accounts of times he kicked ass
Also times he had his ass kicked, or kicked his own ass.
>why isn’t there more discussion about based beer money thief
I’ve done a little Mcbane in my club. The reality is though that he’s the kind of guy who’s book is more interesting because of his life story than it is his fencing, even though he was by all accounts an excellent fencer. The same can be said about silver or swetnam.




>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>202772
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I want the biggest, strongest men in the world to smash into each other at full force for my entertainment. I don't care about safety or aesthetics or fitness.
I haven't seen raise the dohyo posting in a while

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Fuckin rad edition
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tf does this mean?
sk8 in and around rough ground like shitty nyc sidewalk rough ground

been skating for about a year n still wanna do tricks wut wheels should i buy
Spitfire F4 54mm Conical Fulls 99a
1:42 in the new limosine vid, aaron loreth doing some 1ft high wallride trick yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hlLTcPUOZo

i actually drove past him trying this trick, i was driving to lowes to get materials for work and it was like 3pm on weekday, dude needs to get a fuckin job

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How do we save this shitheap of a martial art?

All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcome

t. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
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There is no need to fix tkd
Some martial arts are based on combat and some are based on the arts part
TKD has probably the coolest kicks out of any striking art, backwards kick, head kick, spinning kick and cool combos were you jump on one leg and kick multiple times. It's not made to be le epin ultimate striking art.
Same with say judo. Judo banning leg grabs is fine because the point of judo is cool throws.
Same with BJJ. BJJ is for guys who really like ground grappling and want to do cool sweeps and submissions.
If you want to improve a martial art to make it more combat effective, ask yourself, why not just train MMA? The improvement to the art will just make it MMA lite but worse.
One of the funniest things I remember from back when I was competing MT was when we had a TKD guy come into the gym and start doing his toe tag stuff because they do touch sparing and then getting absolutely crushed and leaving. But later I met a serious kickboxer that also did TKD and some of the kicks he was using threw me off at first because I wasn't used to seeing those in MT. So I think there is value in it if you have a serious foundation in real combat sports.
Have more people do it like Than Le
Allow grabs.
Not even clinch/grappling. Just allowing competitors to grab wrists or catch kicks instantly forces them to stop relying on the current point scoring meta and incentivizes them to use other techniques in their arsenal.
He was likely karate, not TKD. WT TKD requires that you hit your opponents chest guard hard enough to make a slapping noise. Most TKDings will kick hard enough that you'll feel it, even if it's not enough to injure.

Catching kicks would ruin the sport but being able to grab or push the chest guard would help alot.

(Japanese Kickboxing)
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Scoring never really mattered in striking sports if your "low scoring" style knocks the opponent out.
Wangchannoi is a good example of this
Allazov's division is more stacked

ive recently picked up kickboxing and wrestling after a half a year absence from half a years worth of boxing.

the days I can go to the kickboxing gym we just end up doing nothing but 90% conditioning and 10% drills.
I have still yet to learn how to actually properly throw a leg kick, high kick, knee etc. not to mention the place is fucking full to the brim of people.

the other gym where I could train kickboxing at spars really hard (imo atleast) and the first day I showed up they, although friendly in conversation, were absolute dicks in sparring and would go hard constantly even during regular fucking drills. I left that gym with a splitting headache, the first time something like that has ever happened.

What the fuck do I do?
Look for another gym?
>wahh it hurts

Martial arts may not be for you
>this gym is too soft!
>this gym is too hard!
>What the fuck do I do?
get mauled by a bear, Goldilocks
Look for another place or another sport, otherwise it is better to train and not learn anything than to have a permanent injury.
Find another gym, they are going to have acquired retardation in 10 years. You barely need to spar hard to get good, sparring at 50% to 10% is perfect

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I have done Taekwondo and Judo. In both arts people got injured pretty regularly, sometimes very seriously. I am getting old (I'm in my mid 30s) and don't want any more injuries. What is best martial art style for me to train in?
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he was balding yeah kel
>I've seen a guy get a chipped tooth
It is me I am a guy. Get this fixed right away if it happens or you might end up needing much more expensive dental work later (root canal, etc.). I always wear a mouthguard now.
Having done my ACL in TKD years back I can confirm that this isn't the case

Unless OP stuck to a very non-pivoting style or something
>What is the safest martial art to train in?
Probably benchrest shooting.
>What is best martial art style for me to train in?
Judo. If you're getting seriously injured regularly you're doing something wrong.

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Roller skate thread.

Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.
Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencil

FAQ first edition

Last thread (next thread before 2026?)
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a couple of the locoskates guys did it last year and ended up crashing into each other near the start lol
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fruitbooters explain yourselves
>what is ski training
if I used to play hockey will I be a badass inline dude who impresses all the girls at the skatepark
How much do you like cunny?

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