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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

Asked in the Muay Thai thread but posting again since I didn't realize how slow it was. Anyone know a thing or two about elbow strikes? How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?
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I once elbowed a man unconscious because he pinched my nipple at a party, though it was more forearm than elbow point
And I warned him not to do that again and then he did it again and he got what was coming to him
Crumpled like sack of crap, and nobody saw so I scooped his body up and sat him down on a chair in the corner and it just looked like he drank too much

I had a bruise on my arm the next day
As a martial artist this is everything. I ate head kicks I saw coming with no problem but just a punch you don’t see coming out you out cold
>elbow strikes
devastating blows. You need to know about them so you do not end up like the loser here. Well trained muay thai guys can throw spinning back elbows with light speed if you do not know about it its just lights out for you. My MT instructor (former champ) gave me a pad, told me exactly what he would do and to be ready and that fugger spun around so fast to strike and then spin back to normal stance so fast I could not believe it. If you get in a mouth fight and you do not know what you are doing you already lost because the other guy is planning it out and will strike while your fat mouth is still flapping. There was vid on here somewhere where a guy throws a spinning back elbow, try to find it.
Slow the video down and watch it closely. It wasn't meant to be an elbow, it was meant to be a hook. You can see the huge wind up from the attackers stance. The attacker's fist missed the guy's face but due to the attackers forward momentum the attacker's forearm connects and then glides across the guys face until the tip of the attacker's elbow catches and knocks the guy out.

If you want to replicate this technique be careful as glancing a target with knuckles can break the knuckles. Practice this as a forearm strike mimicking the arc of a hook but with the knuckles pulled back toward the chest and not toward the target.
Power probably didn't have much to do with it.
it was matter of it being a surprise attack.

On top of totally not seeing it coming, he craned his neck his a way that exposed his chin and jaw.

I dont know the context and there's no audio, so for all I know this guy totally deserved to get hit, but still this seems like total nigger coward shit.

The biggest thing to learn from this video is to never let someone who has this kind of body language get close or leave your sight.

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How do we save this shitheap of a martial art?

All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcome

t. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
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total ruleset and drill overhaul. make it like kudo or at least just kickboxing, maybe throw in some unique rules to keep it its own separate thing.

I wouldn't focus as much on changing techniques, after all tkd is basically karate with the serial numbers filed off and knockdown karate is pretty good. its just a matter of how its trained and applied.

This is an unpopular opinion but I also think that some of the traditional aesthetic aspects could be done away with (the dobak, the belts, etc) it really just seems like an unimportant aspect that takes up time that could be better spent elsewhere.

I'd bet you could ease people into it with really long rounds of flow sparring with kickboxing or MMA rules that increase in intensity until people are going like 70% I'd probably use some dutch kick boxing drills to toughen people up without goiing too overboard and teaching regular kickboxing combos. I think you could even ease people into that by teaching some combinations some that incorporate boxing and elbows into preexisting TKD combos.

the big problem is that your students would have to compete in kickboxing rather than TKD so it'd be more of a kickboxing gym with heavy TKD influence than a dojang at that point
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I mean if thats what your priorities are than you'd be better off doing Sport wushu.

You'd be able to do way more cool stuff and you'd end up a way better athlete.
Also, lets not pretend thats the mentality of most TKD practitioners, most people who decide to learn it want to learn how to fight and every taekwondo person I have met think that they can fight, and walk around with false confidence that could easily get them hurt. Most sport Wushu people I've met dont pretend they can fight
If you're goal is to look cool than what sparring taekwondo does do is basically just a waste of your time
That's pretty simmilar to Sanda's ruleset
Of everything taught in TKD, about 70% isn't allowed in their sparring ruleset, and thus never gets pressure tested. If you allowed all of it, it would literally be exactly the same as Sanda.
So be it

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First episode is out.
>What is the Ultimate Self-Defense Championship?
A bit over a year ago, former Aikidoka YouTuber Rokas Leo set up a tournament with a self-defense "academy" to have himself and five other martial arts YouTubers compete to see who is best at self-defense. It was a hilarious shitshow that nearly crippled one of the contestants, Ramsey Dewey who would later get into an internet spat with the guy behind the academy (Jeff Phillips) and described the entire event as "piss poor" due to poor management, an incoherent and arbitrary scoring system, running on a very limited schedule, and timing events terribly (like having a zombie apocalypse-themed event that didn't influence score in the middle of the entire thing instead of at the end or something) and doing comically dangerous shit like making people fight on a narrow bridge a good 30ft above the ground.
Somehow, he kickstarted a second one, which features even less martial arts YouTubers.
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Nah, they're more the center of the self defense *Market* The grand majority of people investing time and mental energy into figuring out self defense methodology are men. Especially the hand to hand combat aspect of it.

Even then, the competition would also have to be structured quite differently. because self defense looks different for different groups of people.
I seriously doubt that that Rokas could pull off the, same flashy, light hearted tone if they were simulating violence against women.
Imagine Rokas deducting points because a woman failed to defend herself against a simulated rape with punch sound effects and royalty free rock music in the background.
I think that's kevin lee
True, especially after Rokas recently got crippled with it.
Imagine him in the shank tank grabbing dicks and screaming about making peojkrv0le his dinner
I'd allow them to wear the clothing that they usually wear as that would offer a bit of insight it what advantages/ disadvantages different varieties of clothing would offer (I know it'd be easy to abuse I think that their reputations being somewhat on the line would probably keep them mostly honest)

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What makes BJJ culture so insufferable compared to other martial arts?
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Gotta have that deep ballast for good kuzushi
fucking kek
well here's another thing.
Compared to other grappling arts bjj while difficult to become a black belt has a low entry point for it compared to other martial arts since it's entirely dependent on the bjj gym you go to.
While it's unheard of to get your black belt and suck shit at bjj it's entirely possible.
The governing body for bjj simply cares more about making money in the now than they do about making sure the sport isnt viewed as a cesspit 10 or 20 years from now.
You could be a literally ex convicted rapist and get your black belt in bjj and open a bjj gym since you dont really need any approval from the governing body like you would in Judo.
There is also no registry to see if someone is legit. You can literallt just walk in and say "im a blue belt" make up some lie about how you dont wanna roll yet because you wanna get to know people etc etc and they would only have two options:
believe it
or tell you to leave for not wanting to prove it.

Almost everything is word of mouth and it's not like doing these things like making a registry would be hard.
Hell, ive read stories in reddit of all places of blue belts opening their own gyms and everyone just saying to leave because that's absurd
ive even read stories of blue belts teaching classes in front of their black belt instructors which is something ive experienced first hand myself.
bjj has a lot of issues that it needs to resolve if it wants to be taken seriously outside of the martial arts community. Because even in it it's talked about as this taboo topic.

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It's that time of year again, /xs/ is once again playing in a 4chan wide footie tournament. Because if those hipster fucks at /n/ can field a team, so can we.

CPU vs CPU chaos on Pro Evolution soccer is the autism. Will Bam Margera ever get his shit together? Can an imported model of Tony Hawk from THPS3 score a hat trick? Can rollerbladers do ANYTHING right?

Our roster is pretty unchanged since the first team was fielded. Thankfully, more actual random threads appear these days, including a lot more about combat sports. I'll post the roster below. Let it be known if there's any changes you'd like to see, or if you just like things as they are.
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I would change Hakuho for "Punished Hakuho"
Oh yeah, I remember reading that his post athlete career went to shit
Sumo rep should be Onosato
Needs Mike Vallely
Not really to shit, but he let some big big guy bully a nerd and got basically demoted back to toilet janny. Once you leave the sport you have to ''climb back'' the rank of the organisation starting from janny and security to eventually go into the upper echelons. Basically set his post intai carreer back 5 years+

Also i was that one anon that wanted to take the team but flaked, i'll be there or the sumo thread if you need anything

Shit Components Edition

>FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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Shill me on vibrocore

How much travel does that bike have? Why are you running xc tires?
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Tires from my old bike, to save money I just used parts from my old and put em in the new. Bike is 160/140. In all honestly, im overbiked as fuck, I think 125ish would be perfect for what I do most of the time, but I wanted more travel since I wanted to do more jumps and go to the bike park more. Only downside I can see from having more travel is I have to put more power down at times, not much of a negative desu, if anything, will just help build fitness.
Pic related is the old bike in question, which I used at the bike park a few times. 2.35 tires with 120mm travel in a bike park. You can imagine how bumpy it was, though really fun.
How much does that bike weight? Seems like it should still be super fast rolling with those tyres. Also you could try removing some of the 30mm of spacers under your stem and try the riser bars.
Less vibrational imput into the hands supposedly. desu I am more of a shill for 31.8mm riser bars than vibrocore especially if you are riding steeper terrain
She weighs a ton, 16.45kg, size large, and i'm still gonna get a bash guide and mudguard so more like 16.65kg. When my cassette wears out, I'm gonna go 11 speed to save on some weight, and then after that, when my OEM Polygon rims go out (I hope they do soon), ill snag some Ex 511s. The Ex 511s should be something like 600g lighter. I have been able to get 3 - 4 kph faster on the downhill sections but I dare go any faster since those XC tires are at their limit of their ability and they are pretty worn, I should replace those soon with 2.5 DHR/F wheels soon. Also, agreed on the 31.8mm, that makes more of a difference than the vibrocore I think as well.

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~~Skateboarding Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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skinnyfat is not a bad place to start honestly. just go for it anon.
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looking forward to more news from the tiny femanon and her boulder

nice to see Daniel Woods in the OP
god, she's radiant.
Who? Is she some kind of insta thot?
>Hannah Meul is a German rock climber who specialises in competition bouldering and bouldering. She won the silver medal in bouldering at the 2022 IFSC Climbing European Championships and has placed second three times on the IFSC Climbing World Cup circuit.

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Is Muay Thai the best striking martial art? When it comes to grappling, there's a legitimate debate to be had between judo vs bjj vs wrestling. I, myself lean on some kind of wrestling but I can see the argument for judo/bjj. When it comes to striking, muay thai/dutch kickboxing seems to be clearly superior to say karate/taekwondo/kick boxing/ boxing, either due to more realistic training or better techniques.
each of the 3 grappling martial arts are lethal

karate is good for what it was developed for. unsuspecting opponents like a mugger who has never been in a real fight post high school

tkd is on a similar playing field but used in sport outside of tkd needs to be pair with something else. Like that fat guy who did the reverse kick in ufc.

if your goal is to br a hot headed fire cracker who thinks he's immune to bullets
do boxing or bjj.

muay thai will humble you fast as fuck considering it's a martial art where there will always be someone better than you in some aspect
>When it comes to striking, muay thai/dutch kickboxing seems to be clearly superior to say karate/taekwondo/kick boxing/ boxing
No martial art is best by virtue of specialization. Muay Thai is a very effective system, but its got its holes like everything else.

Karate is honestly underrated in today's age. It was rightfully derided from all the strip mall karate guys getting their asses kicked, but karate historically has played a huge part in the development of kickboxing. Modern kickboxing literally comes from karate and dutch kickboxing takes influences from kyokushin as much as it takes from muay thai. There are still many high level kickboxers/MMA fighters from karate backgrounds who've won world titles.

Similar boat to karate with less historical significance. Not the best out of the box, but has some advantages and high level guys can make it work.

Boxing has the best punchers. While it can't be exported wholesale to other striking arts, there's much value to be had in training it in isolation and adapting it to whatever striking you do. A problem many muay thai fighters have had historically when transitioning to kickboxing is dealing with guys with boxing-heavy styles who can get past kicking range and stay out of clinch range. MT's lack of head movement often caused them to get clipped.
Yes, kinda. Stadium MT rules don't emphasize the hands, so they sometimes get rocked by the Dutch and K-1 style kickboxing. The Wonderboy/MVP full-contact blitzing style is also pretty good, but the competitive circuit that bred those guys is basically dead.
Overall, yeah MT stands apart from everything else. Dutch kickboxing is the only close rival and even then people like Dekkers struggled against the Thais (somewhat to do with scoring/cheating tbf)

If you want to see what works, watch golden age K-1:
>Dutch kickboxing
e.g. Peter Aerts
>Kyokushin/Seido/other KK offshoots like Enshin
e.g. Andy Hug, Masaaki Satake
>'Kickboxing' (American I guess?) with TKD base
Cro Cop, Patrick Smith

That's pretty much it. American Kickboxing was sort of the expansion pack for TKD (i.e. adds close range fighting and boxing) and could turn them into good fighters. But that has now vanished in favour of MT as the ruleset is just better for MMA

Dutch kickboxing isn't really available outside holland so for most people it doesn't come into it

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What the fuck is her problem?
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i would imagine no.
A lot of talented fighters act like spoiled brats
probably because they are considering how expensive being a fighter as a profession can get.
it's already expensive as a hobby

>She does not believe that she's supposed to lose.

Anons are going to sneer about feminism run amok or something here, buy that is exactly what high tier athletes are like. SOF guys in the military are like that too. They gave sone sort if reality sphere where they can only visualize sone sort of victory for themselves. They aren't even arrogant about it; it's just a core part of their reality. They will persevere.

It's sounds insane, and it likely is, but it's an insanity that is integral to being the best in the world at anything. Reasonable people don't reach those heights.
So she's female Bork Lazer in other words

He spazzed for *years* about losing to Frank Mir, probably still does even though he beat him afterwards. MMA rewards this kind of mental illness if you're good but idk what happens to these guys mentally when they start losing
Based Gabi, she was great during all the CJI banter

I'm glad Rizin stopped doing this kind of thing though. The freakshow fights are one bit of Pride DNA they really are better off without

Turns out 100% believing you are the best at something is the best base for actually being the best at something

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: I wish that were me edition


>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)

>Thread question
at what age are you no longer expected to roll but still get respect

Previous thread: >>207439
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If you’re saying this you definitely have not watched any of his instructionals or trained with his guys.
>since going on his own
What are you even talking about?
why the fuck do people keep slipping out of my rubberguard omoplatas? yeah yeah "rubberguard lol" I know. Do I have to cute more of an angle and pinch the knee more? do you grab the wrist when you go for omoplata? there is surprisingly little info about keeping the arm in there during an omoplata. everyone just makes videos about how to finish, how to counter the roll-counter, etc.
cut* more of an angle
Please do yourself a favor and spend time on more effective things. There are much higher percentage sweeps/submissions from closed or half guard.
>t. escaped 3 of these retarded omoplatas at open mat yesterday
It's really interesting as I teach these eco classes the way that people can't listen to simple instructions or think for themselves

They've been so conditioned to only do exactly what the teacher specifically tells them to do that they're unable to make a decision without express permission to do it

In this exercise the defending player starts on his side, attacking player is behind him with his arms locked around his waist
Defending players goal is to build the house and stand up to his feet, once on his feet he is to remain upright for as long as he can
Attacking players goal is to keep his arms locked around the hips and prevent him from standing, if he manages to stand your goal is to bring him back down.
First come the questions
Can I unlock my hands?
What did I say your hands are doing?
They're locked around his hips
So no, you can't unlock your hands

If he stands can I use my legs to sweep him back down?
Did I say anything about restricting what your legs can do?

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Is kicking a viable option in a street fight?
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Ok, that was epic. But would've been embarrassing if he failed.
I want to learn capoeira
Obviously its situational (though the same can be said for literally any technique). obviously there is an increased risk of stumbling and falling though its way overstated

However if you are proficient enough at throwing kicks to throw them confidently and effectively in any rule set similar to MMA, you almost certainly use them in a "real fight" especially low kicks that carry basically no risk of falling as compared to any other technique.

People who say otherwise are often just contrarians or uncoordinated baby giraffe people who want to justify their lack of talent.
here's your (you) annoying faggot
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Here is a video of a head kick ending a street fight

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Roller skate thread.

Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.
Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencil

FAQ first edition

Last thread (next thread before 2026?)
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You can see in his videos that he's had a Filipino hooker with him at every skatepark. Probably knocked her up and forced to marry.
pretty sure he's 'retired' (ie a military welfare queen)
trying to get the hang of fakie grinds but can't work out which way to look once I'm actually in the grind.

Keep looking towards the ledge, or switch to the other shoulder to spot my landing?
What's staring at the ledge gonna do? Should be balance-muscle-memory; trust that you'll ride it out after a point and make sure the next step after is safe (eg not jumping on glass or a comically placed banana peel) feels more important imo.

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soaping bros, we're home
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pretty sure the "appeal" was that you could always wear them with no extra equipment necessary, so you could BUST A MOVE on the fly if you ever came across a good spot.
of course that type of logic mostly applies in movies and advertisements. in the real world they were just poorer skaters with uncomfortable shoes.
watch ryan juanzemis philosophy on soap. basically the point was to bring skaters bmx everyone together.. its a SIDE thing not your main thing that unites all extreme sporters together during school or whatever etc.
makes sense
Would be cool to have a set with grind pegs on the side
soaper bump

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>/xs/ is slow as fuck, practically dead at times
>pic rel is the alternative
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>Fat retards don't do judo, right?
I do agree with your point but I'll take the opportunity to report that half the old men at my dojo joke about having "judo bellies."
See >>210739 and >>210742
this is probably the one board where the majority of the user base actually participates in the focused activity of the board
then you have anons that just tell on themselves like>>213327
lmao, so does everyone in the reddit OPs class have autism too then?
>this is probably the one board where the majority of the user base actually participates in the focused activity of the board
Yeah, shame it's slow as hell. /sp/ is just full of spectator retards

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