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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

Boxing>Judo>Wrestling>Thau>whatever comes from europe>asia>BJJ
Everytime you see someone beating the shit out of more than person they are boxers
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You will not outbox more than one person unless they're retards. Self defence based on assumption your opponents are retarded is retarded. Get weapons or at least practice 400 m sprint.

I think wrestling is a bit underrated cause it rarely ends fights on itself but it's still extremely useful. Also bjj probably has the most finishes in the UFC besides boxing.
Yeh no shit because submissions are all classed as bjj
Real, Judo or sambo player hits an RNC or armbar and it's le BJJ
>whatever comes from europe
that would be boxing and wrestling
and Sambo, Savate, and pankration.

Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W

Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Last Thread:
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Emile Laurent should be soty and it's not even close
Emile Laurent skates like someone who has never seen a skate video or even seen another person skate but they've read books about skateboarding and skateboarding tricks.
being good at skating will help you ride a snowboard if you've never done it before but with the exception of a board slide skating and snowboarding are not even close to the same thing.
i agree with the first half but not the second, he skates like someone that's only ever seen skating irl
Emile Laurent is from The Shire

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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Why does my arch fucking BURN when snowboarding after a couple of runs?

Anyone got any tips? Used so many different boots/insoles and none seem to help.

>If it matters I have low/flat arches.
Using muscles you don't normally use.
you need to spend more time barefoot walking properly
i bet you heel strike in boots or super padded shoes all day.
Any weather geeks here? What are the chances of a spring storm in the Cottonwood Canyons? Going there in mid April because that's the only time my family's schedules line up and praying there's something to ski on.
I used to get this too, unfortunately I never found a solution and I just stopped

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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Most Mentally Sound Judoka Edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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>just show up to class consistently and participate and you'll eventually learn throws and their names

>show up to class and pay $150 for an instructional about footsweeps even though you should have learned it in class
let's see judo's ne-waza
I got promoted yesterday :^). Only an orange belt, it does make me feel awkward to be relatively old (22) and have what's usually a kid's belt, but what the hell.
>what's usually a kid's belt, but what the hell.

junior ranking orange belt would be white-orange
or is it yellow orange?
I know some schools the junior ranks deviate after green.
Instead of brown they go purple.
and i know some of them dont do the split color rankings.

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/archery/ Thread #3

Let's keep this bad boy going!

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
I bought a yumi, oh god, I'm a fucking moron, please help.
What you wearing?
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>shoot a Diamond XT, a $400ish beginners bow with a 3-pin sight and a huge range of draw weight, 20lbs to 70

yeah dude and it could end up being the only bow you ever need.

>If I were to take the plunge and become a guy who owns two bows

i only own two recurves and plan on buying more at some point in the near or far future
target recurves so i can out sights on 'em

>What do you recommend I learn to shoot this winter?

any target recurve
just know that in recurve you're holding that poundage for the entire time

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>ended up buying a Galaxy Sage with 30lb draw-weight limbs. 35lbs was drawable, but not hundreds of times in a row

based you did it without even being told.
You're actually really intelligent especially for statting at 30 and getting 35lb limbs incase you needd to ot wanna go up.

>A big part of that is that my form is wrong, I'm using too much hand, not enough of my shoulder and back.

yes recurve is unforgiving form is everything
all the way down to your release can make or break even missing slightly

look up back tension
that's a good starting point
as well as being able to hold your bow at full draw with full energy(as in you arent tired from shooting etc) for at least 30 seconds to build strength
clay hayes has a good recurve tutorial too
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>What's your style?
Three finger under, I want to start practicing thumb draw too though.
>What you shooting?
This hungarian style resin shit I bought used at the archery club for 50 bucks, it stalls at 28" so I need to buy anothed one.
>What you hitting?
Little ghost cutouts that were left over from the halloween contest.
>Recs for bows?
Don't buy a bow that stalls at 28" if you're a 6' tall guy.
Are you using a glove for that, or thumb rings?

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How do we save this shitheap of a martial art?

All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcome

t. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
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There are modern TKD books that show photos and instructions on using the shin to block and check kicks. That's something pre-21st century TKD/TSD videos and books never addressed.
>because of the above the waist only striking leading to a sidewards stance that muay thai absolutely annihilated.
Would you explain it further? I did TKD for like 6 years and now I'm transitioning to something more MMA like (for da streetz), but it's very hard to change my stance and I didn't know it was bad at all. I'd think it even leaves less of the body exposed to the opponent, considering distance management.
>I'd think it even leaves less of the body exposed to the opponent, considering distance management.
That is correct. But it also makes you extra vulnerable to low kicks, which modern kickboxing loves to spam.
Its not just a striking problem. If you're stuck in that stance, backwards movement is sort of your only choice for dealing with shots that aren't done from half a mile away. Or side stepping hip throws. Bad news when you get to the cage. Like any stance there's pros and cons, but being unable to get out of it is gonna be rough.
TKD stance works fine when low kicks aren't allowed

TKD distance works fine in a field where you can keep at long range all day

But in the ring you get smeshed bratha

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*ends your parkour career by the time you are 31*
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WTF I love parkour now.
In order for it to be a career you need to be paid anon
In America they'd just shoot those dudes in the back
Probably not. Those kids are probably being chased for minor reasons (likely related to parkour) but even shooting a young adult running from a felony traffic stop after participating in a drive by shooting can trigger protests and get your police department shut down.

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Roller skate thread.

Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.
Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencil

FAQ first edition

Last thread (next thread before 2026?)
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Keep you legs/knees bent
Balance to the side you want to turn to
Lift the leg on that side a bit.
Starting to feel pretty comfortable on skates.
Can't balance on one leg for shit, so no T-braking, but slaloms seem to work for hills.
That parking lot is starting to bore me a bit, but I still could use it to learn soul sliding.
no but seriously, is iRollerboot dead?
hey I can finally do turn and slalom
by replacing my front and rear wheels to have a banana setup
it's so much easier to turn with this setup
Naw just banging hookers in the Philippines

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I just started skating
is there any advice anyone can give me?
>inb4 practice makes perfect
you didn't need three fucking threads
Immediately start learning stationary 360 flips
wdym you just started skating? like you're leaning how to push or what? my advice is have fun and learn a lot of flat ground because you'll enjoy having absolutely shredded legs

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~~Skateboarding Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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Sounds like your gym is frequented by a bunch of fuckwits
FA Uptown's caught in the soft grading cycle
>difficulties for a some routes are soft because of crunch time/setting team is trusted/egos are starting to get big (big 3 reasons, maybe it's something else)
>numberchasing idiots suddenly have a "breakthrough" because there's a v6 or v8 or whatever they can climb now
>they now think they can all do routes of that difficulty because of normal numberchasing delusions
>numberchasing idiots increase, this new level of difficulty must be the norm and they're all godly climbers
>for a while, setters think they've made a golden route because many people are coming to climb the soft-graded stuff
>experienced setters slowly realize by watching climbers that it's not that hard at all, but now there's a new problem
>if they make an actual route of that difficulty, Numberchasers all piss and shit and moan, because they climbed a single (soft) v8 so clearly they should be able to do all v8s
>higher-ups won't like the drop in customer numbers, setters will have to cop to the fact they fucked up
>if they continue to make soft grades, they're lying to their customers, which feeds egos for a bit, but eventually people will realize they're ego-setting, which is shifty af
>customer numbers will still drop as people get tired of super inaccurate ratings, or angrynumberchasers screaming about how they didn't actually climb said difficulty
I think they're going the latter route, and hoping no one else calls them out on it. What's up FA-Uptown setters, please read this and change course before you put up a bunch of "V10" that are just v4s with tiny holds.
Also do more of those no-difficulty-posted routes, they're more fun that way, and the numberchasers all avoid them because they're obsessed over "MUH DIFFICULTIES"

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I agree gym chains suck but man just climb at a non-chain gym. Would solve your problems. Are you too far from one? I used to drive 55 minutes back in the day to drive to my dream gym, even though I had a local one 15 minutes by my hometown.
>going up that poophole
Just climb more somewhere other than a gym that labels v10s as v4s or do their v15s haha
Has anyone ever climbed at Movement in SAn Francisco? that place was cool

genuine question
are there any MMA/KB promotions in the west that a tranner could compete in? i rly dont mind competing as and against men and im a couple months off my 1st amateur fight still
just daydreaming of the octagon and the ring and the shit id need to do to make it work
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Street beefs up near tacoma or oly. Check out Gash
bjj is probably one of the only welcoming tranny martial arts
UFC had two tranny fighters in the pro league fighting bio women, Fallon Fox (who almost killed one of her opponents) and Alana McLaughlin so your dream is not far off.

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I want to learn something that would actually teach me how to use a weapon, near me they have fencing, eskrima and kendo. Of these three which one would have the most real life applicability?
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Not all of the Philippines were controlled by Spain, and in the places that were controlled Spain had to ban the martial arts practices and do anything to mitigate the use of weapons such as cut the tips off farming blades and make Filipino men wear shear clothing during formal events to ensure no concealed weapons were present.
Someone that teaches Kobudo, but real Kobudo. Since the original and real purpose of Kobudo was adapting the techniques daily day situations, for example, your like Hiking and get assaulted in the mountains you can pick a stick a used properly thanks to the techniques of Bō, Hambō or Tambō, you're in the kitchen and you only can reach the knife the skills with the Tambō or Sai also work, you're doing gardening the Kama.
But this being said is WITH THE HUGE disclaimer that you're sensei is actually doing the work properly.
>And you can still buy guns in California
Don't they only issue like 200-400 carry licenses a year? Its hard for the people in that shithole to own a gun.
Owning a gun is easy. Getting a concealed carry license is hard.
Kinda hard to defend yourself when they heavily restrict concealed carry and also make open carry illegal.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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Based fun haver
you mean Fucking Awesome Guy Getting Outside Today? That's what the Foot Boarding community is all about! <3
maybe [spoiler] but never [/spoiler]

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Night ride edition

>FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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I assume you guys never ride in the wet/mud.
Saw some decent reviews myself for raceface indy pants so have decided to try them out, found some on sale for £50 which seems like a good deal.
I think generally a lot of cycling gear is incredibly overpriced, seeing all of these pants worth >£130 and wondering who is realistically paying this.
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You anons score any good black friday/cyber monday deals? I managed to get a DVO topaz for 250 europesos from bike24

>I assume you guys never ride in the wet/mud.
Yeah the soil here is basically unrideable in the wet (i'm >>216750)
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What did you consoooom on the recent deals. I got a set of this bad boys. Finally my bike will be silent, crankniggas pedals will finally be put down. The pins are long, with the washer they have the same length as my old ones at max length(5mm) and are thinner. If I remove them they'll almost be 7mm long. It'll be very painful to peel my skin off, especially when its freezing outside.
>don't know how people do it
Alot of body movement. Push down and hop while scooping them. Good rubber(5.10 stealth) and good pedals help alot.
>felt borderline unrideable going down the same tech
Wide stance and be active with the pushing and scooping, dont just be a passenger like on clips. Like on jumping, you move or something to remain in control to prevent dead sailoring.

Seems like skillz were lost. Though I admit I don't know how street BMX riders on literal plastic sheets as pedals and sandals are able to hop 3ft easily. I can 1.5 ft (english) at most.(<1ft american)
Pants seems really useless to me.
Shorts dry themselves faster or water resistant. I'll be taking a shower either way post ride.
Legs don't feel cold

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>dont just be a passenger like on clips
That's the thing, it feels like I'm forced to be more reactive instead of proactive on flats. "Unrideable" was a bit hyperbolic, I still rode one of the jankiest double blacks I know of just fine but it felt sketchy and limiting. I think I'll just save em for jump days, 'proper technique' be damned.

What prompted me to try is getting a pair of ride concept vice shoes for $36, which have a vans-style waffle sole that I much prefer over the typical bubblewrap pattern that 510s and everything else have. Got a springdex, some rims, tires, brake pads. Backup float X that was literally cheaper than servicing the damper of my current one.
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>I think generally a lot of cycling gear is incredibly overpriced, seeing all of these pants worth >£130 and wondering who is realistically paying this.
These brands are always having sales and sending me promo codes so I rarely ever pay full price

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