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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

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Let's hear your idea for a sport
Competetive snowball fighting
>1 point if you hit another person with a snowball
>5 points for a head shoot
>win if you get the other person on the ground and shove snow into their face
>takes place on a circle with the radius of 30 m
>grappling is allowed, no striking though
I just had a visionary idea of a snowball gun where you pack the snow into a chamber and it compresses and launches it. Unlimited ammo and safe as long as it doesn't make them into iceballs. could have a paintball-like sport with this, just needs some need to go and make it
Some nerd*
Might be kinda hard to judge though, since snowballs don't leave much of a mark and you're fighting surrounded by snow anyway, so you wouldn't be able to distinguish someone who's been hit and someone who just fell on the ground
Maybe include wrestling-ish rules, where getting snow anywhere above your waist is an instant loss no matter how it got there, so your upper body can't touch the ground

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~~Compression edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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Have you ever seen Olympic weightlifters training? They literally repeat 2 movements and break them down into smallest pieces and repeat them over and over again with fraction of their working weight for like 50% of the training.
You can try to repeat projects but if it’s a real project it’s not sustainable to repeat it even once every session it’s like doing your pr bench press every time you train your chest and if you did lift weights you must know that even those basic movement patterns break under your maximum effort
thats not really true
climbers have very good near maximal effort volume compared to athletes of other sports
a climber will be able to "max effort" much much longer than a power athlete like oly weightlifting or powerlifters will be able to
Yes you and every climber is a special snowflake. Can’t wait for the obvious examples of people after months of trying one project repeating it on the next day
that looks like a total choss pile

Today for the first time I witnessed this phenomenon of the gym being full of QUEERS. They were pretty chill tho, I even showed them the beta for a boulder. There was a WOMAN with them and she wrote "this belongs to a dyke" in her chalk bag. I'm not from USA.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Old thread is waaay past its bump limit edition.
Having fun murdering your friends edition.


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread questions:
What are you working on this week, this month, this year?

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BJJ used to be for vale tudo, now it's not. Thats the biggest difference imho.

Getting a blackbelt without having an actual fight was a nono for some back in the day.
And women could only go to purple
It's really unfortunate to me that judo changed it, up until 2017 a female judo black belt had a white stripe running through it, It was an easy way to symbolize yes you put the time in and you've earned something but let's not pretend it's the same as what the men are doing
People say that it was a big victory for women but I think it was a big loss for the standards in judo

I liked that trend that was briefly happening in BJJ where the competitors would wear a white rank bar and the hobbyists would wear a red rank bar
No doubt this is part of the brainwashing from "real life self defense combatives" where they tell you you're supposed to appear nervous and submissive the entire time so that way "the witnesses" will tell the police you were the good guy

It's a line of BS perpetuated by people that obviously don't live near minorities because if you act that way they smell blood in the water
You need to be calm, confident, and firm with them
>I think it was a big loss for the standards in judo
Because women can't compete with men physically? By that same logic you could rule that black belts are only awarded to men north of 200lb and younger than 40, which is obviously retarded
Belts signify knowledge, experience and technical expertise, not just "could beat (or even fight fairly with) anyone of lower rank"
It's not just that, if someone witnesses only a part of the confrontation and sees you beating the other guy up, they might just assume that you are the aggressor. If they're a cop and/or in a particularly heroic mood that day, it's unlikely to end well
So jumping away from the guy and showing that your hands are empty (i.e that you didn't just stab them or something) might make sense in some contexts

Andy Anderson Edition

Basic brand info for beginners http://pastebin.com/C6rEGbzD

Shoe reviews: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0

Submit a shoe review: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.

Last Thread: >>201064
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I watch both but it’s the Olympics that’s caught my attention
It's actually incredible that anyone would try to call the motion of kicking with your right foot goofy footed
maybe they can get chris cole now that hes kicked off of zero and canceled. actually maybe cole can ride for cuck pool
hey fuck you

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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Forehand bros ww@
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holly nylons sexo
that’s my grandma you’re talking about
If I can't find my putter in R-Pro, should I get DX or spring for the Nexus?

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I have done Taekwondo and Judo. In both arts people got injured pretty regularly, sometimes very seriously. I am getting old (I'm in my mid 30s) and don't want any more injuries. What is best martial art style for me to train in?
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Yeah if you want to be a competitive professional athlete
Other than sports like golf
But noncompetitive you can do pretty much anything into your fifties if you're not an impatient dipshit
Probably a cultural/historical art, like a koryu school of kenjitsu or jujutsu, or Filipino martial arts, or something. Something that only does kata or patterns.
I'm not knocking this at all btw, I honestly think very old trad martial arts are fascinating.

As far as combat sport, probably jiujitsu. There's a lot you can do to dictate the pace, including but not limited to just choosing to roll with other chill guys and avoiding hotheads. Even if you are rolling with an enthusiastic young guy, you can learn how to slow him down and avoid bad positions. And hey, if you are in a bad spot, like he's stacking you and trying to feed you your own dick, just stop and reset.

You could also find a good boxing or muay thai coach to run you through pad drills and bag work, plus maaaaaybe some light sparring.
>Any martial art is safe if you don't go hard. If you stick to drills and very light sparring, you're unlikely to injure yourself
>depends on the gym culture
This is a good reply.
Your goals and risk tolerance have to align for this to work. If you have competitive aspirations, you'll need to face the risk of injury. If you just want to develop some skill and have fun, you can get away with just drilling and light sparring with TRUSTED partners.
Your injury risk can be mitigated by lifting weights, stretching, and proper recovery (sleep, stretching, eating)
Out of the time I've been training Boxing, BJJ and MMA, I've received the most and frequent and worst injuries from BJJ, followed not even closely by Boxing and finally I have not yet been injured by MMA.
BJJ every gym goes balls to the wall 110% in rolling for some fucking reason, boxing is usually controlled but occasionally people get overexcited and MMA is usually done by hobbyist programmers who lack the physical capacity/training focus to hurt you or comp guys who want to avoid injuries.
What's the primary demographic of your gym?
Men aged 18-30 are the group most likely to fight to the death in every roll because they want to get good fast and win medals
Older guys will probably be more chill.
And all that aside, you can always ask your partner to go lighter because you're worried about an injury. Any reasonable guy will respect this, if they don't, just don't roll with them again

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Fat fuck edition

Can't link the last thread because the archive doesn't allow searching for some reason
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Use the facebook BST groups you fool.
Just pay goods and services through paypal and dont get scammed by some barely literate cunt.
For what? Gear bag? Volcano. Pads? PE or dye. Masks? JT proflex of course. Paint? 30 dollar cases of TeamColors my dood
Okay so, as someone who plays both airsoft and paintball(total of about 20 years, tournament on and off for 8) it's got some similarities but honestly is entirely different.
Paintball has this notion of anyone who didnt make it into college sports plays paintball. Airsoft is more... weeaboo shit and straight up autists. I like to tinker so cockers and airsoft guns are super fun, but they're really hard to compare despite being so closely related.

If we're taIking high-end guns, I have owned multiple Matrix's (both Dye and Proto), multiple Intimidators, multiple MacDevs, multiple Luxes, multiple Shockers and multiple PEs. And not to sound like another PE fanboy, but my PE guns were by far the most reliable guns I have ever owned.
I think paintball is more cool, especially speedball; and you get to get dirty. every time I've seen the airsoft guys they've always been very clean, but I've never done a multiday event for airsoft.

>t hasn't been paintballing in years
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had one these bad boys back in the day
sold it to my friend eric
Paintball guys also get in the thick of it and go prone too I got shot in the ankle the other day since the kid dove and found an opening under a bus.

I was so pissed but then I was damn good play

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>mma fighter trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force
>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
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Pull it up faggot
Weak ass mindset
Where you from Europe? Because last time I checked people can’t wait to steal from each other in the states, it’s legal right?
And then the trained mma fighter punches you in the face dislodges it from your hand and fucks you in the ass with it and then shoots you.

How about that? What if that happens?
No shit, OP. That's why it's categorized as deadly force. Unfortunately, deadly force is haunted by the specter of Any Reasonable Man, whereas a double leg or kicking someone's legs out from under them is not.

On the flipside though, I was informed that as of last year, in my state, slapping a rear naked choke or even a guillotine on someone now constitutes lethal force, and the victim of said choke can perforate your ass for it. Which was news to me.

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The more I think about this the more it burns my biscuits, this means he's never had more than 1 year of uninterrupted formal instruction if he has a blue belt after 14 years

And it's not that formal instruction is all that important, but not having it also indicates he's never spent much time in a room practicing against a lot of different people
But both Khabib and Islam say that it's fine
I love how bjj fags actually pretend that helio Gracie did anything useful and didn’t just take a Japanese art and pretend it was his own.

If only that 450lbs kimura didn’t force 102 year old helio gracie to fight him with hometown advantage. Then judo would have lost!
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i dont give a fuck about what youtuber cunts are doing
To be fair, Helio's style is all about attrition; survival at all costs and wearing down the opponent until you can exploit an opportunity.

I'm no BJJ nuthugger, but I recognize how they diverged from Judo and Catch-as-Catch-Can-Wrestling (the other art that people conveniently forget that BJJ derives from) and became superb in groundfighting.

Yeah the Gracie propaganda is annoying but more people are wising up to it. Even on /bjj/ on reddit, they tone down the Gracie worship.

You're gonna die You're gonna rag doll Edition

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike

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Ye, they love their steep lines out in bc. I almost just rode by that one without noticing it because it's not really an obvious side-hit on an otherwise pretty mellow trail
>Can you huck it?
Maybe if you were so inclined, but the run up and transition at the bottom would make it pretty high consequence. Here's a photo from a different angle of another guy hitting it on trailforks https://www.trailforks.com/photo/19376109/
>the first thing i wanna do is learn to jump properly. any tips?
Learn to bunny hop, or you will always just be a passenger on your bike on the jump lines. Jumps are basically the same movement, just drawn out over a longer time. You don't need to learn to hop very high, you just need to be able to do the movement without thinking about it. Only other real tip is to go practice, and ramp things up slowly on a low consequence jump line with small tabletop jumps. Recording yourself can help as well
Do I get extra performance by paying 5 extra yuros more for the dual compound?
Only if the green color matches your bike's color scheme
Thanks. I can already bunnyhop, I'll try to focus on taking that motion to the jump next time
Everything I have read said do the same thing. Personally, I recommend finding some local dirt jumps, small, or making your own. I tend to like to spend a 1-2 hours practicing and find that to be a good time for me, much longer and I get tired/bored/etc.
You get better performance by doing your lower leg services slightly more often than recommended
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>early knock at 1pm
>Home at 1:30pm
>Decide to bed in new pads on the hardtail
>Notice a creak
>Start chasing creak at 1:40pm
>Stem bolts, headset bearings upper and lower, fork crown race, bottom bracket, cranks, pedals, saddle, seatpost all cleaned and re-greased
>Rear axle re-greased because it's the only thing left

At least the rest of the bike has now been maintained, pic related.

I'm stealing "Can you huck it?" for the next multimillion dollar MTB slogan and there's not a thing you'll do about it.

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Do you think mma has grown and evolved enough to say younger legends like Bones, Khabib and Mighty Mouse are better than older ones like Fedor, GSP and Silva?
You have to wait till most of their opponents and contemporaries are retired to really say. Bones is going out of his way to ruin what should've been an inarguable spot at best so far. But as long as the gloves aren't officially hung up, who knows.
i don't think it's fair to say "better", it seems a bit redundant. they were as good as they were because of who they were fighting, if the industry plateaus then how can it be expected that they reach a higher peak.

eventually it gets to that stage as with everything. new generation outshines previous generation but its still important to remember the goats of the past and appreciate what they did. without them we wouldn't have what we have now

Ameri-do-te edition

discuss martial arts here

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/8Vw9d7j

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:

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I watched this sport "support your countrys athletes" commercial on TV and they showed Taekwondo instead of BJJ/MMA lmao.
I don't know if I like it as a competition, but that's a great idea for a training environment.
how do i learn tiger style kung fu?

>My FMA teacher does teach us traditional training and gives us one day of sparring a week.

Congrats, youre sparring more than 90% of eskrimadores.

>The truth with all weapons fighting under HEMA, Kendo, Fencing, Escrima

HEMA is the closest to what the original fencing masters did, unlike kendo which is so far removed from actual fighting you could get a group of 10 year olds to make a more practical martial art.

>"real duel"

Dueling isnt what hollywood makes it out to be. "duels to the death" very rarely happened, and if it did it was because someone either went too far or were stupid and got themselves killed. Most duels in history were done to first blood.


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A thread to discuss Japanese weapon based martial arts and our own martial journey with like minded people, discussion of other Asian systems is welcomed too.

>what is kendo?
Kendo is a modern Japanese budō that uses shinai (bamboo sword) and armor for combat, in its modern purpose is a way to strengthen body and spirit and develop character.

>is kendo a martial art?

>what do I need to start kendo?
A shirt and sweat pants your club will likely borrow you the rest when you start

>what is iaido?
Is a Japanese martial art, influenced by zen practices based on different kata (drills) and subdivided in different schools with solo drills based on drawing the sword from the scabbard to defend from an imaginary opponent.

>what is kenjutsu?

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To start off the thread I have a question for all kendoka.
Do you think that judges/point scoring is starting to be detrimental to kendo overall?
The reason why I ask this is because many times when talking to my sensei and other senior students the reason they give me to not pursue techniques/guards like nitō or the left kote strike is that many times the judges won’t give you a point because they don’t know how to judge it.
I also read that many waza aren’t used anymore because of this same reason.
Related to this.
To answer an anon from two threads ago, I did try to use hasso/inno no kamae in jigeiko, my conclusions so far is that its effective but restrictive, it’s a good gateway for unconventional attacks because many techniques can be done by advancing at a 45 degree angle instead of straight forward, katate men and do also come out very well but are more difficult to control than normal due to the increased force that the right arm can give.
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Currently doing old school Shotokan karate for empty hands and something else for weapons, but my kouhai is interested in Jap swordsmanship. Trying to help him out on it and possibly visit the dojos to see stuff. There's a Katori Shinto-ryu and a Shinkendo dojo here in our region (both dojos are in different cities). What do you recommend for a beginner in Jap swordsmanship? Already visited the Katori Shinto-ryu dojo and found it interesting, completely alien to our local swordsmanship. A bit expensive tho.
There are several branches of KSR,Some considered illegitimate some not (That is a very complicated political conversation) and it can vary in quality from instructor to instructor, However in general, it would interest me a lot more.. Shinkendo, which I only know a little about, is largely based off Nakamura ryu, which comes from the Japanese imperial military style of swordsmanship, which was very much a return to basics style. KSR on the other hand, is one of the most comprehensive and oldest styles, and also covers other weapons.
>Some considered illegitimate some not
Looks like I need to look into this. Yeah, maybe I'll do more research on the Katori Shinto-ryu branch we have here, then go to the Shinkendo dojo to check it out. Does Shinkendo do sparring though? I know Katori doesn't since I asked.
>Looks like I need to look into this.
Its real complicated. I will try to explain it as best I can. The mainline is headed by a hereditary headmaster, and if a teacher doesn't have a relation with him, they aren't considered legit. To make matters more complicated, there is another line, called the Noda-ha, or Date that has been independent since the Edo period, so that rule does not apply to them. That does not necessarily reflect the teaching quality however, only what their standing is according to the hereditary "rights holder" and those associated with him.
>Does Shinkendo do sparring though?
I cannot say for sure, but what I have read indicates its not a big part of their curriculum. Sparring isn't a standard part of many kenjutsu systems anyway, I wouldn't necessarily take that as proof of quality, but if your friend likes free sparring he might want to look elsewhere.

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your preferred non-standard grips and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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You aren't him bro
It's funny because his system become something that mostly high-class liberal white people train now
Just like you don't train.
Don't need to train aikido for 6 years to realise it's shit.
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! Hey, hey...

Don't bring Aikido into this.

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