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Not fan of Jake Polio but he will whoop ass of this nigguh Tyson
young whippersnapper boutta have a rude awakening

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>Wrestlebros... I...
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T. Fedora wearer
You’re looking at 20 year old college kids in the middle of summer. Do 20 year olds wear suit and ties everywhere in your country, europoor?
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Why are webms of american street youth so fucking funny? It's like watching Idiocracy, but real
>say goodnight!
>"hmmm yeah lets shoot from 12 kilometers away from my opponent and make sure he can see it coming. Im sure that will work"

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Insecure 5'9" dude here. If you could only pick one martial art as a manlet for self-defense on da streetz (like a rando walks up and wants to beat the shit out of you) what would it be? The only gym near me offers either Muay Thai or BJJ
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It's not even a question. Muay Thai all the way.
BJJ is a complementary martial art that might or might not be useful one day but in reality I've never used it. Streetfighting, self defence or whatever you want to call it is mostly punches. Hell I haven't even used much kicks.
What's the point in learning how to fight if a big guy can one shot you?
Why gun if tank
Why tank if plane
Why plane if missile
the better you get the less likely it is to happen. 6 months is not enough time for someone to learn anything but extreme basics and still suck though
>There seem to be a fair number of people doing Judo
They're actually only in their early twenties; Judo and having the maddest parties of any sport fucked them up.

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soaping bros, we're home
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lame. why don't soapers ever do switchups?
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why don't the epic grind shoe faggots make a broadside model already?
having vertical and horizontal grinding would save soaping
because I imagine they'd be pretty horrible to actually walk in, plus the impact on landing would be brutal.

i guess it would be cool to be able to do "soul" tricks like mizu, etc on soap shoes.
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>plus the impact on landing would be brutal.
why? genuinely asking because any information in the original broadsides or the mr wilsons is like impossible to find aside from one webpage
I don't think I've ever actually seen a video of them in use for a sole plate grind

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I know regular Wing Chun isn't at all useful in a real fight, but what about this form of it? Anyone heard of this thing?
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As someone who studied Wing Chun (with plenty of pressure testing) for some time, for me it looks like somone with deep understanding of biomechanics woke up one day and decided to invent a martial art with some very specific self-imposed constraints and then did it, the absolute mad lad.
>Can I do a strong kick/punch without using my shoulders or rotating my torso? What if everything is a jab because straight line is the shortest distance? Idk, let me try
Probably the thinking went.
>Can I do a strong kick/punch without using my shoulders or rotating my torso?
Well the answer is no.
I trained in the Hungarian branch for less than 2 months. It's not only bullshido but also a scammer cult. I'm so glad i quit so soon.
I don't believe the origin story but also it's a nearly completely useless fighting style so whatever
Almost utter nonsense on every account. Impressive.
Lay off the crack

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>5'8 man vs 5'8 woman
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>ricebug chink
>healthy adult man
kek. also women dont actually see through their eyes they only have an imaginary third person view of themselves like a video game, which is why they are athletically inferior. they are not at the reigns of their corporeal form, nature is, and everyone knows nature is a girl. and man was put on this Earth to rape nature.
T. Plays bibeogaymes all day
>Hurrrr let me tell you about what is alpha

Sit down
Thanks for the quads of wisdom, satan
Both of them could rape you to death if they felt like it

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Is doing nature-based extreme sports with "inappropriate" weather conditions a true extreme sport? Is it considered by some as legit, a fringe illegal sport, or just plain suicidal?
white water rafting at a rainy night, climbing mountains in winter when it's raining ,free solo when it's windy or rainy or moon-less night, even urban exploring with 0 previous research \tech\ emergency calls or beepers on you, etc
Is this just suicidal? if it IS: why don't the (we know there's many) suicidal extreme-sporters do this more often?
Idk, I just went kayaking with an inflatable kayak knowing well it's going to rain heavily with thunder and had the time of my life. Had me scared shitless at times, but it was a unique experience

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SPAZ Edition

Old Thread:>>187462

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

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>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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I think I'm going to try and DIY a goggle fan system again, will post results and parts list if effective in about a week.
Are they any good? The ones we used in the Swedish military sucked ass and just fogged up if you used them anywhere besides the shooting range.
Whatever with EXFOG fan system. Also use it for skiing.
pretty good in my experience
so long as you dont disturb the airflow through them too much
what I mean by that is, if the vents on the top and bottom are mostly kept uncovered by say a helmet or beanie, it takes some serious effort to get them to fog

Is it possible to be strong enough to squeeze and submit someone on the ground the same way a constrictor snake can kill its prey?
Well you have to understand how constrictor snakes do it. They aren't just crushing things to death like the movies would have you believe. What they do is every time their victim exhales they squeeze a little tighter preventing them from inhaling again. Eventually they just can't get enough air in with each breath and pass out
It doesn't take much pressure at all to do that
Man is weak, that's why we have technique in the first place. If you get a wrist lock, the person you're putting on the ground wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Realistically, a blood choke is the closest you'll get though. Bear hugs are for holding people unless you're a bodybuilder, but even then, you aren't hurting anyone w/ one, just being stuffy.
You have to be extremely powerful.
Yes. Any decent wrestler or judoka can do this against a normal person who doesn't train. I've had good results with a headlock pin/kesa-gatame (tightening with each exhale like a python), so I'd imagine that an exceptionally strong person could do the same versus a weaker person with training. Wrestlers typically spend more time training for tighter pins because the ruleset requires it; if constrictor-like submissions are your primary goal, wrestling is probably your sport.

You can do the same thing with leg scissors but often those are more about threatening broken ribs than they are about preventing your opponent from drawing breath, so be mindful of the risk and be considerate of how you're using which variant and if it's allowed in the ruleset you're grappling under.

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THEN why are bets allowed on this fight?

How can a fight be notoriously fixed with money matters behind? It's would be illegal, they would get sued.

So i believe it's not fixed... I want to believe.. it's not fixed.
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I intend to place my first bet on sporting events on Mike Tyson but due to my states laws I will end up using Draftkings once I can bet on the fight. Does anyone have any opinions on Draftkings and is there anything I should avoid in the betting scene?
>How can a fight be notoriously fixed with money matters behind?
Yeah, because this never happened before, lmao.
It's food for a laughs at the very least.
Boxing promoters have gotten away with it for the last 200 years so I don't know why they would stop now especially in an era where no-one gives a fuck whether shit is real or not.

That said I don't think this particular fight is fixed so much as its a foregone conclusion that they don't even need to fix.
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>they can't do something illegal becouse it's illegal

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Have you found any transferability or utility from a grappling martial art like Wrestling, Judo, BJJ, etc. in full-contact team sports like Football or Rugby?
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The difference between footy and grappling would be the importance of what happens after the takedown.
In footy, you only want the opposition player to be pinned to the ground, preferably with ball in hand. In grappling you want them pinned too but also unable to counter-attack you - that's not really a threat or issue in footy.

a better angle of the throw.
Not a judoka, could it be a tani-otoshi, or a ura-nage?
I remember seeing some news report about how Rugby players were taking Judo lessons just for the sake of learning how to fall and not get fucked up in a tackle

Neck bridges
Good or dangerous?
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You know the guy is pointing out the reasons as to shy you woukd want to DL right? Retard.
neck bridges are very safe if you aren't retarded or fat which probably isn't you, nonetheless almost all high schools will drill neck bridges, or at my school neck circles for wrestling. and if high schools are allowed to drill it without issue it should fit right into your routine just fine without injury, great way to build your neck
>some skinnyfat narrow shoulder roidhead youtube influencer faggot said its bad therefore its le bad
drop the barbell on your neck next time you benchpress
After you can hold a regular neck bridge for about 90 seconds move on to pressing a barbell from that position. I think the most I did that way was about 120 lbs for sets of 5, but I only trained them for like 3 months.
They are bad, that exercise just fuck your cervix.

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This is harder than I thought and I get easily knocked out. When I got punched more than once at the same time I start disorienting and I immediately lose. Any tips?
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Do you roll punches? That's not step 1, but it's pretty important. Know how to take a punch. When it comes down to it, plenty of physical endurance comes down to technique. That's why even very defensive and sturdy fighters can lose to one good punch (Sean strickland vs. Alex peiera)
I don't have any tips, sorry. I just wanted to say good on you for getting amongst it. Sparring is the tits.
I really should call in and see my old boxing coach.
That's pretty natural, half of it is knowing when to get out of a losing situation to give you enough time to reorient yourself
>back up
>side step
>throw front uppercuts to dissuade following
and if all else fails throw yourself at them to pin their arms to their side, after a couple seconds to ref will call a time out
if this one doesn't work then throw yourself at them but drop to your knees and just start sucking their cock, after a couple seconds to ref will call a timeout
They knock you out at the first sparring?

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I was at a bar and some dude out of nowere headbutted a friend of mine. I stepped in to sepparate them and got shoved by the guy who headbutted him. After getting shoved I froze, I couldnt move, i was afraid and couldnt react.
Up until now i thought i could avoid getting in fights by just being chill. I never thought someone would attack unprovoked.
This made me seriously consider going to a boxing gym. Would this make me not freeze in situations like this? Is boxing a good combat sport to learn to defend yourself? Any anons have had a similar reaction get fixed by training?
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I suggest judo over wrestling as a lifetime discipline because wrestling requires a higher level of athleticism to perform at baseline competency while judo can be more reasonably trained by an old man. The heavy focus on falling properly is also a major benefit of judo since most people are more likely to be at danger from falling than from getting into fights. If you have access to a good wrestling program (e.g., you're in the American school system) it's definitely worth checking out as it's a fun sport that helps build a lot of mental toughness, but if you're looking for something to keep after for the rest of your life judo is a better option.
Getting in martial arts is a good step, but I think the best you can do is mentally train. You freeze because you're stuck thinking. Train yourself to understand when to let loose. Martial arts is a good way, it will teach you to not fear getting hit, and realize that punching back is better for you, as well as turning that mentality into instinct.
Retard that you are, you don’t realize the best way to train mentally is through active combative training. Newbies get an andrenaline dump when they start training. Competition is an even bigger adrenaline dump. A street fight is an even bigger dump than that. You need to acclimate yourself to that adrenaline dump to maintain a proper headspace in a fight. Despite the popular phrase, the adrenaline response is not fight or flight, it’s fight, flight, fawn, or freeze. People without experience with violence are far more likely to freeze than anyone else.
This is true, there was a time when I was going to BJJ class 5 days a week for about 3 years, because I was a former fatty and was obsessed with weight loss.

After awhile you get into a weird "zone" where it doesn't matter if your sparring at 50% or 100% intensity, you kind of mentally zone out and just let your body do the grappling.

Afterwards you may be breathing heavily but mentally your relaxed, just waiting for the 90 second next sparring partner change to start.

Same thing happened when I trained judo, at first I hated being thrown and was a terrible partner, because I was constantly stiffening up.

After a while you just become like jelly and being thrown is no different than stretching.
This guy knows what's up. Most people freeze first, some stay in that stage until the situation is over while others will move on to fight/flight/subservient. You can even observe this reaction in animals.

To the op, get in to any sport/martial art that has an element of someone physically trying to dominate you. Most people freeze because outside of fighting as a kid they never really have experienced another grown human getting physically hostile with them.

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Is he the GOAT martial artist?
That's a human being, you fucking retard arab faggot.

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