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>how it feels to run from ski patrol when you're four beers in and they caught you on a closed trail (it's a pow day)

Rebel ski thread

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I want to get into some martial real bad, with boxing my main pick but I'm so afraid of CTE. I program for a living and can't afford to lose IQ points to doing a sport. How do you anons deal with this???
>I'm so scared of [insert fear]
Stick to programing you vagina
You already posted this on /sci/ faggot. Plus if you program for a living it's not like Stephen hawking
Just stop thinking about boxing and go for bjj and kyokushin
Low or high IQ doesn't matter, since you program, poos will replace you next year saar. Also >>218343 or quit bein a bitch
NTA, but my brain is about the only part of my body that I'm actually worried about. I've seen firsthand what dementia/Alzheimer's does to a person, not wanting to end up like that is a valid concern I think
Sure, not training at all in the name of brain health is kinda dumb, but some concern is warranted

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Whats this move called?
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All the hallmarks of a Russian fight production, but everything's in English. Mind bottling.
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>Mind bottling
>They're running ads on their skin?
Yep, "The War" tournament treats their fighters like a nascar vehicle. I know thier league started in 2021 but they aren't going to last long if they continue to be this tacky.
haymaker, retard punch,
>boxing doesnt work in a real fight

Is there a martial art that is 100% defensive?
ONLY blocks and evades.
MAYBE some holds or locks but ideally just defense.
>inb4 running away
Yeah yeah I get it but still please.
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The fuck is Tarantino's problem?
>so they're probably faster than you too

You are as observant of life around you as a blind rightwinger with alzheimer's.
>as observant of life around you as a blind rightwinger
In my experience living innacity libshits have absolutely terrible situational awareness on average.
Well I have outran people who could kill my ass.
>dude is big and has 3 friends with him
>therefore he can outrun me
no, if youre lighter than him and train sprints theres a massive chance that you can outrun him.

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A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
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>disgracing the noble sport of zorbing with AI slop
I think it's acceptable given that all the original photos were burned by the anti-zorb lobby before they could be digitized.
Speaking of lobbies, did you know there was a zorb event planned for 2012 Olympics in London? We were so close to greatness...
Santa Claus zorbs
if zorbing really becomes a permanent olympic sport, all of the underground zorbing rings will lose what makes them special when all he proffesionals pivot over to officially sanctioned events. The olympic committees would probably force everyone to wear special suits for saftey reasons, outlaw the use of lubricants, and forbid zorb decorating.
not to mention the substance abuse/doping etc, but everybody already knows that's a problem.
>zorb suits
And then they'll ban the event because everyone passed out from heat stroke.
But to be honest, I don't think underground zorbing is all that great. Needlessly dangerous courses only attract bloodthirsty rubbernecks, and they will never appreciate technical zorbing.

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Based Usyk did it again
Undisputed in two weight classes
Dude exceeded expectations and beat everyone in front of him. Great fighter.

What do you guys think Usyk should do next? I think he's done enough and should retire.
Fury should have retired when he first said he would retire
Now he's a fool
It'll happen to Usyk too if he doesn't know when to stop, so yes, I think he should retire while he's on top
Nah it's cooler to give all you got and then retire

Uysk was icey in that match though, I knew he was going to win as soon as I saw that initial staredown in the ring

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I have a lot of friends who are learning boxing and kick boxing. Should I take some lessons or just buy a gun?
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learn to fight and buy a gun and everything else that you can and by more guns and various weapons. Be as bad as you can be, learn how to hack, learn human anatomy so you will know all the vital arteries and organs to attack. Learn how to throw a baseball acurately, how to throw a knife, how to shoot a bow and arrow. how to shoot a pistol, how to use a sniper rifle, how to fly a god damn helicopter. Star jogging, running, sprinting, swimming. sky diving. Get in tip top shape and try out for US Navy Spec Ops.
For street defense
>How to punch
Will give you a feel for how bad it can be to lean in too hard into a punch while punching so you learn how to be safe
Will teach you that kicking in the streets can be retarded if you slip and fall on concrete
Will teach you how not fall headfirst onto concrete or fall in a fucked up way and be unable to run away
Kickboxing also will show you the perils of changing level into someone smacking you in the face
All these martial arts are good. If only to reach you how to not get yourself dead
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not OP but I will also ask: I have been a retard for a long while. I had a basic\good base on kickboxing and boxing, but I stopped going to the gym because it wasn't "hard enough" and spent months practicing punches, kicks, etc against those iron poles or metal equipment at public park, trees, hitting myself with dumbbells or even barbells, etc ,and just sprinting\ doing random but tiring shit with my home gym weights.
Now I came to realize : life ISN'T about headbutting s dumbell for reps ..I sincerely want to learn an Art (of fighting now) so:
> what coordination ,hand-eye drills are good and where can I get a book about them?\ youtube channels, etc?
>what sparring regime is advice for a non-pro, frequency, agreed-upon level of harshness, etc?
>what equipment MUST a gym have? tear drop bag, banana bag etc
>Should I learn no-gi BJJ ,and K-1? I want to acquire real fitness, agility, dynamic power and body-smarts.
(I will move to another City so I won't be returning to the gym I went to. I think they don't give the classes anymore even)
>Normal People
Ahhhh. The American method
my man....your first stop needs to be a Psychologist.

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I've been boxing for a month and after hitting the beavy bag for a few rounds I ALWAYS have sore hands and forearms, and the pain lasts for days. I have an office job so a hand injury is not something I want. Will it go away or should I go for a grappling art instead?
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Is it muscle soreness or actual "bad pain"?
If it's the former, just exercise your forearms.
If it's the latter, slow down for a while, make sure you're not getting injured and slowly build to the point that you can punch comfortably
if you've never punched anything for an extended period that's normal
Grappling with a gi is way worse for your hands.
Are you wrapping your hands and using proper gloves? If yes just take it slow and see how it goes. You need to assess if it's just muscle/tendon/bone weakness or if you are fucking yourself with poor technique.
Thank God I grew up with a father so I didn't turn into a little pussy ass bitch like OP

am new to the sport. whats the best paddle to cook in the kitchen?? (AKA be good in the kitchen.).
I recommend hitting that bitch with a frying pan
gay sport

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ITT: We show appreciation to the greatest girl skater on Earth, the christian Rayssa Leal "The Fairy".
Skate cunny sexo
Jesus Christ be praised!
Cool stuff

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what's a good extreme sport for someone who likes video games?
League of legends
Racing, if you like controllers or a keyboard and mouse, then you'll like a steering wheel/handlebar. Archery or target shooting, requires no athleticism.

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boxing general

ITT we talk about boxing, not focusing on fights and events but talking about training, techniques, gym shit, injuries, our sparring and fights, ask for advice etc
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That’s the jist of it, yeah
I'm a big guy, I'm 6"3' and I used to be a powerlifter so I'm strong fat
I'm right handed
When I was young I badly injured my right shoulder, so when I started boxing I learned to lead with my right arm despite being right handed
I've been doing this so long that leading with my dominant hand feels totally natural and normal; jabs and lead hooks feel like butter
When training I read Jack Dempsey's book and focused a lot on hitting hard
After a few years my shoulder totally healed and it has since regained all its strength
Apparently a large guy who fights southpaw despite being right handed, and who focuses almost entirely on hitting hard, is terrifying, since I can throw jabs like sledgehammers

Should I go on a cut and compete?
Someone told me I'd do pretty well
Tony Jeffries is a professional trainer that has a lot of boxing videos about how to improve, however be aware that he uses a british boxing style so if you use something different like the soviet style it won't suit you unless you have the normal stance then you shouldn't have any problems taking his videos into account
If you really are invested go on and try it. But beware they are gonna fuck you up, i posted my experience a little up in the thread where i got to fight an experienced amateur in an sparring a "golden boy" if you wanna read it. They are gonna use you for boosting golden boys of the gyms and if you wanna improve in the sport you are gonna have to eat a lot of shit. But like i said try it and see for yourself if you wanna try compettive boxing. Blessings.
Yes we are all terrified of you, big fella
You're so scary yes you are

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2D games lets you jump high, no side step
3D games lets you side step, not let you jump high

But in real world blood sport, is side step actually utilized? And not talking about bob and weave.

What I'm trying to say is, I need gifs and webms.
Getting out of the center line and stepping outside of your opponent's lead foot are some of the most basic techniques in many martial arts

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Is rollerblading still alive?
Yes, but they are rare these days and I only ever see older dudes doing it.

t. wood pusher

genuine question
are there any MMA/KB promotions in the west that a tranner could compete in? i rly dont mind competing as and against men and im a couple months off my 1st amateur fight still
just daydreaming of the octagon and the ring and the shit id need to do to make it work
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Street beefs up near tacoma or oly. Check out Gash
bjj is probably one of the only welcoming tranny martial arts
UFC had two tranny fighters in the pro league fighting bio women, Fallon Fox (who almost killed one of her opponents) and Alana McLaughlin so your dream is not far off.
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>are there any MM -ACK
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ufc. Ultimate fag championship

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