Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: you know why you're here edition>Daily deals>Instructionals>Smoothcomp (not sure why we post this)>Belt Checker (dead)>Thread questionComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>220803cant imagine
>>220773>doing so much roids you look like summer sausagekekhe should just take a hot showerhe'll feel better
>>220668fucking hell why does mike just has a huge ass. did all the gh just go to his ass
>>220626I know. It's also easy to prevent it in the first place. I still use it though, it's a way for me to not get passed. Fuck you you aren't passing, I'll hold you in it the rest of the round while I struggle to sweep you and not get submitted or passed.
NEW THREAD >>220879
>/xs/ is slow as fuck, practically dead at times>pic rel is the alternative
>>216656Yes you are the most intelligent supreme gentlemen lmao
>>210677I stumbled across this forum for extreme sports discussion on a different imageboard. It’s dead, but it looks to be because the board is not very well known and very new
>>214218Name a couple of majority female hobby groups that aren't also desperate for men.
>>219272name a couple of females
>>219294>there was no response to this
I train boxing 6 days a week and 2 an a half hours each day minimum, is it enough for competing amateur?When i rest on sunday, i feel like i could do much more but with the gym closed i don't have the same will to do exercise.
>>219064So why are you asking. You're basically training like a pro. Do you have the willpower and aggression to step in the ring? That's down to you
>>219056That’s way more time most people can invest in a sport… if your not totally untalented your good.But how about asking your coach instead …?
>>219056>>219059I thought "amateur and pro" were STYLES of boxing ,tho? Amateur is the one with helmets, and more focused on points ,the one seen at the Olympics. and pro is the one based on KOwhat's the correct terminology if YOU are an ameteur doing "pro style" fight?
>>219170No. Amateur is when you get carded by an official boxing governing body(of your country), have a medical and get your bouts registered officially. Amateur literally means "for the love of,(the sport)" you don't get paid, at most you get a medal/ trophy and wins on your cardMaybe your coach will find you a fight outside of those terms and conditions, can you still call it amateur boxing? Idk. More like heavy sparring or interclub. In order to truly say you do "amateur boxing" I think you need to get "carded". I think that's where the line is drawn. Otherwise if you simply "train". I would say it's a hobby. You're not an amateur boxer youre a hobbyist who trains and spars.Pro boxing is when you get your pro boxing licence. This allows you to compete at a "higher" level although to my knowledge there's plenty of amateurs who would wipe the floor with "pros". As far as I know anyone can get their pro licence. This is where you start getting paid for wins and fighting in general. I don't fully know how this side of it works but I'd imagine it's similar to being carded. And yes this all costs money to do.Olympic boxers (I just found this out btw since you asked) seem to have specific rules like the boxer can't be a pro with more than 15 fights, they don't make money off it, and it's mostly amsteurs using it as a stepping stone to turn pro or make a name for themselves Headgear has different rules as well. For Olympics it's required. Here for amateurs it currently isn't since around 2018. For women it is still required. Pros don't wear headgear. In different countries it may still be required. The conditions vary depending on country to country. Weight classes also differ between amateurs and pros. Neither are based only "on points" you can KO or TKO in both of them
>>219252Correction, apparently olympic boxers can make a shitload of money, government grants etc
In this thread, we discuss all things kitesurf related (windsurfers, kite wingers, foilers, and others are also welcome). Spots, gear, tricks, stories, questions, anything.> Why kitesurfing is xs?- Outdoors in natural beauty- Available to all ages, fitness levels, men and women.- Feels amazing flying through the air with power of the wind- Introvert sport. Bros help you launch/land, but you're mostly on your own.- Always new tricks to try and ways to improve.- High "action to waiting" ratio. Sessions can last hours with no breaks.- Undisputed coolest people on the beach (sorry surfers, but it's true). Everyone wants to be friends with the kiters.
>>216300how do you start getting into this? Flying the kite? Then surfing? Then combining?
>>218578The kite is powerful and can pretty easily throw you into rocks or trees or dive bomb into the land, so I always recommend getting an instructor. Learning progression is:1. Fly kite on land.2. Fly the kite without a board in the water (called body-dragging). This adds movement and lets you understand how to control the power and direction of the kite.3. Add a twin tip board (like a wakeboard). This is the combination part.It's obviously much easier if you have experience with board sports (best is if you have wakeboard experience), but it's actually not as hard as wakeboarding because the kite tends to lift you up out of the water (as opposed to the more horizontal power you get from a boat or wake park). Takes about 3 1hr sessions to get up, but then it's mostly just going down wind, and then you need to walk back upwind and try again. Takes another handful of sessions before you're actually able to stay "up wind" and then can ride indefinitely. Takes about 20 sessions to feel fully comfortable and then you can start working on jumps/tricks. Or then you can trade the twin tip into a proper surfboard and ride waves with the kite (kite brings you to the wave, then you ride the wave like a surfer while kite is just floating next to you).
I see Defendo places around me, from their descriptions it seems like Krav Maga but with more focus on unarmed fighting, on their website it says their bases are taken from Muay Thai and catch wrestling.How effective is this? Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?
>>207613>at 15 years old I created my own lethal combat systemThis is Frank Dux tier
>>199760By the name alone, bullshit
>>199797Anyone actually good at submission grappling is doing BJJ
Wasn't the guy who made defendo also the guy who invented what they called combato for the military? some sort of Hong Kong cop or something or my memory is wildly wrong
>>219193You're thinking of WE Fairbairn who made Defendu and was a cop in Shanghai.
Bruhurt thread
>>218457>maybe a little more athleticthe top fighters are all ultra fat rich people kek and now because of the armor
>>218458and not*
>>218457so this is the consensus, really? ive snooped on a group in a city i will be moving to and from the pictures they look moderately older than the hema people and... only a few of them look tistic. if they really are just as tistic though on the whole then its gonna be a no go. sad. i felt hema because i couldnt stand the people. they all think they are anime protagonists.
>>218991If you read the >>>/xs/hema thread you'll see discussions about varying levels of 'tism between clubs. You're posting on /xs/, which is an autism marker itself. >older>only a few look tisticThey probably looked more autistic when they were awkward teenagers, they just mask better now after decades of practice.
>>215908 Ring IV from yesterday. A couple of the fights are decent.
>mma fighter trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
you don't have the heart to shoot somebody you fucking faggot
>>217159Literally in my country the a Self-Defense with fireguns can be easily overturned by a minor thing like waiting for the robbers to enter your house to shoot them or shooting them on the back
>>217166>the guy that just falls at the endkek
>>203686>elite marksman trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force>I bring this to a fight and it's over in less than 5 seconds
>>211189You left the door open. So the 3-5 violent men can easily walk right through. Rookie mistake.
>>217588Im an AASI Certified Snowboard Coach. Ive taught thousands of people at various ski and snowboard schools in resorts around the country. Ill teach you how to ride for>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour>cost of a lift ticket + $40 an Hour for groups of 2 or more.>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour + Gas for any skit resort outside of the state of Utah.Willing to travel to neighboring states. (Wyoming, Colorado)The trannies at Vail Resorts charge $1,700 for a single private lesson and who sign their emails specifying their pronouns.Reply to this with your contact info, you will not be disappointed.
>>218665i guess white man sports dont jive to well for teh Jews, huh
>>218655Or we could go to our local resort and get a free two hour lesson with lift ticket
I've only done it once and I managed to get the hang of it after an hour on the bunny slopes but the only thing I couldn't figure out how to do was properly stop. I'd stop by turning then quickly falling on my ass. Went on the beginner real slope, was catching serious speed and almost crashed into the giant crowd of people do I properly stop? or some tips to practice if i ever go again.
>>218655how often to people fall off the lift?
>>218655>Reply to this with your contact infoKamala HarrisNumber One Observatory CircleWashington, DC 20500
(note to mods: so activities here are illegal but Im asking whether this exists, not incentivizing it) Is there any groups that do ARG as a sport\hobby? Probably they keep it secret but, it seems there's an overlap between chaos Magick in urban centres, underground music (punk, black metal, some obscure electronic genres), militant far-left groups...So far ,by my poor research I know of trends such as:>extreme graffiti, including dangerous urban exploring, and urban (Clandestine) rappelling>that sport where you use roller blades in your 4 limbs and slide trough-down speeding cars>train-hopping (not trainspotting), pioneered in Germany by "youth gangs">"expose risk challenges" Bringing a banned item into a place and photographing yourself holding it. Like that nerd with the LSD tablet in Mecca. Maybe Mein Kampf inside a synagogue, a portrait of Bomber Harris inside a Berlin pub, whatever>crowd surfing, last-hour taking trains or subways, sewer line exploration or abandoned train carriage\ factory squatting ,and camping, etcdoes this exist? or am I too meth-headed?
>>218966You're just an autistic. Yes people go outside and do stuff. No it is not part of an alternate reality game. No it's not some gay occult ritual.
I've always wanted to play an assassination gameeach player gets assigned one of the other payers as a target to assassinatethen when you assassinate your target you inherit whoever their target was until only one person is left alive
>>218974like Afro Samurai?>the owner of the Number 1 headband is a living god in the world>only Number 2 headband can challenge number 1 >anyone at any time can challenge number 2 and take his headband
>>218976it's more like a single elimination round robin until only one person is left, every time someone dies you advanceas long as you're alive you're still in the gamemaybe it's strategic to not take out your target right away, let them clear out some people firstthe game needs a handler though for everyone to report to and keep things organized. Might end up with a situation where 2 players are assigned each other before the end, or someone makes their would be assassin and takes them out firstthat's when the handler needs to reassign targets to keep the game moving
No rules except no weapons allowedWho is the strongest of all time?
>>185549This would have to be a hypothetical, mythical fighter that couldn't possibly exist. Like Andre the Giant at 20 years old, 400lbs, if he learned Judo
>>190194>Mike Tyson with skills he didn’t haveIn that case, the answer is my dad, except he went around the world mastering every martial art, like Batman.
>>205661>Ancient warriorIf we’re including weapons, and it’s a one on one fight, the only sensible answer is Musashi.
>>216541I'm a pretty trusting guy with an open mind, but I'll eat shit before I believe anything Marco Polo said for no other reason than because he said it
The sudden appearance of the English army caught the Norwegians by surprise. The English advance was then delayed by the need to pass through the choke-point presented by the bridge itself. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon has it that one of the Norwegians (possibly armed with a Dane Axe) blocked the narrow crossing and single-handedly held up the entire English army. The story is that this Viking alone cut down up to 40 Englishmen and was defeated only when an English soldier floated under the bridge and thrust his spear through the planks in the bridge, mortally wounding the warrior. His name was not preserved in the aftermath of this battle.
How do we save this shitheap of a martial art? All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcomet. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
>>216770Its not just a striking problem. If you're stuck in that stance, backwards movement is sort of your only choice for dealing with shots that aren't done from half a mile away. Or side stepping hip throws. Bad news when you get to the cage. Like any stance there's pros and cons, but being unable to get out of it is gonna be rough.
>>216770TKD stance works fine when low kicks aren't allowedTKD distance works fine in a field where you can keep at long range all dayBut in the ring you get smeshed bratha
>>216916Traditional Ohdokwan back-stance is actually quite square. Not bladed like you see in the Olympics. Plus bending ready stance is a check against a groin kick. So some Taekwon-do stances work better than others. As for close distance? Practice your boonhae so you can apply all the bridging moves from the Hyung. If you school offers it, work on your hapkido and obviously get some yudo down ASAP. All traditional Taekwon-Do Yudansha were yudoka also. Taekwon-Do doesn’t work without yudo. Finally, if you have time, practice Taekyeon, if you can find it. That’s where you can learn your soft striking to really increase your skillset. Taekwon!
>>213378> >reduce the number of belts. Like just have white/blue/black or something relatively simple, with black meaning 'master'Original Taekwondo Belt system was white, blue, brown and black. That’s what I’d use.
>>211263I'm glad someone asked this. TKD has some good shit in it for real combat, the kicks and the movement is top tier. But the problem is the lack of any sort of real threat and defense with the hands. Boxing is literally the spine of striking, it's so important. Thing is, tkd already has been fixed. Kickboxing is literally just tkd with boxing. So there, problem solved.
Parkour thread. Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.original thread >>1236
>>209118mirrors edge and its sequel
>>180856Merry Christmas again, traceurs. Maybe we can get some OC in the new year and liven up the slowest thread on this board. How many active practitioners do we have lurking? I moved out of the city last year and haven't been training, need to get around to building some obstacles to jump around on.
>>180898Do you ever use gloves in the winter?
race you to the tawara edition
>>221418not talking about his records, more his sumo. he was always like a brick wall, win or lose it. less of that showing through.
>>221438he had 34 wins, a jun, and a yusho in his ozeki run.
>>221443Those fat boys do sumo every day. They are aware of the concept of elbow strikes - they don't do it because generally speaking it doesn't work, and letting go of a good belt grip will usually cause you to lose. If you're very good you can sometimes pull it off - Hakuho did it a few times. Most people aren't as good as Hakuho, though.
>>221335>but name some of them, they all sucked. hakkaku was the only on that was even marginally successful>Taihou>Tamanoumi
>>217607Ikazuchi moves up the rankings for sure Ajigawa gets on the list tooOnosato up to O1e & Shirokuma getting either J1 or a full makuuchi promotion should advance Nishonoseki's rank
No one here has the balls to challenge the floating skatepark.
Can you prove to us that you do, OP?
>>210426theres an entire thread of skydivers here
>>215817How did the so-called master caucasian race get cucked and blacked in the first place?
>>218711simps & women's rights
>>218711It's easy for those with a good nature to be deceived because they don't understand there lessers are malicious
anyone here done this shit before? i first became aware of it back in 2015 and the idea of it made me want to shit my pants but ever since i see nothing but reels on instagram of people doing it and now i know that i must. theres not too much on the internet about this though aside from some training schools, youtube comments and videos that ive found. people saying,"dont do this if you plan to have kids" but then checking the accident/fatality rate of participants and its pretty low. what kind of gear do you guys get for this shit and is this the type of sport you can expect to die doing in reality or is that just for people who are shooting for a redbull helmet, not the casuals?
>>213424What do you mean by "better"? Faster? Safer? More bitchin? You can make speed flying, skydiving, skydiving with a wingsuit, base jumping, or base jumping with a wingsuit as suicidally dangerous as you want. Skydiving without a wingsuit can probably be made safest out of those options. Speed flying can be made fairly safe, but the dangers of launching from the ground are present on every flight. Fucking up a launch is a great way to break bones. Landing a speed wing is almost always going to be more dangerous than landing a BASE parachute because of the speed involved. Landing a skydiving parachute can be made to be pretty safe depending on the parachute you're using as well as the fact that you'll basically always going to be be landing in a giant, flat, grassy field. Base jumping and wingsuit base jumping will always be the most dangerous because it is the fastest, most chaotic of all. Fucking up an exit can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up the wingsuit flight part can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up your parachute deployment can kill you pretty quick. There's maybe a 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000 chance that even if you do everything right, your parachute will malfunction and either hurt or kill you (line over/tension knots/bridle ties a knot around your pilot chute/etc.). The safest speedflight would look something like using a 16m wing to launch from a steep grassy hill in a steady 5 knot headwind, flying high above and away from the hill, and then landing in a large grassy field, or maybe a sand dune. A really dangerous speedwing flight would be something like launching a 6m wing in a slight tailwind on a hill above a cliff, and then doing a bunch of barrel rolls close to the ground while flying through windy canyons, followed by a landing on a sloped, rocky LZ. The former would be much safer than any kind of base jump, with or without a wingsuit, the latter would be more dangerous than most wingsuit jumps that have been done.
>>213955Cont.The bottom line is that most flights with speedwings are going to be safer than most wingsuit base jumps, and most speedwing flights are going to be more dangerous than most wingsuit skydives.All of that being said, I've done all of the above, and if I could only pick one, I would wingsuit base jump.
>>213959Of all those listed - wingsuit base will take you the most time and money to get into.You need 200 skydives before anyone will even think of teaching you wingsuit flying, and at least 500 of those before anyone will take you a wingsuit base launch
>>216243This is true. Your first wingsuit base jump will probably set you back about $40k+ depending on whether international travel will be involved. Flying a speedwing will set you back about $5k including gear.
>>209972I haven't done speed flying, but I have flown my parachute down a mountain about 40 times now. It's amazing. This truly is one of the greatest things I've done in my life, and I can't reccomend it enough. it's dangerous, and it is going to set you back in dollars and times (>3 years, >10k)