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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Post-Olympics edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Why the fuck would you ask your sensei that?
i dont know i was just curious
faggot op continues his habitual habit of making new threads immediately upon bump limit on one of the slowest boards of the entire site and has now evolved to not even linking the new thread in the old one
at least have some consistency in your faggotry

I think partner dancing can help with judo because you get used to moving with your partner and feeling what they're doing while you keep your balance.

Thanks Anon, I'll look them up. I just now noticed this reply.

How would you beat him?
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You have shit your diaper faggot, time to change
Pork, also probably shampoo
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Quite easily
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Jews win over muslims, all the time
Simple as
Why does the jie-jitsu guy look like a basedjak

Neck bridges
Good or dangerous?
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they're good for your neck I do them everyday wrestling
What's the utility in that versus hugging weight to your chest while you roll around on your head? The press seems like an unnecessary distraction.
I believe he meant cervicals. Nice toshino kyouko.
In greco roman wrestling you can't be flat on the ground or you're pinned. So that's why they bridge. And if you add in pressing from that position it translates to you being able to potentially press someone of that weight off of you.

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It's that time of year again, /xs/ is once again playing in a 4chan wide footie tournament. Because if those hipster fucks at /n/ can field a team, so can we.

CPU vs CPU chaos on Pro Evolution soccer is the autism. Will Bam Margera ever get his shit together? Can an imported model of Tony Hawk from THPS3 score a hat trick? Can rollerbladers do ANYTHING right?

Our roster is pretty unchanged since the first team was fielded. Thankfully, more actual random threads appear these days, including a lot more about combat sports. I'll post the roster below. Let it be known if there's any changes you'd like to see, or if you just like things as they are.
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Sumo rep should be Onosato
Needs Mike Vallely
Not really to shit, but he let some big big guy bully a nerd and got basically demoted back to toilet janny. Once you leave the sport you have to ''climb back'' the rank of the organisation starting from janny and security to eventually go into the upper echelons. Basically set his post intai carreer back 5 years+

Also i was that one anon that wanted to take the team but flaked, i'll be there or the sumo thread if you need anything
Next and possibly last match in 10, Fate in our hands due to 2-0 victory yesterday
gg to pol, we ended up 8, just 1 short.
See you in 6 months

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Is kicking a viable option in a street fight?
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here's your (you) annoying faggot
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Here is a video of a head kick ending a street fight
Nice illustration. We have semi competent semi trained amateur, he holds hand sup and surely knows basics of boxing but he absolutely didn't see high kick coming and didn't defend. If you didn't sparred against kicker in gym (that covers 99.9% of the population) you would be as defenceless against high kick as this guy.
>uncoordinated baby giraffe people who want to justify their lack of talent.
That is offensive to giraffes.
As a kid I ended a fight with a small but plumb and aggressive kid charging at me with a teep to his solar plexus. The fight lasted one second.
So yes.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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Set up a finger skating course parallel to a regular skateboard course and they need to be completed as in-sync as possible.
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Based fun haver
you mean Fucking Awesome Guy Getting Outside Today? That's what the Foot Boarding community is all about! <3

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anyone here done this shit before? i first became aware of it back in 2015 and the idea of it made me want to shit my pants but ever since i see nothing but reels on instagram of people doing it and now i know that i must. theres not too much on the internet about this though aside from some training schools, youtube comments and videos that ive found. people saying,"dont do this if you plan to have kids" but then checking the accident/fatality rate of participants and its pretty low. what kind of gear do you guys get for this shit and is this the type of sport you can expect to die doing in reality or is that just for people who are shooting for a redbull helmet, not the casuals?
I've dabbled. It was a different sport back in 2008ish when I gave it a try. I bought an ozone bullet 14m. I had
some skydiving and base jumping experience so I just transferred my knowledge of ram air canopies to my new wing and got by well enough to survive a few flights. There weren't really any speed flying schools back then so a friend and I just kinda figured it out. I mostly did sled rides but managed some high wind ridge soaring a few times. Anyway, you can't make it completely safe, but you can make it as dangerous as you want. Comparing it to other sports it's probably more dangerous than skydiving and less dangerous than base jumping. Launching is probably a little more dangerous than paragliding due to the speed, but a speed wing has a lower chance of collapse once you're flying. If you choose not to fly super close to the ground it can be made reasonably safe. A beginner wing should probably be in the 14-16m range, and by the time you downsize to a 12m wing you're starting to move fast enough to break bones on bad landings. Sub 10m wings are moving fast enough to kill you on an uncontrolled landing. I say if you can find a school near you, give it a try. It's a lot of fun.
this dude knows what's up even if it's old experience

In the US? Go to Utah.

Get good at either skydiving or paragliding first - put a LOT of time into that and find a mentor. Speedflying is fucking dangerous and people die/get crippled all the fucking time. It is FUCKING fun tho

t. Skydiver who rips down mountains on a Leia
is wingsuit better, seems safer in that you have the inflated plane like suit and a chute as back up or chute to end the ride, so less risk of chute failure during the ride..?
What do you mean by "better"? Faster? Safer? More bitchin?

You can make speed flying, skydiving, skydiving with a wingsuit, base jumping, or base jumping with a wingsuit as suicidally dangerous as you want. Skydiving without a wingsuit can probably be made safest out of those options. Speed flying can be made fairly safe, but the dangers of launching from the ground are present on every flight. Fucking up a launch is a great way to break bones. Landing a speed wing is almost always going to be more dangerous than landing a BASE parachute because of the speed involved. Landing a skydiving parachute can be made to be pretty safe depending on the parachute you're using as well as the fact that you'll basically always going to be be landing in a giant, flat, grassy field. Base jumping and wingsuit base jumping will always be the most dangerous because it is the fastest, most chaotic of all. Fucking up an exit can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up the wingsuit flight part can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up your parachute deployment can kill you pretty quick. There's maybe a 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000 chance that even if you do everything right, your parachute will malfunction and either hurt or kill you (line over/tension knots/bridle ties a knot around your pilot chute/etc.). The safest speedflight would look something like using a 16m wing to launch from a steep grassy hill in a steady 5 knot headwind, flying high above and away from the hill, and then landing in a large grassy field, or maybe a sand dune. A really dangerous speedwing flight would be something like launching a 6m wing in a slight tailwind on a hill above a cliff, and then doing a bunch of barrel rolls close to the ground while flying through windy canyons, followed by a landing on a sloped, rocky LZ. The former would be much safer than any kind of base jump, with or without a wingsuit, the latter would be more dangerous than most wingsuit jumps that have been done.

The bottom line is that most flights with speedwings are going to be safer than most wingsuit base jumps, and most speedwing flights are going to be more dangerous than most wingsuit skydives.

All of that being said, I've done all of the above, and if I could only pick one, I would wingsuit base jump.

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Redpill me on Sanda. Is it modern Kung Fu or are the Chinese just stealing techniques and training methods from other martial arts and pretending it was theirs?
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Just loling at these videos man
Technically it did because the Thai people themselves came from China. Chinese and Thai share a common ethno-linguistic heritage.

If you want to see what the actual original inhabitants of SEA look like then you need to look at Cambodian and Indonesian people. Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese and most Burmese are all Sino-Tibetan invaders.
>Kickboxing for C-listers who aren't good enough for K-1
K-1 is kickboxing, you fucking moron.
>reading comprehension
>MT rules
All the thais who want to actually make money do kickboxing.

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I see Defendo places around me, from their descriptions it seems like Krav Maga but with more focus on unarmed fighting, on their website it says their bases are taken from Muay Thai and catch wrestling.
How effective is this? Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?
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Combato is what happens when an unstoppable Attacko meets an unassailable Defendo.
>at 15 years old I created my own lethal combat system
This is Frank Dux tier
By the name alone, bullshit
Anyone actually good at submission grappling is doing BJJ

Asked in the Muay Thai thread but posting again since I didn't realize how slow it was. Anyone know a thing or two about elbow strikes? How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?
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As a martial artist this is everything. I ate head kicks I saw coming with no problem but just a punch you don’t see coming out you out cold
>elbow strikes
devastating blows. You need to know about them so you do not end up like the loser here. Well trained muay thai guys can throw spinning back elbows with light speed if you do not know about it its just lights out for you. My MT instructor (former champ) gave me a pad, told me exactly what he would do and to be ready and that fugger spun around so fast to strike and then spin back to normal stance so fast I could not believe it. If you get in a mouth fight and you do not know what you are doing you already lost because the other guy is planning it out and will strike while your fat mouth is still flapping. There was vid on here somewhere where a guy throws a spinning back elbow, try to find it.
Slow the video down and watch it closely. It wasn't meant to be an elbow, it was meant to be a hook. You can see the huge wind up from the attackers stance. The attacker's fist missed the guy's face but due to the attackers forward momentum the attacker's forearm connects and then glides across the guys face until the tip of the attacker's elbow catches and knocks the guy out.

If you want to replicate this technique be careful as glancing a target with knuckles can break the knuckles. Practice this as a forearm strike mimicking the arc of a hook but with the knuckles pulled back toward the chest and not toward the target.
Power probably didn't have much to do with it.
it was matter of it being a surprise attack.

On top of totally not seeing it coming, he craned his neck his a way that exposed his chin and jaw.

I dont know the context and there's no audio, so for all I know this guy totally deserved to get hit, but still this seems like total nigger coward shit.

The biggest thing to learn from this video is to never let someone who has this kind of body language get close or leave your sight.
Kek based
Should've drawn a dick on his forehead too

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Is Muay Thai the best striking martial art? When it comes to grappling, there's a legitimate debate to be had between judo vs bjj vs wrestling. I, myself lean on some kind of wrestling but I can see the argument for judo/bjj. When it comes to striking, muay thai/dutch kickboxing seems to be clearly superior to say karate/taekwondo/kick boxing/ boxing, either due to more realistic training or better techniques.
each of the 3 grappling martial arts are lethal

karate is good for what it was developed for. unsuspecting opponents like a mugger who has never been in a real fight post high school

tkd is on a similar playing field but used in sport outside of tkd needs to be pair with something else. Like that fat guy who did the reverse kick in ufc.

if your goal is to br a hot headed fire cracker who thinks he's immune to bullets
do boxing or bjj.

muay thai will humble you fast as fuck considering it's a martial art where there will always be someone better than you in some aspect
>When it comes to striking, muay thai/dutch kickboxing seems to be clearly superior to say karate/taekwondo/kick boxing/ boxing
No martial art is best by virtue of specialization. Muay Thai is a very effective system, but its got its holes like everything else.

Karate is honestly underrated in today's age. It was rightfully derided from all the strip mall karate guys getting their asses kicked, but karate historically has played a huge part in the development of kickboxing. Modern kickboxing literally comes from karate and dutch kickboxing takes influences from kyokushin as much as it takes from muay thai. There are still many high level kickboxers/MMA fighters from karate backgrounds who've won world titles.

Similar boat to karate with less historical significance. Not the best out of the box, but has some advantages and high level guys can make it work.

Boxing has the best punchers. While it can't be exported wholesale to other striking arts, there's much value to be had in training it in isolation and adapting it to whatever striking you do. A problem many muay thai fighters have had historically when transitioning to kickboxing is dealing with guys with boxing-heavy styles who can get past kicking range and stay out of clinch range. MT's lack of head movement often caused them to get clipped.
Yes, kinda. Stadium MT rules don't emphasize the hands, so they sometimes get rocked by the Dutch and K-1 style kickboxing. The Wonderboy/MVP full-contact blitzing style is also pretty good, but the competitive circuit that bred those guys is basically dead.
Overall, yeah MT stands apart from everything else. Dutch kickboxing is the only close rival and even then people like Dekkers struggled against the Thais (somewhat to do with scoring/cheating tbf)

If you want to see what works, watch golden age K-1:
>Dutch kickboxing
e.g. Peter Aerts
>Kyokushin/Seido/other KK offshoots like Enshin
e.g. Andy Hug, Masaaki Satake
>'Kickboxing' (American I guess?) with TKD base
Cro Cop, Patrick Smith

That's pretty much it. American Kickboxing was sort of the expansion pack for TKD (i.e. adds close range fighting and boxing) and could turn them into good fighters. But that has now vanished in favour of MT as the ruleset is just better for MMA

Dutch kickboxing isn't really available outside holland so for most people it doesn't come into it

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What the fuck is her problem?
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i would imagine no.
A lot of talented fighters act like spoiled brats
probably because they are considering how expensive being a fighter as a profession can get.
it's already expensive as a hobby

>She does not believe that she's supposed to lose.

Anons are going to sneer about feminism run amok or something here, buy that is exactly what high tier athletes are like. SOF guys in the military are like that too. They gave sone sort if reality sphere where they can only visualize sone sort of victory for themselves. They aren't even arrogant about it; it's just a core part of their reality. They will persevere.

It's sounds insane, and it likely is, but it's an insanity that is integral to being the best in the world at anything. Reasonable people don't reach those heights.
So she's female Bork Lazer in other words

He spazzed for *years* about losing to Frank Mir, probably still does even though he beat him afterwards. MMA rewards this kind of mental illness if you're good but idk what happens to these guys mentally when they start losing
Based Gabi, she was great during all the CJI banter

I'm glad Rizin stopped doing this kind of thing though. The freakshow fights are one bit of Pride DNA they really are better off without

Turns out 100% believing you are the best at something is the best base for actually being the best at something

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soaping bros, we're home
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pretty sure the "appeal" was that you could always wear them with no extra equipment necessary, so you could BUST A MOVE on the fly if you ever came across a good spot.
of course that type of logic mostly applies in movies and advertisements. in the real world they were just poorer skaters with uncomfortable shoes.
watch ryan juanzemis philosophy on soap. basically the point was to bring skaters bmx everyone together.. its a SIDE thing not your main thing that unites all extreme sporters together during school or whatever etc.
makes sense
Would be cool to have a set with grind pegs on the side
soaper bump

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I was at a bar and some dude out of nowere headbutted a friend of mine. I stepped in to sepparate them and got shoved by the guy who headbutted him. After getting shoved I froze, I couldnt move, i was afraid and couldnt react.
Up until now i thought i could avoid getting in fights by just being chill. I never thought someone would attack unprovoked.
This made me seriously consider going to a boxing gym. Would this make me not freeze in situations like this? Is boxing a good combat sport to learn to defend yourself? Any anons have had a similar reaction get fixed by training?
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>Very few street fights go to the ground.
Why do retards say shit? It's demonstrably false.

People who don't know how to fight will grab you. People with bad footwork will fall down. People who drop someone else don't just wait for you to stand up again. Also you don't get to decide where the fight is going to go or who your oponent will be.

Just watch any number of street fights that last longer than a single punch, they do end on the floor. Stop spewing retarded shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZT5cWmDwl0

Train MMA always.
I'll be honest with you OP, that instinct to freeze might never go away. I trained a lot of martial arts over the years, I sparred and fought in matches just fine; never had the freezing problem in competition. BUT when something happens in an IRL situation my body suddenly feels like it's clasped in chains. Even though my mind is calm and making rational decisions, every physical motion feels way heavier and slower than it should. The truth about Fight/Flight/Freeze is that it's genetic and your body will respond to adrenaline in one of those contexts with very little you can do about it. I would love not to have the freeze response but atleast I can still inefficiently push past it and atleast its not a flight response which I would hate more. All that said, with my body freezing up on me my striking training has been less useful than my grappling. I struggle to move with speed but my sense of balance is fine and I can still perform most techniques in order to pin or submit someone. Try something like BJJ or Judo, BJJ in particular is easy even with the freeze response.
Hello Ack, what brings you to /x/?
>i thought i could avoid getting in fights by just being chill.
did you learn anything? If you had proper training you would have blasted the headbutter with an elbow or palm strike before his headbutt was even finished. You let your friend down, you let yourself down. You will make a good bottom.
In general, the person that wins these stupid prizes is the guy that hits first. But fights generally happen one both parties are tipsy and someone isn't expecting it, and combat sports don't really help you not get sucker punched. Also, don't go to trashy bars where people get into fights.

I think that's the influence of MMA. The UFC massively legitimized grappling for da streetz, and people pick up more takedowns than you'd think watching guys shoot in for singles and doubles in the octagon.

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Whats this move called?
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Dubs confirm.
Sniper accuracy too. Scary beautiful.
All the hallmarks of a Russian fight production, but everything's in English. Mind bottling.
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>Mind bottling
>They're running ads on their skin?
Yep, "The War" tournament treats their fighters like a nascar vehicle. I know thier league started in 2021 but they aren't going to last long if they continue to be this tacky.
haymaker, retard punch,

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