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Discuss UFC 302 coming up this Saturday on June 1st.

I got
>Makachev by sub in round 2
>Strickland by decision
>dos Santos

Your Thoughts?
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Was really hoping Poirer wouldve taken it. God would somebody please rid us of these inbred mudslimes?
You got a whole country of them
A wigger? The fuck are you talking about? He's from the southern US. They all talk with a drawl.
Also Dustin and Islam saved the card with their fight. Was a great back and forth war.
Is it weird that I hold stock in UFC ($TKO) but don't really care about it or like it very much?
No, that's not weird. It's calling investing and making money. I hold stock in fuckin Levi's and I don't wear their clothes.

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Do you have power in your hands? What type?
Do you have that KO switch in your hands, like Mike Tyson or Jack Dempsey? Or do you have that thudding power, like George Foreman or Kelly Pavlik? And how did you discover it?
I'm a thumper
I perforated someones bowel with a gut punch once, he had to get surgery
It wasn't a discovery, just an inate characteristic observable from day 1
Ever since I learned to punch the bag always sounded like a gun shot when I hit it. It always surprises people when they hold pads for me for the first time, like last time the guy calls over the main coach "yo check it out this guy's got brick hands!"

I think it's just my build that does it, I have a really high ape index with my wing span being nearly 4" more than my height
So short thick legs + long arms and naturally fast twitch muscles so I can generate a lot of power from the floor quickly and then throw it at the end of a long lever

This body of mine, I can't turn if I'm running but can punch good
I thought I had no power and were a volume puncher. I had fought and trained like one for years. However, at some point, I watched a boxing beginner vid and the trainer said someting like: "[...]You must flex your fist at that angle and just flex your forearm but not your shoulders etc. So, imagine throwing something in your opponents face."
The last sentence was a mental cue that did something with my brain and my body.
I tried it and my sparring partners told me, my hands were actually really heavy. I don't have flash KO power and I'm relatively slow. So, my opponents see my punches coming but they still don't want to be hit by my heavy shots. I can deliver a heavy hammer on their high guard with thudding power that rattles them.
Nope, feels like I'm pushing the pads more than anything. My round kicks do damage though, I can always see in their face when I touch them for the first time with it. Wish I could kill someone with my hands though.
For me it was a slow and gradual process of unlearning bad habits and learning proper technique
There's a new guy in my gym who has 20+ kg on me and say he fears my punches
If I could do it anyone can, just need patience and discipline
My movement is faster when i want to piss.

How 2 knife fight?
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what is the high IQ move here? The only smart thing I can see to do is to move away swiftly, but if you see this kind of thing on a semi-frequent basis you get desensitized to the danger, kind of like factory workers do with heavy machinery. You get lazy about it.
I don't know where or why this is happening but this makes me want to move to america just so I can own a gun
First high iq move would be to not hold the knife like a monkey on meth. Second high iq move would be to go for a low takedown that instantly turns to shanking the opponent in the liver.
>how to get stabbed in the spine 101
You know how most people ineffectively try to hammer strike people on the back when they get double legged? That movement becomes a lot more effective when they’re sticking a blade in you.

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what size dimensions should you use to design a skateboard graphic? does anyone know the standard width x height? it depends on the size of the board I guess... does anyone have some kind of chart? this is a long shot I know. but this is the only board I know that would have people that know about skateboarding to that extent.
Idk probably start here or something maybe

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Want to participate in one of the most ultimate extreme sports? Come Skydive.

Either do a tandem for ~S220 (Don't get video you will watch it once or twice and it costs $120+) or go through AFF and jump with your own gear every jump ($~3600 for the first 8 jumps or so) Most jumps are $60-70 after that if renting gear, or ~$30 if you have your own.

Any questions? Ask away I'm an insutructor
Whomst went to Carolinafest?
>Don't get video you will watch it once or twice and it costs $120+

They don't let you wear your own go pro I take it?
no - and even if we put one on the glove for you, you would be sensing so much overload you would forget to film anything

Also you would watch the video a few times and no one would be interested in seeing it - I did tandem videos and I loved the pay but told all my friends not to get them
nope not allowed

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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I'm 165 and lean at 5'7 bro you just need to do legs.
genuine skill issue i'm afraid
post a pic of her
what >>159099 said
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I wonder how a persons nose would look after an alleged incident like that. Nose-cherry’poppin

Did we jump timelines again? How the fuck is this actually happening? Am I being fucking bamboozled?
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It's way cheaper than that, tank at spotlight was $70, Medical Oxygen Mask from the pharmacy $20. Got them in the cupboard for when the time is right.
In such an obvious fight what do you stand to win?
It's like 1:1000000 odds
This was the first fight I am interested and betting in and have learnt that in my state I can only place bets by going in person to a tribal run casino. I intend on betting on Iron mike, he might be old but this is mike tyson we are talking about. He is going to beat Jakes ass.
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It will be a draw, screenshot this post.

The reason it will be a draw is Jake Paul knows that knocking out Tyson would be bad for his image, likewise losing to Tyson won't be great for his record either.

A draw means he's "just as good" as a boxing legend thus obtaining the same status, sorta... "I'm as good as Tyson, see?!"

>tfw I'm wrong and he knocks out Tyson in one punch

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I know the japanese tourism and animation industry have a lot to thank toriyama for, but something underrated is how much the martial arts industry has to thank him for
fact is it wouldn't be nearly as popular of a hobby as it is if this show never existed since it's the thing that inspired so many kids to get involved

so ITT we will discuss all things related to our training and self improvement and helping each other
exercises, training routines, diets, motivation, etc.
work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty
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Reminder that recovery is just as important as training hard. Sleeping is the best way. Not only is it the Turtle School way, but it's been backed up in the martial arts world. Sumo wrestlers nap after their morning training session. Khabib also preaches sleep for recovery after training.
Honestly, this is the best piece of advice in all of DB. Not just for martial arts and physical training but life in general.

Roshi didn't teach the boys flashy moves; he instilled strong work ethic and practical skills like academics and blue collar work (construction, delivering milk).

Humans aren't meant to be cogs to be exploited until we break. Nor are we meant to be indolent slogs. You work hard, study hard, eat well, rest well, and play well. That is the full facet of life; you take everything in moderation.
Our society is diseased and we tell people who are unable to cope with what's asked of them that they are the sick ones
You're lazy, you lack work ethic, what do you mean you don't want to wake up at sunrise every day and sit inside a building during all the daylight hours pushing paper and making widgets?? What do you mean you're depressed, obviously your brain is wrong because this is normal so here's some drugs to make you more pliant
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As for many sports, the representation in media, be it real stories or fiction drives people to the sport.
The more popular the media, the more people are driven to the sport, and some of them stick to it.
Yes, Dragon Ball had a huge impact.
Bruce Lee did his part too.
As for works describing more the reality of training I would recommend All rounder Meguru and, to a lesser degree, Shamo.
Not martial arts but exercise and working out in general. I think the first time I saw dragon ball was when I was in first year of secondary school. I remember Goku doing pushups and other stuff and I was greatly inspired by that.

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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts. And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi, just like you did in no gi
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Here is a better idea:
>allow striking
Or don’t break up every clinch… let them do some dirty boxing!
That's what Combat Jiu-Jitsu addresses by permitting open palm strikes when they're on the ground to open up opportunities. Early Pancrase prohibited closed fist strikes, but they permitted open palm blows when standing or on the ground. Look at Frank Shamrock vs. Bas Rutten; Bas was palm striking the shit out of Frank.

At this point, what you and >>199494 are advocating is basically Vale Tudo and MMA. Combat Sambo allows strikes and groundfighting which I really like. In self-defense training, BJJ addresses this but not the schools that only focus on competition.

You will never make BJJ complete because you can only spend so much time training. Jiu-Jitieros are wizards on the ground because they spend 90% doing all kinds of rolls and scrambles there. You react to how you train. Judoka throw and can ukemi because that's primarily their bread-and-butter as well as some ground action. Sambists are killer leglockers as well as doing wrestling slams because that's their specialty.

Even in MMA, you rarely find a guy whose 100% effective in both the striking and grappling aspects. Everybody has natural biases and inclinations to what they want to do as well what their body type favors.

If we want to see the ideal submission grappling format, we already have ADCC even if it's heavily in favor of BJJ.
who gave him belt, we have to check brother
It's 2gay4me.

like what the fighters do
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You kind off have to figure out what you need to improve on your own if you don't have a s&c coach.
You could ask your mma coach as well.

I can tell you what works for me.

For explosiveness I do plyometrics like box jumps, sprints, clean and jerk, cheater rows with single arm. I don't do these when I'm exhausted, only when I'm fresh and rested

For stamina/conditioning/work capacity I just train more of mma, boxing, muay thai and wrestling.
If you don't like that or can't, I would do assault bike instead of running just because it's easier on the joints.

Mandatory exercises in most gym that I saw are pull-ups, deadlifts, squats, bench press and cleans.

Again, you have to figure out where you are weak and what needs improving.
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*
If I was you I would start with a basic bitch lifting program that focuses on compounds. Then go on youtube and research what athletes are doing for their sport of choice.

For instance: if you want to get better at your striking, look up some guides on how to shadowbox and do that for your cardio... Once you understand what you need to work on you can incorporate advanced stuff into your workout like what >>201744 mentioned.

I enjoy making a circuit up with some things I want to work on that day. 50 seconds on 10 seconds off for 20-30 minutes. I might choose shadowboxing->skip rope->box jumps as an example. You can add anything you want into template. If you want to work on grappling you could go shrimps->penetration steps->kettlebell swings. I find this method helps me cover a lot of bases during the week.
Look up how athletes generally train. Hint: it's not powershitter routines. Plyometrics.
simple squats with jumps
all variations of abs
shadowboxing with smal weights for shoulders
fast pushups
heavy bag full power for the times of rounds
heavy padwork full power for the time of rounds
throwing the heavy bag around
ground and pound the bag
doing sprawls with high jumps

that's pretty much it to be honest

How well can I apply Muay Thai sweeps, dumps, and throws. What are the Judo versions of these ones in particular:




It looks like some kind of hip bump or front uchi mata.

I didn't know if I should post this in either /judo/ or /thaig/ so I making this thread.
Japanese terminology doesn't differentiate between kicks and sweeps. To me that means velocity is implied
Blast them niggers in there
Mauy Thai sweeps are usually very simple and are almost a variant of Sasae-Tsurikomi-Ashi, De-Ashi-Harai or Kosoto-Gari. I’ve actually gotten better at these moves since I’ve started training Muay Thai since most other throws aren’t allowed
Sort of? All of the Muay Thai throwing techniques are perfectly valid but the problem is in Muay Thai you’re dealing with a guy who is not only not gripping you back, but from what I’ve seen also not prepared for a grappling action when the techniques are executed. This makes it a lot easier to pull them off. If you are doing judo against a judoka your technique for throwing is going to require a lot more refinement.

That said the video you posted is 90% ashi and koshi waza. Specifically, uki-goshi for their hip throws and ashi harai, de ashi harai, and Sasae tsurikomi ashi for their foot techniques.
muay thai sweeps are amazing! but there is a problem, if you're doing judo then their stance is just so diferente becasue there is no strikes involved that you won't be able to throw no one.

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which board does footbag belong on? I'm just starting out. Decided to document my progress.
Anyone good, My record is 8 kicks with the help of the wall and 6 outside. I cant seem to stall the bags I have tho. What are your favorite footbasgs?
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yesterday i only got 9
today was rainy but i kicked indoors a bit. might do more tonight
raining again today :(
Been regularly doing footbag since february this year, my record is 68 kicks for now. Other than that I learned to stall and ATW on both legs semi-consistently.
Sadly my balance is trash, so for now i have a hard time combing kicks, stalls and all that into cool routines like pros do, but I'm working on it.
Honestly finding other footbag enthusiasts here is so cool, don't give up dude, we can make it!
COOOL I made this thread a long time ago lol, honestly been slacking at footbag, my record is sill 13 but imma take it out rnt

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>when putting wraps, you should avoid wasting it wrapping around your palm as you only want to protect your outer hand
Why? The purpose of putting on wraps is to tighten you hand as much as possible so you won't bust any of the 28 bones you have in your hand when you punch. Most of these small bones are located in your palm area. Yeah you should obviously protect the knuckles, wrist and thumb, but also your fucking palms.
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that's a jack off hand
wraps are for everything from halloween costumes to ankle injuries lol
I wrap my palm because it slips off otherwise unless I wrap it way too tight.
I have wide palms.
Only a faggot would wrap his hands. If you're too scared to risk breaking a few small bones, you've got no business fighting in the first place.
They want less grappling, not more.
Average ufc fan wants to watch two guys stand and trade haymakers.

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Booty warrior edition
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Maybe. Its so hard to judge trucks til youve spent the time to break them in yourself and give them an honest try.
aces turn real good
Bummer, make sure to rest it up properly and do any necessary physio dilligently.
>Silver M Class
I used to love these
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after analisys of over 300hours of video it was found that 96% of fights are only punching in the face/head

learning boxing is the most important skill for self defense

do not let anyone get close to you either, if you lose control of the distance atack first.
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Not a martial artist, have been in 1 real fight and a couple "scraps" in the past. If I could have chose a background in grappling or striking right there, I would have chose grappling easy. If you're in a fight for your life striking might be more viable. But if you're in the typical drunk/high guy is mad about something and comes at you, people are yelling about calling the cops with their phones out, beating the crap out of the person is not on your mind. All I kept thinking was that if I rock this drunk jack ass in the face and he falls and cracks his skull on the curb, I might be charged with manslaughter. I can knock his teeth out right now but one of these dumb asses filming could edit it to look like I started it, and I get taken in for assault.

It was a lot easier to yank him to the ground and pin him till the cops came and arrested him. I am decently in shape now, but was not at the time, thankfully the guy was off his rocker and had downed 20 beers in a few hours while I was sober DD

The issue I'd see with grappling is if you're in an unfair fight against multiple people really trying to kill you. I'm sure an experienced BJJ guy could handle 2 drunk guys. 2 muggers with a knife is questionable. You pin one guy while the other shanks you in the kidney?
And that really goes into why fighting back isn't the best form of self defence. Cardio is, lol. Better to outrun the 2 guys with knives than try and properly box them
>And that really goes into why fighting back isn't the best form of self defence. Cardio is, lol. Better to outrun the 2 guys with knives than try and properly box them
In specifically the situation you mention (multiple attackers), I would agree; the difficulty of a fight is roughly proportional to the square of the number of adversaries, but the difficulty of running away is roughly constant.
However, generalizing that to say that cardio is better self-defense than fighting back isn't entirely appropriate. I've heard it said that the set of people you can't outfight likely has a fair amount of overlap with the set of people you can't outrun, and I tend to agree.
Realistically, the best self defense is securing some kind of wildly unfair advantage: superior numbers, a weapon with reach or range, or some kind of insurmountable environmental barrier. Failing that; it seems reasonable to surmise that running becomes an increasingly good idea as you grow more outnumbered.
absolutely based, wesley gemenes is the king of self defense around the globe, never found anyone as good as him to be honest, his system is way superior than absolutely anything I've seen till this day
>Fat gun slinger coping again

Yes, I'm sure an MMA fighter can't beat up a random person
one word.

Paul Vunak

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