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I want to learn something that would actually teach me how to use a weapon, near me they have fencing, eskrima and kendo. Of these three which one would have the most real life applicability?
>Armed martial arts that would actually be effective in real life?
The gun.
Wow so funny and original brother.
Learn kendo and then read the book of five rings, do the katas and learn niten ichi ryu by yourself after you have that base of kendo. Get a friend at kendo practice to do it with you and practice together.
It’s not funny it’s reality. The era of the sword is over. People practice sword based martial arts for recreation, not modern combat. That would be retarded.
I guess escrima since it's something you could reasonably carry with you. If you just want to fight people with melee weapons try HEMA shit maby. It looks fun. Kendo/iado for samurai larping.
I'm aware, everyone is aware, yes, I do intend to practice recreationally, but I want to practice something that could be used in a real fight effectively because it feels good to be physically capable of violence.
Your comment is neither helpful nor original, you are just saying irrelevant shit that doesn't answer the question because you want to feel smart.
No HEMA place nearby unfortunately. I would go for that if I could.
When you say “useful in real life” the implication is that you intend to use it for self defense or something, which again is retarded. Not my fault you don’t know how to communicate.
I don't neccesarily mean that it has to be something useful for modern self defense, but something that is an actual martial art thst would have been used on a battlefield, so if kendo actually taught you how to win a real sword fight that would be good, as dmfar as I know it's just point scoring like fencing tho.
I wrote effective in real life.
It's origins are pretty far removed from historical Japanese sword play. Didn't really come to be until after WW2 and it was created as a sport and not a martial art. But it would still probably let you beat some random guy in a sword fight, not that it will ever happen.

As autistic as hema fags are they have the right idea analyzing old manuscripts.
Which implies the same thing. Learn how to communicate. Also do whatever you want. Everything you suggested was “effective” for learning how to use their weapons.
Modern kendo has a more restrictive ruleset but kendo absolutely was trained prior to and during wwii as a military exercise to train aggression and learn to strike with the sword. They even had similar rulesets for “tan-kendo” which is kendo with the tanto dagger or “jukendo” which is kendo with the bayonet.
In real life, you will not be carrying a sword when you get attacked. Therefore, using a sword is not effective in real life unless you intend to instigate an attack with one, in which case merely swinging the sword will probably win you the fight.
Fencing can be used with most types of blades, so unlike kendo that requires a sword and eskrima which is unrealistic in general, Fencing will give you an advantage with any type of knife.

Fencing works because it is mostly fast and simple footwork that is uniformly taught and well tested (both in sport and history). Eskrima is whatever your teacher thinks it is and it has no proven track record.
What would work best in real life? Sabre?
They found out as soon as 1925 that Kendo wasn't practical sword fighting, though it does instill a strong fighting spirit. This fighting spirit is completely lost in the wind if you are doing inefficient movement though. And this was pre-war kendo...
Kendo alone is absolutely not enough.
Read it again retard, I didn't suggest he do kendo. So sick of these fucking morons who have no reading comprehension.
Of the fencing disciplines epee is most realistic
Not enough for what, exactly?
Why are you pretending you wrote my post?
You're a fucking faggot & wrong. Many parts of the world still depend on the use of blades for defense, and not just third world shit holes. Just because you don't take advantage of it doesn't mean it isn't effective. Many first world areas still let you use large blades & I guarantee simply open carrying a large knife will have the same effect as open carrying a gun, people leave you the fuck alone. Except even better, open carrying a knife where it's permitted is less likely to get the police on you than open carrying a gun. Even in commiefornia you're allowed to open carry a machete. Ain't no one besides crazy retards gonna start shit with 1 of those strapped to you. I walk around with my open carry knife because in this age of pussies people leave you alone just for the sight of it.
But if you're gonna brandish it, you better know how to use it, because of aforementioned crazy retards.
Eskrima is some real shit, go with that. The Philippines still actively use this stuff. Civil defense & police there carry blades & still use them in fights so eskrima is still under development & very practical. Plus, a lot of eskrima techniques can still be applied unarmed too, thats part of the genius of the style. Remove the blade and basically changes it intona lot of grappling & joint manipulation.
What knife martial arts do you train? If you don't train in anything, then the knife isn't going to do jack shit if you actually have to use it.

>Even in commiefornia you're allowed to open carry a machete
And you can still buy guns in California, so there's no reason not to buy one unless you're a felon and can't buy one.
Wasn't Kali Escrima used in the DUNE movies?

Eskrima. Cali is full of karens & soibois that will call 5-0 on you if you open carry a gun. Half of a weapons value is as a deterrent which it can't be if it can't be seen. Plus getting an open carry in california is fucking bitch. Shut the fuck up, take your faggy no logic defeatist arguments & eat a dick.
Also do you have any idea how fucking expensive guns & ammo in cali costs? Having a gun & being proficient with it doesn't negate the value of a blade & it's way fucking cheaper to.maintain and practice with.
Can't you open carry swords in California though? That's what I'd do
Depends on your area. Under state law though there is no length limit on the size of fixed blade you can open carry. I live in an unincorporated part of my county & the county has no laws regarding it..so yes. If I wanted I could go full blown autismo & carry a sword.
>trains in escrima
>can't spell it
ok retard

>Cali is full of karens & soibois that will call 5-0 on you if you open carry a gun
They'd call the cops on you if you were open carrying a bowie too.

>Half of a weapons value is as a deterrent which it can't be if it can't be seen
You're just opening yourself to get harassed and making it easier to disarm you. CC is superior even if you can legally OC.

>Having a gun & being proficient with it doesn't negate the value of a blade
I agree. Now post your gun.

>do you have any idea how fucking expensive guns & ammo in cali costs?
So you're a felon AND poor?
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Not my fault that you are useless to society.
Remember: supply and demand.
You are poor because you are a worthless piece of shit.
>being this huge of a faggot
Fuck off to /k/ or neck yourself.
>CC is superior
Which is practically impossible in a liberal state you faggot fucking retard. Go to /k/ bitch.
>Now post your gun
Never said I had one queerbait. Post your needle dick compensation. Bet you don't even have one & your just a faggot larping troll.
Sounds great
Should bring back carrying swords, everyone would be way more chill when there's a realistic possibility of a sword fight for acting foolish
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CC is legal in the majority of the state.

Even then

Poor felon confirmed.
They feared him so bad they had to take him out before he mastered the blade.
>Needle dick
Sorry hon'. It's been debooooonked.
You are just a troll spreading misinformation and calling names.
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>Useful martial arts?
>Master the arts of guns anon
What's your angle here?
You wanted an answer, you got one. A practical one too.
If you really wanted to practice martial art, you wouldn't be here seeking approval from others.
What do you plan to carry in public, a literal sharpened rapier? A wooden katana, Gin-san? A shilleighlah, McGinn? A knoife? Based on your choice, I think you'll have a good idea of which discipline to pursue.
A Goedendag. I'll paint it purple and gold and tell people it's just my pimp walking stick, call it my Hoedendawg.
Learn to use a Messer. Then you'll know basic take-down grapples and can fight with anything from a machete to a lead pipe.
I don't have any HEMA clubs near me.
>posts study refuting dick compensation by gun owners instead of posting gun
LMAO guaranteed needle dick
Go to /k/ faggot.
>use a Messer. Then you'll know basic take-down grapples
>Remove the blade and basically changes it intona lot of grappling & joint manipulation.
This is number 1 bullshit. The moves might be similar mechanically with or without a weapon, but it doesn't mean you know grappling. The only way to be good at grappling under stress is to train and spar grappling exclusively. The majority of people in any weapons focused art neglect grappling and only do 1 or 2 grappling lessons compared to the exponentially greater amount of time they spend hitting each other with training weapons.
>No argument
Glad to hear that you begrudgingly agree.
>No argument
Glad you agree you're a faggot.
Depends on if you're willing to carry a sword around like an autistic maniac
The argument is that the discussion is limited to the three options initially presented you impenetrably autistic redditor
>If you don't train in anything, then the knife isn't going to do jack shit if you actually have to use it.
yeah im sure all those black teens stabbing people to death are up all night practicing their knifework
>three options
All of which involves carrying around conspicuous large sticks, thus useless "in real life", even more so against gun shooting thugs and robbers, which America has no short supply of.
Op does not know any better and I offered a guidance off his autistic set of "options".
Assault =/= self defense.

A black teen can suckerpunch somebody from behind and knock them out. Guess boxing is fake news by your logic.
Lift and become the weapon yourself.
90% of fights can be ended quickly by picking someone up and slamming them face first into concrete, bonus points if you learn to wrestle, it’s so effective that you might even end up killing them.
No chance o defense from someone that wants to shank you or shoot you in the first place apart from maybe running, so you might as well go unarmed.
If you really need a weapon learn to use a baton so do kali.
FPBP. HEMA, eskrima and kendo fags seethe at the realization that their art is no better than Taolu choreographies or Olympic Fencing.
>t. Faggot who doesn't even own a gun
If it works for criminals assaulting unarmed people, i can work for people being assaulted by unarmed criminals.
so the bayonet?
what about a little buckler self defence shield?
kali / silat

If you’re American you can own guns and do HEMA or any other martial art for that matter. They’re not mutually exclusive.
Eskrima does the most with knives out of your options, and that's what you really want to learn. Because that's the only weapon you can carry around, no one carries swords around regularly. Thus might as well get good at what you can actually use
Why not just learn boxing or kickboxing and carry around a knuckleduster?
Those are illegal pretty much everywhere. Just using that for self defense will get you a felony assault + carrying a concealed weapon charges.
Well that's fucking stupid.
Learn to box and get a bunch of big gold rings.
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Agreed considering picrel is legal.
It's hilarious how many people think cops just spawn as soon as you do something to accrue stars.
Escrima is one of the most solid martial arts in history, it has been battle tested for centuries small Asian guys chopping each other up in the jungle with machetes and is effective to competition in hema and kendo just as it was when Phillipines warriors fought conquistadors and japanese ww2 troops in the past. Only flack you can give is the dirty boxing and bare hands techniques, but when it escrima is trained seriously like with actual sparring and realistic drilling, its brutality and effectiveness rivals muay thai. Up until a few decades ago, It was common to come across masters experienced in several machete/bolo street fights and have a few kills under his belt.

This isn't like kung fu either, you either knew how to defend and kill with a machete/bolo or you died.
>battle tested
>gets colonized by Spanish
>gets colonized by US
>gets colonized by Japan
You're retarded & know jack shit.
Held them off with violent as fuck revolutions until the U.S. had enough of Spains douche-baggery and stepped in. Philippines did a good job too considering the technological disadvantage.
Spain CEDED colonial control to the U.S. which at the time the Philippines were welcoming of
The U.S. largely left the Philippines alone and for the most part only held them.in name so people would fuck off. They briefly stepped back in during WW2 but the Philippines held shit down so well on their own during WW2 that the U.S. was all like, "fuck it, they got this." And gave them independence.
Eskrima because extending batons are a thing. I've heard police train in it as well to be more effective with their batons.
To add to this: it would probably be much easier to defend in court temporarily crippling someone by beating the fuck outta their legs, than stabbing/slashing someone.
I didn't know flips had their own fiction writers, if you keep it up you might be able to make it into an industry like manga or manua or wuxia some day.
Nice no argument cope there retard. Shit was paraphrased straight from historical sources. Wanna try forming an intelligent rebuttal or you just gonna keep being a little bitch?
>Held them off
Yeah bro, the 400 year history of the Philippines known as the Spanish Colonial Period TOTALLY was a sign that the Philippines held them off.

>until the U.S. had enough of Spains douche-baggery and stepped in
Rumao the Flips needed big daddy USA to step in and you call this a win?

>U.S. which at the time the Philippines were welcoming of
What is the Philippine–American War?

>The U.S. largely left the Philippines alone and for the most part only held them.in name so people would fuck off.
What is the Moro Rebellion?

>Philippines held shit down so well on their own during WW2
Japan had taken over the whole country, hence why the Bataan Death March was a thing.

>They briefly stepped back in during WW2
The 1944–1945 campaign was the largest American campaign in the Pacific Theater.

>the U.S. was all like, "fuck it, they got this." And gave them independence.
The US had already passed the Tydings–McDuffie Act before the war even began to transition the Philippines to their own country.

>straight from historical sources
seething pinoy detected
Try all of them. Stay where they do sparring.
I've been learning Modern Arnis for almost a year by now. We practice 3 times a week. I think that the different weapons and weapon combinations would make it very viable and I think it applies to other Filipino Martial Arts as well. But unfortunately we don't do any sparring so i feel like it's completely useless this way. The people i've asked out for a light spar turned me down too so I sadly feel like i will quit it soon.
Martial arts are a hobby for men who wish they were barbarians. Learning to use a weapon will never have any relevance in real life, and if you ever get into a hostile situation, the best thing to do will always be to run away as fast as you can. Enjoy your hobby as a fun pastime, and don't start thinking that it will ever be practical.
>be out in the park with wife and kids
>homeless junkie sticks a razor in your face and demands cash
>clearly the best option here is about face and sprint away leaving your family to deal with this problem instead
I hate you “just run away bro” faggots so much it’s unreal.
I have never seen a junkie in my life. I don't consider them a realistic day-to-day risk any more so than I consider having to fend off a rabid wolf as a compelling reason to carry weapons. If you would choose to raise your children in an area full of dangerous vermin then clearly any discussion about sensible courses of action is going to go right over your head.
I do archery, I tried a wolveriene shaped 3d target and I nailed that bitch right through the neck on the first try from 15m with a trad horsebow. It gave me such a rush, violence is awesome dude.
Unless you join the military. There is still a place for stuff like this. Specifically in SERE. You get taught some basic military kobudo using improvised weaponry and most of it is stick/knife fighting.
The military is just that day in school when the stern teacher makes the class carry some heavy shit but stretched out for years only occasionally broken up by target practice and homoerotic social situations.
But when you get out of the army, it all becomes as unnecessary as your training on how to drive a tank. If I learned about deep-sea diving as part of my job as an undersea welder, it would also be completely unnecessary knowledge if I switched careers to investment banking.
Touchgrass faggot.
What's your fucking point? Did you know that a lot, most of eskrima techniques in fact, can be performed unarmed & it just changes to standing grappling?
>Why /xs/ sucks
Cause nevative fucking Nancy's do nothing but look for ways to tear shit down rather than find what works about it.
what you people are not considering is that in the year 2040 vrmmos will be a more common way of meeting people than anywhere else, and many of them will be fantasy themed. batons with tracking on them will be fun to be good with in the virtual world too. and then vr/ar sports will be taking off, and all these larp communities across the globe will consolidate into digital worlds or AR assisted worlds and even your most obscure interests will have some sort of relevance for fun and profit.

who cares. are any of us going to be getting into life or death scenarios where our autistic training will then suddenly pay off, probably not. and if you are truly afraid of others gun is gonna be good. fist fighting is fun. learning how to wack people with a stick really effectively is fun. gun is also fun. it would feel better to get good with something where you could pretend it has real relevance. but really nothing has real relevance, so the world is your oyster. okay gun has real relevance.

DONT @ ME!!!!!
>not thelastsamurai.webm
Im disapointed.
If you want a weapon. pocket Knife or hammer (if you got construction pants and actually do manual labor) for plausible deniability while still being threatening if in the situation.

Besides gun ofc.

Shame that canes went out of style.
What you're not taking into consideration is that soon pharmacutials and bionics as well as purely biological upgrades will be revolutionised in the next 20 years, we will all be baki characters unironically so unarmed as well as armed martial arts will be making a massive comeback because enhanced human abilities will quickly outstrip the effectiveness of modern firearms.

But only if you do HEMA. HEMA covers shit from pugilism, wrestling, knife fighting, and various weapons. With its strong sparring culture it should be the go to for any weapons martial artist.

Street fighting? Abrazare and Ringen. Knife fighting? Just learn sabre and apply that to knife (some french officer said this), you could even do Fairbairn knife fighting (ww2 knife fighting) if you can be bothered to learn how to read. For general weapons such as sticks, machetes, bats, etc, just do german stuff, it gives you such an effective system thats super easy to learn. With the strong sparring culture that HEMA provides youll be able to actually put the shit you learn into practice and learn how to cope in a fighting context.

The only downside to HEMA is its mostly focused on the sword parts and thats where all the competition is. However, if you can read you can easily self teach any of the euro fighting styles because euros tried their best to make all their shit easily teachable. Another downside itll blackpill you on how bad other weapons martial arts really are.

Kendo is fucking useless, it doesnt even do proper katana fighting. Plus youd have to deal with the retards that is the kendo community. Kendo encompasses all the worst aspects of Japanese martial arts.

Eskrima is a complicated case, if you get an old teacher then you wont really learn shit, but if you get a young guy who has adopted modern sparring methods (from HEMA) then youll actually use something fairly useful. There is useful stuff there, especially the training methods for helping you quicken your reflexes and mind during a fight, but half the techniques are garbage flashy shit. But youll have a hard time finding a good eskrima school, it suffers from all the worst pitfalls of japanese martial arts.

I mean that Eskrima suffers from the same pitfalls as Japaense martial arts.

> but something that is an actual martial art thst would have been used on a battlefield

Then your best bet is teaching yourself HEMA. Its the only surviving martial art that was actually used in warfare.
>Then your best bet is teaching yourself HEMA. Its the only surviving martial art that was actually used in warfare.
HEMA is not the only surviving art that was actually used in warfare. That isn't even close to being true.
> has adopted modern sparring methods (from HEMA
I am pretty sure Eskrima has been doing sparring for longer than HEMA has been a thing.
sounds good. ill just have to do everything then, punchy, kicky, and stabby
You can carry a stick (cane) through TSA on to a plane. A stick beats a knife since two armed opponents (not a gun) attacking the hand with the weapon is correct and a long stick beats the knife. Movements in FMA transfer over to a knife as well.
Pillow fighting. You can spar without any damage and picking up and throwing pillows/hitting each other with them seems to translate well into picking up say a chair.
Full armor grappling with staffs as weapons would be kino and would teach a lot about leverage and combat.
>HEMA covers shit from pugilism, wrestling
>Street fighting? Abrazare and Ringen
You would be much better off doing regular unarmed martial arts like boxing, wrestling, muay thai, judo, etc.

>Its the only surviving martial art that was actually used in warfare.
HEMA by definition is not surviving. The whole reason why there's so much interpretation of the sources and experimental archaeology is because it wasn't preserved and there are no living traditions.
It's with buckler and a sword not a staff, but buhurt is close to what you're talking about, also probably the answer to OPs question

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