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obscure waifu thread
420 replies and 246 images omitted. Click here to view.
Almost no main characters in any Jurassic Park movie dies.
>still vlogging
Yeah. She's based.
God they're both so fuckable ToT
Anyone into alien butterfaces with big tits?
(Marie, MTV's The Head, episode The Bad Seed)
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Okay, I promised you kids I'd finish this thing first chance I got, so here goes nothing.
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I'm amazed it took so long for someone to pull the plug.

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i dont read every comic book, anon. a lot of what ive read is marvel and indie shit. when it comes to dc most of what ive read is flash, some superman, some batman, and some events.
Anon, we can’t even get Jim Lee to be passionate about his Wildstorm characters.

Marvel meanwhile can get fanboy writers who were reading there comics when they were kids and in their teens.

But none of these fanboys-into-writers care to work for DC these days.
animation for the new logo

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Absolute Green Lantern

please try a gym membership instead

Hazbin Hotel is now confirmed to be getting a season 3... and 4.
Will you be watching?
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My god, so much this.
I wanna fill Vaggie with so much seed she looks pregnant and you can hear the cum sloshing around when she moves.
Hazbin Hotel was good.
Yes, season 1 was great.
Fujos typed this.

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What do you hope for in Season 7?
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>liking a girl is considered faggotry
Darwinian evolution
>cracker skin
Anon Darwin is orange therefore its unrecognizable I already said this in the previous thread
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More development of its lore called the Void but it was already announced this season will be focusing on "whats in the void?" So I'm hyped

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Here's your leaked episode bro
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Colossus vs Homelander
What the fuck is a scholicon
who did it, anons?
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What about this?
Jesus Christ, it's a fucking trailer.

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Primos premieres tonight at 8pm on Disney Channel! Will you be watching /co/usins?

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>Top: before tio
>Bottom: after tio
>tfw your mixed race daughter will never adopt your language and portray you as a Nordic based jack
Elsagate. Pedophiles and babies on ipads sharing comment sections were a bad mix. But they couldn't turn down that youtube kids! money so this was the compromise
Tater is a jackass
Big Nacho is based
That's my review
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They referenced the meme.

James Gunn posted Creature Commandos trailer. DCU officially starts December. https://x.com/JamesGunn/status/1816954436448813267
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What's gonna happen if Gunn's projects are flops?
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I would have thought they'd spend more money on the animated show that's going to open the whole DCU
If this is true then I'll watch it.
We gotta support the big titty artists whenever we can.
Superman Legacy will. Nobody cares about Superman with exception of his fans.

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Time to have another thread, because why not?
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See you next thread anon :)
>she actually works with mentally disabled children
With you as her son, I can see why she decided to specialize in retards.
See you in Twitter
>Palestine flag
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Other than the fidelity, I think Nancy is a great wife. I can't begin to describe how rare it is to find a woman who will tolerate conspiracy theories in 2024.
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nancy's only problem is being an adulterer and she cant drink
I hate Nancy.
Except Dale isn’t a NEET, he has a job and he’s good at it, it’s just that she gets paid much more.
its a beautiful day
I always thought Dale's Dead Bug was more of a LARP than a real business.

People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have
>Death of
>All Stars
>Year One
but how many heroes have them? Like do Iron Man or Captain America have them? Thor and Spider-Man?
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she is, but iconic doesnt always mean popular
Is that why MTF trannies are obsessed with Wonder Woman and living in a full women island while FTM trannies want to be Harley Quinn and criminals?
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>Given this, the smartest thing to do would be to just say fine, women can have Harley, and go back to writing Diana in a way that appeals to men.
The problem is they'll never do this and the vocal minority pretends to like her and post edits and shit of her on Twitter (but then not actually buy her books) so they'd throw a hissy fit if Diana went back to being more male oriented
I'm sure they will cry and nothing will happen like with Kamala funeral being christian rather than muslim
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How come Wondy can't be more like Thor ? Marvel figured out how to get the god shit working but DC is so all over the place with it

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>Look Back

>can u imagine being gog agog in the bottom panel there, you're just hanging out waiting for allison to hop through so you can do a little pose and drop your line
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>Mine is the path of mutilation
The line goes both hard and sad at the same time.
I don't think a better response to that could have been conceived by man. Thank you, anon.
I really like this Cio. Abby is very cruel.
she's got to reject the remembered past in order to become her final shape, which is the perfect sword of her decisions
this feels souless and who the fuck would want to follow the path of mutilation. that's just lame.

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Would you?
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Fem-Leo and Fem-Raph foxy boxing
Sounds like you are a faggot.
Stop being a faggot, anon.

lol got deleted,
No I wouldn’t.
And I’m glad there was no playable female Turtles DLC in Shredder’s Revenge.
But there is one character I wish was there with Usagi and Karai.

Time for Raven
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Friendly reminder her along with the rest of the 2003 Titans are all canonically dead.
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>cries because he sees a girl being posted
>calls others fragile
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Comic Raven was so much better.

It ain't getting a Third Season.

This is what happens when you suck Indian Cock and Disrespect your fans.
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shouldnt have replaced the old Frida
What does this image have to do with anything?
new has a better silhouette/more recognizable face but i still hate the arbitrary bright colors of the new characters. and bad writing is bad writing. you could have the ugliest visuals ever but if the writing is good it becomes part of the charm. if it's the opposite then it goes in the trash with all the others
Why didn't the show just have him be revealed as the Clone of Gary Coleman?
Woulda been brilliant

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