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PAW Patrol Party is now officially showing in Japanese theaters. Now would be a good time for our Japanons to enthrall us with their experiences. The style refresh is now out to the normiesphere and consensus seems to be positive.
Reminder that Pups Save a Pteradactyl will be out later in TV Tokyo and the Sweetie episode tomorrow (unless leaked early)
PAW Patrol thread, GOOOOO.
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Everest, Everest, Everest is best
Will Sweetie kiss Chase?
Wall walker da
Marshall suckskcus llahsraM
Rubble will

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The first episode premieres tonight at Adult Swim's Pirate Parrrty on the Green at San Diego Comic Con. What will you expect of it?
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They're likely going to have the full episode online after the stream, so you're good.
Ok actually looks better when they are shorts but still think in different lightings and tons that'll give flesh tones.

Also I'll wait til someone post the mega, I'll watch later. if I like I may actually draw something of her. Concept is perfect for a specific type of art
Yeah I'll be watching.
When character looks better in fanart
Probably, but I feel like I remember there being times when these kind of batch premiers were considered exclusives for the event and not reuploaded, but I may just be being paranoid. Either way, is that fan art for the show? It's already gotten some notice? That's pretty cool.

Would it be gay?
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Last one for the thread.


I had a lot of fun drawing for the thread. Eventually I'll get around to coloring some of these.
nice work again
>Eventually I'll get around to coloring some of these.
do you post anywhere else?
Iconicpants on pixiv
When you get around to coloring them how about uploading them to the /co/ booru?

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This is objectively the most perfect movie that exists. It has not a single flaw
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It's a lot better than you'd expect.
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Not that it matters but I'm surprised it got such good reviews. I could have sworn it was pretty much dismissed when it was released.

I'd put it up there with Transformers, GI Joe and rainbow brite full length movies

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Fan shit edition.

Little cute bastard:


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......This is why LCT private his discord and porn account.

I would appreciate him locking it behind a paywall so that adults can access it; but it's a paywall.
Nice covering your ass there groomer
Or just a disclaimer
NB4 Pretty Blood Quest.
You people have low standards

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Epic for the win over 9000 discussion of all /co/ bugs.

Check out the Buzz on Maggie! All episodes here:

Other cool bug shows:

Some fun highlights:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thread Theme:
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This bug makes me happy cuz she acts like a preteen and is mean
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i prefer the made up version from /co/, tell me when he reciews that one
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What is Bug Raven!
I thought it would be Flight of the Bumblebee.

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Okay, I promised you kids I'd finish this thing first chance I got, so here goes nothing.
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What does this mean?
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>It's another fucking TADC merch vid
I love both shows but come on. Feels like every vid has been Circus lately and the fact we don't have MD versions is such a missed opportunity
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Just have to see what Episode 8 brings. I really wouldn't worry about it too much. Sure, I'm sure it might suck a little bit that it feels like MD gets the short end of the stick due to how overwhelmingly popular TADC is. Despite MD being a suitably big show with tens of millions of viewers itself, the numbers that TADC have pulled are nuts because of the audience it's captured. Even if that audience may be comprised of a lot more children and Gen A types. You can't really expect Glitch to throw that sort of attention away.

Think about it like this, would you rather MD have TADC's popularity? I know for damn sure I'd fucking hate that. I like that MD is the more niche show out of the two and I honestly wouldn't want MD and TADC's places to be switched around - purely to avoid the pitfalls of TADC's huge fandom and it being more recognisable by normies.
Both shows are good. If you prefer one over the other that's fine too. I don't think there's any point in getting annoyed over which gets the most attention in terms of merch or whatnot. You can't really blame Glitch for capitalizing on TADC blowing up, it's just kind of how it is. The MD merch we do have is pretty good though, I'm getting all the acryllic stands myself because they look great. I'm sure the Ep 8 merch will be great too.
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Favorite JCJensen brand name
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Hottie drones

Could a full series starring Goldie really work?
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I'm glad you acknowledge your disability
>Valentina Volt
Is it the black chick?
valentina is the glasses girl, ruby is it the black chick

Yeah I was trying to get past my art block by drawing something random

Thanks for the tips by the way
Forbid women from learning to read or being anything but housewives.
>women driving
By Allah! How haram!

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MCU Galactus revealed in Comic-Con drone show.
>Comic Con
>Abbot Elementary
Remember when Comic Con was about comics?
Now watch as he looks nothing like that

Blame Twilight
>MCU galactus
>simplified vector art galactus for the shitty fucking drone light-show
>hurrr durr dis here be duh MCU guh-lak-tuhs! *does the wakanda forever sign*
You dumb fucking nigger.
go to bed grandpa

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Post them!
talk about them!

Vive la France!
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>French bros it's impossible for us to lose
Aside from...you know...all the losses.
Anyone know a French comic joke where
>teen has a pen pal come over
>he dresses in baggy clothes, beanie over his eyes, big nose, messy hair, eats junk food and candy, and plays videogames
>the teens think he's lame and asks "who would think this is a cool guy"
>cuts to the teen's younger sister peaking in from around the living room corner
>the younger sister and friends say he's really cool because of all the things the teen said was uncool
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France has literally never lost at anything and anything that resembles a loss was actually a long-term win.
>But what about-
Not that one either.
>What about-
Sorry, France actually won that too.
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the greatest of all

Why does this guy cause so much heated discussion?
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don't get me wrong though. the let is just as racist and hypocritical.
DC don't do anything with love and passion for Superman anymore. Imagine if they did something like this with Superman that is a montage of his most iconic comic covers.
Superman is dead until HE returns
He's an intrinsically jewish character wrapped in a goyish facade so people without that cultural knowledge have a hard time even describing him beyond the superficial let along discussing his merits and demerits, and most comic book fans only have a surface level understanding of what they read.
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

What was DreamWorks thinking?
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It was fine. Will Smith was a believable underdog, Jack Black was funny, Renee was really sweet and De Niro was authoritative but funny. What's the problem?
This wasn't made by the division that made the previous 3DCG movies (Antz, Shrek, Shrek 2) and also the next one (Madagascar). It came from a different division.
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Was this movie really that bad? The worst thing about it was that it was kinda basic. The most unique thing about it IMO was that it was a mob/mafia type goons that were putting the screws on the main characters, and that grounds it a bit in a sorta ironic way.

Anyway, I think the movie's perfectly fine. Its no Shrek, but its leagues better than some of the other shit that was squatted out by modern Disney.
>Bro what if Finding Nemo but with Will Smith

There’s your pitch meeting.
>2002: Lilo & Stitch/Treasure Planet
>2004: Shrek 2/Shark Tale
Different divisions in both cases

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Bunnicula is a lucky guy
*Claims the bunny*

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You will never be defeated by a villainess
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I want her feet in my face
If you’re going to make threads about obscurefus, you’re gonna have to grin and bear it when she’s drawn off model
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Can you tell how much I want to be broken and kept on a leash by a villainess?
You haven't met my ex wife!

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