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my copy came early in the mail

>J. JONAH JAMESON, BEN PARKER AND THE GREEN GOBLIN COLLIDE! Fan-favorite duo Ben Parker and J. Jonah Jameson take center stage in this investigative mystery issue! But in this world of shadows and secrets, every unturned rock leads to danger... And they'll soon have to decide which is the greater challenge — uncovering secrets or keeping them!
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Even decompressed the content is nothing alike. JMD's nostalgia minis are closer to what Spider-Man was like back then.
I liked Shadow of the Green Goblin, but not as much as I’m liking Ultimate.
What does 'ben' or 'ben day' mean in this context?
Ben Day Dots, a method for achieving half tones in black and white.
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Sex with May!

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What would you like to see in the next upcoming season of South Park?
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trump is the singular most important politician in current US political discourse like it or not and he has been since 2016.
you can't parody other Rs without mentioning trump because republicans have no policies other than "trump good"
you can't parody dems without mentioning trump because dems only ever run on "trump bad"
i guess you could do a parody of the new york mayor bribery scandal but trey isn't a new yorker and i'm not sure he gives a shit about nyc
I'd like to see them take on MAGA retards or incels
Actual comedy, which the show has lacked for over a decade now
timeless comedy, not "event of the moment" skits.
Cartman getting the ultimate red pill and forming a group to bring about the final solution and number 110

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Fuck anyone who says Family Guy was never funny, it totally was
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holy fuck
i'm cuming

This is such mentally diseased bullshit to get mad over
>women are so worshiped and valued for existing that men go on rampages to avenge them? this is oppression!
>men get sad when someone they love dies? this is oppression! but also men should open up and women are the real victims when men die in war/commit suicide
>women dying for any reason whatsoever, even when they have their own fleshed out character arc? this is oppression! men having unceremonious or even comedic deaths on an infinitely bigger scale is fine though
Absolute fucking brain rot
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Bitches will be hot and fill the role of whore, gal Friday, mother, sister, daughter, femme fatale, evil bitch to beat to death.

What's that?
Want a story with women bitching and having problems?
Make a goddamned book for other bitches. Some fucking romance bullshit or something.
FUCK OFF out of mens comics!
Did he carry that lesson into future arcs in any significant way?
Yeah, he dated fellow superheroes (Donna, Jade) who could take care of themselves.
Eh, I guess you're right.
all of these tropes were fine. theyre idiots for listening to complaints from people that dont read comics

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It’s unfair.
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nah this shit all became a problem as early as 2012-ish
dead comics
>Women don't want cheesecake
yes they do
Didn't bother reading the rest since you were wrong right at the start.
Well, yes, you could point to things like GamerGate fast-forwarding this but #MeToo was basically the final straw.
I would be that guy.

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Why don't they man up and make this homo a killer and deal with pedos, thugs, and human traffickers. It's time to face facts, adults don't want kid stories, and comic fans are all adults now
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That art looks like shit.
>I fucking hate GOOD characters
>Why isn't every superhero comic just copy and pasted from Punisher MAX by Garth Ennis?
>picking the most moralfag and antikill hero there is
It's a shame Punisher is only brought up for outrage threads.
Kaine didn't do any of that. He was just an edgier and angrier Peter with a cute girl as a sidekick getting into hilarious adventures.
Yeah Ramo is trash

Why are you infantile and sheltered?

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How many guys has she fucked?
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He doesn't need Connie, he can do it himself.



Check this out. HRM HRPH MRP
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connie need to suffer more
bye bye this was a good thread

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Remember that time trey and matt had a gen X schizo meltdown over pokemon?
>"you have very big penis!"
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It is the highest grossing media franchise of all time, it surpassed Disney, it is absolutely not a fad
Wouldn't being 18 at the time it aired just make his statement more accurate?
>boomers still didn't even know they're called "Pokemon" by 2016
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The Japanese are trying to take over and subvert our culture as revenge for the atomic bombings

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Superman's villains keep getting upgraded to League level threats, why isn't Ra's considered a bigger threat outside of one JLA story?
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The real question is how the hell have Ra's and Poison Ivy teamed up? They have identical goals, Pam really should be his second in command.
The League of Assassins are pretty lame. The League of Assassins are also a League of Nameless Jobbers. There is nothing special about them. A group of League of Assassins' ninjas being killed by a shitstain like Joker is a permanent stain to the reputation of the League of Assassins.
Ivy wants to rid the world of humanity.
Ra's wants to give it a new start by starting over.

Both are egomaniacs who don't work well with others unless they're the boss or benefit from it.
Ras keeps his head down and in general doesn't fucking like to have a spotlight on him after all times

Also Vandal Savage is a d-list villain who only gets used when a writer can't use an actual a-list villain, resulting in garbage stories
Ra's keep his head down because liek Kingpin, he knows he ain't shit in the grand scheme of things. They are a big fish in a home aquarium.

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Why do they come down the stairs?
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>today i remind them
This is like a parody of a pitch
Ironically, I just found out
cute show
Well shit

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How come she doesn't have a current run?
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>Doesn't dispute it directly.
I accept your concession.

Grossest bit of open lesbian propoganda I've ever seen and it destroying not only this book but the careers of everyone involved including the characters is proof that there is justice in the world.
Show me on the doll where Kate touched you
Last thing DC wants is a bunch of angry twitter fruits calling them racist antisemitic homophobes.
she's not interesting
It's propaganda, not propoganda, anon.

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How would your Spiderman OC differ from Peter Parker to make them stand out?
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This would be an interesting one. How would that Spidey work as a hero?
he's not smart enough to make web shooters so he just jumps around and throws bolas at people. also he's italian so he's hairy as fuck and can flick the hairs off his arms at villains to blind them like a tarantula and he has retractable fangs that he barely uses cuz he doesn't want to put villains in his mouth.
their relatives are alive
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I'm thinking something like I create illusions when I move? Afterimages maybe? So it's similar to the dance/flourish the real spiders do, but useful in combat.
My Spider-man OC is possessed by The Ghost of the Spider God. Have supernatural Spider-man powers as a result. Spider-man OC only possess a small fraction of the original power of The Ghost of the Spider God. Possess typical Spider-man powers but is stronger, more durable, faster, and a regenerative-healing factor due to the divine natural of the empowerment. Is capable of seeing and interacting with ghosts and supernatural things/beings invisible to the human eye. Capable of generating energy webs and constructs. Have retractable claws and fangs that generate supernatural venom. And a were-spider-like form where The Ghost of the Spider God takes control of the body. In this state, the original powers of The Ghost of the Spider God returns and overall abilities increase significantly.

My Spider-man OC would be on a team that deals with magic related threats.

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This is Mac, say something nice about him.
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At first no, until Mac confessed he finds her gigantic grippers really hot, she appreciated it much more.
He's an expert at foot massages
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Is this an edit? Or just really on-model fanart.
Pixiv hasn't been JP only for a long time, if the UI being in english natively didn't clue you in.

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Upload images of edits or requests for edits. Get high quality screencaps for edit requests here:

Request for edits to be made by giving a description of what you'd like to be edited for a supplied screenshot, and reply to requests when making a delivery.

Previous thread:
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Requesting the headphones are edited out of this picture so that Maya can be given a huge chest, and then her hand could be edited so that she's holding on to the neck of her shirt pulling it out, giving her the chance to air out her steamy sweaty chest
>Roxie and Ramona talking at the restaurant when Scott walks in
>"Ramona: You did a lousy job describing her on the phone. I mean, I guess she put on weight."
>Roxie: "Like I'm the only one! You look more like a cow then I do now! You can feed a whole family with those tits!"
>Ramona: "Don't be crazy I went up like...2 sizes at most...maybe 3."
>Roxie: "Are you talking about your butt or your chest?!"
>Ramona: "Ugh...."
Damn, that's some fun shit. Settings where all ladies are still decently busty at a minimum and usually fairly stacked on average are some of the best kinds of settings. The world of Scott Pilgrim is already so bizarre it's not even THAT much of a stand out to the other weird stuff. One of the two types of things I like to see as a norm in fictional settings.
Yeah agreed
The better it can slide into a setting without it being that out of the ordinary the better. Something about it is just so appealing.
Always love seeing these Ongezellig edits in these threads

we have a reverse Gohan-Goten scenario.
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>Sam injecting himself with the serum
Oh, of course. Sure, why not.
Superman Lives!
Sam sacrificing himself like that loses its emotional impact when you know they were lightening the load on the budget.
I wonder how they're going to drag things out to keep Clark from making an appearance until the halfway point of the season.

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