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Which is the sexiest? Who's underrated?
187 replies and 83 images omitted. Click here to view.
How fucking dare you
And posting that tripe
>silly,cartoon face with foam on grin
This is not MG at his best
His father dying last year must have really broke him
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Tuyen is underrated. I hoped Meelo went back and smashed that.
Azula, or any fire nation girl. Fire Nation genes are peak
It's Part 3 where he goes all-in on gradual shading, not realizing his high-contrast solid coloring was what distinguished him from other artists. Now it just looks like a retarded imitation of FreeGlass in his "serious" style but all his anatomical flaws are glaring.
MG, you gotta go back to flats, high-contrast and thick lines. This is not a good look even if you quit hentai forever.
>Implying he still comes here

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Why doesn't Batman just cut off all of Jokers limbs?
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Ok but how would the JLA and the rest of the bat family react if he did just that.
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Batman commits suicide to upload a copy of his brain to the internet and stop him nonlethally again, just like the last time Joker did that
Why doesn't Batman just give Joker testicular torsion?
After a couple years the connection fizzles out and the TV is stuck playing static.
Why don’t you stand in the middle of the road?

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The Avengers #16
Avengers Academy #3
Avengers United #40
Avengers Academy #4
Avengers United #41
Phoenix #1?
Spider-Woman #9

Last week's thread: >>144435682
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I think the twist will be that Green Mamba isn't the real Gerry, but either someone brainwashed to think he is or some kind of aged up evil clone.
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Doing sexy roleplay with the actual Veranke, right.
She'll probably just dump them on David.
and/or Carol at AA.
What an unfortunate acronym for her.

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs (TLB), DDL sites (getcomics.info / comics.codes), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++, look up Perfection).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

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Never laughed so much in my life
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Thunder? Thunder? Thundercats?
not this week

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Can Yooloo fix her?
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he's upping the production and also making pretty blood capable to stand on its own legs instead of pulling over other's stuff.
so far nothing has been posted but considering that he does his own original music which is decent enough, i think it will be good enough for what this is going to be.
also he might call out for some fan support on this
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I just had to give her an assault rifle.
I wonder how she was able to play possum while her brother (Who she was close to) was being skinned alive.
It had to be done
Is she like an OC or something?

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Upload images of edits or requests for edits. Get high quality screencaps for edit requests here:

Request for edits to be made by giving a description of what you'd like to be edited for a supplied screenshot, and reply to requests when making a delivery.

Previous thread:
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>file name
kek, good edit
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Requesting her in this attire
You should find some good screenshots of that show then, and post them to have people make edits.
Why must you continue to make me horny for characters from this show?
Delicious, great stuff

Is It just me or does that Jubilation Lee character from Xmen look like celebrity actress Awkwafina?
I can not not think of Awkwafina whenever I look at her. Anyone else getting Awkwafina vibes or am I just being a racist again.
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Thats the point. Its supposed to be a parody of some hip hop persona
it's a play on "awkward"
Nah, Imma have to call racist on this one.

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Previous thread: >>144509832

>How do I make a comic?

>What if I can’t draw?

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Dude, that’s not funny.
I want to make something as impactful as Questionable Content.
I’m being genuine, you guys ever bought an ad here for your work? If so how did that go?
There's at least two people who did. One of them did it for a crowdfunding campaign that got funded. Don't know the stats of the other.
Are those two like gnomes or goblins?

>The world is changing — and Destro means to come out on top! But with Cobra Commander breathing down his neck and mercenaries Xamot and Tomax seeking to dethrone him as the world’s premier weapons manufacturer, he'll have to survive the future in order to build it.
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>Who set up Destro and Xamot & Tomax to kill each other?
Probably Cobra Commander, as part of some plot to bring their operations all under his control.

Anyone seen Hama's GI Joe issue this week? I'm hyped but also confused.
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>That cover
Put him in the pimp suit you cowards
The Cobras are Devil Choujin shills, Commander Cobra is probably a Perfect moron.
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Looks like that's Chameleon on the cover of G.I. Joe #1, I guess she's taking the Baroness' place in Cobra while Baroness is apart of G.I. Joe. I wonder if they're still going to be related to one another like in the past?
damn, why is she facing the reader in >>144543026, that's a fucking war crime

how would you fix her?
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Give her a fucking Event that ACTUALLY FUCKING FOCUSSES HER, rather than her having to guest star in other characters events.
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so what else is new?
her events rage from bad to worst ever, no wonder they don't try
good whore woman
Wonder Woman's hairy Themysciran snatch.

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What's her beef with Simon?
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>No members
>No responsibility
Remember pronouns are they/them/their
Remember that nobody cares
Cute. I hope they make it an series

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351 replies and 300 images omitted. Click here to view.
> women with big breasts are disgusting
hello homosexual friend
it's not supposed to work this way. that other thread is wrong. it's not even Dall e
but we could finish it
I'm just gonna use the other thread. I don't care if someone has their panties in a twist cause its "not proper".
imagine hating big breasts
Just make one. what's not to get?

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It's Real! Holy Shit!

>tfw Simon is half black

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le edgy 20 year old ka el
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Evil interpol
>finally do their version of Ultimate Marvel
>make it edgy as hell

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes?
mo one knows what's like
to be the batman
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>"DC you got any peak?"
>"we got edgy dogshit"

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Fire and Life Incarnate!

Also in this thread: What does the future hold for Tony and Emma? AND BLOOD HUNT PRESENTS - Spotlight on Laura Kinney: Wolverine!

Comics in this thread:
>Phoenix #1
>Invincible Iron Man #20
>X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney, The Wolverine
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Me too, I warmed up to them over time
it's so fucking retarded to have atheism in Marvel, they fucking know death, Gods, and an afterlife are flat out a thing
in a universe where you can pick up a hammer and gain the powers of a "god," where some random guy can get bombarded with radiation and become something beyond even that, the notion of worshipping such entities is obscene
They grew on me hen they started portraying them as a murderous family of malcontents instead of just a bunch of disposable goons.

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