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DC Rivals when?
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Never because WB is ran by retards and would figure out a way to fuck it up
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Good luck with that
Why bother? They'd just be playing catch-up years later in an already crowded game genre. Personally I'd go with another fighting game, except this time drop the MK shit and aim for the competitive scene using a more animated and brightly colored style. To give it distinction make it villain-oriented and center it around Roulette's Metabrawl.
they tried with multiversus but fucked it up

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Why did hank marry her he could've done way better.
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>Is there a particular name for that outfit/getup?
um... prostitute?
When you try to peg the Peggy, you get pegged, piggy.
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I'm still surprised they drew nipple bumps.
the pubis is visible too


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It’s pretty funny to think that the oz was immortality and I can’t think of a single good story that used that idea
Were the Ultimate comics always this self righteous
After a while “modernizing” in ultimate just meant that everyone was an unlikable asshole or a soft boi, and there was never an in between
I guess they're really weren't any different from the comics we have in [current year]. But at the very least they had hot babes.

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Thanks, OP.
Andromeda Stories v01 (2007) (Habanero+XRA-Empire).cbr

Andromeda Stories v02 (2007) (Habanero+XRA-Empire).cbr

Andromeda Stories v03 (2008) (XRA-Empire).cbz

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Have the DC Finest books been successful?
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What's the difference? They all go "ook" at the end of the day.
I've bought a few

Ditto. I really hate how much of a hold the omnibus format has on people. I get it's fancy and hardcover but the Epic and now Finest lines are just so much more readable and I really wish marvel and dc would double down on that instead of catering to people who just want shelf candy.
I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-a, to chimpan-z.
Yeah the Compacts are for casuals. But I find that the Finest books are cheap enough that I can buy one blind and feel comfortable. Never read 50's Flash before, but I'll check it out, you know?
You can get them for 20 odd bucks. They're a helluva lot cheap than getting a clunky over priced omnibus.

Flash is fun. I also got the silver age Green Lantern book they put out.

Post Raven
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Comics do whatever depending on the author.
Any drawfriends lurking?
She looks comfy.
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Have you ever read a story involving pregnancy you thought was actually well written?
>please recommend me good pregnancy stories oh please oh please
fuck off

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W-where can I buy one of these?

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She's the cutest
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The tiny one is also very cute, desu.
>canon shortstack
I think Gretchen is cuter.
Poor Milly.
I asssume you mean Gretchen, she's the smallest of the bunch, at least when they're kids.

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Anyone else just find this guy completely annoying?
>ugh, my Catholic guilt, ugh, the Devil's in me because... I enjoy punching bad guys!
Seriously? That's the reason for all the angst? From any standpoint, be it theological or secular, Matt's not a sinner in the slightest.
>works day and night to help people
>gives his blood, literally and metaphorically
>doesn't ever kill anyone
This man should be secure that he's gaining Sainthood, period. Not angst about
>muh devil inside
What Devil? Basic masculine love of fighting? If he had serial killer tendencies I'd understand, but no, nothing. He's not even a crooker lawyer, he's literally as clean as it gets. So to recap
>lives like a saint
>angsts about not being good enough
>can't keep his dick inside his pants
That's it? That's the depth of Daredevil? Some faggot who has such Catholic Guilt he angsts about not beating up mooks, but never murders the top dogs, then goes to fuck bitches, then goes back to angsting? Because that's all I see whenever I read a story.
>is happy being a goodboy lawyer and having a new cunt to fuck
>some schizo faggots starts picking fights with him

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Why is Millar posting on /co/?
The lettering bothered me so much. Also, Dillon should ink himself always. Palmiotti's inks are a downgrade.
It's alright.
>I think Punisher's a much better case of Catholic Guilt. He knows that he's damned and he keeps going because he thinks himself necessary and because he's sick in the head. Punisher works as a tragic figure who's sacrificing himself for the average joe. Daredevil and all other street-level faggots just take the easy way out, so that they can both feel good about themselves and also not make any actual difference.
Sure, whatever you say, Frank
Why are the Punisher fans like this?
That's just cape comic fans in general.

General Transformers thread, sort of. I have a few thoughts as a returning fan.

I stopped being into Transformers shortly after the end of Animated. Never watched Prime. I've been returning to TF lately, watched clips of Earthspark, the Bay films, Prime, and finally saw Transformers: One a few days ago. I've also been reading the IDW comics and just finished All Hail Megatron. I've been enjoying the IDW comics for the most part, with a few absolutely retarded issues (Spotlight: Arcee, Cliffjumper, the whole THE DARKNESS Arc, the weird retconning back and forth...), and I am excited for MTME and RID. As for TF:One, I thought it was good and I had fun watching it, though it did remind me of why I've dropped the franchise before.

tldr; Hasbro needs to make up its mind if they're going to cater to new fans/kids, or older fans.

More in depth; Transformers is already a hard sell from the getgo. Alien robots that transform into vehicles is going to be alienating (heh) to most casual viewers/fans. I can only see the franchise making money from autists who can bypass that barrier, but most of these fans are going to be adults with their own money. And most adults want slightly more mature stories. I am not talking blood and gore, or sex even, but the stories need more complexity and personally I think all the robots need design overhauls to make them less blocky and lego-like if they want to appeal to wider audiences so that they can make enough money to keep the franchise alive.

As a returning fan, I do enjoy the slightly more mature vibe of IDW and TF:One, but ultimately it doesn't quite live up to that maturity - by chickening out when any sort of complexity is introduced, by reducing the violence (TFOne in particular), and the constant retcons are not doing anything any favours. Hasbro is the king of "safe", but ultimately I think this safety will doom this franchise to death once all the hardcore fans get too old or too tired.

Anyway, talk about some robots.
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American Patriotism is great, third worlders hate us but we're right all the time. At least in the 80's we were.
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>Decepticon combiners superior
>Autobot combiners inferior
Who you callin' inferior?
Nobody wants an uncharismatic bore like you!
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Much to talk about with cool giant robots

>"Its mind is empty. Ours for molding."
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because she would be working faster and be able to produce more issues in the same amount of time, obviously
Again, no one said anything about changing the shipping schedule. It was about her only working faster. She could do multiple books, but UXM would still be once a month.
It is is kinda funny when you put it like that
In English??
I'm getting really sick of these
>look we referenced 1610 isn't that fun

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Not in a million years
You could've just said you're not gay, jeez...

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Yes, I would always cook for her.
What would be her favorites?
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>scene in the revival where GOB has bumbled his way into a marriage ceremony with Anne
>that long pullback shot to reveal giant set of cut out letters spelling H E R ? hanging from the ceiling
Best joke of the show
It was a good 6 days.

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She's next.
Is she even a real character or an oc for the show?
Nosferataa is a real character at least since the 90s
She's very cute, I hope she has a bigger speaking role in S2 and we get to see her costume. WOuld be cool if she had a backstory episode like that characters did in this seasono

She's a Superboy villain.
Man I can't spell for shit and forgot the pic.

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