This is something that I've been working on for over a year now, a simple crossover comic that I came up with in an attempt to get myself into drawing again (as well as getting used to digital).I told myself that once the first chapter was done I would storytime it here, so here it is.Enjoy, and bump if anyone is reading.I sure hope this doesn't count as self-advertising.
>>147516827Settle down, faggot
>>147499987This is GOOD shit.
>>147500103Ah, Spidey quipping to himself. Fun!!
>>147500184OH YEAH
>>147500378Dude, this was AWESOME!! You got any socials or anythin'?? I'd love to see what else ya come up with!!
>My reaction to the Pooh's Adventures wiki being shut down on February 13th, 2025
>>147455804What is even the point of Fanon? It's all lies and misinformation. They have people thinking they're missing movies and episodes of tv shows that actually don't exist. Missing appearances of characters that aren't canon and don't exist in the actual media. Fanon is garbage.
>>147459299What page?
>>147455598Turn on the tv, it doesn’t matter what channel…
>>147515449>>147516074actually impressed that they put the effort to make themselves fit with the rest of the page with the color, grain, shadows, etc
>>147515449>>147516074>>147516650yeah, this waaaaayyyyy higher quality than I was expectingthe monstars are drawn pretty well too, comparatively speaking
ITT: /co/ "Villains" who did nothing wrong
>>147515681Go back to plebbit
>>147515681"Unconventional methods" being incalculable death
>>147510642The X-Men have been some of the worst, they’re made up of hyper emotional moody dick heads that will go full genocide at the drop of a hat.
>>147510642The problem is that the "good ones" cover for the "bad ones" a lot of the time. Like in a "they're bad guys, but they're OUR bad guys, so piss off flatscans" kind of way.
How the hell does DC keep managing to fumble the Legion of Super-Heroes? It's a space opera that did everything Star Trek did eight years prior. And yet they keep screwing it up. It shouldn't be possible to be that incompetent. I don't get it.
>>147513263Most of them, yesBouncing Boy's from Earth, and so are a few others
>>147472838>It's a space opera that did everything Star Trek did eight years priorToo nerdy. Casuals just aren't interested in this shit.
>>147472838Sir is Saturday
What went wrong?
>>147516287/Co/ lives in a time capsule where modern cartoons include shows like Steven universe and adventure time.
>>147516312>adventure timeThat one's still alive, somehow.
>>147515862Top: made by men for boysBottom: made by women and de facto women for themselves
>>147516261Is Kiff a Boer?
>>147516309the Hailey Curse has basically ensured that all those shows will flop and get cancelled... Disney is doomed. Chaos!
Happy Valentine’s Day to my new favorite crack ship.
>>147516248Jess’ moms and a couple of background couples here and there.
>>147516166I think we reached that point where someone complained so someone started just spamming
Alien milkers
>>147516806Imagine the paizuri
Name a more obvious furry bait character that worked
>>147514023From the same show. She has the same amount of porn as Loona
>>147515834Just not a fan, man. I mean, I like feet when they're nice feet. But most feet tend to be small, stubby and smell bad. Paws are long, elegant and sexy. I just find them more appealing and I feel like drawing characters who are canonically digitigrade as plantigrade is a waste.
>>147515900Post BEE
>>147514922She looks like she could worship human cock
Would the Fire Nation consent to a Fire Queen that's a peasant from the Earth Kingdom?
>>147514237>Almost everyone is overstating it a bit. It was definitely the norm but the nobility, even monarchs did every now and then sacrifice the political utility of marriages to indulge their own passions. The Byzantine Empire had two major scandals within the span of a single century alone where an emperor not only married the woman he fell in love with, but knowingly breached a major taboo in doing so -- Justinian I with his marriage to the commoner actress Theodora and Heraclius when he married his own niece Martina.True. I think the issue that makes OP's case a particularly hard sell is the combo of foreign and peasant. Marrying a peasant or breaking a taboo is already pushing it, but at least it is "within the Empire". Doing the same with a foreign peasant...One option is to bring her to court, out her in some position of rank until she's established and not seen as just a foreign peasant and then go for marriage.
Most of the Fire Nation hates Zuko's guts after taking over
>>147513290Him marrying Mai is politically messy let alone a commoner. Ideally Zuko marries someone who gives him some legitimacy on the world stage, ideally a princess from another nation. Mai gives the political support of her father (who is a decently powerful noble) but Suki and Jin have no political power to offer.
>>147513417This. Iroh definitely paid her to fuck his nephew.
>>147514813Isnt Zuko's daughter named after a fountain where they kissed? it's definitely Jin's
Topic of today: An 18+ Transformers continuity, yay or nay?Transformers ONE returning to select theatres in the United States & Canada: Wiki: Series available on YouTube: >>147404430
>>147512928Transformers drive each other all the time. From bots travelling inside Astrotrain to shooting Megatron to looking through Perceptor's eyepiece.And there's Minicons turning into weapons or directly plugging into bots, or bots living inside of Metroplex.You're a little right in that how often said cockpits are prominently displayed in robot mode is weird, but like >>147515545 said, it's probably just some weird Transformer thing.
>>147506768>>147506649I watched about 30 secs and closed it. First off the song sucked, second I couldnt take Soundwave dancing with some gay ass nigga.
>>147514635Yeah while mercs can technically be neutral, there's really only one way to go with them and that's that they end up permanently working for the Decepticons.I could see Autobot-exclusive mercs and Decepticon-exclusive mercs being a thing; where they only fight if sufficiently motivated.Or a neutral non-combatant faction, either avoiding or aiding both factions in a non-military way according to their own wishes.But neutral mercs? Those are just future Decepticons with extra steps.
I wanted to restart my collection with Legacy Galvatron but Amazon bounced my payment and I'm not trying again since my car came out of the shop and it was $200.Sorry guys I guess I won't join you as a collector anytime soon.
>>147516861So get the new Studio Series release, its the same toy.
Last thread:>>147363222
>>147497586Nice atmosphere
>>147501086Kek, ew that has to be really diseased
>>147499732Is her pit hair growing out of the sides of her ribs? Doesn't it grow more out of the arms?
I would post it but its a self portrait ive never done one before because I hate my face
There was a time Adam Hughes was THE pin-up artist in comics. But in the last decade, he seems to barely work. And it's not just because of downplaying sexy art, because there's Asian illustrators doing sexy variants and covers, but Hughes only does a few these days. Is it just a case of the other artists being cheaper, or is his style just not popular anymore?
>>147507330There's more in hughes' catalog of work than OP's pic my dude.
>>147504624he probably gets paid enough per variant cover to live comfortably on only doing one or two a month, like Alex Ross
>>147515684She literally has a razor in her hand.
>>147515717yeah, but I was hoping they were simply temporarily misplaced
The pen and ink stuff in this thread looks good but the digital art is horrendous.
How would things have changed if Wilhamena replaced Enid in the series?
>>147515369how am i supposed to see 112 episodes when she only appears for 2 minutes
>>147482900Man I want to mating press her in every one of those outfits
This pic goes hard
>>147511775He's immortal
>>147503826they're always trading out boogeymen, remember when they thought it was the shitredditsays subreddit of all things?
>>147499728I really hate this kind of shit, latam was filled with these horrible fanarts
I just binged all the episodes again last week, it was kino.Also the backgroung fluff was weirdly interesting.
>>147513101This show was ugly as shit but the writing was absolutely golden
>>147514681Really reminded me of something that would appear on Adult Swim or another adult cartoon site
Is /co/ ready for Dalia and the Red Book to come to English speaking countries?
>>147516560looks mediocre