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I love this show
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Okay but what if there was an episode where Martha needed to say "I need to fart" as politely as possible?
There's already a weight gain episode, so why not?
Chill, dude. It was just a joke.
td is literally me
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How did Martha Speaks have this much influence? All this time I thought I was the only one who watched it on PBS Kids back in the day

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So fucking kino
I think about this show every day
They should bring it back.
Whys this show so fucking curvy

Bro these are fucking gold holy shit

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Thoughts on Up? Besides the first ten minutes
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Seeing as large flightless birds was already known from the SA fossil record at the time, and that forged specimens would have been relatively easy to spot at that time too, besides maybe compound skeletons, I can only assume that it was the fact that the bones weren't fossilized that lead them to suspect him of having made a forgery.
But even then, non-fossilized ratite bones ere known from both Madagascar, and New Zealand, so a similar bird from SA where they already knew that giant flightless birds used to exist, would not have been that odd.
I wonder if Muntz actually did do something to the skeleton, to make the scientific community doubt its validity.
His dad has a mistress.
Up is about learning to touch grass so I don't think you'll get any real discussion here.
The story is fine, I think the badguy being this seemingly super old adventurer was silly.
It's good but the villain feels a bit out of place

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This is a troll account
>Smile up to her eyes
>Hands almost reach her knees
>No neck
What is this design
It’s only be betraying her race if she hooks up with a white guy that basically acts like she’s some sort of pet or is found to hate black people or she pulls a Candice Owens and starts talking shit about her people. Then yeah, she’d basically be labeled a bedwench.

If it’s a guy that’s like her dad that genuinely cares anbout her and he’s not about any of that then I don’t think anybody that matters to her would be bothered by her being with him.

It’s like saying that if you’re black you can’t have close friends that happen to be white. Sure you can, but if you start acting like uncle ruckus and giving that guy a pass on dropping n-bombs then expect at least a side eye I think that’s pretty universal for any group.

I'm primarily a manga fan. And while I can admit a good chunk of manga is total slop, the reason I love it way more than western comics despite being fundamentally the same artform is that, with websites like myanimelist and anilist it's super easy to find manga that are actually good and appeal to me based on the consensus of what's the most popular/most acclaimed manga, what's most similar to other stuff, sorting by specific genres and subgenres, etcetera.

Every time I try to get into western comics I fail because there aren't any equivalent websites or resources. I mainly use Goodreads. Which is fucking god awful because of how skewed the demographics of that site are but also just in how badly designed it is in general. And so every comic I've read has just been underwhelming as fuck because it's not what I'm looking for.

How do you guys find the comics you guys like? If recommendation threads are against the rules, this isn't one. I'm not looking for the stuff people like, I'm looking for how people FIND the stuff they like.
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>where anime is an 1:1 adaptation of manga
Lol. Weebs really are retarded
Just read comics. DUH!
There isn't one.
>Conan by Busiek and Truman
>Martha Washington
>Y: The Last Man
>Crossed (for the love of god, it's very important you only read the Ennis stories)

Combine those together and you get Berserk.

Man, this was fucking worthless dogshit on just about every level. But at least it's finally over after four grueling years.
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Funny enough, when the series was knee deep in being irredeemable dogshit, there was a one shot that used the red bandanas in a way that was actually effective. It wasn't a reference for the sake of it, it was a symbolic moment of unity between brothers after being emotionally distant from each other for so long. It was a great way of showing how references can be used in a way that elevates the material instead of weighing it down.

And that's what frustrates me the most about this comic. It'd be one thing if IDW TMNT was consistently bad. But it isn't; every time it feels like I can't stomach this comic any longer, they put out a really good one shot, or a fantastic crossover comic written by someone else, or even arcs that just... aren't as bad as the wretched dogshit that came before, only for the comic to correct that by doubling down on retardation later. It's the occasional reminder how this series COULD have been at least tolerable that stings the most.
I have problems even with the first issues where they contrived a reason for Raph to be separated from the other turtles for over a year because they wanted to do a red mask homage, but also wanted to introduce Casey Jones right away, but somehow couldn't reconcile that event happening without Raph being solo first and then revisiting the problems caused by being a lone mutant in new york years and years later.
So it really make me angry that Waltz and Campbell are still suck at explaining how the bonds and unity work. They always have the turtles forced into a vicious cycle of "quarrel, separation, and reunion" because the plot-first writing. The turtles actually have no real character development.
Donatello should have immediately worked in a retro-mutagen to allow the victims to carry on with their lives like any other iteration. It seems like it was never in the cards to undo Mutant Town. It's as if these humans did not choose to be mutants as in trans/homo and found they are happier as mutants as in trans/homo. The Turtles don't try to undo the situation and are devastated when Lita is cured. It's as if my confusion over this is supposed to make me feel bad. They are humans and need to be cured adding nothing but a dragged to death plot line.
The only thing Ross did right was redesigning Alopex and Sally, and designing Diamond. Sadly his artificial girl brain kicked in and made him want to turn the comic into a girly slice of life cry fest complete with the turtles, except for Raph, all acting femme-gay, striking all kinds of feminine poses such as clutching the opposite arm while looking away from who they're talking to, which no man has ever done.

ITT-post your favorite /co/ characters and other anons guess what your like based on your choices
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here you go anons

took longer than it should've to think of enough characters
>Hellboy and Zilla jr
Thank you, you're very cultured too!
Smug asshole enjoyer but a zoomer or there would be Shake and Cartman here.
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What do you think of DC's Vision?
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I can't believe they erased Traya
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Ditto. He's one of those Justice League extras that doesn't really fit anywhere else, but isn't an A-lister with a guaranteed spot on the team. The only character I can think of who has it as bad as Red would be Firestorm.
Red Tornado was good in BATB
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I don't.
He was cool as fuck in Primal Force. He should have been one of the headliners of Justice League Dark.

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>is built up to be this dark secret that's commentary of groupie culture back in the '70s
>no one gives a shit when they find out
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It’s the lead exposure.
>Anon misses the 70s, when nobody did drugs.
Anon thinks everyone in the 70s was a hippie faggot her a serial rapist Black Panther.
and who will you blame then lol
I remember when some journalists tried to do it to Bowie just after his death and it just went nowhere.

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why are big nosed women less common in /co/ art? And when it does happen, why is it not tagged in the same way large butts or big breasts are?

Men find big nosed hot girls, even hotter, much like big breasts make a hot girl hotter, so whats the deal?

And how has the small upturned nose become popular with women? That used to be considered the nose of trashy Irish girls. How'd that become the go to plastic surgery nose?
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Coraline's mom is my go to big nosed lady
Those nails suck.
OP may not be, but you sure as hell are.
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Sad! Big noses are the thinking man's choice~

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Their relationship and this whole episode is one of the dumbest retcons on the show.
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You didn't watch the show.
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Strange choice of a show to get obsessed over, I must say.
Neither did you
Schizos are running out of things to ruin so they keep digging deeper into the well.
No they won’t. Rex was being cocky and cocky guys like to look good in front of women. Have you never tried this? Rex never have real feeling for her.

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YOU. RUINED. MY. DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Take it off then
I chalk it up to Starfire grappling with emotions she probably never felt before (i.e. jealousy) interfering with her natural powers. She's mentioned several times how her strengths come from things like "unbridled joy" so when she's met with feelings she isn't used to it catches her off guard temporarily.

Take it off then x2
It was ruined when you put it on honey
Now someone edit it to white

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I feel like hating on Scrappy is like that experiment with the monkeys and the hoses. No one who says "cope" was alive when Scooby and Scrappy Doo first aired, and yet here's this guy saying, "Nobody liked him."

There's this famous organizational culture experiment where researchers put a bunch of monkeys in a room with a ladder and a banana on the top rung. Every time a monkey tried to climb the ladder, all of them got sprayed with cold water. Eventually, any monkey that tried to climb the ladder got beat up so none of them would get sprayed. The scientists would replace a monkey, who would swiftly learn not to go for the banana. Eventually, none of the original monkeys remained, and the scientists removed the banana, but the monkeys would still attack any newcomer that tried to climb to the top of the ladder, even if they didn't understand WHY. They'd just been conditioned that way.

No one your age actually knows why they hate Scrappy, they just DO, because it's just what you've seen from Scooby Doo fans older than you.
More like most people just didn't care for him or simply didn't like that he "replaced" the rest of the crew, while the spergs were pretty vocal about it.
This is like how Transformers fans who didn't grow up with G1 HAAAATE Rodimus Prime mainly because of that Dr. Smoov video 18 years ago before YouTube really even took off, but you go to any Transformers convention and you'll see people wearing Rodimus jackets and talking about him positively, buying 3P toys of him, his fucking animation cels go for $5000...
>le contrarian
Do you have any idea where you are
>I feel like hating on Scrappy is like that experiment with the monkeys and the hoses
That experiment is how most internet opinions work

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Define this relationship using a single word
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i know exactly how all your relationships have gone.
absolutelly, live on easy mode. He even became the president of USA.
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this show was genuine cartoony kino and I should not be left alone in a room with Billy

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