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47 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nothing happened for 2/3s of this issue. This fucking loser might as well stick to writing poetry in a diary. I’m so goddamn sick of Ram V.
certainly feels like the current Batman run and this dec run are basically incompatible continuity-wise wise
the covers are probably the best thing about this run

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Any thoughts on this thailand chick?
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Technically, it's Korean, an east origin country. It cannot be posted in /a/ or /co/
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The OP is a legitimate pedophile, btw. Just throwing that out there.
Cringe and attentionwhore-pilled!
It's Korean, where all American cartoons are made.

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what are some good Wally West runs to read?

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Here's your new Sentry bros
Marvel killing it as per ush hahah
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Anon, Ike and Perlmutter are hardcore shills for Zionist /pol/shit that most leftists despise. You're shilling for the wrong team and fell for another corpo whitewash attempt of using a minority to hide their bullshit.
>Americans are so fat that they need wheelchairs
>Marvel panders to them
What was the problem again, OP?
This fucking mini was awful.
To be fair, the Sentry has always been shit, so why should that ever change?
what if there was a deaf character and their superpower is that they have superhearing but they have to turn it off when they are in civilian life, is that ethical /co/?

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests"
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
450 replies and 291 images omitted. Click here to view.
Haha, ncie
two of those images are going to be two cakes for me
>11 images.
291 + 11 =302
image limit is 300
Dang, that's some really classy linework
Cute Aang

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Last Spider-Man thread wasn't too bad, and the resident schizo seemed really stressed out and gave up before he could spam the last one to the bump limit again. Let's have another one, then.
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This is a very good chart, wish marvel still did this
He's leaving soon so it's not worth it.
Have you not figured it out yet? Kafka's has been brainwashingr Peter for some time with the winkler device. That's why Peter did not remember making a date with Michele and that's how he becomes the spider-goblin in issue 50 it all makees sense.
But how does Ben know?
The device showed him the future.

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Bonus Page 91

A new chapter begins this week!

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Right, that's why a romantic relationship between two people is called a duo!
Yeah, remember how Batman and Robin are the dinamic duo?
When are we gonna get another AnnieKat clue?
Hopefully never.
I want Omega to be Kat's new girlfriend.
Do you really think that Kat will replace Paz with a filthy computer?! A pretty useless one at that.

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I thought this was an edit what the fuck
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This is how children get fetishes.
Seek help
I didn't pitch, draw or animate that.

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Cute :3
why the fuck WOULD there be? this is a vidya CARTOON thread you drooling mong
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>Complains about CotL shills
>Posts a WoWfag reaction image, what with WoWtards and other Blizzdrones shilling their dying games throughout /v/ 24/7
Wew lad.
Draw Lambert with realistic sheep proportions

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ITT: characters that are canonically pedophiles
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>teenage character gets paired with fantasy being
>later in story is revealed that the fantasy character race lives really long lives and they are not actually a teenager
This happens a lot
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she's an old lady and married a 18y/o boy

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It's Sunday evening and I'm bored. Post /co/ lesbians.

and sure, gay men as well, why not.
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Imagine if the coffin of andy and leyley had been about sisters
I like Andy but wouldn't mind Leyley keeping the competition out by fucking the straightness out of the girls who like Andy instead of going psycho on them.
After watching this video five times I have imagined Julia getting dragged into the siblings insanity.


Instead of robotboy, Professor Moshimo sent tommy Robotgirl on learning to be a real girl.

Would the series be the same or different than the original?

I think it would be familiar but with a few changes
For example Robotgirl's personality being different from Robotboy she is more bubbly and if Tommy doesn't do/give something she wants she will give him puppy eyes
One thing I think would be different is Robotman instead of him being a huge jerk to Robotgirl he would act more like a militaristic older brother who wants to train her to be better
Wait if she wants to be real girl, wouldn’t she ask tommy about romance and boys?
Another thing would be Tommy dealing with people bullying him for having a pink doll and a pink heart thing Donnie would be the one bullying him the most
I think Deb would support it and love Robotgirl maybe because Robotgirl reminds her of a doll she had
If Robotgirl was the main character maybe the show would be remembered more like My life as a teenage robot is

Masameer stands in solidarity against Isreal.
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I enjoyed the show more when it was just a series of YouTube videos. I also miss the less recurring characters from years ago, I think Oqail was even killed offscreen by the unlucky revenge serial killer unless he comes back in season 2 which I didn't watch yet
I honestly missed Aqeel, since he didn't show up after the 2nd season of "Classics."
might watch
The animation's VERY good, much better than you'd expect.
No, it makes you Pro-Palestinian. (Which is the same thing, apparently)

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She has somekind of charm that i can't describe...
165 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
true but the other one is far more pleasant, plus it's not hard to believe she physically can't grow any
she probably smells
Noice, i love muff diving
Not the hair I was talking about.
Even better

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