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Seems like people are changing their tune about their opinion of Jax after that last episode. I mean sure, he's snarky, but he was going along with the adventure and playing it as if it was a game, what's the big deal? Are people just mad that he isn't the "jerk with a heart of gold" yet?
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Screenshotting this post for future reference
That is probably coming. Personally I am hoping for a full on anti-redemption. Something like what they did with Ouja from Kamen Rider Ryuki I know I know but I can't think of any non-obscure examples of this sort of thing where it seems like he is showing his softer side only for him to reveal that it was all a trick just to fuck with whoever helped him and make them feel guilty about the consequences of doing so.
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I’m a sucker for suits
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Obscure/underused/forgotten villains

Discuss any and all villains who you just think should be in more comics, whether they are older characters or newer ones.

Let's start with the fact they need to have more Iron Man stuff where he actually fights villains of his own rather than fight against himself or somebody else's badguy.
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I don't know any of these besides MODOK, Whiplash, Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo
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Impressive, very impressive
You're the Death's Head anon aren't you

Will they ever make a second movie?
All the soul is gone, so hopefully not.
Why would anyone want a 4k of this? I guarantee it looks no different than the blu ray.
It's impossible to stop the first
The 1080p Blu ray had some issues with aliasing, wobbly film framing and lip sync that's fixed in the 4k.
Ideally, they should have digitally re rendered it like they did with the older seasons but rumor is that they don't have the hell assets.
It's pretty crazy how much has changed since this film
>Mary Kay as the women
>Randy only has one line, butter is seen but not heard

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How has all of /co/ not watched this?
>100 percent continuity for 52 episodes
>Warfare with actual guns and battles
>Brilliant mind games for imperial power
>Gorgeous MC and rival
>Great music with kino OP and GOAT ED
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I saw some episodes back in the day.

One of my favourites was the episode where the prince had a nightmare where Sissi transformed into Elena.
*Helena, but I don't remember such an episode...

There were multiple episodes where Helena tried to basically copy Sissi in looks and personality, failed miserably ofc but gave Sissi a chance to impersonate Helena in turn when she needed to.
Such fun writing
I have never heard of it
Until now... so why not watch it?
Man talk about digging the bottom of the trash can, this was some late 90's Fox Kids shit

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Primos premieres tonight at 8pm on Disney Channel! Will you be watching /co/usins?

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Dilate and join the 41%
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of course the white guy is mac tonight
This has meme potential
They'd hire some loli artists if they knew what they're doing.
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Finally got around to watching it, kicking myself a bit for waiting so long since I enjoyed it more than expected. Weird that it did so poorly, know it's cliche to say but it does seem like it was just before its time, reminds me of other series that fell by the wayside like duckman. Also should I be worried that I found Pickles extremely attractive
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My love
>enjoyed it more than expected
yeah, that's the effect I'm noticing with all these Simpsons bastard children that sprang in the late 90's, like Mission Hill and Baby Blues. They have a place in my heart
nah they're pretty shit
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No, they ARE the "SHIT". Haven't read them fully, but they are the kind of book my 10 year old self would've treasured with dark pleasure
okay well i'm not 10 years old and i don't think op is either

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> Marvel Comics Exec Editor Confirms ‘X-Men’ Books Will Continue Hiding Last Page Behind Annoying QR Codes In Order To Avoid “Early Spoilers”
> Marvel Comics executive editor Tom Brevoort has confirmed that the X-Men line will continue to hide their last page behind a QR code for the foreseeable future.
> As seen in the three books thus far released as part of the X-line’s new, post-Krakoa ‘From The Ashes’ publishing initiative – X-Men Vol. 7 #1, NYX Vol. 2 #1, and Phoenix Vol. 1 #1 – upon reaching the end of a given mutant-centric title, before being met with the standard next issue preview, readers are presented with a giant QR code.

It’s so over.
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so anyone can scan the page after the comic has been shipped?
So. Hope is dead.
Yeah I ain't touching this initiative outside of perhaps Deadpool.
Finally a comic with day one patches
Only for the first few months after release.

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>Now immune from tourists
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Makes me think of that one fat nerd some people were comparing to Carrozza from a South Park episode. Maybe someone should do an edit to give him hairier chops, thicker glasses, and all the works.
Pretty much. Cant even weasel out with le old classic
>It was a virus!
Supposedly he blamed Ang for hacking his Google Drive to his friends and insisted "She said she did, just trust me".
The cops don't agree, if that's what triggered them to come.
Wait, is that how he got caught? He leaked his GD?
>Supposedly he blamed Ang for hacking his Google Drive
If you don't have an actual source for this, then you're a drama farming faggot.

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Deadpool’s hot Latina daughter introduced back in 2013, and has been a supporting character is getting her own series.
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Did she get aged up recently? Last I saw her she was like 10 years old
This could be interesting. Depends on the execution, I might actually check this title out.
She’s 14 now
The mona with a mouth!

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superman and his friends enjoying some delicious jelly donuts
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To be fair, the title of the show is "MY Adventures WITH Superman"
It literally tells you in the title that the focus of the show isn't Superman. It's another character having adventures with him.
>Have a chance to make a Superman show with a limited budget because Zaslav
>Wastes it on side characters and fags
Even more evidence that they hijacked the IP.
I like the cartoon but its a crummy version of Superman.
ESLtard please fuck off
If anyone is going to SDCC, please please PLEASE ask them to have more Intergang and make Silver Banshee a love interest for Jimmy.

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Would you make a deal with Bill? Would you let him come inside you?
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himself, from the future, because of timey wimey shenanigans.
So its kinda like a Joker thing where he lies or exaggerates his past to gain sympathy to then manipulate people?
I think the regret of destroying his home dimension is genuine, because he doesn’t seem to bring it up to anyone except Stanford, who he saw as his real friend despite what he says, and when he try’s to recall it himself he blacks out and blocks it out of his mind, at least that’s how I read it.
Stan knows because deep down, him and Bill are the same. They're losers who fucked up big time and have spent the rest of their lives feeling guilty over it. The difference is Stanley learned from his mistakes whereas Bill just keeps making the same ones again and again and again
I remain unconvinced that "tried to open people's minds but accidentally the universe" is the kind of mistake that could be learned from in any meaningful sense.

I mean, Ford (for example) hasn't really learned anything at all- he's still screwing around with paranormal shit instead of putting his intellect to practical use or just settling down and trying to scrape together some semblance of a real life in the next decade-and-change or however long he's got before old age reduces him to a shambling, incontinent wreck that can't even remember what it had for breakfast that day, let alone how to get rid of the sentient pimple that's trying to take over Dipper's body and turn him into a stereotypical jerky jock.

>Almost guaranteed to make 200m on opening weekend. 180m at minimum
Is the MCU finally saved?
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Anon its gonna outgross Marvels total box office in one weekend
Deadpool is and always has been unashamed sloppa in its purest form. It doesn't even pretend to be a good movie
I'd argue that's why it's liked
>give people what they want

It's that simple
No because this is a isolated production that feels closer to a Fox-Men film than an MCU one. At best it’s just another No Way Home.
The Deadpool movies are just fun popcorn flicks, with decent writing.

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post your favorite black girls or women
brown girls need not be posted
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Damn I want to lick her feet
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Finished it, liked most of it, but the ending is a bit of bummer. Also feels a bit out of step with the characterization in the first issue, but this is largely because the mini series switches perspective characters so we never really get Toy Box's internal monologue again and how its obviously changed in the finale.

Actually, guess there's another mini (still going on?), so presumably that follows up a bit.
>it feels a bit like a throw back to when these sorts of "Cape Comics with a Twist" were more in vogue.
Very yes, hat's the best way to describe this one
>Actually, guess there's another mini (still going on?), so presumably that follows up a bit.
there are several spin off but the proper sequel with Toy Box just finished this week.
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Good taste, anon
She was my first love. I moved on,because it was either that or just fucking keel over and die. But I have laid awake on more than a few occasions wondering what could have been, where she is, maybe wondering if she was knocked up and that's why her dad took her and thinking "Boy, I would do literally ANYTHING for her to walk through the door right now."

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Ben 10 is getting a comic series finally. Has Dynamite made anything good?
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It's a screenshot from the show
This is different from the normal flavor of licenseshit
I don't think Dynamite gets they can't half-ass this one so easily
Ben 10's fandom has had this renaissance period for a while now despite the lack of official content so any art that isn't on par with the fandom's is gonna raise eyebrows
I'm not saying they can get Jimenez or Dan Mora but still
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>Live Action
Hopefully the actors aren't ugly.
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A Ben 10 movie would only have like 3 main actors two kids and one old guy, no more than 5 at most if you wanted someone like Hex, Animo or Kevin as the villain
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So, on the topic of Ben 10 comics, would the series work as just like, it's own full-on comic universe, akin to DC or Marvel?
Could side characters like Gwen, Kevin, Max, or even Rook or Tetrax work as protagonists in their own solo comics? Could they flesh out the multiverses, timelines, and even alien homeworlds?

Like for all intents and purposes, Ben 10 really does feel like a comic book franchise that didn't actually originate as a comic book. Which I know is because Man of Action is made up of comic book writers. I'm just curious if it could've swung in the leagues of other proper comics if it originated as such.

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It’s time to face facts, Ghost-Spider, aka Spider-Gwen, is here to stay.
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They have Spider-Gwen now.
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It doesn’t look like they see it that way
Miles story is literally a mutt being trained by a mensch to wear a white mans clothes. That’s what bendis wanted and it’s what you sad niggas eat up. Why bother supporting ACTUAL black writers abs artists when you can just eat slop that’s all about how great it is to kill a shitty white dude and replace him with someone whose “the right color”?
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Real schizo post there anon!
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