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Why haven't the women of the Aves family been able to outgrow the Riveras?
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both hotdogging Manny's little amigo
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Also, Andra, look at her.
dont underestimate latino dick op

With SpongeBob's 25th anniversary today, something i'm curious about is

Why do you think SpongeBob became bigger than Rocko, Angry Beavers, and CatDog ever were? It even became bigger than Ren & Stimpy was at the height of it's popularity and Ren & Stimpy was huge around 1991-1993 (during the first two seasons)
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Yeah you can't sell a toy of those characters, and if you did they'd do worse than a SpongeBob thing.
Is Powerpuff Girls the Cartoon Network show that was the biggest at it's height of popularity? From what I understand, it was huge for during like 1999-2001 or so and it ended up getting to a billion dollars or something in terms of merch sales. The popularity though seemed to die down sometime in either 2002 or 2003 or something and the movie ended up performing poorly
Genuinely really good season 1, hit so well with people it became big in internet culture as well as pop culture. It as an aesthetic that appeals to anyone regardless of gender or race
>aside from CatDog
Why did Nick make the stupid mistake of not airing a Rugrats rerun or new episode right before CatDog's official premiere (months after it's sneak preview right after the Kids Choice Awards)? Let me guess, they expected CatDog to be huge so they felt they didn't need to air it right after Rugrats
yeah im still dumbfounded how many people are immediately turned off by the "ugly" art style when that style is what makes old cartoons far superior to newer ones, for me it was the friendship between the main characters if you grew up running around your neighborhood like adults didn't exist EEnE was your life

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I really don't get this one
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I don’t think so, the way he draws faces is much more simpler, he has a much more scratchier line work than what ops image shows. I could be wrong.
The joke is that doctors are supposed to be professional, but this one is wearing quite the silly hat.
This one's funny though.
I'm so glad zoomers are going to suffer endlessly. Cope, seethe.
That's Greatest Generation, not Baby Boomer.

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You would defend your goblin wife, right?
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the only good goblin girls are the ones who dont look like short green elves
What about furry goblin like creatures?
kys furfag
I like them well breed

When they stared to give the male rapes fantasy to the females.

>a lone peasants walking in the forest gathering herbs
>You hear a noise and look up only to be surrounded by thirsty female goblins
>You heard the stories but never thought they were real
>there is a missing person poster of you in the tavern wall
>Adventures telling stories of female goblins kidnapping male and making them their husbands

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Of all media this somehow is getting a full fledged hand drawn movie.
And they got a Japanese studio to animate it.
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japanese are weird in that they are both cutting edge and also lagging behind. they still use fax there for example
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>oh and you can even meet Ryan himself!
>youtube channel from 2015
are you underage
why the fuck does this shit get so many dislikes?
This looks like some kinda Yokai Watch spinoff.

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tushie tuesday
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False premise. It's not directly about the ass itself, but the relationship of the ass with the hips and thighs. While B does a poor job, A has little or no relationship whatsoever, so B wins by default.
God I hope so
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Purple lol. Bloom literally moons the screen one episode
Assuming they fix it. An ass like that will bring in customers all on it's own, and that dent is free advertising.
I asked people why they don't just post on /aco/ so that their posts/threads don't get deleted.
They said that /aco/ turned into western /d/, and they don't want to see degenerate shit, and there's no discussion, which turns out means there aren't many guys sharing their detailed sexual fantasies with other men.

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>steampunk cyborg
Would have been hot.
I would have liked this version of Mulan more.

Disney really needs to cut it out with the remakes though
>God I want to fuck her so bad

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what an absolute SLUT woman
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I wish comics had actual progression, I liked when Emma went from femme fatale to tired professor, then again this page is essentially just Azumanga Daioh.
Based! That's pretty hot to turn the tables on a telepath and mind controlling her instead!. Definitely counts as an instant-loss moment and makes it even better how it didn't need that much effort too seeing she's that much of slut underneath anyway no matter how powerful.

Man, Scott can't catch a break though. Doomed to be a cuck no matter what lol
I mean that's it? Just some dude who has a job to do and is going to do it properly. You can't have the X-Men being their current villain selves if they want to be taken seriously, so you get this stand-in for the audience to say hey, did you know none of this is how any school ever actually worked? These kids aren't learning anything and "but they're hated and feared" isn't really a good enough reason for them not to be learning anything.

I just think that when you have that situation, where the school - which is a place for children to learn - is constantly attacked and blown up and moved and invaded for Important Story Beats to the point that it's come back from certain destruction more times than Jean Grey, it's pretty clear nobody's learning anything there. The teachers with the exception of Kitty Pryde who actually has quite a lot of qualifications and maybe Hank McCoy although he's an asshole now apparently, they don't have any training as teachers. It's all written off as "well who else is gonna do it" but there are no mutant teachers for real, just people who are barely older than these kids themselves. It's ridiculous to even call it a school but then it's ridiculous to have Orgy Island be like 70% underage teens and and 15% actual criminal supervillains and nobody commenting on what the fuck is going on in Hickman's head to just gloss over that. It's like if somebody wrote a Daredevil book where the Owl opened a school and nobody said hey, didn't the Owl groom and exploit minors sexually? Shit it's like if somebody wrote a Spidey book with the express aim of saying with great power comes no responsibility. The X-kids have these incredible powers and they're being taught to use them and nothing else, ever. I'm sure it's very important to the X-Men that kids learn Shi'Ar history so they know which birds are likely to kill them but it's not a skill that helps you find work, or further education after school. A philosophy degree is more useful.
Because the writer wanted to see some tits

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Null is so disappointing. The sex scenes are so milquetoast and repetitive.
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Spyke was fine. He got unearned hate for no real reason.
>ywn pet rahne and call her a good girl
why even live
They say she has the biggest breast but that still doesn't look that big.
I genuinely want to be fucked by Mystique while my mom is getting double penetrated by mutants and we kiss as the penis-wielders blast their cum.

This is why Krakoa orgy is the best

The adult flintstones reboot has been cancelled
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Good, fuck reboots. Come up with your own shit.
I like the Flintstones, the early seasons are still funny. I don't get why it's an age thing, reruns were on CN until the 2000's.
anon its a modern stone age family. just give them smart rocks and flat rock tvs and you are good
they already did that in the WWE movie they can't just do that again
why not

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>no Archer posted yet
Dude went fucking insane upon seeing her wife and daughter naked.
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So, if we could combine that scene with the uncensored rough version and picrel, could we make a full version without that smug duck?
They really went out of their way to cover Lois's butt in that one scene
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10 days remain. How will you celebrate with your Primos once it comes out?
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Worth it.
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This is sick! (Awesome)
Is that an SML reference?
Reference to every one of those Aethos FNF mods

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I've been asked if he has gone mad. For he has been bewitched (having coupled with a sorceress.) For he is wretched, consumed by the abominable, the detestable and unclean.
Michael Cera was workin' with the fuckin' pigs, dawg!
that would be really cool but i just think they should look like the most normal/down to earth kids you could think of inicially.
I love how Fugger is the worst character in the show and he doesn't even know it.
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He 100% thinks it's the other way around. I've never seen a more delusional character. His trying to make Joey out to be the bad guy just to then mumble like an idiot when trying to get a word in with Strokette had me dying

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Could you explain why?
Ok Babe

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>Guardians of the Galaxy

Why the fuck does he keep getting /co/ characters with daddy issues? What the fuck.
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probably some writers fetish idk
The only daddy issues Mario has are with Bowser.
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The whole point of his and DK's talk was that both feel bad because their dads think they're a joke.
Since he technically did the Lego Movie just before Guardians of the Galaxy, I think he shouldn't be given as much flack for voicing animated characters so often because he was a TV actor when he started. It'd be like dogging on Will Arnett or Kelsey Grammer for it.
That movie (and all the other animated movies Lord and Miller did) involve daddy issues.

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