I don't get it.Was Rorschach the bad guy at the end?What do you think?
>>147515648This is why people like Rorschach. Every single other male character in Watchman is a mass murderer, rapist, impotent or has lost all humanity in themselves. You spend an entire chapter writing about how Nite Owl can't get his dick up, then follow it up with Rorschach in jail being hyper-competent spouting one-liners like "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me" while he effortlessly kills off criminals and you expect us to want to relate to the literal limp-dick pudgy guy instead of Rorschach?
>>147515793you're confusing the movie with the comic again
>>147515841Anon I literally posted a picture straight out of the comic. Nite Owl is impotent and Rorschach kills people in jail. This is not up for debate.Now if you want to debate that Rorschach is a virgin because he has weird sexual hangups about his mom being a literal prostitute and his alter ego is a weird smelly homeless schizo manlet than that's another conversation. Because yeah Nite Owl would probably have an easier time finding a girl as a boring well-off middle-aged dude that has his shit together over Rorschach the smelly bum who spends his days walking around town holding a sign about how the world is going to end.
>>147515934yeah, and Rorschach doesn't run around eing a cool badass spouting one liners in the comic, only the movieand the image you posted is LITERALLY from the same prison issue. The issue isn't about him running around prison killing criminals like the Punisher, it's about how he's fucked up and broken and mentally ill and finds women gross
For anyone that got the chance to see Ne Zha 2 screenings, let's discuss the film! (and other Ne Zha related things)Are Ao Bing and Ne Zha living together now?
Passed frozen 2.https://www.cartoonbrew.com/box-office-report/live-updates-ne-zha-2-to-surpass-all-disney-films-will-become-highest-grossing-theatrical-animation-release-of-all-time-245832.html
>>147514713China was the original power level scalers with dudes fighting the heavens>>147514872If it's Chinese mythology and non-state media, china good. Otherwise it's mediocre wuxia shit
Whose the best cousin and why is it Britt?
>>147515671She's not? She has straight hair rather than the kinky/fluffy hair she'd have if she was black. Is there some official source that gives her race?
>>147515571They're best not viewed as individuals though.
>>147515589Jenny Wakeman…
Tiff is better.
Would the Fire Nation consent to a Fire Queen that's a peasant from the Earth Kingdom?
>>147513290Not really, but she can be a concubine
>>147513290If in whatever new media they release Zuko and Jin ends up together I will tolerate it, or ignore whatever bad things they show
>>147513301ask the french
>>147513290 This looks nice.
>>147513417>Basically, marrying Jin or Song would probably cause actual upheaval, while Toph for example would probably be accepted with some grumbling.I think the Beifongs are particularly wealthy landed gentry, not nobility. I think they're merchants. I don't think Mai's family has a noble bloodline either.One of Japan's shoguns was born to the second daughter of a grocer. She was a concubine of course, not nearly aristocratic enough to be the wife.>>147513618>Would an affair between her and Zuko cause controversy?If the Fire Lord can have mistresses like Louis XIV, then no. If the Fire Lord practices concubinage, then also no. >>147514237Wasn't Justinian Christian? Then if he truly loves a woman, he'd see it as necessary to honor her with monogamy.I'd assume since Christians only marry one person, and only the children of that marriage are legitimate royal heirs, it's important for the monarch to choose to marry a person they're willing to have lots of sex with. While most people would probably be perfectly content with an arranged marriage, you still hear about Henry VIII's annulments and that Spanish king who like posthumously married his assassinated commoner lover or something.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>147512900This design is hideous.
>>147479246How often is the challenge happen again?
>>147475883Dick sucking lips, Monte is a lucky guy
>>147512900probably one of the coolest looking ones imo, hope he(??) actually shows up
what Ben 10 generation has the superior design
>>147514027OV Shirt > OS > OV Hoodie > shit > UA > Reboot > everything > AF
>>147514954He looks like complete fucking shit in that second one. Who drew this shit?>inb4 it says his nameI mean like what kind of person draws such shittiness?
>>147514574We do this all the time. No. Enough.
>>147514046FpbpI hated the excessive green
Why can't people handle secret identity drama nowadays?
>>147514132People who love this genre have wanted to explore the effects of a hero coming to terms with their loved ones finding their identity or coming clean for decades. Editors are the ones who want to keep things stagnant.
>>147514525Would it be cringe for someone to say this to Clark, that a superhero identity is impossible?But it is never brought up after, so the intent is despite all of modern surveillance, no one has figured it out.
>>147514723Anon I can rattle off four or five Superheoes who've already done that shit. Sure it can work, but even considering it's almost a century old genre, "The Family/Love Interest/Best Friend KNOWS now!" is pretty well tread ground.
>>147512720The morons writing comics today don’t know how to write people or humans in general.All they know how to do is how to introduce a big villain for the hero to fight for five issues.
Why don't you eat some more pizza? That's all you ever do is eat pizza, no wonder you're bald and your wife left you!
Keep it down guys, will ya? I'm trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for 20 minutes.
>>147514147The new King of the Hill episodes just won't be the same without Dale...
>>147515294Terrible timeline
>>147513891I still quote the "dang ol pretty pretty pizza" on a daily basis when making pizza, it has become ingrained in my head along with "BOGGLE".
>>147515933>Boggle? Ugh, better put some LOSER on that.
its valentines day down under already, so post all your favorite couples and pairings, canon or otherwise
>>147513729>Disrespect and abuse your wife for years>oh but he got sad without her one time tho :(>So heckin WHOLESOME and HEALTHY Underestimation of the fucking year buddy
>>147511571Its a shame that the showrunner didnt want them to be a thing
>>147508676may as well bump
What went wrong?
Stopped appealing to furries started appealing to brown girls
>>147515862Nothing. Y’all are just “things were better back in my day” boomers.
>>147515881There's 7 characters that are white and one is a fucking squirrel
It's Draculuara's birthday, so I'm gonna storytime the new MH comic.
>>147514173What would you even do with G4? Go full shonen battle school?
>>147510333>10 of swords>Luckiest Scarot cardHehehe...tarot humor
Are HTS thread allowed now?
>>147506495I think it's because it's using an acronym rather than the show's title.
>>147505724I'm so used to every cartoon now being tweened / puppet-rigged, so seeing this bit of animation is nice
What is she singing?
>>147500999Who? Or rather what?
holy kino, c'est du cinéma!
>you don't seriously still believe that propaganda about elf girls being impressed by your tiny human manhoods, do you anon?
>>147514672Yeah, she was probably hit the hardest with the new design
>>147514981I'll take at least a simpler design than the cape/belts over design that we got in these last seasons
>>147515473It's almost impossible to write in this fandom with the amount of bullshit on their clothes, Imagine trying to write a fic involving clothing lmao.
>>147514973>Claudia, how do you want me? >On the ground, legs spread. >Huh?
>>147515473should've grown her hair down to her hips
ITT: /co/ "Villains" who did nothing wrong
>>147509694I don't think the Nazi party asked to be treated with pity or sympathy. You could maybe argue the sympathy bit regarding seeking sympathy from other Germans, but even then I think it'd be a hard argument.
>>147506315>>147512475Twilight Zone did an entire episode about this.There is nothing scarier than the realistic concept of a child with superpowers
>>147509338>The most influential people involved in their creation are Jewish: Lee, Claremont. The villains are the "villains" of the Jewish people: Christians, the non-mutant (ie Gentile) governments, and most of all the normal, everyday, well adjusted people that, for no reason at all, hate their guts.Did you forget Magneto who was a Jewish mutant Holocaust survivor? Oh wait that would go against your narrative.
>>147510736>There was also a video about Jews being involved in every subversive movement in the West You mean bunch of racist schizophrenics Madness to make a video where they ignore anything it doesn't fold their Narrative of Jews being behind everything and everything they don't like is somehow magically made by Jews even if it's anti-jewish by a huge degree more than the mainstream?