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newfag here, what draw?
75 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's a red board so not much, read the site rules
What >>789210 said. Just avoid drawing lollipops and sodas on anything other than /b/. If you’re asking for lewds in general, that’s more of your call.
Like these guys said, read the rules, I’m pretty sure what happened was you posted Furry stuff outside of /b/ and got banned.
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Sorry for the extended leave. Had some life stuff happen, decided to focus more on those. And thank you for the advice, will get to drawing again soon hopefully.
No need to apologize for life. She’s cute!

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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Upgrades edition

Previous thread:
119 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
good news everybody (if anyone is even here)

yeah imma thinking I'm going to do some more npd but I'll try to do a month worth of backlog ( so except it around September 1st) and try not to go overly ambitious simple backgrounds simple stories.

also my and the catgirls birthday is on Tuesday so if you want to draw some of the characters I created it would be much appreciated.

anyways episode where all the towns electricity is cut off and they quickly devolve into post apocalypse medieval society.
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"This should be an easy job all you really have to do is put on some sitcoms and and watch it with her till bedtime but I can't stress this enough do not open that basement door you may hear things coming from the other side like banging or ungodly noises but trust me that's just the water heater"

Also this is what I imagined a Clown house would look like not to be confused with the clown house which is a movie the director of Jeepers Creepers made where he molested a boy on the set
why is he not wearing pants...
Well have you ever seen Clown house? nah I just forgot to paint that bit
>(((forgot))) to paint it
>when the eye of drewthulu at the perfect height
you sicken me, expect something very fitting for your birthday, creep

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Just in the mood to draw some bunny suits/latex stuff

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Thinking about adding some elements to this draw-thread.
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and a ni hao to you as well, troll
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Draw a creature that can defeat the one drawn by the poster before you. Focus on counters and try to avoid large power gaps. I'll start:
Scytheboy appears!

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
38 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
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dismembered hand that likes to unplug things would like to say different

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
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Rock paper scissors wizard beats the hand, bringing great shame and making it commit seppuku
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hands are great, but here's the kicker
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Kicker better watch his step

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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The lego consoomer has come to save the day, but who will defeat it?!

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Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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is that the ant from crab gaiden 3?
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Sister. When she brought me to the bathroom during church.

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
you niggas need help
damn bro. sorry.
its therapeutic

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
In-software Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro
-NEW- Browser access URL (iPad):

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, read the room; let's try and get the most out of each theme!

-for high quality, raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Could someone be so kind as to add lois einhorn and her big fat dick to the pile please
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First Practice assignment is the Pendulum
the main focus of this practice is to understand slow-ins and slow-outs
each swing is 12 frames and how they're spaced is what makes or breaks the movement
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Thx guys, it's done. It's a bit too big file to send in the original size tho
How much would you guys want to be paid to animate some squids, octopi, Matrix robots with tendrils. 12 fps and 24 fps 2D Zelda top-down perspective or if you're feeling daring isometric 3/4. Timeline is 3 months for 10 animations, should be plenty of time. I'll hire more freelancers.
I'll supply you a concept artist, but if you already are one then I'll pay you extra.
What do you mean?
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trying out oekaki for the first time. some parts of a drawing look bad, but it was fun anyway

Oekaki Post (Time: 5h 27m, Replay: View)
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quit typing like a bitch it's unbecoming

Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)
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nice witch thread

Oekaki Post (Time: 39m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 32m, Replay: View)

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Bonjour Oekaki, and welcome to the OC Thread! This is the place where we draw and talk about our Original Characters!
This thread's theme is all about nighttime -- does your oc have a cozy pear of jammies? Are they a night owl? Do they even have to sleep?! The answers you seek lie within...
the server: gg/7BuVsAuuNT
On a final note, we've hit 50 Threads! How exciting! We wouldn't have made it this far without all the people who have shared their ocs in these threads.
Let's keep drawing, Oekaki!
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seraphims don't sleep but anyway
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Comic soon, phew!

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Just a fun draw thread for Kiki, /vt/'s lolibaba rabbit /here/chuuba. Draw or doodle your best Kiki!

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 34m, Replay: View)
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Great games, guys!
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Good game... I GUESS!!!
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cute drawy
Appreciate it and love the content. Also can the artist two does the cute crayon art style gifs get in touch with me please.

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you draw extremely fast and in great style
nice! thank you for drawing her OP!
Isn't this just poison ivy?

fire song
it died because op stopped drawing bimbos lmao
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I'd like to see your take on the human Mothra from a while back

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Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
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/v/-Tan NCH productions style idle lol
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Oekaki Post (Time: 29m, Replay: View)
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I can't and won't explain why, but it is actually very important. They don't need to be well drawn at all but I need a fair amount of them. Thank you in advance.
I'd do it myself but I have literally 0 artistic ability
She doesn't actually love you, anon. Give up.

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Containment thread for myself
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Too close to the sun, pirate, too close.
Someday she will get her deserved bad end. Not that bad though, just spicy.
Go on...
Getting mana drained like in Futoku no Guild at worse and ENF at best. Nothing too tragic.
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draw a funny face
also just a general art dumping thread if you want
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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This is how the saxophone looks to me.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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