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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Upgrades edition

Previous thread:
Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator (www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html) and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:
bold choice of a thread op image Hansel anon
Uh-oh!! Sticky!
>20 days since the wiki got update
it's joever brehs
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I mentioned last thread that new uploads to the gallery are currently on hold. And most pages info is filled out that they don't really need updating anymore. Maybe we can look for stuff that does still need to be filled out/added.
episode where most of North Park were scammed out of their savings and now almost everyone is poor

the b plot is the kids go to Savannah to teach them how to be poor and Addison is upset that Savannah is popular now

and the A plot is Ernest believes Vera was behind it but after talking to her he realizes she not and they both decide to go after whomever scammed the town. also Martin tagged along since he fell for the scam that made his family broke he want to help get their money back. their search leads them to finding out a literal catfish was behind the scam but it turns out the catfish is a native American trickster spirit that comes around every 20 or so years to trick a ton of people out of their money.
I imagine when they confront the catfish it's parody of the final battle in it chapter 2 but it's transforming into different kinds of scams throughout the years like Nigerian princes, sweepstakes contest winnings,and Amazon employees that need your account information
Can I please voice the indian who scams everyone? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I need work, I'll do the silly voices you love so much!!!!! *crieS*
sure suit yourself

after Vera and Martin and Ernest departs form each other Martin pulls Ernest aside and says he believes that that girl might be a vampire of some sort
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>"H-Hey guys... W-w-who wants apology cupcakes?"
are you wearing blackface bro?

she gets double canceled
>Nononono, this isn't black face, I haven't cleaned up after cooking..."
Vera: of course you didn't clean up.
pretty saucy OP, I hope we don't attract unwanted attention
Vera offers Leslie a pr solution "poop your pants infront of the whole school and everyone will forget about your little mean streak."

Leslie: isn't there a better way

Vera: oh yeah I can think of hundreds of better way but this is what I given you

Leslie: is this about the stank zone?

vera: ha ha ha ha no not that but your non autistic self sent me to India without any money It took me weeks to get back i can still smell those pungent odors on my favorite suit vest and bow tie .
>"First, no, I'm not shitting myself. Second, how did I get you there?"
>"Somehow you had contacts with a Mafia family in Mumbai."
>"They have those there?"
>"Somehow, yes."
>She goes to Asimov Next
>Asimov: Have you tried shitting yourself in front of the entire school?
>Asimov: You could make out with CK when he's being really cringe? Though considering he was part of your mini-harem that might not work...
>Leslie:... Wait, are you holding out on me thanks to something I did to you while my autism was cured?
>Asimov thinks back, remembering how she pushed Drew over immediately after becoming evil: No
and then he slams the door in her face.
>"Dammit, no one wanted the apology cupcakes, 2 people told me to shit myself, and now I'm more confused..."
Leslie knows Wendy was able to fix her reputation So she tries to go to her next but before she can get to her Leslie sees she has a fucked up haircut and is very pissed. all her instant tells her to get away from her.

before she can get away she bumps into Yashu whose rocking a pink pompadour Leslie coyly tries to ask what happened to you and he says some evil bitch replace my shampoo with pink hair dye and told everyone to call me yasssshu
>"Should have know The Thompson's wouldn't help me, The Yang's are out as well... Damn, really did a number, everyone in town must hate me now... Oh no, please don't tell me the only person in town that might help is HIM..."
meville: oh you've come to me you must be really desperate well yes I have one piece of advice

Leslie: please tell me its not to shit myself infront of the school

meville how did you guess?
>at the end of her rope she goes to Teeny Steeve and he was so amused by her tormenting everyone he decides to help her.
>But she makes the mistake of letting him choose how he helps.
>The next day as everyone is going to school Leslie gets hit by a car.
>Leslie: Well at least I didn't shit my-
Episode ends there, rest of the season she's in a lower body cast, and she's back to friendly terms with her friends.
Vera made sure everyone knew she shat her britches to the point they forgotten she was even hit by a car
Teeny Steeve didn't even set her up to get hit by the car, lol
It was Mr smile because she fire bombed his house he didn't plan on her surviving
evil Leslie burned most of les' scrap books to this day she hasn't forgotten or forgave her but she's not going to make a big deal out of it
she dyed Bobland white and had him taken to the north pole since he was confused for a polar bear
she destroyed all Lon's cheese and gave Wendy a ton of mussel relaxer and put her hair in a glue trap
The only "good" thing she did was deny Israel as a legitimate country, the bad was she said it in front of the town Jews.

autism cured Leslie is the Ricky Spanish of the North Park universe everyone got a bad experience with her even the ghosts she locked Barbara and Fiona in a fart jar
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Their friends again

Leslie: since we are friends again can you please wear the slave outfit again

Dani: don’t push your luck Houben
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The only one who doesn't have a negative memory of it is CK and that's because he was too busy working on his game to care that leslie made him dress up as a french maid
Only his Autism was cured, not his ADHD.
It's funny that Leslie thought Apology cupcakes could solve this because

>She tranquilized time traveler and dumped her in the time traveler Mass grave where's Danny eventually came along to bury her not knowing she was still alive just unable to move.

>she melted down all Devan's dinos

>She slashed Rick's Tires

>she put a2 head on one of those '90s too early 2000s robots dog toys he had to look for someone to break the body so he could beat detached from it

>She put up a bunch of posters claiming slappy was on the sex offender registry across town

>She broke into the Yang's house and stole and buried li prosthetic limbs

> she summon blenny's old hell friends to show them how domesticated he became making him a laughing stock in hell
>She had a dogboy Samurais neutered

>She reversed doctor cates procedure making her a normal human with a deadly cat allergies once again it's just this time her entire house is covered with cat hair.

>She trapped nightmare guy in 100 tiny little bottles and hid them around town like the Riddler and the Arkham games Drew and teeny Stevie are still playing her little challenges to get them back

> she kissed mazie in front of mazeby and Mazie actually liked it

> she used time travelers time watch to send bundle into the future during her 15th birthday which her present and future self both were affected by the spinster cursed at the same time

> she put a tracking device in Dogman and gave Bobland the receiver so he could track dogman wherever he was
Don't worry, the rest of her summer is nothing but community service.
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She had to make the heartbreaking choice of having to either die of her allergies with a sound mind or live the rest of her Life as a mad woman.
ADHD can sometimes lead to hyperfocus.
So CK getting so focused on his game that he doesn't remember anything else could actually make sense.
she left the catgirls with a tape saying she hopes they know deep down inside that she loves them.

they never got to see this tape Dr cates taped over it for some mundane purpose
so is Leslie some evil being thats held at bay by her autism or did the Cure do something to change her?
she was doing community service when she was evil she fed her sweet little homeless friend Hansel some rat burgers. hey where his little rat girlfriend run off to? I haven't seen her in few weeks.
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I noticed Robin had been getting a lot of love recently, which is pretty based. Time to get aboard the Robin agenda train.
he being hard carried by crush
Who's being hard carried by being one of A2's Minions
Who in turn is being hard carried by Cripplefucker's existence
I'd say that he's being equally carried by both Asimov and Cripplefucker.
and Wendy
Honestly I feel like Wendy is carried more by her rivals than the other way around.
nah Wendy carries Yashu I don't remember any Yashu story pre Wendy
episode where time traveler, Danny fishboy and Vera goes back in time to retake all of the pictures in les' scrapbook because she gotten very depressed and she always helped them when they were down
Halfway through the episode they realize they left the lens cap on and have to redo all of it
episode where Yashu finds out Wendy has a Wendy in one of her hobbies ( his name should be josh wang) and kinda get jealous that she spends more time trying to beat him then focusing on their rivalry he is also obvious to the fact he's some girls Wendy we it comes to cooking competitions ( her name should be Mindy)
episode where Vera is grumpy after her 191st birthday so Danny and les gets her to be Slappy’s clown assistant for the day to cheer her up but she mops through it getting on slappy nerves.
>Yashu casually winning cooking competitions (When that cheating bastard Asimov isn't competing).
>Mindy is malding to the max and he doesn't even notice.
>Mindy hates him even more because she works at the maid cafe and is one of his favorites, with him not noticing that she's the girl he's constantly trouncing in cooking competitions.
she trains and practice new and better recipes everyday for hours to beat him and he just wings it every time
Yashu is a cooking demon. because both of his parents are SSS tier cooks.
holy shit good job anon. everyone is making me feel things for this stupid dork it's so unfair. why do i have to be a fleshie bros..
Mindy Simpson is a new kid to town she's actually normal doesn't like the weirdness at all every day she faces it with kindness and optimism which makes the town want to fuck with her even harder she has a temper though
Damn this pic goes hard
Her having to dote on Yashu while doing her job makes her so angry, lol.
She ends up tutoring CK and having to put up with his cringe.
she starts every day as let's say SpongeBob and ends it as pomni

The only reason she took the job because vera tricked her into gaining a lot of debt she is unsure how the maid Cafe is legal

When she first saw Asimov during the competition she pointed out that he's a robot thus is unfair for him to join the judges didn't believe her but even if you was there's no rule against a robot joining a cooking competition.
>When she first saw Asimov during the competition she pointed out that he's a robot thus is unfair for him to join the judges didn't believe her but even if you was there's no rule against a robot joining a cooking competition.
Asimov has gained another person that dislikes him it seems.
North Park is rapidly developing a robophobia problem.
>The only time someone has beaten Yashu in cooking it was the robot who can cook like a five star chef.
That must really burn her ass
Would Asimov's food taste soulless? He's literally just following the recipe exactly like an AI would, right?
Asimov genuinely loves to cook, it's one of his favorite things to do and he loves seeing people enjoy what he makes.
Whenever Li's Sushi Shop is Shown Asimov is working there as a secondary chef.
Everybody loves his food, even if they hate him.
Asimov: I have made scones, today's flavors are chocolate, macadamia nut, and strawberry!
Everyone in class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=attUrDwfdr8
She doesn't hate Asimov he just shouldn't be entering cooking competitions because he not human though she didn't reject his invitation to Friendship
>Chef Sheffield
Woman your taste is all over the place what the hell
Don't even know if I've missed any
*she did reject
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Forgot the pic
Wait a minute I forgot I gave Jonesy a green sweater… oh well
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Hmmm I gave her the same color palette as teacup. Oh well.

This time she’s gonna win the cooking competition for sure
>Her reaction when she sees Yashu filleting a whole ass swordfish and making it into a five-star sashimi plate.

It's the judging portion of the competition Yashu didn't show up Asimov isn't there they taste hers the judges are saying they think they have a winner all of a sudden yashu bust through the door with a finished meal he woke up late today

mindy: no no noooo

after tasting the food the judges give him the ribbon

mindy: ahhhhhhhhhhh
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Her face when Yashu got his ass beaten, particularly badly by Wendy and asked Mindy to dote on him the whole day mind you this is after her getting her ass beat by him in a cooking competition
Yashu is completely oblivious to how much She wants to smother him with a pillow.
Now that I think about it, how does Wendy feel about Mindy being Yashu's favorite maid?
this image gives off strong Moral Orel energy
Wendy: lol Yashu got a Yashu. is he going to give her a delinquent fetish?

Wendy isn't part of his maid thing except probably being the origin point of his maid fetish so she doesn't really care and mindy clearly doesn't like him... but why would that matter to her ha ha ha ( ゚ー゚)
>Wendy isn't part of his maid thing except probably being the origin point of his maid fetish so she doesn't really care and mindy clearly doesn't like him... but why would that matter to her ha ha ha ( ゚ー゚)
down girl goddamn
episode where Chuck donors force him to sit out this election and they bring in a younger politician who gets this generation Gonzalez its Gonzalez vs Mac tonight and what's worse for Mac tonight the donors leak moon man to the toemwn and it torpedoes Mac tonight's assassination momentum. also chuck jumps ship to help Mac tonight as his official co mayor this election
imma be honest with you if I do decide to continue with npd she going to be the main character her dealing with this crazy ass town and refusing to be its butt monkey which puts a target on her back
at the debate at first Gonzalez is saying really childish solutions for hard questions that Chuck rigged Gonzalez to have which the crowd eats up (Gonzalez is weirdly really charismatic) then Gonzalez starts pointing out chuck and Mac tonight failures as mayor such as giving Jonesy power that one time or the Delly incident and then things about their private lives such as chubby chasing and what did happen between mac tonight and his ex wife. turns out Vera was prepping Gonzalez with info she has on them to get favors once he becomes mayor
>Mac Tonight reveals his plans for a new financial district that will bring a ton of money into the town and give the citizens a ton more to do.
>Vera had convinced him to drop it in the past because it'd hurt her bottom line but he found out she was pulling this stunt and managed to get it started without her finding out.
Vera, facepalming: Note to self, remember that Mac Tonight is as smart as Asimov, but without the naivety
>No one is ever as excited when Mindy brings in things she's cooked because they're all spoiled by Asimov's cooking.
>She isn't allowed to cook at the Maid Cafe.
>Yashu makes absolutely no reaction when eating anything she's cooked, while she always ends up moaning in pleasure after eating something he's made.
>Wendy tries to act like him viewing Mindy's maid persona as a better maid then her doesn't get under her skin, but if Mindy ever showed actual interest in Yashu she'd be salty as fuck.
>Mindy cannot tell Yashu is himself when he's in non-yakuza mode, and starts catching feelings until she sees him switching into his Yakuza outfit for a cooking competition.
Wendy is not the source of Yashu's love of maids, and part of the reason that he dislikes her starting off is that she doesn't act like a "proper" maid, his first insult for her is "Fake maid" before she kicks his ass, after which he starts calling her "Gorilla Maid"
no this is a yashu cope he did not ever bring up his love of maids to anyone before wendy started kicking his
Nah, before he found out she was wild wendy he was excited to be pampered by a maid, only for her to earn her "Fake Maid" moniker.
Yashu starts up the maid cafe to show people what real maids are supposed to act like (And to also have an establishment full of maids to pamper him and help him forget the image of Wendy's non-maid behavior)
vera calls McDonald's to get him taking back since he is their property she wasn't counting on them actually trying to destroy him to cover up the whole Moon Man incident she just thought they were going to stuff him in a warehouse somewhere so she has to help them avoid the McDonald's Mafia
it's the actual Macdonald cast trying to kill him
the bottom to I reject as Canon

she will never fall for Yashu and Wendy see Yashu fetish for maids as a perversion of what maids should be him liking her as a maid would be an insult
Wendy: you don't want to maid you want a mommy that will make you think she'll touch your dick
Yashu: The tender kindness of a maid is lost upon a gorilla maid like you! Their dainty gentleness, demure demeanor, boundless kindness! Don't pervert the idea of Maids by associating them with sex, you vulgar girl!
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Wendy: of course you say that despite the fact that you have them dressed skimpy

wendy: if you don't have a problem with them dressing more modesty I could pick their attire?
>Yashu: I'm not in charge of how they dress, you can blame that more on the other owners and Vera. I prefer when their skirts at least go down to their knees but I got outvoted.

>Wendy looks inside and sees Vera laughing with a glass of wine while surrounded by the skimpier dressed maids: oh right, you aren't the sole owner.
What a cop out Asimovanon but I applaud you
>"Get you Autism cured they said, you'll be normal they said. Look what that got me, 3 months in this shit and 5 months of community service."

I'll ask again was is she evil just her autism holds her back or other than curing her autism did the pill change her?
Both honestly, the Autism constantly has her second guess a lot, and the pill just boosted her evil thoughts.
Hey at least you finally cripple Army now
*can finally join
Yea, just so Rulf can't indoctrinate her sister.
>Asimov always brings in food the days mindy brings in food so she knows she the 2nd choice or everyone is too full to eat her food. he is totally doing his on purpose probably because she called him out as being a robot and refused his friendship and her green sweater reminds him of Jonesy.

>except for Hansel who likes her food the most after it accidentally hit his tongue while gorging himself and he realized "food can taste good?" Now he's always there whenever she brings food and everyone is clamoring for Asimov's.

>Danny is salty as fuck that hansel actually taking his time and savoring the food

> whenever Mindy practices cooking she invites him and Gretel to her backyard to eat
Asimov is really learning to use the hate he learned from Jonesy fucking with him, didn't he.
we're lucky it's just in the form of pettyness.

Also, lol at her Stealing Hansel and Gretel from Asimov as people to feed.
>Mindy is both the only one will and able to make Dr. Toades favorite dish, Honey Cricket pie.
>Unfortunately, she can't use this to win competitions, because everyone else finds the idea of eating the pie disgusting, but it does earn her cooking lessions from him, and the man is an insanely talented cook thanks to being such a Gourmand
she likes making exotic and unique cuisine
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Apparently if you buy your own outfit they’ll let you wear it save them money

Wendy: “I’m not afraid of anything” *sees this* “I’m afraid of one thing.”
>Yashu likes her more because she's not dressed slutty
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He’s prepared to seal up the catacombs if she don’t stop fucking around with their elections

Vera: this has to be illegal
vera:You can't just threaten me and my family with homelessness because I'm not supporting you and Chuck in the next election surely this is illegal

* looks at Elmer he just shrugs*
The maid that canonically likes is jealous of her
comic strip story line where after mindy reject drinking dr toades gender fluid he becomes obsessed with getting her to drink it and mindy finds out no one in town finds this behavior strange, are on Dr toades side or they tell her it's better to just drink it and get it over with

it's a mixture between a loony tunes comedy and a junji Ito Horror Story
I thought you said that Wendy wasn't jealous of her?
no one of the maids form the cafe wasn't there one that actually liked him I sort of remember it but I don't remember which one
another comic strip arc idea is mindy wants to avoid working at the maid Cafe so she takes up babysitting jobs and one of them is to babysit drew while slappy is on a date with Hui-Feng Peng but he warns her not to open the basement door while everything is going smoothly she starts to hear strange noises coming from the basement and she starts to suspect slappy is a kidnapper or murderer.
good news everybody (if anyone is even here)

yeah imma thinking I'm going to do some more npd but I'll try to do a month worth of backlog ( so except it around September 1st) and try not to go overly ambitious simple backgrounds simple stories.

also my and the catgirls birthday is on Tuesday so if you want to draw some of the characters I created it would be much appreciated.

anyways episode where all the towns electricity is cut off and they quickly devolve into post apocalypse medieval society.
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"This should be an easy job all you really have to do is put on some sitcoms and and watch it with her till bedtime but I can't stress this enough do not open that basement door you may hear things coming from the other side like banging or ungodly noises but trust me that's just the water heater"

Also this is what I imagined a Clown house would look like not to be confused with the clown house which is a movie the director of Jeepers Creepers made where he molested a boy on the set
why is he not wearing pants...
Well have you ever seen Clown house? nah I just forgot to paint that bit
>(((forgot))) to paint it
>when the eye of drewthulu at the perfect height
you sicken me, expect something very fitting for your birthday, creep
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>"Does the special boy want a special snack? Huh? Huh?"
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Because of you everyone calls me loose sphincter Leslie
>"Wow, we have so much in common. Do you want to come over to my house and play together? I can bring pet lizard if you bring yours."
You forgot she's in a wheelchair right now he'd be on that thing
dani wheeling Leslie around Dani has to get something from there top floor the fastest way is to take the stairs so she leaves Leslie for a moment she'll be back in a second. Crip comes creeping from the corner Leslie spots him

Leslie: dani! dani! dannnnnnnni!

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Waiter! Waiter! More loli-bots!!
I like Vera and Leslie being very catty to each other I don't think they quite hate each other but they definitely don't get along for some reason Vera has a better relationship with Leslie's brother then she has with Leslie

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