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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

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Previous >>3944754

Other /m/echa also welcome
172 replies and 137 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>If, by some chance, I get into writing one shots for the series, I would gladly write them per series.
Do it anon. I am artfag but I recently decided to finally give fics a try as well since neither my favorite TF nor my favorite anime pairing has fics. I promise you the majority of fics out there is probably worse than anything you could ever write. Nowadays I see a lot of fics that are literal summaries because the authors have never touched a book in their life. Note down the elements and scenes you want to be in the fic and slowly fill the holes and connect them. It's fine if the first draft is has shitty prose, after you have the general outline you can always edit until it's good.
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I saw a tweet about that panel from Roberts just a few days ago and it seems both he and the artist were the ones to be like "hmm, maybe we shouldn't", so I don't think they were told not to but... they probably weren't gonna be allowed anyway. Getaway was the guy trying to manipulate Tailgate.
Most Autobot/Starscream fics are that it seems, shame!
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I wish more fics and art would explore Pharma's split personality after Adaptus took over his body. Or Adaptus' split personality since it's mostly him with remains of Pharma.

'Tis the Season Edition
Previous thread >>3913986

Some free resources for simple online (and mobile) generation:


For help/information on more in-depth generation or local generation, I recommend checking out the AI threads over on /g/ or even the AI thread over on /y/ (which has more male specific resources).

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These are fucking amazing btw. What did you use to make them?

Post Pokeboys.
Previous thread: >>3912859
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Hop is very underrated
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His boyfriend is on the other side of the ocean
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Friendship edition.

Previous thread: >>3947599
girly shota: >>3938495
Kemoshota: >>3942300
Nopan shota: >>3942093
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Agreed. I like bishies too and shotas help protect them.
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hard working shos
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>8 months
>no ninja skooler news
I'm beginning to worry it may have been cancelled.
ninja skooler?

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Previous Thread >>3913383
Happy New Year!
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Do you mean exclusively on Twitter? I've noticed there's not as much on Pixiv too, but twt has great frequent artists like Ruttika and LL10310228. Will have to check other the other ones
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Yes, sorry. I mis-typed.
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Thank you!
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I'm sorry I don't have many recommendations for Near-specific artists. @BLACKVELOX is very active, and they draw mostly mmn art.
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That's ok, it's understandable, even back in the day they were a minority. Following that list was already enormously helpful - the algorithm is reliably showing me DN stuff.

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Jannies clitty is leaking edition

Omori is wow hot good shota
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for big sunny cock
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Very cute
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Valentines edition
Previous >>3946222
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He's going to achieve glorious evolution by bearing the next generation.
only brain dead coomer fujos to look at an anorexic robot dude and think "cHiLd bEaRiNg HiPs" ffs
Reminder to report off topic posts like this post
He literally has wide feminine hips in that picture though, are you fucking blind?
>using fujos derogatorily on /cm/
Go back to twitter
Just report it and ignore it. Don't engage.

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brave bang the new year.
previous thread >>3934890
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There must be an Eva thread on Christmas Day.
Previous thread >>3915318
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Worst opinion ever
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good observation
i want a shinji... far too many boys in a similar situation to him, though maybe without the giant robots and the world being at stake

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feat. our Silly Vanilly ;D
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Fluffy Valentine Edition

Old threads (they got new images):
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Even in our darkest hour we must remember, kemoshos are love, kemoshos are life.

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Hogs, Foxes, Eggs, we got 'em all.
Previous thread: >>3913170
55 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.

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post boys in cute bike shorts / spandex / spats whatever you like
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Drives people to insane acts like cutting off their genitals or becoming Baptist.
I turn 28 later this year bros. Is it.....OVER???
Anime bodysuits always lack a bulge, how come?
Are animators not aware of physics? Not knowing laws of physics is not an excuse.
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The fourth betrayal...
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I wanna rape lick and suck his feet
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