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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

Feet edition.

Previous: >>3923919
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
227 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
>a growth spurt/clothes shrunk in the wash sticker
lmao, these are so specific. When would you ever realistically use this?
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Good thread, footchads
Need new bread sho bros
These are so fucking cute! Love them

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bang bang and more bang

previous >>3913505
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I still have to order it but seems like if you are lucky enough (live in tokyo) might get it before the release

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Dunno what happened but it was getting time to make a new thread anyway

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Do NOT fuck the pumpkin dog.

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Take responsibility edition

Please refrain from posting burnt Curly unless it's 100% free of guro/guro implications
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Uoh... Curly booba...
Curly's trusting retardation pre-burning makes him so cute, I want to blackmail him into being my sex slave
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It's okay now, we'll keep /cm/ strictly regular Curly (and the other boys) while /trash/ can be used for nugget Curly. It felt so good to finally nuggetpost with impunity on a board that allows it, thank you >>3925802
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Also if the /trash/ thread dies by tomorrow, we can make another one if there's a demand.
Curly apologizing when he performs badly in bed!
Curly apologizing for cumming too soon!

Anyone got any cool dynamic shots like Air Gear or Bubble?

Eva threads will never die.
Previous >>3905838
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nuke my chud life I want a kaworu bf again
Lucky bastard
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I used to be a kaworu bf but I'm a bit jaded now

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Len-kun is salvation; give him your love and save yourselves!
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I think it would be a really unexpected one like captain falcon or a fighting game character
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Len deserves a nice and relaxing massage on his shoulders, feet, and prostate
I love it when shos wear "good boy" clothes like that, that sweater is probably from grandma too. Yeah yeah on the surface he is all polite, studious and respectful but once those clothes are off yjk he turns into a semen demon sucking you balls deep and riding you like a 30 year old porn star from Czechia. Probably likes being leashed and kneeling and getting spat on too, being treated like the worthless whore he is lol
And the he kisses his parents with that mouth, giving you a sly wink, shameless freak
Literally everyone wants to have sex with Len including (you)

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Cute male Edition

old >>3922479
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Now the problem is that it looks like you're the only one posting.
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Estrogen, booba, crossdress, tranny, troon, puppy, bpd, schizo, femboy, otokonoko, neuter
Covered like 95% of those posts from past experience and I'm pretty sure you could get 100% coverage with like 5-10 more words too since I'm only rarely seeing them anymore
based, make her filters a rentry and toss it in the ops from now on
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Add hrt and and bpdemon too.
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Post boys and men in maid uniforms

P.S. report any derailing/talk about trannies, don't respond kthx.

Prev: >>3887439
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Well, this sucks. Time to start again.
The old thread was >>3829749
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For me, it's Ferid
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You're scum, Ferid Bathory! Scum!
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Yummy yummy, Crowley in my tummy!

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The boys are pretty cute.
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>Alonzo, forma del Spoiler.
based anon

Honestly finishing this game too fast sucks. Almost no one is drawing much else besides MC, Akihikanjryuuji and Louis.

Sincerely need more Edini and Basilio
>minor spelling mistake
Also some of the candidates are 10/10 DLC potential.

Need more dog experimentation lore.

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please post cute jojo boys
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Nemlei makes cute boys
Everything from Coffin to Jack in a box is welcomed her
Sure some of them are a bit cannibalistic and total losers but they need just a bit of love
70 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
Legend. Thank you!
are nemleis game in any way poular among normies?
Im wonderiing bevause i see so much fanart of her characters that arent from tcoal which is honestly suprising
i dont really think so but the popularity of the cannibalistic incest game surely seems to help. also i wonder is this place for faggots who are attracted to these characters or fujoshis living their fantasies?
Those two, plus yumejos and this guy >>3920120. It's a very eclectic bunch.

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bnuuy Edition
Old: >>3913600
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I'm here too
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