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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

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TF2/Half Life/L4D, etc
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Man it's so hard finding players nowadays. The general on vg never seem to have lfg
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Does this gen usually have a name? So I can search the archives. Tourist to this board, but I love the tf2 boys.
Is there any yaoi/red board version of this gen as well? They have my clit bricked.
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Just searching up TF2/Team Fortress 2 on archived.moe should net you results. The archive *is* broken, though - You can't retrieve images, and I have no idea how long it's been that way or if it's ever gonna get fixed.
TF2 threads seem pretty infrequent these days, there's no consistent one on /y/, but you should be able to get one going. Decade long backlog of gay porn and all.
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suntan edition
Previous: >>3887014
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Uhh that's not Hero
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dirty secondary go home
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Boys he's here! I waited since January!

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Shotas that could kick your ass edition.
Previous thread: >>3904695
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This. Don't separate brothers!
they should so each can worship one of my feet
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Cute feets! Also where can i find all of 50%off's art?

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Yae will groom him into becoming a neutered dog and pretending to be Hina so he can regain Itto.
Neutered dog is still a boy dog.
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Pickup your BPDemon to prevent melters
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This thot needs correction so bad

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How are we feeling, /cm/?
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I hate how effeminate this game's lore/world is
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cute boys are not effeminate
they've just embraced their inner cuteness

and use it to murder, conquer, rape and spread mayhem
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Previous >>3896403

Other mechas also welcome
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What's your guys stance on SoundCracker?
Who are those guys in the bottom left?
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Functional Decepticon Army/10
>steve buscemi voicing starscream in transformers one
I didn't want to see this movie before, but now I feel compelled...
Someone made a stop-motion to see how his voice works with Starscream and seems to suit him

Post about boys being mean to eachother

Try to keep more severe bullying relegated to the "ouchies" thread if you can help it.
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On devianart, dose anyone have MercyCakesCD content.
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Here's better quality.
Kenoru (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5456745) is a great artist for cute bullied boys, if you're OK with shota
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Thanks! I have something similar to this but with some guy from Digimon and don't know the artist's name.
I love guys in boxers and boxer briefs but nothing beats a good pair of tighty whities

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Who tugs on your heartstrings? Previous thread hit limit >>3886833
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I want to see them kissing
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Cinematic Field of Wheat edition.
Previous thread: >>3898378

Some free resources:





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the AI made this into an NTR pic
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According to google translate, he's apparently talking about...the temperature of meat?
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happy halloween!
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I wouldn't broke up with him, which obviously prove that I'm the right choice for him instead of the watermelon
shiiit, right
The days of that anime being possibility are long gone.

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Post your favorite /cm/ image that you have collected over the years! This thread has no theme, so feel free to post whatever.
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his anime might have ultimately been kind of mediocre but i love him regardless
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I can't believe this series isn't more popular on this board; it has so many cute boys
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Aladdin should've stayed a shota
The best
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Military guys and robots. prev >>3897264
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aside few memember of the staff posting it, a bunch of people got the otsukare book and from the spoilers seems like there are a lot of lulu and drawings of the girls and sumiisa doing a hand heart
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password イサミ
but from their comment on their twitter seems that in the middle there is something very やばい so can't tell if it's good or bad lol
"spoilers" from the otsukare book I've seen so far:
-sumiisa heart hands w isami blush
-cute isami worried about smith after he's puking from getting superbia'd
-onsen, bbq, sauna drawings
-slutty isami pinup (!)
I wish I could see this book... all the premises sound so good...
ordered a copy with the cute chibi keychain and smith acrylic.
they are also selling it at the venue, so even if it's sold out now on cygame store, you might find it post event sold by scalpers

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Sweaty butler edition
Old >>3887400
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So do a better job. I also removed boobs and eyelashes and added freckles (personal taste).
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Sadly I don't have butlers but here's another sweaty boy
God I love Teo so much, I just wish he wasn't stuck in a dead mobile pinball gacha
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you like pawn patrol now

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