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Cute male Edition

old >>3922479
>When doggo general unironically troons out so that people stop saying he looks 12 because Itto neutered him as a child
Men but it’s 女装!
Shota posters belong on a cross
This is why you shouldn’t cut your dogs balls off of your puppy generals as punishments for being failure generals and committing war crimes
Billions must die

(It’s tagged male/otokonoko/trap and fake chest so don’t worry, pozigga degenerates)
>yfw being a pupperino who’s nuts have been cutted out means getting my mistaken for much younger than actual age and never getting taken seriously by real men like Itto
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Gorou is a war criminal and smells like wet dog poop and sounds like this during sex https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sQWmjMWxAaY&t=0s

Enjoy this unrelated picture of Kaveh as he explores being an otokonoko
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Garbage OP. Anyway, hey what's good genshin general (cm)?
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Gorou is committing war crimes because they terk ‘is berlz
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Based cross dressing genshin boy thread
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Cute genderbent sluts that need to paizuri my dick and lap up my cum like good puppygirls.
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They’re femboys, itto
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>girls are allowed on /cm/
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Kindly requesting more shos please.
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only if gorofujo boobaschizo posts them, you see she sucks the janitor’s greasy dick irl
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They're not very subtle about it at all.
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Cute shos TToTT
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Medically trooned femboys are boys not girls
OP and most photos were a different person
what a view
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>she’s still pretending half the shota art she lovingly shlicks to isn’t rule 63 and tagged as such where they have a moist pussy and tits
Cute as shit.. bet she larps as a medical femboy to cope with being ftm, I want a taste of her oversized clit.
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I bought a Mika plush off Ebay and it finally came!
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>implying srs femboy kaveh is a thing.
FYI most of the stuff here was posted by copy cat anon but sure why not they’re tagged otokonoko which means it’s okay to post since those are cm according to rules.
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I would, but I'm 67% sure that would violate the 'Not 2D' rule.
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I need to paizuri female!Kaveh and blast hot ropes all over her tits..
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Pretty sure they’re interpreted permissively. So long as it’s plausibly complying with the rules it’s okay.
Otokonoko aren’t female…
Also posting what pixiv tagged as that so this is allowed.
Cute girl.
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Hot chick with fat female tits and a rocking pussy that needs to be cummed in like the slutty child molesting fujo who posted it.
Tags for art: カヴェアル 女体化 (transforming into female)
Also from an artist drawing a female character and not the crossdressing headcanon trannies have.
I know you won't get banned because you give the janitors sloppy toppy and let them blow out your vagina but I just want you to know that not only do you not pass as male, but neither do your posts or drawings.
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i wanna hurt gorou.
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>hot chick
It’s tagged otokonoko, some femboys might troon but they’re still boys. So it’s allowed.
>female character
>false https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101220576
> Miss Hina (Genshin Impact)misshinaGorou (Genshin Impact)Genshin ImpactGenshinImpactbewitching thighsotokonokoanimal earsZenless Zone ZeroZenlessZoneZero
It’s a dog boy in a dress. His disguise is good since ZZZ is in a futuristic setting and he needs to make sure his Hina persona can hide his identity.
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No lube!
Cute girl.
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He’d scream like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sQWmjMWxAaY&t=0s [Open]
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Men don't have vaginas which Miss Hina in this fanart >>3924830 has.
And girls getting fucked by futas are tagged as yaoi on pixiv, nobody cares, it's female. But it's okay because you offer your slutty pedo womb to the janitors to make it allowed. It must suck getting fucked by adults since you only have the hots for children that got medically abused.
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i bet you'd scream like that like a cute little puppygirl when you're bouncing on this dick and your saggy tits flapping about lel
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Yummy shota pits....
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I didn't read your post but I'm jerking off to the yuri you posted imagining them tribbing their pussies into my hard cock
The rule 63 images you post unironically give me boners
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her posts dont make me hard but that did ngl, bitches rubbing their labia on cocks without any penetration is hot as fuck. bichads rise up.
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Nice otokonoko post let’s post more men with yummy tits. Why do these trappy bpdemons crossdress?
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Very islamic posts going on right now
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Horny for shota thighs
orokonoko/femboys are naturally feminine even by early adulthood because the category selects for males who had late/weak puberty.
If they get themselves chemically neutered later on that’s just to hang on to the aesthetic.
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Didn't read but you should still shove sharpies in your vag and pooper when you jerk off to shotas and then post it here
I’m not a puppet boi or an srs femboy tho.
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What's good everybody!? It's your favorite Mika Simp with your semi-regular Mika dump!
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Don't forget everybody, blocking iPhone filenames is surprisingly easy.
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Unless you're a disgusting mobileposter!
I don't know if this is an AU. He just has character development hair.
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Sopping wet bird boy!
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My favorite crossover!
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Mika is Superb!
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Mika and his millet consuming bretheren!
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Alright. back to the usual shitflinging.
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Boys don't have vags but I'll call yours masculine when I'm pumping it if it gets you off, babygirl
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Tartaglia saying this to puppet boi tho.
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Me saying it to my cute fujopedo wife, (You)
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Need more of this schizo
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Lolcow would bully him so bad
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I need you to post more of his rule 63 art so I can jerk off imagining it's your fujo tits
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schizo tranny Kaveh isn’t r63
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Pop that pussy for us on cam, cute little girl
blessed picture barbatos would be proud
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his phytoestrogen consumption from everything he’s been drinking has probably made him grow boy booba.
Blocking iPhone filenames and the 10 most common buzzwords being used on those posts cleans up 95% of the worthless trash in these threads, I couldn't imagine going back
What words are blocked?
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I love her loli boobies this is cm though so lets keep it male
Check out these crossdressing bishonen boys
It’s tagged male/otokonoko https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8302150
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>crossdressing bishonen boys
twinkhon kaveh
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Now the problem is that it looks like you're the only one posting.
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Estrogen, booba, crossdress, tranny, troon, puppy, bpd, schizo, femboy, otokonoko, neuter
Covered like 95% of those posts from past experience and I'm pretty sure you could get 100% coverage with like 5-10 more words too since I'm only rarely seeing them anymore
based, make her filters a rentry and toss it in the ops from now on
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Add hrt and and bpdemon too.
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I want to pet you like this after knocking you up and traumatizing you by calling you womanly when you get swollen and milky
Then I’ll let you flick to shotas when we go through our honeymoon phase as an apology until you have our next child my fujo troll queen
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Degenerates like you belong on a cross
the woke mob wants cyno to wear shoes...
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Fujos like you belong on a cock
Haha funny comic haha..
Why did he Troon?
Was it over the cyno grooming scandal?
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reminder this annoying bitch is actually a black christcuck yume that ships herself with alhaitham and wriothesley.
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That’s not me…
If she denies it then it's definitely true. Seems like she hates Wriolette.
What a cunt.
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kek she changed how she names them now. What a dumb bitch.
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>prefarm those annoying beetles for Wrio's rerun which is due any day now
>leak says Neuvi's 2nd rerun in 5.2
>no wrio rerun in sight
>angrily start farming lumitoiles instead
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i wish i was freminet
Insane they haven't made a third banner yet.
>a black christcuck yume
Really? Like lmao pick a struggle
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Natlan ain't half bad.
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Happy birthday Kaz. I actually was spooked by him on his first banner (can't imagine why I would have been pulling for razor, rosaria, or bennet cons). But he's mostly stood the test of time and has been a fun Genshin.
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Sex with BPDemons
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Who's the pitslut of the day?
Heizou. It's never not Heizou. Honorable mention to Scara, though.

Also, keep posting spooky genshins for the best day of the year.
Heizou is the biggest pitslut, Scara's niche is as a feetslut
how would i convince heizou to let me sniff the musk from his sweaty armpits and also lick them up like a dog?
same with scara but i also want him to call me a faggot and degrade me while doing it
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Heizou is lewd enough he can easily be convinced. Scara too but he's too much of a tsun so you'd have to provoke him and rile him up first.
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You seem to be mistaking every femcel for me. Obviously not true since I’m too fond of memes and shitposting to be a black femcel. Also I like seeing Kaveh get rearranged by chadtham. I just also call him a crazy tranny because it’s kinda true.
obtaining a genshin bf is accomplished by what method, bros?
Study the esoteric meme magic of boy's love webcomics.
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Sex with the crazy BPDemon tranny roommate who mooches off you…
what does BPDemon mean
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Men with severe cluster B disorders. Never let them into your life.
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>sure fire way to temporarily stop a BPD melty
If you're lucky it takes a mere 160 primogems
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damn this entire thread sure fell off
almost nothing but tranny spam from the one unhinged closet pedo roastie
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There's plenty of discussion in this thread about ways to filter all her posts automatically forever, if you're still seeing any of her posts at this point it's kinda on you
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…so you’re saying Kaveh trooned out?
How could this have been prevented?
thanks man
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Who did he groom?
Also his real name is doctor mlem and he replaces Dottore to become the new villain
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Damn, look how big Wrio's gun is. And that trigger discipline! He obviously knows how to handle it.
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Wolfy wolf is over compensating…
Doggo has a nicer gun and he never learned any of that silly safety stuff.
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my cock is also cold nari...
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>YFW you’re “father” and your favorite son comes back from a mission to Inazuma like this.
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That proves his dedication to the cause
Give him a promotion
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Does that imply they’ll give him signiora’s job now that there’s an opening and he’ll do the job dressed like that?
I was already invested in this ship but the interaction in the new event made me go all in
[spoiler]Does anyone have access to the lewds from her? I lost access to my poi[/spoiler]
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Remember to screw your BPDemons periodically to prevent melties and assert dominance
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why even live if i can't have him irl

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