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Drunkard Shota Edition

prev >>3924543

Handy filter: /^IMG_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](\.jpg$)?(\.png$)?/i;boards:cm;op:no
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Fox shota
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Anubis shota
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Shiba dog shota
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Puppet shota
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Pyro shota
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Chongyun's shota
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autistic shota
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Look at this crazy Christmas cake troooooooooooooon for a change
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Best shota
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>Handy filter: /^IMG_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](\.jpg$)?(\.png$)?/i;boards:cm;op:no
Based OP
Also Mexican shota
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ooo boys now you made her mad
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Shut up!
those are her old md5s desu you should have them filtered by now
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I love this ship so much
I love any ship with the "extrovert adopts introvert" dynamic. Gaming/Fremi, Sethos/Scara, Venti/Xiao, Xingqiu/Chongyun, inject them all directly into my veins.
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Same honestly
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NEET adopts respectable is much better
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Well said, our pedo sis, I love when pervy grown men like Itto fuck tight little underdeveloped prepubescent Gorou’s shota holes into maturity.
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New boy's birthday
Honestly he's been a surprising hit, cool personality, hot and cute, the best eyes on a Genshin character, fun and strong gameplay, and the famous VA duo helps. I hope his popularity stays up.
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Canonically rapes all women he likes, and kills all women he doesn't.

It's just that simple. That's why he is a DEITY.
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This is his true identity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phthonus

He was formerly the Greek god of jealousy and killed everyone in his harem.

He left to teyvat to reinvent himself since nobody liked him on earth. If you get him mad he can revert to his Greek god of jealousy ways tho.
DAMN.. the personification of envy looks like THAT??

What do those numbers mean in that picture, is it his age? 2600 years old is far too young to be a burnt out drunk, he need to pull himself together and get back to his old ways. Lovely image btw
He was Phthonus 2600 years ago. He reinvented as Barbatos because he wanted to be loved
Will still probably
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> Will still probably
Kill his anemo harem out of jealousy
ngl I would the frumpy drunk venti, he looks like prime cuddle material for cold winter nights and that he'll petulantly yell at me for not getting him coffee in time when we're hungover but shut up after we smack each other around and I fuck the brat out of him
He'd top you btw
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venti made this post
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>POV: you’re Fujo-chan telling Arlecchino’s favorite son that he’s going to become your next victim
Would trooning out a future harbinger be seen by the Fatui as a declaration of war?
Funny, hot, canon
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Reminder the Greeks knew about venti and drew him back when he was known as Phthonus
I fact checked this and this is true. But, how did you find out about this??
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I love fagslop
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I want to do this to gorou
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I almost want to get him but already have his father and have geo or dendro/lighting based teams and want scara so I’m saving all my pulls.
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>and want scara
Based, and good choice. Lyney is hot but doesn't offer much if you already have a Pyro dps. Scara is best boy and lets you fly which is nice for exploring
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I have a furry in all of my squads (gorou, nari) can I fit him in a dendro team or should I just download a catboy mod and build a team around him?
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