Welcome to /diy/, a place to:Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.Please keep in mind:- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.Helpful links:https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/
Some friendly suggestions for posting:- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!
What's a good 3D printer to buy? My budget is around $200. I'm an mature, & I'm mostly gonna use it for printing minis & knicknacks
>>2895785Brazil? I doubt there's any country left without ali as last resort.
>>2895815>alihuh never checked there. For an equal sized, still 800€ without printed parts. the thing is equal in cost as the prusa here
>>2895816Why pretend to know what you're talking about? You just look like a dumb shill.
>>2895838if im too retard to search ali then please, link me these magically cheaper kits. I am in the market for a core xy
>>2894727Buy a cheap piece of shit and print out a better one. The non-printable parts are cheap af.
>battery powered chainsaws btfo gas>they are all made in ChinaGame changer for the home player
>>2895834Imagine the next step in battery tech.Liquid batteries.
>>2895837And we just pull the battery liquid right out of the ground, and the saw uses it as a consumable
Slight side question, what exactly is the deal with *corded* chainsaws and chaps? There's a million videos online where people disprove the idea they don't stop the torque of battery saws, but I've heard it claimed without details there's something special about corded saws where chaps really are ineffective. True, half-true, bullshit?>>2895840Catch is there's only so much of it in the ground, using it spoils the atmosphere, and you have to deal with going and buying more and storing it versus it just coming cleanly generated from the wall into batteries.Gas is great when it's needed for remote locations or for power (60+cc), but the logistics and UX are a million times better for battery power.
>>2895843Bruh you're smoking crack if you legit believe that last bit. The best battery powered tools barely keep up with 25cc 2-strokes. The smallest saw they'll even consider using innalogwoods is 70cc
>>2895843Excuse me sir, I use only renewable fuel in my chainsaw.
In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.>How do I get started with racing drones?https://oscarliang.com/mini-quad-racing-guide/https://www.fpvknowitall.com/ultimate-fpv-shopping-list/> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwoDb7WF6c8mWARrcxtX_G6yytK7QFHID>What about planes?https://www.flitetest.com/>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hey friends! Finally went and completed my first drone build! Everything went well, but I have a few questions:My setup currently involves an O3 Air unit paired to goggles 3. >I am getting a warning on the goggles OSD saying to connect to DJI Outdoor or something like that.Is there a way to disable that, or would I need to connect to the botnet app every time I fly?Haven't tested the range limits of my drone, but what should I be paying attention to "connection wise" in terms of RSSI and LQ and video feed that would tell me to turn BACKNOW or else.Also, what is the best way to monitor the battery? Avg cell V, total V, mAh drawn?>Using the pocketmaster radio elrs.While it feels like it is doing everything I want it to do, something feels off (maybe the size/formfactor of the thing?). Should I upgrade to a different radio, or just learn and continue to use the pocket? Any radio suggestions?
>>2895514https://oscarliang.com/nano-long-range-build/20 minutes on 1S.
I have not flown all year. Should I attempt to do it Sunday morning?Also, need to finish my I-153 build for streamer cut. If anyone is interested in streamer cut, I think I could try to plan an event in a park.
>>2895294>connector for 1S batteries/tiny whoops, Idk if that went anywhere.After I wrote that I started digging around and found out about BT2.0 which is probably what I was remembering, but also A30, which I never heard before.All in all I gather I'd have to start from scratch if I ever wanted to get back into FPV: assuming I can fix everything, and I doubt, I'd still have to get new batteries, good ones this time, and swap in a new connector and replace all PH2.0 in my shitty 1S charger. Since I'm messing with the drone I might as well get a pair of motors with more conventional prop mounts. Then I'd want to improve video signal range as my current house is bigger than before and even back then I had issues as soon as I turned around a corner, at which point I might as well get a new pair of goggles and while I'm at it I may get a new RC because the one included in the RTF kit is weird and has always felt weird. Damn I now remember how much upfront investment this hobby requires.
>>2895294>I'd love something even slightly bigger, that flies for longer than 2 minutes, but just as safe to fly indoor.I'm sure you can find something.I have a mobula7, flywoo firefly baby nano, crux3 1s, and they all get over 4 mins. I forget exactly but possibly as much as 6. On fresh 550mah HV lipos.I always run down to 3.0v tho.>>2895685>new (proprietary) connector for 1S batteries/tiny whoopsA30. BT 2.0 is more or less compatible too. They are basically the same except A30 has a tiny little notch and you can jam a BT 2.0 in there.I honestly didn't notice much difference moving from PH2 although over people claim to. I bought some little PH2 to A30 adapter cables which look ugly but work fine for charging.>You mean the video feed?yea>>2895657Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Ask machining questions, post machining failures.CAD CAM talkSpeeds and feeds guessingG-Code, M-Code, Bro-CodeFanuc vs HaasBitch about payIgnore SiegButton pushers who think they're machinistsThread theme:https://youtu.be/vLdVRLZibWU?si=SOf62LZjc5noKlnM
Im going to be making myself some dovetail jaws. Wherever I look people talk about 45, 50/55 and 60 degreeswhich one should I go for? I hear that 60 degrees are the strongest but have less clamping force
My contract to make medical devices used in sex changes just got dropped. My forecast for this year was in the thousands and now my nest egg is fucking over.
Can anyone tell me what this is?
>>2895109anon maybe give some context
How do/Can i connect a B16 chuck to an ER20 collet? Considering i only found more collets i assume this isn't a thing, retarded, or i'm just unlucky finding the right name for such an adapter.Base thought is the "mill" it's attached to is 99% of times used as basic drill and i would like to reduce wasted time changing drills or at least make it less annoying.
>>2895653The 25-foot tape measure is the only thing of worth owning.Next?
>>2895741Their Fat Max full tang claw hammers are pretty nice
>>2895653good stuff. just the box my router came in weighs more than chink trash
>>2895653>>2895779kinda shitty though. they house branded a router made by some lowend shit tier jackass fly by night company called robert bosch. you just cant get good stuff anymore
>>2895744>Fat MaxIf you're a serious person, you only need picrel.
If you had an infinite amount of time and resources what would you attempt to build yourself?
>>2895561>A way to fix my back :')I was in a chinese propaganda thread on /his/ and had a moment. Anons were discussing how the chair wasn't introduced to China until 1200 A.D., less than 1000 years ago if you didn't know. The pillow (in the strictest sense of a personal pillow for your head) was also late-developing in China. It made me think about the default state of mankind. European body types are expressive, rising or tumbling or rolling toward some florid expression. Any default was thrown into chaos long ago. There's something ancient about the standing chinese, they're like an ancient civilization. You stand to live, you lie down to sleep. There's no reclining on a couch or melting into a puddle of flesh, unless you're doing it to purposefully flex wealth. That will fix your back.
>>2894269A Whites only country.
Interplanetary bridges. Just drive to Mars xD
>>2894269The most powerful doomsday device possible on earth and detonate it on Mars to see what happens
>>2895597Incorrect, I neither expected nor asked anything of you;thank you for your reply though.
Are there paint removers that actually work good? I want to re-paint my mtb but dont want to remove any metal by sanding it. Also what type of paint protects steel frame from rust and impacts the best and dont go bad in the sun?
>>2893722> In early May, three mothers traveled to Washington, D.C., to urge members of Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban the use of methylene chloride in paint and coating removers. Each of the women had a son who died from exposure to methylene chloride in paint-stripping products purchased at home improvement stores.Thank god I can still buy AK-47s
>>2893722>chemicalreal men just use their strength to grind it off, you will have to sand the entire wall for new paint to stick to it anyway, fucking moron
>>2893625Even if you chemical strip your still need to sand for adhesion.Wire brush risk warpage.If you get the paint stripper by the gallon at a automotive paint store it will be the real deal. The stuff at the hardware store is for yuppie scum and suburban housewives
>>2893722Id like to say I wasnt that guy, but just cuz paint strippers have been neutered doesnt mean they dont work well if you are competent as he said.No one bitches that paint isnt fully dry and cured for a day in many cases, thats just how paint is. So you have to put a product on that takes a similar amount of time to undo it. Doesnt mean they dont work well if you are competent.Its the same kinda thing when my electrician dad bitches about all the arc fault and gfci rules. Yeah, i get it, its not how it used to be but thats just the modern fucking world. Accept it, buck up and deal.
Now, to actually contribute:OP, if your bike still has the factory paint on it, and you want to protect it, which it sounds like you do, a new layer of paint adhering to the current paint that has been prepped will offer just as much protection, and quality of the outcome will have far more to do with preparing etching and cleaning the surface rather than ensuring its bare metal first.Tl; dr, stripping the paint to metal is probably added steps and not necessary here. Prepare the hell out of the current surface and go wild. Paint is 90 percent prep and all that-
post your brews. ask about brews. hops are for trannies.previous thread: >>2867914
What's a good cleaner that scrubs clean? I mix in soapy water and put some raw rice and shake the gallon fermenter. Does a decent job but takes some effort and doesn't always get everything
>>2895560>>2895602If you aren't using fruits and only starchy substrates I think it's disgusting as fuck, and even doing it as the first thing before the 2nd fermentation. For me it's no longer "whoops I accidentally pissed in your beer" it's: "yeah I did it on purpose, and it's fresh from the tap bitch." Yes that is the extend I hate it and me saying it's not okay.
>>2895772kvass is good, so that is proof that grain-based sour drinks are good
>>2895768i might do it again when i come up with a good digestif recipe. i don't drink alcohol otherwise. still, i can see this method being useful for people who want to quickly iterate on recipe ideas without having to wait a month each time
>>2895720Not an option for me and probably won't work in my case anyways >>2895557>>2895767At least that's how it goes here. And even the stuff that says 100% is in fact only like 92% when you test it because why would anyone care if their drain cleaner or soap lye is not a chemically pure substance and it saves a pretty penny for both the buyer and the manufacturer. I deal with chemicals at work occasionally and learned the hard way that the label might be off in many ways for many reasons even with expensive lab grade reagents, and any makeshift chemicals you can buy at a household supply or gardening store is pretty much a mystery mix by default. It's not necessarily bad, you just need to be aware of it and know how to deal with it or to stay away when you can't.
supposed to be really neat that sunken windows with overhang lets in low angle winter sun but blocks high angle summer sun. Of course its pretty "set in cement" and can't really be changed once built.Mirrors seem pretty cheap and they also got pretty durable stretch mirrors used in gyms that I've seen take beatings from rabid Jr High School brats.How about a system of mirrors to reflect sun away or directly into house, and you'd maybe flip that once a year. Maybe more like adjust every 2 months for max benefit. With mirrors you could do shit like blast a rectangle of near direct sun up into a ceiling from around a dark shaded corner.Sure some birds will shit and dust collect but it should 98% hose off just fine. Probably scare off most birds, or will start entertaining "bird fighting itself".
>>2895520interesting, I hear people don't like large objects moving around, that that comes out when they test robots. dogs or even med size livestock less so.but I'm thinking of mostly directing sunlight at ceilings inside house through high windows, or up into outside soffits and get indirect light through windows.Also thinking mirrors would be super-insulation during summer, and would blast the heat/light all the way away VS trying to insulate wall of house that is gonna get hot even if its painted white.
Light tubes, sky lights full of mirrors no adjustment.
>>2895522I think I'm out because you're losing a patch of outdoors for the mirror to create glare that you also won't enjoy walking past in the yard. On the other hand, using mirrors indoors makes the space bigger.
Solar gains in winter are small. Mirror to reflect much light indoors is big and ugly. You're ruining your garden for peanuts.
>>2895517Mirrors melting snow- dumb quick way to get a glare ice path and driveway.If it finishes snowing at 2pm, theres just enough energy to melt the snow but not evaporate, then the sun goes down and it re freezes, only you used a lot of energy to change it to a skating rink.If it snows two more inches that night, your fucked. You push snow somewhere it can melt. Changing states of matter is way less effective than just moving it
I tried pic related but it didn't work.cc: Lambright
>>2895712So jelly of muh Eagle Grips and backing skillsSomebody done curb rashed this trailer wheel pretty good.
>>2895691Who are you talking to?
>>2895325Its not knowledge to aquire skills that require learning?>>2895446I've backed out:123666609365so YEAH! Ima big boy:) look mama
>>2895790You don’t know what those numbers are, do you?
>>2895734The blue words in OPs post that say "how do you back up a trailer"How was that needed to bey explained?
Thread tombstoned: >>2883138>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.Read the datasheet.>OP source:https://github.com/74HC14/ohmOPbake at page 10, post in old thread>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:https://github.com/kitspace/awesome-electronics>Project ideas:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>http://blog.deconinck.info/post/2017/08/09/Turning-a-Quick-Charge-3.0-charger-into-a-variable-voltage-power-supplyInteresting read. Looks like you don’t need any USB hardware or protocol to send USB QC commands, and it’s even pretty easy to generate arbitrary voltages. QC4 can go up to 20V IIRC, I wonder if that’s as simple?
I want to attach some electronics at the end of an electric motor and I want to communicate it via wires from outsideI bought this slip ring but it looks like it won't work. The part at bottom can freely rotate but I don't see a way to attach it. In 3rd picture black part is the bottom of the slip ring and say I printed the red part which will be something like those plastic things in pizza boxes and it gets attached to the motor. The wires will just stuck between the legs when it rotates.Attaching it from the other side won't work as well as far as I can tell, I will have a similar problem on other side this timeAm I being dumb and missing something obvious? Is there some other device that can help me?
I need a grounding rod for my Network server. can I just drive multiple ground rod connected in series to achieve less than 25 ohms? ground rod testers are expensive. I'm thinking 3 pieces of 4 feet deep ground rods would sufficient and less expensive than buying a tester.
>>2895818It looks like what I needed was a slip rigg like this with an hole in it. That way I can attach electronics on the large side (to the 3 holes) and then a rod coming down from the middle hole (not touching walls) and attached to the motor
I need to open up little ~1" holes in metal to get a recip blade started in it without cutting from the edge. Is a hole saw or a step bit being going to be faster/preferable for some other reason, or is there something else even better for this, that maybe doesn't cut a whole circle when I really just need an oval slot?
>>2894860A normal twist drill?
step bit wont last long but
>>2894860How thick of metal? If it's very thin, a step bit would probably be faster than a hole saw. You'll have to drill a pilot for the hole saw anyways, or clamp a guide to your material. If it's thicker material the hole saw will start to shine more. Also how many of these do you need to do?
>>2894860depending on the metal thickness:- oscillating tool with metal-cutting blade- plunge cut saw- angle grinder
I want to build a small, rectangular machine that quietly hums and whirrrs, aswell as occasionally beeps with a small red LED that lights up at the same time. what parts would be good to make the machine hum and whirrr but not so loud I couldn't sleep in the same room as it?
>>2893344maybe a lil dehumidifier that collects water and occasionally drips the tank out to some plants
>>2893344>hums and whirrrswhat frequency?
>>2893344are you trying to scare little kids to sleep with you?
>>2893344just grab the oldest desktop computer you can find and take the front of the case off. instant mystery machene. you can even get light up fans. of course at that point, you might want to consider making it work as a stereo receiver or have a hideaway screen and basic preferences set up, like how long before it sleeps. To get really fancy you can acquire a programmable keyboard like pic related and mount it on the wall like a lightswitch.
>>2893344A white noise fan.A speaker attached to a low frequency noise signal.A transformer with so much power through it that you can hear the plasma vibrate the air. (pls don't do that one)
what bulb is this and how can i detach it properly? i unscrewed it and the wires came with it. has the guy that installed this done a cowboy job?
>>2895679It appears to have a regular edison base still in the fixture.You've detatched the top half of the bulb from the bottom half of the bulb. But you left the bottom half of the bulb still screwed into the light fixture. Just unscrew it.It's probably not supposed to separate like that, but it's cheap.
>>2895686i think youre right. also any idea what type of bulb it is?
>>2895688the chinks call them "LED corn bulb"
just unscrew it
>>2895688if you are looking for a decent quality replacement, I can recommend GE "Bright Stik" bulbs.They are flicker-free and the diffuser works really well for evenly lighting the space.