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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Previous thread:>>2759901

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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Thanks. Sometimes i wonder if those PC GPU cards have more power than the processors nowadays, lol.

I remember getting my first laser printer in the 90s and i read the specs and was disheartened to learn it was a powerpc processor way more powerful than my actual PC that was driving it through the centronics parallel port.
You can’t use the Rx and Tx lines for UART, they’re already tied to the CH340 and UART doesn’t work as a bus like I2C does. Set the UART to alternate pins instead.
>Thanks. Sometimes i wonder if those PC GPU cards have more power than the processors nowadays, lol.
i think a lot of them do, but it's a different sort of compute power. my understanding is that gpus are designed effectively as matrix calculators. so the circuitry is optimized for i guess linear algebra or vector calculus or fucking whatever, as this is important for graphics. turns out it's also important for number crunching in data centers and artificial intelligence, or as i have started to call it, advanced interpolation, but that's a copy pasta for another time. server side and shit they don't do graphics and don't have video output of any sort, they just crunch numbers. gpu seems to be a historical anachronism kept around just because. fucking nerds.

>I remember getting my first laser printer in the 90s and i read the specs and was disheartened to learn it was a powerpc processor way more powerful than my actual PC that was driving it through the centronics parallel port.
dude that's fucking nuts. every time you print something it's just sitting there, quietly judging you.
thank you.
i tried to run software serial on other pins and it works fine now.
just a thought: if i want to use hw serial on pins D0 and D1, can i just remove the CH340 chip? i can still program the arduino via icsp using another one as isp, correct?
Yeah desoldering it would work. Though at that point you might as well be using an Arduino Mini instead. Bootloaders were a mistake.

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Abominations Thread XLIV

Efficient use of space edition
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Bizarre behavior
Why? What possible reason could someone have to run conduit and a light j box all the way to an existing outlet?
is funny how he disputes TDS while displaying TDS
>durr TDS hurr
Doesn't exist, you're just mad we don't worship the him like you do.
I might have an answer to all this.
You're both stupid.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2785345

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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yeah its fucking terrible. i would NEVER pay retail price for one of these.
like it says its bear rated, but only if you add padlocks. fuck that.
wheels are nice, they have bearings, and ss mounts. solid handle. just bad finishing.
worst part is they made it thick and small inside in purpose. for its asking price, they could have made a half in thick cooler with aerogel as an insulant.
i looked at those handles, they are riveted in. straight up planned obsolescence.
its nicer than my current cooler, so im not gonna bitch anymore.
Can anyone recommend a "decent" compact/keychain-sized multitool? I fully understand that they do not perform as well as real, proper tools. I even understand that they do not perform as well as conventional full-sized multitools (like a Leatherman, the Swiss Army Knife, and their countless imitations).

I only have the following criteria:
>needs to be able to cut at least soft/thin plastic
>able to open bottles
>reasonably priced
>can comfortably hang off a keychain
>as few moving parts as possible

Things I do not strongly care for (ie. if it doesn't have these features, I wouldn't be sad about it):
>TSA approval
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I quite like the swisscard, which goes in your wallet instead. You get scissors, a little knife, and a file. Otherwise, I'd honestly just look for a blade holder with a bottle opener on one end, you're not going to get much more compact than that, this one is like 5 bucks and probably cheaper if you order it from china.
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I cleared out my storage unit and now I'm left with a cylinder lock without any use. How can I reuse this thing?
Gerber Dime if you want pliers, or the Leatherman Micra if you want scissors.

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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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Every man who knows how to hoe keeps his hoe properly sharpened, and avoids contact with rocks or even dirt whenever possible.
>and avoids contact with rocks or even dirt whenever possible.
i too keep my yard tools as wall hanger showpiece
300? Dude, that's one row out of at least 40. I'm not talking about planting, I'm talking about weeding once they've been established in the block. And there are at least 20 blocks.
Make one if want that but that's like caring about heirloom quality bog rolls.

> last five minutes or so of lunch sharpening up

Takes a few seconds with my flap disc on a cordless grinder. I hit hoes, shovels, pick axes, cane knives, machetes, and anything else appropriate early and often.
>flap disc
retard alert

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What would be the cheapest way to accurately cut this shape out of a 3mm (11 gauge) piece of steel, without access to expensive machinist tools?
What is your tolerance? If you need 3.507mm exact even precision manufacturers will tell you good luck with that.
Oh wait now that I think of it, wire EDM can do it.

If +-0.1 is enough then have it laser cut
You're gonna need a sharpie, and JIS number 2 screwdriver, and a 20oz claw hammer

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can i replace a 320x240 54 pin lcd with a 640x480 54 pin lcd ?
yes. as long as it has the same number of pins nothing else matters.
>can i replace a 320x240 54 pin lcd with a 640x480 54 pin lcd ?
Definite maybe, you might find distortion of the device and screen don't match e.g. missing vertical/horizontal lines, quadrupled pixels but misaligned. They can be fine, check begot replacing it you're doing a retro handheld etc.
If you're fixing a game gear, look up how to recapp them. The originals leak quicker than most.
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>If you're fixing a game gear, look up how to recapp them. The originals leak quicker than most.
already did, also replaced the oroginal diplay cuz it was fucked

problem its a 320x240 and i noticed the pixels sont match 100%, where there is movement the image look weird, i thought it was because of a shitty mod but turns out all the 320x240 GG mods have that problem

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how do i make my room better?

also male living space thread
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6' table
gamer chair
kitchen: microwave, hot plate, rice cooker, fridge, sink
>>a bed frame on legs
only if there are insects/rodents in the house, otherwise unnecessary

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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I know we brew poison, but does the bottle being blue do anything else?
>I can't afford $2
Jesus anon that's sad.
I guess companies using the 10 cent part instead of the superior 25 cent part are broke, eh?
beer yeast is like 4-7 bucks or more a packet compared to 1 for wine yeast
cope and grow your own yeast if you want it cheaper.

What can I do with these?
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stop spreading such misinformation and disinformation bigot or your privileges with be taken away
>having kids just to use them
Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love yo.
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they make good single use seed trays, and you can "plant" them and they will rot away.
if you want to go really diy, you can mix them with water untill you have made a mush, spread it out, dry it, and make your own card sheets. I have heard of people passing the mush through a sheet of fabric to make their own paper.
We used to use them as drying platforms for small wood staining projects. (It sucked tho.)

I want a geodesic dome addition on my house. I want size picrel. I know this is masochism.

Question is how would you go about this? I was thinking metal frame with premade adapters at the corners to properly angle the whole thing. Pair that with premade triangle panels in wood frame with glass installed. I think this glass part is where the money will end up.
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i forgot also a classic adobe spanish designed house

but made with concrete and concrete tiles
you improve on the adobe design
these houses are also well adapted to climate
Most based high value low cost DIY solution. Everything worth doing has been done and repeated including that. Great thermal mass too.
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Suck a bag of dicks, pigger.
You're also a lazy parasite shunned by polite society. Better?
This guy does videos on diy domes he's designed.

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Kratom is cocaine for hippies and queers.
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a non autistic answer

>do not make coffee, which relies on freshness, with preground coffee that's been sitting in a warehouse for a few years
>do not pour boiling water over coffee- I dont remember the retarded chemistry behind it but if the water is actually past 100˚C it does bad chemistry shit to the chemicals in the coffee bean material
>do not use a modern or otherwise automated coffee maker
I 100% guarantee that it is not clean inside, I don't care how much vinegar or your bull's cum you run through it- it is not clean in terms of bacteria and also the build up of gay frog minerals in the machine. Don't be a faggot and use a $5 pour over funnel
>only use filtered water
a cup of coffee is 99% water, if you use dog shit water you're going to wind up with dog shit coffee

pic related is genuinely all you need, and you get the lead glaze for free. Anybody who thinks you need more is either deeply offended by anonymous words on an anime forum or are wannabe internet influencers who have something to gain personally or financially by convincing retards that you need complex machinery to make coffee

We've been making tea for thousands of years now which thousands of years of technological development and technique refinement now amounts to "just fucking put the tea in hot water whats the problem"

Coffee is the same but, again, preground coffee goes bad MUCH faster than tea so coffee teabags aren't feasible but do exist
Coffee brewing involves three things.
Water temp, grind fineness, and extraction time.
What you need of each factor depends on your brew method.
hot water, ground coffee, filter(optional)
yall are making it to complex
Since nobody gave the correct answer, it's this: don't over heat it. Simple as.

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.
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I own things that have been sold in shops with worse welds on than that.
3 eyed wall toad. common in industry/construction. they have evolved beyond the need of water or moist environments, due to their adaption to consume blood.

Can't you just make up a company name and list yourself as the owner? I don't think they actually ask for any company documentation.
huffing is stupid
only 48 more post until this thread is dead
bump 1

how I stopped that nigger from stealing my wrench.
Keep your own shit in your own toolbox. If the company has company tools that go missing, that's their problem
That thumbnail looks like a lady horse backside
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fucking god damnit anon
please go outside and read a book written before 1950
Okay, I'll read this and look at horses while I'm outside.
Get back in your containment board /mlp/ fag

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Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.
In general you get a superior product from not using heated air. A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it. They all have pretty shit temp controls with wild swing, they’re just poorly constructed convection ovens, and when the heat element kicks on the temperature can swing wildly. I tried one (granted it was a cheaper model) where an rtd inserted in the chamber showed a spread of +-28F from set temp during drying. Critical reviews from people who know their shit seem to suggest the $500 ones have similar issues, though not as bad.
Diy dehydrator thread? I want/need one too. They all seem to be cheap, with more expensive ones just bigger. I want to dry herbs, spices and berries from my garden.

Any more details on the diy box fan idea? I can work with rtds and relays. Should I add a big ceramic tile for thermal mass or something?
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>In general you get a superior product from not using heated air.
now this is interesting to me, wouldn't that take fucking forever though? have you tried that? what was your set up?
>A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it.
so i thought the idea was that they don't cook it, just warm it, to about 60C max, which is enough to aid evaporation and make the drying quick enough that bacterial/fungal growth doesn't happen, which is what would happen with no heat.
basically, in making jerky, if you just hang the meat out with no heat, i thought it would go rotten before it dries.
>rtds and relays
you can work with retards and relays? you are fully equipped to post on /diy/. carry on.
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serious reply now; i am thinking either, hair dryer on low, or even a heat fan on low, directed into the box. although i feel like they'd both be too hot even on low. additional internal fan for circulation because, who on /diy/ doesn't have a massive surplus of fans?
I have a broken electric oven I can use for the main thing, has racks already.
How much ventilation do these things need? I know they need some, i'd like a better look at the commercial ones, see how ventilated they are.
you could probably benefit from using some fine stainless steel mesh on your racks. could repurpose a sieve or frying pan splatter protector thingy.
I might try to get something like a small radiant electric heater or one of those ceramic tube heaters.

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