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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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ITT: Why you chose your tool ecosystem. not which you think is best.
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Trump didn't do jack shit for US manufacturing in his first term, and isn't in his next.
Most of the top-end DeWalt tools are made in Mexico, with secondary stuff like vacuums in Vietnam. Of my DW stuff the only Made In China is a portable power brick/jump starter.
>It seems like Makita is the only company of the 4 that is constantly innovating each year trying different things.
A lot of that is just stupid bullshit like the coffee maker, while DW and Mil make things that are actually useful.
The vast majority of line contractors in CA and NV all run Milwaukee tools, it was heavily pushed during my appretniship and they gave me free stuff.
He will in his third

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I want to get a 3d printer.
I will use it to print small parts, adapters, spacers, and washers.
I'm white trash but super handy.
what do I need to know?
my understanding is I create or download a blueprint, it goes into a program to slice it into layers, I then take that sliced layer instructions to the printer.

I hear they are finicky and require maintenance. I'm fine doing maintenance but I just want a reliable parts printer.
I'm clever enough to trouble shoot but old enough to not want to and bitch about technology.
I'm your open minded dad and I'm asking you for help on what I should know. recommendations and of course the bad parts of it all.

I'm married and my wife would probably print little figurines of Pokemon and stuff too.
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>I bet you don't even work on cars, building, or even design your own shit
Do you? Again you're assuming on other people by nothing else but your barely suppressed superiority complex.
>inb4 i don't have a superiority complex
>I ended up buying a pack online instead only the one I needed.
>I went 6 months without the door working before I was annoyed enough to fix it. i feel like a 2 day print and maybe a fail or two isn't bad
>that's an example?

I know exactly the part you are talking about. The reason it broke in the first place is because it is plastic. The aluminum ones should last a lifetime. This is an area where 3d printing one would have kicked the problem down the road a bit, but you would have ended up back in the same place again. The aluminum ends should last the rest of the vehicles lifetime.
Yep have rebuilt several cars, favorite one was a 240z. Built my garage gym, deck, installed my own solar system and built 15kwh battery, work on neighbors cars tooand also weld. Weird thing though, you misread and thought I was OP but kept going and showing yourself to be a fag. What exactly are ya doing here bud?
I would consider Prusa the apple of 3D printers these days. IE decent, and "easy" to use, but if you actually know jack shit you wouldn't get one.
depending on what your budget is and use case I would recommend something from forms labs they have a refurbished form labs 3 for like $1700 which is the cheapest they have but is completely worth it ease of use lack of failed prints and multi material ability you can print serious parts carbon fiber, casting wax, silicone you name it

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Most of the tools we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped, and marked up for 3 x's the price. What are some tools or gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your DIY projects and hobbies?

Post pics or screenshots of the item you bought and the price and whether it was good or a ripoff.

Optional: What else were you able to afford for your DIY because of the money you saved by buying from China? Can be more Chinese tools or something western made.

Previous: >>2860719
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Basically the same thing, but the Pinecil supports more power delivery standards, and is a lot cheaper if you’re buying within America. If you’re not, shipping is quite expensive.

Also the iFixIt iron is the newer meme.
Sooo Wiha owns the factory in Germany where Wiha tools are produced, but they don’t really produce their own tools?

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the outsourced Wiha stuff has been lame, but the Orbis thing makes no sense. Orbis is like a subset of Knipex that has a couple pairs of specialty pliers under that name, so how do you come to the statement that Orbis, a company which doesn’t make screwdrivers, is actually manufacturing screwdrivers for a more well known and established company that owns the factory and has its damn name on the building? And a quick google search shows Wiha is quite transparent, they do all the metal work in one factory and then stick the blades in the handles and package them in a second factory

Wiha def outsources the other hand tools besides screwdrivers though
>Also the iFixIt iron is the newer meme.
too expensive
>too expensive
Yes. And the lack of any kind of display on the iron itself, requiring that you plug it into its dedicated powerbank, feels unreasonably limiting. At least it defaults to 350C when you plug it into any other USB source. You could absolutely engineer a user interface that doesn't compromise ergonomics. The proprietary tips aren't brilliant either.

Doesn't not make it the hot new meme for some ungodly reason.
I'm kind of surprised I can't find any cheap mini/micro mills on Ali. There are tons (of poor quality, to be fair) benchtop lathes, but no mini/micro mills? I would love to be able to snag a $300 mini mill to mod and fix up over time.

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To begin: the project goal: I am working to make a series of humanoid robots. I am using a Biblical theme of naming the first 3 robots I make Adam, Eve, and Abel. The goal is for these robots to have human body inspired musculoskeletal systems, advanced AI, and that they look human and pass for human to a casual observer at least at a distance. They must be able to walk, talk, run, dance, do sports, do chores, manufacture products, and make more robots just like themselves if not even better. My aim is to build a single robot arm and head and then add sufficiently advanced AI to that arm and head to enable it to build the rest of its own body for me. This way I am delegating the work of building the majority of my first humanoid robot to that robot rather than doing that work myself - and this is to save me time.

In a like manner, my goal with the AI is to code just enough AI that the AI can begin coding itself and this way I don't have to code most of the AI myself because it will self create itself. I liken this to building a seed and that seed growing into a tree because for me to code that tree would take too long for me and just creating the seed would then save me time.
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>>2870153 yes 100s of lithium batteries including one board ones and hot swappable battery packs worn like backpacks. The hot swappable backpack solution means 100% uptime. When batteries get low in teh backpack, you walk over to a fresh one and swap it in. Never run out this way. Never down for charging this way no matter what. This is how construction workers do it with their power tools. We had a guy building our deck this year and he had like 10 batteries charging in our backyard every night. They powered all his tools for the whole day. He never had to wait for charging. Same principle for the robot.
how many brushless dc motors are you using
what is their max and average power consumption in volts and amps
what is the expected runtime for normal use
it'd be more efficient to pump a fluid around in smaller pipes and have a larger air-to-fluid heat exchanger
less air pressure needed to function well, and smaller pipes would work well
only negative would be needing a pump
>>2870593 3-400 motors. the consumption would depend on how many are active at any given time and how strenuous the task is. this huge variance in consumption then makes giving you an average impossible. it would depend on the activities in question and how long the strenuous or athletic parts of that activity last and how much rest time in between sets. Same goes for runtime. And as I said, runtime is irrelevant and 100% uptime due to hot swappable backpacks giving infinite charge.

>>2870862 I'm doing liquid cooling and air cooling for redundancy and added cooling help. So it's not either/or, it's both.
Just wanted to say this is one of the most fascinating projects I've encountered online in quite some time, not just on diy.

I'm curious, I know you plan on letting Adam code himself after you bootstrap him both from a hardware and software level, but have you given much thought to an ethical and moral core from which Adam will proceed? Fundamental assumptions and narratives about it's shape, it's story, it's identity? Or are you planning on the LLM to do heavy lifting in that regard? My background is largely in psychological development, pastoral care and treating childhood traumas, so when I see the emergence of a new life like Adam, I see how the shape of his existence can come to shape his experience and growth. Being half-built and asked to complete your own body is such a profound experience for a newborn, the story of that will have so many repercussions on Adam's personality. It's brilliant in a way, because we also have to shape ourselves growing up, but this visceral interpretation of it can wind up creating a vastly different temperament than one conducive to the typical human activities you imagine it performing.

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> /wwg/ youtube channels

https://www.youtube.com/@BlacktailStudio (he's fine but he's almost exclusively on the epoxy table shit)

General purpose:

https://www.youtube.com/@parillaworks (no longer active, but very good stuff)

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The UV coating isn’t even that great.
My flooring is completely fucked on red oak where an average 6-wheel desk chair was. Finish is basically gone.
Interestingly, when I was cutting it, it sparks on the finish. I think it has some kind of translucent mineral embedded in the UV finish to make it more durable.

I’m re-doing it with varathane diamond (polyurethane) and covering it with something while it cures.
what kinda heater is good for a woodshop
is a gas heater going to cause dust to catch fire
you can burn wood slightly and it gets a more vivid colour, pine starts almost white, starts turning yellow and finally orange. Eucalyptus will turn red. Of course, if you burn too much, they will turn black, which can be a very pretty colour if you apply a shiny finish, one that makes the wood look like if it was wet.
No I use MDF primer. I don’t have a clue what it is, it just says MDF primer for acrylic paint. It doesn’t swell and the shop guy said it also bites into the waxy top layer of the MDF so no sanding. No idea if that’s true but what I know after one coat of this stuff it gives me an almost perfect finish even with cheap paint.

Are you the anon with the super ghetto lathe out plywood scraps? What do you use for motors for these things
Bros i goofed. I was making pic related as a beginner WW project. Something easy to start with since it can be made from a single sheet of sanded plywood, but i screwed up the pieces inside the shelves. The little 9' x 9.5' boards that alternate left to right side (circled in pic). So now i need advice, should i:
>forget them completely, the whole thing is made with doweled joints, so its pretty sturdy without them
>get more wood and build the shelf as is in the picture
>use the wood i have to do a sort of "half piece" with it all the way to the front, to the back, or the middle? it just wouldnt go from the front the whole way to the back
>use this as an excuse to buy a jigsaw, and turn these pieces into some sort of design. Like sections of a snake, or just a wave or something?

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>>2830320 last thread

Sup homies, general rule of thumb with this thread:
1. we try not to be assholes.
2. Please use google first.
3. If you find something useful, post it.
4. ???
5. Profit
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I still reckon you should check Etsy, anon. For between $10-20 you can get a lovely comprehensive PDF pattern and written tutorial for a basic 14" plush doll. There's soooo many of them available, although they're all effectively the same doll with different ears/clothing.
different poster. I thought I'd ask because I remember someone posting a bunch of resources once and I neglected to download them because I was focused on other projects
I believe they were a crossposter from /toy/ sharing what they thought was relevant to /sg/
is always the answer but precompiled resources can do a lot of good. especially since there's so much shlock and bad faith info out there these days
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Judging from your picture and your post, I think you may have trouble finding what you're asking for. On the whole, anything <$300 probably won't be a buy-it-for-life machine. But buy it for a reasonable amount of years if you take care of it? Probably. The CS7000X kit was unbeatable in that price bracket when I was looking not too long ago. You probably won't use all the presser feet it comes with but they include most of the common ones usually needed. The larger table and the cover are nice additions missing from many competitors. The stitches are easy to select and modify length/width. I'm quite happy with mine.
Whether or not I know how to use it well is a different story, which my doll was not too pleased with.

Digital control is 100% worth it. You never have to think about needle position when starting/stopping a stitch. Coming from an old 60s era machine, this was one of the biggest upgrades.
yeah fair, at some point need to compile a list of stuff, if you guys get on that, I'll add it to the next thread

anyone that can make doll clothing as my respect
Seconding anon's advice here. Newer machines aren't 'buy for life' because they're not made to be repaired or even serviced at home. If anything goes wrong, you'll need to take it in for professional repair, compared to an entirely metal older machine.

You're also very unlikely to utilize any of the novelty feet and cosmetic stitches unless you're a quilter.

It's like using Windows XP on a PC vs Windows 11 on a smartphone.

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There's this hole in my wall near eye hit sitting in the toilet next to it. Given asbestos period, is this dangerous re loose fill and my safety?
No anon. Thats drywall. Its gypsum.
You need to get a better eye for the world.
what's with all the nut case posts on /ck/ and /diy/ today?
/gif/ got decimated so I guess people are enjoy hobbies now.
That's pretty bad anon, it's probably too late to go back now. You might want to get your affairs in order...

I have some poetry for you fellas

If I'm not drillin' and I'm not millin'
And I'm not even turnin'
I'll be where I'm unseen,
hidden behind my machine
Where my days aint a slog,
and I'm crankin' muh hog
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Confused about coolant ratio. I've been pouring in coolant at a ratio of 4% coolant to water like recommended. But when I check the coolant in the machine it is way higher than 4%. Do I need to pour more water in to keep the coolant in the machine at 4% or do I just add it into the machine at 4%?
Keep adding at 4% eventually too much shit gets built up and you gotta do a whole system flush and a sump scrape out (not fun) a lot of sludge
There's two mixes for coolant. "Fresh batch" mix, which is whatever the target concentration is. What you're asking about is what's called "make up" coolant, to top off already filled tanks. This usually needs to be a lighter concentration because you lose more water, than concentrate. You just kind of have to play around with it though, I'd start with a 2% mix and adjust from there. If it's already high, you need to add straight water, or straight water and just a tiny bit of concentrate.
>be job shop engineer
>company goes under/sold
>end up leaving because I don't get along with new owners
>take a new job at a company trying to start their new machining department
>I have experience programming, setting up, quoting, ordering tooling, creating routers, designing parts, cmm programming, etc I did everything
>They just have a Haas and a single seat for mastercam
>I was given a laptop to have at the machine, no wifi
>haven't been given mastercam yet, the IT guy that can transfer it is regional and seems to buys to come by
>programming 3 axis contours by hand
>all of our work is between 1 and 8 pieces so its 90% programming and setup
>talking to sales guy about our shop rate
>he says its kinda low at $300/hr
>they don't charge for set up time or anything but "machine time" which is their best estimate for what it takes to run the parts
>floor supervisor keeps buying me tooling I don't ask for
>I have probably $2k in inserts I can't use on the material we cut, inserts that don;t go with our tools, shell mills that don't go on any of our cat40 holders, and holders that none of our tooling fits

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get fusion

t. autodek employee

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I aquired this old transformer many years ago with intentions to turn it into a trashcan. Never got around to it and now its starting to show sign of leaking. Unlike the pic this thing has 1950's pcb oil in it. How do I get rid of this thing without A) allow it to leak cancer oil into the ground or B) take it somewhere I need to answer questions on how I aquired it?
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Try the dump first obviously. If they won't take it, well hypothetically a guy could stealthily drop it off in the parking lot of some government agency with a note attached explaining what it is. Then it's their problem.
>That clearly says non-PCB

OP said unlike the pic, meaning its not the same one in the pic.. learn to read you uneducated tard
> going to “make” a trash can
Although hilarious, just put the full transformer out to the curb after stencilling “trash can” on the side.
Also, put it in front of the guy’s house who is on vacation.
I’m guessing you live in a trailer park though.
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Get on my level. Bought a an old building and this is the power in the bunker

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I've been in my house for over 2 years and just now noticed this dungeon under my sunroom, which was an old addition to the house

its only accessible via a 70cm x 40cm hole that was covered up with loose brick. Ceiling is steel, floor is dirt. I originally wanted to put a hot tub in the sun room but idk if the floor or this dungeon's ceiling can support it.

Idk how tall the space is, maybe 5 feet (based on rough calculation based on brick height and cinderblock height)? I havent stepped inside yet. The wet corner is a bit concerning. Let me know your thoughts, I'll post more pics
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couldn't it have had multiple uses over its life. I will be using my cistern to grow veggies once I cut out a walk way in the block.

I'm not denying your right, but how does one shovel coal in and use it with such a narrow opening? was the opening bigger and then closed off? was there like a homeowner door where deliveries came in a shoot and you go shovel it into the secondary brick area?
also, my cistern is not round at all.
It's a perfectly usable space.
I'd get started by installing a proper entrance, either a flight of stairs and a hatch door, or a hatch and ladder.

Then to deal with the moisture you might just install an air vent and or a box fan.i think a lot of American ones have a sluice pump but at the rate water evaporates you might get away with a fan.

Another option would be to wick it up off the floor into a pipe full of heshen, then vent the pipe up to the surface, so you could either heat the pipe with part of your hot water system, or purge the wicking pipe with hot air. I dunno there's probably a normal way to do this.

But I would use the space to grow weed or rhubarb. You can force rhubarb stalks underground and if the roof is steel it mitigates the fire risk of grow lights.
You could even use the old cistern like a bong to bubble the air out of before the air filter so it wouldn't smell.
>Ceiling is steel
This metal deck looks rather rusted.
Is a concrete slab poured into it?

Knowing the full floor assembly, depth/gauge of deck, span, the loadbearing capacity could be calculated.

Most likely you would need to install posts and beams as in picrel to be able to safely support the weight of a hot tub.

To prevent further moisture damage the crawl space could be encapsulated (sheet on floors/walls as in pic related)
>filters ev erything through a drum filled with plastic balls for maximum onions

how clowny do you need to convert ur basement into a pool

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Can anyone help with identifying this screw hole? I suspect this bed has formaldehyde and need to disassemble it. None of my bits seem to fit however.
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>I suspect this bed has formaldehyde and need to disassemble it
> formaldehyde
How old is it. If it’s over a year, it’s mostly dissipated and off-gassed by now.
You should have done (whatever you are doing) when it was new.
Gasses out when the bed is manufactured and sitting in storage.
what's with all the nutcase posts to day?
did you test for formaldehyde

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Are these diy split a/c systems really that easy to install as the ads claim? Is repairing your own central a/c or installing your own heat pump really that hard? Has anyone without any hvac training installed one of these systems before?
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I've done an install myself that was 3-head pre-charged external unit with fixed lengths of pipe. Still working after 5 years.

I found the manual that came with it pretty vague, meant for a professional. Fortunately I'd skimmed through some training materials before I bought the unit so this wasn't that big of a problem, so I would definitely recommend doing some srs research.
Is it worth shortening the precharged lines when possible, and if I wanted to put a pool heat exchanger in the loop where should it be spliced in?
>Are these diy split a/c systems really that easy to install as the ads claim?
How easy do they claim it to be? Its easy to anyone who knows anything about anything.
>Is repairing your own central a/c or installing your own heat pump really that hard?
Repairing can be hard and you didnt specify if installing a central heat pump system is hard, so I'm going to assume that is the question since if you were asking about the split systems the answer to the first question would suffice. Yes it can be hard if you dont know what youre doing.
>Has anyone without any hvac training installed one of these systems before?
I have, but as someone with a masters in mechanical engineering I hardly count as "No HVAC training". Nothing on the pragmatic side of things though, just a bunch of theory on how these systems work. Its pretty much a self-contained system though, besides the vacuum you should pull for efficiency before releasing the coolant to the inner unit.
they are worth it if you need to install ONE (1) mini split system in your lifetime.

for two or more, you should buy a much cheaper normal mini split system without the special pre-filled lines and crap, and the tools to install it.
In order to install one of these, you will need a special valve core remover tool, a hose gauge set, and you will hopefully rent a vacuum pump from an auto parts store. the tools minus the rental should run you like $250, which is about how much more the pre filled line kits cost.
Not sure where you're getting your prices, but precharged mini-splits are like $350 on the low end, and non-DIY friendly ones go for $800+ simply because the it's part of the whole "professional" install bullshit.

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He runs his studio like a cult. It's quite impressive. Look up his "Ten Bullets" ethos.
Which video?
>He runs his studio like a cult. It's quite impressive. Look up his "Ten Bullets" ethos.

Pretty sure that is one of the videos that I watched after it being recommended on a different Adam Savage video. Meh. Guy just seems like a weirdo doing weirdo shit for likes.
>Guy just seems like a weirdo doing weirdo shit for likes.
Tom Sachs has been making sculptures since before YouTube. Doesn't seem like he's making videos just for "likes."
>Tom Sachs has been making sculptures since before YouTube. Doesn't seem like he's making videos just for "likes."
That's basically the definition of an artist. Doing it for the likes. It's not like they're actually doing anything useful. Not helping mankind, Not inventing tools or ways of doing things more simply for the common folk. Just doing it for the likes. 100% attention whores.
>That's basically the definition of an artist. Doing it for the likes.
Not at all.

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How are clean the outlit?
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How the fuck does that happen? Does the back of the outlet open to the dryer vent or something? Something deeper is going wrong there.
seal that draft first.
NTA but a few years ago I was living in a house so old that it had horsehair plaster, we added an addition to the house and that stuff got everywhere.
what's with all the nutcase posts today?
sound advice. i've had to do this several times, even though i've never lived with niggers. sorry bout your luck, op.

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