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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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I can send the rainwater from my roof to a big tank with a pipe, but how do you make thousands of gallons of water potable? And how do you make it have pressure going into the house?
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>still seething
Don’t bother with potable, as others said. We have a system and use it for irrigation / gardens. In an emergency situation we create smaller batches of potable water using filters.
Still a faggot
>still seething

What do?
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I don't wanna go in the spooky attic
Pretty sure thats a drop ceiling you probably jusy need to lift the tile and tighten a thing
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How do I tightenoid it?
>tighten a thing
That won't help if there is a weight above it like a raccoon or hornet nest.
>a drop ceiling that actually drops

I really have a thing for rustic looking raw concrete structures. How hard would it be to cast your own conrete panels and somehow slab an inhabitable building together? Picrelated.
Study the subject. To get what you want requires more than quick spoon feeding. Study precast concrete. It may be the wise choice not to cast your own but to use existing, perhaps surplus, precast parts. You can copy precast buildings which are sold in kit form.

Surplus steel beams etc are worth hunting too since not everything needs to be concrete. If you do cast, study non-corroding reinforcing bar, ordering glass fiber concrete mix etc.

Steel tank car hulls can be bought from railcar scrappers and make a nice inner form/spall liner you can weld to.
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Thank you for the suggestions, Anon. I was just wondering if it was realistic for someone with zero formal education regarding construction and architecture and if it would be economical in the first place or if I would be better off just buying a premade off the shelf parts?

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1% ciclopoli solution
One where you better figure it out yourself cause it'll take six months to get an appointment.
I use bag balm. a little green tin.
it helps a lot. there are steroid creams if they doesn't help
holy shit this worked.

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What tools/gadgets have you bought from China for DIY projects that turned out better than expected for the price? Multimeters, soldering machines, etc.
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It's DC to DC so you need a powerbrick which kinda doubles the price.
Still best price/performance in that performance range.
Also you can hook up multiple to a single powerbrick if you need different voltages and aren't maxing out on the amps of the brick.
>Maybe I will do MDF for the next surface.
Don't kid yourself thinking you will wear out any surface you larper.
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It only takes one LARP with a live drill and sharpened 3/8” bit to punch holes in the OSB on accident.
Bench power supplies in general have gotten really cheap lately. Not sure what the AliExpress prices are like, but even on Amazon, you can get 30V/10A power supplies for like $50 these days. I think I got mine for $70 or $80 a couple years ago, and there were cheaper options but this one claimed to be a switching mode supply? Or not a switch mode? Whatever one is cleaner power meant there were other cheaper options if you don’t care about that.

I don’t even do much electronics stuff, but at $50-$60, I recommend everybody buy one. They’re great for charging random batteries and recovering cells in larger packs, and you can test or troubleshoot things easier, like if you come across some old device with no charger or power supply or a dead battery, get it going with the variable power supply and see if it actually works then decide if you want to order a new battery or charger for the thing.
Also super budget mode power supply, pretty sure I paid like $10 for this board. I think it was like 5V-30V in, so you could easily put a USB into it for lower power stuff.

Also there’s those new tiny USB-C boards that you can select which power you want by soldering a tab. It was 5V-9V-12V and maybe 15V as well? Pair that with a more powerful USB-C power brick and you could get creative with those.

>nooo you dont understand the science behind the concreterino

you just pour it and smooth it out. literal third worlders who cant speak english can pour and work with this shit

can brainlets explain this to me? the literal only difficulty is choosing the mix. actually excavating and pouring is baby shit.
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illegals do awful work 99 percent of the time. even if i grant anchor babies as a concession they do awful work as well. you can see it in the trades and construction practices. im in florida and all the work is worse than bare minimum. new construction or not. they cant even do gutters or drywall right. the only crews of illegals that kinda pass off middling work are ones with a white guy or two that slave drives them and makes them do it right. i have to specifically ask contractors what crews they run and do the work so i can be sure it's done right. i couldn't even get a cyclone fence done right with illegals. i know through personal experience on several jobs over the last twenty years. it also is a huge mea culpa from me to my friends out in the southwest that i know moved out there and have warned me about this shit for years.
>>like a rawk
Fucking origin story right here for current US wankpanzers & their self-important operators
Nonetheless I still stood at military attention for this entire commercial
>river stones
Whatever he's trying to say he's true, that old concrete that used a bunch of small riverstones was ridiculously strong.
Its really dark grey or almost bluish too. And yeah its the good shit. Probably just a lot higher cement percentage and less water in the mix is the main difference and cured for however many years in a damp location...

My old man put some drypack concrete with the absolute minimal amount of water in it to get it to stick together up under a door threshold to seal it up and packed it in there real tight with a dowel and years later when we tore that door out to replace it, that concrete was ridiculously strong and hard.

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Post a picture of your work bench, dedicated work area, or most commonly used tools for DIY. What was the last thing you worked on there, simple or big?
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I couldn't work on these grimey benches, clean your shit up

>muh '' i know where everything is''
The cope of every disorganised fool

Where are the tools?


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>do work at.
I’m not sure any work gets done at a bench lookin like that.

Wood gets fucked when your drilling and soldering and slicing shit on top of it and then PB blasting it or setting a used power steering pump on there. We’re not all autist woodworkers
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>The cope of every disorganised fool
words of a notools faggot
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Not him, but I try to have a place for everything and force myself to not leave half-completed projects laying around for more than one night, especially if it’s not your main project that you will be coming back to tomorrow.

But I’ve only learned that over the years since I’m good at keeping shit organized when I keep up with it, but if I begin to let something go for a couple weeks, then it will become a shit show for the next year and I will never clean it up.

I had these damn clamps laying random places for a couple months because they had no designated place, but I finally put a board up on the wall to hang them and it feels so much better.

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Japan does it best.
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Totally agree!
that's not even the fully metal one
My mom has a belt-driven sewing machine with a pedal that controls a clutch. It's a beast. Might even be a juki.
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That is how the Juki I have is. When my folks bought it, it was 3 phase and we had to find a single phase clutch motor for it.

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I have a couple of trees in my backyard that I want cut down, but it's too expensive as they stand. My previous neighbor killed some trees in his property by hammering some sort of spike into the trees that caused them to dry out, made them brittle, and forced them to stop growing and made them a lot easier to cut down a couple of years later. Does anyone know what he could have used to cause the trees to dry up and stop growing?
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So as not to clog up the catalog, I'd like to know basically the opposite.

I have an oak about 10" across with about 1' gash in it up and down maybe 3" across. How do I keep it from dying?
put tree wound paste so bugs and disease can't get in and wait
>Copper nails I think?

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Cordless tools are the scam of the century

>costs 4X as much as corded
>no power
>constantly changing and charging batteries
>batteries lose potency after 12 months and are costly to replace
>if you upgrade a tool, the better tool is a different brand requiring new charger and different type of batteries

Meanwhile if you have a small generator and an extension cord you can so everything cordless tools do for a fraction of the cost.
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keep polishing those turds.
>batteries lose potency after 12 months and are costly to replace
I have batteries that are over 10 years old, still going strong. some of them didn't die, I just took them apart to make adapters so I could use them corded.
>all my rechargeable battery-op tools are dead and gone
I used to have my 9.6v nicad makita when I got tired of buying batteries for it, I converted it to run on 3 cell lipo's. worked great but I found that I just wasn't using it as much as my 18v tools and it started leaking grease so I parted it out for other projects.
Well most 15A 120V tools aren’t running 1800W the whole time, that’s random peaks.

Also it’s 2024 and cordless tool brands aren’t selling 5s2p 18650 packs as their highest performing packs. Picrel is what you find in the 6.0Ah packs from DeWalt and Milwaukee, which would be the high performance packs maybe 5 years ago before tabless and pouch cells came onto the scene a year or two ago. This 6Ah pack is rated for 70A continuous @ 60% charge and being 250 cycles old. I think the DeWalt 9Ah Flexvolt pack is 3p of these cells, 105A continuous, so peak on those has to be pretty damn high.

All of the luddites here have no idea how much cordless tech had progressed since they went to lithium.
Picrel is the new 4000mAh tabless 21700 cell everybody is using in their Forge- EXP- whatever Ryobi is calling it pack. 70A continuous discharge.

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>Wow, anon, that sure is a lot of plastic.
Last Thread: >>2855489

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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The UVC light and ozone caused the necessary embrittlement in PLA after 2 days. Did about 4, 3 hour ozone cycles and 48 hours of light exposure. Going to try doing just 3 days of light as I rather not do ozone treatments since they need to be done outside. Overall I would say the results have been pretty good. Now I need to do some final testing and hopefully make some sales.
i had a similar issue with blobbing on my MPSM, ended up being a weird bend in my leadscrew, so that layer was 'shorter' on one side,
also, theres some fun bed extenders you can print for the MPSM, just add a glass bed on top of the factory heated bed and BAM, doubled bed length, and if you extend the gantry rods, and install a new belt, you can extend both your X and Y to around 240x240 before things get wobbly
then you just need to add a gantry stabilizer using either some long 6mm linear rods and a bearing, or if you're feeling fancy a second leadscrew.
then all you need to do is totally gut the machine, and install it on an aluminium extrusion frame using Voron switchwires printed parts for the motion system, then swap out the main board so you can run klipper, ditch the old motors in favour of something that can survive enclosure heats, realise you have most of the original MPSM parts sitting in a pile next to your working voron.
is it too bad of an idea is it to use blender for a relatively big project? and if it is which cad is easiest to learn for someone who has only ever used blender?
Solidworks and Fusion 360 will have the most documentation for a noob.
What is the project?
Is it even something cad/parametric related?
For a fancy door handle might as well stick to blender.

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The idea of living in a little shed sounds so comfy. If you think about it what does someone really need besides a bed, clothes, a small kitchenette, a shower and a computer desk? For poop a little outhouse outside with a composting toilet to avoid any potential smells inside. You can warm yourself with an electric blanket and cool yourself with a fan.

Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house?
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*with ratproofing
Van people make do with less
why are millennials obsessed with tiny spaces?
A smaller space entails fewer things, and fewer things mean less responsibilities and unnecessary junk to keep up with.
The "obsession" side of it stems from a social-control media cohort that rightly recognizes a need for simpler minimalist living, but the messaging becomes subverted at its core in "keeping it (life) real" by marginalizing the humanity of ones life, particularly the social and familial spheres as road blockers standing in the way to the full potential of their hedonistic recreation unhindered.
It's similar to how drug addicts eventually lose everything because of their addiction. To them the drug is the only thing that matters; they have no need for a home, a job, a family, or anything but the drug. The difference here being that the prior is voluntary whereas the later gradually becomes an inescapable matter of fact, but both fundamentally revolve around hedonism.

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also basically invented batteries, telegraphs, and computers from scratch here


and yes I do mean from scratch. dude collected literal ores from caves, smelted them in makeshift furnaces

well /diy/, how much of modern tech could you teach to a medieval society?
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>What if he did it to make a fuckload of money?
He never made a fuckload of money though. He scraped by. He sure as shit wasn't poor, but he spent every dime he made and died with very little.
You are arguing from a modern perspective, one with perfect communication methods, widely transferable currency and wealth is the only thing worthy of respected. None of those things apply to the high renaissance period.
Pretty impressive stuff!
i think you mean "recreated"
>he did it all from scratch!
no he didnt. He smelted half a golfball of material and then said "now that ive unlocked metal....". Which im not faulting him for but is waaaay less impressive than youre making it sound. Theres some decent videos on the channel, but alot of it works extremely poorly if at all. Which again, cant really fault him for, things like that take refining and practice... but its way easier to make something that barely kind of works a little bit sometimes and something that actually works as intended
just to add, i bring that up to say I really wish he got more into the weeds with stuff, and did like a whole series until he got something really working well. Probably wouldnt do as well with the ADD fags who want to see shit like "we advanced to the bronze age!!!" each new video, but i think he could garner a more loyal fanbase.

I have some poetry for you fellas

If I'm not drillin' and I'm not millin'
And I'm not even turnin'
I'll be where I'm unseen,
hidden behind my machine
Where my days aint a slog,
and I'm crankin' muh hog
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>Everything Haas sells is crap, tool holders, calipers, tools it’s all basically temu and harbor freight shit marked up
Their solid carbide, taps, and drills, are mainly YG-1, inserts are a mix of Tungaloy, Carmex, and Iscar, their shrink fit holders and NC chucks are YG-1, those aren't really Temu grade names.
>work for a Chinese machining company
>all our inserts come from China
>it's 1/3 the price of tungaloy, kennametal, and iscar
>it lasts 3 times longer than them as well
It's just wild to me that this is even a possibility. Everyone says Chinese products are shit but I suspect they only sell the shit products overseas. From what I can tell, China can do your job for a lower price and make higher quality goods.
Ball point pens
Dude I keep saying Chinese stuff is on point but people say I’m full of shit

The problem is they buy crap and yeah that’s crap

But if you go up market a little made in china isn’t exactly a bad thing

In the 70s made in Japan used to mean heap dollar store frap

I feel that china is the new made in Japan

India is the new up and comer
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Can I just walk into a machine shop and straight up ask for an apprenticeship I'm running out of options here.

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