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Can I remove this without unsoldering or cutting any pipes? It looks like I might have to cut the top pipe.
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Useful info, thanks.
Cut the pipes and reconnect with pex like a real plumber
I didn’t know most of what he said. I thought it was helpful and I learned a lot.
> Describes himself, fails to see: typical ego-controlled/possessed NPC.

You're welcome, dude.

Plastic pressure female fittings threaded over metal are never OK. Just drill that into your brain as a maxim of plumbing. Maybe you're good at Vegas odds and like to gamble against the House. But, in all practicality, that could break within 24 hrs or hold for weeks: who knows. I know if it was my house, it's totally verboten. I'm not cleaning up a flood and flood damage, because an anon said it was OK.

You always want plastic inside metal. If we look at PEX couplings that are brass, and PEX-B (non-Uponor, not PEX-A, not the expansion-type), then the copper ring or stainless steel band you put around the outside of the PEX pipe is still metal-over-plastic.

PEX-A is a different formulation, requires a dedicated expansion tool. It's one of the rare exceptions when plastic can go over metal. The connectiny get a collar, to reinforce the grip on the fitting. Somewhat similar to using SCH80 fittings, instead of SCH40.
"The connecting ends get a collar, to reinforce the grip on the fitting." fucking horrible client..

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hey /diy/ post your quick & dirty stuff.
heres mine:
Balcony door AC adapter. Build from cardboard, hot glue and sweat.
I borrowed an AC for the weekend from where I work. for it being temporary I don't feel the need to build something durable. but the heat is awful, so it must go quick.

pic 1/5
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All that stuff, you neeeeed it. The muddy water damaged CRT, the old Colman's box, the broken cabinet, the folgers cans on the stars, all of it are needed.

deleting the catwalk is a nice job. but why did you demolish the kitchen thing? by cutting it you could have used it as workbench with compartment
i cropped out the rest of the shop, but as
points out I just have too much shit. I already have workbenches, have other shit that's worth working on, but it's buried under all of this dumb shit like kitchen cabinets.
i probably would have donated them or something but I couldn't get them down the stairs alone, hence >>2827341.
you could've disassemble it into flat pieces and take it out for less time than that
I don't know why some people put extra effort in essentially breaking shit and making a mess, like fucking children with a pocket full of firecrackers
You would be a fool to get rid of that CRT.

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Cool free shit on Craigslist

Do want
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You have no idea what you are talking about.

Google 'inverter mini splits' then get a grasp of how they work. There are two high-efficiency 'window units' I know of on the market offering high-seer and an inverter style compressor.
I'd imagine they come used.
> used and sticky
He kept them 'for the articles'

could I use this and a cordless drill to make a cheap propeller for my inflatable boat?
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yes, but jerry rig your own battery pack or you'll be replacing batteries all the time
No. Attempting to use this to propel a boat will only generate laughter from others watching.
Do it anon, but you probably want a real propeller.
Battery life would be the only problem.

even shitty lithium drills have enough oompf in them to spin that thing surprisingly fast and with a shitton of torque
At this point, rent a pedal boat.

I want to put zinc strips on my roof to prevent moss. I trimmed the trees as best I could but even with a ladder and pole saw I couldn't reach everything so there's gonna be more moss. I spray moss out, but that just kills it for a season then it'll come back.

I need your tips and encouragement for working on a roof for the absolute beginner, and any tips for a good installation that won't require going back up there.
Never heard of zinc preventing moss.
Eliminating permanent shade, regular maintenance or changing the roof material to steel seem like your only options to me.

A chainsaw at the base reaches all the branches if you get my drift
It's a real thing, Home Depot sells them

Moss is good
Looks like a railroad for retards
You would know

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10 Days ago I made a thread about my couch cushions sliding across the leather couch, asking for help on how to get them better fixated. Someone here suggested rubber mesh anti slip mats so I bought one at IKEA and it works wonders. The thread was archived already but I just wanted to thank that person for the wonderful suggestion.

It was a pretty big sheet since it's normally used to place under carpets so I folded it a few times and nailed it to the bottom plate of the back cushions.

My only regret is not having nailed the first line nicely in the same direction. But hey, at least they don't touch the surface of the couch so there's no risk of damage to the leather surface.

Thanks anon, my expensive couch is now both aesthetic and practical.
Not the anon that helped you but its always good to see people that get useful advice on here!
I can't believe you didn't even use my rope and hook suggestion. Fuck you, man.
Not OP, but I liked your solution the best.
Because it wouldn't rely on friction.
Except for the aesthetic challenge of using a visible solution instead of something hidden.
Using a leather strap or some kind of contrasting webbing might have worked out and looked good.
Maybe when the carpet mat stops working OP will seek out something more sturdy.

How would one go about creating a small and discreet underground bunker?
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Get digging anon, that's probably how you do that.
this reminds me of the underground "bases" my best friend and I would draw (when were were kids). for some reason there were always rooms with boxes of TNT in them. where is your TNT anon?
Bag End was at the top of a hill.
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typical geologist, forgetting that people don't live for 250,000 years, most ROC bunkers are still somehow fine more than 40 years after construction.
Epic reddit moment :D <3

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How often do you change your sheets and wash your blankets?
How many backups do you have?
What kind of blankets, pillows and mattress do you use?
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Pillow cases, have a few. One side a night, flip the next night, then replace day 3 and wash the first one.
Clean and sensible
Wretched incel
I have a room which i use only for drying clothes and guests which sleep over. It has two beds in it. I folded some clothes on the bed and left it there for a couple of months laying. Yesterday i found small red ants walking on the bed. Like 5 of them total. I have had thise ants before, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the living room. Now they are on the bed which isnt even used. Weird
I rarely change my sheets and i sleep on the couch because tv and air conditioner
Do you really think breathing through your nose makes you immune to producing saliva?
Every Sunday. By always washing bedding on the same day of the week, it becomes a habit so I don't have the even think about when was the last time they were washed. I have two sets of "summer" cotton sheets though I typically just use one set each year. I have one set of "winter" sheets that are flannel.

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How can I fix these stairs and what tools/supplies will I need?
I hired some movers to move a gun safe into my basement and they fucked up and dropped the cart half way down and dented up the stairs. Luckily they gave me a refund but now I need to fix this shit.
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Seems like a pretty cheap repair to refund the entire cost. I guess moving a safe isn’t an expensive thing to do so maybe like 100$ is fair, although it barely even seems like 100$ worth of damage since the stairs are possibly unfinished.
>how do I fix wood
Fill it in or cut it out and replace it. What exactly are you asking? You need an itemized list with the exact size prybar? Should I add the sku on there or will you be okay with just a description?
Get a little stain that matches your stairs and stain the gouges. Call it character and see if you can live with it. If not, get some wax sticks and use that to fill the gouges. Wax is way easier to apply than filler. Still not happy? Cover it with something like carpet the whole way, metal corner guards or whatever you can think of that you'd like. Wood filler isn't going to hold up very well on those corners and it isn't going to match very easily. Custom made dutchmen repairs or inset wood corners is out of your skill level.
Only true fix is replacing the stair tops, then staining those tops. The problem is you’re never going to match the original color exactly.
Use a grey bondo and just live with it or paint the threads. Else stain match and replace the threads.

Since the stairs are fir and the floor and skirt board are oak, go ahead and replace things.
Those shitty stairs are made out of pine 2x10 framing boards. Go to the hardware store, buy a board and a small can of matching stain. Replace the treads and stain it to match. The whole job will take less than an hour (assuming you're competent) and cost like $15 in material.

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Any lawn guys here? This drought is killing me here. Lawn care/mowing thread
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>People just don't like having anything other than pure grass on theiy lawns for some reason.
Mental illness
I hope you'll eat them
>>fight moles/rodents w/ Calcium carbide+water
Doesn't work, don't bother.

Only 1 mole will exist in a lawn at a time. Kill the mole with a spring trap, and then apply castor oil granules every other month. Don't use the castor oil prior to killing the resident mole or else he will go nuts and fuck up your entire lawn.
depends on what quality of lawn you want, but for a normal non-lawn obsessed home owner, proper watering and mowing gets you like 80% of the way there.
Depends on the soil quality. I moved into a place that had a dying lawn on shit soil and it needed a hell of a lot more than water and mowing.

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So im going to be resheathing my house with 4x8 zip sheathing. I'm going to be doing it alone for the most part and I had a question on rigging.

If im doing 4x8 sheathing and lifting 1-3 sheets max at a time, do I just use 8 ft rigging slings (half of the diameter choked off) and a Clevis Slip Hook attached to the yellow 1 inch rope on the well wheel? If I have it in a choker it should be fine with two slings right? any tips for working alone?

is this all i need?


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It's a slow board dude. Most guys are at work right now. Keep it up and all you'll get is shit.
i know dude, I just didnt want it to die since its been 24+ hrs no response lol

Verification not required
Try it, and tell us how it goes. Not sure how we're gonna help you.

You need to take those tracking links, off your Amazon URLs.
> So im going to be resheathing my house with 4x8 zip sheathing.
But why, though?
It looks ugly as hell and no one does this shit anymore since like 40 years or so…
Oh, you’re American. Never mind then.
Theyre really not thay heavy to carry and move. Just throw em on the scaffolding from the ground.
If you need to overthink it, slings work fine, but will be annoying I think.
Look into lifting clamps for the spendier sexier option.

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You do NOT need THAT much mortar!!
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My 113 year old walls say this is the correct amount of mortar.

Then why can’t I take the bricks off each other. We used to do wall tiles with mortar long before tile adhesive became a thing

theres lots of styles and reasons for them
chill the fuck out
>His walls are talking
Anon... I have some bad news
>why can’t I take the bricks off each other
Friction fit
Serbian-level autism down here

Tufted Boho Throw Pillow Edition

Colour Theory - /fa/ Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Colour_Theory

40+ Interior Design Styles Defined | HGTV: https://www.hgtv.com/design/decorating/design-101/design-styles-defined-pictures

Tags: home decor, architecture, furniture,
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>Base model: Midjourney 5.2
>This resource was generated with AI.
>ai proving itself to be at least 300 years behind again
How do you introduce a color to your room? I had to buy a black and red gaming chair so I need a way to introduce the red into my room.
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>I had to buy a black and red gaming chair so I need a way to introduce the red into my room.
not necessarily, things being too matchy matchy is a common design sin. especially with a color as bold and saturated as red it's generally not something you wanna sprinkle around willy nilly. The single red pillow in pic related isn't necessarily out of place just because there's nothing else red in the room. Having unique highlights can add interest to a room. I would sooner suggest you try to add pops of other really saturated colors, especially blue or cyan and either/or yellow/orange/green. when you have no experience it's too risky to do it on big things like couches/bedding, rugs, curtains so it's safer for those to remain more neutral in the realm of black/grey/brown/beige or desaturated colors so the big pops should be reserved for things like pillows, vases, art or picture frames and other decorative objects
FYI I'm not tone/shade matching the red, instead, I've opted for a dark red table lamp to accompany my narrow-end table.

I also want to point out that the room in your photo isn't randomly colored, I see very clear red/green and red/burgundy color matching which is all relevant to color theory and what's pleasing to the eye. Even the yellow matches the blue tones of the green wall and furniture. Not to mention the dark green contrasting the red which makes it all more pleasing.

Now, if you find a cyan/magenta room that uses the same brightness; that's truly horrid. Eclecticism does not track unless it very obviously does and therefore fails the basic meaning of eclecticism. The room in your picture works because the designers behind it put a very clear thought together and managed their color palette adequately.

My room will work for the same reason, green goes to red and can split among the varying temperatures and lightnesses of each color.

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/diy/ /farm/ -- would you eat cherry plumbs growing next to where the house septic is? Just 2 people using that septic. Thanks
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You can do that.
depends. how close is the tree, how clean is the system, and whats the general above ground conditions. The general rule is to keep at least 50 feet away from a septic system to eliminate most risk of cross contamination. Personally, Ive pipped duck pond water to my plum trees before and never got sick from eatting them so I would assume the tree does a rather good job at filtering the water it takes in, but the bacteria from the human gutt can be slightly different and more dangerous in the right conditions. Also if you have a nasty leachfield that attracts insects, you can end up with contaminated fruit from bugs and birds crawling all over the fruit with their shit covered feet. I would absolutely never eat ground vegetables or shrub/berries near a sceptic but those plums look pretty tempting.
>flies land in shit water
>flies then fly to plum
>plum now has shit on it

is a legitimate concern.
how sick are you that your medicine intake pollutes the entire area around your septic tank?
your phone has more shit on it than the plums, retard
in matter of fact, your toothbrush you keep in your bathroom has more shit on it than a plum in the garden
Didn't a ton of people die in north korea because they used human poop to fertilize their crops?

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any of you qt lill fuckers doing chemistry?
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I'd rather not try what 4chan tells me to, and certainly not try what 4chan says will sip through my skin and liquify my lungs.
uncle fester would be proud
your liver is the bioreactor
anybody has some neat collection to present or funny story to share on garage chem ?

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