I'm building a coal fueled furnace with the goal of melting steel.Anyone know where you can buy crucibles suitable for that kind of temperature? I'm in northern Europe and I've done some searches but every large crucible is so expensive ( 70€+). Am I just getting expensive search results or do they actually cost that much? I'm new to this type of stuff, does anyone know a good supplier for steel melting crucibles in Europe?Thanks in advance
Alternatively could I make my own? I have good access to natural clay. I mean they managed to do it in medieval times
>>2897101>70€>expensivethat isnt expensive by any measure. Also, the one in your picture is a graphite crucible not clay. Steel can't just be melted in any open side container bc it reacts with the oxygen in the atmosphere. Steel is an advanced level metal foundry material, it sounds like you need a bigger budget and to learn more about the subject to do what you want.
200 km/h in the Wrong Lane editionPrevious thread: >>2864357Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU>New to /ham/? Read this shit!http://www.arrl.org/what-is-ham-radiohttps://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/amateur-radio-service>Your search engine of choice works well too!>The FAQ is now back:>https://wiki.cybsec.io/index.php/HamFAQ>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2896754>not using the superior dipole wire
Why are all of you so fucking fat?
>>2896754>>2896818>giving money to the wire jewsNegro please
>>2897090Based rain gutter chad.
>>2897116Why no counterpoise? If you are not using a counterpoise, should you not be using a 49:1 instead of a 9:1?
1. How hard would be crafting a release nut, when I don't have access to the lathe or hardly to any electric tools right now?2. What kind of wood would be best for stock? Soft, hard or maybe something inbetween?
>>2894202make a few pvc ones to start/experiment.
>>2896982How many shots do you get out of the pvc bow?
>>2896314Can your bow penetrate level IIIa standard issue police body armor?Or do you have to aim for the neck like some sorta william tell?(Dear FBI this post is satirical in nature)
>>2896982i thought they start to get fatigue quickly after a certain time but maybe i'm wrong. kiddie me made the limbs out of wood and carbon fibre
>>2897095For me, it’s car suspension spring steel
post your brews. ask about brews. hops are for trannies.previous thread: >>2867914
>>2896116>My instincts are telling me this is suboptimal and that it will somehow allow for stray yeasts to get inDon't hold the Mr. Beer kit to impossible standards, it was sold at Target 20 years ago>>2896218Kvass is fundamentally a lactoferment, yeast is not relevant
>>2896278It's also what turns our cartilege brown
>>2896384based knower
i feel like i am not getting the most out of my grains. i am going to try milling it into flour and see how many brix points i gain
>>2896743You'll get more, IF you can get it. lauter might be a bitch
Hello /diy/ my philips air purifier bit the dust no pun intendedthe repair shop is asking me at least 60 bucks to fix it with genuine philips parts but a replacement considering the price of the filters it's just a little more expensiveSince it's a glorified fan in a nice enclosure is it possible to bypass the logic board and connect the fan directly to a something that will give it the right power and an on off switch?I don't know shit about electrical engineering but it couldn't be that hard to power a fan, right?The purifier also came with some smart features like dust sensor, a reminder to clean the filters wnd power settings that i couldn't care less since I used to keep it running on minimum 24/7 in my room bedsidethank you for your help anons
>>2893739>so I guess a simple power supply wont be enoughlooks like a very standard AC motor at 120V (or 240V for the yuro cucks) with multiple taps for diff speeds, just like a desk fanneeds a 1.5uF cap at 450V between 2 wires, which you can determine by backtracing the pins on the circuit boardan AC voltmeter, and a willingness to die for a cause, would prove helpfulbest guess is you apply 120V across the 3-rd and 6-th, or 3-rd and 7-th, wires to power it upto avoid burning things up, i'd put a high-wattage bulb (150W or better) in series with the power wires to limit current
>>2893628How long did it last? I have a generic noname one that has been running 24/7 for years, they've discontinued the filter for it so I've been looking into building my own or modding it to fit cheaper amazon hepa filters.
you can buy a 'pc fan ac adapter' and power it with a (quiet) pc fan
>>2893628so you failed to mention exactly what parts they need to replace. also did you try to find the part online and fix it yourself? most of the "repair charges" is labor. parts are cheap for repair places they make their money on charging you for their time and labor.
This worked for mehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box
A container can support hundreds of tonnes on top of it, as this is what it was designed to do.What if you turn the container onto its side, so that the earth is pressing against the panels that are designed to take weight and pressure?Any thoughts? I plan on burying mine later this summer.
>>2896932Of course not. They're all lying to you because they don't want you to succeed. You should totally do this and move in full time. Be sure to live stream yourself during the first good rain. For science.
>>2896126>A container can support hundreds of tonnes on top of it, as this is what it was designed to doNo, only in the corners, thats why theyre stacked in such a way.But really using a container the only benefit you get is that you get an instant hull which is literally the easiest part to build. Also radiation would seep through so youd need another layer of lead or so.Just get 60cm thick reinforced steel concrete, ghat keeps out all radiation
>>2896920Based, the jew fears the instant-noodle-plus-super-glue-engineerInstant noodle super glue weapons cannot be detected by thermal optics or metal detectors
Go for it OP. These people saying no are simply trying to trick you out of following your dreams out of jealousy. Do not listen to them.
This might be a better option OP
How hard do you think it would be to convert a small room into a sauna for somebody who has used a miter saw once under the supervision of his father 10 years ago
>>2895760you're a cultist
>>2894088If you got a good method to dry it out after use, that is true.But if not, then the excess moisture trapped as air moisture has to go somewhere when the carry capacity decreases and the dew point increases. Heat and steam? Easy.Ventilation, and moisture barriers? Harder
Google it. Here in Finland most people have a sauna in their home, and the most common method is urethane panels with vapour barrier on the inner walls, combined with an "aluminum" paper type vapour barrier and then paneling. Good air circulation is also important, so an exhaust from inside the sauna, and not turning the stove off until you actually leave the sauna, making sure the sauna dries out with the residual heat. Its really not rocket science, if you can manage wet spaces you can manage saunas.
The outer layer is just decoration. Sauna starts with good ventilation, the oven needs air. You also have to have ventilation to the steam to eventually escape.You want moisture damage? No? You must isolate it with moisture protection then add plastic layer to walls and roof. Tiles on floor. Then you can start the wooden decorations.
>>2893982This is fucking genius
What’s the story on these big ~1000w, ~3000rpm corded handheld drills? Who uses them for what? I thought speeds that fast were only for really small bits in soft metal, where you’d be using a drill press or mag drill or something.Or conversely, why do cordless drills usually top out at ~2000rpm?
>>2895621>For drilling holes into concrete or stone walls??????SDS drills do that much better for a similar price
>>2894022>you’re retarded… your brain obviously cannot model the forces in the joint. Mine can’t either obviously, or else I would be explaining them instead of just seething.. but I feel like it’s right based on my limited experience.
>>2888734That 1 and 2 you see right there in the gearbox housing is the two different speeds. Toggle switch on top is the hammer setting. Back by the motor air inlet is the forward-reverse switch.These suck balls for hammer drilling compared to a rotary hammer.
>>2895718The forces in the joint are he screwed into the end grain on both sides of the table leg. That means he needs a 5" screw designed for connecting 4x4s to get any purchase in the splitty end grain. More importantly, it's a rejection of the fundamental challenge of joinery, distributing stress away from weak points like the end grain. Putting the leg inside the box frame means you're screwing across the grain into the leg from both directions. Looks like a troll image with the insanely rough cut on the table leg.
>>2896145I was mocking the joint, not defending it>it’s a troll imageThen I’ve been le epically owned I guess
I don't consider you a real man if you leave the guard on the grinder.
>>2874089whats the name of that metal piece holding the grinder?
>>2895747plumbers strap
>>2874089>>2874056Why not use the handle securing bolt holes to properly attach it to something sturdy?
>>2873799You guys ever heard of this japanese guy Yasuhiro?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39fu5ZoYxs
>>2895814yeah, I opened his vid linked here once, about jigsaws, I think, then saw a fuckload of subscribers. I also watched his related similar vid about planes. some of his rigs were amazing
Are there any products already made in mind to run power from the car battery into the dashboard for a usb hub or hub with wires/ports for different voltages to power aux stuff like usb/wire gps for anti-theft tracking, etc? Most products out there go into the odb port or only have wiring for 1 device from the battery to the device, but I want to have the option to plug in something into a usb port in addition to a wired connection, etc. Do any products like this already exist that allow you to DIY your own car appliances? Nothing 110v, just stuff like usb/car gps device, etc.
>>2896222>Are there any products already made in mind to run power from the car battery into the dashboard for a usb hub or hub with wires/ports for different voltages to power aux stuff like usb/wire gps for anti-theft tracking, etc?you want to try that again, this time while not high on crack.
This?https://www.ebay.com/itm/233887235068Or this?https://www.ebay.com/itm/334174953699
you mean a 12 volt outlet? If yes. there are thousands of options.And why are you wiring straight to the battery? You can tap into, or even use unused parts of, the cabin fuse box.
I don't think I've posted since the purge a few months back. Here to answer any stone related questions. >Been working with stone for a few decades, running my own company for most of that time>My company mainly does repair work, but I have been a stone slab installer, fabricator etc. I also consult and do some layout/design work>Here to answer questions about stone selection, repair, applications, maintenance etc.>Happy to answer any questions for our budding entrepreneurs, contractors etc. regarding running a small business working with luxury products/clientele. I won't bump this thread, I'm terribly busy at work but will do my best to check in daily
>>2888861>stopped installing as my main work I figured this was the caseThe only thing I dont like about schluter is thinset is not waterproof and they use it to put the waterproof banding down. It takes 4 days to wick across it. Not something that happens in regular showers which can dry out between showers. However steam is much more aggressive. >allowed to cureNo they put the tile up, broke thinset ridges and then hit tile with a viberator, then put the weight on with no cure
Hey man, I'm thinking of getting this sort of job. I have a stone cutter literally by my house. I'm not sure what kind of job he does, but he has massive slabs out front where he works. I'd personally like to get a job there (I'm in the North east too, so it might be you lol). What might/should I say or do and such to get in? Really interested in this. Thank you
>>2887157how do i find a vendor that will sell me boulders/ pillars for carving? not slabs or pavers but large blocks?
>>2888740not OP but you can make picrel with an variable angle bridge saw. you can rent these at home depot for 80 for 1 day or 300 for a week. it is not difficult at all. i was a complete beginner but i was able to skillfully cut 300 miter cuts for a paver veneer project i posted on a thread here. the most important thing is to buy the correct saw and know what side of the stone chips the finished side the most when cutting. that said, some very important things to consider. the thicker the saw the better it is at stabilizing vibrations, so a pearl abrasive saw sucks because of how thin it is. TURBOMESH DIAMOND BLADE ALWAYS no other option. i really liked the cheap diapro saws i used. affordable and comparable to most blades on the market. that said, it depends on the stone and if you look at the options on Diamond Tool Store, there are a lot to choose from. these blades are expensive and only worth if you are looking for longevity. lastly, use knife grade epoxy and miter clamps to glue the stone together. i used RIVO 50 2 part to glue my project. only thing that i should have known is that the 50 means 50 minutes before tacky, so it look me weeks to glue up all the parts because i should have gotten the RIVO 20.also, there’s a lot i did and didnt like about my work in picrel. travertine is very flaky and chips easily so it wasn’t perfect knife corners like i wanted, the fact that they were inch thick pavers also made it difficult to get a good miter that fit together tightly, so some edges the epoxy shows. take aways: choose a harder stone
Best thread ever very helpful as I'm ordering countertops.
I'm looking for plans and ideas for a woodstove type heater for a 12x14 room. I've seen random bullshit posted in forums and YouTube. Can't make sense of any of it. I've also come across rocket heaters/stoves that are shown as the next coming of Christ but to me feels like a gimmick. What I'm looking for is tried and tested plans that don't burn your house down don't kill you in your sleep due to CO poisoning. And those could be either traditional stove type or rocket stove type. Also something that would burn efficiently without using a shit ton of wood. I need to burn it mainly for sleeping as I have a traditional mass heater in my living room. Any ideas ? I can weld and have access to basic metalwork tools, nothing fancy.
>>2892444wasted numerals giving mouthservice to pl*bbit
>>2892444trueany metal gluer seems drawn to them, shame they warp and corrode from the heat...here's one guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAhdGzujmRQ
>>2880467How about a wood gas generator?
Not DIY, but a heater.I want an infrared heater that is small, portable, quick to turn on/off, emits directed heat, and would be safe to place e.g. on a couch.Most IR heating panels will do what I want, but they are at least 60x60cm and are often supposed to be mounted on a wall with no convenient way to place them in random locations.Some panels have retarded non-directed design, i.e. they radiate heat at the front and and the back.Heaters like pic related (this one have a marble slab inside) accumulate and release heat instead of just emitting it, so you can't just turn it on and get instantly cozy.Any recommendations?
A spiral wound heat exchanger with the tea/soup pot out of the fire could be folded out of one piece of sheet metal with crimped/brazed seams only on the outside. Since liquid holdup will be too low I either have it flow through once or it could recirculate using a thermosyphon or steam bubble-airlift pump.
What's a good 3D printer to buy? My budget is around $200. I'm an mature, & I'm mostly gonna use it for printing minis & knicknacks
>>2896570>The best diy 3d printer?Probably a hot-rodded Voron tailored to your specific use case.>Which is the least expensive and smallest to make?This is a very different question. The usability of cheap purchased printers and the time need to DIY means that DIY printers are mostly aimed at higher-end markets (e.g. Vorons). Some Voron Zero kits are fairly cheap (though more expensive than many ready-made printers).
>>2894781>muh Bambu conspiracy I see Reddit is leaking. >>2894971Yes. >>2895367Retard conspiracy theories >>2895871Better than everything else in the same price range?
>>2896738Until somebody releases open-source software for bambulab printers aint buying them.Only thing good about them is the quality of assembly, comparing to Prusa cheaper. But their software and all this shit is THE reason why they are shit. >muh Bambu conspiracy >I see Reddit is leaking Go back. >inb4 Ender 3 fanboy Creality printers are shit too, plus did you see their "mobile app"? they have literal fucking adds with premium subcscriptions and other shady shit. I hate them as much as I do the bambulab. >inb4 Prusa fan Prusa are good but their price is shit, they cost thrice the same quality printers, but other than that pretty meh-okay company.
I'm thinking about getting a ender3 V3 plus over a A1 because I know they both will break but I can repair one while the other will need proprietary parts. is it retarded ?
cheap shoewear tends to get torn down easily, what are some ways to recycle them?Some ideas>remove the shoelaces to reuse them or to have spares>turn worn down sneakers into stay-at-home slipperswhat else?
the rubber is great, not sure were to use it.>>2896359I thought this was a drug dealer symbol, "drugs sold here".
>>2896330>cheap shoewear tends to get torn down easily, what are some ways to recycle them?>Some ideas>>remove the shoelaces to reuse them or to have spares>>turn worn down sneakers into stay-at-home slippers>what else?Just because of this retarded post I'm going to take an old pair of my steel toed logger boots and chop the toes off for some nice beach-ready flip flops... I bet my wife will love it.
>>2896330If they're not totally trashed, "abandon" them somewhere for a homeless guy to find.>>2896372I tried to repair a hole in one of my shoes once, but it left an uneven bump that wound up causing a blister when I wore them.
>>2896330>Some ideas>remove the shoelaces to reuse them or to have sparesIngenious. How did you come up with that?
>>2896330Boy youre in for a time when you visit the jolocaust museum
I live in a basement of a 20 year old house. I just heard two large bangs from the ceiling, about 15 minutes apart. Should I be concerned? It was much louder than your average duct noise.
>>2896523I heard a joist in my attic snap. I waited nearly a year to get around to sistering in some wood.Keep an eye out for anything sagging or bowing every few months over the next year. You can shine a bright flashlight flush against the ceiling, dips will cast long shadows.
>>2896948>can’t into contextual clues >calls others autistMany such cases. Sad!
>>2896523Are there water lines running through the floor/ceiling? Could be vacuum shockwaves or whatever they're called. It's like water hammer but louder and only under certain conditions.
>>2896523Yes, fucking run and get a pro to check it out, youre playing with your life
Look I'm just trying to squat in your attic in peace ok. I fell asleep and dropped the tv remote. Pretend I'm an endangered bat or something