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G'day /diy/ I want to build a tractor from off the shelf parts similar to the Chamberlain Champion.
I have my c670 for a reference of what I'm wanting to make.
I can't remember where I stored the draft image.
An upgrade I want to do is extend the middle of the chassis to fit a cabin in front of the rear axle.
The next upgrade I want to do is add rear suspension like on a jcb fastrac for better road handling and driver comfort.
I will stick with 2wd but if I can get a front axle for fwa that allows me to turn just as tight as 2wd, I will take that for a option that others may want.
My power requirement is 60-100hp Naturally aspirated more if turbocharged so either a 4 or 6 cylinder perkins 1000 series or same model caterpillar.
Farm Show magazine has scanned back issues for sale and is THE goldmine of farmer-built equipment. Subscribe for a year on top of that and you'll be up to speed.
This. Subscriber too.

How do you make a mattress made out of eczema/allergy friendly materials? I want to use 100% organic cotton, farm sourced wool, and natural latex. The mattress is going to be covered by a dust mite mattress cover at all times. There must no springs withing the mattress as it can get nasty on the inside.
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Doesn't work that way.
OP. Fuck all that bullshit you were going to use. Sew a 8 x 4 ft cotton sack and stuff it with as much straw as you can. Experiment with the coarseness of the shred and report back.
I chuckled.
Tried a hammock yet? Learn the varieties. They can be very comfy.

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I didn’t know where else to ask, I made a shitty like accent wall of these 3d panels to cover up ugly old panel board, but they have gaps that I can’t seem to remedy between the panels. I know some people use like caulk for it, but I’m trying to find a way not to damage the paneling below. I’ve used double sided tape to hold the actual panels up.

Any ideas
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>a way not to damage the paneling below
>double sided tape
Pick one
A quick cocktail napkin calculation appears to show that 3D printing them would cost about 50% more than purchasing the ready made panels from HDX. But you would be able to make them interlocking, so it might be worth it.
What I use is alien tape and I’ve tested it. It works well and doesn’t trod up the wood so far.
All tape adhesive will eventually dry up, bond to the surface and ruin something. Might take 5 years, 10 years or more, but it will happen. The only way to prevent it is periodically replacing the tape with fresh stuff.
How periodically would you recommend?

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not sure if this should be here or /g/ but i think i'll go with here. I really would like to try to do something like this to an old tape deck unit ive found - similar pioneer model. I'm assuming he's wired in the output of the phone to where the heads send signal but i have no idea wher i'd start on something on this.. has any one done anything similar and can advise? thx.
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Neat project.
Take a car cassette adapter, and stuff a Pi Zero and a small battery inside it.
Then SSH into the Pi and play anything you want.
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>can advise?

- a tape deck like that doesnt have an amplifier inside, so you have to add an external one to drive speakers
- it likely has a line level input and a line level output -- that means, around 0.1Vac
- it's super super easy to convert to bluetooth:
- find any old bluetooth speaker with charger, but one with headphone jack
- buy a lil cable that converts headphone jack to RCA plug
- connect BT speaker to LINE input using said cable
- connect stereo to LINE output
get cassette adapter that has bluetooth in it.
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1. play fucking tapes in it
2. funny bluetooth tape
you'll get better sound using a plain bluetooth module connected to your stereo though

I started stacking silver bullion recently and I decided to try making my own silver round since I am already a 3D modeller.
Is there any CNC services that will take a 3d model and build a custom die out of it. Services I've seen only seem to take flat images and do a simple extrude that leaves a simple impression.
If not can I design a die and hire a general CNC company to make it? Would I have to do a volume calculation to account for metal expansion?

Also where do I get a 1.5 inch hole punch for a hydraulic press?
Thank you I love you
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also look at these jeets doing this shit. I really can't recreate this?
>are you pressing coins?
that or setup the die to use a hammer
how are you planning on making the die?
Learning to engrave with a dremel
I kneel

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How do you become not retarded mechanically?
I've always thought maintenance people were so awesome but I don't have that kind of brain
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Take some kind of formal training and ignore the haters since it's the fastest most effective way to begin. I recommend auto shop courses at your local community college since if you can work on cars you can work on most anything and what you learn will save you far more than the course costs.
Was the head of maintenance at a 200 unit apartment. After a few years pretty routine stuff.
The problem…PEOPLE to be more specific WOMEN. Most were very nice and thankful.
Two in particular were insufferable. I carried my phone with video running thank god because it saved my ass. The hours suck being on call.
Awakened after 2 hrs sleep to plunger a shitbfilled toilet etc… Never again, granted it paid well…not worth it
>try fixing/making things
>break them and fuck them up
>notice what caused previous step
>don't do it again
>repeat until you're good at it
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>Righty tighty lefty loosey

That's it. There really isn't much more to it.

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>take cardboard box
>cut hole for air register
>sucks cooler air from higher up
>energy bill is cut in half

This is why boomers have money and youre always broke.
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Too cold? Put on a jumper
Too hot? Open a window
Just saved you 100% of your energy bill.
>Too hot? Open a window
Lol ok
>77 deg inside apt
>That's too hot for comfort
>90 deg outside
>Open the window like anon says
>OMG why is it just getting hotter in here all of a sudden??
>call upon elder magicks
>opened a window to Omtose Phellack
>entire energy company rendered inconsequential next to your millennium-long reign of tyranny
this is why Jaghut have power and youre broke
Ok, Delat
I guess I should have said Raest

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where do i start with a proof of concept?
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Why not simply buy a golfcart and modify? Even if you're replacing major components motor, battery etc. this will absolutely be cheaper and maybe more "passing" if that matters to you
Start by reading your road laws. Unless you have access to a closed course, that is.
The next step depends on whether you need a prior registration or not. If you do, get a small offroad car or a minitruck. It should have solid axles (and preferably harder springs, since batteries are heavy) and a frame / body construction. Tear out the engine and gas tank, mount an electric engine and battery and you've got an electric car. Replace the body with reinforced plastic for extra range.
If you don't need a prior registration, you can weld / rivet the frame yourself and could probably even build your suspension and transmission yourself, if you can drill and cut precisely enough and stick with a single gear. Multiple gears would require rather complicated machining unless you're starting from a working transmission and only changing it slightly.

You could also work with a one-piece body instead of body / frame, but that would be much harder as the chance of your engine and battery fitting the mounting points is almost zero, and machining adapters everywhere would be pretty hard.
Get an electric golfcart, and drop in LFPo packs. Learn how an electric vehicle works, by using one and working on it. Don't make something from scratch that you have zero experience with.
I'm so tired of 'symbolic maxxing' (totem maxxing if you prefer that term).
Stop putting the fucking panels in the frame if you aren't in a competition. Just use foldable panels or the grid.

Stupid concepts like that delayed the adoption of EVs.

Apterra has the right idea, integrated into the bodywork. But I agree

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Shite situation resulted in needing to butcher another Mutton. Fucking flock sire ram broke his leg.

used orange bottle solution.

butcher day scraped & salted. fold skin side onto itself. scrape again 16 hrs later. add 2nd round of salt, fold in on itself again. 24 hrs later, scrape again. salt 3rd time leave open face up. scrape again 16 hrs later. wash hide in dawn soap, lay on rack to dry overnight, next day, while still wet, work in orange bottle tan agent. over next week, alternate between storing folded and stretching to allow slow drying and softening.

Ron (white) will most likely become our headboard. will contour cut some 1.75cm sheet wood, decorative head nail around his perimeter, then stuff 2cm worth of wool between hide and wood.

blaze (black) is a rug in front of our bedroom wood stove.

these are my 4th and 5th attempt at tanning.
does this make the dog feel uncomfortable?
that dog looks pretty comfy to me.
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to add: I missed one step in description. after the 3rd scraping, wife submerged hide into a salt bath for 4 hours. I also think, that I DID NOT wash in dawn soap after salting. I think that was prior to starting the process, directly after skinning.

picrel is skin side of black hide shown in OP, after final scrape, just prior to working in tan agent.
For a second I thought they were wolf hides and became concerned for the dog.
your house fucking stinks

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I'm scheduled for an IBEW apprenticeship interview tomorrow and I am so unprepared. I want to work in this industry but I really don't even know where to start. I've done projects around my house, like running wires for lights and installing outlets. I just finished building frames and putting up screen walls on my porch. I just don't have any real work experience doing this kind of stuff. I have hobbies like soldering and repairing old electronics.

My only real work experience has been in restaurants and retail, and honestly I haven't worked in almost a year since I left my last job at walmart. I was just reading that I should bring in a resume and application portfolio, which I don't have.

If I don't come in for the interview tomorrow then I have to wait 6 month before I can apply again, but if I do the interview and get a shitty score then I'm stuck with that score for 2 years before I can reapply. Should I go in and try and get what I get, or should I just take 6 months to figure out what the fuck I'm actually doing and try again? And, where do I even start with that? I'm in Texas, btw
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>haven't worked in almost a year
I think what you meant to say was,
>spent a year doing volunteer work and caring for my elderly grandparents including rewiring their 1920s house to comply with modern code

As a handyman who does some electrical, I can say this.

Don't be scared to covertly work on the side, and don't be scared to start your own thing as fast as you can. The IBEW wants you to be their bitch for years before you can finally have your own company.

If you can work in secret on the side and make $90 an hour, then do that shit.

I wired some outlets today and made $80 an hour. Never been a part of any union or had any formal training in my life. Fuck the system.
Making 96/hr working in the union with no responsibilities or liabilities. Git gud, scab.
If your in north alabama bring lip balm.
You got to suck a dick to get a IBEW job here.
That's what I tried to pursue, found out the main "qualifications". I went to college.
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Where I'm at in Tennessee, if you're trying to apply without any professional experience, you're almost guarenteed to be rejected; But, your local probably offers a "CW/CE" program where you're able to do entry level electrical work for the union without actually being part of the apprenticeship.

It's super easy to get into the CW work, and it offers you a clear path into the apprenticeship as a source of relevant experience for your resume, and professional electricians for to use for references.

You'll be getting paid dirt, and you should expect to be doing it for atleast a year, before even starting the 5 year apprenticeship, but it's your best bet if you haven't already been doing non-union electrical work.

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I've been doing the overhand loop my entire life and its always worked fine. Why do boomers push these meme knots so hard? They seem inferior in every way to the simple overhand loop.
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how are you going to hoist a 5 gallon bucket without a barrel hitch?
What's that japanese artform where you knot scarves to make bags and other ornate uses?
Anon, you can't call women bags.
Cryptic? Do you have 14 IQ?
They do have a lack of knowledge and the only question they asked was "muh boomer" retard cope.

Somone is selling this on fb marketplace for $75. How much work do you think it would take to make it into an anime girl?
>male bone structure
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just buy an anime sex doll
is that a roast in butchers twine as the chest?
Cool, it already has cum stains.

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are old CDs/DVDs the DIY final boss?
I've noever seen anything done with them, nothing remotely useful or interesting. the most you get is some mosaic or some other "art" stuff.
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you're taking them the wrong way
its inherently stupid to try and diy them for use in stuff that isnt digital
the real DIY experience is using these cds to burn and pirate stuff onto it, and doing things like pic rel where you cut up regular cds to fit into a gamecube (this does actually work its been tested)
I thought of this kid when I saw this thread.
Look up old things people did with AOL disks. I bet you'll find something. I remember having huge stacks.
CD's nuts!
>needed to use a CD for the first time in a decade
>search around, find stack of CDs and get my old Hirens BootDisk
>has disc rot and wont actually boot

Good riddance, im going to throw them all in the dumpster

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Im looking for good/budget 180/360 security cameras that have good image quality and preferably some kind of zoom that I can also control from my phone and PC preferably with some open source software
I have bought three Tuya WiFi cameras but they suck and the software sucks as well
Im also looking for a good spy cam, something not noticeable since im trying to catch if someone is messing with my shit
Reolink has regular sales on their ebay stores. Not their main website, it's always got some 'special deal' counter which is so gay and retarded.

You should be able to get the Argus Eco w the solar charging that only needs 2.4ghz wifi to send you alerts when it sees movement. ~$35

Tip: Use Pro Endurance Samsung microsd cards w your cameras. ~$12

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I attempted to spruce up my scratched up green laminate counters by painting on some Rust-Oleum appliance epoxy, but it's not hardening.
I prepped the surface by sanding and whipping down with isopropyl, then applied 2 coats spaced an hour apart. However, now 2 hot days of good ventilation later I can still easily make fingernails marks into it, and just about anything on it tears or dents the paint.

Did I just get a bad batch of epoxy, or is the appliance epoxy just really soft?
I even painted the top of the can and put it outside for a day to find it's not much harder. I expected something like the paint on the side of my fridge.

Is there a harder epoxy or paint I can use?
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Use some catalyst hardener and japan drier with it.
Paint is notorious for sometimes not drying properly. You should have waited longer than 1 hour to recoat. Experience has taught me you ALWAYS shake the devil out of the paint before you use it and you ALWAYS make damn sure it's dry before you recoat. Running some tests to check dry times would be worth it, too. It is going to dry when it dries. Might take a week, a month, a year. Who knows. It WILL eventually dry, though. Trying to redo it is going to be a huge mess, I don't recommend it. Give it a week or so with proper ventilation and see what happens.
Since it's already on there, there's not a whole lot you can do with it other than stripping the paint off or replacing the countertop. Only thing I can think of that might salvage things as they are would maybe be to slap a coat of clear epoxy resin over top of the paint?
Throw a box fan on it to speed up off gassing so it can cure faster.
Not enough hardener.

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