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Ausfags: where can I buy standing seam copper roofing? I need one small piece (1650mm x 1250mm) and I can't find a supplier anywhere.

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>first time trying to do model painting
>Fuck up and put too much primer
>wife points out nail polish remover sister left out on her bathroom sink
>leave it to soak in solo cup for a second on edge of kitchen sink
>turn around and see it fucking melted
>pic rel
We put olive oil + vinegar, is there anything else that we can do? Grandma's gonna be pissed.
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Here's what it did to the mech, the mech itself is mostly okay, I can feel where it's softened on the thinnest parts but the base is absolutely fucked
I took a whiff of the remover stuff right before I used it and my head still hurts
Unironically use the remover to remove the melted plastic off the cabinet.
Nail polish remover is generally slightly diluted acetone with some moisturizer so it doesn’t dry your nails out to powder, if it’s making your head hurt make sure your wife’s sister isn’t using car enamel to paint her nails.
acetone is biologically pretty harmless, in fact it’s a metabolic byproduct produced inside your body. It will however fuck plastic amazingly as you have discovered.
Tried this, even looked away for a minute while scrubbing to make sure it wasn't placebo... It was. I think it has soaked into the wood.

any good sites out there for learning tools and basic common parts for true beginners and what they do?

the extent of my DIY knowledge is I took the flow restrictor out of the showerhead, and I put together this chair from the pic, which took an hour doing it in my small room trying to figure out how i'm supposed to keep the arms and the seat all together with 2 hands while a third hand screws them in before realizing I could just do it one at a time and slide the seat in. also kept trying to jam in a piece that apparently you just lightly put in and fold down.

Like, i watched a video of someone putting it together beforehand, but it was a different model, but he called the wheels "casters" and i would've just called em wheels. Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws? etc. These kinda basic things I have to know before attempting anything else.

Other than that I just make furniture out of boxes cuz im poor. My current desk is a keyboard stand with a plank of wood from my old ikea bed on top of it, extended out on each side by a mountain of boxes which double as a place where i can keep stuff. I'm pretty proud of this ingenuity ngl.
>Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws?

It's either a flatwasher or a lockwasher. One is to keep the screw from getting pulled through the hole and the other is to keep it from loosening itself from general use.

Here is as good a place as any to learn the basics. There are also several good youtube channels like Project Farm or DIY Basics
I think you may want more basis in basic science stuff like materials (hardness, elasticity, stress concentrations), statics, and basic ’machine’ parts (bearings, screws, bolts, hinges). The rest is just doing stuff. Disassemble something, question why parts are there, or why they are shaped like they are. Try to build something and question why it fails.

Most shit is designed just by someone with knowledge and experience wondering “how do I make this thing not fail, cheaply”. Also look into manufacturing (what’s “how it’s made”). A lot of stuff these days is designed the way it is just to make them easy to manufacture.

There’s a great book called ‘Structures’ by L.E. Gordon that explains a lot of basic considerations on how to build stuff. There’s also Industrial Production by Kals which is a uni textbook that goes over standard parts and methods of producing and attaching things
Rather than searching for sites, which can be ephemeral, and require a computer set up, go for books.

You can get many great basic diy books at thrift stores, with titles like The Home Digest Fix It Yourself Guide. You can also get some great educational books by finding the appropriate FM or TM military manual.
A lot of those are on sites like SCRIBED if you want pdf files rather than hardcopy.

A great book for the absolute beginner:
yes. go to any archive magazines
if your feeling more adventurous
go on like google books or some other archive look up popular mechanichs
honesty there is so much out there
just not modern

How do I build a cabin in Australia?
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>How do I build a cabin in Australia?
oh don't bother. you asked on 4chan. the first sign you are a moron and incapable of doing things.
Oh just shut the fuck up you little nigger
Oh just shut the fuck up you little nigger
He's right tho. You don't even live there so you're too stupid to deserve an answer other than ridicule. You will never do it because you had to ask such a basic question rather than find the ample information on which to base useful questions.

You are fucktarded, cannot understand why being proof. Just shut up you little nigger.
Probably should start with being in Australia, or finding a ship that will transport your diy pre fabbed shed to Australia. Probably won't fit inside a shipping container so some boats might not want to try to take it on... actually just grab one of the shipping containers and you'll be fine.

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What would I need to do to make this house able to be lived in? It doesn't have to be perfect
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There arent enough bullets in the world to solve N
Give this non profit a call
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I do not think this is a good idea.
>Tiny libraries good.
>>Educated, well read, extra income
As nigger repellent?
one of them will casually throw all the books out onto the lawn just to laugh like chimps and then on the return trip riding a bike it stole will wonder who did dat because it already forgot
mexican here
on the subject of nigger repelents

anything with fucking jesus will fucking drive them away
i mean they wont fuck with you if you have afuckton of jesus shit and croses and shit
a fucking black pasture comes over lol

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/diy/ /farm/ -- would you eat cherry plumbs growing next to where the house septic is? Just 2 people using that septic. Thanks
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red wiggler worms
tiger worms and shit
eat poop
they can eat horse poop and cow poop allday
worms can feed chickens,
none of us have problem eating chickens that ate bugs. thats what they do
Sometimes, yeah. Not all the E Coli outbreaks are from workers shitting in the fields.
pasture grass poop
human chicken cow horse poop
maggots or earthworms eat poop
fed chickens maybe pigs or even reptiles lizards, racoon squireell,
like feed them tons of worms maggots fly larvea can also be grown in poo

take animals butcher said animals for meat
eat meat
feed other bigger animals
for more meat and profit

my mom use to eat iguana
do you guys remember blade runner
the guy at the beggging living on mars or some shit growing giant larvea to feed on
yes fucking roots can extract fucking vitamins water and nitrogen from poo water. how the fuck do you think forest grow

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In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

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Both my 5in and whoop get physically bumped by small birds
assert dominance
attack them first go full throttle at them until they shit themselves or fly away

they attack because they think you're a pussy
The only birds that have come after mine have been hawks, and my favorite is a 2 incher. The fuck kind of birds are you dealing with?
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No probs, I'm rocking one of these now and it's help up the last few jumping sessions surprisingly, Chinesium 7075 stronk.
1-4 kHz noise emitter

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>can't be sharpened
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Wouldn't use a cutoff saw, but a stationary belt sander or grinder is absolutely awesome if you want to pre-sharpen a bunch of them.
but anon I can't grab a regular pencil in my leg pocket as easily, they're just too small
Why would I do that when I get a free one of these every time I go to the lumber yard?
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>>can't be sharpened
Working as a carpenter? Are you installing some cabinets in the kitchen for an office space?

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I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?

no one at adv helped me so i guess this is sorta like a DIY project...
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OP here holy shit i didnt know this could happen sorry that's happened to you. my problem is i start wheezing and coughing up black phlegm when in a cat-place too long i dont know how im gonna do this but i have no choice i thought if i threw money at it i could clean it to an almost unnoticeable extent though but everything i've read seems to say cat dander is there to stay.
the RV is part linoleum, part carpet, if it makes any difference
Dont live with MOMMY is the best advice
Why? its the only way to save money. Otherwise i am working all the time and not able to keep any of it
>moving into the basement of your mom’s small RV
so wait
are you going to be living in an actual hole in the ground?
no im just joking that its like a basement on wheels
any other input toward the actual question here?

Is it feasible to JUST build decks for a living and NOTHING else? I fucking hate doing all the other carpentry shit like framing walls and insulating and doing gay ass bullshit like sheetrock. The only thing i like doing is building decks
Yes if you realize that deck jobs often also involve stairs and railings and fencing...if you refuse to do anything but the flat part and it's underpinnings you'll likely get passed over for people willing to do everything involved to get a turnkey outdoor recreation area from one contractor.
Not just feasible, it's a good idea to be specialized (if you are good at it). If people want a deck they want a deck specialist building it, not some "I can do anything for cheap" guy.
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yes holly shit wtf yes. you know framing and wood working bro
wtf are you doing
ok so obviously working for clients is a bitch
but you can also build shit
here in cali were having a tiny home
shed boom
just frame a beatiful shed and you can easily sell them for a few k profit

same with buy shitty trailer make a tiny home
if you know framing shits not hard
fuck those things go for 30 50 k easily
and people buy them cause economy sucks
they usually park them backyard

i know framer mexican illegal

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My collarbone skin stinks. I like the smell but other people might find it repulsive. What I've noticed is when I take a shower with soap then following day my collarbone area will stink. So I am thinking of grafting other part of skin bacteria from other part of my body to my collarbone skin.

So in summary...
1) Extract non-smelly skin bacteria from other part of my body.
2) Cultivate to decent number
3) Wash collarbone skin rigorously
4) transplant non-smelly bacteria to my collarbone skin.

Devil is in the details here. Any microbiologist want to chime in here? What I've understand is 95% of the bacteria are basically impossible to artificially grow.

Or am I overthinking and should just soak in 10% bleach? Are there biotech firm that sell bacteria culture that can live on human skin and doesn't smell?
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i think you're schitzo
your skin is constantly shedding, there's no bacteria living on it
>look it up
>with soap

What KIND of soap?
I have a flow hood and do mushroom cultivation as a hobby so I have some experience with fungi and bacteria and how to do sterile work. In general the idea isn't bad, but the problem is:
>2) Cultivate to decent number
How would you cultivate to a decent number with the same medium as your skin? If you mean on a petri dish with agar then you shouldn't do that. Everything will grow and the ones that are best suited to that environment will not be best suited to your skin. At best it won't work and at worst you'll get some really nasty bad bacteria on you that may even make things worse.

I also wonder why that area is stinky in the first place. Do you sweat a lot and does sweat get to that area? Do you sleep on your stomach? Do you tend to spill drinks onto that area? Do you have a long beard that may be touching that area? Do you wear clothing with a high amount of plastics?

About your idea: I would instead wash hands vigorously, take a sterilized cloth, wet it with sterile water, then gently rub a dirty area that doesn't stink before you shower in a room without much air movement. After showering, disinfect the stinky area with alcohol, preferably 70% isopropanol, or iodine but wash it off, wait for it to dry and then apply the inoculated wet cloth to the stinky area in question. Make sure while you are collecting and applying the cloth you are in a room with very little air movement and make sure you are careful not to stir up the air. It's also a good idea to wash your bed sheets on the same day and ensure you have clean clothes. You may have to repeat this process a few times to notice anything.
>What I've noticed is when I take a shower with soap then following day my collarbone area will stink.
You are supposed to take a shower every day you filthy grognard. You stink because you aren't bathing enough.
i had some rank bacteria inbetween in my pits so i changed my diet and sprayed it with isopropanol 70% for a few weeks and it returned to normal

make sure to wash all clothes that you have worn, dont wear them again before youve washed them proper

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My dog can jump my chain link now. Is there something I can maybe clip onto the top railings to extend it higher a bit until I redo the whole thing? Even if its not something strong, it'll discourage him.
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time to make your dog a pirate
see how little faggot can jump with a peg leg
String treble hooks on 200 lb test
Keep it on a leash so when it jumps it hangs itself over the other side. People and their goddamn stupid fucking dogs
Run electric fence tape along the inside of the fence on standoffs. Folks I know with car-chasing dogs inside keep Fido at home with this.
my cow had a calf
I lift the calf every day
three years later, I now lift cows


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Life saving DIY hacks, the thread
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They work by showing everyone youre a fucking retard. Google this meme bullshit then thank me for postponing you’re exposure as a fuckingbretard
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What did pennies in a bag of water do to deserve being hanged?
> What did pennies in a bag of water do to deserve being hanged
Lincoln he freed the negros….duh
>how do I get my pennies wet
>File: IMG_0387.jpg

Activate yo pennies, bro.

How would one go about creating a small and discreet underground bunker?
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this reminds me of the underground "bases" my best friend and I would draw (when were were kids). for some reason there were always rooms with boxes of TNT in them. where is your TNT anon?
Bag End was at the top of a hill.
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typical geologist, forgetting that people don't live for 250,000 years, most ROC bunkers are still somehow fine more than 40 years after construction.
Epic reddit moment :D <3
remember when people used to have fun? yeah that was so shit, who would want that.

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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You need to purge the inside of the pipe with a little bit of nitrogen. Try doing a full pipe weld.
Easy purge setup is two flowmeters on a tee (NOT a dual flowmeter because if one gets broken the whole thing gets sent in for repair unless you can do it yourself which is easy if you can get the parts).

We purged with the same argon we welded with but if you don't mind adding a nitrogen cylinder that works and of course they use the same nipples. You can also use the nitrogen to pressure test vehicle air conditioners (far more reliable than vacuum).
You're not fucking risking cancer. Burn a nice hot fire and anything that was in there goes away. That's why home heating oil tanks are so popular as are large LP tanks (Fecesbook Marketplace is a good source).
^This. 4chan is full of young morons who should be gutted for existing.
As I said here
Not all. I've worked with welders up in fort mac for 5 years and almost every single one was committing tax fraud in some way, or drinking and driving to work, or selling rock cocaine in the camps.

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