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https://boards.4chan.org/diy/thread/2841929last thread

Sup homies, general rule of thumb with this thread:
1. we try not to be assholes.
2. Please use google first.
3. If you find something useful, post it.
4. ???
5. Profit

Ladder Stitch AKA Invisible Stitch.


Thread theme:

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most tension. They really should reinforce that area. Also, get looser-fitting pants. A lot of guys I know get pants that JUST fit.
>most tension
That makes sense, thank you.
>A lot of guys I know get pants that JUST fit.
Usually we get pants that fit, then become fatter, and then they just fit.
Or we actually get pants that fit, decide it's a good fit, and that's it. I've gone to taking at least 1-2 sizes bigger, for even though they state it does not shrink with washing, it does not necessarily bear true (even if you only wash it according to instructions), which then results in pants that just fit. And most people nowadays (girls included) don't know how to wash their stuff correctly, at least not the young ones.

Either way I might just have to save up for a sewing machine, for I see many benefits of knowing how to make clothing. That Singer 6805C be expensive tho. 450€...
You don't think you can get by with a simpler Singer Heavy Duty?
To be fair I have only done simple repairs on an Elna Grasshopper because my father collects them and I managed to fix holes and slimmed down jeans and made little things with them. Tho a zigzag stitch would have been great to have, it's amazing what a little 70 year old indestructible machine can do.
Some of the fabric I'm looking at is quite heavy (450-510 g/qm, hemp-twill, canvas kinda stuff). If I'm gonna get into it, I want to be able to make stuff that lasts. Probably not only pants.

And it has a custom alphabet/number embroidery stitches. Now, I'm not sure about this, but if it is electrical computerized hardware, there must be some way of loading your own embroidery patterns (some hacking may be required).

And who doesn't want a shirt with their custom logo/embroidery/pattern?
>Now, I'm not sure about this, but if it is electrical computerized hardware, there must be some way of loading your own embroidery patterns (some hacking may be required).
Not necessarily. The machine still requires the correct cam range to actually move in the direction that you want. It may have preset cams specifically for each number/letter movement but no free motion (which is why actual free range embroidery machines cost thousands.)

Good luck, anon. (I waited 900s to post this.)

>try to become fit
>die in a freak accident

Where do you draw the line between building an item and buying it?
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there's literally nothing wrong with this construction and all the fastening hardware looks up to the task. you people really overestimate how strong wood and screws can be.
if it were me I'd probably overbuild it with metal brackets and more bolts particularly at the joint between the middle column and the overhead 2xs, but this will probably work fine for years.

I'm actually going to make a combination squat rack/pull up bar to keep outside once it's spring again, now that I'm at the level where failure during a squat is actually a possibility every other workout.
dimensional lumber holds up an entire fuckin home, and there's dipshits here like OP that think it cant handle the baby weights theyre throwing around
no one on /fit/ lifts, though
Hence why the deadlift rack would be useful.

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>*makes plumbers obsolete in you're path*
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>This nigga saved my facebook reels webm without asking permission
Not cool, anon.
source on the girl?
ah I thought you meant in general. can't argue with that
Can' you just unscrew the siphon?
Im getting the hose anon…

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A cable is strung between two walls 40 feet apart. The cable sags 30 inches. The cable has a breaking strength of 7000 pounds. How much weight will the center of the cable support before it breaks.
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*meant to multiply the 20' by 12"/1', ignore that
90% this is like homework from a calculus class in the category arch page
I’m confused. Where would shed go?
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Sorry, forgot that. Thanks for the catch.
Can someone confirm if I got this somewhat right?

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>live in america
>live in area thats known for hurricanes
>build cardboard house
>hurricane strikes
>cardboard house is gone to Oz
>now homeless and forever poor
Explain this shit
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I swear, in the weeks since the LA fires I've seen nonstop online talk about American "cardboard" and "matchstick" homes. 95% of it is from people who have never built a chicken coop in their life, let alone a house.

You have to take into account local climate, materials, labor, house size, income, extreme weather, and factors like path dependency.
For example, I've seen Euros go on about how their 70 year old solid concrete home is "so insulated and warm". Unless that building has external insulation applied, that's down to climate differences and the fact that you likely have neighbors directly on either side of you, as only 30% of Europeans live in detached houses.

IDK what the point of this rant is, as it's probably a good thing if people start demanding more durable housing. Perhaps I'm just tired of being told that we all live in paper mache sheds by people living in a 50 m^2 apartment who haven't even set foot in North America.
Compare places with similar climate then
They want big houses but don't want to pay for it. So they use toothpicks and pressed wood chips.
I saw some rich retired boomer buy a plot next to mine and put an ICF house, complete with basement and everything, that thing is a house shaped bunker, even the roof is made of concrete, the walls are thick and solid and insulated from both sides, really nice stuff.

This is just an idea, but euros didnt have the kind of mortgage for their 1700s timberframe that modern housing requires. There so much money to be had in construction/home loans that maybe the ones actually executing new construction are looking for whatever passes as a house. In order to build a lasting monument that will hold for 100+ years I imagine it will end up being a personal loss at the end.
Literally won't happen because they aren't make from sticks and paper, shartmeribrown

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I bought a broken Karcher K2 Power Control on an online auction for a few $, just to check if it's just an air bubble triggering a cutoff, which I heard was very common and after running water through it turned off for a few minutes it indeed started working normally. Then of course I had to go full retard and forgot to turn it off and left it on idle for an hours or so and when I came back, it was dead again. How sensitive are pressure washers for this kind of thing? Did I break the pump?

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Thread tombstoned: >>2883138

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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i don't understand. if you're referring to pic related, they're basically passive devices and will work at any voltage.
it dosent mention anything about it on any datasheet or manufacturer website i look at but i can try to fiddle with one and see if it works on 3.3v then, thanks
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How can I find info about this component? Simple google search didn't yield results...

Okay so I forgot about submitting this comment, and did some more searching, I don't even have everything noted what I found, most recent was

and in the data sheet I found matching ID code of "RV"
and the -29SA fix means 2.9v which would make sense as a cutoff voltage (assuming) for 3.7v lithium battery for disposable vapes.

But the Identification markings don't really match up, but it's close.
Those are just a pair of switches on cams. If you were wanting to put 50V though them I can see the point of asking such a question, but you’re not. They’d probably work over 24V and they’d definitely work down to below 0.1V.

So A: people use those all the time with ESP32s and Raspberry Pis and other 3.3V devices.
B: there is no conceivable mechanism for why a mechanical switch would fail to operate on very low voltages and currents, at least until you get down to the level of thermal voltages.

If you understand the mechanisms behind the components you are using, then you will better be able to use those components in ways other than what is explicitly written.

If it’s a Chinese knockoff chip, it could well have different markings despite being identical in other ways. I’d browse LCSC to see if other companies have made knockoffs of that chip, and check their datasheet to see if the markings and logo match. The prefix may differ (e.g. GD32F103 instead of STM32F103). But the Chinese do make a lot of unique lithium ion ICs, and also LCSC’s site search is pretty bad.

From circuit context, what is the IC doing? Is it acting as a voltage regulator or reference? Or a comparator to tell the thing to shut off once it’s low on charge?
well on the other side of the USB-c Is another capacitor (my multimeter cant test capacitance) then V+ and V- to the battery. The pic now doesn't have any additional components besides whats pictured.

when I was on https://smd.yooneed.one/ I checked for R, RV, V, 0, 02, 2, 2A and if I found SOT-23 I would look at the info and usually came back being using with 20V+ applications it seemed.

I am not sure on what its doing IC wise, this is something I found with other random electronic stuff. I am new to this kind of stuff and usually lose motivation if I can't make progress.

After some continuity it seems 5k resistors are connected to A5, B5 (CC1, CC2) on usb-c and the other end is connected to ground.

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post your brews. ask about brews. hops are for trannies.

previous thread: >>2867914
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I’ll answer my own questions, that was not nearly enough headspace. The fucker foamed the lid open last night. Had to re-rack with more headspace. You live you learn.
i gotta tub full of frozen river grapes wanna make some honey wine with them
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Yeast have been going for 20 days now and there’s no sign of stopping yet. Guess that’s a good thing right? It gets pretty cold upstairs overnight but nothing crazy. Anyway 100g anise 200g ginger, some vanilla, 900g sugar and 3L water. Will add some chilli pepper soon and then cold fractioning
I'm on a budget due to moving countries and waiting for a work permit but thankfully shipped most of my brewing setup with me

Thinking of buying a 25kg sack of base malt, some roasted barley & a crystal malt for some variety and maybe 2 kinds of hops. Give me some recommendations for a base malt worth buying 25kg of, and what hops you'd pair with it

Previous thread:>>2862495

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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I have an old Pi B+ with wifi.

What kind of software is out there that I can plug in 2 webcams, remotely monitor them, then record at will (preferably both cams in one video file)

Im a beginner bullseye shooter
>point camera at self to see shooting form
>point camera at target like a spotting scope, and to record
>just monitor target cam remotely on phone browser or laptop as I warm up
>record both simultaneously when i shoot training rounds to watch later.

I set this up as an octoprint server years ago, I also ran a motion sensing surveillance camera for a short time, but I havent touched it since like 2018. I can use someone elses software I just cant write my own.
Does anyone know something like a cheap modbus remote I/O module with transistors instead of relays?

I have a raspberry pi and want to control 2-5 stepper drivers (2x 5V input each). The GPIO on the Pi is 3.3V and the drivers need 5V. I could use a level shifter but I’d much rather use either ethernet or RS485/USB so that I can change either the Pi (to a pc or plc) or the gpio module later on. Everything I see uses relays but I don’t think they’re the right option for ~200 pulses per second
Tinkering with multiple video feeds sucks ass - without having any experience with your specific use case I'd default to OBS (the program). Issue is that two camera feeds, especially if they are decent resolution (which I assume you want because otherwise you'll see absolute jack shit on the scope) might be too much for a pi, especially one that's so old. Maybe some other anon has some good advice, but if I were you I'd just use obs on a laptop or something.
Anyone know of a brand of servos that are somewhat quiet?
The one I'm using now is so loud that I've gimped the pid loop just so it moves slow enough that it is inaudible. The moment the dog hears that fast moving servo gear noise she freaks out and hides under the desk in another room.
I've considered switching to a stepper and an encoder but that seems like a lot of work.
Servos with integrated driver? If not, what sort of driver are you using? FOC with a high PWM frequency is going to be the quietest, sinusoidal driving at high frequency is probably fine too. Low frequency PWM or trapezoidal driving is going to be noisy, in the same way that driving a stepper with insufficient microstepping is going to be noisy.

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Does anyone know where i can get any of cinderwing 3d's .stl files? i'm looking for crystal dragon and anything else i can get without having to sub to her patreon
same with anything flexi factory or zou 3d also pirated

i just got a bambu X1 Carbon and i want it to pay for itself
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if they're not making money then why are there so many people out there selling this stuff successfully?
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i went to a craft fair and there were 3 of them selling dragons and they all sold almost everything they had
There is a group called @cinderwindSTL that you can download 121 files from at the moment.

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I have a copper 1/2 pipe with a temporary sharkbite fitting. I don't have the tool to remove it nor can I get my wrench on the pipe or behiind it on the plastic part to pinch and pull it by force. Do I absolutely need to pinch the plastic part of the sharkbite fitting to be able to pull it off, or can I just put a wrench or pliers around by the cap? I'm trying to avoid destroying a metal cover or cutting into drywall just to pinch the plastic to pull it off. Is it possible to remove these without having to pinch the tiny plastic part circled in the image?

Plumbing is about the only DIY category that doesn't have its own general here for some reason. Figured I could maybe get the ball rolling with a question and a provide a thread where people to ask their own since I feel bad for killing a thread for just one question.
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That is what I am planning on doing since I dont need to use the hose in the winter, but is there something easier and simpler I can do with that blue plastic pipe part?
Easier and simpler? Probably not. Clamping it down directly risks rupturing the pipe, and otherwise you'd use sharkbites for the blue pipe also. Or pex fittings, but then you need to crimp that, which is not easier.
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Thank you. The pipe measure 2 inches around, 2 / 3.14159 = 0.636 size pipe?
I only know euro sizes but it's probably 5/8" OD and 1/2" ID, which should probably require a 1/2" sharkbite. Best ask in the hardware store, or measure the fitting.
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I am an idiot who hasn't used one of the two sinks in his kitchen for a few years & the pipe is clogged, I have poured multiple 1 liter bottles of "15-30% NaOH, pH 14" in it (one bottle at a time-) & let it sit overnight without results, I tried an unclogging gel as well & it seemed to open the blockage partially as the sink was empty in the morning but the pipe had apparently clogged back up before I could rinse the pipe & the liquid stuff hasn't worked at all after that, I am poorfag & the gel costs some 5x more compared to the liquid stuff so I haven't been able to give it another try yet, any ideas for what I could try until the first banking day of February?

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Anons, I gotta get a grip on my garage.
How do I get floor space back in an economical /diy/ fashion.
I have a circular saw and a miter saw and a budget of about $500 to make this happen.
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>Top was $400
how the fuck
you've seen how expensive those are now, right?
taller shelves and a ladder, duh
sell some stuff, if you haven't used it in 2-3 years then get rid of it
if you have a habitat for humanity ReStore near you they take tools and equipment
Name a single downside of memecleats.
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name a single downside of unistrut
I've actually never tried it. I got a bunch of free wood from work that happened to be perfect for some french cleats, that's the only reason I have a wall covered in the stuff.

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The County has placed a garbage can down at the end of our hollow, in front of my home. It is attracting partiers who stay for hours, laughing and hollering at each other. I called the County and asked them to remove the can, but they said it helps their crews keep the area free of trash. I explained that the garbage can is making the problem worse, but they won't listen. Now that I have identified myself to County officials, how do I get rid of this garbage can?
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just pick it up and toss it somewhere looks small like a bucket
Holler's are only yers if you defend them. March down thar with grannies double, take theres beers and ifen ya must, theres lives.
This is not how hollers work
for me it's the ever-present smell of dogshit and rotting food
Have you thought about hiding in the trash can until they show up, then when everybody's good and settled jump out and ask them politely to leave? wear a suit or be naked for max intimidation.

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How do I clean my monitor? Everywhere I look says to use distilled water with a microfiber cloth. I do not have distilled water. Surely tap water will be fine?
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The viability of tap water depends on how hard it is. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a really low level of dissolved solids.
Just buy screen cleaner if you're concerned. it's not that expensive and they don't need to be cleaned that often.
tap water may not be enough to wipe cum-stains off.
I use window cleaner and paper towels.
just use isopropil alcohol.
This. Drink the alcohol before cleaning, and you'll feel much better about not having distilled water.
I literally use Pine-Sol.

For what purpose
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A lot of anons saying it hides shit stains, and yeah it's anecdotal, but I'm a glass guy and work in a lot of upscale bathrooms. Asked a contractor once about the black toilet they had put in. He said,
>I don't get it, honestly. It looks nice when it's new, but it shows everything, man. You think you see everything in a white toilet? You. See. EVERYTHING.
I'm Ronnie DeFeo and I approve this post.
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Because you couldn't afford patrician green.
I would get one if it meant it's all teflon coated
would save a lot of time on cleaning

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