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Thread beansed: >>2822343

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.

>Incredibly comprehensive list of electronics resources:
Additional resources below:

>Project ideas:

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not even lcsc has anything about the AM8EB153.
I only know it is an ALPHA elec.
part, but I can't find their website so its useless.
I did find some chinese websites that claim to sell said part, and claimed to have a datasheet.
but I couldn't find an actual datasheet for the part; it returned datasheets for other parts, or redirected to random websites.

I think I'll just give up on trying to use the fella, I prefer authentic Atmel components anyway.
but I'm not sure of what to do with it.
maybe practice handsoldering SOP14?

tl;dr: can't find it on any chink website, dunno wat2do wit it
oh wow that's exactly what it looks like, nice catch. my gf's niece borrowed it so this doesn't surprise me.
how does this interface not make you want to kill yourself
>fucking cement resistor
are there any suppliers that are more beginner friendly?
I give you 30% chance without a miscroscope.
hope you have plenty of spares.
Yeah they also call MOSFETs tubes or triodes. You can browse the non-chink-brand parts on LCSC using Octopart, but for your Brightpowers and GigaDevices you’ll need to use their dogshit site. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wrote an LCSC webscraper with regex and better parametric search. Do it yourself if you’re autistic enough.

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>take cardboard box
>cut hole for air register
>sucks cooler air from higher up
>energy bill is cut in half

This is why boomers have money and youre always broke.
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>turn thermostat to call for less cooling

I just saved you a cardboard box
Waste of money. This box doubles the airflow cause if the right angle. Makes it a turbo vacuum in, but it blows way less air out.

No. Warm air heats the floor and the air near the ceiling is colder.
>Warm air heats the floor and the air near the ceiling is colder.

I didnt know the laws nature changed to where heat doesnt rise and cold air does. are you living in an alternative dimension or something?
Too cold? Put on a jumper
Too hot? Open a window
Just saved you 100% of your energy bill.
>Too hot? Open a window
Lol ok
>77 deg inside apt
>That's too hot for comfort
>90 deg outside
>Open the window like anon says
>OMG why is it just getting hotter in here all of a sudden??

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I've been doing the overhand loop my entire life and its always worked fine. Why do boomers push these meme knots so hard? They seem inferior in every way to the simple overhand loop.
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how are you going to hoist a 5 gallon bucket without a barrel hitch?
What's that japanese artform where you knot scarves to make bags and other ornate uses?
Anon, you can't call women bags.
Cryptic? Do you have 14 IQ?
They do have a lack of knowledge and the only question they asked was "muh boomer" retard cope.

Somone is selling this on fb marketplace for $75. How much work do you think it would take to make it into an anime girl?
>male bone structure
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just buy an anime sex doll
is that a roast in butchers twine as the chest?
Cool, it already has cum stains.

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are old CDs/DVDs the DIY final boss?
I've noever seen anything done with them, nothing remotely useful or interesting. the most you get is some mosaic or some other "art" stuff.
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you're taking them the wrong way
its inherently stupid to try and diy them for use in stuff that isnt digital
the real DIY experience is using these cds to burn and pirate stuff onto it, and doing things like pic rel where you cut up regular cds to fit into a gamecube (this does actually work its been tested)
I thought of this kid when I saw this thread.
Look up old things people did with AOL disks. I bet you'll find something. I remember having huge stacks.
CD's nuts!
>needed to use a CD for the first time in a decade
>search around, find stack of CDs and get my old Hirens BootDisk
>has disc rot and wont actually boot

Good riddance, im going to throw them all in the dumpster

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Im looking for good/budget 180/360 security cameras that have good image quality and preferably some kind of zoom that I can also control from my phone and PC preferably with some open source software
I have bought three Tuya WiFi cameras but they suck and the software sucks as well
Im also looking for a good spy cam, something not noticeable since im trying to catch if someone is messing with my shit
Reolink has regular sales on their ebay stores. Not their main website, it's always got some 'special deal' counter which is so gay and retarded.

You should be able to get the Argus Eco w the solar charging that only needs 2.4ghz wifi to send you alerts when it sees movement. ~$35

Tip: Use Pro Endurance Samsung microsd cards w your cameras. ~$12

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How do you fix dental cavities yourself at home?
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>12 teeth
that's not a human mouth m8
Hydroxyapatite toothpastes are really the shit. Regular sensodyne repair and protect does not have it, look for the stuff with Novamin you buy from Canada or India.

literal snake oil is probably kinda decent for cleaning teeth as with coconut oil >>2828810

if you really wanna wipe your mouth bacteria though, try 0.25% hypochlorite mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide

>it generates oxygen singlets, next-level whitening power
genetically engineer your gut biome to not produce lactic acid. worked for me
Japanese Apagard has an absurd amount on it to the point it makes me wonder about diminishing returns.
>look for the stuff with Novamin you buy from Canada or India.

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I attempted to spruce up my scratched up green laminate counters by painting on some Rust-Oleum appliance epoxy, but it's not hardening.
I prepped the surface by sanding and whipping down with isopropyl, then applied 2 coats spaced an hour apart. However, now 2 hot days of good ventilation later I can still easily make fingernails marks into it, and just about anything on it tears or dents the paint.

Did I just get a bad batch of epoxy, or is the appliance epoxy just really soft?
I even painted the top of the can and put it outside for a day to find it's not much harder. I expected something like the paint on the side of my fridge.

Is there a harder epoxy or paint I can use?
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Use some catalyst hardener and japan drier with it.
Paint is notorious for sometimes not drying properly. You should have waited longer than 1 hour to recoat. Experience has taught me you ALWAYS shake the devil out of the paint before you use it and you ALWAYS make damn sure it's dry before you recoat. Running some tests to check dry times would be worth it, too. It is going to dry when it dries. Might take a week, a month, a year. Who knows. It WILL eventually dry, though. Trying to redo it is going to be a huge mess, I don't recommend it. Give it a week or so with proper ventilation and see what happens.
Since it's already on there, there's not a whole lot you can do with it other than stripping the paint off or replacing the countertop. Only thing I can think of that might salvage things as they are would maybe be to slap a coat of clear epoxy resin over top of the paint?
Throw a box fan on it to speed up off gassing so it can cure faster.
Not enough hardener.

I live in a place where summers is hot and humid and I am willing to install a decent heat pump to take care of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production.

My doubt is about the system to adopt for cooling, since moisture control is a must.

I was checking on soffit-installed fancoils but they should not be able to collect enough condensed water to make the environment dry while cooling. Any experience about those? I am now checking on split terminal that being air to air rather than water to air might perform better, but is that even true?
I just bought a decent $300 dehumidifier and ran a drain hose out the wall. Now my interior humidity stays where I want it regardless of what the heating & cooling is doing.
If that's you OP, you need to cut the beer. FYI for all you younger people, alcohol gradually damages the liver. Then the belly swells up to try and push fluid through. This is why chronic daily drinkers get that late stage beer belly.

Not just from fat or estrogenic aspects of beer.

That would solve your overheating issues, and slow down your liver disease, which will eventually cause the ammonia in your gut to get into your brain, making you literally lose your mind, turning you into a completely different, possessed evil person who has no idea that the ammonia is cooking their brain.

> How do i cool without dehumidifying.

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In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
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>Switched my heating from oil to a heat pump. Saves me about $500/yr.
And now long until amortization?
>lath and plaster
The stuff falling out lools gray and has sand and looks like big chunks of horse hair.
I thought you were suppose to distribute the hair in the mixture like fiberglass but this stuff looks like it's still attatched to the horse.
I removed a non-loadbearing wall and there were blocks of the stuff at the bottom of the walls.
Is it something I'll need to hire done or can I do it?
7-8yrs if oil stays the same price. So likely a little sooner
It wouldn't hold up in the rain. Look into cheap cement additives like charcoal.
Large rocks, they anchor into the ground and form a roadbed, like the size of your fist.
Then smaller 1"-2" gravel.
Then a coating of limestone.

AI says there is a 3/4 crushed limestone called 610S. A half inch called 57G. 1/4" is 8G. I thought you could get a mix when you ordered crushed, that was all of the above.

Don't be like the alcoholic neighbor who just puts down gravel (1-2"), then is irritated when either it slips-out under load on an incline (no roadbed rock), or loses its efficacy when it gets swamped by the clay, embedded in it.

You could ask your local county roads division what they use. Likely they have some roads that aren't paved asphalt that they are responsible for.

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As prescribed by the (in)famous How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive by John Muir.

Do you do it? Do you find some common subs to be more or less problematic? I've been trying out more or less the ones shown here, and I'm really considering just scribing the (close) equivalents on my SAE wrenches and building a hybrid set. Nowadays it seems like I'm usually not just working with one or the other of the worlds.
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>but sometimes the 1/2" won't fit
strictly speaking, 1/2" is 12.7mm, so it should never fit a 13mm without forcing it, but in reality, manufacturing tolerances will sometimes work in your favor.
i have a couple chinkshit wrench/socket sets i keep around because i know they have enough slop in them to work when they shouldn't.

I guess it kind of comes down to your temperament "if it works it works" vs. "it works but ain't a good idea." I've definitely been on one side of the fence or the other at different jobs over the years; seeing guys who just slap a vice grips on everything versus those totally anal mechanics with lots of organizer drawers. Deciding when it stops paying for you to be correct, I guess. It seems like most of the world is sloppy so it doesn't take much to rise above; then again, wrenches aren't all that expensive anyway.
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picel is dual marked snappy sockets
I mean shit, if it's good enough for them.
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>I mean

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Do you guys hide your DIY skill levels when talking with normies? Or avoid the subject all together because picrel happens a lot?
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Bikes can be rather complicated machines nowadays and for a lot of things you need some specialized tools that can only do that single thing you probably only need to do every few years.
Plus >>2827379 and >>2827390
However, I don’t understand how people can’t even do the 5 minute, piss easy job of changing a flat tire/tube on a bike. Or changing the brake pads (on a cantilever though. I can absolutely understand why one would not want to touch a hydro disc brake (I still do…)) where you only need an Allen key and two moderately functional hands.
I don’t go around offering my help to random strangers, but family, friends and good neighbors (in that order)? Absolutely.
But I generally don’t tend to associate with retards and leeches, so I can always ask them for help in return.
Hey why dont you like installing ceiling fans??
Who are we supposed to be mad at for giving women rights ?
What era was it that men started simping and giving women "freedom"?
>>I don’t know about X
>>well what have you tried
>>nothing, I don’t know
>>I’ve tried Y and Z, I think it’s a problem with A, but it could be B
>I had to institute this rule with my guys at work. I try my best to be a good boss and support my guys, but some of them have a bad habit of giving up in 10 seconds and calling me to give them advice. If they’re really stuck, of course, give me a call… but if you can think for 30 seconds and get the answer of what to try next.. that’s the only way to learn.
I feel you…
Same with my guys.
If I'm observing them from the office, and they try something new, or gotta figure out something new, I just can see how they maybe give it one or two low effort tries and then throw a fit or cry for help when it obviously doesn't work.
Every single time I gotta sprint to them before they cause any major damage and go through the whole scheme again:
>Look at the thing first, observe what it is and how it works.
>Think about what you are trying to accomplish and how.
>Try, but carefully and observe closely what happens.
>Does it seem to work?

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Either you attract low quality women or you just suck at managing them. I don’t even have that problem with immature women in a work environment, so it’s hard to know where exactly you’re going wrong.. but clearly it’s a deficiency on your point.
>has an emotional reaction while throwing around insults that you don’t even know are true or not
Pathetic. God boomers are the worst generation. All they can do is fuck things up.. wars, the economy, their own relationships with the women around them… and then emotionally cry that it wasn’t their fault and they deserve better.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2821841

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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ah I was 5 seconds too late to seeing this lol ty anon!
are there not spring kits or something? I got several doors that are like this and I'd rather buy a $20 spring kit if it exists instead of $20 a door
Measure the width and thickness of a broken spring.
Purchase spring steel that matches the dimensions.
Cut to correct length and bend to proper form.
Install in lock.
Sorry, I've never used epoxy on wood. Do you mean epoxy putty or that clear liquid stuff sold in double-barrel syringes? Does it matter what brand I use?
>Do you mean epoxy putty or that clear liquid stuff sold in double-barrel syringes?

>Does it matter what brand I use?
no - you can choose a color instead of clear if desired
ah just found the material on ebay and you already answered my questions. ty anon!

Hey all, just bought a house. Old 1920's house, and I'm looking to finish up the attic. The only problem is I don't know anything about load bearing weights, or if my attic can handle the weight, or if thats even something I have to worry about? I originally wanted to put up dry wall, but could I do panelling since its lighter if weight is an issue?
pic unrelated, can provide pictures of said attic if someone is kind enough to help.
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Anon from before here...
The thing with the insulation is that its kind of bulging out...if you go with light duty paneling it might make the paneling bulge as well...for that they make "rods" which are pre-cut pieces of steel rod that go in between the rafters and hold the insulation back so it's not going to lean on the back of the paneling.
I think you can go with that insulation, tho...probably more of a mess and pain in the ass to rip it all out. Opening a can of worms, and all that.
So, if the attic floor joists are likely 2x6, that begs the question of the density of partition walls under the attic that are going to have to support those 2x6's. Do you think there are enough walls below the attic floor to support it?
Does it feel spongy when you walk on it? Is there any cracking in the drywall of the floor below, up near the ceiling? Any displaced crown moldings or anything that might lead you to believe that there's structural flexing? If not, you might be able to run with your plan.
Are you thinking of putting any kneewalls up there, or just going with the paneling over what's there now?
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Sounds like I'm going with that insulation to save myself trouble. I'm not very construction savvy, but I googled knee walls and I think those are already in too? There's like half walls on each side of the attic space, and behind a torn part of insulation I can see more sloping roof leading all the way to the floor behind them.
I'm assuming if I did these steel rods I'd have to get one for each spot of insulation that's bulging. Do you think that extra weight would ruin the purpose of the panelling?
No cracks or flexing that I can see anywhere though on the floor below
I wouldn't worry about the weight of the rods, it's not much. Mainly, it comes down to 40 lbs per board of sheetrock versus maybe 8 or 10 for paneling. The rods are similar to wire coat hangers, not very heavy. Yeah, you could just put one wherever the insulation sticks out. Conversely, you could always try to staple the insulation back with a staple gun too, but the paper backing tends to get brittle with age so the staples might just pull through the paper. Can't hurt to try...
No cracks is good, if you're not seeing anything odd then cross your fingers and go for it, I think.
The kneewalls being in are good. Have you given any thought to the electric, or are you good with what's there?
Gonna crash, I'll check back in the a.m.
Post foundations.
Don't really care about your crumbling attic just want to see the foundations.

Sorry for making a new thread but I didn't know where to discuss this on 4chan. I've used this site almost 20 years

I want to make a teddy bear like this, how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select? He has a music box and plays teddy bears picnic, I would like to add music boxes too. I want to make durable but soft ones for kids to use.
>how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select?
I'd start by copying paste the same exact image you showed us and feeding it to GPT-4o, you be surprised how much you can learn by asking Ai first
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You're basically going to get fuzzy fabric from the craft store and sew it inside out. Machine sew all but the back and then turn rightside out and stuff with fluff also from the craft store and hand stitch to hide the seam.

You can work up the pattern with paper or fabric. You can also deconstruct an existing stuffy to copy the pattern. You also might be able to find a pattern online.

You can practice the pattern and/or create out of any type of fabric (e.g. cut up old jeans) but your final fur fabric might be tougher to get a needle through.

Music box (or airtracker) goes in before you sew up the back. Please don't be some sickfuck pedo.

tl;dr: learn to sew
I am over 40, I'm never going to do that. That stuff is going to contaminate the thought process of humanity.

I mean...was looking for specific advice on needles etc as mentioned. Thanks though
I haven't bought needles in 30 years so I don't know what kind of horrid chinese pseudo steel they are making them out of these days.

Otherwise they're just needles, some are a little larger and some smaller but they all work provided they fit the thread. Quality thread is bought on the spool not in sewing kits. More important than the needle is a thimble for fabrics like the fur, but that depends on which fur fabric you buy.

Which stitch you use matters even for hand sewing, probably more for hand sewing, and you haven't been clear if you have a machine or are getting one. It's really hard to guess what your level of sewing experience is, start with some easier fabric and an easier project. Cut up old t-shirts and make little bags or something, idk you could have a Vevor at home or not understand the difference between needles and pins. You left it pretty wide open. Regardless good luck.
Thank you. I would probably want to hand sew them as the idea is to make something nice

I feel like my whole life has been pointless. My idea is to get just one bear even into the arms of a kid who has nothing. To just try to make the world better in some way.

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