Lets get an abominations thread going.>wtf is this editon
>>2897315Took me a while. Thought it was the colour choice, then I saw the 1 blind on the window
>>2895491hmm today I will... interior design.
>>2897315why didn't they remove the painter's tape before taking the picture?
You can live here for £3034 (~$3800) a month. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/155033399#/?channel=STU_LETIt's a student house on a road full of student houses, it'll be hell. Inside is actually ok for a City terrace, garden is depressing as hell though.
>>2895903This is rickety and you're definitely getting splinters using the railing, but the treads aren't going anywhere.
To address contemporary needs of the contemporary Anon, I wrote a sequel to the critically acclaimed "solarshit" guide. I present to you: heatshit. https://rentry.co/heatshitIt mostly focuses on how not to fuck up heat pump installs, but all the principles apply to condensation boilers, too. Also explains some basics about central heating components, so it might be useful just to learn what various parts are doing, or not doing in your system, even if you have no interest in heat pumps.
>>2896081Depends on how it's designed, but in principle, it can go up to 50-55C. Of course it's better to run it as low as possible, both to reduce thermal stress on the solid parts, and to improve heat pump efficiency. If you have tile over the UFH, big temperature swings can cause cracking, or if you have vinyl, it can degrade faster. If you have a very well insulated house, you might have UFH at 30C-ish design temperature. In my case, there is tile over it, but the existing system allowed it to go up to 45C-ish with 35-40 return (due to installers fucking up), so all the tiles that were prone to cracking have already cracked.
Can Air to Water heat pumps genuinely get water hot enough for a bath in the middle of winter?There's a chance I might be buying a bungalow with no central heating where it would be economical to add a heatpump but I don't want the savings to be wiped out by having to use an immersion heater all the time.
>>2897242>Can Air to Water heat pumps genuinely get water hot enough for a bath in the middle of winter?The R32 (usually cheaper) heat pumps can produce, at most, 55C water. More economically 40-45C water. The R290 heat pumps can produce, at most, 65-70C water, the economy does not change though.The short answer to "can it make hot enough water for a bath" is yes in both cases assuming you live in temperate climate, but there are many considerations that go into how well it can make the hot water. If you study the entire guide and watch all the relevant shit, you'll be able to get it to work well. Relying on contractors alone to not fuck it up is not recommended. Working backwards from the conclusion, you'd want to calculate exactly how much of exactly how hot water you need for a bath, then you'd probably want to buy fairly large thermal store for DHW, something around 200-300L, with a very high efficiency coil (around $1000-$1500), and keeping your DHW around 40-45C. This will get you in range of 3-3.5 SCOP on DHW. If you can't accommodate that size due to physical constraints or don't want to put that much money into it, you can get away with a smaller store that runs hybrid with immersion heater topping it off to maybe 60-65C, then you'll probably have a DHW SCOP around 2, maybe a bit less. Broadly speaking, the more you invest into the exchanger coil size, tank capacity, and insulation of the DHW tank, the better your efficiency will be.
>>2897254~45C should be enough for a hot bath but that would be with minimal cold water so it would need a big water tank.
>>2897405Yeah, you'd probably want 200L bare minimum. And if you take baths frequently, then it's probably best to oversize the heat pump by a fair amount, so that it can reheat the tank reasonably quickly and go back to heating the house.
could this have limited like 70-110deg movement and still be "tight" if instead of 45deg straight the gears were kinda dome shaped, and probably vanes also swirled?Got youtube CAD for how to do such a thing?Is that called something?
spherical gears are a thing, yes, but typically, you'd leave your gears fixed in location/angle and allow the shaft(s) to move via u-joint or cv joint or whatever.
How can you let anyone build your house in this day and age?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBwNM23yUTE>Billionaire's Mansions look like this
I have a long running internal debate on if I should have an inspector check out my house after living in it for ~5 years. There's nothing actively wrong with it that I can see (besides some minor shit) but I'm ultra paranoid that theres some hidden issue I'm not seeing that's going to fuck me down the line.If I find an actual good inspector, would it be worth it?
>>2894137I suggest you study home inspectors like Cy on Youtube then take your time (which you have more of than an inspector) and go over your home yourself so you know it was done right AND have much greater personal familiarity with your property. USB borescopes are cheap (many use Teslong cameras which Cheese supports on Linux so I can use a spare Thinkpad for a much better view than smol handhelds) and very nice for exploring walls and plumbing. I also picked up a Klein ET18 (handier around engines and other vehicle parts). That means I can drill a small discreet hole anywhere, see inside and if termites or critters are an issue gas them through the inspection hole.Since my labor is free buying tools is painless and they pay off for life. I can choose exactly how to work around problems and take my time doing it. The more you inspect the more you know vs. taking someone else's word.
>>2892994It goes beyond this, though unskilled immigrants being portrayed as innately good at carpentry and finish work is definitely a problem.First, we have to recognize that not everyone can be good at carpentry (or any other skilled trade). High levels of physical and mechanical cognition aren’t present in everyone, and it’s not a learned behavior. These traits are something you’re born with. They’re also tied to IQ; even fake online IQ tests mimic questions that test these aspects of intelligence. Stupid people will not be good at skilled trades. 100 years ago, if someone didn’t posses these traits, and was slightly below average intelligence, they’d make a decent living working on a farm (digging ditches and planting crops) or in a factory (taking items from a conveyor belt and putting those items into boxes). Those farm and factory jobs vanished decades ago. They were shipped to other countries, automated, or replaced with scabs (aka “immigrant farm labor”). Those stupid people who would have been perfect fit as farmhands and factory workers still exist, but the farm and factory jobs do not. And a ton of these people end up in trades because they literally have no other choice. This influx of insufficiently-skilled labor (combined with the unskilled immigrants) has led to a drastic drop in labor costs. I suspect that many people who would be great at some trades simply avoid them because the money isn’t there. Beaus of the cheap cost, the average homeowner can afford to hire a “professional” for a project rather than tackle it themselves simply because the homeowner doesn’t want to do it (rather than out of necessity). This leads to the fact that, often times, you’ll get better results doing something yourself, with little to no experience, than you would paying someone who does it every day. tl;dr incapable, stupid people work in trades because there are no other jobs
>>2891030>that sink at 44:20lol holy shit
>>2895311>Beaus of the cheap cost, the average homeowner can afford to hire a “professional” for a project rather than tackle it themselves simply because the homeowner doesn’t want to do it (rather than out of necessity). This leads to the fact that, often times, you’ll get better results doing something yourself, with little to no experience, than you would paying someone who does it every day. This has been my experience. The good pros are usually booked out so far that they aren't taking jobs, so you're stuck getting hit with a $100 bill just to get a quote from the big home service company sending you out an idiot. 128 IQ so I've been figuring it all out pretty fast and doing a great job so far. Honestly thinking about becoming a small job handyman so I can help others out and make some cash on the side.
I have a copper 1/2 pipe with a temporary sharkbite fitting. I don't have the tool to remove it nor can I get my wrench on the pipe or behiind it on the plastic part to pinch and pull it by force. Do I absolutely need to pinch the plastic part of the sharkbite fitting to be able to pull it off, or can I just put a wrench or pliers around by the cap? I'm trying to avoid destroying a metal cover or cutting into drywall just to pinch the plastic to pull it off. Is it possible to remove these without having to pinch the tiny plastic part circled in the image?Plumbing is about the only DIY category that doesn't have its own general here for some reason. Figured I could maybe get the ball rolling with a question and a provide a thread where people to ask their own since I feel bad for killing a thread for just one question.
>>2896826Is it a single mixing valve? If so is there a cover over it you can pull to inspect what's going on? You're right that they don't usually leak into the wall. I'd be more inclined to think there's an issue with the drain or a leak from runoff down the wall. Run a hose into your bathroom and let it run into the tub for a while and then spray down the walls to test those.
>>2871760sharkbites only have a high failure rate because homeowners use them with zero sense and install them incorrectly. >you should listen to plumbersthen why do all the plumbers i work with and hire use them? In certain applications its just the correct choice. The only ppl ive met who seethe about never ever ever using them are "handyman" types who take pride in repeating shit they read online but would max their skillset trimming a hedge
>>2896255i think you'd be better serveed tying it into the t&p and running the t&p exterior drain to an upturned bucket buried 1" below grade filled with gravel and drilled full of holes on the sidessoftener dump is salted, so you dump it below ground to save the grasst&p never goes off but if it did would still workthere's no backwash factor>>2896826nice drawingdo what >>2896869saidcartidge failure super rarely leads to a leak inside the wall>>2897140>In certain applications its just the correct choice>5 years plumbersnever a situation besides temporary use in which sharkbites are 'the correct choice'
I have a question about the sink I'm renovating. The old sink had two basins, but it also had two drains underneath that were piped separate from each other for some reason. This new sink sits lower than the old one does, so one of the drains is too high to actually use anymore. Is it alright to just cap it and join the two basins to flow out of one drain? The dishwasher hookup is over near the drain that's too high is the only thing I can think of that might cause a problem, but I could probably stretch the tubing all the way across if I needed to.Also, I had to leave the drain pipes open without a p trap on either because I was rushed into this renovation against my will. Will taping a couple plastic bags be enough to hold them overnight, or do I need to go find some 24 hour plumbing store for emergency caps? I had to cut them off because they were glued, but that was before I realized the dimensions of the new sink and how deep it was
>>2897354youre fine leaving them taped overnight, and capping the unused one
sawn thread
>>2891250That's their sexual orientation
>>2890777Does pine always warp?Is there a way to avoid it?
>>2892021Make sure it's raised right. No video games, no social media, no chinktok. Plenty of exercise and plenty of sun, teach the wood the value of hard work from a young age, they'll grow up just fine.
how does leyland cypress behave as timber?
>>2892021All the OG joists and studs in my house are as straight as an arrow. All the new stuff post 1970s that had to be added later or sistered in is warped to hell. I think it has to do with the density of the old pine from the trees being older when cut. Our floors are 160yr old pine too and they still have tons of life left in them. They've definitely shrunk quite a bit though, every floorboard has a gap at least a quarter inch big, the worst being almost a whole inch.
Gutters have existed for THOUSANDS OF YEARS and they still suck —clogging, overflowing, sagging, leaking. Even with modern materials and gutter guards, you're still stuck cleaning them out or dealing with ice dams if you’re in a cold climate.
>>2897283What the fuck is "bot" about hating gutter design
I hope the fix is gutters, but I think it is roof design. The inverted wing puts the cold near the hot and allows for larger water transport system in line with municipal designs, but wind load goes up.
Wood gutters, lower thermal transfer. The lichen that grows creates weak clogs that when broken increase mass against stronger clogs.
>>2897310there's no way some lichen is going to push away leaf and branch logs
>>2897331just the opposite I think it will weakly/tightly bind it, as a mold it will hunt for food on anything that touches the gutters. heavy rain breaks the lichen off the wood creating a plug with larger mass than the water acting like a paintball slamming into a barrel plug.
Previous thread:>>2862495Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or partsdigikey.commouser.comarrow.comnewark.com>but that's too expensivealiexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)lcsc.comComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2897155>hopefully, be as nice to program in assembly as something like 68000.Yeah, 68000 was peak comfy. You want to know what killed the 68k? It was all the crazy addressing modes they crammed into the 68020, along with the complicated way it handled exceptions. It's hard as fuck to pipeline that shit correctly compared to what they did with x86.That combined with Motorola losing focus by tinkering around with 88k and PPC continued the decline.At least they got rid of a lot of the worst crap in Coldfire by setting a 3-word instruction limit. That kicked out a few OG 68000 combos like move absolute to absolute, but those aren't important for compiler-generated code, and you can emulate them if you really need them.
>>2897179> defined a 128 bit variantGreat. The thing is, we already have stuff like AVR, I don’t need yet *another* grad school architecture design that “we got a C- so might as well open source it”One of the first commercial uses of RISC-V was by seagate on hard disks, and combining that with implementations of zfs, ipv6, and tagged memory architectures, ecc, sparse virtual memory (all modern, native 128-bit designs) it would be beneficial at this point.So, it would have been nice to give RISC-V a differentiating feature and actual 128-bit implementations, since we already have avr and arm.>>2897184> does assembly matter?It matters more for CISC. Bare-bones, pure, hyper-risc theoretical is very tiring to program.I guess the whole Ipainium fiasco has already been memory-holed. One of the few problems in world history that money couldn’t fix.> j-core implementationsThere are still some concerns that some licenses, patents or copyrights will surface. If hitachi, renesas, nec, or whomever can open them all, then good. corydoras was suing apple because some japanese guy “patented” e-mail and video conferencing (and scores of other vague all-encompassing patents)
>>2896603MLCC (aka ceramic; x7r or x5r) have lower ESR/ESL (Equivalent Series Resistance/Inductance), which make them better suited to high frequency. But they suffer from DC bias, i.e. as the voltage rises, capacitance drops. Best to have them voltage rated for double or more the working voltage.Electrolytics are good for when you need a lot of capacitance in a cheap small package. But they can break down over time, have high ESR (so, do worse at high frequencies).Tantalum are expensive but have fairly good ESR/ESL and have higher capacitance in the same size package. Just be wary of the voltage rating since they will short if you exceed it.You almost always see MLCC for decoupling because of their low ESR/ESL.If you think about RC circuits, it will make sense. τ = RC, so that means that if you have higher R, the rise time of the signal you are trying to decouple can be shorter than the time it takes for your capacitor to provide current. That means your capacitor does a worse job decoupling. BTW, rise time is NOT the same thing as frequency!For this zeng zou zong jing yuan thing you will want to check the datasheet to figure out what kind of rise time you can expect. You can do the calculation yourself but the best idea is to just pick a 100nF MLCC + 1uF/2.2uF/4.7uF MLCC and be done with it. Check the rise time, it's the most important parameter.
>>2897329Now you’ve got me confused.I thought low ESR was good, now you’re telling me high ESR is good?
>>2897358It is all big cap selling snake oil
Do AA or AAA batteries contain any reclaimable silver?I know that in typical electronics you can usually find silver in switches or points of electrical contact.Those AA battery terminals look like they might be silver but I haven't found any information about it online.Anyone know?
>>2894469you will spend more money than you will get trying to recover silver from anything other than things that are made mostly of silver.
>>2894469the value in old electronics is repairing them for resale
>>2894469>Those AA battery terminals look like they might be silver but I haven't found any information about it online.It's nickel plated steel. Silver is too soft to use in battery terminals.
Hi anonI want to get a job as a carpenterProbably starting as an apprenticeWhich way would be the fastest to achieve such a feat?What I already did>Spoke to my local carpenter's union guy>Went to some construction sites and asked for help around>Called some construction contractors>Visited some other jobs that hire carpenters>Browsed some online job websites>Applied for a carpenter apprenticeshipComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Oh, another thing>How long does it takes for other apprenticeship programs to finally start?>I heard the waiting list can be long
What do you want to make financially and literally? Unions are much better in most skilled trades in terms of scaling pay, benefits, and pension. In my area, union carpentry is drywall. I enjoy drywall occasionally, but full time is not my interest. You should look into the earning potential of 5 year or 10 year union and nonunion carpenters in your area. You can develop any type of experience. Making things yourself is a rule of truth. It displays your levels of competence and areas that need development. Carpentry is a field where you should always be building your portfolio. It's one thing to say what you've done when it's so easy to show if you document. There are nonunion outfits everywhere that simply need bodies. I'm honestly taken back what some crews think a novice is or isn't capable of accomplishing. Use ppe. Pay attention to what you're doing and what those around you are doing. Talk less and learn by watching. Maybe volunteer at a Habitat for Humanity type organization. Stay healthy and fit both mental and physical.
>job: Diesel Technician Trainee (but could be any other mechanical job I've applied to)>doesn't even start for over 6 months>you need 1 years experience in the thing the job is supposed to be training you to do before you get the job that trains you to do it>list experience working on stuff with vehicles, small engines non professionally>worked in manufacturing, job wasn't explicitly repairing equipment, but because everyone else was dumb or lazy I ended up being the go to guy for building jigs, repairing machines etc>still don't get even a response>repeat several times at several places>often these are up for months>even apply to be the lot sweeper>nothingWhy is it so hard to find work? I've been taking apart and repairing things for probably 17 years at this point, done just about anything you could work on in the realm of what the average person has access to. I've watched heavy equip, machining videos for fun for years, I have a shop. Do I need to change my name to Pajeet LarToiletsar, list my experience rebuilding engines on the side of the road in India and apply for an H1B to even get an email at this point?Seems like the only hope of making 50k a year is just trying to start a handyman business at this point.
>>2885428>apply to job as a service tech>get asked if i can come sometime today for an interview>"yes I can, what time should I be there">no responseIm 99% sure some manager was waving my response in front of a wagie saying he can replace him by the end of the day.
>>2889176I made a suggestion like this to a friend (who knew a tiny bit of German) that he should just list German as a known language on his resume and during the interview process the interviewer just asked some questions in German and he looked like a total fucking idiot lmao
>>2886848I never have to suck dick to get jobs but my personal no dick sucking policy has held me back from a lot of promotions. I show up and put in honest work and greet passed up every time, then some random faggot gets hired, dick rides the foreman every chance he gets and gets the promotion.
>>2894160>some random faggot gets hired, dick rides the foreman every chance he gets and gets the promotionso i recently found out that its suppose to be a metaphor. don't be autistic like me ang end up fired for being said faggot
>>2894929Sounds like you didn't ride it good enough if you got fired.
Ok so i plugged the leaky shower. Tore out all the moldy drywall and insulation. I sprayed the studs and everything with vinegarAnd now also with ConcrobiumThen I plan to spray it all sealed with KILZ paintWill it then be good and safe or should I do something else?
>>2896449buy a uv-c OZONE bulb from amazon and a cheap light socket lamp from walmart, and run the lamp for about 5-6 hours, then let it air out for another 4-5 hours with a fan and a window or door open. The uvc kills mold, and the ozone gas the bulb produces damages mold dna preventing it from forming. Bleach and concentrated hydrogen peroxide can soak into the wood and other surfaces and do the rest.
>>2896449If it is dry and well ventilated, it is always safe. If it is wet and/or poorly ventilated, it is never safe. No amount of kilz or bleach or borax or ozone will change this.
>>2896518Read my post and give me an a real answer nigger faggotI stopped the leaky water source
>>2896449Before i seal with kilz, I always use copper napthanate (hard to find now) or zinc napthanate.The zinc napthanate used to be clear, now it’s stained brown to match wood since it’s end cut preservative.There was some brown water-based stuff – copper carbonate – around for a while, but it was also stained brown.The clear zinc napthanate can be mixed in with oil-based paint, too. And obviously, be using exterior-grade oil-based paints and butylene caulks if you’re worried about mold.
>>2896449Concrobium is amazing. Used it on a few musty old camper refurbs... fixed me up! I think you should be good.
>>2896630Yeah, what about Milwaukee shit. It's being shilled heavily in my country. They sell hats and mugs for like 50$,who tf is buying that with our minimum wage...
Sucks, my tool set from them was all I had in high school… sockets were okay ish just a lot of slop and breakage The ratchet broke almost immediately I had to buy a used craftsman one at a garage sale I built a civic with that kit
>>2896343You'll pull 35' enough times if you're building a house. It's no good looking like an idiot on the crew because you want a little smaller tape. Then there's also the fact that tapes work like crap if you stretch them all the way out repeatedly and the larger tapes have much better stand-out which is important when you're reaching for a dimension.
>>289691590% of people that don’t work with their hands just buy the cheapest shit and throw it all in a pile…. I know several people who own a mix of black and decker, harbor freight drill master, random Amazon brand power tools In a huge pile of random batteries (1 each brand of course) where you need to jig saw chargers for Then untangle them of course Then search through their random pile of bits that are the softest crap ever (not even stamped a brand, no S2 or even CR-V marking)
>>2895653Once respectable, now a joke.
pic unrelatedI live in a single-story house.I had blotches appearing on my ceiling. First one, then after a year, two more.Finally, I had people come in to take a look and they determined it was coming from an incomplete seal on the chimney on the roof. They sealed it up. I was told the blotches were black mold and I should paint them with KILZ(tm) primer, which is anti-fungal. One coat, maybe two if the blotches bleed through, and done.OK. Seems clear and logical. After the guys left, another character appeared: the owner of the house. He said, alas (and the label on the KILZ agreed with him) that the area needs to be cleaned properly, with bleach, beforehand.Arg. complications. It is difficult to clean a ceiling without having it drip bleach on the things in the room. For logistical reasons beyond the scope of this thread, the room could not be emptied beforehand. I really wanted to avoid that.Sigh. Fine. So I did it. Some faint stains of the blotches remain but overall it's looking good & clean. Surprise.Sooooo... should I put the KILZ on now, or leave it as is?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
kilz then repaint the ceiling.
>>2896338Call the boomer up and tell him to do it.
If you pay rent, this should be addressed and solved by your landlord/ the owner....Improper seal on the chimney makes no sense.They think water is coming in through the roof making the drywall wet from the top and mold is showing thru below? If this were true, it would be soaked and falling down. Humidity inside the conditioned living area causes mold like you describe. Post a picture of what you are talking about. I did maintenance for awful landlords for a bit, It sounds like everyone up to this point is full of shit, and you are doing someone elses dirty work and theyre just stepping back and letting you.But if anything, old chimneys no longer in use have condensation issues because of the cold thermal mass next to a 70 degree conditioned area in an uninsulated as fuck house with like 3 humidifiers going.I also saw a lot of mold on ceilings due to improper roof venting, shitty roofers just close off ridge vents and idiot maintenance ppl close off gable vents to keep pests out rather than add a screen.
>>2896338Bleach wont do shit and if the problem is reappearing it isn't solved. But FYI you need something equivalent to benefect (thyme oil) to kill fungus.
Just use a sponge mop to clean it. It's not too hard.
So I'm in the process of converting a small brick "shed" into a secondary dwelling where I will stay at some of the time. It is a single room meaning it will have a kitchenette, a bed and a desk in the same space. The toilet is in a outhouse close by but I want to have a shower inside in the main structure. I have access to running water and the plan is to have a camping propane water heater(outside). Once you get past the weird factor, the main issue with having a shower in the living space instead of being confined to the bathroom is the fact that it steams up the entire room so humidity would be crazy.That's why I'm looking for ways to have a shower cabinet that is completely contained, most importantly the top would need to be covered and the side that is against the wall would have a window(and maybe some vents) that I would always open while showering so that all the steam is directed that way to the outside. How would you guys recommend I go about building something like this? Like materials and such?
>>2891553>cold showerhow deranged do you have to be? did you learn that on joe rogan
>>2890319I’ve done a few showers on a budget, these corner surrounds just werk. Rig up a curtain to the ceiling and wire an oversized bath fan if you’re knowledgeable with electrical.
Invest in an infinite hot water system and then make the entire bed area your shower. Latex or blow up mattress, maybe some swimming goggles. Embrace wet sleeping, bro
Can't you just use a premade shower cabin and close off the top?
Amature boat building ran into a similar, guy was converting a box truck for van life. Vented sky light, raised platform, special wood, rain gutter, magnetic plastic surround. Money was not an object the special wood was stupid expensive the skylight defined shower size. Called his van Clyde, not sure it was a daily. https://youtu.be/9fUrJx5k0e8?t=824&si=Z1nmajzJ7kpjPyNF