How do I clean my monitor? Everywhere I look says to use distilled water with a microfiber cloth. I do not have distilled water. Surely tap water will be fine?
>>2890580Tap water has estrogen in it. Estrogen will cause your monitor to be greasy like a mustard tiger. Will never get it clean.
>>2890580No minerals in tap water will leave streaks on your screen/glass/car paint/fascia delete as applicable. Like you already learnt>hey, /diy/ I've asked a bunch times in different places but will you give me another answer>sure anon, try blasting a tap water enema at your screenGets rid of the estrogen by absorbing it into your own systemThread died etc.
The viability of tap water depends on how hard it is. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a really low level of dissolved solids.Just buy screen cleaner if you're concerned. it's not that expensive and they don't need to be cleaned that often.
>>2890580tap water may not be enough to wipe cum-stains off.I use window cleaner and paper towels.
>>2890580just use isopropil alcohol.
>>2890639This. Drink the alcohol before cleaning, and you'll feel much better about not having distilled water.
>>2890580I literally use Pine-Sol.