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This is a thread. There are many threads like this one but this is my own.
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I think I'm addicted to getting low amounts of sleep. For almost a month I've gotten less than 6 hours a night. This isn't an accident either, I see the clock and see that it's time for bed yet I choose to stay up that extra hour or two.
I'm sorry for ignoring you this morning. I was exausted and just wanted to focus on my goals. Hope you can forgive me.
>I'm sorry for ignoring you this morning. I was exausted
I just don't believe this is real. I don't believe that someone can be so exhausted that they can't shoot back a quick and short reply. You're telling me that you're so exhausted that you can't send three words to me? That you're so exhausted that you can't use your thumbs for 10 seconds? Get real.
I can't tell who, but there is a group pushing for the propaganda of cooking/laundry being hard/impossible for men.
I'm not saying that anyone can cook a five course meal.
I'm not saying that men should stay home and cook for their wives
I'm not even saying I can cook well, my cooking is bland.
I am saying that getting a lump of clothes, separating colors from whites, and pressing "wash now", and cooking eggs is meat is just "prepare meal and then cook". Yet my friends are mystified by it.

I swear there's some propaganda on this because the nano second men like my dad can make coffee/tea for himself, it diminishes a girl's importance in a traditional relationship
The worst part is I kinda hate my friends who do know how to cook, in the sense that I don't respect them. So maybe I'm just being a fag for knowing how to cook like them
What language DID she speak? Arabic? Russian?
You drew swords because swords are cool and are heroic. Those kids drew guns because they fantasize about shooting their classmates/super edgy. I would drew guns because I love the Duke Nukem shotgun.
It's not the action, it's the why of the action.

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This may sound strange, but I'm someone that's never been with a partner/woman. I have a lack of experience of the opposite gender and that gives me anxiety.

I was wondering what someone could tell me a relationship is like so I can avoid putting females on a pedestal, if this makes sense?
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It's like 85% talking about other people you both know and 15% arguing amongst yourselves
Unrelated answer. He's asking about the difference between having sex with only one person and not having sex at all.
Anything can become ordinary once you experience it enough times. Eventually sex won't be enough to get you through whatever bullshit your gf throws at you.
It's like having a friend that you are responsible for and must answer to.
How do you keep the conversation from going stale?

Why on earth is cold approaching not talked about more here? I'm talking good ol classic walk up to a girl, make some small talk, see if you can snag a number and boom you've got a potential hookup

Im not saying it's easy or you won't have straight up brutal experiences with it but it's like the purest form of
>fortune favors the bold
Because you CAN have great experiences and luck and it will only make you better at something that your monkey brain is built for but you've built up so much anxiety and fear around it

I mean the average incel here probably can't handle the immediate rejections but once you have a few wins you'll understand rejection isn't a big deal and it's all worth it

>inb4 you'll be arrested attacked made fun of etc etc
You can get stuck by lightning walking outside, go approach fag. It's SO exhilarating
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>what does this have to do with cold approaching?
Learn to talk to women by talking to women.
>I've come to believe that this aversion to the natural learning process is precisely what is cultivating such an epidemic of anxiety and inability.
Pretty much.
They experience anxiety over something they haven't done.
They listen to their anxiety and avoid it.
They survive.
Their brain credits the fear with their survival.
The anxiety increases.

If they'd simply do what they fear, they'd survive and train their brain to lessen the anxiety.
shut the fuck up weirdo. we don't want random men coming up to us.
>Well, yeah. She's a complete stranger. She could be in a relationship, a lesbian, into stuff you hate, or thousand other things.

Or she could be straight and available and still reject you because like I said, unless you are Chad-tier or incredibly lucky (you're fat and have big ears but she has daddy issues and you remind her of her absent dad or some shit), you will 100% get rejected.

>And how THE FUCK is that going to improve your ability to talk to women, you moron?

Talking to women is no different then talking to anyone else you shit-brained halfwit, isn't that what you assholes always blab on about? Funny how you also assume that I don't talk to women. I guess the fat girl in my tabletop group, the hot volleyball girl at my gym or the old lady at the local grocery shop that I frequent don't count - among others.

So no, you married-life-pretending tripfaggot, I do have quite a bit of experience talking to women and the reason I shit on cold approach is because it doesn't fucking work and the return on it is so miniscule that it's barely worth it. There are lots of women I'd love to be with, lots of women I was and am interested in - I'm just not so delusional to think that I can get with any of them no matter how much I improve my personal stats or my ability to talk to girls.

And finally, fuck you and everyone else here shilling this crap.
>Funny how you also assume that I don't talk to women.
>The whole point of cold approaching is to get sex. You got "wonderful conversations"? What did you talk about, zodiac sign? Skincare?
>Maybe the reason why you didn't get any pussy is because you come off as a herbivore faggot. The gay best friend. Who the fuck wants to talk to women? Tell me of a single Chad who gets tons of pussy who likes talking to women?
Funny indeed. Hilarious.
Fuck off, you have no useful advice for anyone. You have no interest in entertaining any advice whatsoever. You're on the wrong board.

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With bullshit like common law marriage, prenups being thrown out in court etc. is there any way to have and keep a child and family with a woman?

What's the point when she can leave you, deny you your child and take your wealth anytime she wants and all it takes is some effort on her part?
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Isn’t common law marriage bullshit? I knew a lady from my town who lived with a guy for 10 years until one day he decided to throw her out. She thought she had some rights but she was SOL.
marry a foreigner who doesn’t have ties to your country. They will have to depend on you forcibly kek. The children will rely on you for culture, language and everything. She will just be there to birth, raise and serve you. The country laws will favor you if anything because you are from there and they are not. That’s the way to go nowadays if you want a domesticated housewife who can’t leave you. I have a buddy in Poland who married a chinese woman. They went through a rough patch and she got all emotional crazy and wanted out. The law favored him since he was Polish. If the divorce went through she would end up without anything. Not even the kids. Eventually they went to marriage therapy and reconziled their differences. This was 15 years ago and they are still together.

If you don’t want a foreign chick just make sure you communicate your thoughts and feelings of divorce to your woman before tying the knot. Make sure you’re on the same page on these views. The way I did it was to go with a chick who’s parents are divorced. This impacted her greatly and right off the bat told me her biggest goal was to always keep the family united since it’s what she wished she had growing up.
You can't, anon. Marriage is always a gamble, like every other relationship. I'd advise not having premarital sex, not allowing for guy friends and being a great provider for your family. Oh, and marry a woman that actually respects you.

But yeah, it's always a risk.
Well they say there are two people in every relationship.
There's the one that's always wrong, and there's the woman.

That's just the way it is ...
>Isn’t common law marriage bullshit?
Depends on the jurisdiction.

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The girl that raped me is trying to apologize and tried to hang out with me… and then touched me again…

I got raped a while ago in a party while I was drunk, I have been trying to cope with it using therapy and even just trying forget about it, but I met her again at a coffee shop, she tried to socialize with me and we went out to the mall, because I felt nice that day, I was shopping around with her for a while because I was finding really good polo shirts, but after we were done and went into my car, she started to lightly tap and stroke my thigh, it was pretty uncomfortable for me and I even almost cried from it, I’m pretty sure she noticed too and she stopped only for a moment, but did it again mid drive, only this time it’s closer to my crotch. I felt like crashing my car into a tree after it happened, honestly, I wanna do it right now.

I honestly feel pretty sad and scared right now, I’m even afraid of going outside.
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>girl raped me
>see her at coffee shop
>”oh hey lets go to the mall, im feeling nice today so I will take my bestie friend rapist around town, heck, I’ll even take them inside my car. This totally wont send mixed social signals to her or accidentally give off the impression that I enjoyed her advances at all! What could possibly go wrong?”
I'm so sorry. Being raped changes your entire life, you don't deserve that. I think you should block her, don't talk to her if shereaches out
Flip the genders and realize how incredibly retarded you had to be to do what you did.
Getting drunk at a party is idiotic enough, but you then kept interacting with the woman you claim raped you.
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>girl that raped me
I can't take this seriously
push her away?
hello yes whats her contact info? I want her to rape me? Hello? OP are you listening? Helloooooo? HELLO???

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I was born in London but have lived and worked in Boston for 4 years and I still endlessly have to have the same conversation about my accent, the queen, sports etc... I dont care because it's mostly benevolent but I hardly think of myself being English but to Americans it's such a big deal. Half the time I can't tell if theyre impressed or theyre just alienating me somehow. Like would you ask an Indian about India? or a Chinese-american about China?
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>I know you people live like rats, eating a meager diet of canned garbage and slop
yep, that was college me 100%

It's very simple. England holds the largest empire on earth, an empire which since 1943 has included the USA again. You come from the lands of their masters, so they're intrigued. That's what makes you special there. They know you're better than them.
Try telling that to the Natives
theyre npcs
that just feels weird to me. If anything I look up to Americans, hence why I moved here.

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She hurt me, I over reacted, she blocked me

Has anyone ever successfully reconnected with an ex after getting blocked?

Should I mail her stuff back anyway?
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Just send her stuff back and leave it at that.

Dry your eyes mate. I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up. There's plenty more fish in the sea.
It can be fixed surely. Friends have ditched me and come back.
NTA but it's from a song https://youtu.be/PyHr-4SeILI?feature=shared

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Is it gay to hook up with a transgirl?

Share your experiences
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>> I wanna fuck a man in a dress so god damn bad

FTFY bro. You're gay and that's ok.
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You're fucking a man in a dress. Yes, it's 100% gay.
>they are incredibly shallow, vain and surface level
This is really the core issue with trans people.
Everything is down to appearance and presentation, and their character is just a show.
If you shatter their illusion, they completely crack and break down. They can't handle honesty, not even from themselves. They can't handle relationships very well because of their inherent self-centered nature that is incompatible with intimate relationships, which requires empathy, emotional intelligence, self-sacrifice, self-awareness, and most importantly, self-love and a love for one another. (and to be fair, I think a majority of people lack these traits)
I'd be fine with people experimenting with themselves or whatever, I don't mind, but I have an issue with people with narcissistic tendencies and trans people often display them.
It's probably best to date trans people within a strictly transactional hookup sense.
Yes, you dumb fag, it's a dude with dick and balls
So it really depends on a couple of things. The more big brain argument is that if you find the feminine traits attractive, then you are not gay. If she is not passing, then you are gay. If you suck her cock, you are gay. If you fuck her ass, you are not gay. See what I am getting at here?

>Be 29.
>Come from a broke immigrant family.
>Parents abuse each other and me and my brother.
>Father leaves; we live in Section 8 housing, constantly getting kicked out.
>Mother is a controlling karen, never finished GED, once kicked out for a parking space dispute.
>My brother and I are minimum wage workers; she controls our money.
>Mother never worked, lives off welfare, and is abusive.
>Father is gone, doesn’t pay alimony.
>She uses the police against us; sometimes they see through her lies.
>Can’t afford college.
>Finally move out, but mother tracks me down.
>Lies to my manager, causing me to lose my job.
>Lost several jobs; last one was two years ago; still searching for work.
>Run out of money, become homeless, live in my car.
>Almost assaulted in Kensington.

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Go back to your country. Find a job there. Happily shit in the water. There you go Rajesh.
Join a monastery? Iunno anon
You literally have the choice to run away to another country that'll take you. Work at a hotel in your native country and your English skills will be useful.
>run away to another country that'll take you
With what money? The bitch controls everything from me, including my passport.
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Join scientology's sea org, they will let you live there for free and feed you.

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How do I heightmaxx? I’m 18, and 6’4 but I want to be even taller
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Why would women spontaneously talk to you faggot. You make the first move.
Wouldn’t that be creepy or someting?
I'm 6'3 and have no trouble with women
I don't wait for them to come to me though
Where are you from? I guess the women are different over there
I'm 5'7 and womeb approach me.

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Brehs im in so much pain for no fucking reason but my bloods are all normal and my doctor just said to exercise, which I do.
what the fuck do I do? go back? go to the UTC?
Could be Long Covid
I’ve been like this for 3 years thoughbeit
It’s just getting to the point where I can no longer ignore it
Yeah might be a problem with your nervous system
Docs don't like dealing with that because 90 percent of cases are just heroin junkies wanting legal opiates
Yeah, so you need to go see another doctor. You didn't post a lot of details either.
Now, having been an EMT at one point, my first go-to is 'drug seeking behavior' but that is cynical and also based on experience. Secondary thoughts, my mind drifts towards mental/diet/neurological/immunological/something you left behind in your rectum, in descending order.

Consult another doctor.

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I feel incredibly rootless and jaded, it seems like society is just alienating and cold nowadays. Is leaving the US a solution to this or will I be disappointed? I'm nearing the end of my college degree and I'm just tired, not of working but of "playing the game" as it were. I'm now starting to learn German (mostly for academic reasons) along with my education and other hobbies.
I've never had a gf. It's not an issue with my looks or height (even though I'm only 5'9") and I don't think it's my personality. I have friends but I don't feel like I integrate with them into a larger collective. I don't really feel like I'm part of a community, and the whole great replacement thing doesn't help. I don't really care about getting rich, just finding interezting work and being comfortable.
Should I look into leaving? Living in the US feels like living in Atlantis while it slowly sinks and everyone pretends everything is fimr. What should I do? I feel like I'm going to have a mental breakdown and just give up when I graduate college. Can any Europeans or Americans that left give me their two cents?
Traveling overseas and living among the working classes can help you understand how struggle against one's environment is an inherent part of life on Earth. You'll also realize that things like sleeping in a nice room and eating good food are privileges that people the world over are struggling and striving every day to achieve. Strip life down to the basics, stop allowing the prevailing attitude of bitching and groaning in the USA infect you with worthless & parasitic negative thought patterns. Maybe you will come to realize that not fitting in is incredibly freeing; most people in the world feel unable to escape the place that others have made for them, unable to survive on their own at all, much less live an affluent and fulfilling life on their own. Yet it's undeniable that this privilege of solitary self-determination comes with drawbacks; your mind no longer exists as part of a human hive, but rather as its own entity, which has a way of keeping everyone at arm's length.
Y'know I am aware that billions of people have it worse than me, but should that really be cause for complacency?
>stop allowing the prevailing attitude of bitching and groaning in the USA infect you with worthless & parasitic negative thought patterns
Well that's why I'm thinking of leaving rather than just complaining.
>Maybe you will come to realize that not fitting in is incredibly freeing
Yeah I just can't relate to this desu.
sounds like you've had things too easy. you need your boat rocked. stop playing safe and go after things you want. and if theres nothing you want, then euthanise yourself and shut the fuck up

>don't really feel like I'm part of a community

then find out how. do not expect people to spoonfeed you like a fucking baby. the reason you feel so listless is likely because youve relied on others prescribing you on what to do too much with your life. it's not your fault necessarily but you have to grow up
Take a break and travel the world for a year.

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Is there more money in finance than in STEM?
Yes. Raised lower middle class blue collar. Smart enough to get into private college but not an ivy league school and graduated middle of the pack with political science degree. Keep in mind political science leans heavily on statistics and probabilities. Develop gut instinct for projecting outcome, think hmmm this is risk/reward shit and can use it to improve top and bottom line for companies. Consult for private equity firm and every year make between 300-400K. Don't have a MBA or law degree nor am I a CPA.

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The girl who was mad at me for following her friend has now removed me as a follower. I had something great and now it’s gone. Is there anyway I could turn this around?
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he's indian, what do you expect?
Op here, I’m not Indian, I’m black
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>convince her to change her mind
you don't, you try again with another woman. there are several billions of them
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Women love romantic gestures. If I were I'd send her a voice note of you singing a romantic song or send her a message showing how much you care about her. Something like "Hey I made a mistake but it's just because I was afraid of losing you, my heart bleeds for you, I think of you all throughout the day and dream of you every night. I don't know what I'd do to myself or other people without you, I love you and need you, I know you love me too and I know we'll see each other very soon"
Have you considered not being a fucking moron?

>barely work
>avoid everyone
>diagnosed asbergers,
>all therapists are just positive talkers and feel highly patronizing
>avoidant and anxious
>always wanted to make it academia
>however, can't focus and just obsess over my obsessions instead of
>severe chronic procrastination
>have severe episodes of anxiety attacks
>also derealization and dissassociation

I think the diagnosis wasn't enough, and I think I have C-PTSD. Also, there's apparently almost no help from official sources on trauma and emotional control. I had to do everything by my own research. Therapists and councellors just gave me blank stares of confusion at any of my issues.

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"adhd" isn't anything, just a list of symptoms. I've never met anyone who can do anything for that long that isn't already on stimulants
>How bad is it?
Stfu theres no other answers I or anyone else can give you
>anon is the world's most unique person

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