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Hello Gamers.
I have gone 573 days without a single stroke of my penis.
I have turned real life into an RPG in which I am the protagonist.
Each completed day is an XP point. Each urgewave is a bossfight. Each milestone is a level up. Each involuntary emission is a death.
Eternal Nofap is Eternal Bliss.

Thoughts? Questions? AMA.
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Wasn’t talking to you nigger, go actually help society for once and kys
But do you earn more than $100,000?
Are you in shape?
Do you have a gf?
Do you have friends?
Nofap is about not masturbating. Fap means masturbation, hence noFAP literally means noMASTURBATION. I never once claimed to be doing noPORN.
watching porn without masturbating is even worse
now that's an addiction
otherwise what purpose does porn serve?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)

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>Inb4 hiking club suggestion.
that would unironically work but if women feel that you're there for dating they will think you're a loser and it wont work. so you need to be very patient. none of that "straight to the point" redpill shit

i think the best dating tip is to looksmaxxx. like this idiot i saw the other day, trying to look funny in front of a stacy in the office (who just looked at him with pity and disgust), even though he was fat and balding. like do your homework and then try that if you want. what a negative IQ clown.

when you're looksmaxxed just be patient about it. dont get nervous if some time goes by before you get a date. like i said, trying to get to the point fast is redpill shit, and only works in their "field reports", not in real life. same for every way
nta but i am in great shape but balding, should i shave my head or you think it's best to go monk mode?
its better to shave than to go monk mode but it's even better to get a hair transplant
I barely know her. We have spoken once and it was a good conversation. I do not think she is dating anyone so I want to ask her.
How would I phrase it? Something something something, are you free on X day? Would you like to go grab a drink or lunch on x day?
Does this seem good or passable?
How would you get in contact with her if you barely know her and only spoke once

As per usual, I'm autistic like many 4channers and internet dwellers.

I want to get laid and find that finding a girlfriend is too much work, and requires me to go out of my comfort zone, and not be autistic which is extremely hard to do, even just pretending and masking.

The problem with this is that I fear that I may get STDs, AIDs, and my dignity will be destroyed forever. I fear that I will have to hide this from my future wife forever, and the guilt is too much to bear, and I don't want to taint her with my dick that has been inside an escort.

What should I do? I've tried dating apps, and have gotten matches, but it's a pain in the ass, almost like doing fucking homework and chore to just get one to somehow hookup with you, not to mention I'm not good looking enough for them to one night stand me.

I almost manage to get a GF from a workplace, but my autism got in the way and fumbled. I tried online dating through video games and Discord but it's the same shit with dating apps, very low success rate. Not sure what to do.
Not sure but I feel like if you fear your dignity will be destroyed by sleeping with an escort, it probably will bring you that feeling of disgrace, as you seem to see it as some sort of dirty thing.
Just get a rub and tug and get back on the dating horse.

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How do I get over the fact that I tried and failed. It still stings. I took it really personally.
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look at these goombas
just try again
well post your pitch so it can be evaluated
stupid faggot
this is me

these two are not me
I made the mistake of putting my real name on it so I can't post it here.

I recently bought a gun, but I'm having second thoughts. The conflict is mostly on principle; I feel like it just...isn't me. What do?
Just buy blanks in case you go full retard like women do.
niggers can see it in your eyes when you have blanks, and can't actually kill them

they're apes but they have good instincts

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It feels stupid posting here because the solution seems clear, snap out of it, but it's not been so easy.
I think I've been depressed for years but now it's affecting people around me I care about. I managed to get married last year and my mood just makes me want to be alone all the time making my wife unhappy. Work constantly stresses me out and I have nightmares all the time about it. I'm extremely underweight on top of it all and struggle to eat when I feel this way.
The solution here is to get over myself, I know that, but I can't get myself there.
Any anons who managed to turn their lives around? How did you manage it? I feel like an asshole 24/7
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I don't really have anyone to talk to about this (other than the professionals every 2 months) and today has been particularly bad. I was hoping to hear success stories to inspire myself to do better.
I'm successful and not a jerk anymore but still depressed. Not to demoralize you or anything, just saying. I don't know what it is man. You can change your habits, your behavior, and still believe that there's no intrinsic value to life. So then you have to change your outlook. But that's easier said than done. Maybe I just have no motivation to socialize and therefore nobody to distract me from these thoughts.
Only way to get over it is to talk about it with someone who can listen. We all develop coping mechanisms to deal with how we feel to survive as we grow up, until you talk to someone openly, and honestly to identify how you've developed your coping mechanisms, they will forever destroy you. You just got married, and you have a deep struggle inside you of just wanting to be alone. That's not something a "find something to make you happy" can fix.
Ah, once every two months is not a lot at all. I'd like to suggest you see a therapist where you can get together once every 1-2 weeks. You need to be able to talk often about your feelings and problems.
are there any youtube channels you like? i think maybe you'd might like survivalism and learning outdoorsy skills. I also feel like artificial environments have more depressive effects on schizophrenia maybe. Also sunlight might be more important. Schizophrenia aside I think you should expose yourself to a lot of content and find new things, and maybe start some skilled based hobbies or long term projects, and have a hot drink or something while you're doing them. No caffeine after 1PM though. Try cocoa or water then. Keep snacks of nuts around with raw pumpkin seeds mixed in, they have b vitamins that help fight depression too.

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Realistically speaking, how much do white women actually prefer black men in real life?
I used to think all the BBC/blacked/BNWO shit you see on 4chan was 100% bullshit, but since I went to college I've overheard white women making fun of white men and in one case even saying she couldn't even imagine her baby being white.
I really want to believe they are just virtue-signaling because it breaks my heart more than any "height and face" blackpill ever could, but honestly I've lost all hope in humanity long ago.
Also, this is not a BBC spam thread, so fuck off if you want to post blacked shit.
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thats probably how the blacked women think too.

there are definitely some women who have been brainwashed by porn into only wanting black guys. its pretty gay honestly but they're usually porn addicted anyways and would make bad mothers. that said, I still dont like giving up even one white slutty girl to the ebony side, thats why I say
I was a little kid and exposed to porn my whole life. fuck this poison
white chuds are just closeted faggots who project their obsession with niggers onto everyone. according to census numbers and research data white and feather indian is the largest multi racial group in the usa, but you never see chuds seething about natives stealing their women.
>according to census numbers and research data white and feather indian is the largest multi racial group in the us
Really? I was pretty sure it was White x East Asian.
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I’m talking to this girl and it’s going really really well, we’ve made plans for this upcoming week to go on a date. I’ve gotten really into her and often find myself overly affectionate saying shit like “you’re really cute!” unprompted a lot - more than I feel is comfortable. She responds to it well, but I just feel like I’m being *too* affectionate to the point where it might be overbearing. I just can’t help but express how much I appreciate and like her all the time, honestly. Am I just being retarded or is it overbearing?
It'll become overbearing at some point. Keep the compliments regular but sparse. If you really want to show your appreciation, do something for her. Actions are louder than words.
mate you haven't even been on a date yet.
temper your expectations.
First date is the real sieve.
Compliments are abundant with women, they're usually told how people think of them physically. You'll just push her into the idea that you're only there for one thing.

so for the past year ive been dating this chick who was pretty great. she was really hot, and i mean big tits big ass muscles hot, plus super smart. she was summa cum laude in our hs when we started dating. she were together for a yr and she sucked my dick and stuff, although she refused to have sex because she's catholic. anyway that year was pretty good she would plan dates and we would go out and stuff, and we'd cuddle n stuff. but a couple of months ago she broke up with me, but would stay friends.

for a couple months she didnt date anyone and we talked a lot, i hoped i would be able to get her back, and it looked like she wanted me back. BUT then today I saw a post on her instagram "me and my gf" from some random fucking dude i've never seen before in my life. I asked some of our mutual friends and apparently she started e dating this cop with massive unresolved PTSD and he came over to visit and now she apparently in love with him and THEY HAD SEX. despite her being catholic. wtf. worst part is that she's like 5'4 and i'm 5'7 while this random fucking cop is 6'1. i thought about like beating him up but i would probably get shot and killed. what the fuck do I do? he's older than her by like three years too. I'm in love with her and watching her go out with some random cop who's gonna beat her is heartbreaking.
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>how can you even want to be in the same room as her again?
absolutely based
why do people always blame themselves for other people's poor decisions?
Of course it isn't easy, nobody ever said it was. But dwelling on the "blackpill" instead of moving on causes more harm than good.
I'm >>31696746 and while I don't think it's easy to find another girl, you shouldn't try to get her back either. Just be single, let the pain dull over time, and try to live your best life. You just graduated high school, you should be full of hopes and dreams. You've got all your 20s ahead of you, fucking do something instead of dwelling on one bitch1!
>But dwelling on the "blackpill" instead of moving on causes more harm than good.
I never said he should do that either, read my reply above to see what I think he should do.
Just saying, you cannot just "find" a girl like you go to a store and find a gallon of milk. He could be in for 6 months, a year, two years of being single before something good falls into his lap again. He'll be better off healing by bettering himself instead of seeking out some rebound.
>I'm in love with her and watching her go out with some random cop who's gonna beat her is heartbreaking.
eh if it's any consolation you'll hear all about it when he does and she has nobody else to turn to
Leave her too it.
I had a girl do this to me, shes currently miserable "trapped" in a relationship and getting cheated on by the same guy she cheated on me with.

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some black lady smoked near me and i inhaled some of it now im sweating, feel erratic and feel weird

what do i do

im scared and it didn't smell like weed
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You ain't gonna die because you inhaled the slightest whiff of second-hand crack smoke, you're just being paranoid. Whatever is happening to you now is completely psychosomatic.
what u mean nothinh to worry about?
>some black lady smoked near me and i inhaled some of it now im sweating, feel erratic and feel weird
Fentanyl-laced weed for sure.
Honestly even if it was crack smoke a few second hand breaths wouldn't kill you or even get you addicted.
yo tell me where that black lady at i need a fix

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How does one make connections with people from the dark web and black market? I need friends in these places for personal reasons but I don’t even know where to start.
Start with your local drug dealer.
Sure glows in here
kek my local drug dealer is some chubby retard I went to high school with named Kevin. He only sells weed and shrooms and his supplier is some twacked out Puerto-Rican. I feel like they’re a dead end but I’ll take another look.

Can’t say why on 4chan.
Try posting on r/darkweb for friends, and don't come back.

Idk, advies or help

Im typing with my grilfrend but im got Concern when she Tell me , im wil copy it and put here

I enjoy watching r*pist and torture p*rn, hearing the painful sounds turned me on

Sound im angry, conserd idk we not yet met in reall life and that freak me up, because its not normal for me and idk where to go to help, no google rearch give me answers so im posting here. Pls im need some help/advice of im should stop it.
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Actual advice if this is real:
Sometimes people might enjoy watching porn of something, even if they would never do or want that thing in real life. I wouldn’t worry too about it.
The local cumdupsters "petri dish"
Gotta keep the thread alive until OP comes back and posts the painting
im interested in seeing the paintings, as well as more of op's english language skills

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Bachelor of Arts in fucking Classical Studies
How do I cope?
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Most entry level positions are being filled by those that are not "entry level". On top of this most entry level positions require having a few years of experience in the field. Which is bullshit because its an entry level position.
tutorial please
I accidentally pressed skip
Just be White?
Sounds like cope to me

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Tell her. It could affect you too
i love him but he doesn’t choke me out. he does not know what he’s doing. i have told him what i like but it isnt his thing.
how can you be sure its her pussy that smells
Common. Gotta catch em all, fucking whore.
Yeah, that makes sense.

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Recently separated from the mother of my child; her and I had been together some 5 years and the last three of them were spent raising our little boy.

We were never supposed to stay together, I had broken up with her the week she became pregnant because she was an excitable BPD train-wreck and I was tired of the love-bomb/discard cycles we were on pretty regularly.

The day I broke up with her I picked her up at a mall she was wandering aimlessly at (in a manic-depressive split) and took her back to my apartment and we fucked and I nutted in her and I basically told her we were still broken up, but I was open to being friendly.

About a month later and of course we're hanging out again (because I'm co-dependent and at the time really didn't know how to break something off with someone like that), and she starts feeling sick around me and viola she was pregnant.

Needless to say the baby was the single best thing that ever happened to me and stepping up to parenthood has been a defining feature of who I am today. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but his mother is a mess and drove me miserable (it is my child, we took paternity recently). We separated on a few occasions early on, but never stuck to breaking up, as I always wanted to be around my son. About two months ago I finally snapped after all whining and verbal abuse, we had an in-house split where I was sleeping in another room and we were being amicable like strangers. She ends up pissing me off a few times around my birthday and I figure it's enough, so I install tinder and start talking to other women.

One night I go out to see someone, knowing she'd find out, knowing she'd get pissed enough to toss me out, and of course all of that happened.
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Now the thing is, the chick I started seeing, I was completely transparent about my situation with. I explained everything and she was cool with it as long as I was being transparent. So the weeks went on and me and this girl really start hitting it off and we just communicate a million times better than my baby's mother. I say fuck it, lets keep this relationship going, but as my son felt my absence more and our custody schedule became regular (3 days on 4 days off and then reversed). I found it harder and harder to juggle both my baby and this girl. The girl likes me a lot, like could talk to me all day and spend all week with me ( she at least wants to spend my weekends), now the thing is this chick is a transplant from another city, here from her studies and first job in her career. So she's emotionally lonely, has great roommates and friends, but seems hyper-fixated on me. This starts to rub me the wrong way as I have to tell her we can't hang out (shifting schedule with the baby conflicts with our weekends, etc).

She plays understanding but I have to endure a lot of "I miss you" texts and some mood shifts that, honestly, I have no emotional reserve for. The separation still weighs on my conscious constantly, and I'm really only satisfied when I'm around my kid and here I am having to be emotionally available for this girl I met a month and a half ago. This week I found myself lying to my sons mother about needing my weekend off to make it so that I could see this new girl and it's like, I don't know why I'm doing it anymore, the novelty of sex and hanging out in a living room wore off. Her understanding character and supportive-to-a-fault demeanor has become this millstone around my neck and I found myself sick to my stomach over the idea of me not seeing my son for this out of towner with likely no real reason to stay here (I wont leave this city unless I'm taking my baby with me).
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So yesterday we were texting and we got into it about co-sleeping (I'm a maniac about child raising, very much have a child-centered approach to the entire thing, co-sleeping, breast milk, home schooling, no ipads/no modern television or youtube rot) and she has this pathetic passive aggressive way of getting upset, where as I'm used to people yelling and name calling, she becomes like this sassy Karen about shit, and that triggers me to just put my phone on silent and ignore her for the rest of the day.

This morning I woke up and she was saying she was worried for me so I told her I panicked about everything I'm juggling lately and I needed space and quiet. I went on to ignore her all day, even after she said she loved me. I just didnt look at her text ( she had only sent like two responding to my morning reply). All this and she texts me around 8pm to ask "are you going to come over at all this weekend or what?".

I tell her I need to focus on my child and studies and that choosing her over him made me feel awful and panicky, that I still needed my space and silence. I left it at that and she wrote some wall of text asking if we were broken up.

I have all ability to just never look at her messages again and forget about it, re-align my focus to more important things. I disabled my ig, I could just block her number, it should be that easy but here I am typing this fucking long ass post to see what strangers think of the situation, Lmk
I don't read blog posts on an advice board.
Thanks for not reading, it's obviously for whoever would.

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