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What is the honeymoon phase like? When does the honeymoon phase end in a relationship?
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The "honey moon phase" is "true love". It's the feeling that you are in love with someone.
It usually lasts around 2 years, sometimes more, sometimes less.
And it is entirely hormonal, you can measure the hormones in the bloodstream during this period.
Most relationships simply break up when it ends.
>It's the feeling that you are in love with someone.
so what is the feeling toward someone then after this phase ends?
Means you didn't experience passion with her. Someone people "settle" from the start, others start relationships based on a spark. It's simply fine so long as you feel happy/content in the relationship
>Means you didn't experience passion with her
i guess thats true. I'm not a passionate person and i don't even know what that would look like.
>Someone people "settle" from the start
so this is normal?
>It's simply fine so long as you feel happy/content in the relationship
sometimes ive wondered what it would be like to have that intense kind of experience. I've seen my friends go through it. I've seen in public when my friends have a new gf, they can't keep their hands off each other, and i've seen how their new gfs would look at them with these "fuck me" eyes all the time. I sometimes wonder what it would be like, as I've never had that experience. but oh well..
Well this is exactly when most relationships break up. So it varies from "meh" to intense irritation about everything they do.
From what I can tell, women seem to experience irritation and repulsion more than men do. They initiate the breakups far more often.

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why do i only really connect with people who are emotionally unavailable
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What's your name? Mr. Steal Your Gal?
oh it's definitely the former then
i very emotionally detached most of the time, and have felt so for years
Glad we could help you. Seeya!
bloody bitch bastard
Probably has to do with your attachmebt style, look into attachment theory.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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Height (and all insecurities in general) only matter if you let them. Your features will attract a girl or deter her but it unironically is you personality game and energy/vibe that will make the difference of you fucking her or not. I know plenty of good looking douchebags that don’t get ass because they are just so self absorbed and shitty to be around. They can’t even change it to get girls. I’ve seen them first hand repel women who chase after them and then the girl couldn’t get away fast enough when they open their mouth because their so narcissistic but cynical and shitty attitude at the same time. That’s what this height shit is or small dick thing.

With all that being said, if you are shorter than most girls at 5’5 or under or have a micro penis then you actually do have a problem. You can’t do anything about a micro penis but can at least get jacked and have a good personality and great game if you’re short
The only conventionally goodlooking guys who can't get a gf must either be below-average height or have severe autism.
>5'10-6'1 is average
Exactly my point. There is nothing special about being 6 foot. You need to be AT LEAST 6'4 to stand a fighting chance.
I’m 6’6 and pale white women reject me before I speak.
im 20 turning 21 in 2 weeks i dont wanna say im a 21 yo virgin how do i find a 4/10 bitch to fuck in 2 weeks

How to cope with regret? Do we acknowledge it? I watched some gay movie's when I was going through my rebellion phase and now that I'm an adult I regret it because the films themselves were fucking weird and I don't care for that lifestyle nor the toxic and predatory people within it. My mom was right, that shit is weird and im better not getting involved with every facet of the world. She was right. How to cope? Do I acknowledge this? Or try to forget and memoryhole?

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Does trial by fire actually work? Like going to all the social meet ups outings etc you can find so you learn social language quickly?
yes cute asian feet hmmm give me give me very cute yes asian feetsies so tasty

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Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?

Is it?
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Just be the best of what you can be.
You have no control or influence outside of your periphery, so why dread?
This is such a vague question and the answer is completely dependent on individual opinion.
What do you need advice with? How to worry less about the world? Can you be more specific?
>Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?
Doubt you'd be able to do anything about it, so probably shouldn't worry, no.
>Is it?
For most people in the West and in East Asia, yes, I would say so.
>Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?
You're picture just shows how everything is becoming more catered to women, and yes, you should worry about it because it is worse
ZOG is going down, so really it is getting better.

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How do I subtly break up a couple? I wanna bang this chick but if I do so while they're still together it might cause problems

They've been together a few years already, and while it seems they won't stay together forever, I would like to accelerate the process
make her bf cheat by being his cum bank then tell her everything
Nah, I'm bi but you wouldn't catch me with that bum cuck uggly ass bitch
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>I'm bi
its not cuck. You getting buttfucked and being hiscum bank means now you are more important than his gf. telling her this will make her break up immediately 100%. just practice with a dildo first incase if he as gigantic cock that will destroy your ah

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I asked him to get new underwear because they keep falling off his ass revealing it and I don’t wanna see it.

Now 3 months later he has finally decided to order some online, and he looks extremely annoyed and is looking at me with contempt.

In addition it seems anytime I ask him to do something he looks really unhappy and displeased.

I don’t feel like ordering underwear is that big of a deal. But it annoys him a lot.

Same with other things, it just seems like my existence annoys him. Is it because I’m ugly? Or is this common with couples who live together?

I think he just hates having to make any sacrifices for the relationship. He also became much greedier over time and I’m not sure why.
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>if i tried to tell a girl to change how she dresses, I would be attacked for that.
Awww, I'm so sorry you might get hurt feewings from a woman getting angwy.
women don't realize that they live life on easy mode
>women don't realize that they live life on easy mode
You are parsing OP's post incorrectly. Women become more masculine/domineering in response to men become more feminine. Her bf is a pathetic faggot, with his prison-fag style of dress and childish sullenness, and she wants more than that. I don't blame her, and she should dump him.
"Hey all of your socks have holes in them don't you think you should get some new ones?"
Is not the same as
"I'd prefer it if you dressed more modestly and wore more skirts"
>anytime I ask him to do something
> Is it because I’m ugly?
No. It's because you are a nag. A harridan. Lots of women are. They are also very unpleasant to be around.

I have a question for you. How often does he ask you to do something? Yet there you are constantly nagging him.

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How effective is having a cold blank emotionless face at preventing people from talking to you?

What situations is this most useful in?
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>> let them know you aren't a person

damn I know people in the UK love their coke but I didn't know it was that bad. I get approached in Paris or Bruxelles too but it's only for weed really, sometimes maybe coke. but selling dope so openly is brazen
Most of the time I get randomly approached for drugs, it's weed, but coke and other harder stuff is pretty accessible. A friend of a friend almost killed herself on accident because she took coke, ketamine, alcohol, and some other unidentifiable drug at a party.
Im a guy with male RBF (extremely aggressive look without trying, always look pissed) It works out better than i want it to.
I see

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Is it normal to be kicked out of a 24 hour laundromat cause the staff think you're homeless?
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u wot m8
>you are homeless you have time on your hands
Homeless people do not have time on their hands. They have zero time. Negative time. They ran out of time the day they became homeless. Time is a luxury only people with money can afford.
Clean yo stank ass

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How did you guys find out what you wanted to do?
First of all
Are you white or https://www.voicy.network/sounds/KtC_Ph6qR0CSIfeEWs9-6g-sega-nigga
First you make sure your basic needs are taken care of. Look up Maslow's hierarchy as cliche as it is. If you struggle finding romance, that is completely fine. But the other shit is still true. You have to find what would lead to self-actualization. Identify your passions and take a deep dive on them in your free time. Then, start to consider what you would be actually talented at doing in regards to those passions. Most major projects require lots of people, so, how would you fit into that puzzle. Maybe you're the leader or maybe you're the one who's super good at one thing and would be indispensable in a team. Idk, look within and find your lane.
Being mistreated makes you think of ways to not make it happen again, ultimately giving you purpose on life.
Most people get abused at home and what they want is to fuck off and live on their own, everything else becomes an extension of that.

You're an adult, figure it out.
I'm white
I have a decent paying job and the basic needs. I just don't like it that much

To make this as short as possible, I am not biologically related to the person I've called "mom" my whole life. My bio mom was an egg donor. When I was talking about my childhood with a dozen classmates, I started to sob uncontrollably. I didn't know why. I thought my childhood wasn't even that bad.

After a lot of thinking and talking to other people, I've come to realize that I have never liked my "mom." For as long as I can remember, I've disliked her, and I don't think I'll ever like her, much less love her. Anything that could've made me a better, happier person she denied to me in childhood, and then tried to dissuade me from pursuing things that made me a better, happier person when I reached adulthood. She forced a way of life onto me that I found morally reprehensible, and I do not want to associate with her anymore.

So I'm wondering if I should cut contact with her completely? If so, when and how should I do it? I'll be financially independent from her in a few months, and I'll be in college for another year.

I love my younger half-brothers (their bio mom was also an egg donor), but they still like my "mom" for some reason. My "mom" doesn't even think she made me have a bad life. She thought she was giving me medicine instead of poison. Now she lives completely alone. Even though I spend months without seeing her, I grow tired of her within minutes of talking to her. In addition, most of the "family" I've ever known are my "mom's" family, so if I cut contact with her, I'll have to cut contact with all of them as well (I don't mind it that much though. I don't dislike them, but I was never interested in them as people).

TL;DR: Poison dealer has been serving me poison for my entire childhood, and wishes to serve me more poison. She doesn't know she's been serving poison this whole time. I have never liked this poison dealer. A few people I love still like the poison dealer and talk to her regularly. Should I cut contact with the poison dealer?
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Always cut contact with your mother unless she is a good woman who doesnt try to get in your business, and only talks when your dad allows her to.
Whatever you refer to as "poison" is in all likelihood good for you.

Explain what you mean by "poison" and how you came to the conclusion it's poison.
>inb4 some neckbeard on 4chan told you medicine and therapy is a jewish hoax
It's not what she did specifically, it's what she tried to instill into me: an extreme focus on wealth, status, and comfort. She thought people with more wealth, status, and comfort were inherently superior people. I became addicted to such things, and it rotted my character for most of my life. It got to the point where all I would do was sit inside all day, make a meager amount of money online, then rot by overindulging in hedonistic pleasures, all the meanwhile suffering to an excessive degree because of my desire to do as little work as possible. It is very obvious that life is not for me. I've already encountered the logical extreme of "wealth and comfort = good," so for my own sake, I'd rather not touch that lifestyle ever again.
My dad left us when I was a kid. If he had stuck around, I probably wouldn't have wasted so much of my childhood, but thinking about "what ifs" doesn't do anything.
You're an ungrateful bitch, that is all.

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How do i bring up to my online boyfriend that after seeing his face i don’t like him like how i thought i did.
I feel so mean, but we’ve only known each other for a week and now im noticing this all moved WAY too fast and i don’t know what to do.
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"We should see other people." Move on already. Don't waste people's time with bs games
Just do what other women do - stop responding
>online boyfriend
Is he really that ugly?
>online boyfriend
>only known each other for a week
What is wrong with some people, I've know people for over a year online and I still don't conciser them friends. Even calling them aqucenteices is pushing it. Fucking hell, just ghost the guy or 'brake up". I put quotations because saying it without them would imply anything existed to begin with.

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Have to go the hosp today for a MRI. What sucks is that I live in America and my greatest apprehension is the bill, not the result. LOL.
I’m the female version of you, anon. He played my heart, my emotions, my mind. 1 week later after I blocked him from my dms, he had another girl over at his apartment having sex with her. We deserve better. Know that if we had a soulmate, they wouldn’t put us through shit. Please feel better anon and look forward, not backwards.
Most pedos are gay if you go by conviction rates.
The fifth estate
I hate her. I was wrong but she fucking moved on with a manlet.Fucked over 2 years in months.I want this pain to end.I don't want to kill myself but the thoughts went away when I was with her.I thought they wouldn't return but I am dismay again

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I’m in my early 20s and got out of rehab a few months ago (almost 7 months sober), never been arrested or anything that would make life harder. I genuinely think I have a chance to live an amazing life, but I need some “guidance” on what to do. I regularly attend AA meetings and I’m at a community college right now where I plan on going to a 4 year university, but so far I’ve made a short list on how I can actually fix myself because I feel so behind from everyone I went to high school with and I REALLY don’t want to waste my life. Some of these I’m already doing
- working out 6 times a week
- working very hard at my job even though it’s not in my intended major
- going to AA meetings everyday
- going back to church
Any other suggestions are welcomed
What are your goals? "Living an amazing life" means different things to different people. With more details about where you'd like to be just 10 years from now can help determine what things you could focus on today.
Well I’m going to school for computer science and my goal is to get a job at a large company as a researcher, but aside from career goals the standard of owning a house, wife and starting a family. Making money from investing and side businesses so I can actually travel and see the world. I’d also like to get a PhD from an elite university.
So you'll need 4 years for university (is that combined bachelor's and master's?), and then 4 years for the PhD. Do consider that you'll be just as valuable in the workforce with a lower degree than with the PhD. PhDs are only really needed for research jobs in academia. Research jobs in private IT sector are very rare and don't requires PhDs.
Investing and side businesses... Hmm... I think you should remain focused on other things that are more guaranteed, like your studies. "Investing" for most people is throwing around small sums of money to make minimal gains.
Side businesses? Plural? Most people can't even run one business well.
I think you need a bit more focus, as there is no way you can do all of these things. Perhaps take more time to consider your long-term *goals* rather than what stuff you'd like to *do*. Then consider what things to do that help you towards those goals.
I meant business* sorry. I mean either way there’s nothing wrong with long term investments that are safe (etfs for example) right? You might be right about the PhD although I most likely will go for a masters. I know my long term goals consist of being at least upper middle class by my 50s and starting a family along with some sort of academic “achievement”.
Why do CS if you want to be a PhD and researcher?

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