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ITT we ask the opposite gender (almost) anything!

But note that the following are strictly forbidden:
- Politics posts (take those to /pol/).
- Trolling of any kind (this is only allowed on /b/).
- Racism (also only allowed on /b/).
- Misogynist (or misandrist) rants (take those to /r9k/).
- Incel rants. (Again, try /r9k/).
- Discussion of LGBTQ issues (take those to /lgbt/).
- Personal information or pictures of yourself - these are not allowed on /adv/. (If you feel the need to post toonme images, there's a corresponding thread on /soc/ where those are allowed).
- Blog posts. (There is NO good place for these!)
- Any image that is not work-safe.

Please help to keep this thread nice by REPORTING any off-topic, poor-quality, or rule-breaking post that you see!

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That wasn't me, retard.
I didn't post it to begin with and I think you are being a moral puritan over literally nothing and it's a very reddit thing to do.
>not skilled enough to hack into her e-mails and leave a message there
well done with instant-rejecting the unskilled loser.
I'd say they're different but I've mistaken a food poisoning for menstrual cramps. I was sure my period was starting a week early but then I started shitting and throwing up violently.
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>we have multiple negratas that knit
oh no, they're multiplying

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How can I hint at wanting a submissive bf on dating apps? I don't want anything explicitly lewd, but enough so that the people who know, know.
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"When we do couples' dancing, I take the lead."

"When we play miniature golf, my club is bigger."

"When we go hiking and camping, I hold the map."
Hmmm, I think just generally taking care of my bf, like cooking for him, helping him make decisions.
If you don't want to say what you are, you could say what you aren't, e.g. "Not a 50s housewife, but will cook you meals". Anything else you could think of, any other interests you want to indulge outside of sex?
"Not your typical girl"
I think that gives the wrong hint, I'm more liable to think "main character syndrome" or "self esteem comes from being liked by men" instead of thinking "dominant but subtle about it" if I read that.

Similarly, "assertive" would have been a great word if it hadn't been coopted by BPDemons and NPDemons.

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>be me
>go on third date with girl
>she seems really into me, told her family and friends about me
>we hold hands
>said she can see us being serious if we continue as is
>as an obvious joke, I send her a video on instagram of two homeless people getting caught making out, and told her it’s a “potential date idea ” (obviously a joke)
>pic related is her reaction
She’s disgusted at the thought of getting physical with me, isn’t she?
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Some girls really can't tell a joke. Don't think too much into it
Christ OP, are you retarded. You are going to fuck up a good thing sooner or later, I guarantee it.... Looks like it will be sooner though lol
>woman doesn't kiss man for 3 dates
are you in primary school? she's such a prude
>women kisses man on first date
she's a slut, you should hit it and quit it

we never win
wtfs wrong with your generation. once you're an adult none of the rules from your parents about fucking mean anything (and honestly that's an independence you really should meaningfully rebel and assert before then)
I’m not fucking with my family in the house, even if I could get away with it. That’s so weird.

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I want ONCE in my life to be approached by a girl. I'm not a virgin, I've had a few girlfriends but every single time it was me putting myself forward. I know it was not my looks, they just liked my personality. For once in my life I want to feel desired for my looks. Not due to some psychological game I won but raw animal attraction. I want to strangle both the women and men who receive this kind of attention and take it for granted. Once, please just once.
you're being an irrelevant reply guy for dudes who drown in female attention. did you know they can smell that on you?
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>I want ONCE in my life to be approached by a girl.
It's pretty uncommon.

>For once in my life I want to feel desired for my looks.
This is EXTREMELY common when you're in a relationship. I'm not sure how you've had girlfriends but not experienced this.

>Not due to some psychological game I won
Oh. You're completely mind fucked. That's why.
Here's the actual reality, anon: Women are attractive to men and want to kiss, touch, and fuck them. And not just the super hot ones. Your girlfriend wasn't "tricked" or fooled into being in your presence. She liked you and found you attractive.

>raw animal attraction
Yep. This is normal between partners.

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if you CAN get two GFs then you can get infinite GFs. you're not fundamentally broken, you don't know True Forced Loneliness. there is a version of you proven to get GFs. hitting the gym and wearing flattering clothes will work for you.

stop posting here like you have a real problem

i wanna get tossed around and assfucked hard and get attention of straight men that think im a woman until they double check (im tranny so not actually woman ik whatever)

that aside, im 5'4 and im 70kg rn, i dont look fat but i am, i cannot stop eating tho, depression and weed (im quitting when i run out of it) make me binge eat, wish i had the opposite ed

whats ur tech to lose weight rly fast or to not be bothered by hunger?
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fair, im moderately hugboxed into ppl telling me im not fat
Funny that you assume the average reaction to a man in a dress should be positive.
What some other anons said about consistency is correct but to add you should learn a few skills to make skirting temptation easier. For instance learn some simple things to cook like rice and chicken or eggs and bacon on a bagel.. When you have a plan and the means to follow through it becomes easier. For diet the key is protein because it is the most satiating. You won’t get muscular if you do cardio and calisthenics at low body weight. As for exercise, set time for it every other day, but work your way up and don’t get impatient because you’ll jump off the plan. Once you form these habits your urges to order fast food will diminish. I used to DoorDash fast food every other day, now I don’t even consider it unless I’m going in person with a friend.

Lastly, consider reconsidering this whole transitioning thing. It might seem fun, but there is no long term benefit to turning a fetish into a lifestyle. You’ll just lose the respect of everyone who is serious about life, and the only people who will be nice to you will want to fuck you. Now that might make your heart flutter at the prospect, but lust is fleeting and leaves you with nothing once it’s all over. Instead do thing you would be proud of. Take your time learning a skill or building a manly physique and be patient with yourself when you don’t get it right the first time. Build self worth beyond the flesh.
thanks for the skills and the advice, I enjoy cooking most of the time too

about the rest, but spinny c:
some people didnt get that option growing up....

i think you overestimate how "damaging" it is compared to like, anything else. Its also confirmed, and well-regarded science that intermittent fasting and ketosis can be very beneficial.

Especially in todays age, where people are doing the exact opposite, I guarantee fasting is healthier than nearly any other diet.

Also youre thinking of like, starving yourself to death/skele mode. I just meant for like 1-2 days.

It feels great, gives you a boost of energy and youre smarter than usual, considering you're not spending every waking moment of your day wasting energy trying to digest food.

Intermittent fasting will probably a government suggested diet within the next decade. Its how human beings consumed food for thousands of years before modern society.
how do you get consistent before you go pass the first day of feeling extremely hungry. how would this route of 1-2 days of fasting be scheduled out

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, have given up, or insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can pollute. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": https://pdfcoffee.com/318797392-mark-manson-models-2016pdf-4-pdf-free.html
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://archive.org/details/robert-glover-no-more-mr-nice-guy-id-353324692-size-612
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)

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Alyssa Mercante?
After lurking a few threads I’m better off sticking with Reddit
>Right, but I'd avoid places like that. They're just setting up a chilling effect atmosphere, and that nonsense is no fun
in my city most pubs have those signs, including some places that are lively as fuck and where i have gotten laid in the past. So i think it would be a mistake to avoid places on account of those signs, or to see them as any kind of barrier to approaching...

Introducing yourself to others is really a completely natural thing to do...
>retarded ESL babble
I dont even know how to provide an emotional roller coaster. If you're saying i need to challenge her to a dance competition in the middle of a crowded restaurant, that is never going to happen. That's not who I am and I'm not going to do something outside of my character because that would be me being fake.

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is it normal to drop that amount of hair when bathing? pic is what I recently lost, each 'circle' from a different bath.
my hair is at shoulder length and I use shampoo, mask and conditioner in an effort to make it less brittle
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yeah this is absolutely normal
i've had long hair for about ten years now and i consistently lose this much hair every time i wash it and so far i've had no signs of balding or thinning anything
That's kind of a lot. Do you not get your hair fixed? Per shower, I only lose less than half of your first circle of hair, starting from left.
I use an organic shampoo from Mexico and collagen for hair, if you ask. No I have never used "mask" and I despise conditioners since it makes my hair super greasy and I look like I have not showered in weeks.
so I guess your hair is longer than mine, was it the same when it was at my length?

Im still trying to figure it out how to properly fix it, as I said losing it at the bath isn't the only thing that is bugging me out, but also the struggle I have to brush it and keep its texture consistent through the day
This amount of hair loss seems normal, especially beyond ~24yo. For me though, I had discovered that I had nearly onset scurvy - over time I weaned too much off of fruit and veggies! A 500mg VIT-C supplement every morning helps, but good diet on top of that is most necessary for the most healthy hair retention, volume, and other.
damn I didnt even know about the impact that diet has on hair quality. my diet is ok I guess, I regularly eat fruit but green vegetables not so much. Im 25 btw, but by my looks you would assume I just got out of high school, seems I am set for a slow aging

My parents are going broke and I need to find a place to stay. The rent in the area is ludicrously expensive, but I’m near friends and a nice piece of ass. If I move an hour and a half away there are reasonably priced places but no friends or ass. My friends said they would not travel an hour and a half to the middle of nowhere and same is presumed for said piece of ass. What do, anons? I really don’t wanna uproot what little I’ve cultivated because I’m not the best at socializing but I also do t wanna live in a hell box in poverty.

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Real answers only.
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Move to Southeast Asia to find a girlfriend
Aren't they just going to see that you're following thousands of random women?
>incels do not make any mistakes
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You cannot prove to anyone that incels do not do everything and know everything in OP image and that guys post (except social contact which is impossible for those outside schools)
There is no way for any women to ever know that incels are the perfect men described in both of these 2 posts which is why you cant prove me wrong. I already proved you wrong by posting better version of your argument in my own post.
I don't know. Girls have been avoiding me since I was a kid. It's like I'm poison to them.

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>meet new girl
>we get along well
>went to the club multiple times
>ended up kissing and sleeping together in the same bed (no sex) multiple times as well
Problem is, new girl knew that I have a gf, which is probably the reason why she didn't want sex.
She was also crying to me why I would do this even though I have a gf and that she felt bad for her and that I should break up.
Because of her job me and my gf are currently long distance and now after a few months break I'm gonna meet new girl again.
Should I pretend that I broke up with my gf when I meet new girl and try to take things further?
The new girl doesn't know my gfs name and has no way of contacting her.
Disclaimer: Breaking up with my gf is not an option because I hate her and want her to waste all her time abroad waiting for me.
why do you hate her
>Disclaimer: Breaking up with my gf is not an option because I hate her and want her to waste all her time abroad waiting for me.
Just break up with her and go no contact. You will one day realize, if you waste her time, what you did waste fucked up and you'll harbor self hatred over it which won't be easy to get over, which will compound and manifest in other ways which will make your life more difficult.
such a great novel. the movie was good too
Idk I just hate women in general because I used to be an incel until last year. Most hartes comes from (retroactive) jealousy probably though.

I already hate myself, don't worry about that.
You're both shitty people, so I guess go for the new one. You'll fit together.

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>31 year old male virgin
>can't stop masturbating, watching porn, and fantasizing about sex with women I see in public that are hot and hot coworkers

People say to go outside more, work out, get a hobby etc. I've done all three and I still can't stop cooming. Also ever since I got 30 ive been hornier than ever I fap so much more now it's crazy. What do
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>are you 60 and "has seen it all"?
Not far off.
And as to why: if someone who is clearly never going to get a girlfriend wastes the next 25 years of his life trying, then at the end of it he'll be a 55-year-old virgin with absolutely nothing else in his life to make him happy in any way, and staring old age in the face. By contrast, if he stops trying and starts looking for other ways to make his life fulfilling, then he'll lead a relatively rich and full life, and be happy and contented as he heads towards retirement.

I've seen both things happen several times.
get on cypro or some other strong antiandrogen
The truth is there is nowhere to meet people in the current year. There are very few single women walking on the streets anymore, they all drive but the main problem is most women are in relationships already. They will tell you to go to bars and pubs but it doesn't seem to work anymore, in the past sure but not anymore.

Then they tell you hobbies, to get hobbies and sign up for shit, but most women don't have hobbies (their hobby is socializing over the internet and in real life) not to mention the countless other guys that get into hobbies to meet women.
If you don't meet a girl in high school or college it's over in 2025, there is nowhere to meet women anymore, unless you cold approach in places where young women hang out. And let me tell you alone as a 30/40+ year old male, it's not going to go well. You would at least need a wingman but even then the odds are stacked against you not just because of the age difference.
Matthew 5:29–30

' If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. '

This doesn't have to be literal. If your computer/phone serves as the means to gaze upon women and lust, then you must tear these things out of your life before your life in full is consumed. The danger is sin isn't just the act itself - it's that you build a tolerance and more sin is needed to live a worse and worse life.

For me it was removing the lock on my bedroom door, downgrading my PC (I have CRT screen and wooden chair, computer usage is painful and I want to finish my work/gaming tasks ASAP), and replacing my smartphone with a flipphone (CAT s22 flip). It's helped me tremendously not just with lust issues, but I have gained 3-4 hours in the day.

Good luck, anon! Don't need to believe in God to know the scriptures wisdoms.

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Why is treating women like you treat your friends not enough to get a relationship?

Why do you HAVE to flirt or make it well known you're romantically interested in them. In order for them to develop feelings for you?

I could be in the wrong here. Maybe I'm just ugly.
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I can recognise anger but not disgust.
I mean to be honest I look at my homies alot, but it doesnt mean I want to fuck them like some fag
>Why is treating women like you treat your friends not enough to get a relationship?
Because you have to express interest or intent or you seem like you're not interested, like you don't find them attractive, like you're cowardly, or like you're without any passion or sexual drive.

>Why do you HAVE to flirt or make it well known you're romantically interested in them. In order for them to develop feelings for you?
They could theoretically, however unlikely, develop feelings for you but why would they ever indicate it when you've never shown the slightest bit of interest?

In society, the man pusues. When a man doesn't pursue, that typically means that he isn't interested for whatever reason.
Some online incels argue that some women pursue and that some men are so attractive that many women pursue them. This might be true but it's irrelevant.
Most women don't pursue.
Most men must pursue.
Have some copypasta:

>How do you know if a woman is attracted to you? How do you know if they're making a move on you/flirting with you?
Never wait for 100% confirmation. You won't get it unless she's one of the *rare* forward girls. Women generally don't make moves or approach so much as invite opportunity for you to move.

One anon once said
>my boyfriend looks at me like my grandma and my puppy do.
That sums up the eyes well.
Steady eye contact is a sign of interest or politeness. Pretty standard and inconclusive.
When someone looks at you with interest, their eyes have a captivated look. You might have seen it in someone's, not necessarily a girl's, eyes while in the middle of telling a good story or after you just told a funny joke and are in the middle of telling another one. The eyes communicate "anticipation".
If you get this look, they are interested, for any number of reasons. If you get this look when being boring or mundane, like just greeting them, it is a sign that they are interested In *you* and not what you are saying.

Adoring eyes are more than captivated. I call them "gooey eyes". If you've ever seen the look in someone's eyes as they fuss over a baby, puppy, or kitten, you might have an idea of what I am talking about. They are captivated and appreciative but also somehow softer and more vulnerable.

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Have you tried?

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Girl that was my gf and I told to fuck off after defending her brother sexually abusing her one day and the next one considering to date him when he asked her to is messaging me to ask how I was after a week, I told her what did she want to tell me after what she did to me and left me on read,
what should I do
block and move on
Sometimes I wish these posts were GPT, because god dam can I not read this without having a stroke
>because god dam can I not read this without having a stroke

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ever have a moment of sharp clarity and self reflection that it forces you to feel as though it's best if you kys ?

I just had one of those moments just a few weeks ago right after new year and I still can't shake it off
meeting my old friends and family members has made it abundantly clear that I wasted 27 years of my life doing nothing worthwhile meanwhile even the ones who aren't making money have girlfriends or kids
I can't even justify myself being stuck with a dead end job and barely livable wages
nor can I no longer cope with myself saying it would be better in a year or two
the sudden realisation that it's pretty much over for me and that I have been making wrong choices so far has hit me hard
I haven't succeeded anything in life so far
no degree ,no money and no gf and I am no longer young either
I am feeling a existential crisis like never before
its kind of insecurity in a way - just a consequence of that. dont take it too negatively, but perhaps an approachable solution for such problems would actually be the step for suicide

you hear it often with people who struggle with certain mental illness (ex aspergers and other stuff limiting people in their lives)

i heard its a blanket for comfort. dont fall for the hurting others psyop. sometimes, love for self doesnt exceed such an act

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Is it really true that ugly people get less respect and are treated worse than attractive people? I'm unattractive and sometimes I wonder if the way I look impacts how people act towards me, but I don't want to make assumptions. Does it make a big difference?
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Yeah. People treat me night and day when I started losing weight. People sit next to me on the bus, dont clutch their bags when walking past me, theyre more forgiving when i make mistakes. people never treated me like that a year ago when i looked like a literal hobo
First impression is a huge thing in this shallow grotesque world. I notice this quite often, unfortunately. I'm pretty big (big boned) and hairy like a gorilla. Usually, when I'm walking home from a late night evening and girls are walking beside me, or in front, they usually run like the wind. It's quite funny but also a little sad. I'M NOT A FUCKING PREDATOR MONSTER JUST BECAUSE MY BIOLOGICAL FATHER WAS HARAMBE...
Nah sub 5 at least invokes sympathy if the person tries to act nice. It's the 6 to 7 who get shafted for "trying too hard".
>be attractive
>cant get laid
this is more pathetic than incel uggos. atleast they have a valid reason.
how do i know where i fall on the scale, by face? if i ask 4chan the only rates i'll get is from the type of people to use /soc/, and ditto for reddit, plus they'll lie to make me feel better because being nice is more important than being honest there. also these days there seems to be a flip in beauty standards to where ugly is good now. i am pretty sure i am a 8 but how do i make sure im really not sub5?

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