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all my friends are in relationships now, and we spend next to no time together. i understand that priorities change and they would rather spend time with their girlfriends but i feel insanely lonely recently, anyone whos older and gone through this have any advice?
It happens to us all. Many such cases. Keep trying to expand your social circle.
>but anon, HOW??????
Put yourself among others. Bar/club/sports/school/job/orgy.
i dont have money to go to bars/clubs or to have a hobby thats actually meaningful, i work a physically demanding job so id like to rest on the rare occasion im not working. such is the life of an average eastern european

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Going out for coffee with someone and I didn’t really tell them or ask what I wanted. They didn’t ask either but I haven’t been on a date in a long time so I don’t really know the etiquette. I don’t want to disappoint them and lead them on but I don’t know what to do. We already have a time set but should I blurt out that I just want friendship or other stuff right now? Is there already an expectation what when you go out that your just friends to start off with anyways?
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if you’re a girl: yes say this. because i can guarantee you the guy is only going on this date to try and fuck you. being honest is best to not lead him on

if you’re a guy: you have a chance they aren’t going this just for sex. you could tell them your boundaries. but usually you don’t need to because the normal boundary is no sex. or just stop being gay and low t and fuck
For context we are both trans women if that matters ;3
Just fucking tell them you want to be friends and aren't looking for a relationship.
I thought it might naturally come up when we walk around, we are just getting coffee
use your mouth and tell them explicitly. They aren't gonna read your mind or just bring it up when its convenient for you.

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how can i stop hating other men becuase i am jelous of their success, capabilites and popularity with women?

I am very concered about becoming jaded, misanthropic and becoming like chrischan
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Just stop.. I guess.
Give more context. Tell us about yourself. I mean, what are you hiding?
physical inadequacy anxiety

want to be an artist

tried to make music

enjoy psychology and philosophy

have talked with girls (only online) but never got anywhere serious with them (always worried they were talking to other men and got jelous, friend zoned anyway)
Very relatable op, this reality is something everyone will have to go through in time with age and death, but maybe some get to remember the good times.
You will never be perfect in every way. Do what you can and be proud of that. I'm a fucking ugly retarded mess but I managed to get a good job and move out of my mom's house and that has made me feel 100x better than I ever have in the last 20 years.

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>Random girl approach me around my bday.
>We met a couple times, went on two dates then she dumped me.
>After a month I tried to make contact with her again.
>Since I didn't had her new number (her phone broke mid breakup). I tried to send a drawing with my number.
>The person that went to give her, said she was unnable to do. She passed to another person give her.
>That uncertainty made me anxious enough to try talking with her in person
>Only place I knew I could find her was at her work
>Try talk with her but she looks mad.
>I don't insist and go home
>A week after I receive a call saying she reported me to the police for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE???
>Apparently she exaggerated the whole story and want to take my ass on court
>After some days, she made her friends talk with me trying to make me say anything she can use agaisnt me.
>Deep down I still like her despite the possibility of ending up in jail for her lying ass
What can I do?
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lawyer up buttercup
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Holy shit, fuck women. I think you’re gonna need a lawyer.
This is why I don’t want a girlfriend anymore. Women are literally insane.
The only thing stopping me from doing this is the respect I have for my mother.
She is one of the few people that believe I'm not an aggressor. I wouldn't bring such dishonor to her by making the rumor come true.
N-no don't actually do that anon....
I said I'm not doing. Chill lol.

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I have been applying to jobs seriously for a year now, since July 2023. i am currently employed full time but I want a higher salary and better work environment. I am in finance as a senior, almost a decade of experience. I'm getting no luck.

>been at current company for a year, got lied to in interview about nature of the job so started looking last summer
>I got this job after only 3 months of applications
>interviewed with 34 companies since Jan 2024
>many I had multiple rounds for and got ghosted
>applying to staff, senior, and manager positions (been applying to manager positions in the last month only).
>in a large metro area applying for roles located here as well as remote
>I have a very unique name I google myself consistently and the only hits are for a current college student with my name who obviously is not me
Any advice?
shameless self bump

Why do you want more? You have a stable job. Save money, start businesses, your never gonna make it wagecuckin it
I am looking to buy a home in the next year or two max. I have saved up enough but I just want extra cushion. And my role is underpaid to what I would be getting at another company.
Business ownership is something I am not interested in at all I am fine living until retirement as an employee.
sorry, OP here. also as I said they greatly misrepresented the job duties and environment to me in the interview. i was told I would be doing finance duties when im doing accounting stuff only. I was also lied to about the work hours and expectations

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Can men out there explain why he likes putting his finger in my mouth during foreplay and sex? What do you get out of it? Please explain. For me, I have an oral fixation so I love French kissing with him, giving him oral, and sucking on his finger. What’s in it for him? Also, why does he love sucking on my nipples?
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Yay have fun with your girlfriend! We definitely have fun when we get it on.
That makes sense! He can switch between dominant and submissive. Dominant when he does the whole finger thing in my mouth, submissive when I order him around what positions we’ll do next. I wanna complete Kama Sutra with him.
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Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make jokes and post like life is cool and normal HAHAHAHAH well no one's fucking laughing. There's no fucking jobs, there's no fucking money,
no trust
no safety
no love
no forgiveness
no hope
no community
no morality
no thing
Technology fucking sucks and just makes things worse. The industrial revolution has destroyed day-to-day human life.

obliviousfags are worse than faggots, worse than trannies, worse than pedophiles, worse than libtards. Fuck you.
i love putting my fingers in my wife’s mouth. it’s so hot to feel her suck on my fingers. i can feel her toungue movements even more clearly on a finger than my dick. it’s hot knowing that she’s doing those moves to my dick and wants to suck on my body. i really like grabbing her face with fingers on both cheeks and shoving my fingers in her mouth while i fuck her. it’s so hot i can easily cum from it and she knows and offers to suck my fingers because she wants to make me cum

i really want to watch her suck on a dildo while i fuck her. it’s just insanely hot to see and feel your gf/wife use her mouth to get you off and in many positions fingers are easier to see/feel it and easier to combine with other acts

i want to suck my wifes nipples off but she has too sensitive of tits and usually can’t have me on them very much. it is super hot to get tits in your face. it’s just a natural action to start sucking on tits when they’re in your face. she can handle it better when she’s getting fucked so i like being underneath her with her tit in my mouth. i feel like i own her body and her tits belong to me and i can do whatever i want with them.

i really like asking her to play with her tits while i fuck her. i know she never has played with her own tits before me and i’m the only one she’s ever done this for. it doesn’t do much for her. so here she is doing something she doesn’t really want to do but wants to do it because she knows i like it. she wants to do something just for me to make herself more appealing to me and make me cum. it’s super hot to know she is basically being a slut for me and only me. when we’re fucking for a while and she knows i’m not that close then grabs both her tits with her hand and plays with her nips and starts flicking them i can cum so fast
continuing here i think a big part of the finger sucking is submission. i want her to do things for me just because i told her i want them. it’s control. wanting to suck a dick is so ingrained in humans. she didn’t ever think about that it just happens. but did she ever want to suck a finger? no. she didn’t until i told her i want it. and now she does it because she knows i want it

and i want her to do it like a slut. to make it sluttier i want her to suck on it loudly. i tell her to make sucking noises on it. i tell her i want her spit on it. her drool. i tell her i want her to moan while sucking my fingers. it’s so hot. i only got her to do this a couple years ago and now it’s a huge part of sex for us. she likes it now

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How does one actually pick up females? I have never seen the actual process of wooing and seducing a woman being performed in real life. I'm convinced chad was simply born with his arm already around a woman while I am doomed to be forever alone.
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I agree with you, but at the same time I can't help but remember ive seen it written that when studying human behaviour, ideally it's best to get subjects outside of the US, because Americans are just an outrageously different breed.

I also remember a more specific study where 2 people are put in a room together. One is awarded $100. He has the option to share as much or as little with the other participant, and if the other participant rejects, no one gets anything. In most countries, the non winner is fucking stoked for the winner, and if you give them so much as a dollar they're extremely grateful but still mostly thrilled the other person won something.

In America, not giving more or less half caused a rejection. Others winning caused seethe and they're ready to fucking sink you if they don't feel they're getting a good deal.
Americans are weird.
>source: my ass
I'll have you know my ass is quite the credible source. It's been through a lot of shit, seen a lot of shit.
All women are irony poisoned in the West so the mere concept of being "courted" makes them laugh and get the ick, even though all their media gives them this fantasy. It's an internal contradiction which cannot be explained through logic or reason, it just *is.*
>How does one actually pick up females? I
Talk to many of them in an extended, friendly manner and, over the course of time, confirm that you are interested in dating them and when the time is appropriate you ask them out.
If they agree you then date in order to confirm your suspicions that it can be more.
Kek, nice one

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Hey everybody,

some time ago there was this document, I think I saw it here on 4chan, of a police case on a guy who did something wrong (I don't remember, what it was) and they pulled his chat or E-Mail history from his computer as evidence.
And under all of his messages there was the the dry comment that "this statement was a joke" and I laughed my ass off at that time.
I can't find it anywhere, does someone have the source to it?

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Do you mean MadThad?

Been taking 250mg ksm 66 everyday for the past month + 1 week. Used 3 heart rate monitors to test my BPM after working out. It was hovering between 68-75 BPM WHAT THE FUCK !!!!

For comparison that would've been my heart rate after i just woke up and walked to the bathroom.

How dangerous is this????? I was just taken aback so much. I know this isn't normal.
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it was around 75-88 WHILE I WAS ON THE EXERCISE BIKE

thats dangerously low right??
>my heart rate was low while i was sissycizing
Depends entirely on how many minutes have passed after working out, how intense the training was and whether you were walking afterwards or sitting, etc. Provide more information
it was like 75 BPM while doing cardio lol

not good right?

effort wise, i felt like i could've done more, but even then, it shouldnt be that low right?
Yes, it's quite low unless your resting heart rate is like 45, but if you have no other symptoms like dizziness maybe it's nothing

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After Covid ended I was expecting life to go back to normal but that never happened, in fact everything got worse. I'm still stuck in my parents' house, no one ever contacts me, I basically do nothing at all besides play videogames and post on 4chan. Everyone in my family seems to both be in extreme debt AND their health is deteriorating. I can't focus on my hobbies anymore because I'm constantly in a state of paranoia. I don't know what to do and even though I'm feeling suicidal I'm pretty sure I'm too weak to even kill myself.
Please try going out
Ye gotta get a job. If the family is sick and in debt, they probably dont have life insurance and you'll inherent loads of debt when they die.
>no one ever contacts me
Do YOU contact THEM? If you never reach out to old friends, they will get the impression that YOU don't like THEM, and they'll respect what they think are your wishes and leave you alone.
same i'm a hikineet since 2021, i chat with friends over discord (that i used to talk/vc with daily) maybe every few months if im lucky, i tried making an online friend once and got ghosted after a few months so there's that

honestly dont know what to tell you, covid fucked a lot of people over, life feels empty and pointless now
>I was expecting life to go back to normal but that never happened, in fact everything got worse.
are you very young?

this is what adult life is, a whole series of figuring out things were contingent and are never going back to how they were

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>be me
Can you give me advice on how to move on?

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Are there any social worker success stories?
Hello, 42 year old child psychoanalyst here. One time, a client I had was terrible at controlling their pancreas. Every time he was in my office, he would relieve himself uncontrollably. In order to stop this, I would feed him copious amounts of rice during our meetings. The good news is, it ended up working. The bad news is, it is much harder to clean an exploded child off of my floor than explosive diarrhea. I suppose this counts as a success. Have a wonderful week.

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Is there any actual cure to depression? My life is good and i touch grass but i still want to die
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(cont.) therefore - COPE and MANAGE as long as you can and attempt at an actual cure when you feel inspired to. take it easy. we are extraordinarily complicated machines, which is why no one should let that be a blockage to their day-to-day potential. there's the thrill of being such "big beings" but there's also the boring stuff like routines and such that is important for you to stick to
ALSO- take the cosmic joke in it all, existence and "the spark of consciousness living in us" might be just a chemical imbalance, just as much as depression. when you think about the mistery of consciousness, and how we haven't solved it, it's easier to look at yourself while not being able to solve your depression. every attempt to do so makes you very very remarkable
Or you can live a proper good life, instead of a socially good life.
You can try managing it with meds but I don't think it ever goes away. I could fulfill all my dreams and fantasies and I'm almost certain I'd still suffer from deep depression regardless; something is broken in our brains.
Ok what are you insecure about. 99% of depression can be remedied by reframing our thinking.

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i want to buy something slutty for my wife. what should i get?

this was one of the first results on amazon. i’m not sure she would be down for it. she might even get mad at me for suggesting
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post her nudes so we may properly evaluate your situation
Have you tried... asking?
dont forget to get the XXL
It's quite funny that Amazon tend to be 2 - 3 sizes larger than Alibaba for the same label.

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>want to make a username by combining two words
>every single combination of words is fucking taken already

How the fuck do you make a username? I've used namechk to see if two word combinations were taken so many times and SOMEONE has always claimed that combination on some website.
Step 1: smash random keys on the keyboard
Step 2: add vowels so it's pronounceable
Now you have a somewhat memorable username that isn't taken.
add really cool xX or 420 or maybe even 69 and your birthyear

Dickfister is not taken probably
>This basic sexual innuendo isn't taken
I guarantee this username was first used in 1996. Have you even seen an internet before?

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