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>25 yo spaniard
>want to study cinema
>check cinema schools in my country
>degree +9k €
What I have to do do?
Where are reasonable prices to study cinema?
How I enter in the industry?
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I hope to god that AI is a fad that dies but I can't see it happening anytime soon. The problem is that unlike NFTs, AI actually does offer utility and can be used to cut corners. Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
I like the technical stuff, so thanks for the advice, but how I get in those projects? What I have to do or show to get hire?
>Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
Hollywood since the late 70s.
The thing is it’s not making any money. And no one yet has managed to make it make money. Social networks are circling the drain because of a similar problem.
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I have no ambition
19 neet
All I feel like doing is making game mods on my pc and never leaving my home
how do I have ambition in life.
Read my comment here: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31681566/#q31682547
Me again. Rest assured that if you have a spark of ambition then you can achieve more than 99% of people think is possible*. So don't worry in the beginning about the "how" of your ambition, just find the "what."

*This is another story that I'll write up before long. Sorry to seem vague right now.
I don't think there's a secret. You just have to keep trying new things and maybe one of those things will light a spark in you. The trick though is to give any activity enough time. When you first start out and you suck at the activity, it will always seem boring and "not for you".
To get ambition, focus on things you want and what's required to obtain them.

For example, you sound like you live at home with your parents, don't you want a house of your own? It would be your own space, where you can do what you want and have privacy.

To get a house, you need enough money for a down payment (generally 20%) and a consistent income so you can pay off the mortgage.

This means you need to save money and get a job that can afford to pay your mortgage.

This means you need to need to get a job with decent pay (being a wagie won't cut it).

This means that you need to go to college/trade school in order to meet the requirements for a well paying job, or find a line of work that doesn't require any education and pays well.

Now, by focusing on the goal of one day owning a house, you have an ambition that can motivate you to work towards a better life.
Another thought on ambition:

This is one situation where comparing oneself to someone else is actually useful: Think of a celebrity or star performer who is not all that different from you in their basic background and resources and ask yourself: "if he can do it then why couldn't I do it?" If the person's skill is a performative thing, say a sport, you might collect videos of them and watch them repeatedly, maybe slowing them down to watch every nuance.

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Girl I was seeing randomly ghosted me. What is the best mind games to play to make her regret her decision? Moralfags need not apply.
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Anything you do from here on out other than move on will make her feel like she made the best decision...
you match her energy and ghost her back, simple
Is this real? Did he die?

>> Girl I spoke to online a couple times realised I'm a pathetic psycho loser and blocked me
>> feelsbadman.gif
>> Feel powerless
>> Feel little
>> Feel worthless
>> Want to lash out at her
>> Want to make her feel the way I do
>> Want to make sure she knows she was right

kek. What a dumb bitch you are anon.
Best course of action against a ghost is to forget them and treat them like a stranger. If they've ghosted you, they were either too nervous to take the call or more likely, written you off.

You might think there is some relationship between you still, but ask yourself how you would react if a stranger whom you don't think about, approaches you and talks about STDs and all sorts of things. You'd make jokes about them behind their back. They would become "that weirdo", while you're enjoying life.

Right now, the situation is that she ghosted you, so in her head, her and her friends talk about having ghosted you, but they leave it at that. You became ghosted. She doesn't think about you, but if she sees you, she sees the person she ghosted, and she doesn't know how to act (which is the reason why she ghosted you in the first place).

The only way to win in this situation is, when you encounter her, to be confident, walk with your chest up high, maybe make eye contact but under NO circumstances, ever, acknowledge her.

Confident, back straight, no change in pace. Simply look, then look straight and walk past. She is less than a stranger now, because even a stranger you'd greet.

If she changes facial expression, or does something during the encounter, simply dominate it. Clear your throat. Do this, but don't acknowledge her. That's the only way you win. If there was genuine interest, their regret will emerge after this and you can enjoy denying it. If there wasn't, just keep doing this. A ghost deserves nothing more.

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>Repetition compulsion is the unconscious tendency of a person to repeat a traumatic event or its circumstances.
>This may take the form of symbolically or literally re-enacting the event, or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to occur again.

I need today's brightest anons to weigh in here. How does one choose the new path, not the familiar one?

Does returning mentally to a traumatic situation help us master old wounds/understand what went wrong? Or is it futile and damaging?

B.F. Skinner: "The difference between rats and people is that when the rat gets shocked at the end of the maze, it doesn't go back." Yet people do.
fuck you
to avoid being vague: My example is that I got shot in a dispute a few years back and now I watch a shitload of violent crime court cases/interrogations where the offender gets prosecuted. It accomplishes nothing and I can't stop doing it. I can't let it go.

If you are unable to meaningfully discuss, why bother clicking Reply? faggot.

I never post but I have nobody to vent to so here goes.
So my best friend of >10 years just told me they don't really want to be friends anymore as they essentially have outgrown me. It especially sucks since my ex took our shared friends in the breakup.
What now? I have zero connections and I am far too autistic to know how to make new friends.
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high quality people hike, try it though
I understand. But ultimately, if a friend is just in it for the vibes, they were never really in for real. For true reliability, a friendship should be more than just a fun pastime. Otherwise, the next fun things that comes up will easily replace it.
Anyway, I am sorry that this happened to you. God bless you anon.
Everyone does this, what friends of mine that didn't die, they went away and became doctors or got married and spend all of their time either working or smelling their wife's farts. If the only relationships you have managed to build or maintain in your life are ones that you were born into or grew up with then you're fucked.
I think the op is being vague about the genders involved rather than it being a they/them. Combine that with the initial picture and that dumbass ":/" face and it's a safe bet to say that we're dealing with a woman.
I might, I'll look around
Thank you, anon.

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>meet girl in tinder and we talk for months
>finally we meet, everything goes right, we hold hands and kiss
>keep talking on whatsapp after we meet but suddenly one day she says “tomorrow i’ll answer im having a bad day”, then next day she sends an audio about how busy she is
>days later i ask her if i can call on the telephone her
>she rants about how busy she is, that she has had a heat stroke, that she is very busy on her job, she is ill, she just found out her aunt has cancer
>”don’t think i didn’t want to pay attention to you but im exhausted due to being ill and busy”
>”i felt very comfortable in our date,, it went as planned”
>”and i want you to know that you seem to be a very good person”

am i being friendzoned/ghosted or am i paranoid? may she be dating other guys or testing me?
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I'll just make the next post less obvious. What are you gonna do about it moid?

We can always tell its a female posting. But do try, I like being amused.
You’re still going to instinctually defend the woman in the situation no matter how shitty her actions were. It’s easy to identity you.
Bro just drop her and quit overthinking everything, you are your own worst enemy here. Move on to the next.

You really think a guy like OP can pull that off? He's got so hung up on a handful of interactions with one girl, this nigga can't even handle one bitch, he'll lose his mind if he tries to juggle more than one.

I'm this anon for context >>31695812
It's never too late to get it done (I'm speaking from personal experience here)

I was fucking a chick, and dating a couple others, but i was trying to get this other chick I was texting to go out again or fuck, and she would play the same game about "Oh I can't, blah blah" so I hit her with the "thats fine, have a good one". I can promise you that every chick I've used that on, has basically went out of their way to keep me interested, typically by use of sexual attraction. The girl that was wishy washy, would send me nudes of whatever I wanted, and if I stopped asking, she would send me them unprompted, or try to throw herself at me. As it worked out, I started dating a different girl (still with her now)... but the wishy washy girl (knows about my current girlfriend) still toes her boundaries with me, and my relationship with my gf.

Long story short, women rarely get rejected, and cannot comprehend accepting it (it removes power from them) so they do what women do to regain what little power they may have (its always sexual... but the power is gone when you fuck them once, as it's again with the man)

Try it out, short and sweet rejection fucks with their minds, and makes them want you more.

My Schizophrenia is acting up again. What do, i already took my medication but it takes a while before the delusions stop...
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tell me about it anon
this one treatment resistant schizo girl i know sees a shadow character in the ceiling
Did you quit your meds or something? They should have prevented this mostly.

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i have to get to 10% body fat and i will mog more. Can you please rate my side profile.
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Good jawline, shitty nose
Height is probably 175 cm
it's great you probably have 10-15 years max before twink death, enjoy it while it lasts king
If it weren’t for the Adam’s Apple ID have thought you were a girl, and did initially. If you truly want your jawline to mog grow a beard.
you look good chief, stop being an incel
no its 187, i hae fucking giant head.
i wonder if its the fuckin hair, i dont know what makes my face feminine. I have long projected nose with high set cheekbones and perfect gonial angle. I dont get how it appears feminine. Maybe its the compact midface + hair.

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Although it would be nice to be “adopted” by someone and live in their home to cook and clean for eternity, I WANT to attempt to continue my education (20 currently)
and pursue some type of career. My living situation has me disorganized and feeling stuck. My graduating gpa was trash, I’ll admit that. I was on probation the last 2 years of highschool so I ended up going to some alternative independent school. I never got to talk to a counselor about college and my mother and father are uneducated losers barely making it by themselves so theyve never helped me with that either. I worked immediately after I graduated but that fell apart the beginning of this year. My mental health isnt any better either, I feel dumber but I do miss the structure of school. I miss learning, being able to take notes and learn things and turn in homework all that shit. But I also have a goal currently, to get my grandmother out of her old apartment and living somewhere better because for some reason none of her 4 children have managed to do it themselves. While I want to prioritize my livelihood, I really just want to make sure my grandma can be comfortable man shes getting older. So I guess my question is:

>What major/career should I pursue to knock my goal out the fastest?

I know it’s unrealistic. I wish I could do drop shipping, gamble, stocks, hell even pimp myself out whatever the fuck to get money fast and then worry about school later but I dont even understand how that works either. I just want advice on anything that would get me out of this hole so Im not useless anymore
So first things first:
Nobody, that is not massively taking advantage of you, is going to adopt you because you are more trouble than you're worth.

Secondly: Always assume there's nothing for free. There no short cuts to making money and there's no life hack to make you super efficient.
It boils down to a lot of work and a lot of anger. If you're not willing to put in a lot of work, then it's not going to work.

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My OCD takes every positive thought I hold dear and associates it with negativity or discomfort. I can't enjoy anything without my mind desperately searching for something to make me dislike those thoughts or things I once enjoyed.

Is there any help? Should I really take the pillpill?
Talk therapy doesn't cure it but it helps.

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Is this true: Once a cheater, always a cheater? I can’t turn a Hoe into a housewife? She cheated on her boyfriend to be with me.
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Yeah she'll do the same to you whenever she finds another man she likes more.
we have a coffee date..im breaking up with her before she cheats.
I sometimes visit prostitutes, but I don't consider it cheating.
you already have the answer for this question retard. just a matter of time until she shits on your head too and you know it
It's not about whether you consider it cheating or not, it's about what your gf/wife will think
I'd stop now if I were you, it's playing with fire

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I believe I need legal advice on how best to protect myself from an asshole at work. I need to know the answers to these questions:
(1a) Can I legally record my own conversations, audio only, at my place of work?
(1b) Is my particular place of work considered private and thus recordings would not be permitted?
(2) Should I record these on my private phone or work phone? (somewhat related to 1b since information recorded would typically include info considered confidential by the company)
(3) What is legally the best way to respond if this coworker yells at or berates me again?

Should I get a free consulation with a particular kind of lawyer? Is there someone better to talk with?

For some background: this guy is a ticking time bomb. He has had numerous incidents of yelling at and being aggressive with coworkers, in addition to sexual harassment claims filed against him by others, but the union always protects him in the end from being fired. His mood flips on a dime and I'm scared of him. If I can eventually get him fired, great, but this may just end up as evidence for employer's comp if I feel I have to find a new job, if I'm eventually physically injured by him, or if I end up having to file a lawsuit against the company themselves.

I have never consulted with a lawyer before, so I'm primarily looking for WHERE to get advice on how best to proceed in the meantime without accidentally digging *myself* into a legal hole. I want to start recording audio on my phone anytime I am in the work area where I have to interact with him to have evidence of his next inevitable blow-up, but I can't figure out on my own whether one-party consent applies to my particular work environment. I am close with the manager for the location and he has expressed his hands are essentially tied when it comes to this guy, so I think talking to HR will only harm me in the end by triggering this guy permanently against me to make my life hell.

Thank you
>I believe I need legal advice
The best you could hope to get from here is legal information, not advice.
It's good that you're thinking this out in advance. A lot of people don't getting their asses in trouble along the way. Not sure 4chan is the greatest place to go LOOKING, but hey. I'm gonna buck the trend and actually give you some sound legal advice with the caveat i'm not a lawyer. But I do represent myself in civil litigation & typically win. So there's that much. Law is just a...Hobby?
Onwards to your questions.
1a) It varies state by state. In two party consent states you must have everyone who's being recorded's permission. In single party consent states only one party involved in the conversation needs to consent. That one party can be YOU.
1b) The courts usually default to 'reasonable expectation of privacy'. If your place of work is open to the public, there is no expectation. Same for any 'public' area. Restrooms are always a no-no for this reason too.
2) Your work phone brings your employers previous consent into the mix. However your work may prohibit using a private phone in any capacity. Check your employee guidelines. You could win the suit but lose the job.
3) There's always gonna be some asshole pulling something. Trying to involve the courts or company in it isn't likely to get you anywhere productive. If it's a case of nepotism you'll get fucked regardless. The main thing is not to be a passive victim. The harder you make it for them to pull bullshit, the less desirable you become as a target. If every time they try to yell at you you tell them "If you're unhappy with my performance, let's both go discuss it with the manager right now. See what he/she thinks". Then do not wait. Immediately start walking towards the bosses office. Leaving anything you both were in the middle of doing half done.
ALTERNATIVELY: You could make the delicacy of his situation obvious. Main thing is you gotta fake serenity. Like he's got nothin that don't slide off ya like water off a ducks ass. Ask how many writeups he's got left before he's shown the door, maybe.
>The best you could hope to get from here is legal information, not advice.
yes that's basically what I'm asking for. Info on who to ask for advice. I believe I need legal advice from an attorney, but maybe anon can point me in a better direction.
thank you, i appreciate the thought and effort.
You're welcome. I used to do PI work. Among many other things i've been & done over my fifty some odd years. That's how I was familiarized with the legality on single & two party consent. So i'm not just blowing smoke up your ass.

Good evening anons,

How do I deal with university idiots who think they're smart and big because of the closeted nature of how university works?
I'm a student that is transferring to a very prestigious public uni in a month. I've had mixed feelings about university and higher education. I'm a first generation college student, but am regarded as intelligent.
Having been all my life an independent learner, I haven't been able to really associate my ego with what I learn or what grades I get. I have just had an interest in things, and have gone deep enough to know things well

Getting graded on stuff based off arbitrary rules isn't fun at all. I know that the system is standardized for a certain reason. What can I do to avoid, challenge, and dominate people who make university their whole personality? Understand I say dominate because they would not hesitate to throw me by the wayside to look good themself
I value myself on other things, like my good works, self care, and how I do things in the world
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Yeah I understand how you feel. Similar situation here. The best thing to do is to ignore those people though since they'll eventually self sabotage somehow.
>How do I deal with university idiots who think they're smart and big because of the closeted nature of how university works?
You probably won't encounter anyone like this
>very prestigious public uni
No such thing
>I'm a first generation college student, but am regarded as intelligent.
This sentence is gibberish.
>I haven't been able to really associate my ego with what I learn or what grades I get.
Did this sound smart in your head before you wrote it? Most people view grades as grades, not an element of their ego.
>What can I do to avoid, challenge, and dominate people who make university their whole personality?
Nothing, You are demonstrably too shallow and self-important to challenge anyone.
Not as good as a discrete mathematics minor, or a compsci minor, or a digital electrical engineering minor - all of which are also extremely heavy on logic, and a lot more likely to be useful irl.
What philosophy *is* good for is as a hobby, on your own time, for free, after you graduate. Under no circumstances should you pay money to learn philosophy unless you are looking to just throw money away and don't want to harm the planet by simply lighting it on fire.
>graded on arbitrary rules
What arbitrary rules were you concerned About?
Was it "make sure your work is supported by verifiable citations from quality sources"? Because that's not arbitrary.
Also I think you're basing your perception a lot on shit you read on internet forums of people who don't understand/hate education.

One of those "arbitrary rules" you're gonna have to learn is mind your perceptions.
You literally can't do anything about other people and how they are. They like you or they won't and vice versa.

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I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?
Stop being weak minded. Refuse to accept allergies from felines.
bump for better advice
theres gotta be something

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I don't have any concept left of who I am as a person.
Starting from my teens, I've spent so long desperately vying for the validation and respect of others out of a dire lack of self-esteem that I can hardly remember who I was and what I like; what I can recall that I like is hard for me to be interested in anymore because I'm so obsessed with this validation that it's all I can focus on, and the memories of the personality I can remember having are flimsy at best.
I don't know what I want to do each day when I'm not at work, what I want out of life, what my personality is like, and even small things like what I want to wear. The concept of who I am as a person vastly changes depending on who I am with and what I am invested in at that moment.
Is there any way out of this? I'm really desperate and I can't afford another therapist, my first was kind but not suited to what I am going through. I'm going to be in my twenties by the end of the year and don't want to live another decade like this. Please help me.
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>Though I suppose the next question is, how can I fix this? If I was able to become confident enough to not worry about the thoughts of others, then I would've gotten out of this situation long ago.
Well, maybe see it in a neutral light rather a bad one. Maybe your brain knew what you had needed and only looked to others so much because you felt that they could tell you who you are. Like using the audience (people you meet) as a mirror for you to try and piece the puzzle together. Only the puzzle always had a missing piece, right? Something always felt missing, bit like a void? That missing piece is (you) shaped. You are your own missing piece. That is you.

So with that in mind, the next logical step is: be good to yourself. Understand where you’ve been, what you’ve gone through, and what you are facing today and treat yourself with the same kindness you’ve been giving to others. That’s how OP.
I only skimmed the previous answers so sorry if I'm repeating something that's already been said, but this topic hits home. I spent a good chunk of my life so depressed that I can't even recall most of it. I did get proper medication to help me with my mental health issues after I reached a breaking point, but my personality at that point was basically shit and shallow.

What helped me the most was embracing and accepting that I'm starting from complete zero. Like a complete overhaul of everything I've known about myself up til then. I picked up random hobbies, and dropped them quickly if I didn't like them. I started trying out food left and right, I listened to a wide range of music, I went to shopping centres just to try on tons of different clothes. This also helped me figure out things I hated, which is an equally important part of a personality. It took me a few years to get a better grasp of "myself", but I think I'm getting there.

I also got into philosophy a bit to help me define my thoughts and values about the world, since my worldview before that was shaped by pain and thoughts I didn't experience anymore.

I also learned to interact with people from complete zero by reading books and guides. I can hold a conversation with strangers and friends now where both sides enjoy it.
And by talking to different people, I figured out what kind of person I want to and don't want to be.

Also, there is no "true" self per se. You are perceived differently by every single person that ever meets you, and if they described you back to you, you might not even recognize yourself. You might think of yourself as uninteresting and shallow, but to someone whose background is completely different, you might be incredibly interesting. Even the things you like and dislike might change over time, so there's no point to stressing over it too much.

What I'm trying to get at is basically this: trying to replicate a "you" from the past isn't all that helpful, focus on the "you" that you can be now. Things you don't need/want can be left in the past, and that will make room for new things you want now. The "you" that you are right now is things you do, want, and need now.

How about you try some non social hobbies to develop, like: reading, writing, puzzles, building models, etc. choose them on a whim and commit to them for a while in order see if you like them or not; change them if you want after a while. that way you will learn what you like and don't like. however, to avoid the problem of your undefined personality, make the vow of not talking about them or displaying the activity or its results in any way. I mean complete secrecy about them, not even a commentary to a co-worker or family member.
nta but to someone who went through the same thing, thanks this helps a ton.

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