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There's a little, yet annoying thought in my head that keep telling me "You can't live like this your whole life, so something!", even though I live relatively fine: at least I have a job and one big hobby with a tight group of friends. But this thought is still there, and I have to do something about it.
As far as I know about learning new skills or habits or personality traits, you need to know what type of person you want to be so it would be easier to adapt new things that are close to this type of person: like, if you want to be fit, you should want to be a healthy person and so on.
My problem is that I can't decide who I am want to be, as if my sense of self-image was buried or destroyed long time ago and I somehow overlooked how and when it was destroyed. When I'm trying to deeply think about it, I can't see myself as any kind of person beside my current self: I don't really want to be an all-around healthy person nor do I want to be a landwhale, I don't want to be a hard labourer nor do I want to be an brain worker, and so on.
I took a lot of personality tests to try and see who I am in general, and from those tests it seems like I'm just a passive, indecisive, sensitive, pessimistic, introverted pussy who would rather do nothing but not throw himself into difficult and/or stressful activities, even thought those could be needed, and who needs and seeks deep emotional support from any people around. You can see that this information is not helpful at all, because what this kind of person would do in his life beside the things that I do now?
So, what I should do here?
> just do something you lazy piece of shit!
No, fuck off, I need to know what exactly I should do in this situation before doing anything else.
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I understand OP.

I want to become a filmmaker and the chances of that happening are slim to none. But at the same time, even if I were to pursue that, I want stability and success so I can have a family. Both are dreams and somewhat fantasies and I assume that they will satisfy me but perhaps I will get one and want the other?

>Some people would say that you cant avoid your fate
I'm feeling this way, ngl.

I'm a creative person and the best advice I've seen is have something solid 9-5 and then a creative hobby or side hustle. Don't go for broke, just build slowly and let things come together or not.
The other anon has given you good advice - start small, just start, just start damnit, have some accountability, and do new things.

Only you can want to change and want to change enough that you actually do.
> I want to become a filmmaker and the chances of that happening are slim to none. But at the same time, even if I were to pursue that, I want stability and success so I can have a family.
Good for you, I can certainly tell that I don't want any family of my own, so stability and success are not that sound to me.
> the best advice I've seen is have something solid 9-5 and then a creative hobby or side hustle.
I already have something like that: stable job + one creative hobby (writing things for my TTRPG campaign that I master), but why there's still a feeling that it's not enough?
Advice might be good, but I still have some questions about it. How small should I start? And where I can get that accountability if I don't have it for the things I do just for myself?
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When I was 19 I got in depth intelligence testing and a psyche evaluation (all in all it was 15 hour+ sessions) because I felt there was something wrong with me, I felt stupid and was a socially isolated loner.

They found me to be of average intelligence as far as IQ, but they also (mis)diagnosed me as having Schizoaffective Disorder. I'm peculiar and aloof but I dont even fit the criteria for this disorder, since it require the patient to have had a two week long psychotic episode. I've never had any psychotic episodes in my life. I smoked marijuana occasionally which made me more lethargic and weird, but never during the sessions. I brought this up with them in a follow up appointment and they basically shook their heads an said, "if you don't like it, fuck off."

This happened at a key point in my life where I realized I had pretty severe problems. I put all my hopes into this psyche eval and ended up getting blatantly misdiagnosed (I think if I did this today and wasn't misdiagnosed I would have autism and depression) and was merely offered anti psychotic meds that I knew would do nothing besides harm me for no benefits. I was depressed at the time, and basically gave up trying to fix my problems and spiraled into drug abuse. That was my fault, but I feel like I was harmed or at least scammed by this whole thing which cost thousands of dollars, even with insurance.

This happened ten years years, so I doubt there's anything I can do. But can I sue them damages or something?
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>This happened at a key point in my life where I realized I had pretty severe problems. I put all my hopes into this psyche eval and ended up getting blatantly misdiagnosed
I'm misdiagnosed as normal because I am smart enough to have developed piles of coping mechanisms to be functional.

>But can I sue them damages or something?
No lawyer would pursue the case. Some might take your money though.

The better question is What positive outcome were you looking for from suing them? Are there other methods of attaining that outcome?

Justice would be me putting my boot through your jaw and into a curb
You can sue but you will lose. You are a schizo.
You're a schizo.
That's pointless and without reward. I would abandon that. Hatred and revenge just wear you down. Feel free to chase it to your detriment but you'll just feel worse.
Good luck with that.

How do I cope with life not being fair? I have a lot of cognitive dissonance about it. There's no doubt in my mind that life isn't fair and never will or even could be but when that negatively affects me personally I can't stand it.

Like I was rejected by my oneitis and sometimes (even tho I know it's wrong) I just wanna kill her because it makes me feel so bad to know she will never like me because I'm a low-value male.

I'm also really racist so the browning of America and Europe makes me extremely angry because I can't stop it and probably nobody will. Believe it or not but sometimes I snap out of this and love everyone, including women and minorities, but still.

I know I could theoretically "self-improve" and get a gf and constructively aid the white nationalist movement but I can't bring myself to. All I can think about is how fucking awful the world is and how it's never going to get better. I started going bald recently. Even if I got a gf how can I be sure she won't just dump me? I don't think I could attract a cute skinny white girl anyway so what's even the point of trying? And even if I became super active politically I'd still accomplish nothing in the grand scheme of things and probably get disowned by my family in the process. I just don't know what to do.

I'm a shut-in NEET with no friends and no hobbies and frankly no positive qualities whatsoever. Last time I had a job I hated everyone at work and started self-harming and drinking too much. My life is such a mess. I don't see any way out besides suicide. I only say that because I don't wanna act tho. I do HAVE to act soon by getting a job since I'm running out of money but I don't WANT to. What do I need to hear right now? (Keep in mind that I have very thin skin and always need to be right.)
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Well I do have a CC degree but that's from nearly a decade ago and I feel like I'm not cut out for university because I'm too stupid and lazy. I dropped out after one semester. Blue collar work sounds nice, only problem is I look down on blue collar people in general because they're even stupider than me or at least very different so I probably wouldn't like them.
You don't count as white to me if not enough of the word of God is in you. Worthless autism that comes to nothing… good riddance. Whatever gets through the filter is the only thing we are happy to work with.
This is how you should think of this as and this really is the truth; Whatever you are feeling, internalizing, thinking, pursuing intellectually is what exactly what your enemies are thinking, feeling, and are going through. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She quacks like a woman but she knows the exact feelings of… hmmm.
You have no faith in yourself, in the people around you, or in divine providence. If you had faith in any of these things, you would not be so miserable. Find something that you can actually have faith in, and things will change.
It's unfair that billions of animals are raped into existence and tortured for their entire lives in factory farms.
I agree. I'm literally a vegan. What's your point?

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This was the thread I made 3 months ago. You can call me a coward and a fool but I am not happy in life, I am completely destabilized. I feel lost and hopeless. I am so young and being responsible of hundred of lives daily and learning all the stupid aviation laws and having another human woman who can’t speak my language and I can’t speak hers to take care. It’s a lot. 4 months ago, I was an unemployed neet looking for a pilot job playing Fortnite in my parents basement. I cannot cope with the fact that I am responsible over all of this. I am becoming sick, I feel physically and mentally not well. I keep thinking of 30 thousands scenarios
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So yeah, you need to get rapid experience interacting with people and women, irl.
Fortunately, you're in the two best circumstances for doing so. Foreign countries (from a traditionally friendly one) and airports (where everyone has a shared traveling experience). You should read up about social skills, not think (meditation) whilst someone is talking, and just go in with the knowledge that everyone has something to teach you, if you will listen.

Okay, so here's what you do.
Tell your employer that you want to give them as much notice since at some point in a couple of months you'll need to go to Greece for three to five weeks because you're getting arranged married and you're worried about it and want to get to know the girl and her family -- which will shock them and make them be like "aww, he's a good guy".

In the meantime, you need to accept your situation as is, and then still your mind whilst interacting with people. You can literally just go up to people and be like, hey I'm bored and just meeting people, especially in an airport, and people will be like "oh dope, okay" and even if they don't, then they're chronic npc no word of a lie and you'd be better off talking to someone else.
With meditation, you'll notice any resistance and then accept it, and then it will go away. You can do this before your flight briefing, or just do it in public.

Important: Do bodyweight exercises always, the reddit routine is perfect since they're a different kind of autistic, and this is important because separate you from the body feelings when you talk to women doing this airport thing. If you're not in an airport then you have the much more rapid vibe of doing it in public and just meeting people when you're waiting in line for something or any circumstances, just get into the habit of meeting people always

books (critical):

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Then, finally, leaning Greek using languagetransfer.org is super easy, and is completely free. never use duolingo or any stupid crap like that.

This will be the most charming thing you can do with your wife, and she will rave to all her friends about you about how you're expressing her love to you. It will make up for any insecurity you feel about yourself.

So when you go there in a couple of months, spend time with her, and spend time with yourself on holiday, not having to worry about a thing. You'd feel overwhelmed if you didn't have a light at the end of the hard working tunnel you're in.

When you're there, do the exercise with the 36 questions you can take to build intimacy between two strangers and have them fall in love.
Also, read Real Time Relationships on freedomain.com eventually, it's a good book. His call in show is actually insane too.

So yeah, best of luck anon -- this is kind of a cool experience and hey, might as well. Or don't, do what you feel.
and if you figure out who I am, reach out and tell me how you've gone :o)

peace x
you could make a plan where you two continue the "marriage" stuff but never get together or have any kids, all to get her to have a better life. once she finally gets her "better life" or w/e and is able to settle, possibly with someone else, you two can divorce and then end up with your own separate lives. you'll probably gain nothing out of it and her parents will probably get pissed but they're horrible parents anyway so they deserve it and you're making a good situation out of a shitty one.
you should probably note that this is just as hard, maybe even harder for her than it is for you.
You’re exactly right but why is that? Why do I feel like it’s the end of the world, I feel like my whole world is crashing and I feel so vulnerable EVEN Physically despite being physically strong
dude you fucked up. divorce immediately.

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I am a pussy and a deeply insecure individual. I have no self esteem whatsoever and that makes me anxious and paranoid about everything. There is a girl that I like and another guy likes her. I know she is not into him or anything but just the thought of someone else liking her other than me sends me down a spiral of baseless overthinking. I am just giving you an example here to let you know how much of a retard I am. I get obsessed with people easily and it's so bad that I can't get another thought through my head and people can notice that I am pissed or on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

How do I rise above this bullshit? I want to be strong enough to take rejection and not get insecure by other men. I think this is a huge issue considering she doesn't even like him and it's still bugging me so much , imagine if she did? I am letting people live rent free in my head.

How do I not be a bitch anymore? I am insecure about literally everything
my personality, I think I am too boring and have no hobbies or conversation skills(I am very shy and introverted)
my body, I am fat and got bitch tits
I have no skills and no sense of the real world(I grew up in a really protected environment)

I wanna become strong and a big buy anons. I wanna be self reliant and love myself enough to stand on my own :((
Gonna give you some advise that will help you A LOT. Stop thinking and just go for simple solutions. Are you fucking fat? Stop eating so much. No hobbies? Fucking do something. Want to ask a girl out? Do it.

It's that easy.
You're hyperfocusing on yourself.
You're not the world's main character and as soon as you drop the main character act, you start acting much more chill, because you'll be more worried about what you can do and how you treat others than stupid small details about yourself.
I came to the same conclusion but at this point a sense of self esteem seems like a blurry dream
I just wanna live without nervousness in my heart jfc

I think of myself as dirt
>I think of myself as dirt
exactly, you're hyperfocusing on how shit you are. everyone else around has things they're insecure about but that only becomes paralyzing when you can't live your life because you're fat or have a wart or whatever.
Anon the world will keep on spinning whether you're a fat fuck or not, it doesn't matter. Do something while you're not dead because the world won't wait for you.
Read The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden, do the exercises, and recognize the feedback loops that are feeding into your low self-esteem. You are worthy and deserve success and happiness. Ask yourself, what this girl brings to my life, does she deserve my love and attention?

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I'm 30 and I've had middling success with what I'm doing with my career. I'm trying to figure out whether I should A) Go back to school for a generic degree which will help open doors B) Go back to school for something new C) Pursue a trade.

If it's A or B, I'd like for it to be something legitimate that's challenging, that I could see myself doing, and working towards something specific. What? I don't know.

I'm not going to become a lawyer or a doctor but I need to get my shit together so I'm open to advice from you strangers.
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>Accounting seems cursed. Everyone I know in it is a pill addict, an alcoholic, or a lifer who seems to hate themselves and their life.

I'm an ex-accountant, and this is spot-on. I worked at one of the big 4, and even the director told his son not to become an accountant because he was miserable. This is a guy who got into the highest role at the best accounting firm telling his son not to go this route. It speaks volumes
degree will not help you. Experience is what most places are looking for, and just about every workplace still hiring (actually hiring, not posting dead positions that will never be filled) will happily exchange experience for years of schooling.
Trades are an exception, but they're hard work through apprenticeship, and you're honestly, starting a little late, it takes decades to get to the point you can run your own business or get somewhere stable, if you don't mind working for roto rooter or something, plumbing is 10/10 though.

30 is frankly a bit late man, try to make the best of what you've done, if you really NEED to convert to a new field, try to stretch your current work to make it applicable to a new field. Office work is simple and pretty universal for experience.
I’m 26 turning 27, in this true?
Not really

Why do I only shit once every couple days? Does it mean there's something unhealthy about me? There's no discomfort or pain, but I rarely deviate from this schedule.
I think anywhere from twice a day to once every 2 days is normal?

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I have nothing to do and I ask my teammates and they say they will show me tomorrow or next week so I just wont do anything today just like Ive done all week
What am I supposed to do in these situations?
Im gonna get fired again
there's no way you weren't told what to do.
if youre asking for a task and getting brushed off you wont get fired
but if theres a higher up manager you could raise your concerns with it might grease the wheel a little better
I joined this team last week, they gave me some files to read an watch. I the start kf this week i did some things with a guy from my team but then they had to finish something very important so we never continued witb it. And ive just been doing nothing all day
Im on a trial period for 5 months, I was in another area first in a similar trial and the same happened to me. I never knew what to do and at the end I had terrible evaluations and they didnt renew me, but they gave me another chance in another area
you should know your bosses by now, ask them

Remember ladies, it doesn’t matter if you’re not genetically blessed, overweight, disfigured, bitchy, bald, crazy, lanky, acne-ridden, old, flat, dumb, missing teeth, diseased, handicapped or even deformed. No matter how you look or what insecurities you have, there will always be dozens of men who will kill to be with you. No exceptions. Somewhere out there, you’re the ideal woman for a certain man. The entire dating world is your oyster. You can have Whatever man you want. Although, you also have to choose your men wisely. You don’t want a man who will use or abuse you. Don’t take him for granted either.
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it's true, I found my husband despite having dead squirrels for eyebrows
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I prefer to stay alone than girlfriending an ugly femcel, honestly. If she doesn't get me hard what's the point of having a girlfriend over looking at porn?
Making way for other men to have sex is a noble cause
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i dont think the logo was necessary, as its really universal and too meta, but i think its a fixed version
Again, sex with unnatractive women is pointless.

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how do I mention I have no relationship experience at all in my late 20s now that I'm actually trying
I've been on a couple dates and the awkwardness of not knowing what is expected at what pace is driving me insane, is first date too early to bring up stuff like that? It feels llike a very forward topic to bring up considering I want to develop things slowly with someone
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First of all there is "normal" in the broad sense. What your society/age group/generation considers normal

However, if people have "chemistry" the guy can be a weirdo and the girl will think its great. Or vice versa
>relationships arent a mask you put on
That's literally what they are though. Any time of relationship, whether it's work, friends, family. You're always wearing a mask so that continual association exists.
>I'm going to need her to know why I'm so awkward about things pretty early for her to not disappear on me
anon you're dating, not attending an annual performance review. you don't owe anyone perfect customer service. wtf.
>whats a fun date that would encourage conversation, it seems to keep getting quiet as soon as I run out of things to ask
First, quiet is fine you don't need to always make conversation, quiet can be comfortable or it can be a cue of her personality. If you go on a date with someone and the entire interaction between the two of you stop when YOU stop asking questions then I'm sorry but you should consider that this relationship will be like this in most aspects too, interaction comes from both parties, she's not a princess and you're not supposed to carry everything. But first, maybe rule out if she's also anxious or socially shy.
Second, a fun date is something you'd both like doing, some chicks like going to the park, having an icecream, sitting down and looking at nature while talking about random things, for others a fun date would be a unique tea place where they let you paint your own mug and take it home, others would like an adventure park or shooting a gun at the gun range. Try getting a feel for her personality, is she very intimate? Is she playful? Is she looking for new experiences?
Third, stop thinking about dates like they're games with specific pieces and specific tactics, I know you are smart and can see the mechanics behind most social interactions but for the purposes of actually finding love, these are useless, just go have fun, show an interest in the other person and see if you've found someone to work/play with.

Oh and don't take advice like >>31221002, he is technically true, we're all wearing masks so we're pleasurable to be around but that's not the same as NOT being your worst self, people want to be happy and so they'll gravitate towards other people who are easy going and don't take shit too seriously, again, like >>31221002.

But the question is, are you in to play the game or are you in to meet someone?
if theres anyone I WANT to provide some kind of service for it would be the girl I like, it would still be genuine just a change of technique, I get what your driving at though
>are you in to play the game or are you in to meet someone?
I want to meet someone who will stay with me for a long time, maybe thats part of why I'm stressing so much, thanks for the well thought out post anon, your words help

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Ghosting, friendzoning, flaking, being emotionally unavailable, having zero interest in me or relationships in general.
This is my experience for years now, using tinder and badoo and meeting over 60 women (mostly just 1 or 2 dates).
Only 2 gfs that I had and met online were met in 2012. Since then I only had 1 gf and I met her by cold approach (we broke up last december).

Is it me, is it the general population being this trash or women who are online? And it's not like I'm only going for one type of women.
I tried with tall, short, younger, older, shy, outgoing, literally all flavours and the results are the same.
I was being the same way I am now with my exes and they all were happy to at least start a relationship with me.

WHAT'S WRONG? I literally don't know how men who look worse than me or have shittier/boring personality get sex or relationships nowadays.
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Hoooly fucking shit
Here's your personal problem
You whinge and bitch and moan like a woman
I bet you're typing paragraphs to bitches too. Fucking low testosterone retard. I've known SO many ""men"" like (You)
>Okay anon, but I was telling them I'm not looking for a hookup and they were saying the same thing.
>Immediately ignores what they just said okay to
"Not looking for hookups" on Tinder and relationship apps means "I am not a slut with no standards, don't spam me dick pics".
It doesn't change the fact that you are looking for nutritional meals at a convenience store.
Finding a relationship on an app based on swiping from a few second appraisal of appearance is not the best strategy.
They don't mind busting inside less.
I'm still here anon. If you have more insight please share, I'll appreciate it.
Huh? What do you mean?

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Should I confess to my mom that I'm gay

I've never dated and I'm 22 years old, never try to look at porn or lust after people,
but I'm a Christian now (unrelated to my sexuality), and I don't know how to explain it to her without getting a lump in my throat.

Used to be way worse where I would get panic attacks realizing I was attracted to someone
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not that other anon but you can be a Christian and be gay.

Christianity originally didnt have a bible and it was just centered around believing Jesus was god and the messiah and thats quite literally the only criteria to be christian
except jesus was a jew and jew's hated gays back the the BC's too
Sodom and gomorrah
>is there proof that parasites cause homosexuality
Mothers infected with T Ghondi are more like to have male sons, and they're also more likely to be gay.
Gays have more intestinal parasite infections compared to straights. Some say it's because they eat so much ass. I say it's because the parasites have altered their brains to crave ass. This propagate the parasitical species.
There are hundreds of documented cases in nature where parasites completely change the hosts behavioral patterns through neurochemical alteration. Humans are no different. The parasites alter the brains of their hosts to reproduce. Gays fuck each other in the butt which helps the parasites spread. When you understand and see the natural behavior for what it is, things make crystal clear sense. Ivermectin cleans your body of parasites, even the microscopic ones. It may not undue all the mental rewiring that parasites have done, but if you're young enough then the damage can be repaired once the parasites are gone. I think everyone should be dewormer twice a year, but this is deemed radical by the modern pharma industry and leftist groups which would suffer from a healthy and able bodied population.
Paul was eating food sacrificed to idols. He is mature in the spirit so he can pull it off no problem but he doesn't let others see it, those who would be destroyed in some way so he doesn't participate for their sakes. Because God has a special love for his children, it does become "me and not for thee" and now God is approving me to say that anyone who implies otherwise is a complete fraud, literal destiny killer like Saul so only your life and what you can do for God is at stake here…

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What are some good ideas for fidgeting/killing time at work? (open office, no websites or personal phones allowed)

Most of the time I'm cold calling people who dont pick up or immediately say they're not interested. This can go on for hours and its exhausting. I work in a call center, its an office with one table and 10 people around it. No internet browsing and excessive use of personal phone. I cant bring a book so i need a way of fidgeting with something so that i dont die of boredom
Quit and find a better job immediately. You are better off being homeless tired and hungry then doing this sort of menial labor. It is bad for your physical mental and spiritual health to work this sort of job. Source I have done it. It literally turned you into a soulless retard if you do it long enough.
Thank you. I plan to do this for a few months cause nobody is hiring in logistics till october or so.

I'm pretty pale dude, but my intimate area is dark shade of purple which ruins the whole aesthtics.
What can I do?
Unless you're a faggot, I don't see why it matters. No one's looking at your taint anyway.
Taint and balls.
Well, I had an encouter with this girl at club when she went down to give me a bj she was surprised and commented something along the lines
>that pale but your dick is that dark
She then just sucked it a few times and finished me with a handjob.

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how do you do it right as a newcomer to Christian? I’m hoping this goes well since I think I’m doing it all wrong?
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I'm not christian and I don't pray but I always loved this scene so maybe it'll tell you something

get confirmed
then go to a parish and get baptized
Former believer here, from the perspective of friends and family, no wrong way to pray. just start, eyes closed and end with amen. Simple as that. No wrong really. don't worry, it's just prayer.
Thank you to everyone in here, I’m just hoping I can get into heaven and find peace for myself what with suicide
>thy kingdom come
He has come. It is not the case that he has not come yet.
>give us
A demand. Humans made mistakes of 3 day rain dances. Nope. GIVE ME.
>this day
Not tomorrow, today. Provision or bread is guaranteed today.
>forgive us of our trespasses
Stepping in to new territory, new things, we can't be struggling because of the Lord's forgiveness
>For thine is the kingdom
Anyone who seems right but who is not God is wrong even if they sound correct, by faith.

It is important to know the heart of God because prayer is communication with God. We pray because we are not supposed to be just humans who just react to circumstances but we reveal God through us because we jus like dat.

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