My roommate is the nicest person in the world but her breath STINKS. Because of it I hate spending time with her. What do I do?
>>32025382Men are not disgusti-
>>32023525Have you tried passive aggressively offering her tic tacs over and over?
>>32024658some seething incel wrote all this out
>>32023525Use wordsAlso instruct her on proper toothbrush and mouthwash regimes, if she cares.
>>32024658I'd clap and say nice speech
How do you deal with loss in the long term? I find that the way I've reacted to the death of people I knew is at first cry/etc., but after that it doesn't go away and I just hide everything that reminds me of them because I can't bear to look at it. I extend this behavior to a lot of things. I spent a lot of my life getting a mathematics degree that ended up useless, so I instinctively hide math Youtube videos and my old books because it brings up bitter memories. I thought it'd get better with time, but it just keeps getting worse every time my brain happens to bring one of them back up again, even though it's been multiple decades. It's like I can never get over shit no matter what I do, and the only thing I can realistically do is try my best to forget.
>>32026082Trauma and depression intensify each other. The only solution is to find happiness and a positive outlook for the future
>>32026106This is too abstract for me to find it pragmatically useful or understandable.
>>32026082>How do you deal with loss in the long term?I stop having feelings for the lost process or object.>every time my brain happens to bring one of them back up again,When that happens to me, I just go"But that's already done so the feelings aren't important"And I dismiss the feelings.
I’m (only) 27 years old!!!! The last few years flew by and I still feel like I’m in my early 20s.But I’m not. I just feel so incredibly depressed.I don’t have a huge family, and my great grandma already died a few years ago. I feel like everyone and everything is dying. My childhood/family cat died today. I feel like part of me died, and I’ll be dead soon. How the fuck did 16 years pass since I got her????She died on the exact number (day) of her birthday, but a different month. She also died on the exact same date as my great grandpa. This whole thing is freaking me the fuck out. How is it possible that the other day I was feeding her and she seemed fine (as in, she hasn’t been doing well for a while but she hadn’t gotten that much worse or anything) and now she is fucking DEAD? Literally gone FOREVER, I can never talk to her again, or pet her again????????????I started freaking the fuck out because all day I just blocked it out, and as I was closing my eyes to go to sleep, my brain immediately started playing a clip of my cat and me comforting her. Telling her it’s gonna be okay. It’s not okay though because she’s fucking gone. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>32026294there is. it's to teach you to cherish what you have while you still have it.
>>32026307But I don’t want to. Being around my grandparents gives me a panic attack every time. My entire family is toxic. Yeah I’ll miss them when they’re gone but I don’t want to spend more time with them than I already do.
>>32026275There's many animals in this world who dont even get to experience any crumble of kindness or affection from a human, your cat is lucky enough to be loved during it's lifetime, so their lives were a lot better than in the streets or with some people thanks to you anon.You're almost 30, well, there's atleast 20 years ahead if no bad luck comes for you. Figure out a way to spend those years, try something, anything, there's a decade ahead.
>>32026324The worst part is that I’m so mentally ill I can barely take care of myself, and I got a bunch of other pets to feel less lonely, but it didn’t help, just made my life harder.I have literally nothing figured out career wise, am already aging exponentially and like shit, I have no idea what to even try. I just feel like I’m constantly stuck in limbo because of my mental illnesses. I’ve tried meds but I always get literally every side effect, and quite frankly they don’t help at all. Honestly life is just so damn unfair and evil. I hope humans become extinct so we can end this endless cycle of suffering. No one deserves to be faced with death. At least animals don’t have to contemplate it every fucking day.
How do I overcome my fear of death? I feel if I learn to accept it I will be at peace with life
>>32025872get into philosophy, a lot of philosophers kill themselves because all their questions make them suffer
>>32026149Learn to live in the present. Not the future. Not the past.
>>32026149the only way to do it is to just do it. exposure therapy. I used to have pretty bad anxiety myself and I got over a lot of it by simply putting myself in a situation that made me sweat bullets and have anxiety attacks (and they were simple things too, like driving a car or going to a concert).OP, when you feel the anxiety and hear those thoughts you have to identify them. Dry throat, tight chest, sweaty palms, dropped stomach... all of that is nothing more than your body's way to protect you from a perceived threat. So just accept it, learn some breathing exercises, and tell yourself that its just chemicals in your brain making you feel and think these things and that there is no threat. Be incredibly nice to yourself in these moments. It's incredibly hard at first, but it gets easier after the first try, trust me.Everyone dies, and of course you know this. YES, you NEED to die. But you're alive right now, and chances are that you're in a safe room in a relatively safe location. It's not like you're in Ukraine or something. And if you are.... lmao.
>>32026254>not OP but mfw I'm in the Ukraine
>Frustrate her>She loses interest>Pursue her>She ghosts>She finds someone else>Give up>She goes shopping every break she has and occasionally, bump into her when I walk the 50 feet from my car to my office>Ignore her because I frustrated every attempt>She seeks eye contact now, stares from a distance and doesn't break until we're pastWhat do I make of this? Do I talk to her like a schmuck or do I preserve my self respect and keep ignoring but ruminating?
Why is there any text after 'Give up'?
>>32024295Troll the shit outa her, women love people that frustrate them. You gotta get into the ego of a woman, they're trained that they should be treated like royalty every day from the moment they're old enough to understand words.Stand out, fuck with her.
>>32025516Because I see this person almost every other week now and while I ignore her, I eventually catch her staring, and I make a conscious effort to actually ignore her to her face. I could say hello, or maintain eye contact to see what she wants, but as you understand, after "Give up", it must end, so thus the thread. What do I make of it?This has been happening for 4 months now. If it was a one time thing, I would assume it was a one time thing. But if it is every other week, and she doesn't initiate, and I've ghosted her to death at this point, yet it keeps happening, what do I make of it? I want to preserve my self respect and ghost her forever but I can't help to ruminate because I did want her and sometimes, I still want her, but I don't let my emotions get the best of me. She ghosted me for someone else so even if I wanted her to death, I would never even touch her with a five foot pole. The question is what I make of this situation. It doesn't end.>>32025658Too busy to give a fuck about her. If she didn't make herself seen by staring like that, I wouldn't even notice her. I notice her because I catch someone staring at me.
>>32024722We weren't in a relationship and we didn't talk. She was interested in me and lost it, then I pursued her and gave up. It is before something even happened.I could assume she feels bad, but if that is the case, she could say hello or stop me on the street to apologize. She obviously doesn't feel bad. She is simply staring, trying to make eye contact, like "check me out" or "that was funny how we pursued each other but you didn't know and then I ghosted the fucking shit out of you and now I'm with someone else haha" or whatever? But who does that?I'm trying to figure out what it would take for me to stare at a person I just ghosted on the street and I just can't think of any good reason. If you ghost someone, when they start ghosting you back, that's when you should feel relief, not stare at them? What do I make of this?
>>32024295Start dating another chick. A guy with options is attractive to women.
How do you deal with the fear of some really stupid things you said and did while drunk years ago coming back to bite you in the ass?I used to get shitfaced several times a week and inevitably sent some really stupid messagesI wish facebook didn't exist
>How do you deal with the fear of some really stupid things you said and did while drunk years ago coming back to bite you in the ass?Accept the responsibility, make amends, and finalize closure.Know that even the most intelligent and hypercompetent people on earth are not so 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even they are humbled by the plethora of human experiences like needing sleep, falling ill, sustaining injury, suffering from accidents, and yes, this includes even being under the influence of the alcohol and mind altering consumes.The person who most awaits your forgiveness is you yourself. All the others already have, and those who refused the smalls and petties will find their way to you eventually anyway opening the opportunity to heal and possibly even friendship.
>>32023267Fren I think it gets worse with age if you don’t realize you have emotional trauma and a drinking problem. Since I was in high school I have gotten drunk and angry. I am 45 now. Last week at an office party I beat up a coworker. Besides getting fired, arrested and probably needing to change industries, I hurt this guy. So I am expecting a civil suit as well. Joining AA this weekend. Will probably need to move to a different country at this rate. I think it is time for me to give up the Jew juice.
>>32024492Damn well I guess it could be worse
>>32024492My granddad got into a fight with another granddad when they both were like 75. Rolling around in my grandmas garden drunk as fuck. Both had respectable jobs too. Just to show that age doesn't make you any wiser when it comes to alcohol. It can really inflame your underlying anger at the world or someone in particular
>>32023267I'm at the point where I don't care about anything I say or do because I am a repulsive worthless ugly loser no matter what I do. So I get drunk and say nigger and other uncouth things to people I know irk and online and I lose no sleep over it. So just be more like me :)
If I feel like I want something, but lack the motivation to pursue it, does that mean I actually don't really want it?
yep. even though you would like that thing, you want to do nothing even more
>>32025701It's natural to not really want something when you don't see how you're gonna achieve some goal with it. And a lot of people including me have no goals in life, because there is no one to show your achievements to. I would even argue that most people do exactly the amount of work required to survive in their respective situation.
>>32025701I won't read OP ruminating threads.
>>32025701You have two conflicting desires. The desire to obtain that one thing and the desire to not work to pursue it. Which one is more important to you?But yes, you do want it. Fat people want to be skinny, smokers want to quit... They know what they need to do but they don't do it. Very sad, but that's how people are. But I think that if they observed their desires and realized how much they want it, it would become easier to change.
Mom requested I'd take 4 of those due to my high temperature I thought she was joking, turns out she means it and she's concerned about my healthA) is she wrongB) would you fuck her because of it
>>32024175Be careful to avoid Tylenol poisoning.
>>32024175if your body has a high temperature it's usually to kill whatever is making you ill, taking those will reduce your temperature but you'll be sick for longer
>>32024175Tylenol and Advil are the biggest placebo wastes of shit on the shelves. Supplement with vitamin c, vitamin d and zinc. Also regularly take vitamin D, i haven't had the flu, a cold or anything in 2 years after taking 10,000 iu of vitamin D per day.
Take NyQuil, unironically. The anti-fever medication is more evenly distributed. That stuff got me through covid.
high temp fevers are not good for you. just take the mommy pills
Does adhd medication increase someone's libido. I just started taking my meds and I started to feel more aroused then usual. I usually have a really low libido
can someone explain the picture? is that some meme mix of breaking bad and nicocado avocado?
>>32023123You must be the same anon from the ATOGA thread? Like I said there yeah it can increase it and decrease it like >>32025610is describing just depends how you're wired. If it becomes a problem for you tell your doctor or whoever prescribed it to you.
>>32023123stimulants make you horny af in general, yes
>>32023123When you first do them yeah but once your body gets used to them it's over and it will have a reverse effect. Also, this type of shit constricts your blood vessels so erections might be weaker.
>>32025610>>32026162I had the same with methylphenidate ER. kills my sex drive. in such a way that thinking about sex makes me feel weird and jittery. no wandering thoughts. just locked in like a robot on what I have to do
I already got unemployment, food stamps, Medicaid and I’m working on disability. But how do I get section eight housing? I really really want to move because my parents are always complaint how I’m a worthless bum for leeching off this evil system. Not my fault jobs don’t pay shit.
I think I need to cut my losses emotionally. What do you guys do to get over a crush?There's a girl, she's a good enough friend but I don't think the feelings are mutual. She has a habit of showing me just enough affection and signs that she likes me to make this hurt a bit.I'm thinking its just an ego boosting thing. She's absolute perfection, but it just wasn't meant to be.
>>32025642I won't read grieving over something that didn't even happen threads. Make something happen THEN grieve.
>>32025978K, thanks for posting.
I can't cope with life and this gay ass globohomo new world order. I refuse to take any jewish pills, but I'm willing to experiment with alcohol, weed, shrooms and blow. I'm certain I can manage to do a controled dosis as to have an adequate buzz to get me through the day, each day until I die of old age. I'm sure my determination is strong enough to stop me from becoming addicted to this garbage, plus I will compensate any potential negative health effect with excercise and good diet. Is this plan feasible?
>>32016457This is correct. 400 million Africans will flood Europe in the next two decades, and those of us left will still be saying "it could be worse!"
>>32016149>I'm sure my determination is strong enough to stop me from becoming addicted to this garbage>I want to have a buzz every single daylolyou're already an addict.
>>32016149No you cant because building up tolerance is a bitch
>>32016149wow youre so based
>>32022230Are you seriously implying jews aren't behind the psychiatric pharmaceutical industry?2gkvs
i got forced into taking SSRIs when i was 12 and it ruined my life. i can no longer enjoy anything. my mind has been completly obliterated. what the fuck do i do? do i just try fixing my brain with psychedelics?
>>32025865I won't read meds threads. See your doctor.
>>32025962stop spamming this in every meds thread
>>32025962Doctors are useless tho
>>32025865Obviously narrative driven story posting Please stop shitting up this board with this garbage.
>>32026055it litterally happened
how do I make lots of money from little money
>>32025635like 50k€ eventually
>>32025643Why do you think other people aren't 500xing whatever money they have?
>>32025648Because they don't know how to do it either like I don'tbefore people could buy like stuff and sell it for more expensive but how do you do that now when everyone uses temu and shit
>>32025655If you want the punchline of this line of questions, it's going to be that there simply isn't a way to 500x money without enormous risk that will see you lose it all far more than you gain anything. This is just the way markets work; other participants in the market just won't sell you things so cheap compared to how you're able to sell them. Imperfect information and regulation means there is some arbitrage and warping you can take advantage of but it's utterly ridiculous to think you can casually 500x money. Just have a think about the implications of what the world would be like if that were possible?>before people could buy like stuff and sell it for more expensiveAre you imagining flipping physical things? Or some kind of "investment"?
>>32025624identify an immediate need that will get you to a place where you can make slightly more money to buy something else that will make you slightly more moneyi spent no more than $75 on a decent keyboard once and that propelled me into a software career
I ate some mushrooms from a tree stump years ago. I also have taken a large dose of shrooms. Could I have a fungal infection in my organs? What else would mushrooms have an effect no me?
>>32025878Do you think you could be like a human/fungus symbiote cyborg? That's cool, I hope that's true. Post update when you get cool powers
>>32025886Whenever it's spring or fall I have dreams of mushrooms. That's usually when mushrooms grow in the year.
>>32025878Not unless your organs happen to be rotting wood or cow shit. Fungi are picky eaters.
>>32025878People really underestimate how hostile the human body is to whatever it eats. No, anon, generally you need to neglect your hygiene or be in a hostile environment to get a fungal infection. As far as I'm aware, most fungi that are toxic will either make you trip balls or poison you. If it's not in your sinuses, it probably won't hurt you after all that time.