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Why do I as a man feel so odd dating a 30 year old? I have dated older. But I wasn't 30 then. I feel like I'm just having fomo because I didn't have much sex with younger girls. But idk I just felt like I'm poisoned a bit and can't imagine myself dating a girl the same age as myself now because I've been led to believe that I SHOULD date younger. She's really attractive and sweet on me, so maybe I'm just being dumb.

Its also long distance but we had pretty good chemistry in person.
>Its also long distance
better put a ring on it fast before this ends up in tears.
You are a fucking disgusting weirdo and need to be locked up
>Its also long distance

You arent dating anyone
If you don't like her just break up, it's as simple as that

>finally got big boy job
>finally got a non shitbox
>moved out of mums
>got down to 71kg from fat fuck

Is it too late to finish looksmaxxing and sleep around? It took me years just to get here, now I finally have aj okay base but I feel like my youth has slipped away

Can I still make it
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if by looksmaxxing you mean getting fit and taking care of yourself then it's never too late and you owe that to yourself at any age

if you're a full grown adult man and you're manually jutting your jaw out and smoldering like a runway model 24/7 then you are a faggot and people can tell
A shitbox is a beat up car, dumbass zoomer
Fuck you you fat boomer millennial cuck.
>26 too late to looksmaxx
>finally got big boy job
Right on schedule to looksmaxx just enough to be someone's faithful betabuxx.
>non shitbox
So a regular car then

What are the best affiliate marketing courses out there for beginners. I know a little on affiliate marketing, but not a whole bunch BTW.
None of them. The way to make money is to sell courses, not do affiliate marketing.
This anon is right. Find out what textbook courses use and then steal it from libgen
I want to do affiliate marketing though.
you need to learn how other marketers got rich. affiliate or not doesnt matter
these examples are really hard to find. its a zero sum game so they arent shared

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Since making a living by being employed for someone else is nigh impossible in this economy, and starting up your own business with corporate monopolies is a thing of the past, I've decided it would be a good idea to start a franchise operation. Any franchise owners here have good experiences or advice on the idea? I've been looking at JanPro or ChemDry

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I don't know how to start a conversation and I don't know how to continue a conversation past the initial I'm good how are you part. is there any way to learn as an adult or am I just fucked?
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bro that's what my mom says
getting better at the greetings doesn't sound bad. I'm worried though because I'm really clueless when it comes to anything beyond that
I don't have anything going on this weekend, will probably just be in my room
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Most etiquette books have a section on "conversations." If you pick up the thickest Emily Post edition on Etiquette (it's a blue book) that you can, they will typically have a very large section on how to start and have a conversation.

I suggest it because it's probably the best guide on how to hold a conversation for an autistic person I've ever read. And the reason I say that is because it's so detailed. As an example, I used to have trouble making phone calls to schedule a dentist appointment. I had such severe social anxiety, and that book helped because IT ACTUALLY HAD A SECTION SPECIFICALLY FOR HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO A DENTIST OFFICE. Like it was that detailed and autistic. Another book had a section specifically for what to say if a worker in a store asks if you need something.

What surprised me is that I started following that book to a goddam T, and despite feeling so fake and robotic, people were telling me I "opened up"/"changed" and was _less_ robotic. That actually upset me to hear, but that's a story for a different time.
I can totally get that. I've joined a few clubs/groups with no success because I feel like im a total deviation from what the rest of the people are. I love historical sewing, so I joined a medieval history group and I was so bad at conversing with people I never went to another meeting. In retrospect, I probably should have just continued to push myself because no one actively disliked me, i myself was just too uncomfortable to continue.
I did join a quilting club that is only 60-80 year old women. I'm 22, and they make me feel very welcome. Even though most of them are very unlike me, and we only have one thing in common, I find it much easier to talk to them than people I am similar to in more ways (age, job, etc)
If you like arcades, barcades are a good way of meeting people who also enjoy games, and the bar aspect helps to make it an older demographic than a normal arcade. honestly, most people at the ones near me arent even drinking so theyre easier to talk to.
You can try to play a two or three person game with other people, if that's hard theres nothing wrong with lying and saying your friend bailed on you and you were looking forward to playing that game. That has helped me talk to people.
From that point, you could maybe move to another game, chat about things related to it, the arcade, or other things going on in your area. Ask them where they like to eat, or the best place to get a coffee. Ask them something about their opinion and make it seem like you care about their response.

I don't have much going on this weekend either, probably just working on commissions and trying to fix my record player.

What kinds of music do you listen to?
funny you mention clubs because I was feeling down because I tried to join a club but when I showed up nobody was there, this is the second time this happened and it really sucks that I don't even get a chance to mess up and learn in a social situation:-/
bars aren't really my thing, too loud/high energy
also to answer your question I don't listen to music but I wish I did
I absolutely hate bars but push myself to go to barcades at the very least just to try and be normal. It doesn't come naturally to me at all, everything im describing is outside of my comfort zone. I will say, maybe im going about this wrong, but i am making progress so this could be a possible way for you to improve your conversational skills.

Some things that can help conversation is asking open-ended questions, like after
>I don't listen to music but I wish I did
you could say "What kind of music would you recommend?" As a way to continue the conversation so it doesnt end. If youre in public talking to someone and say that, they might not know where to go from there either and just end it.
There are probably better, more interesting ways to talk but this is kinda how i've been doing it and its showing success.

Have you ever listened to Gordon Lightfoot? I really enjoy his music. If you dont like loud/high energy bars, I think youd enjoy how calm and relaxing his music is. It always helps put my in a good mood. Maybe you could listen to him this weekend while youre hanging in your room!

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I turn 22 on Thursday
>Have hugged and kissed a girl before but still a virgin
>Moved schools after 10th grade and was a loner for the last two years of high school
>Haven't made a friend or formed a friend group in over 5 years
>Never been on a date before
>Never been to a party before
>Started second year of Uni and am surrounded by guys (usually younger than me) with their friends and girlfriends talking about how fun their lives are
>Started playing guitar 7 1/2 years ago but haven't been able to get things going, no band, no original songs, etc.
>Hard to watch many anime since I feel ashamed that the characters are in their teens and have accomplished more than me and/or have entertaining lives

What to do bros? Can I turn my life around or is it over for me?
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>going to uni
>boohoo my life is over because it's not like le animay

You're a retarded faggot. Sorry, I just had to say that because you are actually in the prime of your life to do whatever the fuck you want. Want a gf? Tinder. Oh boohoo tinder is hard? Buy premium, bitch. Ohh I can't dance, I'm not funny, I look dumb bla bla bla these are the same excuses every young man before you has had, faked it and made it. The only obstacle here is your own shitty mindset.
Wow I had to actually read this to confirm you actually said the anime thing. Get a fucking grip
You're young, you'll grow up and realize one day pussy isn't everything hopefully.
>>Started second year of Uni and am surrounded by guys (usually younger than me) with their friends and girlfriends talking about how fun their lives are
Have you tried to talking to any of these guys and befriending them OP?
Also maybe you could stop comparing yourself to cartoon characters, just a thought.
you know how to play guitar and haven’t gotten pussy? probably the only case i’ve ever heard of

you either suck at guitar or are really fucking ugly

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I got a temporary job in the government. I am autistic so it’s very hard for me to work at a high pace. So far my supervisor has been very nice to me and I think I want to stay here.
The problem is that I’m American, and if there’s one country that hates the government more than anyone, it’s America.
I don’t approve of a lot of my government’s actions, but that’s not the point. My point is: what do I tell people when they ask “what’s your job”?
Granted I’m a autist who has only a couple online friends, but I really want real life friends one day. I’m scared they’ll think I’m a bad person if they find out I work for the government. Do I just say “mind your own business”?
It’s not the federal government, by the way, it’s the state government. Not like it matters, the problem is that people will see me as lazy (I kinda am) and that I can’t actually hold a real job in the real world (private sector).
This post is longer than I'd like to read right now consider tightening it up
I work for the government now. What do I tell people my job is?
I'm a paper pusher, coffee maker, office assistant, secretary etc. People generally stop asking if you give them a boring answer.

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This board is fucking terrible. Everyone here is retarded. I've literally never seen a single piece of good advice.

Where should I ask for help instead of this shithole?
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>I've literally never seen a single piece of good advice.
do a flip, faggot

there you go

My quora feed is the stinkiest shithole on the whole internet. that site fell off a long time ago
Being alone with your thoughts and touching grass would form better advice than here.
I've tricked them into giving me actual advice before. You just need to know which of their buttons to press.
They effortpost

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How do I stop getting fatter? Another month another 5lbs
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go on walks for at least an hour
I've lost 15 lbs in one month by measuring my food. I'm not even counting calories really. Just measuring it out instead of guessing how much is a cup or whatever
Stop drinking liquids with calories
Get off your lazy ass and start moving
Stop shoveling shit food in your mouth

But you know this, you fat fuck. Either do something about it or stop complaining.
If you need to ask, as an adult, let's be honest that weights going nowhere

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I have lyme disease and I'm concerned of passing it to someone else through kissing/having sexual intercourse. Officially, the CDC says it cannot spread. However, I have heard many people online claim that it CAN spread.

I wonder has anyone on /adv/ dealt with this, and can you help me determine what I should do to make sure I can safely have intercourse without spreading the disease? I plan on getting re-tested for it to see if my infection is still active.
Nice blog post. Need any advice with that?
>I wonder has anyone on /adv/ dealt with this, and can you help me determine what I should do to make sure I can safely have intercourse without spreading the disease?
Thanks for the bump anon.

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>be me in 2022
>senior at uni, math/cs, Pell grant so it’s free, live with mom
>take out loans on top of Pell grant to buy used equipment to start a biz (idea being if biz failed, I could resell the equipment and pay back the loans at minimal loss, taking advantage of the interest free period while enrolled)
>mom announces she’s moving into another house she bought, I take over mortgage payments for rent
>scale business to make it happen so I can cover it, shits working well going good
>getting ready to take the leap and move into a commercial space, friends want to join cuz it’s going well
>got a job for financial security to balance out the risk, only ask that they cover me via buying back equipment in the event I lose my job
>spend my savings and student loan money again
>lose my job, drop out, friends don’t help at all, completely broke and drowning in financing
>get job back, recovering decently
>landlord mom randomly moves back in and throws away the rest of my stuff (~$10-20k of equipment), police wouldn’t do anything despite us having a lease, extorts me for six months straight then leaves again after raising rent by unlawful amount (I was broke and credit was fucked, couldn’t do anything)
>business completely gutted, big fat pile of student loans
>work hard for a year, get back on my feet, re-enrolled now
What do I do? How do I not be extremely bitter? I owe $20k in student loans now and need another $12k in loans to graduate, and my business has been shut down for a year. Completely fucking sucks
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I can get it back and I know eventually I’ll be fine. I went from -$10k last November (not including student loans) to $30k now, with another $10k of stuff I need to sell and also bought a bunch of stuff (home gym, new used car, etc). I know I’ll recover.

It’s the injustice that drives me mad. I was very calculated and making good, smart choices. I just didn’t expect completely unlawful and evil behavior. Can there be justice towards my mom/landlord or do I have to just let this go? It drives me crazy knowing I’ve essentially been assigned $20k of student loan debt that has been buried in a landfill, and this business I’ve been working on for years has been destroyed (but yes, I can build it back - it’s the injustice that irks me though). And I could’ve graduated a year ago and been making much more money, with a much more mature and better business. It just drives me crazy, now I’m so behind.
And if I need to let it go, how do I get over the fact that the last years of my life I’ve been a slave to this injustice? And that for the foreseeable future, I’ll be digging myself out of this hole that I didn’t create, and that someone else is directly responsible for via unlawful actions?
>for the foreseeable future, I’ll be digging myself out of this hole that I didn’t create
You were fucked over but the situation isn't this bad unless you have a weirdly short idea of the foreseeable future. You're clearly switched-on and can make things happen, in the grand scheme of your life $32k of debt is going to be nothing.
If you need some kind of cope, the skills you'll have built by going through this are far more valuable over the course of your life than the cost of the debt will be.
And you're right, some things you can't reasonably anticipate and sometimes unlikely and unexpected shit just happens. When it does (this probably won't be the first time) you can't do anything other see what lessons you can learn (don't trust your mother in this case) and move on.
I not reading green text wall.
here’s the concise version:
>took out student loans
>used the money to start a business
>landlord threw business in the trash

I am officially of age as of 4 days ago and I'm back on my desperate bullshit. many apologies in advance, I am currently sick and also just bad at summarizing. Now I could take this stuff to reddit, but they're all somehow more dramatic than I am and will tell me to break up with him. blah blah excuses excuses i just want to be told to shut up and quit overthinking.

I got a boyfriend. We had sex. The sex sucked. Bad. But then we discovered this magical thing called lube and most of our problems went away.

He's really sweet and cares a lot about me feeling good, but no matter how hard he tries, I just can't finish. I've started faking them because I knew it was making him insecure, but that still doesn't make sex any more enjoyable for me. he tries SO HARD but he just can't find the right spot, even when I've manually moved his fingers to it. He's never made me feel like I couldn't say no, and he pushes me to set boundaries and initiate things more, but even as I do initiate, sex just isn't that enjoyable to me anymore.

Sorry for the fucking essay I'm writing. The main thing is something that kind of derails all the points I made about him constantly asking for my clear consent. The last time I went over to his house, I took a nap. I'm not sure if he ever fell asleep because my back was to him, and he clearly couldn't tell if i was awake or not. I woke up, but continued to lay there with my eyes closed, and he started to touch me sexually. I kinda made sleepy noises, he asked if I was sleeping, I said "what?" He stopped, said "oh shit", and I pretended to fall back asleep. And then he did it again. As I "slept". And he knows I'm a super heavy sleeper, so there's no reason for him to think I was awake. The first time, whatever, he thought I was sleeping. but the second? And all I did was lay there. I don't know how to feel. I was pretending to sleep, but he didn't know that. Does this fall under non consent? And how do I tell him about our other sex problems?
I've read through this again and realized how absolutely disjointed it all is. Please forgive me, I am very sickly and weak. Attempt to understand what I am trying to convey through my haze of NyQuil and sleep deprivation. It would be much appreciated if you did not tell me to kill myself or call me a cuntoid. If you require further clarification, please just ask, I would be happy to ramble out a reply to you.
I won't read past the preamble and I won't read the daunting wall of text. Get to the point next time.
Yeah not reading this garbage hope you get banned for this
You gave consent when you agreed to be his boyfriend. You gave consent again when you got naked with him. You gave consent again when you got into bed with him. Want to withdraw consent? Stop being his boyfriend. Stop getting naked with him. Stop sharing a bed with him.

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How can I stop feeling like a total loser after not being good enough for my ex?

When I really look back at things objectively, it seems my ex always saw me as beneath him in some ways and didn’t want to “settle” for me. He did admit he was shallow, but I didn’t think I was that ugly, and he didn’t look to be out of my league (he has several commonly undesirable traits).

What bothers me the most is that it’s been over 2 years now, and seeing all the relationships around me and even online, it seems we got really lucky?? I mean we actually had so much in common and were genuinely such good friends, I feel like he gave up such a rare opportunity.

I know he doesn’t regret it because he clearly never actually wanted to get married in the first place (despite us making plans to do so), but it really bugs me knowing I will likely never find such a good person again. Maybe it will be easier for him to find a nicer girl who is also pretty, but for me to find a guy as nice as him I think will be impossible.

I can’t keep thinking about if I just did or said something slightly differently things wouldn’t have ended. Even now, I sometimes enter periods of denial- thinking he might take me back if I find a way to go back to him. But if I wasn’t pretty enough to him 2 years ago, there’s no way he would think I’m enough for him now.

Can anyone please suggest for me how I can move on? It’s true when I state he truly was a one of a kind person, everyone that met him told him the same, that he was so easy to be around etc.
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I would really try to read it if you didn't wrote like a fucking bitch, jumping again and again after two lines.
>suicide pact
Haha fuck off emo retards no I won't name 5 songs
Way out of your league. You are horribly delusional and very likely did something to get on his nerves. The way you talked about the prenup shows that you weren't nearly as compatible with each other as you claim, you just thought you could snag the best guy that everyone wants and tie him and his life to you without making any compromises. Who do you think you are?
I made tons of compromises, I agreed to uproot my entire life to move to where he is

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my gf is with my because she's very lonely and i'm with my gf because i want pussy
is this sustainable?
believe it or not, for a lifetime
What will she do when another guy comes along, and what will you do if another pussy gets thrown at you?
This. Also, what is sustainable for you? 1 year? 2? A lifetime?
If pussy's your main concern then it's no wonder she's lonely. She should dump your subhuman ass and find someone who cares about her.

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I used to smoke weed but I don't now cause I wanna go to bootcamp. I had control over it and all was fine mostly cause I still had a social life.
I now don't really talk as I'm constantly in fear of being outcasted. I try to talk and I don't know what I said or how I said it, but conversations tend to lose tempo very quickly or get derailed without a proper objective.
I don't like cigarettes cause they stink, vapes are too convenient and I don't like sucking on metal, should I start smoking cigars to ease my anxiety
>should I start smoking cigars to ease my anxiety
Don't you like beer?
I don't. If I drink I just want to be done with it so I tend to like new amsterdam. plus they taste like fish most of the time
I won't read drug-addled ramblings.

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