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How to deal with fear of the unknown?
Face it head on, but one small step at a time.
This is the way. You've already noticed your fear(s), now you must use that resolve to willingly go out of your comfort zone, little-by-little. It can be speaking to someone you're interested in, or doing something scary but rewarding, or just living another day.

When you have nothing but "alone time", it stops being comforting, it becomes suffocating. For normies, what makes alone time great is the contrast from the rest of their time. It's how they unwind and recharge.

I don't mind being alone most of the time. But I'm human just like anyone else. Sometimes, I am in the mood to spend time with others. But when that mood comes, I can't, because I don't have any close friends or family that I can spend time with. That's what makes loneliness so terrifying. It can strike out of nowhere, and when it does, there's often nothing you can do to alleviate it.

Most of the time, I'm fine, but when loneliness hits, it hits hard and it can last for weeks if not months. What can I do when it hits to make it go away?
Socialize to feel less lonely? However you want to? Go to a bar, play world of warcraft, pick your poison. Bored and lonely people are everywhere.
>Bored and lonely people are everywhere
But are they here? Are you one of them? Or are you just writing something you don't know shit about?
Just cope like I do.

You're not powerless or a victim. There's nothing stopping you from making acquaintances, even friends if you like.

You don't need close friends to have people to hang out with. Most people rarely hang out with people they're close with.

What you're craving here is tangibles. Real people, in real life, you can have EXPERIENCES with. So get involved in social activities and be social. If you have poor social skills, practice will sort that out.


You don't need to be a dog to know what a dog is. Don't be stupid
Nothing makes a lonely mf more lonely than someone whos not lonely saying to him the right thing to do. Believe in me.

Should I keep doing this cold calling job for $12/hr for 4 hours per day (hours are not guaranteed) or should I just go back to doing food delivery?
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I am not.
Maybe but it's very spotty even with multiapping. Some nights all I get are $2-$4 pings for 12 miles while some days I get lucky with generous tips. I think what I'll do though is buy a small fan and camp out in my car full time while waiting for orders while I put in job applications and work on some courses.
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back to being your own boss

Why not both
this. most of these delivery jeets are talking loud as fuck on the phone while working all day
I could do both but it's kind of stressful(?) in a way. It's a temp work from home job where I call people up about the Election but lately the company bait and switched me to doing other surveys. I've been doing call center work for nearly half my 20s so I know how to navigate a script and I'm good at it but...

I guess I don't really have room to complain at this point, though.
I just got back from a 2 hour trip and made $29. I should have never taken the shop and deliver order that was $6 that took 55 minutes all because the lady wouldn't respond to my text or answer her door in the fucking rain. All trips were in the rain.

And I think the rain helped a little bit in earnings, otherwise it would be far less I bet.

Vent here. Its safe friends.
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You are correct. They are patients of the hospital. If I request a male to help me so I'm not alone with someone threatening me, I'm laughed at.
I'm still in college for my healthcare job, so I can't go anywhere else. I'd have to move to another state that offers this degree and even then I'll still be "at the bottom of the totem pole" as my teachers say. It comes from other healthcare staff, but mostly the patients. I tried to ask the chairperson of the program for help, but they said I have to just take it until I graduate because I'm at the bottom of the foodchain and I'm at the hospitals mercy
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I think we can all get along.
Just realized today my parents ruined my life. We lived in a nice house in a suburb, I attended a good school. Then they moved us across the country to a trailer in the middle of nowhere to join a cult. I could have had an idyllic normal life. Instead I had nothing and have not been happy since I was 7.
theres nothing more disgusting than a woman who uses 4chan

19M, toronto, yellow, in university. Serious inquiry here, serious advice appreciated.

I like one girl on campus whom I have never spoken to. This girl has made eye contact with me in an obvious way and seems to be interested. Now, this girl has a friend. This friend of hers is in one of my classes. Previously, I had not spoken to this friend of hers, but today, I approached her as she was leaving and asked for her name. I had no plan going in, but my goal was to get to know her first so that she could introduce me to the girl. Once I approached her, I asked for her name. She gave me her name but turned very red and I could tell she was nervous. So I just said "alright cya" and left. So, I could not get acquainted thoroughly, and thus, my original goal of asking her about the girl did not happen. Now, I do see the girl of interest tomorrow, but only in the halls when she is leaving her class which happens to end when mine begins. So I can approach her then. Why didn't I just wait until tomorrow and approach the girl of interest rather than approaching her friend today? I'm not sure. I was not thinking clearly. Now, I want to approach this girl of interest tomorrow but I am afraid that her and her friend might talk: "hey, I was approached by this guy. Oh no way, me too! Wow, this guy is a whore who must casually cold approach women often >:(" So basically, my question is: should I still approach girl of interest tomorrow, and after getting acquainted, tell her about how I tried to ask her friend about her so that she knows I have nothing to hide and that I don't randomly approach girls? I should also point out that she might be confused as to how I know that they are friends, but the reality is, I just remember seeing them together. Additional factors to be considered (?): they are both international students from china, i am yellow, I know that they both think i'm attractive (i'm not delusional i know im deadass at least a 9.5/10).
Just be honest, you asked a mutual acquaintance for her name because you're interested in her. It's not creepy unless you make it creepy by hiding your intentions. Confidence is sexy, and you're already half way there. Approach the girl tomorrow now that you know her name with something like:

"Hey, anon, right? Yeah I asked othergirl for your name since we're in class together. What are you doing this weekend? Want to get coffee or something?"

Maybe don't ask her out immediately if you have better things to talk about, but don't fuck around too much. Don't overthink it. You got this
Got it. This advice makes me feel a lot more assured. I will do it for you brother thank you.
Oh, and also, I actually just realized that I might not have been clear enough in the post. I asked her friend for her own name because I figured that would be the best way to break the ice. That was pretty much it. I didn't get to talk with her long enough to ask about the girl of interest. My bad, all this stuff is hard to explain. But I suppose the advice still holds.

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My bf and this girl who's in high school are best friends outside of us. I'm worried but at the same time my bf has been so reasonable idk if i'm being unfair or not. My bf has always invited me to play games with them, my bf has never hide their relationship or friendship, and iv even forced my bf to show me his discord messages to see is their hiding anything, my bf was literally sweating about it but I think he was more so socially nervous overall because while there are sexual discussions they had its more so banter / jokes or her legitimately asking "guy" questions that iv asked my bf like questions about being uncut, how to avoid std's or talking about abortion. Closest thing to anything sexually explicit was both of them talking about killing each other and letting a "homeless guy" rape the corpse but it seemed like banter. I want to get bothered by it but really it seems like a meme they have going on where they joke about homeless people. Idk, iv read long and hard over every single message my bf and this girl sent each other and it seems like their good friends yet i'm super bothered by their relationship... what do. I'm super jealous of this fucking high schooler my bf is friends with, but Idk if their friendship is pure or is i'm being a lame ass gf.

My bf said he loves her like a sister / daughter. He knew her longer then me, bf doesn't at all hide their conversations and I say that as someone who has been cheated on. But its really fucked up my bf is besties with a fucking 16 year old outside of me. I just want her gone, and I tried talking to her but she's so mean and aggressive we don't get along, meanwhile my bf is mean with her (which I don't like) but he's really nice to me. IDK how to explain it. I don't like that their friends. Am i justified?
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Not everyone is a retard like you and can actually think for themselves, even as teenagers.
>ITT roasties threatened by legal teen pussy
I can tell by your posts that you still can't think for yourself to this day.
Yeah, you should be worried, he will definitely, 100%, trade your old hag ass for the young pussy when the time comes. I say cut your losses and try to find a better boyfriend.
That's because you're retarded. We already covered this, remember?

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Is cold-approaching girls worth it to land some dates? Seems better than dating apps since most guys don't do it
Todd "valentine" is very trustworthy and if he said it he's definitely not wrong/lying
So yes 100% do it and tell us the results
Can you redpill me on him?
Tried pua stuff like 10 years ago as a broke teen and it worked despite a ton of wasted time and rejections. Now I'm a well off late 20s guy, wondering if worth it. At the point I'm debating just going mgtow in all honesty.

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23 m and I'm just looking into what kinds of jobs are out there, besides fast food and retail job. Since I've been working in the ladder jobs since I was 18 and I want to look for something better now.
I want to avoid going to collage, but would be open if its nesesary for me.
That or trade jobs, but I don't know where to start or look for just like the other jobs out there.

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I just saw a a girl I see regularly.

Today see insisted on doing Cowgirl (she never initiates a position herself) and when pulled out of her there was blood on the condom. Yet i ate her out right before that and didn't taste any blood.

What could be going on with that?
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Over the course of the menstrual cycle, the vaginal skin can become weaker and stronger depending on where she is in the 28 days. Sometimes, the vagina can be much more fragile due to premenstruation, and positions you are ordinarily used to may tear the already delicate skin.
Trying new positions can put new pressures on the vagina , which can also create small tears.
A small tear can create a lot of blood, even if the damage is very minor. So it probably isn't any cause for concern.
This happens to me
>wore a condom
>ate her out
>ate pussy after he came or stopped fucking midway through to eat the mitt not sure which is worse
>girl doesn't wanna waste energy riding him
>he has to INSIST
Uh I dunno ? You're a dweeb irl? What do you want us to say here?
Can you read?

I ate her out FIRST. Then we had sex. Then SHE initiated sex by jumping on my dick cowgirl. Then I noticed the blood when after I came and was throwing the condom away.
Women can bleed a little outside of their cycle.
Oh, "see" was supposed to be she. Now I get it thanks.
Ok given that context my advice is to keep trying!

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How do I talk to people in college as a 27 year old man? I feel old as fuck and I don’t know how old half these people are.
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>I don’t know how old half these people are.
Half of them are your age or older. College isn't just for 18 year olds anymore.
I went back to uni at 27 and my classmates were 20. I had no problem making friends because people are nice and nobody cares about your age. Maybe it helped that I looked young so they didn't guess I was older before I told them.
who cares don't talk to them.
who cares.
just finish your stuff
I went to college in my late 30s. It was a fucking nightmare, as I was old enough to be their dad.

I was friendly with a few of them but I kept to myself really. Most of them eventually used to come to me for help as I knew what the fuck I was doing.
I did some continuing education classes when I was 27 for a professional certification at a college and felt the same way. I am not sure about your college but there's tons of older people that go there to get a degree or new degree for their careers. All the younger people are friendly to the older people and the boomers. At the end of day, you will be more experienced in life and more mature that the young people so you are quite literally Chad to and for them. Also, in my situation, I was in my career already and had money, my own house, car, etc. while most of my classmates were living in the dorms. Easy way to pick up chicks.

What can i do when no one wants to date me or have sex with me ?

[male 24]
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Look the girls who want a dog want a dog, not a dude. It's not out of desperation that's just what the people who enjoy it think is going on. Shits gross
lots of other gay men at your gay man emporium (gym) want to have sex with you, a gay man.
Personally I think you're all going to hell, but at least you don't have to go alone, dude
Literally just talk to women. Pick up cooking classes or join a book club. You just need to meet and talk to women.
Give up. Live for yourself.
Do steroids, become a mutant and leave the world behind

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Why is everyone in public and at social gatherings either 17 and under or 30+? I just want some friends my own age, but I can't find them anywhere.

Where are the 18-29 crowd hiding at?
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Mine all vanished after high school.
I go to community college, so everyone there are mostly high school grads who already have their established friend group there.
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Either at college or too busy due to work to go to social gatherings
They don't exist due to poor birth rates. There simply are less 18-29s in existence right now.
right now people that age just spend time at their friends places and other private locations, be it for parties, to fuck, to smoke, or just chill and hangout.

Teenagers have to leave and go out or they are at home with their parents, the 30+ crowd have their own place so they happily go out and come back, as well as just being a different generation.

I spent most of 18-27 hanging out at friends places all the time who just happened to have their own place, my friend and his girlfriend were renting a house and I crashed there a bunch of would hang out before going home if we didn't drink or anything
most people I know in that age bracket only go out to places infrequently but regularly go do shit at private locations a few times a week.

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> be transfem
> has dysphoria from face/body-hair/small boobs
> insurance only covers lasering on face, boobs, and under the belt if you have surgery date set
> wait lists are extremely long
> wanna skip the line so bad but cant afford it
> wants Electrolysis but insurance doesnt cover it
> want full body lasering, insurance doesnt cover it
> wait list for top surgery can take years
> decide to try to save money for it
> barely saving enough to eat
> met guy, 40s, decent job etc
> guy is obsessed with corruption kink
> he makes me an offer, willing to cover Electrolysis , top surgery and whatever goals i may have after that
> one catch.jpg
> he wants me to fuck men for money

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lol I hope your bargain results in your utmost suffering you stupid bitch
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>Jesus was friends with a lot of sex workers
Yeah and you know what he said to them? "Go and sin no more"
IDK why I'm bothering to reply, this is a b8 thread started by some mentally ill man. At least this post will not bump it.
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>be trans-
I will take your bait, there is no way this is real. If I were to pretend this were real though for fun, you don't want advice. You want attention and validation for your shitty choices.

If you wanted advice you'd be asking how to reject this offer. Here's your advice, get a real job and get away from him. You are suggesting making yourself dependant upon someone who doesn't even view you as a human being, what's wrong with you? Stop using hypersexuality as a form of self-harm. You don't feel worthwhile and you hate yourself, so you engage in risky casual sex to feel the validation you lack. If you treat yourself like shit, people will treat you like shit. Agreeing to this and continuing in your profession will make you a statistic.

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Is this good life advice?
I think it is good advice for living life generally. If your aim in life requires fine tuning, then adjustments to it must be made.
Yeah, it's pretty good advice for whatever life throws at you. Except the 'life gives you what you deserve' bit

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I remember certain weeks and months in my life when I was happy, and I knew that I was happy. I even felt a certain shock at my own happiness.

This leads me to believe that you know when you are happy and not just getting by. I feel that way maybe 1% of the time. How often do you feel this way. How often does your avergae person feel this way?
>How often does your avergae person feel this way?

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