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Not a suicide or killing myself thread. Quite the opposite. I got psyched out over the realization that one day I will die and I don't know what's next. It's a massive fear of mine that hasn't crept in a long time so now that it is it's interfering with my everyday life. I've tried distracting myself with media, going to a party, and indulging in spiritual reading (mainly Christian and NDE) which don't always help. I'm young and don't have any health issues that I know of and really do not need this sense of anxiety and stress over me as I finish the semester.
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Nah, obsess about it until it bores you.
Damn I miss fearing death instead of craving it. Lucky guy.
idk bro become a geneticist and cure aging i guess
Luckily for you, the way you deal with the fear of death is just like any other fear. You expose yourself to it, in this case it'd be exposing yourself to the thought of it, and feel the sensations of fear in the body without judgement. It really is that simple.
You're looking for the realization "Oh, these are just thoughts". It'll come eventually with enough acceptance and letting go
I won't read yet another anxiety about death thread. As I've said before, such subhumans are not fully alive is why they have so much time to worry about such things.

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how do i network? Like i want to literally do it right now how would i do it.
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Create a LinkedIn profile
Add people
Tell them about your resumé and ask them about theirs
Expand your network by adding more followers
t networked since LinkedIn came out
networking means having contacts. like actual contact info of a linked in friend who you can send messages to, an email address, or a phone number. and it only counts if you know them enough that they would respond to you. if you meet someone and can act normal enough for 20-30 mins to leave a good impression you networked

now if you excuse me, i am going to go network with your wife and connect her to my cock
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I won't read contextless threads.

Anyone know the best place to buy prescription drugs without a prescription in the UK?
you made me blind with this post
>help me do crime

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Won't waste too much time with all the lore.

My 25f friend is in a toxic relationship where he has cheated on her in the past with 5+ women. He keeps roping her back in with false promises of change, and love bombing.

I have already tried talking to her, but she has BPD and has a trauma bond. Any ideas or pro gamer moves I can pull to break them up? I don't care about the morals at this point, I just want to see her realize how terrible he is.

My only thought so far is to have another girl reach out to her and say he cheated again. Thoughts?
Stop being friends with broken people, they are evil.
>verification not required
Its not that they are evil, it's their existence causes evil. They might even want to do evil nor do it directly, it can be simple as being the victim of evil
fpbp. get real friends who don’t have textbook mental illness
Don't get in their way. You getting in between them is just going to cause more heartbrake.

Help the guy get his shit together. You will loose your friend if you sabotage the relationship. Also what kind of friend are you If you don't care about ethics or morals?

That makes you the silly cunt with weird friend attachment issues in this story. Looks like you are the one obsessing on your friend.
It sounds like she's a lovely loyal sweetie and you're a Butt-in-ski. Mind your fucking business dweeb, you're probably just jealous a guy like that is hitting it with action on the side while you're jerking off in your room.

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For a few days now I've had what looks like dandruff in my underwear. What is it? I have the first date in months in just a few days so this is untimely.
It's either toilet paper residue or pinworm eggs.
Wash your asscrack tonight and see if it happens in the morning. It's either just some crusted shit (it happens, gross and all that but it happens), toilet paper fluff, or something else.
dat assdruff

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My father is in his mid-70s and has some health problems. His biggest issues are not wearing his hearing aids all the time and memory problems, so the general old people stuff. He's not senile or anything but it's enough where I'm worried about the future and want to try and slow it. Any advice? I can't expect to change him since he's stubborn and he's blown off stuff like this in the past so it's just something I'm trying to get ideas for.

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i was raised to believe men are protective providers and women are nurturing, caring, selfless and emotionally available but we all know this could be farther from the truth. Most women i've met have been selfish, narc, insecure cunts. just 5 minutes on social media proves this.
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>just 5 minutes on social media proves this
incels say the darnest things
"everyone who calls women out for the slightest thing is an incel"

chad will never fuck you, get over it
If they stop getting mad and angry crying over simple things I do and turning my entire family against me then I wouldn't hate them.
this is the advice board, not the incel pants-shitting board. if you want to cry and have a hugbox, go to /r9k/

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It's been years now, and rental prices in my region of the US (New England) haven't gone down. Instead, even in the most rural of places, they've gone way up.

If I'm reading this right, there is an insanely high demand, lots of bodies, and very little space/infrastructure. Tbh, most of the infrastructure that exist in the US is old and poor, and even the new stuff is made poorly. It seems more more like we're all on the fast track to $4000 "luxury" favela's.

I never even got a chance to be able to afford to move out. Every single one of my friends who tried a variety of ways from co-living to rent a room to whatever, couldn't make it work long term. They all went back to live with Mom and Dad. I'm 27. I should be able at this point in my life to afford an apartment, yet for some reason it's about as hard and as expensive as buying a house.

I don't know if it's just the region I live in, or if this is just happening everywhere. But I need a solution. Because if I turn 30 and I'm still living in my childhood bedroom, I don't know what I'm going to do. If I can't afford to rent an apartment I sure as hell can't afford to buy a house. Eventually my parents will die, and I'm not than likely not inheriting their house. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm quite literally just trying to live my fucking life here. Is the only solution really just to make more money? How? How hard do I have to struggle just to afford to live?
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Somehow, this is even more blackpilling. So for the entirety of human history, we have really been nothing more than work slaves. Even now, this seems to be mostly the case. I don't care much for mindless productivity, but unless That's the god you bow to, you won't make it in this world. That's how it seems at least.

When I said I tried doing the Spartan lifestyle, it also made me realize just how much time, money, and effort is wasted by so many people for absolutely no reason other than that there a couple groups who act like parasites and organize society in such a way as to incentivize this kind of Protestant work ethic bullshit.

Regardless, finding a way to make it work without splitting my head, becoming a wage slave, or worse is my ultimate goal. Whatever's going on in the world today, isn't exactly mine to debate or choose.

I'm well aware that most people do not have the freedom to choose. Most people have their entire lives chosen for them by others. Their careers, their community, their living space, even their media and culture. Most people don't choose the profession they're in. They do it though because they have to, and they have no other choice. And maybe one day, I will have my back truly against a wall, and I will have to take humility and just accept whatever the world has chosen for me, for my life to be. Of course, when I say the world, I'm talking about those with real sovereignty and power, who organize society in this way in the first place, who continually seem hell-bent on making sure people remain as slaves and not as sovereign. They're not good people. They're the kind of people who starve and poison children so they're too weak to defend themselves. The only difference between veal and kids these days, is the species if you ask me. I have to remember that this world is specifically designed to disempower you, break you, and reprogram you into a debt slave.
Kill all landlords. Kill them all with extreme prejudice.
Every chink investor, every billionaire (((corporation))) sucking up your homeland by the block, from the C-suite down to the lowest of secretaries, deserves a public death.
Now you're just being melodramatic. Sorry for being so dismissive, but this doomerism is just going to get you more and more wound up. It's not productive.
Yep. I'm indeed being melodramatic. It's not exactly easy though being in such an uncomfortable situation, or there is no clear solution and there's a lot of obstacles to overcome.

For the time being, unless I move to some very rural area, I simply can't afford to move out. I need to at least double my income. I currently make $2600 per month. Minus other expenses, that's 2000. Not a lot, if you factor in utility bills. Definitely leaves a slim sum for investment/savings.
I'm from vermont bro and I'm planning on just leaving. Its pains me greatly to do so I'd love to stay but it's just too difficult

Okay, you sold me. I'm gonna do it. How do I get into/pass lawschool, and how do I pass the bar? Sometimes I feel as if I am too retarded to do this.
Be as based a lawyer as Todd Blanche.
you need a bachelors degree first. political science, english, and economics are common disciplines. law school is for three years after that. then you take the bar.
>how do I pass the bar?
you study, anon.
Sounds dumb, but would social work be a viable undergrad? I kind of worry I'll need something to fall back on, and also there are military social workers who can get commissioned. However, I also get there are military lawyers as well.
Most lawyers are basically social workers

They don't tell you that

whats the right way to admit feelings?

slay arm around her shoulders? mention dating casually to see what happens? big romantic gesture?
You're welcome to give specific information about your situation rather than this general vague post you've given us.
youre welcome to ask specific questions instead of this general vague post youve given me
Contrive a situation to get drunk together, then just escalate physically
You don't admit feelings. You're not in anime. You ask the girl out on a date.

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A little under two months ago I got a new roommate, who is a very attractive woman (pic isn't her) and had just broken up with her boyfriend. I was surprised she was cool moving in with a guy but the biggest problem is that she's kinda a stuck-up bitch to people. Like, I don't think she has any real friends, she treats wait staff poor, she is dismissive to my friends and stuff... people do fall all over her when out but still.

Except she's chill as fuck and overall really nice to me, with occasional shit-giving, but in a friendly way. She loves hanging out at home and unlike previous roommates wants to watch TV/movies, game, have a drink, eat dinner... but man, I can't take her anywhere. I also kinda get flirty vibes when we hang out but I'm not gonna make a move and ruin shit.

Should I try to tell her to stop being so shitty to everyone?
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Ill take her off your hands bro
Tell her how you feel
Don't give unsolicited advice unless the topic comes up or you're both drunk.
That being said, feel free to tell her that you have a problem with her behavior when you're together. "I don't appreciate it when you do X" is much better than "It would be better for you if you stopped doing X".
no one. they never change. look at the incoming american president.

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>what do I talk about with people?

Anything, just always be yourself. You can't make everyone interested in what you do or say, if they aren't just don't talk to them or change topics to something you two have in common.

>how do I talk to girls?

The same way you talk to everyone, see above. It is important to notice that it is not because you talk that you are being yourself, being yourself is actually pretty fucking hard because we are always bound by societal rules and our own expectations. You have to meditate on "Did I mean to say that?" and "Am I capturing my current feelings correctly?" otherwise you won't be yourself.

>where do I find girls like me?

To be clear, there are no signs that people the way you are, and judging them by the way they dress and behave is a fatal mistake. Sometimes the e-girl is a normie and the normal girl is a complete channer degenerate, you have to talk to people and be yourself to find out about people. DO NOT discuss ideas, do not ask people what they think of X or Y because it is intrusive, just talk about any fucking thing in this world that expresses your feelings correctly. DO NOT SCARE THE HOES.
I just interview people. Everytime I talk about myself it's a failure
>love life: I either get rejected or paired up with coomer girls who have a black heart (and a fat belly)
>family life: miserable
>sports: get trashed/dunked on
>weight lifting: injure myself/get lazy so I can never get passed DYEL
>art: /beg/tier for years
>games/history: nobody wants to hear the trivia facts of Bullfrog, or the propaganda of Cato the Younger
My life is a collection of failures, and if I talk about myself I end up embarrassing myself

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Hey /adv/. So I want contact lenses. Doesn't matter to me if they're dailies, monthlies, yearlies, whatever. My glasses prescription has not changed ever since I first got contacts plus glasses twenty years ago.

Only problem is I'm NEET and uninsured. I know the power numbers of the contacts I need, where can I get some for cheap?
find an america's best. it'll be about a hundred bucks for the exam, but then you can take your rx to any vendor. i like costco.
Ugh, mine changed, i used to just have to wear them to see everything, now i cant read close up either.
1-800-contacts and many others have this BS eye exam that's online and you can just type in the numbers.

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How do you cope with babyface?
I'm 20 and people often guess I'm much younger. I'm skinny and a manlet also, basically an asian build. I feel like it's partly the reason why I'm not getting jobs.
Probably not the reason, IMHO.
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What kind of job? the only reason that would matter is in construction / trades were intimidation factor might play a roll in your work life. As a former baby face until about the age of 29, I say enjoy it while it lasts.
You can’t. You can go get jacked though, which will automatically lead to others respecting you more. As you age you will appreciate looking younger. I’m 30 now and people think I’m early 20s. I see other 30 year olds that look like absolute shit and it feels good.
20 is still babyface-era. Be thankful for your youth and the fact that you're not ugly. Always remember it could be a lot worse, you could be Serbian.
Why would anyone feel bad about looking young? Look up Sam Hyde twink death (you should know since you posted charles) and see how far not having a babyface gets you if you're not 6"5" and on HGH.

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I hate being attracted to women. How do I become gay?
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LSD + Sissy Hypno
No OP but I think it’s Asaia Hernandez
Same but I don't think you can change that, women really do ruin everything.
I think we should only let hot latinas cross the border

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