>Try a hobby>Have difficulties>Give up and stop caring>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it.">Try another hobby>Have difficulties>Give up and stop caring>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it.">Try another hobby>Have difficulties>Give up and stop caring>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it.">Try another hobby>Have difficulties>Give up and stop caringComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>32733664Now you know how his dad feels
Hey everyone, Howie made a new thread here: >>32736411Be sure to shit that one up as much as this one.
>>32739061thats not him
>>32739083Yes it is
>>32739083are you retarded?
I've tried looking into this this online, but I never get the same answer twice and the programs and courses online are never clear exactly what certification you get, or whether they are necessary to get a job.So I ask any fellow anons in the trades or HVAC field: What is the bare minimum and quickest way to get into the HVAC workforce. I've tried to contact facilities like Boces to take courses but they give me the runaround. I email them, they don't answer back. When I go in person, the person working there is on vacation. Should I start walking into small businesses and asking if they're taking entry level apprentices? I'm kind of lost and I don't want to spend a year and 2-3 grand on a course that doesn't secure me a future career
>>32735664>What is the bare minimum and quickest way to get into the HVAC workforceAnd why should I increase competition for myself? In this economy? Get real.
I went and googled it, then also asked an AI assistant and they both gave me clear, concise answers with good starting points.
Valentine's Wiener Fest Edition previous >>32736053
>>32741148>>32741164Texas is where all the crazies live (alcohol and guns).Florida is where all the crazies live (meth and opioids and bipolar and schizophrenia and Scientology and Disney).
>>32741190Because they came crawling to us to stabilize their power grid.
Is the Data Analytics anon in here...?
>>32741408I'm a data analyst but I don't think you meant me
>coomed on the fluffer
I do not find the standard "hot woman" hot and or sexy at all, I look at porn of supposedly attractive women with large breasts and I dont like it one bit. My "CHAD" friend, a guy who is the classic man's man, would always send me pics and reels on instagram of women he considers hot, and I don't feel anything towards them, in fact, I straight up find them unattractive but I play along to make my friend happy. Social media models, and "attractive" girls cosplaying don't get me in that "oh my god I think I'm in love" mindset but you know what does? a very plain woman, probably even considered "ugly" to a lot of people. When I think about it, there were only 3 women in my life that had me this obsessive, and if the rating scale were to be applied to them, they would probably be 5 at best, but in my eyes, they're absolutely beautiful, to the point where I lose sleep cause I can't stop thinking about them. It sounds like I could have a chance with them but they're all way out of my reach for reasons (all of them are in relationships somehow, etc.)I feel like I'm stuck in some weird hell, it's like being gay but not gay, I have to hide this from friends and family even, cause I know my parents would probably give me shit for bringing home a girl that isn't attractive on the surface but I just for some reason really find these ordinary women attractive, they're surprisingly rare to come across, at least within my societal bubble/environment because a lot of young women end up "bimbofying" themselves to follow the attractive standard.
>>32736533Oh, OP. You’re not gay. You’re a healthy, heterosexual man who just doesn’t like pornography or gaudily made-up women.If is subscribed whole cloth to modern sexual discourse, I might call you a demisexual, but I won’t because I am not.You just don’t like porn and don’t like the idea of acting like a slackjawed gooner or mutual masturbator with your friend.I hate that shit too and prefer not to keep company with men who constantly want to share their masturbation material with me, as ironic as that is of me to say on 4chan.org.You are indeed in a weird situation: you’re a sane man with self-respect in a porn-obsessed society.
>>32736596I wish the dating scene wasn't also fucked up now, I really do not think I'll find love cause of this situation.
>>32736533i felt the same way until i met a woman who would make me feel nothing if i saw photos of her, but after getting to know her, i liked her for her personality, and then i became attracted to herjust befriend women, eventually you'll find a healthy friendship that can develop into a relationshipcongratulations on not being a lust-driven beast of pleasure
>>32736596This. Family/friends gives you shit for bringing home "a 5/10 [in their eyes]"? Laugh them off. If it vibes with you you can also be more or less crude ("she has redeeming qualities ;)" or "dude, the bjs more than make up for it").Also ... why the fuck do you want to keep lying to yourself AND others about what you like? You don't get what you like by pretending you don't like it. There's nobody else that will do right by you except you. On the topic - why being a guy and wearing violently pink shirts and peeing sitting down is manly? Because you are not feeling feminine by doing that. The guys who say "pink is for women/gay" ARE the guys insecure about their masculinity. Your masculinity comes from inside, not from outside validation.Stop lying to yourself and others. If they're true friends, they'll like you DESPITE the difference in opinions. Nobody said you have to like the same sex, bodytype, ice-cream flavour or preferred nostril hair length as your friends. You do you. Nobody else will. And the girls you're interested in? They will like you for that.
>>32736853>I really do not think I'll find love cause of this situation.Forget about that. That just isn't true.
>22yo bifag and pretty paranoid about sexive gotten to third base before with a girl but rejected her advances to go further because i felt really uncomfortablehow do i stop being like that? just thinking about intimacy makes my heart palpitate, i feel like theres a part of me that feels i dont deserve it, but i also feel really scared about all the ways things could go wrong in my headi dont want to be a virgin my whole 20s, i desire love and intimacy and i am sexually attracted to people, i just cant go through with it
Sex is not intimacy. Intimacy is knowing someone and having a bond with them, which comes from spending time, solving problems together, and helping each other. Through sex you can know some of a person, true, but not the whole person.Also love is another illusion. You feel gratitude for a person you have bonded to have a mutually beneficial relationship with.
>>32738483>i just cant go through with itNo, you *tell* yourself that and self-sabotage. You can go through with it. The only thing stopping you is yourself.
I'm 22 and just graduated college with a BA in German (yes I know, retarded choice, I switched to it because my parents were pressuring me to graduate ASAP and were also paying for school). I don't know where to go from here. I'm currently unemployed (graduated in December) and have no real job prospects. I'd like to go back and get a masters, maybe in international business or just a general MBA. Any advice on finding a job or just figuring out what to do with my future in general? I'm open to pretty much anything, even if it goes against my loose current plans.
You haven't provided the basic information, like what your work history is like, how long you've been unemployed, etc. You also say you have some loose current plans, but haven't disclosed what they are. How are we supposed to give you advice if you don't provide all the information?
>>32737848>loose current plansGetting my masters, that's literally it. Emphasis on loose>work history, etc. I've been technically unemployed for only about two months, I would've been considered a student before then, and even though I know that's not "employed" it's a plausible explanation for unemployment. As far as previous work history goes, two small time hospitality jobs: one over a summer break and another over an approximately four month stint during a school semester (waiter and bartender). I also worked in IT for my local water department when I was sixteen over one summer, and worked in a warehouse for a construction and flooring supply store over one summer as well. I didn't mention this in my post because I felt it would be largely irrelevant to finding a career. Really the only thing I've got going for me at the moment is my Bachelor's which is why I only really mentioned that in my post. I also tried to get into the military and pursue a career as an officer, but I was unfortunately disqualified due to a history of suicidal ideation.
the best thing to do is get a job translating. join a company in germany as tech support, marketing, or public relations. all those roles do best with a native english speaker. the problem with german is almost all germans learn english growing up so they are quite good. you should have learned a language like chinese where the chinks can speak good english
How do I stop procrastinating even when my hopes and dreams are on the line?
>>32737885go into a room without computers and start writing down what you want to do in a notebook
>>32737885Your hopes and dreams are fake and inflated. If they weren't, you wouldn't procrastinate.
>>32737885wiggle your finger,you can wiggle your finger right?move your arm, you can do thatyou can move your whole body.break it down into small pieces
>>32738903Brb killing bill
Why do women always stare at me but never come talk to me what the fuck man should i kms?
>>32737880>women always stare at me but never come talk to medue to the patriarchy, women are seen as submissive and can't approach first. especially if you're on this board you likely are in denial about it.the best way I can explain it is to stop being a pussy and talk to them. women can only eye-fuck
>>32737881Theres literally no reason a woman couldnt come up and talk to me
>>32737882I actually think that if a girl comes to me first instead of making me work for it she'll be easyand surprise surprise, she isso if she doesn't want people to think that (many girls don't care about people knowing that about them), they don't approach firstyeah man up bro, otherwise you'll always fuck the girls that want to fuck you and not the girls you want to fuckassuming they're looking at you with lust and not because you've tatooed your face or something.
>>32737880Because attractive women have at least 10 dicks lined up trying to fuck them at any given point in time, and most of those dicks are willing to approach her and initiate everything so they never have to learn how to approach men.
>>32737899Holy copium, Batman! Women aren't self-conscious like that, especially for a guy they're attracted to. They give it up easy cause they want to. If you're getting less, she just isn't into you and is fucking with you.
Long story short, my bf has expressed an interest in being fucked by a man.We've done some anal stuff before, both me and him, and he wanted to try pegging as well. I don't have a problem with any of that. However, I am worried where this is going. First, it was pegging, then femdom, and now he said he wants to know what it's like being fucked by a real cock while I watch. For many obvious reasons, this worries and disgusts me. I have once or twice fantasized about him being fucked since he is kinda twinky, but for me fantasy and reality are so far apart this seems way too risky and not worth it.I am worried about the idea of including a random stranger into our sex life, about STDs, and genereally the fact that he wants something that I can never give him. And I don't think I am a hypocrite because the most I've ever been curious about is kissing a woman, but that never evolved into a desire to scissor another woman, and I know I wouldn't be bothered if I never tried kissing. For him however, it seems very important.He says he isn't gay or bi, he just likes to crossdress and wants me to watch him be fucked by another man. He also said the first time he'd try it he wouldn't want me to be there so (I assume) he wouldn't feel as "pressured" (I guess by me) to continue.My stomach hurts thinking about this. Even if I tell him he will just resent me at some point if we stay together.
>>32734282don't listen to this faggot, OP.Your boyfriend is fucked in the head, and your relationship is well beyond saving.Don't fall for this sunk cost fallacy horseshit.
>>32734288>>32734282>>32734252 Heyo im at work rn so ill try to come bac later if the thread is still up... try proton mail, its very simple to make and totally free, you just need to think of a mail and passwordMine is: elfidium@proton.me
>>32723942>My stomach hurts thinking about this. Even if I tell him he will just resent me at some point if we stay together.What a stupid cope, stick to your boundaries!Because if this is what you think one day hes gonna leave you anyways so he can have piss orgies with his fellow degenerate faggots.Or he'll just get aids and monkeypox and shit and infect your children with it.Tell him>no to any future degeneracies>no to cheating>no to general faggotry
>>32724186>you expect your boyfriend to be straight>this is repressing himHow can you even stand him? Ew.
He 'overreacted' by throwing a big foot-stomping tantrum about it. He still wants to do it. He's still going to push and push and push the line. Eventually he'll do it, permission or otherwise.Next year OP is going to angry at herself for wasting 7 years.
>iPhone 8>won’t go past iOS 15 so can’t postI’m on desktop now, is there anyway past this or does the new captcha prevent it?It worked for years until a few days ago so I’m not sure if there’s been a recent Cloudflare updateIs there anyway I can get past this without updating browser ?
>>32738179Using safari btw
>>32738179Wow that’s weird, thanks maybe it’s some weird bug on my end
works for me on 7
itoddler bto
>get bullied at work>either ignore them and have it manifest as trauma>or lash out and get charged for assault>mfw
>>32737717can you report them to management for harassment?
>>32737763>Trauma is a choice, have a different emotional response.>JUST SUCK IT UP BRONietzsche was right about stoics.
>>32738426Wait what does Neetsche say about Stoics? Also what books do you recommend from him I've seen his name a lot around here.
>>32738495>Wait what does Neetsche say about Stoicsbasically that you're denying yourself emotion and life and that you're turning yourself into a robot
>>32737717>or lash out and get charged for assaultThere are several levels of escalation before violence, you know? Sounds like you suffer from a mental illness that prevents you from thinking rationally. Or maybe you just want to vent and don't want any advice. In that case post cute girls at least
how often do people tend to full force scream and cry? its like a daily thing for me but others say it happens less often so whats the average
>>32738524Are you male or female?I'm male and I only cry maybe 2 or 3 times a year
>>32738546male, why do you ask? so.....you just DONT randomly scream and cry about being alive? why not? how?
>>32738524I've never once done either of those things because I am too afraid of drawing the attention of other people.
>>32738653sounds like you have bpd
>>32738524When things go wrong I break down and essentially throw tantrums
How do I get a top 1% OF gf?
>>32738646ask someone to introduce you into the pimping business, I gues
>>32738646Be a top 1% male.I doubt you're willing to put any effort in to getting the kind of gf you want. If you couldn't even write more than a sentence, with no context, information, or details, you're not going to try anything that requires even half a minute of work.
How hard is it to land an 18 year old girl if you're a 40 year old man?
so much bad advice on this thread lol.Yes it's not hard to pick them up, yes it's not hard to have a relationship with them, like a third of all women prefer older guys so I don't know what the fag anon is squawking about up above. I'm 40 and my wife is 25. Her 19 year old sister is fucking a 50 year old. It's really not that hard, you just have to have some game, that's the reason they want to fuck an older guy to begin with, guys their own age are usually dweebs.
>>32734306it's not hard if you have money but the ones that like you are kinda crazy and the ones that are sane and hot are there just for the moneyin the end while having fun with 18yo is tons of fun and I'm having a hard time leaving it behind I think I'll marry someone around 25 because while I don't doubt a normal 18 yo who will date a 40 yo exists I'm pretty sure I'll be 46 by the time I find her and then that's another matter entirely.
>>32737421How to get game, where to find them? I am not eve n that old 28 but I feel sidelined from access. How does a 50yo meat a 25yo?
>>32738047not that anon but you gotta socialize, I can't trace back to the first person but I for sure have a lot of young girls as friends/flirtatious counterparts/aquaintancesbroaden your social network
>>32738379grim, I am travelling a lot for work
Any good resizer online to adjust this to 4chan's retarded 4mb limit?
>>32733068not any free ones. it's easier to just put the file in Avidemux and reencode it with two pass to 3.9mb
>>32733068You can do it in the browser so you don't even need to download software. Just google it; there's many.
https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4dont rember if it works with WEBM's but 4chan supports mp4 now right?
>>32733068I would ffmpeg it