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>Too anti-social for normies
>Too normie to be a true schizoid
>IQ high enough to realize how retarded I am
>IQ not high enough to do anything meaningful with myself
I have not clue what I want to do with myself. Getting a normie job with a normie wife sounds nice on the surface (sex, financial stability), but I don't want to have to deal with a woman 24/7 and work with retards. But on the other hand if I try and do something high IQ like say, graduate school, there's a good chance I won't be able to make it work and feel inadequate all while being alone and poor.
I was semi-normie when I was ike 17/18 but 15 years of isolation turned me into a schizoid. I'm still dumb as fuck too
I've idolized schizoids ever since I was a kid that I'm starting to meme myself into becoming one. But I think at my core I'm still just a failed normie
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IQ not high enough to know what anti-social means either.
Convenient excuses nothing more. It’s so much easier to do nothing when you write yourself off as fundamentally different. Which you aren’t.
Find what makes you happy and do it. Or die.
i love you do you have a wife
This, you're not special OP. No one likes work and very few get to spend what they enjoy doing outside of it being a hobby

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