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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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World of Tanks have hit its 14th anniversary today!

Tech tree discounts will start later in the event for 3 days, from August 12th to August 15th.

Consumable discounts will also start later and also last for 3 days, from August 15th to August 18th.

The anniversary event will have both permanent missions that award one token that unlocks on a day by day basis and a limited, harder mission that refreshes daily for 5 tokens. 30 tokens will get you a piece of improved bond equipment.

The 14th anni event will last from August 8th to August 18th.

Article: https://worldoftanks.com/en/wot-14-anniversary-august-2024/
Event discounts and (shitty) premium tanks on sale: https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/specials/wot-anniversary-bundles-august-2024/

>Previous thread:
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Just don't get shot.
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you need to know maps well to play glass cannon tanks, shoot gold for faster shell velocity and
watch Iyouxin channel, his thought process is well explained during the video. Equipment wise use turbo on mobility spot, bond vstab and bond vend.
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it finally happened
the RNG deflector shields AND working crit hits got activated, got 5 kills and of course the bonus mission was the "get 4 kills" one
Yea there are battles that you win no matter what.
T-832 is kinda busted. This tank bounces way more shots than it should. Not just the turret either. It's the only tier 8 that I play that seems to keep tier 9s and 10s nervous enough they stay behind their rocks.

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>What is Throne and Liberty
Amazon's next MMO. It's a F2P Tab Target korean MMO with a focus on guild oriented, zerg vs zerg PvP. You fight to secure loot from world bosses and there are many other world PvP activities including sieges. Instead of classes, there are 7 different weapons and you pick 2 of them to use and pick skills and passives from, kind of like Guild Wars 1.

>It's p2w f2p gookshit then, right?
It's pay2progress faster by swiping for currency to use in theAuction House, but the gear ceiling is pretty low for a korean game. You can obtain and max out a BiS set in 4 months of F2P daily playing.

>How do I sign myself up?
Amazon F2P access starts on October 1st. You can pay Bezos $40 to access 5 days earlier. Only half of the servers will open during early access, the other half of the servers will arrive on October 1st so even if you're F2P you won't be behind.
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If you're curious about build variety in this game, you can play around with this a bit. There's actually pretty good variety rather than 1 straightforward BiS.
If it works on Linux than im going to play it for a few months.
unironically waiting for it, my last mmo was lost shart
maybe amazon won't fuck up this one
kinda bummer that there's not a cunny chara for now, their other game HiT 2 has legit elin copy and she's sex af
maybe one day...
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hopefully ncsoft will release something like this in throne
Fucking butterface. A good helmet will fix this.

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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That's a lot of Korean non-sense
That snipe holy fuck
>2 tanks slapping each other, with Garnet having lolheal and Mai most likely not running healcut.
I mean, yeah.
no it's a diabotical/arena fps pasta
>all these ardas
Is he getting slapped next?

It's the Tsugaru thread
previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/4kv8lm.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

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i only ever use pine or momo anyways lol and that's only when i'm forced to
going to be gone from bonga for about 2 weeks so i figured i'd use up all my tickets in case any of them expire since i don't remember which ones have the 180 day expiration
nice spread get!
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>Get inside the base
>Setup your Death Bomb to detonate early
>Immediately activate DE Mode to I-frame the explosion
>Walk away scott free
This dork complements my retarded bomber gameplay
no bomber should have invul desu
dark was a mistake
Do you guys actively play this together or no? I've never played it before but I've always wanted to give it a go.

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Busy grinding edition
>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

>Main Website

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when the FUCK are we going to be able to change our names? I picked one of the stupidest fucking ones and am disgusted with myself
have another
stop closing doors on me you guys are mean
I miss Dune
Working as intended it seems

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Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Closed Paypig Alpha
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks

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I am not spending $30 for a fucking moba.
should've gotten the free gleam giveaway that kind anon gave out. should've been a smigger. should've lurked more.
>Have to play smite 1 to unlock smite 2 skins
>Don't have to play smite 2 to unlock smite 1 skins
Who is in charge of promotions? This seems like a very retarded thing to do.
When SHITE 2 kills SMITE lorez will finally go out of business.

from what should i start as a noob
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No one's conspiring against you shitter. Just get better.
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Not surrendering with one or more afks is shit, report these afk fuckers so they get a higher penalty.
The "enemy team trying to make the match longer" is bulshit most of the time, it's in your brain, in most cases the enemy team is having trouble closing the match, there are no "impossible comebacks" just really difficult ones that are hard to pull out, a better players than you could win that, you know how that "better player" got that good at the game? by practicing and analyzing his plays thinking what could he do better next time.
>I want to kill anyone who says people surrender too much in this game.
The problems is retards who go "let's rush A" and when it doesn't work 3 times in a row they go "let's rush B" when that doesn't work either they will vote to surrender without thinking why it didn't work
>was it the economy?
>was a play of an enemy player?
>was a good read on the enemy team?
>was it my team dying without using their utility at all?
>was your team peeking an AWP one by one and dying without a chance of getting traded?
>was it the 5 ults the enemy dumped on the retake?
>"lol I don't know, I don't remember what happened last round, I was talking to my friends on discord"
Fucking low iq monkeys can't play strategy or setups for shit, they don't know what map control is and get angry when they don't get easy kills for free.
What the fuck is that name?
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>*runs into her death*
>she runs into my arms
>tenz, sacy and maybe zekken out of sentinels
literally who are they gonna field for redbull?

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WHAT'S UP, Ragnarok Onliners!
It's ya boy: Highlord Tirion of the house of Fordring,
back at it again with another SHIT Ragnarok thread where one or two schizos won't shut the fuck up about some stupid drama no one but them cares about!

Real Ragnarok fans on the other hand typically indulge in their nostalgia for Ragnarok Online from a time before the infamously hated "Renewal" episodes got forced down our throats, leading to many private "Pre-Renewal" servers to gain popularity over the years.

>RagnaGoats if you're in the East

>YanisRO if you're in the East
https://yanisro.com (still in beta),

Absolutely fucking NOTHING worth your time if you're in the West because for some reason Westerners insist on customizing their shitty servers to death and still pretend it's "pre-renewal."

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To think that despite this >>1439911 some niggers will still play it AND give the admin real money. Literal sub-humans.
default servers are unbalanced
every time someone make changes for "balance" they make it more unbalanced because every retard that makes a server is just that, a retard
he's making basically a completely new game by himself and even professional teams can't balance a game
it is going to be unbalanced, but who cares? you haven't played a single well balanced game in your life
> you haven't played a single well balanced game in your life
Speak for yourself. That aside, of all the things that anon listed, you thought balance was the major one? lol lmao
You must be a shill or the dev himself... Or a literal retard, which one is it?
even go and chess which have been around for centuries and are symmetric aren't balanced
>plays an autoattack build
why the FUCK would I care?
>doxes himself
all server owners are retards
hell, would much rather this than the typical admin that plays favourites and spawns items for himself to cheat in WoE
He didn't dox himself, he faked it and used as an excused to pull the plug and keep the cash.

>hell, would much rather this than the typical admin that plays favourites and spawns items for himself to cheat in WoE
That admin probably did that too, if not worse. Someone who literally has been scamming people several times with several different servers (even before RtM).

You've just outed yourself as a either a shill or the admin himself. In the latter case, I want you to know that you're a literal nigger and every molecule of oxygen you breath is wasted.

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A thread for the discussion of Star Citizen.
Post your pretty screenshots because god knows there's fuck all else to do in game.
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>the patch notes are wrong because CIG never lies, now please buy more pixels
how is 4/500? went to bed before they put it up
ok, now point me to another game that is trying to have procedural, voxel based vehicle damaging fire at all.
>le ebin streamernigger crashes mesh test preview
What's a better idea in all honesty, paying 5 dollars to a gold seller to get 3.5mil or to upgrade my shitty aurora package to the nomad for 50 dollars? This game wipes often enough to where I can see value in the latter when the former seems usually smarter.

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>inb4 grab 'em by the pussy
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It's not that weird, with the money they spend on annual wage of some completely washed up former elite football player they can pretty much buy all of CS esports.
Its just some government agency tasked with finding markets like this spending pennies, it's very likely they will forget about it in a year or so
Do you guys actually play CS or do you just treat it like watching sports
Genuine question
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>play CS
lol imagine actually playing cs
I play CS2 and actually reconnected with some old friends through the game. We play every week at the very least once.

I don't really enjoy other videogames and prefer to frag out on a Friday night to roll dodge spamming in the latest GOTY bait slop

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post eogs or whatever
and also maybe something about a spaceship mmo thing
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there is one AUTZ group in nullsec thats like super risk averse, they sometimes go to horde space to kite with their hfi-s for a while then leave after 1 scimi pops
exit strat is dead which was a jspace corp

he is right about hard knocks
>there is one AUTZ group in nullsec thats like super risk averse
there's a bunch.
there's at least 2-3 groups of aussies in wormholes not aligned with shitters like HK, there's at least a dozen Aussie null corps, a few Aussie FW corps (biggest is in Amarr) and dozens and dozens of highsec mining/industry ones.

literally fucking just undock and talk to people in your fucking timezone.
who is that bunch?
Bros does anyone know what happens to market orders and fees if your omega lapses? I assume the orders stay (at over order cap), and since buy order fee is paid at creation time it uses omega skill levels, but what about buy orders? Do you pay sell fee using your skills when you set up the order, or when the order is fulfilled?

I'm going to have shaky Internet for most of 2025 and I'm probably going to cut my subscription, so I want to know how to handle my market activities
Such as?

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Papaya Play bought the rights and launched its own Global server. It runs parallel to IMC's self published version on Steam, but with different monetization and only 1~2 weeks behind on updates.

>Papaya's ToS(new)

>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.

>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager

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is it out yet?
wasnt that china only or somethin
no one said that
What are the main activities in the game nowadays?
Most recent streams and videos are people party bossing.
Do you still grind monster fields?
I've read that classes are more simplified now, how exactly? Do you no longer mix and match your skills from other jobs?
>Do you still grind monster fields?
not for leveling. that is solo and nearly all questing.
there are/were max level solo farming areas for high geared players tho. not sure if they worth it right now.

>I've read that classes are more simplified now, how exactly? Do you no longer mix and match your skills from other jobs?
class circle system is removed. you just pick 3 (strongest) classes now and that's all

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Have TF2 community servers gotten more left wing than usual?

I joined two random community servers with my kind of offensive name and I got kicked by mods almost immediately. When I rejoined with a different name, all I saw and heard were transsexuals and furries.

Is this the norm for team fortress 2 community servers? A bunch of trannys and furries that can’t handle a joke of a username?

Are there any community servers that can handle the calibre of a game rated 18+?
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I'd say this started occurring in 2011-2014. Almost all of the sane people in my community have left a very long time ago while the dead end autistic neets have claimed the community as their own.
It's crazy to think that the last major update was now 7 years ago.
Transexuals and furries are the one's running the community servers

>Get tired of playing 2fort, there's only so much fun you can have when the server you play on is full of retards who haven't evolved past screaming racial slurs and pretending they aren't seething at each other
>Miss maps like Cyberpunk so go looking for a community server that's not a randomizer, jailbreak or another skial server
>Find a unique looking one and join it
>Slowly realizes it's full of furries and transexuals
>It's heavily modded, there are eevee and it's evolutions as skins and starfox for some reason among other furry things
>The server is some weird mixture of actually playing the game and Second life where people are just chilling and wandering through the weird maps people make
>So things get off when some fag decides he wants to pubstomp out of nowhere while everyone else was taunt dancing
>There are gay furry sprays and sometimes the furries congregate to a wall full of them but I can't see sprays anymore so I don't care

Honestly considering what some people here have been saying that particular server could be worse. Despite it being a furry server there's another half of the playerbase that aren't and only a few trannies bother making HRT jokes and I haven't seen them in a good bit
Maybe it's alright for a game to let you tell people to kill themselves?
Valve turned the ability to view sprays off by default in a previous update, but you can reenable them in the advanced settings tab
>Have TF2 community servers gotten more left wing than usual?
Yeah blame the bots for that because they forced everyone into Dane's cucked servers for the better half of a decade

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Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

New ships:
-Mandalay, scheduled for release in early October; a new exploration mamba with yuge jump range and ability to shit out the pilot directly below the cockpit so he can sniff plants without walking. Also apparently the most "supercruise-optimized".
-Type-8 is actually a MEDIUM hauler which makes the Type-7 officially the new asp scout. "supercruise-optimized" too.
-New Python variant called the Python-de-lanc- I mean, Python Mk II. "supercruise-optimized" as well.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.

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If you've got other manufactured mats you don't need you can trade for them at a manufactured materials trader.
missing most of my gauss cannon shots but it's okay because i have the power of friendship on my side
i didnt
i ended up finding a mission to trade some mineral for it and some fleet carrier was selling it nearby
>spend 6 hours getting all the shit for the thargoid resistant hulls
>go back to fight ayys
>instantly interdicted by some spastic gankers who barely manage to kill me by chasing me for 5 minutes and plinking at me with weapons that disable random ship components

the gankers are here, i guess all this was a waste of time because ill never be able to kill these ayys on my own
these faggots need to be skinned alive
and the game is lagging way too hard to hit them
fucking wow

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