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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1381683
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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Games hosted/played so far
anyone up for Arcs?

Sure I guess, how many we need? Maybe we get some anons on the /v/kend thread.
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Thread died but we continue with 3 players on this pokemon adventure
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Bird was too strong...
Almost done after 4 hours, 5 people in the lobby
I was that man. Fuck birds. I now know S.S.Anne ticket is a trap.
So for those that have tried or looked at the various mods, are there any large mechanical changes between each region for Ultimate Edition, or is it mostly minor things like a few additional paths and so on.
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I think the other maps have slightly different rules for some areas, for example the Hoenn Map has the Battle Frontier which lets you fight any color token you want for levels and bonuses, but it's nothing super major.
Also look at that beefy ass motherfucker, how is that a Pokémon?

I'll post the our final teams after I'm done hosting, hope you guys enjoyed the 5 hours of fucking Pokémon dice rolling.
Are you seriously complaining he's too "buff" to be a pokemon when Machamp exists
It was a lot of fun!
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Doing some RA btw
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Here's the final Teams and standings for the Pokémon game.
Also finals scores for this were 55 vs 53 vs 20. Other games played today were Patchwork and Galaxy Trucker.

GG and see you next time.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
6/4 we started
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GG! Final score is 75 vs 74 vs 65 vs 54! Very close game.
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Could rehost after eating and walking my dogs, was thinking of Teotihuacan or Through the Ages (at most 3 players that know how to play cuz I'd be tight on time). Give me a (You) if you're interested.
Pokemon Master Trainer
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I would, with all the stupid new Gen stuff, but I simply don't have the time for it, next week for sure.
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It's up.
thanks camry subway guy
Seconding this
Still a better game than arcs... probably
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The way I see it all Monopoly is Gay Monopoly.
Still better than Ms. Monopoly
Random late night lobby
Name: /vm/ - AAAAAAAAA
Pass: titties
Games: Not sure, got some learn and plays I haven't tried yet, but also might do stuff like Fromage, Tiny Towns, or Fort. Could even do some Monopoly.
Ping: 999ms
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Was able to finish my jigsaw puzzle without any takers, so I will just close for now and try again later
I've always been a fan of TTS, especially given its Linux support.

Oh.. I think I own a relatively rare board game that would be perfect for TTS, if it doesn't exist already as a mod. Its just sort of a light, competitive traveling board game, with miniatures. A quick search of Workshop or Nexus didn't seem to show it there, but I have to wonder if its worth going through the trouble of recreating it and/or scanning in my original board (though it may need to be edited given it has wear from physical use etc) . Do people usually take a picture of a physical board, try to find one online of sufficient resolution, or something else? For the physical widgets I can probably model or edit existing models in Blender or something as they're not sophisticated , and I'm pretty sure TTS lets you create or edit cards with whatever you want on them with ease so its just copying them etc.. but considering the board and box has somewhat unique derpy art I couldn't replicate it on my own anywhere near as easily.
You can just scan everything for maximum result
Whats the game called?
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I just figured that the board may have too many creases or whatever but I suppose it could work. I'd have to set it up into multiple scans and then join them into a single picture (2 to 4) given the size of the board is way larger than the scanner. Game is
>Mushing the Iditarod Trail
That link has some other pics, including some of the physical tokens (snowshoes, bags of dogfood, the sleds themselves, sleeping bags, axes etc) and the gameboard...which has a derpy moose and pair of walruses on it, just because.
Hopefully you kill yourself soon.
not him but what's with this random aggression?
I've imported a couple things to the workshop, for things too large for my scanner I took a picture of them or scanned them by parts and then edited together with paint.net or Photoshop. For cards it's a matter of scanning, rotating and cropping then using the deck editor that comes with the game in the mod folder to make a single image file for all the cards that you can then import (or import reach card individually for future proofing in case you need to edit one specific card for some reason).

Sometimes you can find better resolution pics on the net already, even officially made ones for example BGA's assets you can use but for a game as niche as yours you might have to digitize everything yourself. So good luck and if you need some help just say the word.
Thanks Anon, maybe I'll do it. Its kind of a rarity and a historical artifact given that many of the names on the gameboard are actual places in Alaska, but some have changed names since the game was made. Would be nice to have it digitized and playable.
Pretty cool piece of history you got there, looking forward to it, have you played it?
This looks awesome but why is it so long?
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Let's play a game or two or three
pass: rage

Surely we need more Euro in our lives?
Dice chucker (movement, then usually combat, sometimes more than once per turn (maybe more rolls for statuses), then potentially capture - all of this is resolved with dice) and the map is huge and you need to travel the entirety of it to get the badges
Game would be better if it was shorter, or at least had bigger level "caps", as it stands there's a big problem with mid-game where wild mons and even trainers have lower level than yours (you can't level up from beating lower leveled opponents) so the second half of badges is just busywork where nothing happens before the big 4, rival and endgame PvP
Clanking 3/4
How hard would it be to level up the mid game trainers?
In the end, everything returns to Clanke.
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Clankings were had!
73 vs 99 vs 141
Maybe we play some more game?
Just trainers? not much, change their cards to have bigger number, them + late game ones so the problem isn't just reversed. But bigger problem are all the wild pokemons having shit levels so after halfway point it's pointless to fight them, which means the board itself becomes mostly pointless as you run from town to town hoping to get good rolls or at least ones that land you on events spaces
Room closed due to foreseen consequences.
Actually I have. I can remember doing so as a kid, it was a nice bit of memory playing alongside the parents given our 'hometown' was listed on the board, but I've not played it since growing up. Its probably still in my parents' basement game closet and I'll have to ask them next time.
I would presume the openness to Monopoly
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Manual has some suggestions for giving the levels a little oomph that we could try, but its as easy as agreeing to level up some Pokémon (and maybe up your movement capabilities after getting a badge I mean come on max 6 movement without items after the 6th badge is fucking brutal).
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Shooting for a light bit of boardeo games, who knows
Name: /vm/ - AAAAAAAAAAA
Pass: titties
Games: Uhhhh probably Fromage or Tiny Towns, unless people wanna do some learn and plays or Monopoly
Ping: 999ms
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Aw man I just got into bed.
Worst case scenario, there will always be more video games in the future
And by god is that a terrible thought
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Was gonna wait the full 30 for anyone to roll in, but I've got shit pulling on me and I've finished my waiting for lobby puzzle, so will just try again in the future
I want to play pokemons again...
Pokemon Wingspan?
No, this autism >>1425647
You're gonna have to host it yourself cuz I can't until at least Friday
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Are we feasting tonight boys?

A feast for /v/oden
Feast post-poned due to missing key guests, please (you) when available.
Ah shit, I missed it.
Thine (You) sire.
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Opening up shop again

Gather and take refuge from your daily toils and woes.
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Spending time being Cl(o)ver in the meantime.
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Servers acting up...
GGs, shedding and emigration wins games
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missed attached image.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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3/4 Playing Teotihuacan: City of Gods
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Game ends with 159 vs 144 vs 68! GG
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Closed things off with Project L!
23 vs 24 vs 24 ending with a tiebreak for the most credits! Very nice, thanks everyone for joining me today.
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Could host Pokémon Master Trainer UE at around 6pm ET, give me a (You) if interested
I am not interested
Duly noted, thanks.
Make it an hour later and I'll join
That'd be my 8pm, I guess I can do it if we get 1 more player.
I'd love to join, but I'm probably not getting back from dinner until 9:30pm cst and wouldn't want to prolong anyone.
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Wew that's gonna be like my 11:30pm, too late because I gotta get up early tomorrow.
Any time Saturday that works with y'all?
>Any time Saturday that works with y'all?
Yeah, right now
Other than that I'll probably go to sleep in 4-6h and sleep for about that much and rest of the day works
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Let's try

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
2/6(god imagine how long that'd last), starting soon

one of you join.
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oh no
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it's over
I am not interested
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Seems to be a problem to connect globally
Sorry, I'm the 9:30pm guy. Hope you have fun and I'll see if I can play later if you are up or tomorrow.
Depending on how long the servers are going to be broken you might make it in time
I'll be closing the lobby but worry not because I made a save file, I guess depending on if people want to keep their cutemon team + spider we can just give newcomers some pokémon, lvl and cards to catch up.
Looks like we're back

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
GGs we played some Ra and Thunder Road
Why are Pokegals so cute?
Is anybody else having wild P2P issues?
What time would work for you today?
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Didn't have time to table TtA but had a lot of fun with Wonderland's War even if the luck of the draw completely fucked me at crucial times, pretty cool Area Control Bag Building game, definitely hosting it sometime.

Regarding Pokémon I'll probably be home late but I can skip sleeping if needed be if people want to play it, I'll welcome if people can be earlier however.
I'm avaible from now till next day, so whenever you're ready. Don't know about others
I could play now
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Might be too late but let's try

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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Dang I guess I am late, we'll try next time. Pokeymoon will happen I assure you.
You closed the lobby to play video games, don't blame it on "ahh, I was too late, got no players" when I was there, just admit you don't like board games like the rest of us
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I never said I didn't get any players tho
I've been busy playing it single player just to get more familiar with it. I'm sad I missed it as I was looking forward to it all week.
Post pics of team
I just closed out, but was: Hitmonchan, Lapris, Venusaur, Chameleon, Omanyte and Beedrill. I just finished battling Team Rocket...
Nice, don't worry I'll probably have some time during the week to host at an earlier time.
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Sad news, everyone. After playing this by myself I now know how it works.
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This you?
Probably, as I am retarded.
>uses Z crystals
I was testing things out.
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>Galaxy Trucker 2e expansion nerfed engine boosters
what a pity, but i guess it will see more use like this rather than "pay 1 energy and destroy adjacent engine to skip this and next adventure card"
Yeah I was gonna tell you about it next time we played, the workshop is using assets from only 1e though, isn't it?

Nice! I may be able to host this today in about an hour if people are around. Give (You) if available and interested.
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the TTS assets i know of are from 1e, and all rulebooks from 1e plus 2e core rulebook is just sitting there for some reason
but back to the rebalanced booster modules: the back of the 2e exp. rulebook has a very nice passage in the new modules summary:
>Old-Time Trucker Warning!
>If you know truckers who remember the “good old days” of bigger boxes and ship boards with only two sides, please ask them to read this page before playing this expansion. In their day, boosters and stasis chambers worked differently.
but until the fancy looking 2e squares get ported i guess we stick with the old-timey rules, right? it'd be a pain to have to slap two cabins to every cryochamber otherwise.
i also like what they did to 3A, now it's actually dangerous to fly instead of auto-dodging like a third of all front/rear attacks. But don't tell 1e 3A that i said that, she'd cry
available and interested
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
2/6 >>1434545 you with us lad?
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It's over.
Did I miss pokemon again?
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yeah lol, maybe if I'm finished here we can play a different, shorter game however. But it's already kinda late and gotta work tomorrow
Please come back. I am ready to play now.
Well shit. This week has been sucked from start to finish.
Don't worry lad, next week I should be free from Tuesday to Saturday, give me an ET time you're sure you'll be able to be here and we'll schedule so this barely missing stuff stops happening.
Hey, anyone wanna try Glen More 2 in, let's say, three hours?
It's this game where you have your Scotsmen, and you do Scottish things like wear skirts and make haggis.
I got a few surprises in there and I scanned in one of the modules the mod was missing, so it should be funzies.
Watching video of it atm, looks fun.
Ah, no one responded, so I changed plans. We'll save it for another time.
That's fair, another time then.
I'm free from Tuesday to Friday from 1PM to 6PM, then 9PM to 12AM CST. Saturday I am free typically from 5PM to 12AM CST.
I can do 9pm CST today, that would leave us with 3 hours which I think we can definitely use to finish a game if we speed up our battle management now that we are all clear on how to handle an NPC, and I can probably spawn an extra, non-scripted battle area to avoid waiting in line to use it lol.
And even if we can't finish it, it's as simple as saving the game then reloading tomorrow or whatever. Let's hope our third player is also available abd we can get this thing rolling.
Surprise host (in 2 hours) of Frosthaven.
Been playing for a little bit with a group of 3 and could use a 4th.
We're currently level 3-4 and plan on doing one scenario at this time on weekdays and whenever we can on weekends.
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Server: /tm/
Pass: rage
We are soldiering on with 3, but feel free to join us even if you are just interested to see the game.
Goddamn wish I could but working
Lobby closed, planning to host same time tomorrow and still accepting a 4th.
Good to know. I'll do my damndest to cram more work in today and lighten my load tomorrow. Here's hoping
Gonna attempt to host after dinner (an hour from this post)
Games suggested are

Great Western Trail (base or arg)
Brass Birmingham
Small Samurai Empires
Lost Ruins of Arnak

various fillers: Clank, Harmonies, Akropolis, Fort, Splendor

Games never hosted before:
Evolution: Climate
Russian Railroads
Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King
going to need to review the rules for the last 2 so i'd appreciate a reply in advance if theres interest for either of them
(replies for interest in general are welcome anyway)
(You) for interest
Gonna need a little more time, pushed back by about 15 mins (so lobby up in 40 mins)
It's up
/v/oard, rage
Sounds good!
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Final state of the Small Samurai Empires game.
finally the internet issues catch up to me after the end of the game
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Steam saves us from awkward goodbyes
We played a game of clank for the end.
it's just the tuesday thing
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Are you anons still around? We could play some Wonderland's War while I wait for Pokémon time.
I'm around
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Sorry lad, was playing some Merchuds and Mareauders. Also we need at least 4 to play Wonderland anyhow.

Will be opening the Pokémon lobby in 25-ish minutes, be ready joiners.
I am here for the pokemons when you are good.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
3/6 off we go!
Ah yes, the three hentai doujin protagonists. Missing only the token shota.
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I hate dice combat
I hate dice combat
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And after almost 5 hours, the game is over! Congratulations to our Hoenn Region champion and his absolutely monstrous fucking Metagross.
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Host is up
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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Closing for now, we managed to get 3 players but it'd be perfect if we had 4 or 5. I'll try again a little later after finishing some chores and even if we are just 3 we'll play it anyways.
Closing up, a 3rd worlder tried to load the game but failed. We are doomed to forever be a party of 3.
I don't want to play gloomhaven.
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Wrong host, anon.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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4/5 playing
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Game ends with Jabberwok winning 105 to the Queen of Heart's 86, followed by the Mad hatter at 80 and finally the Cheshire Cat at 59!

GG and WP.
No frost today, they lost the key to my wagie cage and refuse to damage company property (or me) to get me out.
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Let's try Whistle Mountain
/v/oard games
GG bwt lol
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Forgot to post the final game screenshot, 184 vs 194 score by the by.
Anyways here's a lobby
Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage

Today I'm thinkin'
>Pax Porfiriana
>Clash of Cultures
>Horseless Carriage
>Grand Austria Hotel
>Viticulture with the wine cards
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Based Mary
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/v/eekend thread died but we managed to play a few games
>Couple rounds of Bullet
>So Clover!

Nice games, thanks for joining, I might rehost later if there's people around.
The new visitors made the game a little better, and even if the final point swing for the victory was because of a visitor and the disjointed area control mechanic(?!?), was pretty fun.
It remains one of those games that I wouldn't play over most games but would replay from time to time.
Can host again, add Through the Ages, Great Western Trail, Wonderland War, Merchants & Mauraders and Great Zimbabwe to the list.

Give (You) for interest!
I am not interested
-1/3 needed to get a lobby going!
I'm interested (in half of these)
That's a better ratio than usual, would need 1 more to pull off most of these.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
5/4 Playing Clank
Finished Clank and a Century Spice Road with 5!
GGs and thanks for joining.
ggs. If only I knew how to count
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btw, I forgot what the album you suggested me to look for extra music lad, could you give me a reminder?
Hotel Dusk
Linkin Park - From Zero
Cool, thanks
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Is the dungeon meshi game good?
Is the lobcorp game good?
Haven't really seen any of the anons that played meshi around lately and I'm pretty sure they had to translate from Japanese so hard to tell.
And Lobcorp it's a fangame but I recall the anons played it a good amount of times before doing their own attempt at a lobcorp game, so it was probably quite fun but lacking in some areas if they decided to try making their own version.
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Check out my champion-tier team B)

Hoenn is probably the best map so far but next time we play I'd like to check out how Unova plays out, seems like it's the easiest to move around in so games should be a little faster on that one.
You played pokemans without me...
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Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made…to become a Pokémon Master…
We can unova later if you want...
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Sorry I'm a little occupied for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow, so it'll have to wait till next week, or you can host without me, in which case I wish you good luck and to have fun
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I want to play New Angeles.
In my experience, hosting has better results than wishing
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>you'll get 5 more people to join to play a 3+ hours negotiation by hosting
You're definitely getting 0 by not hosting.
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>I want to play a game, I won't host it though because I know I won't get players, but I'll still post that I want to play it, woe is me
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where is the arkham horror mod?
either way I kinda want to play either marvel champions or marvel crisis protocol. or arkham horror if someone finds a mod that hasn't been delisted. @tolmet on discord or steam, I won't check in back here until tomorrow probably.
>where is the arkham horror mod?
You mean this? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2577586550

>@tolmet on discord or steam, I won't check in back here until tomorrow probably
Why not simply host a room, posting the name and password and just have people join instead of needing a friend request?
I don't want to keep a room open 8 hours autistically stare at it hoping someone joins when someone could just msg me. I have kids so I can't just sit here and wait all day.
>keep a room open 8 hours autistically
Then just say when you're opening it, and if nobody joins in 60 minutes then tough luck, try again next time.
Your first mistake was looking for players in these threads.
Yeah, plus: who doesn't have a second monitor? When I try to get players, I just throw out the details, shrink TTS to just the player list and put it on the other monitor, and then I go back to doing whatever else for 20-30 minutes. If nobody joins, then I'll just try again later, and I wasn't wasting my time doing nothing anyways.
is there a better place to look for players?
It'd be nice to be able to just find a few players at will.
Ignore that retard, he's obsessed with trying to "kill" these threads for some reason.
If you're not allergic to discord there's a semi-official server called ttsclub, just look for it, it has nothing to do with /vm/ though
You'd probably have more success with MCP if you lead with the fact that it's primarily a 2P Wargame (I don't think the main mod even does 4P support), and thus does somewhat merit direct contact and scheduling. I mean, it doesn't require it, since those games have been run in the past, so a lot of people probably still won't, but it would probably help at least 2% more.
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thanks senpaitachi
Not until the only guy that keeps hosting fucks off for good (we can only hope) (Total Euro Death)
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Boardeo Games
Pass: titties
Games: I dunno, lol. Got some learn and plays, got some casual shit like Tiny Towns. We can figure it out, but probably gonna keep it simple
Ping: 999ms
Alright, looks like a bust, but not too much of a surprise given the hours
Will start taking swings at more normal times after tomorrow, as shiz clears up
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Going to attempt to host in an hour from this post (18:15 UTC+1)
I'd like to try Tigris & Euphrates (https://youtu.be/0vuJBpGK6MQ)
But we can also play other games:
Whistle Mountain
Brass Birmingham
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Castles of Burgundy
As usual, (you) for interest, suggestions or even to ask me to postpone if it's too early
/v/oard, rage
No dice huh
I'll try again tomorrow, can't later today
i can play with you tomorrow at that time (or an hour later if shit at work goes south)
>wanting to learn T&E
Y'know I've seen people praise this a few times over the years but I still binned it.
>binned it
How so? I've read a couple critiques about it but I'd like your specific opinion
Also it doesn't have to be T&E if you don't want to play it
Anyone interested in Catan Cities & Knights? Or just Catan Seafarers?
Have a server hosted called
Password is poolsclosed
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>host is clover
>isn't hosting so clover
It's just very dry. It's Knizia, you know what you're getting into, but think of it like Go but not bicolor.
Another attempt at hosting, same game(s), same time (2 hours and 10 minutes from this post)

Oh okay, just the dryness
I dont mind dry, Hansa teutonica is one of my favourites and it's pretty dry
It's up, /v/oard, rage
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Various kingdoms, both big and small, were continuously created, united and destroyed, catastrophes turned the tide at every turn and eventually, the Archers faction prevailed with 12 VPs against the Lions at 10 and the Potters at 7
No one wants to play pokemon anymore...
Never wanted to play anything pokemon related in the first place
big long games don't get players because people don't have the time for them
TI4, EU PoP, Pokemon, and there's probably hundreds more fun games that are just too long for the modern capitalist world
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No wonder Eurofags play shit like Agricola and cube pushers, they are so miserable that being a subsistence farmer in medieval Europe looks like the best thing ever compared to their lives.
big long games don't get players because it's more fun to play many, different 1-2 hour long games than keep spamming one 5 hour long game over and over
Agricola and cube pushers are more fun than your shitty rngfest games that you only play because it's themed around your favorite childhood show or whatever and has nothing else to it
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Frosthaven is made for the modern man, one scenario a day keeps the suicidal thoughts away.
Still looking for a 4th :)
I haven't even played the Pokemon game, why are you so mad?
>it's more fun to play many, different 1-2 hour long games
Ah you are one of those quantity over quality attention deficit zoomers, I get it now.
Who said pokemon? The theme doesn't matter. Ah yes, it does for you, it is paramount, you're allergic to euros so only ameritrash is left for you
>the "quantity vs quality" argument in the same breath as "5 hours long game is better"
Oh ok you're shitposting
>that you only play because it's themed around your favorite childhood show
Attention span so short he can't even remember things said minutes ago. And with absolutely 0 context and reading comprehension to boot, how sad.
Quote the sentence in full you buffoon.
>themed around your favorite childhood show [[[or whatever]]]
The post is to imply that you only like ameritrash, it doesnt mention pokemon specifically. For your information ameritrash are rng-heavy and all about the theme. Maybe read the post you're replying to fully before you start seething
what's this, a /tg/ thread? Don't feed trolls
but how else am i supposed to breed them before the status phase so i get the vp goal for most trolls?
Anyone interested in catan Cities and Knights? Prefer to host in the next 30 minutes, gimme a reply and Ill set it up if I get 3 (including myself)
Welp... doubt we're getting a third but count me just in case. But why catan of all things
Sure, I can do some Catan
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Got the server up, server name should be
password is just four
password is the word "four" as spelled
>what is this? board games in my board game video game?
better /tg/ than /v/ refugees
Neither play any board games
>neither play any games*
I'm sure /tg/ play plenty board games
more than anons here at least
you live bros?
yes, come back we waiting on you
As a /bgg/ user, I can confirm this is untrue.
For the catan folk, the server is still up. Let me know if you guys cannot join due to the steam rape occuring
Welp, nvm, it finally broke for me
if ur still willing to paly
Server name is CLOVER
Password is FOUR
all undercase
Three in the room already, come join. Dont quit half way, even if you are losing
Server is still up and public
Server name is CLOVER
Password is FOUR
all undercase

Cities and knight + Fishermen
Holy shit catan again, can't we do real games?
Sneed, I have a huge catan bug in my ass and I need it to be taken out, anjkw0son.
no more catan, got some people
How about pokemon?
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>No hosts on Saturday
I'm out, maybe when I'll be back in 4-5 hours
Anyone interested in Catan C+K? Anon from the yesterday, we can add in Fishermen.
Room name is clover
pass is four
I've had enough Catan for a lifetime, thanks.
didnt ask u redditor
Still havent had enough? Come on man
Not like I could join even if i wanted tho (I don't)
Not home for at least another hour
ok redditor
Catan is reddit though but ok
any tabletop game is peak reddit.
Ok redditor
you capitalized the ok. ok redditor
Is there a discord or a group to join games?
You'll have to DM me yourself wearing a dress and pissing on a new box of Catan to join.
only normieshit is reddit. So risk, monopoly and catan, in this order from most to slightly less reddit
ok wat about warhammer 40k
>new box of Catan
Have you seem the price a Catan box? I'm not pissing $60 away.
You seem to know a lot about reddit, I wonder why.
Giving a (You) for this
Yeah just talk to the worm dude and he'll invite you into /tts/. Just make sure to play at least 5 games or else you'll get logged as an inactive gamer and get ditched in his analytics.
Sometimes I tell myself i'll host this week but in the end I chicken out because people don't like the games I like
Should I have tried to let them win so they like the game, instead of giving it my usual everything to win fair?
What games
People don't like a game because they won and if they do they will stop liking it when you eventually win, making the whole ordeal pointless
It's probably some meme like four souls
I'd still play a meme like Four Souls. I'd fucking hate it, but if I was awake then I'd still play it. If even just to say afterwards "man this fucking sucked." Like I would play it again and again and again and again just to show that no matter how much the game's grown or what permutation of a way to play comes forth, it still sucks total fucking ass.
Ok but why not play good, fun games instead
Might be able to host today, I'm not 100% sure as i might have to go out on an errand this afternoon but if not, I'll host (in 3 hours or so)
Who said I wasn't? I can do both, dingus
>play four souls
Only if I'm allowed to quit the match when it inevitably becomes shit
Sometimes I feel like hosting but I don't want a schizo to become obsessed with me
>becomes shit
>obsessed with me
what are you even talking about
Was delayed by things that came up
Hosting in 30 minutes
Hansa Teutonica
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Great Western Trail (base or argentina)
Castles of Burgundy
Dune Imperium Uprising (with no expansions, or only one of the two)
Tigris & Euphrates
Whistle Mountain

Century Spice Road
It's not that bad, having your own schizo means you'll get a confirmed joiner to your lobbies 100% of the time!

Would love to join but I've been busy as hell this weekend doing manual labor, maybe later tonight I'll have some time to host some Pax Ren/Porf, Great Zimbabwe, Teotihuacan or something other No Pokémon, sorry.
Many different ones, including Arcs and John Company.
You thinking people winning is what makes them like a game or enjoy themselves means you are probably not very fun to hang out with after 1 game.
>Many different ones
>names 2
/v/oard, rage
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Burgundy'ng with 3
>confirmed joiner
My personal schizo just joins my games to call them shit
Mine does too but he plays anyways.
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Game ends with green player winning 230 vs 224 vs 214, what a close game!

the full list will doxx me and that goes against 4chan culture so i just picked the top 2 games i wanna play more of
mmmore games?
Yes, more games.
/v/oard, rage
join us
less shitposting more playing
Shit, I just got home...
Well i don't have work tomorrow so i can host again if there's at least one more guy
I remember when there used to be midnight board game players as well
5 hour Pokemon board game at midnight :D
Nah, I don't feel like it, but mostly because I just can't be bothered to learn it AND dump 5 hours right now. I know it's just a dice chucker, but still.
Anyone wanna yeehaw some cows?
I will have a cow, man.
is this a yes?
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fuck it

Room: /v/ board games
Pass: rage
2/4 in
I'll only be able to join in 30 mins or so
We'll do a thingie until you get to join up
3 in, starting momentarily
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Took the 3 of us only 15 minutes to set the game up, new PB
Ummm you forgot to display 4 goal cards akshually
gotta restart now, shit
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ggs, blue wins with cow power
he's also a silly who thought you could stack oregon with discs like you would new york
I missed again...
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>he's in
I am once again asking for a MCP gamer
who wants to watch me roll badly against them? @tolmet steam or discord

I am around usually 8pm est until whenever.
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>it's been Oct. 2nd for a whole minute
>there STILL haven't been any board games
Make a room
I already have a board game room made in my house, thank you. It's where I keep my copies of Clank Catacombs and Quacks of Quedlinburg, along with the spare card table.
Model your game room and import it when you host a board game in Tabletop Simulator here.
Anyone want to try Caylus 1303 in about an hour - hour and a half?
It's a worker placement euro but with quite a bit of interaction and meanness, simple but deep
With a name like that, I dont even need to look it up to know its another euroshit number #4269
>reee it's not HF4A
Holy shit stfu you dont like any game that's not specifically above 4.00 weight on bgg anyway
Sure, I could try it out.
And he's probably too stupid to learn any game with a weight of 4.00+ anyway
How different is it from the original?
Nevermind I guess, neither the mods of it in the workshop nor the ones in the archive work, all of the texture links and everything else are dead
But will still host, games from this list >>1452571
/v/oard, rage

Never played the original but I read it's just streamlined and improved
>Dune Imperium Uprising (with no expansions, or only one of the two)
Are the expansions bad?
I like rise of IX a lot. but it does kinda make sols useless late game.
btw we played a 4p game of arnak and it went smoothly
The expansions are good but not for uprising, adding expansions that are meant for the base game to uprising is just bloat
>it went smoothly
What happened this time?
They went and decided to play the newest expansion (the missing expedition) and map (waterfall temple), but the map's gimmick is poorly explained so one of the players went and interpreted it in the most convenient way and we didnt really check cause we were all tired. it dawned when i asked clarifications on how the waterfall shit even works cause even with the pdf in front of me it made no sense to me
>the players went and interpreted it in the most convenient way
based cheater.
bros I am once again asking you to play. I need marvel cape kino bros that aren't weird.

tomorrow 7pm est let's do it.
Open a room at that time and you'll probably get somebody
Anyone up for some bored games?

Tell me what you want to see, here are some ideas:
ah, can't be bothered to list more, just (You) me if you want to game something.
Will be up for (almost) anything in 4 hours
If the anon i'm replying to won't be there I'll host instead
Prepare your anus for a night of Catan, Monopoly and Pokemon.
I said almost exactly for this reason
Home and hosting in 20-30ish mins idk which games but no one will join anyway
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I don't like playing with Debbie Downers
Lobby up /v/oard, rage
put up some random game but can be almost anything except the holy trinity of cringe (see >>1457926) or 4h+, 4.00+ weight games
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Did a nigga really schedule a time NOT to post a lobby in-thread but instead when he wanted his profile to be pinged?
Because people here only play euroshit and meeple pushers
Well, what else is there to host?
When every non-euro hoster hosts they can't stop themselves from shitting on euros and making themselves look like annoying cunts, or self loathing faggots like>>1458141. Nobody wants to play with that kind of people.
Huh? Who?
That poster is an eurofag retard, it's the exact opposite of what you said
Are you the guy that only likes arcs and john company, or the guy that only likes 4 hour long, 4.00+ weight games? It's kind of a blur between the two of you, but regardless: get better taste or shut the fuck up already
That's not why i assumed no one would join, it's because of the hour but i guess i was wrong
>are you this bogeyman I made up in my mind or this one instead?
It doesn't matter which one you are or if you're a third one you're still a cunt, just add the other 2 cunts and play with them instead of whining everytime
You're the only one whinning, first that you definitely won't get players, then that you're too lazy to type what games you want to host, now that there's other anons posting in the thread
>i-i-it's not me it's y-you! and im not crying im just posting!
Ok whatever, carry on bitching about le """euro""" game bad then, I suppose you've probably got too used to it so now it's like breathing
As probably one of the boogiemen, no i did not write that, and yes I did join this thread games within the last 24 hours. Stop living in your imagination, it's not healthy.
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Hey guys, do you want to play some games?

Saturday gaming
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We're playing not-Carnegie again, sorry lad.

4/4 "speed running" Barrage.
>Hey guys, do you want to play some games?
Too bad, we're having fun without you
yes nigger I did alright? if someone wants to cape kino with me just fucking ping me. I realize zoomers have crippling social anxiety but a simple "hey" will suffice, I'll already know you are here to play videogames.
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Good game, Let's carry on.
why even come to the thread at all if you're not gonna use it?
doing a surprise mysty with 4/7
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We lose! (again!)
Thanks for hosting.
The ravens, they failed me.
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Merchants & Marauders in the near future?
How near is that near future
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Why not right now
At least 2 hours from now, I gotta walk my dogs when I get home.

I also heard people wanting Through the Ages.
Host it
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
dang I guess I took to long, trying again later perchance.
sorry, I was sleeping
If people were gonna add you, then specifying a time a second time doesn't really serve much purpose. They would just ping you, lol
>hard -er
Rude! No wonder you're having trouble finding people to play games with you.
Anyone up for some board games? Anyone ever played Fire In The Lake? Been wanting to try it, but I have no clue how to play it
I could play, in an hour. Maybe not Fire in the Lake though.
I could play now or in an hour, preferably Fire in the Lake though (it's meh below 4p, probably better at 2 than 3 too)
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I'll host either Through the Ages or Merchants & Marauders in maybe 2 hours or so. (You) for interest.
board gaming
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage

Turn on mod cache before entering, it helps with keeping the TTA mod a little bit more stable
2(3?)/4 in, hurry up.
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We Clashin'
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Things are starting to become full
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The tides of war are a-changing rapidly.
nah I found around 3 people to play with. Just not niggers like you.
Have fun anon.
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Game ends after 4 hours and 40 minutes with a score of 40 vs 37 vs 24!
Japan becomes the true king of civilizations beating the high influence Babylon and the maritime Carthage.

GG! More games? Join and we'll see.
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Finished a 4p game of Werewords, moving onto Through the Ages with 3.
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Game ends with Peace winning over Military!
173 vs 167 vs 116. Very close game!

GG and GN.
>That calculator
Anyone up for games?
Whistle Mountain
Evolution: Climate
Hansa Teutonica
Brass Birmingham
Would this be a good game to play as a beginner? I like the civilization building aesthetic but all the games look extremely complicated for me.
>t. can't beat the easy AI in age of empires
If you ever played any 4X game ever, you'll get into CoC very easily.
The core of the game is essentially the same as with any game of its kin. You push armies around, develop cities to get more resources, research new technologies etc.
What's nice, regarding learning the game, is that the game is simple at the start, and the complexity grows gradually, as more pieces get added and as you develop techs that change rules.

>t. can't beat the easy AI in age of empires
It's turn-based, so you don't have to worry about the biggest determinant of being good in RTS games: ApM.
APM is just one of many problems I have, first one is being really inefficient when trying to build up any sort of economy and armies.

Speaking of Age of Empires, had anybody played The Age of Empires board game? I looked in board game geek and it doesn't have too many upvotes.
>biggest determinant of being good in RTS games: ApM
I'd say stop playing gookclick, but AoE isn't one and if you can't beat easy AIs in any RTS APM is far from your biggest problem
When most people say APM they actually mean Attention Span, since RTS games require you to simultaneously control and expand your base of operations, and the frontline(s) where fighting happens. If you're doing strategical plays like moving a squad into someone's base to kill all their dudes it also takes away from the attention you can give to your base and the frontlines. Multitasking is the biggest hurdle in RTS games and player Attention is a resource just like food or minerals or supply points.
That's why they gravitate towards turn based games, where you can think about that you're doing for slightly more time than in a real time game.
You're only half-right, as people are precisely aware of that, and they blame APM for why they can't do it better. It's seen as one of the core reasons they can't multitask or do proper planning, as constant menuing and some dubious controls for micro (depending on the game) can result in more attention being required for tasks until you get it all memorized and plink through it without thinking.

It's why RTS newbies generally gravitate towards games with centralized menuing, more modernized camera controls, and simpler ways to handle unit formations.
CoC ME (don't, actually) is pretty easy, you have like 5 possible actions which are as simple as moving | advancing your tech tree | using one of your cities | stealing points via influence | found a new city.

It gets a bit hard to keep track of every single bonus your civilization and tech tree gives, + action cards and what not but nothing too hard to keep track of if you pay attention. I also like that the map isn't too big so you'll actually meet the other players, but not so small that it becomes a knife fight. Pretty versatile too, you can try to maximize efficiently and play somewhat pacifically or go on a risky murder streak to conquer everybody else through the power of dice rolls and war effects. Definitely recommend to start getting into, may be a tad long but what can ya do? Feel free to join us sometime when we (I) host it.
host it now and I'll join
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Would love to but I still have 9 hours of work/commute/chores to do
Anyone up for gaming?
We can do CoC if the guy >>1461702 is still available and up for it. Perfect rule administration not guaranteed.
Up for gaming but not for a whole 5 hours, so count me in if you play normal games
Nice, CoC should last only 4 hours and 40 minutes. Nah, just joking, it doesn't usually go for that long. We just had a total new guy to board games, which had him taking up 3 hours on his turns
But seriously, here's a room, let's play /normal/ games.

/v/ board games
2 in
>Speaking of Age of Empires, had anybody played The Age of Empires board game? I looked in board game geek and it doesn't have too many upvotes.

Age of discovery?
I've played it irl and it's actually really cool, doesn't play like a wargame and is more about tactical placements.
I might host and teach it later if anyone is interested.
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>PnP'd Great Zimbabwe and Bus
>Now I finally own Horseless Carriage
I'm getting so Splotterpilled, I gotta host Antiquity too sometime. And Duck Dealer
What did you use for the tokens anyway, saw the cows and they looked identical to the real ones, did you use a 3d printer
Same for the discs
>did you use a 3d printer
Yeah, anything wood I modeled and 3d printed with soulless plastic. I'm not doing wood things after cutting and painting Bus' pieces lol.
Hit me, if any of the following sounds good:
Orleans, AffO, TfM, sheep, Lords of Waterdeep
Hit you with a WHAT now? (you)
Alrighty, is up

/vm/ board games
2 in
Available in... little less than 2 hours, 1 hour and a half at the earliest
kk, we'll do Fields of Arle
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We played a game Arle!
We'll do another game in 20 minutes or so, be there, the room's still open.
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Gonna be doing Whistle Mountain in a minute
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Final tower. Blue wins with 103 vs Yellow 90 and Red 48
Are you trying save people from a flood?
Kind of, we were trying to get our people on the tower to the right and as high as possible while also trying to leave the others in the dust, or in this case, in the flood as we build machines higher and higher making the ice melt and water level rise
no games?
Yeah hold on, I just need to go to the bathroom
Be careful, one guy has yet to return from there
If you guys are still up for it i can host, though it's an unusual hour and you guys are probably asleep by now
Hansa teutonica
Terraforming mars
Puerto Rico
Roll Player
Taverns of Tiefenthal
Architects of the west kingdom
Century spice road
The White Castle
Still poopin'
I can be there in 40 minutes or less
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What a beautiful mess. I never expected to win With Xango and only having ownership of a single Diamond mine. 5 Players is fucking crazy.
I hope that when I play it irl nobody bumps the god damn table lmao, same for Horseless Carriage, the spec markers are fucking TINY.
nice blog faggot
now go back to /bgg/
>This kills the shitposter
if I ever have the time to PnP HC then i'll use lego boards and plates for backing. It's already a grid, and it prevents any table shaking from destroying the whole board. Plus the feeling of every part clicking into place as you decide you're done with factory building for the round is gonna be a good amount of kinetic feedback, hopefully offsetting how horrible the factory actually ends up being
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Good luck with that, there's crap ton of fucking pieces to proxy. Although Lego pieces would be a pretty smart way of doing it.

I already asked a friend to 3D print me an insert to keep everything tidy, right now this thing barely closes and uses like 50 baggies kek.
Sorry, meant to reply to >>1467675
This image greatly offends me with how disorganized it is.
it's expensive as fuck and this is how it comes new
I'd honestly feel scammed
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But it is the ultimate efficiency hack.

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
stop hosting while i'm still at work argh
also wtf is that pic? Is it an Uwe?
>work on a sunday
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>also wtf is that pic? Is it an Uwe?
Only tangentially related because the artist is Klemens Franz lol. It's the Colonists.

Sorry you have to work on Sunday lad, I've been there and it's not fun.
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Doing some Pax Renaissance with 2 while we wait
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Renaissance wins over religion!
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Time for some mean trees
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Red player gets the coolest garden!
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Doing Teotihuacan: City of Gods with 4 players!
Power cut ofd for a second, reopening
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Close game! Ended with a tie for second place at 180, followed by the winner with 198! And blue also participated.

Closing for now, ggs and gn. Maybe I'll return if I get some (You)s here
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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Time to fight in the name of the Shogunate.
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The Kobayakawa leader does a successful campaign against the forces in Sekigahara plains and moves in for the kill at week 4! GG! Ishida Wins! Praise the Shogun!
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Did some Cross Clues as well. GGs, closing lobby.
Try to guess this clue: Profession
i give up
It's Jail Air
get it? Jailer.
Fuck you
where are the hosts?
In the wage cage
Where >>1471306 says
Will probably host in the weekend
Host backgammon
If I host Arkham Horror 3rd ed who's playing.
Right now?
When? Now?
what are you doing to me
but sure, I think I could go for it if we get some more guys
It'll probably take too long for me today, if it was tomorrow 2 hours earlier I can probably play all the way.
I remember some anon's 2hu version, is that the one being proposed or the regular one? Or did I make it up and it doesn't even exist
I have never played before
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password 123
idk what that is. AH 3rd ed is generally more streamlined and in my experience very fun.
The game you are thinking of is Gensokyo Horror.
yeah if you're a weeb or any kind of pedophile-adjacent community don't join my game. thanks.
ok 4chan user
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Fine, I'll do it myself.
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That is rough.
>posting scores about games outside of the thread
Only your personal discord will give a fuck
This aint your personal discord neither, pal. People can post whatever they want regarding TTS, not just solely what's used for the circlejerks. That being said, it is offensive that someone would choose to play GAH in their spare time.
>This aint your personal discord neither
Nice projection blogposter anon, I'm not the one seeking upvotes for my secret game I had with my closed group
What's wrong with GAH though...?
The guy you're replying to isnt the one who posted it and anyways it's still TTS related, he is not wrong, quit seething like you do always
I played with anons from here. Simply didn't have time for anything not 1v1 so if even if you had joined (you weren't going to) you would have been stuck spectating.
Seeing you're up and about why don't you host something?
You can always count on the obsessed schizo giving a (You), really makes the thread feel alive.
I never noticed the engineer meeples were different for each company.
>What's wrong with GAH though...?
It's an Euro obviously.
>Le euro bad
not this shit again
>le euro good, actually
not this shit again
>[genre] is shit actually
>Why don't host [genre2] then
He only wants to complain, whatever excuse is good enough for him, he probably doesnt even know what he means by euro
recommend me some non-eurogame, real ameritrash that isn't Munchkin, CAH, or Twilight Imperium 3e/4e
Thunder Road Vendetta
Star Wars Rebellion
Merchants & Marauders
Cosmic Frog
Battlestar Galactica
Pokemon Master Trainer
But the fanmade Ultimate Edition, not the original*
We haven't played that in weeks...
Better host it then
actually why not
will host in 5 hours, familiarize yourself with the rules in the meantime
maybe there'll be other space games after Eclipse so please know how to play so you can play fast
I will NOT watch the video
I will NOT read the rulebook
I WILL require a detailed teach in-game
your loss lol
Why space games especifically? I would like to play Project Gaia someday
I can play right now if you can teach
>Why space games especifically?
because Eclipse is a space game and i like space games and Arcs is a space game that i would like to paly too
>Gaia Project
played it on BGA and didn't have fun, so i won't host it. It's yet another number cruncher with limited rounds to get your economy going like Terra Mystica but this time it's in space.
some people like it but i like more interaction than that in my eurogames
I don't know how to play it
It's up 10 minutes early to give people time to join

>/vm/ games
currently hosting Eclipse: Second dawn for the Galaxy
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>/vm/ games
or else you eurogame haters aren't allowed to hate eurogames in all further TTS threads on 4chan
>watches intro
>"game is known as Euro TI"
if you're trying to fool people, at least pick a video that don't call your bluff
it's been more than an hour and absolutely nobody joined, not even to tell me i should host something else
it wasz given to me on a list of certified ameritrash and features combat with buckets of d6's throwm from both sides
join and suggest something better instead of being a nogames bitch
God I hate euros
>it wasz given to me on a list of certified ameritrash
Then perhaps stop following some retard giving you shit
>join and suggest
Not my room and I won't suggest because you picked "Euro TI" to own the "eurogame haters", which already tells me a lot.
>waaah i dont wanna play games i just wanna bitch and whine! what, host? noooo i caaaaaant!!!!
ok then
and if you're serious about Eclipse being a "euro TI" and want the TI experience itself just say so and stop being a coward
i just wanna play games but if shitposters like you don't wanna play then sucks to be you brother, you're missing out on the fun
>game is known as Euro TI
Then immediately corrected because anybody that would call Eclipse an Euro is a complete retard, like you.
>Hosting TI
Good luck
>join and suggest
Why would I join just to tell you I don't want to play? I assume hosts want to play what they host, so me joining just to whine that they aren't hosting something else is not only pointless but retarded
what else do you suggest then? how would YOU fix the "issue" that there's no games being played in the thread for games? if joining games for you apparently isn't an option, and suggesting to play something that you want to play is also impossible to your autistic brain, what else are you gonna do?
Closed, sadly nobody wanted spaceships dicerolls war game
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>how do you fix the "issue"
If you put it in quotes that suggests you yourself don't think it's an issue, so what's there to fix? Just apply the cope you always get in this thread
>just give a heads-up
>just host at a different time
>just host different games
>if joining games for you isn't an option
I only join games I actually want to play, don't really care about TI, knockoff "euro" TI or space games in general
>and suggesting to play something that you want to play is also impossible to your autistic brain
I never said I don't want to suggest, just not in a room made to play a specific game where the post never suggested the host is willing to cave in to demands for a different game. Here's some suggestions and you can tell me if you would've switched games for those
>Successors 4th edition
>Clash of Cultures
>Gaia Project
>Hansa Teutonica
>Horseless Carriage
And if we're stuck at 2 players
>Sakura Arms
>Twilight Struggle
These are what I can teach or relearn in reasonable amount of time, going with your suggest in-room strategy. These are the ones I'm interested in but haven't read the rules yet (or forgot them entirely), so not suitable for suggesting in already open room
>War of the Ring
>Labirynth: The war on Terror
>Cataclysm: a second world war
>Weimar: the fight for democracy

>what else are you gonna do?
Play vidya while lurking
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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3/4 we doin' some Teo
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Game ends with a score of 150 vs 142 vs 141, what a tight race!
Cool looking game
Hosting in 20-30 minutes or so
Hansa teutonica
Brass Birmingham
Dune uprising (only one or no expas)
Puerto Rico
Anything else as long as it's not catan or monopoly or other shit games intentionally picked to abuse the "anything" i just said
can go for gwt, dune, puerto rico
>anything else but I'll dismiss anything
Postponing by 20 more mins, got sidetracked
Predictable response, have a (you)
If flaws in your logic are so predictable why do you make them in the first place
who are you quoting? that post never had that set of words or meanings in it
/v/oard, rage
it's just the usual troll
new lobby, games and such

/vm/ board games
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Doing Orleans with 4/5
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Game's done, with scores of 154 v 154 v 121 v 98, and with Yellow winning by breaking the tie on the dev track.
Not him, but I can easily see what he means: can't really say it's anything when you're gonna arbitrarily dismiss games as being "shit intentionally picked to abuse the anything-goes."
I thought Orleans was a 90 minute game.
No idea why it says 90 mins on bgg but there's no way for it to be that short, even irl with experienced players

he's the bitchy anon that nitpicks every single thing, and if anyone says "i'll play anything" then he'll reply with "oh? anything? let's play <insert the most foul, horrible, unfun game ever, ranked 99999th on all board gaming sites and forums and that no one likes>" and then he wont even join anyway
Rent free
Sounds like schizo ramble to me. Did you take your Lithium today? Maybe just be concerned with playing what games may come, my dude.
>just be concerned with (...)
we literally just played games and none of them were in that list, all without needing anyone with a permanent stick up its rear to nitpick anything
>all without needing anyone with a permanent stick up its rear to nitpick anything
But anon, you just said you were there!
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It was a 90 minute game and then an hour or so of non-game.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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3p doing some HC on the DL
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I sure like a packed factory.
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Vauxhall Motors comes out on top with 76 Wealth Accumulation vs Fiat's 76 (beaten by tiebreak) and Mercedez Benz at 62. What a tight game!

Lots of ties lately, huh?
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we played 3 entire rounds of arkham in just 3 hours
Where does green get 2 greens on the truck from, he's first in sales and his truck can only get 1 green from the A tile, only other green he has access to is from the B tile but it doesn't touch, he shouldnt have been able to sell trucks at all
It does connect to the engine through the B region of the other mainline. That's also how the car mainline connects to the bumper and body A parts on the right of the truck mainline.
>connect through other mainlines' regions
Wtf is this a thing? Why does weird shit come out after every game
Placement rules could be clearer too
That's a pretty important part of the game how did you play before knowing this? I imagine you would be out of space in 2 rounds from placing so many duplicates
>That's also how
Uhm no, the car is directly connecting to the A section, it's directly touching, my perplexity is truck's B somehow touching the B components through car's B as if it were its own
Fill an area that has the same pattern as if it was paint-by-numbers coloring book. Anything that touches mainlines in this area will give specs to it.
>the car is directly connecting to the A section
On the left side of the truck and its dealership, yes. But to get to the right side it needs to go through the A section of the truck mainline. It all connects into one region.
Similarly, the truck B side connects with car B side connects with the engine into the combined B region.
Ah i see what you meant, I was looking at an older screenshot
Still feels like a weird stretch of the rules though
The rulebook states it pretty clearly
>(one or more) mainlines
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To be fair, the example is a bit too simple for what you can really do in the game.
Such a great game, Wish those anons that tried it and called it a miserable experience would give it a second chance.
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Anyone wanna ship argentinian cows to europe?
Sure if you're still up for it
yeye, cow game room open

/vm/ board games
i hath been betrayed
Sorry I have to help a coworker setup his enterprise account so he can work from home, i'll be available in 20 mins if all goes well
alrighty then
Ok I'm free now, sorry, i wasn't expecting you to reply right away
cool, room re-opened

/vm/ board games
2 in
Doing Harmonies with 2
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game of harmonies done, 87 to 75
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Im really intrigued about the look of this game, is it too hard?
not really, the rules are simple barring a few funky cases like the pic shows, but the simple rules hide a deep amount of strategy born from scarcity of resources (board space and research points and demand for cars) which some like and some absolutely hate the conflict, but who knows, you might like being mean to people who are mean to you too

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