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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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I dreamt that Satoshi somehow printed more bitcoin and the price dropped to $98 and I woke up covered in my own piss.
>I woke up covered in my own piss
This is the only thing that happened
Dreams are powerful things anon. What do you think you should do now?

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>10 years of FUD for a nothingburger
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rfk just said he's going to buy 4 million bitcoin, see what trump is going to announce tomorrow. Worst case wait till pi cycle top and sell in 2025. would be retarded to do anything else now.
It was distributed at the perfect time: after ETFs were launched, in the early stages of a bullrun, right after the halving, during a moment of mainstream uncertainty about the viability of the traditional financial system, during a moment mainstream awareness and fear of out-of-control public debt and the CEO of the largest asset managet in the world is on CNBC telling them that Bitcoin is a great hedge against these very scary things.

The timing could not have been any better to absorb the sell pressure
>The timing could not have been any better to absorb the sell pressure
At 15k would have been a pretty sweet time, but this works too.
Oh, forgot the China thing and some other things that makes the timing great.

>Leading US presidential candidate looking into using Bitcoin to deal with the out-of-control public debt, and promises to implement policies that are positive to the industry
>Largest bank in the world, in China, releases official report stating that Bitcoin is like gold, but much better due to the ease of storage and transacting
>American politicians embracing Bitcoin leads China to reconsider their ban, since it does not want the US to dominate the industry on its own

Where are you beautiful bastards today? How about another fresh cup of doing absolutely fuckall for the rest of the day?
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WFH hybrid reporting.
Just prepared lunch, laundry in the washer and started a workout in the garage. Plenty of shitposts made today and most of my work is already completed. Working in my undies after rolling out of bed 6 minutes before clocking in.
How is your day going, king?
Annoying PR I've been dragging out this week does eventually need an answer, gonna ask for a swarm today.
Hopefully get that wrapped by lunchtime so I can turn off the laptop and finish truck work before sunset.
Mostly just shitposted and made some poor stock buys. My wife had to take a day off from giving me my daily blowjob because she had to go to the dentist. All in all could be better. I think I'll just play video games the rest of the afternoon.
My coworker has been trying to find wfh jobs for 7 months. So far he has been scammed 3 times and found 29 other wfh jobs that were obvious scams that failed to sucker him. This whole wfh meme is worse than betting on crypto.

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>buy a coin
>hold for years
>still in losses
How do you make money in crapto again? This market is so tiring, bros. At this point I'll just cash out, accept losses and invest in some real life business, which is less risky and gay at this point. Future of finance my dilated ass. BTC is crabbing like a little bitch. Past cycle coins are literally DEAD, utter bear market prices despite btc being close to ATH. Memecoins are scams after scams after scams which die in like a week or less. I'm through with this shit
>inb4 see you in two weeks
yuor mom
huge bottom signal honestly
i'm assuming you bought altcoins because unless you bought the literal top your portfolio should be heavily in green if you bought BTC
alts pump for 1 year and they are a way to acquire more BTC
we're literally at the beginning of the next bull run and you're crying on here. i guess there are still people like you that need to sell before alts bottom and can commence their parabolic run.
let me guess, we're going to 100k and above after that before EOY of year? Because I've already heard that story back in 2021. But you're right, BTC is unironically the coin that is giving me like above 3x in profits
>he fell for le hodl meme.
we are obviously going to $100k this cycle, last cycle going from $3k bottom to $100k was always going to be wishful thinking.
don't be retarded and get fudded out of your bags, not now that you've made it this far.

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excuse me how do I turn 250k into 8 million?

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you wont once that 25m is worth 150k lol
ok didn't know that fren
Based fellow early buyer.
I need my daily dose of Ubel fud.
Well done fren

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Is the ex team members done dumping or do they have more avi left? What about current team members? How are we sure that they aren’t going to do the same shit? This is at least the 3rd time this happened since I’ve been here. With all the paw holders we have in this project, I’m betting on them dumping more again. Fuck crypto
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Yes you're right, the industry leading audit company which requires a git repo with the actual code, with links to which they include in the publicly available pdf they release after the audit, actually didn't check the code at all and instead stixil gave them a huge bribe and everyone is in on it even though reputation is literally their business model.

then they bribed git and sepolia to redirect everyone to a completely fake set of code to trick the smart auditors at hacken and all of the holders and everyone who bothered to go to the testnet site. in actuality it's just a wrapper for wormhole....

Tell me again, you got the Pfizer or the Sputnik?
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Oh shit how did you know? based pattern reador.

picrel and you called it like a fucking champ. I

aviators....did you trust the plan..? are you ready..?
Certified PAWpoor, they used certik because you get to pay your way to getting good scores instead of actually earning them.

The great Kerasu plan was always our prophecy


Isn't it great that we now know who the darksisters were all along, and it turns out to just be a literal jeet rug scamming PAWpoor with a proxy and too much free time projecting every single bad thing they ever did due to absolute levels of seethe at being left behind.

Thank you for uniting the community, without you we'd still be arguing over which whales dumped instead of knowing the truth about coordinated fudders trying to manipulate the narrative for their own benefit.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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CIA like Thiel and Freemasons like Sam Hyde are hilarious.
>oooOOOooo we are the stewards of society, controlling it from the shadows!
>respect us! we will gangstalk and harass you!
>btw you can't get basic medical care in the society we run and there's rampant crime
Is there a worse sell offer than that? Might as well tell me your friend has a dog I can fuck and I'll get a walmart coupon book (and membership in your super secret club too!)
You are one of the few based anons
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Steve Cohen is familiar with "12 year holds" if you know what I mean
Is shitting the formal term in India?
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Second chance anons
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oh yes and that's right - indexing as in price indexing as in price oracles, and yes that's millions of users who are leaving chainlink and coming to unchained.

stinkies on suicide watch.
>unzips pants
is this actually true?

i need an excuse to drop my chainlink bags because at this rate i'm going to miss the entire bullrun with this fucking stablecoin.

sui/make it? contract? ethereum?

when are the new clients arriving or is this just an announcement?

also wtf was that in the main group, is that guy really a chainlink holder?
Sui 100k/ make it 1m

ca 0xf1264873436A0771E440E2b28072FAfcC5EEBd01 on Arbitrum

The client with "millions of users" is onboarding as we speak and Pouya is scaling the network to accommodate their needs

Welcome aboard Samurai
Chart looks delicious, just boughted and will forget about it. Good luck

How would one theoretically create and run a website for a crypto scam without getting caught? How do these people get away with it or does law not really below a certain threshold? what would that amount be?
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Your id glows
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>Use a paid VPN
>Pay for everything using Bitcoin
>When divulging personal info, use the name/address of the guy who lives down the street from you instead of your own name
If you do this then you will be 100% untraceable and anonymous. Good luck OP
In all seriousness, even if you had shitty opsec like this, glowniggers aren't going to get involved unless you ripped off some of their elites. They won't get involved just because you scammed some retail retards. Your opsec doesn't have to be good enough to stop glow niggers. It only needs to be good enough to keep random people from the internet from being able to doxx you

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Sergey made me gay
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sergey is a big fat fucking nigger kike faggot jew
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I'm a Muslim man but I have to admit that pregnant Sergey really turns me on. I keep fantasizing about putting my seed inside him and watching new life grow... We get married, he gives birth, and we raise that baby under the blessings of Allah. I want to hold hands with Sergey, and looking into his eyes say 'I love you.' I think of myself taking our son to his first day at school, watching that strong and masculine boy develop amazing computer skills like his dad.

Sergey would be the ideal partner for any man wishing to start a family. His great genes give him a combination of assertiveness, strength, and intelligence. If Sergey is able to get pregnant, he has to have a uterus; if he has a uterus, he can only be a woman in the eyes of Allah. ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!

Ok, I can't hide this anymore. It's coming from deep inside of me... this desire to shout...

I'M A GAY MUSLIM AND I HOLD CHAINLINK! Yes, and I am not the only one. I was attracted to this community because of the feeling of brotherhood that it creates. Together we are one. We are above gender divisions and categories. Chainlink, as you know, is a gay sex position where men stick their dicks into each other's asses to form a link.

Today, I declare Chainlink to be the currency of the LGBTQIAx+ community.



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sergey made me rich
fake and gay
well ok he at least made me 6 figs

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Big round edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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Weird medieval throwback style with anti-masturbation eye, and they made the marks as simple as possible because Rajesh can't process roman letters.
>>why not just buy PMs from any reputable dealer?
because making your own shit is cool and I want to do it too
best i can find is some solar concentrators that can kinda melt aluminum. this guy went a bit beyond the normal and seems to use a fresnel lens design to melt zinc. no idea if this is able to be replicated without experience with calipers.
pretty good deal

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Do you think we’re in the middle and nearing the peak of a global stock bubble? Countries like India and the USA have had 25% growth this year, and around 100%+ growth in the past 5 years, way way above historic norms and past even inflation. Countries like Japan and the eurozone indexes have also seen 20%+ growth this year, far above their own norm.

Generally it’s touted that inflation is good for stocks, but historically in countries like the US, Germany, and African nations when high inflation has hit the indexes have actually remained flat to down, not actually making gains until stability has returned to the countries currency (the 1980 perma bull era after volcker). Generally it’s presumed a weak currency means weak corporations for a country.

If so, will crypto be a good safe haven from this equity collapse? Will shorting the market be a valid strategy? Should you short now?
Stocks are purely speculative. Unless you believe $0.50 annual dividend from $100 share is a good deal.
>unless you believe 0.50 annual dividend from $100 share is a good deal
Well it depends, if I predict growth to be -10% then that’s an effective 15% rate and a great deal
Valuation relative to earnings has gone past the 2 previous financial crises and is now at pre-1929 levels.

Yes, we are in a massive bubble. But timing the moment it bursts will be hard, especially because the last time it burst in late 2021 and serious cracks began to form in the banking and pension systems in many countries in early 2023, central banks re-initiated unprecedented liquidity injections that dwarfed the 2008 crisis, which re-inflated the bubble and sent it to new ATHs.
How high will it go and for how long? Nobody knows for sure, but an old saying on wall street goes: as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance. It’s during bubbles that you stand to make life-changing money in the market. When the music stops like it did in late 2021, it will be obvious to the people who are paying attention.
I do think there’s something to the average lifespan becoming longer meaning that average valuations have room to grow. I do still think it’s a bubble of massive proportions though.

Do you believe there will be any sort of blow off top? Reading stories about 1929, stocks in pop culture seem dead compared to the stories of frenzied buying from yonder.

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/biz/ anon on the ground in Nashville reporting from the Bitcoin conference
I will be the eyes and ears for all things taking place here
Breaking news and developments, speakers etc
First time ever attending one of these
Never been to Nashville before, should be fun
If any anons have any tips or suggestions, feel free to include them
I will try to cover everything Bitcoin schedule
The conference is taking place Thursday to Saturday 25th -27th
Thursday is industry day
Friday and Saturday is when it opens up and have speakers
Trump speaks on Saturday
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See this post again for lulz it seemed to cause you to short circuit
Theres proof crypto is confiscated and it leads to a logical assumption of the truth that there are nsa backdoors into nsa encryptions. Otherwise there wouldnt be confiscated coins, like the "inention" of crypto
but they already answered it >>58787460
Did you even eat breakfast today?
>Suppose i don't know jack shit about crypto and coding in general.
Have the person learn; if they aren't intelligent enough to understand, fuck 'em
>The earth is round
>Crypto is fake and gay
>Silver is money
>God exists
These are all true.
*Bitcoin isn't "crypto"
yeah i've told him multiple times that he could study and just review the code himself
sadly, he won't even start with his reading comprehension exercises, which he would desperately need

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Aren't they all the same tech wise? Why would people invest in one over another?

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why does government debt matter? why doesn't the federal reserve just set the interest rate to zero and we never pay it back?
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fucking antisemites. 6 billions holocasted jews werent enough for you nazis?
*gets nuked into oblivion by russia
This is sort of what they do except the part with giving the plebs any money.
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Smooth-brains can't into large numbers

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Financially speaking, this was the best decision I ever made.

I work remote in the US and was a poorfag but then decided to move to Argentina without telling them, topkek. For Argentina with my salary I am a richfag. I invest my extra money that I save into frog coins, so once the bull market is in full force I'll make it and can also live like a richfag for way cheaper than I could live like a poorfag in the US. I also escaped having to deal with disgusting US women and got a QT white Argie GF who loves me and cooks for me all the time and wants to give me lots of babies. Once we get married, I will also get Argie and Eurofag citizenship, so I'll basically be able to do whatever I want.

So, why are you suffering in the US pussy prison and not geomaxxing anons?
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>Any thoughts on this subject from experienced geomaxxers?
why not do a bit of travel and remain open to the experience. specifically of thailand, the women are but the cherry on top; and frankly its not as good of a value any longer, europe would be a better option strictly speaking.
>Because that's what my brain is telling me
also, you dead wrong fren...
This idea that you cant get a cute girl is a symptom of living in the US, it is clown world and it really is different outside of the US.
>American women don't find me attractive, it's hard to imagine women in another country would either.
You can get an average women even younger than you easily, the issue is in America the average women is 170lbs. The point of geomaxxxing is you get average women in the rest of the world where they are still attractive and feminine
This, American women are so fat and cunty comparatively, it's unreal.
If any of this were true you wouldn't be posting here.

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It’s fuckin over bros.

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