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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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I lost all my gains for this cycle.
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wood berry
You already know the answer, because that's a fucking man.
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She dumps ‘em out. Milkies like those are natural.

>t. Milkman
Wh.. gif was actually useful today.
I'm shocked it wasn't a screamer lol

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>just wait 20 years
>hold for years, perhaps decades, to get a small profit
>meanwhile, boomer stocks and real estate completely mog your "gains" despite substantially lower risk
By the way, you missed an instance of "Hare."

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It can't be this easy, can it?

Told you.
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why sell?
Do no fret, frens. Tis nothing compared to the past!
dipping back under 200mc
thinking about buying more idk
if it does I will buy at least $50k
can't tell my buy targets or your fags would ruin it

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Why is there always a new crypto narrative when the previous trending one fades?

>Why do people chase trends? Is it only about the money?
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The only solution I can think of is for you to read and understand what’s unclear to you, so you'll have a better idea.
No no get a life
You'll earn more if you share that with every driver you see on the street.
It's not giving any rewards fuck off
What are you talking about? The community wouldn't invest time in this if it didn't pay off. Use your brain, anon.

Is running your own business better than being a wagie?
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if i close the business, i have to wageslave.
if i keep the business open, i have to wageslave.
either way, i have to wageslave. but if i keep the business open, there is a chance, however small, that the business will do well in the future and i won't have to wageslave anymore.
currently the business maintains itself.
it doesn't make me any money but it doesn't cost me any money. it doesn't hurt me to keep it.
the smart move would be to close the bad business and open a good business and i totally would do that... if i had any good ideas.
until then, i will continue doing what i'm doing.
That’s regarded, you open a side business whilst you are in employment to see if it can sustain itself for 12 months minimum first.
>t. Business for 10 years

And working for yourself is great, you have No work policies, the downside is you work 24/7 with no turn off.
>Wagies can generally keep their innocence.
Not true. Normalfag wagies are some of the most evil, backstabbing, crabs-in-a-bucket subhumans you will ever meet. They aggro on you if you're worse than them, and they also aggro on you if you're better than them. They only way they don't target you is if you are exactly as mediocre as them, no more and no less.
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Depends hardcore on your answer to
>is what you're doing consistently profitable?

If no, it's nightmare tier horror movie shit, it's like having a full-time job where you don't even get paid for it, nothing is working, everyone is stressed, and if you took funding, people you owe money are circling like vultures and breathing down your neck. This phase shouldn't be underestimated how bad it is, because it goes on for months or years, your family and friends will whisper about how you quit your job and "are now floundering", it's extremely lonely because the pool people you'll spend time with, if you're used to working a normal corpo job, will massively shrink from a bunch of random people you see every day to "it's just you and the cofounders, again", and the knowledge that the buck stops with you and if this thing goes tits up that it's all your fault, is a sobering thought that will keep you up at night.

If yes, it's pretty great, and one of the greatest things is you get out what you put in. The choice that you get to decide how far you wanna push things is a beautiful one - it can be anything from
>I can sit on the beach and for 5 hours a week of work on an iPad and get paid for a "week of work", so long as the business can handle a week of coasting
>I'm putting in 80 hour crazy workweeks, because if I bust massive amounts of ass, I'll make insane money
And the knowledge that every minute of that work that you put in comes back to you as "your money" is very, very liberating if you're used to
>I can put in extra time, but, like, then I have to beg them to recognize that extra work with extra pay
The feeling that you don't have to beg, it's just yours? It's a form of peace.
Sounds like you work with indians

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Nice "bullrun." BTC took four years to barely touch its ATH and then shit the bed completely. Might as well just sit on AMZN at this point. Don't even get me started on ETH. Nobody wants this crap. The halvening narrative was wrong.
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10k is programmed
If BTC sees 10k again it's actually and fully dead.
BTC is the last branch of desperation incels reach out and try to grab onto before they hit the ground.
I'm holding US dollars.
you wreak of newfag
How's the weather in Mumbai?

Crypto will never be the same. With thousands of coins and hundreds of new ones created every day, how can liquidity keep up?

We won’t see those x10,000 gains like we used to.
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If that works for you, why not? Just wait for the listing and decide afterward. That's all I can say for now.
Don’t overthink it. You can never predict what will happen in the market, plus it’s backed by major players and a big community. Imagine that.
And those hold are crying now
Some are buying the dip, and that’s a smart move. It’s not just another project, imo.

I see memecoins are taking off with over x20 gains, while altcoins with so-called 'working products' are stuck and still in the negative.

>How unfair.
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Of course, who wouldn’t want to sell once they've hit their target? Let’s not be greedy and always stick to a plan.
Worst shitcoins. It's all dumping
How do I buy SUI coins?
Maybe it’s a sign that it’s time for you to buy, especially for hippo. I think it will reach a new ATH this week, but let’s wait and see.

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>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

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You should have gone beyond 7th grade. But if there IS a nova, no bunker in the solar system will protect you. Unless, of course, you are using the carefully defined term "nova" in your own personal way in which case it will do whatever you want it to do.
>Bolton was right
Stick him in a trench
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it's magic in person boys, I wasn't prepared
Just wait until you get some gold.
i think i'd throw myself out the window. A 1/4oz gold is definitely on the list. Is there any cool 1/3oz gold coins?

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ITT: Post your favorite Apu songs in celebration of the great pump! Lets start with the classic:
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Tbh, the move to SOL is more bullish that a lot of you probably realize. Apu is on moonshot now. It’s a pretty big deal. Meme coin money is mostly on sol
Correct. The number of bullish incidents overlapping with Apu rn is nothing short of retarded.
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Wagmi my fellow retards
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Rugger's Regret - DJ eetus

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daddy's thirsty

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If you're always complaining about the bear market and why crypto is down, then it's not for you. Can’t find ways to make money in any market condition? You're pathetic anon.
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What's the hardware for?
You are a beast
Dont know man I'm up 80% on stocks since July. Up 45% alone on HOOD.
What is your bitcoin doing ? A shitty range and a 10% up from nowhere
Shut up

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Let's start a portfolio thread, shill me your bags, bros.
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That’s the 1D gain retard
1 BTC (17k buy)
1015 FIL (+20%)
1000 MINA (+50%)
50,000 ZIL (-5%)
10,000 PHA (+0%)
10,000 TLOS (2x rn)
3,000 NOS (-10%)
5,000 LMWR (+0%)
5,000 CXT (-15%)
55,000,000 WEN (+10%)
5,000 TAI (-25%)
10,000 ACA (+0%)
300,000 SOLAMA (+50%)
12,000 TREMP (3x)

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a lot in dogecoin
The SEC doesn't go after dead projects. Ripple and XRP are positioned extremely well, even after almost 4 years of litigation XRP is still top 10 by market cap and Ripple is still accumulating partnerships all over the place. I look forward to the massive FOMO when it does start taking off, you'll be able to buy a fraction of my bag to set me up for life.
The dankest ones of course

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yes they are wtf are you smoking
anon wrote that as one last joke before painting his wall brainy red.
my alts are max down 5-6% each from entries and my memes like DOGE are barely dropping. you retard bought the top
I think its time to admit we are retarded for buying magic internet money
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And I’m taking the Paaaaaaaiiiiinnnnn !


>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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it would be so based if this was real
this you with the funny red flag?

also, i appreciate that dork for the sheer amount of butthurt he farms, if nothing else.
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Can they push gme below 20 again? Every time the price has dipped below 20, it's bounced right back up.
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No. Fuck Israel, I hope Hamas flattens Tel Aviv.
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Through the Fire and Flames Theory:
>Song begins with the line: "On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light"
>The sneeze happened on a cold winter morning back in Jan 2021
>"We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days"
>1366 days after Jan 29, 2021 is Oct 26, 2024
>Coincidentally the VW squeeze peaked on Oct 28, 2008
>Fall market crash will lead to MOASS just like it did 16 years ago
Through the fire and the flames, we carry on

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When Bitcoin & Stocks pump, altcoins crab.
When Bitcoin & Stocks slightly dump, altcoins crash.
Some altcoins are touching their pre-COVID lows, while
Stocks are hitting all time highs, and Bitcoin still in ATH range.
So when the stock bubble eventually crashes, altcoins will drop so low, I genuinely dont see how altcoins will ever recover. Even if they do, any profit would be pyrrhic.
There's literally nothing left.
I guess it was all fake, *poof*, nothing. Insane.
stocks will never crash you fucking monkey

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Chart is like 2 weeks old now
Structure remains unbroken
looks like a slow painful bleed out until death. the whales are milking retail fools for all they're worth
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>remains unbroken
>still a bullflag
notify me when we're below 52,5k. I could bet you 3k on polymarket it won't be.
I dont disagree but at this stage we wont see extension until we visit the bottom of the channel first

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