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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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I personally think its really undervalued at the moment. I bought pretty early on and i could have walked away in march with a decent bit of coin, but i've held since then. the fud has always been bullshit, all the news has generally been bullish but due to delays and a bit of stringing along avi has bled a bit since then. But now they have given a soft date of october for launch and if the signs that pretty much clearly point to them working with coinbase are true then they don't even have to market avi for people to use it, it'll just be part of how coinbase bridges from eth to base.

I don't know I've been slowly getting fed up with the delays, but seeing the october deadline has just made me go full bull. Also seeing that aviator is listed on hackens website as a cross chain solution web3 leader and it hasn't even launched yet is an absolute bull flag. and who do you trust more? a random fudder on 4chan or the company that did a full audit of the project and who is proud of doing so.
Pale and shaven nills sexo
so how high can this shit go if 5M is supposed to be the makeit stack
I agree. 10 months of being told “Soon” and still nothing.
25 cents

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Predict the date
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looks like about nov25 arcording to you pic.
March 2025
before december 1st 2024
10/01/25 it will reach 100,125
November 4763

thoughts on this penny stock?
i dont know id want to invest in this instead of gambling on shitcoins atleast its really interesting
thanks just bought 100k

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I need some work advice.

So I've worked at my job for 5 years and recently, we've been a bit busier than usual. My boss said he was hiring me a "helper" who I need to train and teach the job to.

Last Monday, I met my helper and he's this Indian guy who just immigrated here. I make $29/hr and benefits and he makes $15/hr. On our lunch break, I asked him how he's affording shit and he basically told me that he took this job because he was promised my position in 6 months, acting like I knew I was going somewhere else.

I asked to see his work contract and he showed me it on his phone that he would indeed be taking my position in 6 months at a pay increase to $19/hr with no benefits. I was curious if it was because I might be promoted so I called my boss and told him I'd be interested in moving up in the company after training my helper and he told me that there were "no positions available in the foreseeable future".

My employer only needs to give me 4 weeks notice of lay off so he's hoping I train this guy before throwing me out like garbage. I'm training my replacement right now. How am I suppose to handle this?
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OP, you know what you have to do.

You teach the curry everything incorrectly, make sure you do not pass on any useful knowledge.
In the background you should absolutely be looking for another job.
OP pride is easy to throw away for convenience but that’s ridiculous. Don’t look back on your life with regrets, you’re valuing yourself too little. Plenty of people have “imposter syndrome” and learn everything on the spot. This isn’t pride it’s self respect. Find another job, turn in your notice. You sound too comfortable there anyways.
>How am I suppose to handle this?
be a man and hand in your notice right now. why bother to spent half a year teaching a street-shitting currynigger all your knowledge just for them to replace you? of all the Indians at my previous company all but one had something to show post their CV. all other couldn't do shit and lacked basic understanding of the simplest things. they made up for that though by reeking like a herd of cattle that has been decaying in the sun for days already. it's a White man's ancestral duty to BTFO all browns

>Captcha: HH8SGN
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This anon. I've had to do it a few times now.
Just cut your losses now and leave your boss in the worst possible way. I mean tell him you will do the big job on Saturday than GHOST. I've had bosses knock on my door and I tell them to fuck off I'm not mandated by the court of law to work for you.

Now, you're friend Mike. Yeah. He is now your bosses private number so let him know to just tell him to delete his faggy voicemail for a few weeks or to use some google voice phone number voicemail for you so it doesn't give you away and you good.
Do not comply, have a backbone and just leave

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>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

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how exactly is the government issuing bills of credit illegal
>No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
That's Article 1 section 10, which lists the powers denied to the individual states, not the federal government. Article 1 section 8 explicitly gives congress the power to coin money and borrow money on the credit of the US.
>Holiday commemorating the man responsible for discovering the continent for civilized society
>fake and gay holiday
Maybe Juneteenth is more your speed.
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Feast your eyes. 35kg. Full details in the article. Use a translator. https://www.elkhabar.com/press/article/250886/%D8%B6%D8%A8%D8%B7-%D8%B4%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%87%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D9%87%D8%A8-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1/

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I hold the next Shib.
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looks like Kagura but I could be wrong
That's a funny looking pepe bro.
I can't do anything until my $ape finishes its token, I promised this time to keep just one thing instead of going back to having a bunch of bags that I'll probably forget about in a month.
osak isn't next shib
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I simply hold shib

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When is this shitcoin coming back?
>shit meme
It should have like a 10b market cap0
I put $20 into this like 3 years ago and its still only worth $200. wtf?
weird. i was just thinking about this old school shitcoin when i saw this thread. i know that someday will be hoge day again. $1 soon.
It pumped in December and again in January to about 6x the current price. I think all major 2021 shitcoins will come back at some point during the next bullrun. I'll throw $100 at it just in case.
>shit meme
It should have like a 10b market cap0
Top kek op. You’re right

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>4 years holding the bag
>not a fucking peep
>for what?
>to idolize dumpers like vitalik fucking buterin? eth foundation?
>no more butchie, no more of this
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>whatever happened there!? those piece of shit miners put a generational top on eth/btc, that's what happened there
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>Mmom really went down after FTX
>You know Takeshi Kitano predicted all us
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>In light of recent dumps, it’s an honor to be joined by link marines, and not FAGGOT ASS CORNHOLIN COCKSUCKERS LIKE THE ONE WHO LEADS THE FOUNDATION, HE SHOULD FUCKING DIE!
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>Word to the wise, remember mt. gox

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Should I go to South East Asia, financially speaking?
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might as well just sit in the cuck chair too
I am not attracted to Asians. I fundamentally understand they can be beautiful, I just wouldn't want to have a relationship or sex with one. Complete opposite from my weeabo days.
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Try getting horny on the streets of Bangkok. Stinks like sewage, 30+ degrees, 100% humidify, jet lagged as fuck, annoying ass language, people screaming at you on the street, everyone staring at you. Yea definitely gets me going
the us and europe have no future though.
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Just for a couple of months during winter time.

I have about $1k I'm looking to invest and know fuck all about finance. I've been told ASTS is a solid bet. What do I do
>I'm looking to invest
>know fuck all about finance

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While I continue to browse /biz/ in the middle of the night and lose money on shitcoins living in my parents basement.(I have a CS Degree , don't feel like working as of late)

Surely it cant be this simple can it?

Its quite embarrassing to be honest.

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>reddit screencap
>this is totally real bros
fucking go back you tourist. make sure to screen shot this to r/greentext btw faggot.
diversity hire
there are plenty of competent people grinding leetcode daily in the UK and neighbouring countries. they just absolutely have to go out of their way and ship niggers from Africa because how else do you convince investors like Blackrock you're doing your best to promote DEI in the workplace?
it's a Jewish ploy to replace White men with subhuman browns that are happy with just the crust instead the whole slice of bread. gentrification but the other way around while they are looking down on us from their ivory towers
Even if it is just some Nigerian scammer baiting people to contact him so he can scam them, what he posted actually happens and is very real.
Expected from a society of zero testosterone beta europoor numales

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Will Bitcoin reach 100k this year?
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This. So much this
I don't have to DMOR to see you'll stay poor
Between 1 and 10 million in January 2030.
Get a job.
Buy bitcoin.
190k nov25
I would pacific her rim 2 if you catch my intercontinental drift

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I farted a very smelly 12minutes ago, i dont have a yt vid from it, but i ll rEcord you the next one!
Humiliation ritual + Money laundering Jew-Combo
His parents are rich and they sold the paintings to their other rich neighbors as tax write offs and will buy them back from their neighbors in 2-5 years.
>t. catered for filthy rich and would literally watch their living room paintings swap between families over the years

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Never sell during the bull cycle.
>bull cycle
is the bull cycle in the room with us right now?
Based schizo
only accumulate and farm unicorn.meme airdrops, and maybe start buying eth and btc like you said you would years ago
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Nah but I'm considering getting Kendu tattooed on my arm just for luck, I'm desperate I need to get out of here asap, I don't want to be looking at charts all day long

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My beer monies are spent...my linu doo doo has ended...the token of LINU has failed...MY LINU HAS ENDED!
.../biz/ has deserted us...HOKK has betrayed ME...
Its gongo up
HOKK is blowing up
Linu will blow up after it
HOKK 15 million by November 500 million by October 2025
LINU back to 30 Million by December

Trust the plan
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Apu fudders are u okay?

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Serious question, what's the point of this piece of shit
It's not decentralised , the gambling site got taken down by dfinity, what's the point?
what was the point of that larp in 2021?
You useless cocksuckers got me roped in this scam for 4 years now and the anglo rat in switzerland has showed nothing new
Pajeet infested board fr fr
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>everything is pumping except this piece of shit
A guy setup a gambling site and dfinity max veto'd to kick his site out fast and quick
wow, a bot post that actually made me chuckle. good job. Still not buying your bags.
damn that's gay
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icp chad since the last pump. What do I do?
you have to sell this asap its hyperinflationary and needs to increase x3000% in transactions to ever get deflationary as when price goes up burn cycle goes down - its intended to drop in price basically forever so was only ever a quick pump and dump by dom

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>Hong Kong govt
>Malaysian SEC
>Ernst and Young
>Bank of International Settlements
>Franklin Templeton

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This talk seems to have some substance.
>Revolutionizing Trade Finance Through Blockchain Interoperability
>Description: Explore a new CBDC use case focused on automating the settlement of trade finance transactions across borders, platforms, and currencies.

>Head of Emerging Technology, Inter&Co
>Head of Innovation for FSI Brazil, Microsoft
>Head of Banking and Capital Markets, Chainlink Labs

Another one:
>Enabling Central Bank Cash for Capital Markets
>Description: This session will provide an in-depth look at the latest developments in CBDC adoption, examining key use cases and regulatory frameworks shaping their future. Experts will explore how CBDCs are being utilized in wholesale markets and which use cases hold the most potential as central bank digital cash becomes more widely available. The discussion will also highlight which jurisdictions are leading in CBDC preparedness and adoption. Additionally, the panel will delve into how multi-CBDC (mCBDC) platforms could enable more efficient cross-border flows, transforming international finance in the future.


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absolutely nothing is a "generational hold", it's all about timing
imagine having to wait 20 years for the Nasdaq to recover or for Silver suppression to stop, Jesus Christ
I might as well climb the corpo ladder in those 20 years
LINK was supposed to be the next ETH in terms of ROI, and it turned out to be the next OMG, anything else is cope
You misunderstand.
Yes obviously institutional adoption + staking will systemically pump Link, but the whole point of speculation is to anticipate this happening.
And clearly that’s not happening for link.
it isn't really that hard to get but most linkies just won't have an open debate about it without resorting to insults or hearsay or suppositions.

the insults don't help the conversation.
the hearsay is tantamount to shilling.
and the suppositions, although often reasonable, are often held in the same regard as the facts, and this too derails the conversation.

just keep to the facts and work from there.
making equal the facts and the suppositions and the insults and the hearsay will just ruin it again.
and in the grander scheme it's ruining the board and, consequently, harming link itself.

as you soon as you start stating fact after fact, or at least things that are close to fact and not spurious, as i will do below, you just enrage plenty of baggies (i'm a baggy myself) and they ruin the thread.
let's try again anyway.

1/ swift have been experimenting with link.

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baggies will seethe at 4,5,6,7,8 and anybody could list another 20 points and that's just about the link and swift and ccip stuff.
there are other parts of the system that open themselves up to scrutiny too. doesn't take too much analysis to see that. it's back of a napkin stuff. work into the finer details of the back of a napkin and there's flaws all over.
that doesn't mean they are all unresolvable, because that isn't true either, but as of now the ship is getting new holes faster than it can fill the current ones and that on a sea, generally speaking compared to the past, which has a favourable tide and supportive winds. this isn't 2017 or 2021.

and because points 4,5,6,7,8 make baggies seethe it doesn't change the fact that it's the case and that being the case and it being not that hard to understand is why, along with price manipulation from probably chainlink themselves, that token hasn't even really had much of a speculative run during the first part of the bull run.

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Linu bros.. where are we?
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I have a trilly stack and Im holding
But man if it hasn't disappointed lately
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Yea I sold this shit because the people suck in the telegram
If I eat the entire village of LGBTQ munchkins, will I get herpes or will my stomach acid just kill the rest of it off?
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sold as well thank god I did.

>verification not required
it's over
if only we knew that our telegram ecelebs were in it to make money
how could we know that?
it was a jew and woman
asset flip casino...
dime a dozen whore...
linu was a doo doo all along...
if only....
somebody warned us

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