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Second chance anons
No goooooon
What do you know? Spill the beans anon
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whoopsies did i accidentally break your triangle with that giant green dildo? sorry my bad, i fat fingered my ledger silly me.

how can you tell me not to goon and then post this absolute fucking gorgeous pair of teetaas just waiting to get unchained by my teeth?????

client with millions of active users is about to be onboarded, DAO-like reward structure and buybacks also to be formally announced.

screenshot this and thank me later.
Whatever is above kami is me, thanks to never gooon
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anon-kun am I not pretty enough to goon to?

i just want you to be completely comfortable and unchained with me. whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy, is okay with me.
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so is this the first example of a recursive chan mascot?

katana-chan exists on unchained meaning that she is no longer locked behind art fags but instead actually lives on a distributed GPU and blockchain network.
>Le millions of users
>2 more weeks

Jesus Christ, get a grip
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hi markymark.
they are already live, actually, it's why the infrastructure is in the process of being updated. it's just that nobody told you because you're not in the private whale group sorry.

it's for cool kids who can type fast only.
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oh yes and that's right - indexing as in price indexing as in price oracles, and yes that's millions of users who are leaving chainlink and coming to unchained.

stinkies on suicide watch.
>unzips pants
is this actually true?

i need an excuse to drop my chainlink bags because at this rate i'm going to miss the entire bullrun with this fucking stablecoin.

sui/make it? contract? ethereum?

when are the new clients arriving or is this just an announcement?

also wtf was that in the main group, is that guy really a chainlink holder?
Sui 100k/ make it 1m

ca 0xf1264873436A0771E440E2b28072FAfcC5EEBd01 on Arbitrum

The client with "millions of users" is onboarding as we speak and Pouya is scaling the network to accommodate their needs

Welcome aboard Samurai
Chart looks delicious, just boughted and will forget about it. Good luck
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Based and witnessed.
Don't forget to take a katana-chan; redeemable for a fully autonomous waifu model on the unchained network.
$marv still better than your AI generated coins
No it ain't
How to stake, can't find it on the website.
Kenis will buy me this waifu one day
Get this too
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seriously though, what do they know?
something is happening
Here you go
you better step up your game by learning how to dyor otherwise you ngmi.

>>58788230 I need an nft, still available or do I need to get them on secondary?
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Pay no attention to the textbook bullflag on the 1D chart sir, I'm sure it's nothing at all.

It's definitely not insiders front-running the community call announcement of a client with millions of users, no sir.

Sorry but unless you're shilling me the next distributed compute competitor that takes on chainlink, aws, filecoin, azure and chatgpt at 27m then you can fuck off with your rugpulls.
how much is a sui / make it stack? i currently hold 150k tokens and i regret not buying more the last dip... it was obvious it would rise again idk why i get so scared no matter the coin
I think there are a few available ETH on opensea
you have the sui stack so don't worry. years of ruggs have scared us all so much that sometimes we can't even see bluechips right in front of us
Different numbers depending who you ask, but it's 100k/1m for make it at 1b.

And yeah the dip is probably not coming back now that we are in the 2nd leg up of the bull run confirmed by the incredibly jewish chart dump followed by the equally jewish V shape recovery.

As another poster said, maybe you've just been burnt before.

DCA in and this problem goes away.

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