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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

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The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this book is a meme? It's hopelessly outdated and was meant for experienced programmers in 70s/80s who already knew languages like Fortran. It also recommends using libraries that are no longer considered safe.
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can confirm
I know Python, Java and worked professionally with Javascript and this book still filtered me.
Thankfully I got a bunch of other resources to learn C.
What are some good books then?
Yeah I too wanna see faggot op's idea of a good book.
and this is the part where op mysteriously disappears and never replies to his thread ever again

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How to find/activate any version of Windows?

Previous thread: >>100158359
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Do you have picrel configured? It bypasses all system settings completely.
arch is just gentoo but you arent forced to compile everything and can just install binaries, on arch you can also compile things and on gentoo you can always just compile a package manager
just use whatever, Linux is Linux
I hate firefox so much it's unreal
lol i remember compiling gimp in like 4 hours and then not even using it because the UI is dogshit
its disabled but the issue is there with ping too

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I bought a dyson hair dryer in Japan.
I brought it home and plugged it into a step down transformer and shit didn't work, blew the fuse.
What do?
That thing cost like $100
get a higher rated step down transformer. one that's rated for like 1600 watts.

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How will computers change in the next 10 years? I'm seeing major progress in:
>artificial intelligence
>virtual reality
>augmented reality
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What would I do with an analog computer? Play music?
War, war never changes ...
more AI assistance in everything, faster and more efficient CPUs

VR/AR are shitty memes, I wouldn't be surprised if they remain niche junk.
nothing really changed in the past 10 years so not expecting much from the next 10 years
With the same amount of I/O as a digital computer (e.g mouse, keyboard, touch, display, audio, etc) an analog computer would be far more efficient. They may be seen as old relics, but they were cast aside because it was very difficult to model the circuitry to produce complex output.
I predict phones (or whatever represents the 'personal device') will be completely analog in less than 20 years.

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post your systemd-analyze
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0s if you just unplug it
8s if hold down power button
What is it?
a slow piece of shit computor
What a relief!

What are you working on, /g/?

previous >>100179479
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Something that dumps the Windows registry into a file - human-readable, alphanumerically sorted, with timestamps about the last write, containing all data present, and in less than 10 seconds.
I'm currently debugging a matrix dfs bug.
Ah ok cool. I don't personally use windows.
>he uses os-provided regex functions
Those who say Rust compile time is the worst thing in the world have clearly never worked with a JVM/dotnet project.
good morning sir

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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>go through there
swetty it's just a DNS server
yes and i tell my router to force everyone to use my Pi as a DNS its handy
A pi-hole is doing exactly that. It's just dnsmasq pre-configured.
Nevermind, etc/environment was the culprit
That's a man

Why are so many people still getting CS degrees when the tech industry is pretty much dead and you have an almost zero percent chance of ever getting a job now? When the dot com crash happened in the early 2000s, CS enrollment fell off a cliff, but this time it just keeps growing. Is it just delusion at this point?
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how come theres nothing similar to apprenticeships for STEM
why are all the associates worthless and why do you have to bloat your resume so hard
>why are all the associates worthless
too many credits and courses unrelated to your actual major. associates are for clearing out the general curriculum crap for cheap before moving to a 4 year.
You are so full of shit. "I'm an enlightened learner who pursues education for its own merit", yeah right loser, shut the fuck up. If you were truly a seeker of wisdom, you would have already learned the folly of being a self-aggrandizing ass.
how is this relevant to the discussion?
>help out our housing crisis instead
How stupid do you have to be to think urban planning will magically cease the existence of landlords and oligarchs?

4GB ram / 128GB SSD / Integrated AMD Graphics / 2 core CPU AMD

I want to start by saying that windows is now like an annoying liability to me. I never want to use windows ever again and I dread the day that I have to use some damned software that simply cannot run on Linux for whatever reason. Windows is THAT bad. My biggest problem with windows is bloat and inefficiency.

I have not suffered at all in the software department. Every single M$ specific program has a linux counterpart, and they are usually twice as capable as their Micro$oft counterpart. I'm using a Debian distribution so there's been a tailor made installer waiting for me 90% of the time that I wanted to use a certain software. Pisscord? Debian installer right next to the windows installer. Just click "install". Retro Minecraft? yes. Google Chrome? yes. Microsoft Edge? yes. MS paint clone? yes. on, and on, and on. The ONLY thing I can't get right for the life of me is an autohotkey program. They exist but the most popular one requires decent proficiency in Python. Overall, I've had NO problems "getting it done".

I've also not had any problems in figuring out what to do or where to go (thanks Cinnamon). Modern Linux unironically feels better to use than Windows. I also haven't had any problems with crashing or freezing except with this one crappy MS Paint clone. (1 crashing program out of 30 installed). Actually, it seems hard to break, I purposefully put it through the ringer by opening and closing programs right in the middle of operation and the OS doesn't react at all.

Fricken thing was easier to install than windows too. Windows seems to be rather choosy with what hardware it will except while Linux boots right up into a temporary OS on anything with a CPU. Then you can choose whether to permanently install or keep it temporary. It seems to be designed with the user in mind, rather than with profits in mind.

I hope I don't find any dealbreakers because I don't want to go back to winbloats.
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Just keep using it. you will run into issues and be forced to learn. The best way to learn allot with linux is to have a use case for a server. Install Ubuntu server and ssh into it and do everything in the terminal. That is the big leap. Allot of people are scared of such an environment, its why unraid is a company.
>You can be a Mint power user.
With the additional safety blanket that if you mess up, you can just go back to using the GUI again.
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Your issue with pulse audio is probably due to the autosuspend module, just go to the configuration file and put a # in front of it so it doesn't load by default.
Cinnamon just needs a more mature Wayland implementation, otherwise it's the best DE for someone coming from Windows.
Everything is logically laid out, the defaults are sane, and unlike a lot of other DEs it's always moving in a better direction.
Gnome and KDE often take two steps forward and one step back, sometimes a lot more steps backwards than forwards.
Like the others said, follow a tutorial and use the command line. The first time my NVIDIA graphics driver fucked up and I had to uninstall from TTY was a pretty great learning experience

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>making a fun & interesting games is about rapid prototyping and iteration, rust's values are everything but that.
>procedural macros are not even "we have reflection at home".
>gui situation in rust is terrible.
>rust gamedev ecosystem lives on hype.
>global state is annoying/inconvenient for the wrong reasons.
is the rust honeymoon phase finally over for gamedevs?
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it is a memory safety issue with iterators in c++ because you're holding references to invalidated pointers if the collection is moved by a resize
>trying to modify something you're iterating over
this is actually possible to solve by writing a custom iterator and is in fact a logic error
if vector reallocates you will most likely get a segmentation fault in next PAGE_SIZE bytes and then shit yourself because people who make these nonproblems into real problems don't know how to fix them, it's greay that rust exists and so we don't have to deal with those low IQs
>this is actually possible to solve by writing a custom iterator and is in fact a logic error
>Memory accesses have nothing to do with logic

This is exactly what I mean
writing game code in C is as simple as it gets, in the end you quite literally do not need more abstraction than

float positions[PHYSICS_ENTITIES * 3];

And anyone who will try to argue with that is incredibly retarded, API's like OpenGL and Vulkan do not work very well even with a struct of 3 floats in C++, it's only C that has 0 aliasing rules because it is the sped of programming languages that does not care about anything besides hurr it's just like bytes of this alignment bro.

You're telling me that no one has figured out how to beat this overpriced POS with a local setup? I really have to go to Commie Internet to torrent a crack for it?
its shit but its the best there is.
AI upscaling looks terrible on any source other than animation
>local setup
the problem is if you want all the models its around 150GB last time I checked and for me 95% of that is unneeded bloat.

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Personalized faceplate edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Full Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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you're better off with alza sednaearfit size ss. properly sized silicone applies less pressure than foam.
*Thieaudio prestige LTD*

Reconnect with the cosmos, you are an alchemist, a starchild. Unlock your latent powers and travel back in time to save the uniberse from the (2012 CERN incident)
And post deleted in 3...2...
not like this man...
fuckin classic man

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Because they are the only mainstream phones with unlockable bootloaders
Satan doesnt like you removing his spyware
Because Android needs a development platform phone, and that's pretty much the Pixel line. AOSP best supports the Pixel because that was what it was made for. But also, ironically Google also invested a lot of money into hardware security features that actually work, and made it so alternative OSs could actually use those features. (Like a proper verified boot that's validated by the phone's secure element, thus GrapheneOS is the *only* alternative OS that actually uses verified boot. The rest are hacks in comparsion.)

I think people here misunderstand that Google is a fairly large company with many branches, some of them with different interests.
Google actually dosen't care if you install alternative OSs on the Pixel line, they literally made them for developers. It won't even void the warranty.

Brave sucks. They have become everything they said they wanted to fight
>advertisements (!) on your startpage
>dodgy, built-in VPN which they want to charge you for
>built-in crypto wallet (???)
>auto-update checks
So much for "I'm not a product", muh data isn't for sale. It's decent on Android, I'll give them that.
Which browser should Winfags use in 2024+?
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all of these things will pester you to re-enable them
I never had this issue.
No, the browser will not pester me to un-set my startup pages.

The VPN is paid, you don't disable it if you don't pay for it, and honestly I don't recall ever actually being asked to buy it from them, I've only ever seen it in the settings menu.

I didn't disable the wallet, why would I even disable it? I didn't and wouldn't.

Again, why would I even want to disable updates? I didn't and wouldn't.

It's fucking fine bro, chill. Its a project that I like trying to make some money, I have no issue with someone trying to monetise their project. If something that doesn't happen starts to happen and gets to an obtrusive level then I'll send a message to the devs saying to chill and I'll be back when I do.
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>Mullvad browser
your opinion about this browser. isn't it the best privacy browser right now to lurk clearnet?

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