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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [code] and [/code]

The /g/ Wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/
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>cool ass space names
>space aesthethics
>arch but with a functional installer

Why do we hate it again?
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>trooncoded logo
Who is we?
Sorry, I use arch
why though? arch already has a normie-friendly installer with archinstall
>arch but with a functional installer.
Monjaro already exists. This is literally useless and could be summed up in downlodable theme.

Calamares makes the install painless, fast and easy because of a GUI vs a god damn text based installer for fucking nerds. Why would I subject myself to a boring text based installer vs an easy GUI to get me through it in like 5-10mins tops?

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>102907559 & >>102897209

>(10/21) IBM releases Granite 3.0: https://hf.co/collections/ibm-granite/granite-30-models-66fdb59bbb54785c3512114f
>(10/18) New research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR: https://ai.meta.com/blog/fair-news-segment-anything-2-1-meta-spirit-lm-layer-skip-salsa-lingua
>(10/18) bitnet.cpp: Official inference framework for 1-bit LLMs: https://github.com/microsoft/BitNet
>(10/18) DeepSeek releases Janus-1.3B with multimodal understanding and generation: https://hf.co/deepseek-ai/Janus-1.3B
>(10/16) Ministral 8B instruct model released: https://mistral.ai/news/ministraux
>(10/15) PLaMo-100B: English and Japanese base model: https://hf.co/pfnet/plamo-100b

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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I was literally just watching his video on micrograd. Guess I'll start there. Thanks.
>(I can't buy 2nd hand, I have to buy from certain system integrators due to acquisition regulations). And even then I'm not even sure if we will get our hands on the 4090s because they are approaching EoL and are becoming harder to purchase by the minute.
Enjoy your H100s then.
The recent advances and techniques are all using transformers models now, so without a T4/3090 at least you're not going to make anything.
That was sarcasm. That retard practically said people who knew bitcoin was retarded were right.
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SDP4Bit: Toward 4-bit Communication Quantization in Sharded Data Parallelism for LLM Training
>Recent years have witnessed a clear trend towards language models with an ever-increasing number of parameters, as well as the growing training overhead and memory usage. Distributed training, particularly through Sharded Data Parallelism (ShardedDP) which partitions optimizer states among workers, has emerged as a crucial technique to mitigate training time and memory usage. Yet, a major challenge in the scalability of ShardedDP is the intensive communication of weights and gradients. While compression techniques can alleviate this issue, they often result in worse accuracy. Driven by this limitation, we propose SDP4Bit (Toward 4Bit Communication Quantization in Sharded Data Parallelism for LLM Training), which effectively reduces the communication of weights and gradients to nearly 4 bits via two novel techniques: quantization on weight differences, and two-level gradient smooth quantization. Furthermore, SDP4Bit presents an algorithm-system co-design with runtime optimization to minimize the computation overhead of compression. In addition to the theoretical guarantees of convergence, we empirically evaluate the accuracy of SDP4Bit on the pre-training of GPT models with up to 6.7 billion parameters, and the results demonstrate a negligible impact on training loss. Furthermore, speed experiments show that SDP4Bit achieves up to 4.08× speedup in end-to-end throughput on a scale of 128 GPUs.
Some pseudocode in the paper for working with Megatron-LM. neato

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I'm going to switch to Linux for the first time having 0 experience before, which dist should I use?

Don't care about gaming on it if that makes a difference.
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try some of the common distros in a virtual machine, then take the one that fits best and stick to it
Probably something Ubuntu-based, considering that many beginner tutorials and such assume that's what you're using. Linux Mint (and iirc PopOS) have snaps disabled by default, so I would probably recommend those over vanilla Ubuntu.
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It's actually the GNU/Linux operating system, Linux is just a kernel.

Everyone is celebrating self-checkout counters and debit cards over physical cash money.

I fucking hate this shit. It's not progress. It's not even convenient. They did this so they could fire cashiers so now there's only one and there's a 50-minute-long line of grannies paying with cash. So if you only have cash on you, you're fucked.
But let's say you're carrying your Visa like they wanted you to. There's still a line. And you're basically just doing the cashier's work by yourself and not getting paid for it. This is the way of the future: do yourself what someone else used to do for you. And the killer part: this generates behavioral data.

In a few years they will be able to ban physical money because "nobody uses it anymore". They made it impossible to use so they could say nobody uses it.
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Statistically mental illnesses have soared during the smartphone boom
I predicted it, but nobody listened.
I know how this will play out, I'm too intelligent for this world
I didn't know I was posting with a genius. Does it hurt?
you're right.
every product or service gets hollowed out over time.
>It control and regulation.
No. It's store getting extra profit out of it vs having cashier. Ain't much else to it.
Ok, but what does that have to do with the digital revolution?
Social media destroying peoples' lives is something else.

Seriously, what's the use case?
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Yep. This is all it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sheeple just don't get it.
This reminds me of that time Google tried to sell surveillance as a service to the US government but there was an outrage.

Microsoft could get away with it.
I ask it questions that are dumb but also require a huge amount of insight. Like the intricacies of how honey bee allergic reactions could be beneficial in specific cases.
To find the answer to a simple question without having to dig through multiple links and bullshit.
Nobody cares about "muh privacy" meme. 5 years from now it will become a standard feature that everyone depends on, and loonixfags will try to include it in their desktops.

/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

ragcat edition

Grok-2 is out on API https://docs.x.ai/api
OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app

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Why is Claude so marvel-esque and quippy? It's annoying when I'm trying to be serious and it always goes
>cheeky quip
In the reply
>trying to do this cute thing where I bond with my gfs sister over anime
>nothing crazy, I just wear a shirt with a subtle design that makes the sister excited
>gf gets super jelly we're connecting over something she isn't involved in
Fucking hell do women REALLY
only the shit ones
damage is done, switch routes and just fuck the sister
Life isn't a VN bwo...

Studies show that only 13.42% of /g/ posters are qualified to work at Amazon...
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I can't tell if you're referring to the 10y_0 or the 69.9 part.
Shit you're right. It's 0.
ITT: retards trying to appear smart by using calculus when the answer is obvious to anyone with a brain. Retards admire complexity, or something along those lines.
Yeah this. If I was the interviewer, and someone was like "Jeez, I'm sorry, I haven't memorized the formula to calculate the span of a parabola like that I didn't think it would be important" I'd probably give them another change, be like "just look at the numbers and think about it, it's not hard", but if some fuckwit was like "HURR DURR ARE WE ASSUMING UNIFORM DENSITY" I'd fail his ass.
lmao even

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If you actually care about free speech, BTFOing the Ieft at every moment possible, and stopping their evil actions in their tracks, you would support EIon and X. Ieftists are attempting to pull people away from X so they can regain their former power and censor everyone they don’t like for wrongthink, including (You). X under EIon has been prosperous and a bastion of free speech, even more than 4channel ever was. If you actually cared about the future, the soul of the internet, and the side that doesn’t want you in a camp for being a straight white male, you would help out our historical allies and start using X. You would do the bare minimum to help EIon by being active on the platform and buying X Premium. You would help replace the users the (known) sociaIists and grooomers at bluesky stole. We need everyone we can to win the cuIture war.
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Well they would also get erased.
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it's surprisingly popular.
for some reason Internet Archive has a bluesky handle, so i can compare its posts across both platforms.
and somehow they have 167k followers on blueksy (compared to 448k followers on X).

i find these numbers really hard to believe.
>X under EIon has been prosperous and a bastion of free speech, even more than 4channel ever was.
>is controlled and partisan as per picrel
This is a lolbert/cuckservative cope. There are no neutral institutions and there never have been.
By demanding muh free speech you are creating a power vacuum and hoping that it doesn't get filled by anything worse(lehtoids/sjws). That is why the left keep winning and muh principled rightoids keep loosing.
Bluesky has less users but they are more autistic and into tech, there is also a LOT less women, so it makes sense that they would be interested in stuff like this. The numbers seem entirely believable. I bet if you check the account of a makeup producer or other female things and compare twitter/bluesky, the bluesky will have a lot less interaction
>anti christian image
>retarded turbomonarchist anti free speech post

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>libreoffice but it doesn't look like shit
why aren't you using the superior office alternative?
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Might try it. Any other features besides being pretty
>needs dotnet
I've heard it has better compatibility with MS Office
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>implying libreoffice looks like shit
It doesn't though?
Only problem with libre is compatibility. Is this actually more compatible with MS office?

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Is there a way to load the kernel directly into L1-L3 CPU memory?
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in htop, kernel doesn't use even 1% of my CPU
No. There are no opcodes on any isa that allow direct manipulation of cache.
yeah if such thing exists it would be a disaster on both side of frontend complexity and security standpoint
>wanting to load the kernel directly into L1-L3 CPU memory
Modern CPUs actually do have a mode where they use cache as main memory, while they run the code that sets up the memory controller and does all the complicated training crap so that they're able to talk to DRAM. Once that's done they switch out of that mode and start using cache as cache again.

This all happens way before they set things up to pretend that execution starts from scratch at 0xFFFF like it did once upon a time.

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Pre-Diwali edition :)
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never riced windows, looks nice though. Kinda digging the vibe of vanilla gnome+endeavour now a days
how is it using so little ram
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i came.. .

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Is tech illiteracy in zoomers an actual problem?
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Sounds sexy
Why is that guy always posting fake 4chan threads on twitter?
so this is the current state of 4chan:
a screenshot of a 4chan of a twitter of a 4chan
The good old days of <marquee>
Those lips still look like they could give a good blowjob

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Elite edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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>not taking it off on the bed so the worst that happens is that it drops onto the bed
> ive been having issues with tiktok, is this an Android 15 issue on pixel 9 or is it a tiktok server issue?
You degenerate in both ways, your phone and service you're using. Who cares.
For someone who switches between multiple phones, is there a way to sync sms messages on the messages app with your google account?


>Gemini might not be the best AI language model
Which one is, then?

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First of all, I want to clarify that I am not an expert in this world, I speak from my point of view regarding aesthetics, performance, optimization and some other things, so feel free to tell me yours. First I want to contextualize: In my house in my town I have a computer that belongs to my parents, a desktop. An Intel Core duo, HDD of I don't know what capacity, 2 GB of RAM, without a graphic card. This computer started its life in Windows XP until Windows 10. I was little when I used Windows XP (7 or 9 years old). I don't remember very well but I know that something that everyone liked was its characteristic background of that legendary green field, the interface of the taskbar, the sounds, the aesthetics of the explorer were pleasant and pretty to look at. I can't say much about it since at that time I knew little. Some time later it was updated to Windows 7, it feels a more futuristic style like Frutiger Aero, you could notice an improvement in the interface designs, the educational programs they added were super good, it wasn't wasted space for the system, yes I realized now watching videos on YT that this operating system was not so loved by many at that time but I enjoyed it a lot.
My problem now comes with Windows 8, in my life I had never seen such a tremendous operating system like dog shit. The system came with so many unnecessary applications that you have on the phone, changing the Windows button to take you to a mega tab with all the applications instead of the simple vertical bar, how annoying it was to move the mouse to the edge to any part of the right and those annoying buttons appeared that I wanted to deactivate so I wouldn't see them anymore. This system is the worst I have ever seen, if a friend recommended me an operating system, whether it be that one or an inferior one, I would immediately tell him that it is 7, it may be more vulnerable to attacks but it does not compare with a poorly made system.
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I copy pasted a cell in excel that had a date in it and a small pop-up appeared over the cell asking if I wanted to make an outlook calendar item with that date and i actually just froze, I ceased to function. It threw me off so much because I’m so used to excel simply doing what excel does.
Having that little square there, which turned out to be part of the clip board settings, without me ever enabling such a thing is just another example of why I don’t like modern windows.

That’s not objectively a bad thing, I can see why if you’re copying a date you might want an outlook calendar item. I understand why it exists.
But why by default?

And that question, why by default, is why I don’t like modern windows. They could’ve added all the features in the world, but made them optional and started the install with the bare minimum options. You only turn on and try out what you think you might like. But instead it’s all on, all the time, and half of it you can’t turn off.

I don’t even use my computer at home anymore, im genuinely so tired of modern computers and operating systems, namely windows, that I have no desire at all to use the computer even for the recreation I do enjoy, because it comes with things I don’t enjoy. If I want to play Halo Reach, I have to deal with windows and a Microsoft account and it just outright isn’t worth it.
theres no difference between each windows version except in UI, the only thing that happened between 7-10 is the tablet-ification of the UI, in other words it become more like linux with no desktop environment
its still bloated, still shit on ARM, still has the best support for legacy programs and using LTSC you can customize the OS much more using regedit

tl:dr windows is shit, use linux (especially debian)
Windows XP is great, Windows 7 is better and Windows 8 is unironically the best. No unnecessary apps, start screen is better than the start menu and the Charms never appeared when I didn't want them and they aren't obtrusive anyways.
Forgot to say Windows 10 is a lot worse, but it still has good parts and is nostalgic. Windows 11 kinda sucks, though I do like fluent design in some cases. I used to like it a lot more before, now not nearly as much.
I honestly care about neither eesthetics nor optimizations. I only use my computer as a tool to get work done and call it a day. WIndows 11 just werks and supports all the tools that I need. The only thing that would make me do the switch on my personal computer is if I actually can't disable recall or make local account, then I would switch to mac. Being nostalgic about certain windows versions is braindead behavior of coping poorfags or obsessed failures.

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