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Everyone is celebrating self-checkout counters and debit cards over physical cash money.

I fucking hate this shit. It's not progress. It's not even convenient. They did this so they could fire cashiers so now there's only one and there's a 50-minute-long line of grannies paying with cash. So if you only have cash on you, you're fucked.
But let's say you're carrying your Visa like they wanted you to. There's still a line. And you're basically just doing the cashier's work by yourself and not getting paid for it. This is the way of the future: do yourself what someone else used to do for you. And the killer part: this generates behavioral data.

In a few years they will be able to ban physical money because "nobody uses it anymore". They made it impossible to use so they could say nobody uses it.
> you only have cash on you
You always have a phone with you, who are you kidding.
>phone battery runs out
>this means your digital ID, digital wallet, covid passport etc are gone
>you're no longer even human
It control and regulation. Government is tracking your spending and your money, they are tracking you. They also have total control over your bank accounts, at any time and for any reason they deem sufficient enough they can freeze your accounts, close them and just take your money and you can do nothing about it. With cash that is much more difficult to do.
> phone battery runs out
I dont think that's happened to me in years
Local supermarket has these but you can pay in cash like with a vending machine and it always give you exact change, is this too hard to implement everywhere?
It's still a single point of failure. Analog systems cannot fail.
I live in Finland and no place accepts cash anymore.
Some stores even proudly say "we're cash free!" like it was some kind of responsibility or sustainability
I'm disgusted by this
It's just totalitarian control disguised as progress
It never fails to amuse me that Americans can't work out self-checkouts.
In Japan the self-checkouts have automatic cash handlers as well.
>I fucking hate this shit
I love it
>It's not progress
It is
>It's not even convenient
Not having to interact with humans is extremely convenient. I would be willing to pay more for such a service.
>So if you only have cash on you, you're fucked.
>phone battery runs out
That's a (You) problem. I can't imagine not controlling my battery, that would mean being outside without music. The only valid point is phasing out cash, but that's also shit point they can put camera on the checkout and match your face to the receipt. The data will be harvested as long as you're in the city cash or not it won't matter.
>like it was some kind of responsibility or sustainability
It is, though.
They have to keep physical cash on site and keep it safe.
>loses tiny 1g heavy piece of plastic without noticing.
>"Heh, good thing analog systems are infallible, lemme just find my passport, its gotta be here somewhere...."
This wouldnt have happened to you if you had everything bundled in a device you never put down anyway.
Your clinical mental illness is not an argument though.

>digital money is secure money
Not really. Russia has been bombing our networks and I havent been able to access my online bank for a while now
>everything bundled in a device

Ok, but if owning a phone is mandatory, the government has to give me a new phone every now and then.
My phone is iPhone 6 and almost nothing works on it anymore because of the purposeful iOS support restrictions.
I'm NOT buying a new phone every 1-2 years just so my "digital wallet" works
My student card is already in app form and it stopped working because a new update rolled in and it's not supported by my phone. So I had to forge my student card lol
This is the future, man.
>Russia has been bombing our networks and I havent been able to access my online bank for a while now
At least it is secure. Russia bombs your house while you're not home and all your cash turns to ash.
Surely they can't refuse it? Cash is a legal tender, they have to accept by law
>I'm not buying a new phone ever 1-2 years
>also my current phone is 10 years old
Ok, how about you just split the difference? 5 years. Just 5 years.
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>thinks I own a smartphone

I will literally never, ever go out carrying a handheld cucking device.
Pic rel is my daily carry and will be until I die
Git gud.
>Ok, how about you just split the difference? 5 years. Just 5 years.
Nice try Steve Jobs.

>Surely they can't refuse it? Cash is a legal tender, they have to accept by law
I agree with this, it should be. It's fucking nuts that they can downright refuse money. But in Finland they can. Finland is a dystopian hellhole, never believe anything you hear about this place. This is _not_ the happiest place on Earth. Buses, libraries, cafes, and all kinds of stores are refusing cash money right now, even if you had the exact amount. They will tell you "we dont have any change" but they even refuse the exact sum and will turn you away. I started a discussion with one cashier and he said they cant "afford" to keep cash services available. He was also really rude about it and looked at me like a freak for wanting to use cash. This was my wakeup moment.
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I didn't know Altman posted here.
>This was my wakeup moment.
I'm glad you woke up and joined the digital revolution.
Digitalization was never for you, it was always for Them.

You're literally sadder and more depressed than 10 years ago. They're richer and happier.
What does the Finnish law say? There is no such things as 'should', business either HAVE to accept legal tender or they DON'T HAVE to. It's one or the other, if former then you can call police on them and take them to court for breaking the law.
In Finland there is no law saying businesses have to accept cash money.
If there was, this law would just be removed immediately. Our government is extremely pro-digitalization. Finland will be releasing a digital wallet app next year. It contains your degree, your passport, your work history, and your money. It's so dystopian it's unreal.
dumb retarded boomer
>You're literally sadder and more depressed than 10 years ago.
No. No, I don't think I am.
Statistically mental illnesses have soared during the smartphone boom
I predicted it, but nobody listened.
I know how this will play out, I'm too intelligent for this world
I didn't know I was posting with a genius. Does it hurt?
you're right.
every product or service gets hollowed out over time.
>It control and regulation.
No. It's store getting extra profit out of it vs having cashier. Ain't much else to it.
Ok, but what does that have to do with the digital revolution?
Social media destroying peoples' lives is something else.
Self checkout in my country accepts cash.
I refuse to show my receipt at the door. If they think I'm stealing then they should have an employee ring me up.
>I refuse to show my receipt at the door.
Where I live they have automatic doors, can't exit without scaning qr code on receipt.
I carry bank cards like a good goy and I still haven't figured out how to put them on my phone
Is it even possible these days without going through google or apple as an intermediary?
Here it's just a fat angry woman that thinks I steal 40lb bags of bird seed because they don't fit in a shopping bag.
Same thing in Lithuania - I see more and more places proudly advertising themselves as "cash free" or signs saying "We don't accept cash payments above 200 EUR".
Supermarkets have maybe one or two working cashiers (out of 10 or even more).
And the worst part is that we don't even have a choice of how we want to receive our salaries - you must have a bank account, there is no way to get your salary in cash. It seems that this country is entirely owned by banks and every day they want more money and more control.
Interesting, we have both types here but also receipts are always optional and almost everyone always selects "no" on the machine (because why would you unless you're expensing your groceries to your employer or something).
I don't think it ever was possible. There are other providers, but you still have to go through some intermediary app. Samsung has their own thing, for instance. Some banks have apps of their own, but those only work on android. Apple WILL make sure your money and data flows through them.
Paying with 200€ banknote and everyone is like you pulled ak out under trenchcoat. Here comes shift manager with uv light and uv pens to check if money is real while everyone in line is looking at you with disgust.
>card chips have NFC
>phones have programmable NFC communication
>phones still can't replicate a card chip in 2000+24
Make it make sense.
I'm all for progress and convenience, but sometimes things just completely stagnate for no reason. And thus I will probably have to continue carrying my wallet around like a boomer for another decade or more.
I liked self-checkout when they were optional. and it was guaranteed no queueing 4 traditional checkout, one self checkout. Now it's the opposite, 4 self checkouts, one traditional one with a cashier.
- Only human cashier is lazy on purpose and tells you that if you are in a hurry, use the self-checkout
- Queues are awful on both types
- Self checkouts were fast because only tech-savvy consumers with less than 10 items used them. Sending normies with full shopping carts there proved to be a disaster
- Electronic and mechanical failure became so common that half the self checkouts would fail all the time and require a human operator
- Most people forced to use the self-checkout don't like using cards, so it became a bottleneck because only one self-checkout takes cash
- After a year of forced usage, it was found how easy it was to game the self-checkouts and shoplift, so they installed a barrier that forced the consumer to scan a barcode in a paper ticket. it got even worse. I haven't used once since then.

The other supermarket nearby, instead of replacing cashiers with machines, opted to hire highly efficient humans and pay them more. They are much much faster than the self checkouts, and that supermarket is taking away the consumers that hate self checkout from the other one.

Regarding cards, debit has always been the norm here, I don't see a problem and it is safer. I only use the credit card when traveling to avoid incompatibilities. I use a combination of cash and debit carts, but never NFC mobile payments. Bad experiences with those when an app update wipes all your authentication info and I need several minutes of multiple logins, MFAs, biometrics to get it to work again.
>how easy it was to game the self-checkouts and shoplift
It's really not that easy, my gf has problem with shoplifting and became quite good at it, she rarely uses self checkout for stealing.
Shit has some very precise weight scales built in that are hard to fool.
>I refuse to show my receipt at the door.
You guys have to show receipts?
Yeah at some places they check receipt to see if you're stealing that jar of pickles
Slightly unrelated question, why does introducing self checkout increase theft rates? You could steal stuff just as easy with the conventional checkouts.
The absolute state of shitty countries.
It kinda goes to show what the checkout staff's job really is.
I guess it's pretty common to just not scan some stuff and take it for free. Like pay for all your stuff except one expensive thing, get a little discount.
Not only is it control, it allows central banks to print unlimited money which devalues the digital currency itself. Total control, total say over the value you possess, and ultimately control to shut people down with a button.
It's not even about the banknote, you can't purchase a thing that's for example 210 EUR using cash, even if you give them (4x50 + 1x10), they will say that they cannot accept it and you must pay by card.
Normies see this move towards digital currency as progress and when I tell anyone that we must not allow the banks (who own the government) to take away our right to use cash, they look at me like I want to legalize recreational dynamite.
They don't see that if you give so much power to the banks, those banks will essentially own you and they will be able to control every aspect of your life. It's no longer speculation, they WILL implement a carbon-credit-based economy: if you spend too much money on things that generate CO2 - fuel, meat, airplane flights, etc, they will block your card until your CO2 score normalizes. It's not about the climate, everyone knows that the climate apocalypse religion has nothing to do with the environment, it's all about implementing a one world totalitarian government
I don't mind self checkouts but I always use one that accepts cash.
I have to do that at my local lidl
Well I suppose anybody watching you will think that since you are busy at the self checkout, you are paying for what you already got there
Self-checkout systems in my city all accept cash payments. But in some places there is only one cash receivers for 2 point of sales. And the local supermarket doesn't even use weight scales system. There is only one or two persons who watch the customers. And a big screen showing the cctv feeds above.
I get to interact with less nigger cashiers when im forced to be in the USA so it’s a plus ludditebro
I don't like carrying cash because it makes me feel like a target.
whats a cash?
>but I le refuse
then theyll fine you or you get banned from the store, really big win there buddy
>retard uses apple
Checks out
I go out of my way not to use dystopia machines like these.
If you don't give the mugger any cash he will stab you in frustration.
Gome do ameriga :---DDDDD
Bug behavior is for bugs, not people.
Can't refuse a thing that isn't requested.
>>I refuse to show my receipt at the door.
You show up
Scan your produce
Exactly what the fuck is the problem about this that boomers are freaking out about, I wish everything was as simple as this
That wasn't me, though.
nah that didn't happen, I just ignore the person asking and they never get pushy about it. I just bought all that stuff so it's mine. If they care so much they can go watch the camera footage of me scanning it.
>that didn't happen
It should have.
That's very handy when you only dropped in for 2-3 items and all the regular checkouts are full.
Legal tender means it must be accepted as payment.
Business refuses to accept cash.
Police don't arrest this business
Internet was a mistake.

Prove me wrong. Has human happiness gone up or down, mate?
>Legal tender means it must be accepted as payment.
Not every country has the same laws.
Maybe not the internet but the web was. Suicides and general mental illness have steadily increased since the start of the millenium.
>Has human happiness gone up or down, mate?
There's no real measure of this.
Suicides have always gone up for stupid reasons.
People used to kill themselves because they couldn't go to war.
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Untreated schizophrenia thread
fuck you, he's absolutely right.
It's not even about digitalization, but centralization. I wouldn't mind to have "cash" on my phone if my wallet was private and went directly to the receiving party without intermediaries. However, we're going into a hellish landscape of a central entity (central banks) literally controlling your every transaction, which was partly easily avoidable when using cash.
Phew, I was worried it was NZ, but it turned out to be Auz.
>Suicides and general mental illness have steadily increased

Stop lying. I hear about declining mental health almost daily.
I feel like punching you m8. Tell me how covid lockdowns, the war on Ukraine, social media use, inceldom, declining economy etc. are making people healthier? Just look at the fucking world around you. Forget about your 6-figure paycheck and comfy life and look at how everyone else is doing. Zoomer boys will literally die virgins.
My phone doesn't have NFC.
Do you know what "increased" means?
That's besides the point.
Here in San Fran you can shoplift without breaking a sweat.
>Some stores even proudly say "we're cash free!" like it was some kind of responsibility or sustainability
It's for security, retard. If you don't have cash, the cultural enrichers can't steal it.

retarded american
>Everyone is celebrating self-checkout counters and debit cards over physical cash money.
npc are stupid.

Now customers even have to work for the strategyre to buy things. Seft checkouys is a work. You do store's work a d you get mothing in return.

The exploitation never ends in capitalism.
Enjoy capitalism!
>doing the cashier's work by yourself and not getting paid for it
what are you a communist? don't like big corpo dick in your throat like all the other sheep?

I agree anon, I always carry cash and I always go to the cashier. Once I asked to speak to the manager and complained because the wait was so long at the single cashier. The manager tried to tell me the self checkout was faster and more convenient and I told her I wasn't doing their work for them and they need more staff working the checkouts. She said she wasn't in control of that decision, it came from head office. Which is a bunch of corpo cunts in another state who don't even deal with customers so they don't care how they fuck us. Stop shopping there if you can, reward the good businesses who do it old school.
Absolutely correct
>You're basically just doing the cashier's work.
You're putting items on the belt and taking them off again, so you're doing the cashier's work either way. The cashier is just an intermediary robotic turk at that point.
The issues with paying with cash aren't a problem with self-checkout, there are ways to facilitate cash payment that just aren't being used. Arguably the biggest problem with self-checkout is the relentless liminal advertising oriented design that infiltrates all of modern design. The wagie will eventually tire of trying to sell you additional shit, the machine will not. Of course that's mostly only prevalent in mcslop stores.
I tape my credit cards to my RFID blocking heroin syringe for the same benefits.
>Where I live they have automatic doors, can't exit without scaning qr code on receipt.
pretty sure that would violate a heap of fire codes for any actual first world country.
>you can pay in cash like with a vending machine
oh I wish all vending machines still let you pay with cash/change, but a ton where I live are just card only(and you get a 5% charge or something for using card)
>>Not having to interact with humans is extremely convenient.
>bring beer or other alcohol to checkout
>machine beeps until a human comes over, checks your id and makes sure you're legal
>finally able to check out
no I don't want self checkout to be the only option
Just straight up walk the fuck out without paying. Bring a store grocery bag, fill it up, and walk out. They stop you? "Fuck you, I already paid" They persist? As loud as you can "Did you just call me a faggot/nigger/jew/etc..." then walk the fuck out.
we can pay with cash at my lidl. Works at Bauhaus as well seems like this is a cultural issue.
The Kroger I shop at accepts $100 bills in the self-checkout. The machine probably does a better job of detecting counterfeit cash than human cashiers with their little marker so it makes sense for the company to allow use of a bill that large, especially since groceries are so expensive now.
I'm pretty sure in murika businesses can do whatever the fuck they want. Only the government is obligated to accept cash.
Everyone is required to accept US currency to settle debts. If you eat a meal, they bring the bill, and refuse to accept your dollars, you can legally leave. If you walk into Burger King and they refuse to take your order because you don't have a form of electronic payment, that's perfectly legal (in most places) because no debt exists yet.
A few cities have made refusing to do business with someone who wants to pay with cash illegal but it's only a small number. As for when a debt has been created, such as when you eat first and pay at the end of the meal, even though it's not legal for them to refuse your cash to settle the debt and it is legal for you to leave if they refuse to accept it, they can still call the police and cause an evening of trouble for you until you see a judge that will then free you.
(((Security))), enjoy the future, eurofaggot
Symbian stuff are smartphones.
Oh wow. You advocate and commit crimes that get you B& from the store. That sure makes your life and everyone in the store's a much better life. Why act like such a nigger? Real question.

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