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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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New to /wg/? Lets get you started.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1) Look before you post
2) Post more than one, sharing is caring
3) We already have an Image Modification thread
~ ~ (ALL colorsplash, watermarks, photoshop requests)
4) We already have a Desktop thread
~ ~ (ALL desktops, rating, and theme/hax questions)
5) Share anything WP related!
~ ~ (NO low res/quality, illegal content;
~ ~ ~ anime goes in /w/, this is not /r/)

We on /wg/ love WPs and we love sharing them.
~ ~ ~ That's why we're here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now lets do it!
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~New Visitors Please Read~

This guide will tell you all you need to know to enjoy your stay on /wg/. This guide is for YOUR benefit so don't tl;dr. This is good stuff!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , The /wg/ Bros

~ Read inside for more helpful tips, ~
WallPapers, and desktop customization!

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Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help.
All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.
> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.
> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Would someone please edit out the calendar/effects in this image so it is just a girl on a pink backround? Thank you
can someone expand the sides to make this 16:9?
1920x1080 would be great if you can do it without the artwork becoming blurry.
If not, then 1600x900 will also do.
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Can someone please remove the watermark at the bottom right and then turn it into a 16:9 aspect ratio wallpaper? Ideally without messing with the original pic or the height too much (it’d be 3414x1920 according to my math). Thank you very much in advance.
Requesting where the blonde girl was to be cleaned up to look more real, please.
Original image below:
Anybody wanna try removing the page crease on the left side here? (IMAGE IS PORNOGRAPHIC [in case that matters])


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Thread for wallpapers that combine porn, lewds, suggestives or erotica with a popular or weird aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread: >>8049850
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libertarian wallpapers
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I wish /pol/ still had Libertarian generals, maybe it's for the better the general would look like shit with the way /pol/ is now.

the ancap sold out?!
you fucking rightoids are easily dumber than most animals.
>didn't he sell out to the jews?
>the ancap sold out?!
The man did more in six months for his country then his predecessors did for years. The fuck are you brainless monkeys yapping about?

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How can I make my desktop look this comfy?
use the background
this level of comfy is no longer attainable. long lost in years past. and you know it well.
Chicago 95 Theme
>set your monitor to 4:3 or get one
>change windows font to a serif one
>use Classic Shell to customize the taskbar and start menu like you want

now gibs me that wallpaper

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This thread is dedicated to Women and Girls in videogames and related media.

Last Thread: >>8067911

Just follow the basics and post wallpapers (desktop or phone) that:
1) Have a female prominently pictured
2) Are videogame related in some way

Keep in mind:
3) Fanart, redesigns, gender swapping and crossovers are most welcome. Cosplayers, streamers, developers, and pro-gamers are also fair game.
4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames).
5) Lewd, risqué, nudes, erotic, 18+ wallpapers are accepted as long as they are tasteful and comply with the general rules of the board. Please refrain from posting openly pornographic or shock content.
6) AI art is not welcome and will be considered trash, but there's nothing we can do to prevent you from posting it.

Have fun people! <3
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I rate my battlestation 10/10
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still need to do something about the lighting
Putting the lamp right and plant left would get the plant more sun light and it would be more present too.
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Haven’t been here in a while. Thought I would ask for another rate. Any suggestions to improve the setup? (Aside from the cable management). Could use a mouse recommendation if you’ve got any.
I have been looking at your setup for about 4mins at this point. Just so good, so pure…
What laptop is that?
>unironically a basement dweller tranny

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Hex thread?
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I like this one

-Derek Zoolander
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Man, that is *not* what I think of when a description says 'crimson'.
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I'm glad you guys still enjoy my website, cheers

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post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
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I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
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best thread on /wg/, bar none

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So what are your top 5 safe for work wallpapers? The ones you've gone back to over and over through the years.
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26th birthday. 26th pape
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happy birthday

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Anything about tigers. The animal, different variants of animal, robots, tanks, tiger stripe paint jobs, anything.
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Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related. Old, new, PC, console, mobile, or desktop. Everything goes. Please avoid posting AI slop.

Other related threads:

Previous Thread:
46 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
211 replies and 164 images omitted. Click here to view.

Because the only non-Whites in LOTR are orcs, as it should be.
dont know if its something on my end but a lot of these papes are missing?

There was a site malfunction and a bunch of thumbnails are missing from the server.
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