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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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New to /wg/? Lets get you started.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1) Look before you post
2) Post more than one, sharing is caring
3) We already have an Image Modification thread
~ ~ (ALL colorsplash, watermarks, photoshop requests)
4) We already have a Desktop thread
~ ~ (ALL desktops, rating, and theme/hax questions)
5) Share anything WP related!
~ ~ (NO low res/quality, illegal content;
~ ~ ~ anime goes in /w/, this is not /r/)

We on /wg/ love WPs and we love sharing them.
~ ~ ~ That's why we're here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now lets do it!
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~New Visitors Please Read~

This guide will tell you all you need to know to enjoy your stay on /wg/. This guide is for YOUR benefit so don't tl;dr. This is good stuff!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , The /wg/ Bros

~ Read inside for more helpful tips, ~
WallPapers, and desktop customization!

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As nude as possible without showing nipples or vagina. Bare butt okay!
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last threads:

-No unneeded spread eagle
-No hyper pornographic poses
-Think Playboy
-Try to keep it high res
-Landscape preferred
-No OC (unless its near professional level)
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Lookin for the best of the best quality wallpapers of gal gadot for the phone, no wonder women stuff, that’s to easy to find
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This is actually pretty sick, awesome find
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Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
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where did you get those little gnomes
Garden Gnome Liberation Front
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Thanks! That's kind of an old picture but the Gnomes remain and are the highlight desu
I dig the print


really nice until you see the painfully generic modern waiting room/dorm room chairs on the left
What kind of trailer are you living in?

post your desktops
no desktops
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Might as well post my laptop too, might change it too, as I've had it like that for a year or so.
Ice to meet you HAHAHAHA
is this waybar? can you share dots again pls?
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I needed green screened things.

Anything green screen pleaaase!

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I need some Cyberpunk / Neo-Future style art.
Any resolution. I'm gonna downsize it all to 480p anyways.

The only threads here are specifically about Cyberpunk BIKES and WOMEN, but I need general cyberpunk vibes.

Many thanks, mortals

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dark fantasy with a romantic twist
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Pic related and your image are the closest I have
I'd kiss you on the lips if you posted 3 desu
(not romance, just a bump with slightly related pic)
>>8070349 love this image
Is there a higher resolution version of this?
does this fit?
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What it says on the tin. Will dump some Daft Punk to start off
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cute mascots in fields, in need of more like picrel

Hi /wg
I am looking to acquire 3840x1080 for a dual 1080p setup.
Anything goes aside from nsfw, ecchi is okay.
Resolution that can also be added:
8102 x 2196
7680 x 2160
5120 x 1440
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she's a big gal
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This thread is dedicated to Women and Girls in videogames and related media.

Last Thread: >>8058243

Just follow the basics and post wallpapers (desktop or phone) that:
1) Have a female prominently pictured
2) Are videogame related in some way

Keep in mind:
3) Fanart, redesigns, gender swapping and crossovers are most welcome. Cosplayers, streamers, developers, and pro-gamers are also fair game.
4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames).
5) Lewd, risqué, nudes, erotic, 18+ wallpapers are accepted as long as they are tasteful and comply with the general rules of the board. Please refrain from posting openly pornographic or shock content.

Have fun people! <3
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I've recently started replaying Dark Souls 1 and felt like sharing some old papes I gathered years ago.
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Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related. Old, new, PC, console, mobile, or desktop. Everything goes.

Other related threads:

Previous Thread:
59 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Bro, Bomberman Hero was the best in the series.

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