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Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related. Old, new, PC, console, mobile, or desktop. Everything goes.

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the cover/key art for the Marvel vs Capcom collection ripped straight from the game's art gallery - 3840x2776, 18MB, is easily croppable/resizeable into any size below that, like 1920x1080 (attached)
Is there one like this with different, more tame colors?
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Natsoc, white identity, generalized nationalism, patriotism.

not allowed: Internationalism, multiculturalism, communism.
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men will be nazi but still refuse to help bring up white birthrates. it's as if the only thing men care about is appearing based instead of actually living a dignified life. men are literal masturbation whores addicted to porn in current day
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niggas be breedin your wives and daughters and there’s nothin y’all crackas can do bout it
>men... still refuse to help bring up white birthrates

To be fair women in general, and feminism specifically, is directly responsible for all of that because a lot of women decided (starting some 60 years ago) that they needed men like a fish needs a bicycle and that all they instead needed in their life for fulfillment and satisfaction was to be over-bearing self-empowered girl bosses or perhaps onlyfans models.

Except now these women have taken their strident feminism to such extremes that most men no longer want to have anything to do with all these toxic females, and as a result some women are finally waking up and starting to realise that to actually have a chance of being happy and life-satisfied (rather than miserable and forever alone) they actually needed a male partner like fish needs chips all along; hence all the videos starting to appear online with women in their late 20's and older all loadly bemoaning to their social media followers the fact that they're now completely alone and no man wants to date them.

>men are literal masturbation whores addicted to porn

Which is ironic because at the same time women are literally whoring themselves out on sites like pornhub and onlyfans for bulk cash to the kinds of men they almost certainly wouldn't want to date and/or have as a life partner to make a family with because almost none of those men would match up to the womens utterly unrealistic concept of what their ideal partner would actually be, because that 'ideal partner' either doesn't actually exist or wouldn't want to be with a woman longterm who'd whored herself online to hundreds/thousands of men for cash.

It's almost as if social media in ALL it's forms is a really really bad fucking idea, but if you dared suggest to these men and women that they all put their phones down and turn their computers off and instead go out and casually meet and just talk to each other, they'd all look at you like you were bat shit fucking crazy.
You can try to troll all you want, but fact is it doesn't actually matter what combination of race and gender you look at because the same problem exists across almost the entire board; because, other than stereotypical simps who'll degrade themselves just to be near any woman, most ordinary men now appear to want absolutely nothing to do with some kind of aggressively masculine modern feminist female. Plus if a man did take a chance on a woman and it all went wrong and he dared to dump her the man now stands a better then average chance of being falsely accused out of spite/revenge by the woman of some sex crime or other.

So it doesn't actually matter if it's some lunatic white liberal woman, or some obnoxious ratchet black woman, or whatever the case may be, the inescapable truth is that most men with more than a couple of braincells to rub together now want no part of that hyper-feminist bullshit in their lives because it's simply not worth the aggravation.

The other thing is though that there actually are a lot of perfectly good safe fairly well-adjusted men out there who'd be more than happy to partner up with some equally fairly well-adjusted woman and make a family, but the odds of finding a traditional woman like that nowadays (particularly in the western hemisphere) is pretty fucking slim because they sadly seem to be the exception rather than the rule.

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Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
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great orc-like writing anon
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god... I love galadriel with all my life
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this picture goes so fn hard

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they fly and make stuff go boom
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>Coast Guard's AW-101 with sonar as guard helicopter
>fucking Army's AH-1G on a carrier
>that F-4 landing with landing gear up
>Navy A-4 and F-4 hanging long enought to be around F-14 and SH-60
This is G.I. Joe toys tier of a carrier wing research
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The painting is accurate, the Intruder absolutely could carry and use a variety of different missiles, including the AIM-9.
Those aren't >aa sticks.

Those are AGM-45 ARMs. Combined with the CBUs, would suggest the aircraft is an A6B flying the Iron Hand mission.

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Let's have a thread of cats of all kinds, shapes and sizes.

I'm kinda looking for a very specific one, but this is not supposed to be a request, more like a try if it rings a bell with anyone. I remembered a wallpaper from when I was a kid and I would really like to find it, but my memory is very unclear about the details. It was definitely back in the 90s, as I'm sure it was on Win95. It was a low res (obviously) close up pic of a white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes. If anyone remembers or has something close to that, it would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, as I said, gimme all your cats.
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>Strange game. The only winning move is to not play.
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Always nice to have something new to put on your CRT.
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amazing thread, what a treat to scroll through
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post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
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I dont like the ones after this one. They are shit
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Tried finding some in the other threads but found none. I'm going to post everything I have, please help an anon out. 3440x1440 preferred.
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Woah, you're so unique and ironic
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made this one in a Blender course

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I don't know what this style is called but it's pleasant to see.
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This was my favorite when I first started put together my PC wish there were more like this to match the changing seasons.
>sees the colours white blue and pink
>pavlov's reaction immediately takes him to transgenders
actually mindbroken.
it's all the hypno porn, messes with their heads

need some dark themed wallpapers for the eyes
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made one for gays as a derivative of your work
LOL, i love it
What LOL
Make more

Just looking for medieval castles or old buildings, preferably on cliffs or beautiful landscapes. Trying to avoid filters. Thanks!
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Post pictures you took. Amateurs, professionals, anybody in between. All are welcome here.

Previous: >>8019957
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Way too overedited IMO.
Everything has been softened into a mush to the point that it looks like AI slop.
Colours are garish.
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Only have a few pointillism wallpapers, but I'm going to post what I have. Post pointillism if you have them.
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> In 1886 Vincent van Gogh left his native Holland and settled in Paris, where his beloved brother Theo was a dealer in paintings. Van Gogh created at least twenty-four self-portraits during his two-year stay in the energetic French capital. This early example is modest in size and was painted on prepared artist’s board rather than canvas. Its densely dabbed brushwork, which became a hallmark of Van Gogh’s style, reflects the artist’s response to Georges Seurat’s revolutionary pointillist technique in A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

> But what was for Seurat a method based on the cool objectivity of science became in Van Gogh’s hands an intense emotional language. The surface of the painting dances with particles of color—intense greens, blues, reds, and oranges. Dominating this dazzling array of staccato dots and dashes are the artist’s deep green eyes and the intensity of their gaze. “I prefer painting people’s eyes to cathedrals,” Van Gogh once wrote to Theo. “However solemn and imposing the latter may be—a human soul, be it that of a poor streetwalker, is more interesting to me.”

> From Paris, Van Gogh traveled to the southern town of Arles for fifteen months. At the time of his death, in 1890, he had actively pursued his art for only five years.

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We never really stop playing this game, we just take long breaks...
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Those picture I posted are running 3 mods, one that extends draw distance, one that generates more realistic terrain and a shader mod. So not a thousand mods like the other guy said, but still.
Also They are just screenshots of this video i came across.
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Both things have their upsides and downsides. Minecraft's simple but grounded aesthetics make it very timeless, you can try to stick with the core principles or modernize them and you're unlikely to do it wrong. Is all pixels but a subtle kind of pixels that's closely tied to the concept they were conceived in (just make cool looking things with blocks and find out).
>Johnsmith Legacy and Dokucraft are still being maintained.
>BDcraft too.
I think this is BDcraft with Dokucraft's night sky.

I genuinely wish I got Minecraft sooner maybe during Alpha. I think I got it around the time villagers were just being introduced and at the time zombies didn't attack villagers.
I then ditched my first account to make a new one so I could have a better username.
I want to like Distant horizons but it's too performance heavy and the simple chunks are obvious
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Never liked those textures much, reminded me too much to Warcraft clones. But they work, sometimes.

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