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File: Wallpaper01_wide_b (1).jpg (1.64 MB, 3840x2160)
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Not general Star Wars, but lightsabers. Specifically hilts, their designs, and the mechanical aspects therein. Kyber crystals also okay.
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>Specifically hilts
So no people wielding them? Only hilt art?
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Somehow there is no thread for this category, so I'll start with some of my OC, and then post other papes I have.
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>It's a photograph. Looking at the file name I'd take a wild guess it's Karula national park in Estonia
now i feel embarrassed, i thought it was ai because of the colors and the water looking artificial. my bad
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the picture was taken by a satellite not in the usual RGB colors but maybe also some IR wavelengths. That's why is looks so unusual.
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Would love to see some cozy papes of snowy towns and cities. Can be photos, drawings, paintings, real places, fictitious, whatever you got.
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Always nice to have something new to put on your CRT.
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I made a scraper for this site if you want to mass-download everything off of it.
Requires python and the requests module.


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Anyone got any papes that are nice photos of, or reminiscent of, a sunrise?

I actually don't in my collection, so I'll drop some sun(set) vibes I have to get us started, but I am looking for any of the other one if you have 'em.
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European cities, towns, and villages
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Took this one with a film camera
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Warsaw (Laziesnki Park)>>8070992
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Lake Como
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scifi, fantasy, space, science, programing, art, architecture, landscapes, anime, whatever as long as its 1440 for trip monitors
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My favorite wallpaper is the apollo 15 lunar module. It's big enough to fit 1440p triple (or quadruple) monitors too. You could even do 4k triple monitors if you added some more black space at the top of the image.

Too big to post the original so I'll link it: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollopanoramas/pans/?pan=JSC2007e045379&zoom=True
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32:9 Wallpapers
I recently got a new 32:9 5120x1440 monitor and Im looking to grow a collection of wallpapers for this, Im also making some of my own so I'll post all mine so far
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Preferably high contrast
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Ironically I just came to /wg/ to find a wallpaper for my diesel monitor's gauge cluster. Probably a chubby American 2d girl to suit the truck.

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Share some prog rock wallpapers, new or old, or anything music-related if you want too
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Why is there none during daytime?
Diner closed and empty with the lights off. A vivid street life all around. Kids playing, street vendors, cars, pedestrians, ...
I feel like it would be a nice concept.
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loOK whaT they tOok fROm uS
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I know, right? This was always the one show blessedly free of anything gay or camp. :(
What many people, including the shows writers and producers, seem to be incapable of grasping is that the main complaint the audience now has with the show is that while the show definitely had a vaguely gay/camp element to it at times throughout its history, the audience was largely always happy to accept it because the show was never overtly preachy and it instead generally focused on telling actually good, fun, and engaging sci-fi stories with well written and mostly well-rounded characters, rather than making the political ideologies of the day the main/only focus of the show and its characters.

And then along came #13 and now #15... and so now the show has about done a complete 180 where it's now almost entirely focused on 'The Message' while any attempts at good old-fashioned fun and interesting sci-fi storytelling have all but gone out of the fucking window.

But the show's cast and crew apparently simply can't/couldn't understand this perfectly valid complaint and so they instead chose to directly or indirectly accuse their audience of various -ism's and phobias - e.g. racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., and then having insulted the intelligence of most of their audience they then had the nerve to complain that most of the audience had walked away.

So damn right we walked, fuck them - go woke, go broke.
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machinery comparison
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l2 prospective. The COE is like a foot taller and half as long.
>l2 prospective.

fyi, the word you're looking for is 'perspective' NOT 'prospective'... ;)
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kill yourself desu

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sup /wg/, im tryna move to GA sometime next year.

looking for any related papes, anything from metro ATL to the beautiful ecology is appreciated..!
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Lived in ATL my whole life so let me know if you want something specific
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From my favorite spot in North GA
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I got a lot of abandoned building pics from Ga too if anyone is interested
UNG? Went to Picnic w my ex all the time

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