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File: bbi2riq9yugz.jpg (55 KB, 640x1055)
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post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
20 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
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File: Portal aftermath.jpg (432 KB, 1920x1200)
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432 KB JPG
File: Portal glados cake.jpg (170 KB, 1600x1000)
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565 KB JPG
252 replies and 175 images omitted. Click here to view.
how is anybody supposed to reach those controls?
is it zero g?
she realizes she would have done it too
I love that video

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Can we get some Concrete Aesthetic / Brutalist Interior wallpapers?
I'll start by dumping what I have and i'll try to keep things alive.

Points gained for...
> High Quality Textures
> Minimalism and Clean Vibes
> Warm Lighting or Cool lighting

Points lost for...
> Fantasy or apocalypse themes
> Images of entire brutalist buildings
> Busy and over-complicated landscapes
30 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
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So called "Natural Brutalism" is peak architecture, bar none.
Soviet Brutalism, on the other hand, is an affront to civilization itself and should be globally outlawed.
okay, MOM

Need wallpaper-sizes art pieces from old-school 40k (5th edition and earlier). Can either be iphone or computer screen size. I much prefer oldschool 40k art to the new stuff. New official art (especially 10th edition) feels too bland, clean, and corporate.
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
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1.15 MB JPG
Posting the rest of these for comparasion purposes.
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Not general Star Wars, but lightsabers. Specifically hilts, their designs, and the mechanical aspects therein. Kyber crystals also okay.
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i got really into those with the beginning of the latest trilogy
Didn't last long, since it didn't take long for it all to turn sour, but the sabers replicas still really tickled my tism

I still think they look really cool, even removed from star wars a bit
Cool toys

preferably European and historical
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In this thread we post dithered wallpapers, preferably in the 2-bit / 4-bit range, as long as it looks good

>What is dithering?
Dithering is a method used to reduce banding when intentionally lowering the color depth of an image, resulting in a "pixelated" image

>How do i dither an image?
With GIMP go to color > dither and choose the amount of colors and dithering mode, feel free to downscale-upscale an image at your discretion.

2-bit = 4 colors
4-bit = 16 colors
8-bit = 256 colors
65 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
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186 KB PNG
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Chess paintings or chess wallpaper
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1.85 MB JPG
File: Gianni Toso chess set.jpg (4.77 MB, 6000x4000)
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4.77 MB JPG
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4.31 MB JPG
>14 MB

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2.7 MB JPG
Post pictures you took. Amateurs, professionals, anybody in between. All are welcome here.

Previous: >>8019957
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3.35 MB JPG
This is my brotha.
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this is quite beautiful anon
and so is he
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Wow, desolate. Very cool.

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2.98 MB JPG
Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
50 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Based car guy
fun fact used to own chair made out of drivers seat of volvo 940(made it myself)
best God damn chair i ever owned
considering getting bucket seat for my prokject if so then ill use the original seat as chair
you have a shit opinion and you're extremely gay.
the size is truly in perspective when I see the cat
I don't like you.
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>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10

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Is it possible to find high res images of Walter Wick's art? These are the well known childrens books "I Spy" and "Can you see what I see?"
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Somewhat higher res.
I loved this book the most as a kid
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1.12 MB JPG

I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
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Lol, a pic from my thinkpad I took years ago here for you.
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Whats the Thinkpad at the bottom? The one thats closed in the middle.
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Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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File: Bumper Garden.png (5.95 MB, 2700x1800)
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5.95 MB PNG
based pape based game

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Gadsden flag
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people should be free to access abortions
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I drive a forklift at work and I swear some people have a death wish. Luckily I pay attention.

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