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File: 20230421_154108.jpg (2.74 MB, 4032x3024)
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Post wallpapers that are similar to Bliss.
226 replies and 195 images omitted. Click here to view.
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to this day windows XP is my favourite, partly due to bliss but the entire UI followed that blue and green pattern and the tour music that used the system sounds is just...pure nostalgia

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post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile, especially if nature has overtaken an industrialized settlement like in the op pic
let me know if anyone has a better name for this
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>least retarded american
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**SOME** "solar punk" is like that, yes. But not all. Some of it is simply about being off grid and self sustaining. You don't have to be a hippy or egalitarian to be about that.

Also, a timer of 800+ sec to post on 4chan? WTF?! No wonder this board is so slow...

*sips monster* they dont make em like they used to...
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remember this?
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Anything arcane

im using this screenshot at the moment
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>>809040picked up the 1st season on blu ray and its night and day even on my low end tv the difference it makes
It will never not be funny to me that this show was a massive blowout success that did absolutely FUCK NOTHING to boost League of Legends' struggling player count.
We oldfag league players always asked Riot to have their own, perhaps separated art studio. Despite the game being mid at best, and lore being rewritten every year or so, the art people working in/for league was always incredible fucking talented. Give or take 3D models because it started in the 2010s and they were made by devs iirc.
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We never really stop playing this game, we just take long breaks...
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There's a mod called Willam Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere that adds a biome following a similar concept to monoliths. Is neat.
hi anon, would you happen to have the seed for that world?

also contribution of my friendgroup's world
(original is like 32mb so i had to crunch it down)
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This subreddit has to be one of the only reasons i've not blocked that shit site out of my network.I really wish people didn't abandon MinecraftForum but it is what it is.

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Official video game wallpapers only, nothing fanmade
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Any Armored Core
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Anything Egyptian
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it looks french bruh
Dendera Temple
ha of course - thanks bro.

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I rate my battlestation 10/10
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Camera sucks. Room's a shit tip.
>real nice setups, clean and cozy

WTF do you guys do for work? All of these battle stations look like they're owned by people well off and have nice homes/apartments. What do you guys do for a living? I want a piece of that pie!
Name of the shelves?
is that a drawing tablet in the desk?
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ignore cables

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William Gibson met his wife when his friend brought her home one night, fucked her brain's out while he listened and then he made them breakfast in the morning. No shit he was a total degenerate.

Also that anon calling it "tranny punk" is a fucking retard, but a lot of what's being posted here is more in line with dieselpunk than cyber.

Alright we got a month till year of the snake.
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Cozy places you would snuggle with someone you love
>cool/darker colors
>comfy/peaceful setting
>sense of privacy
>nothing else besides you matters in the world
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Should've put this as the second post, oh well
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whats the origin for the name?
That's the file name on the artist's site. No explanation, no commentary.


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sup /wg/, im tryna move to GA sometime next year.

looking for any related papes, anything from metro ATL to the beautiful ecology is appreciated..!
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real or illustrated
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Always nice to have something new to put on your CRT.
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Thank you so much for taking out the time for reuploadan. Have a joyous, peaceful, and above all, a very healthy New Year 2025. How was Christmas, by the way?

>not a high priority for the current owners
Why is Mr. Hiroshima like this?
>took out the image AND its thumbnail
This is even worse.
I wish someone would fund a high resolution high refresh rate modern 4:3 monitor
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